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目的 应用品管圈活动来降低可穿戴医疗设备故障率.方法 选择南京市第一医院内分泌科320台可穿戴医疗设备为研究对象,调查2018年10月至2019年10月可穿戴医疗设备发生故障的数据292次.于2019年10月至2020年1月、2020年5月至7月实行品管圈管理,收集可穿戴医疗设备发生故障的数据.组建品管圈小组,通过头脑...  相似文献   

医疗设备是医院医学实验、诊疗技术、科学和教学的物质基础,其在治疗和诊断方面的使用也越来越广泛.随着医疗设备的科技含量不断提高,无创伤、高科技等使患者在治疗中舒适性高的医疗设备标志着医疗诊疗技术的进步和地位的提升.本文简析了医疗设备的特点,结合实际操作中针对医疗设备维修管理中存在的问题,提出几项解决问题的方案.  相似文献   

金韶弘 《医学信息》2006,19(6):1019-1020
现代化医院离不开先进的医疗仪器设备,如何管理好医疗仪器设备直接影响着医院的综合效益,设备档案的管理又是医疗仪器设备管理中的重要环节,而维修资料又是医疗仪器设备档案中不可或缺的部分。  相似文献   

医疗设备维修管理系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医院信息化建设的不断深入,医疗设备维修管理的信息化势在必行。本系统是结合温州医学院附属第二医院HIS系统,选用VS2005和SQL SERVER数据库设计的一套B/S模式的医疗设备维修管理系统,实现了科室报修、维修提醒、维修确认登记,以及维修信息查询统计、打印等功能。  相似文献   

浅谈现代医疗设备的高科技维修手段   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着高科技在医疗设备中的应用,越来越多先进、复杂、高科技的医疗器械被引进医院和医学院校的教学科研单位,给科研人员带来工作上(教学、科研方面)便利的同时,也给医疗设备维修工作人员提出了一个新的课题:面对大量先进、复杂的医疗设备,医疗科研仪器的维修工作就需要仪器维修人员的知识水平要跟得上时代科技的进步,才能在设备维护工作中做到及时迅速准确地找出故障原因,在工作中掌握主动.其中维修人员在维修中掌握高科技的维修手段和维修工具就显得特别重要了.  相似文献   

介绍了医疗设备软件维修必须具备的知识,DSA机与培养仪软件维修实例.同时还介绍了医疗设备的调整的方法,用于排除故障的经验.  相似文献   

本文从创新理念出发,提出了在医院临床工程师在医疗设备维修过程中,针对维修信息获取、机械部件替换、线路板维修和信息设备维修等方面的具体创新内容。本文工作对发挥工程师的技术特长,帮助工程师根据实际问题提出具体解决方案,提高医院自行维修能力具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

金韶弘 《医学信息》2006,19(7):1270-1271
“以可靠性为中心的维修”译自英文“Reliabilty Centered Maintenance”,简称“RCM”。它是目前国际上流行的、用以确定设备预防性维修工作、优化维修制度的一种系统工程方法,也是发达国家制定设备预防性维修大纲的首选方法。作为医院设备管理的重要环节,医疗设备的维修和保养工作历来是各医院设备管理的难点,尤其是对于那些维修人员短缺、维修能力相对较低的医院,要做好这项工作,不仅要求保证临床第一线医疗设备的正常使用,而且控制费用也是个关键。  相似文献   

目的 通过PDCA循环在医疗设备质量管理中的应用,探讨其在医疗领域应用的价值.方法 将本院重症医学科和呼吸ICU科在2012年5~7月的数据作为PDCA循环实施前组,2012年8~10月的数据作为PDCA循环实施后组,将两组数据进行统计分析.结果 应用PDCA循环后,医疗设备质量控制的执行率由48.2%提高为98.4%(P<0.05).医疗设备质量监测时,有状态标志悬挂、二级保养牌悬挂、设备一级保养填写、设备定期质控的执行率也分别由95.4%、82.6%、82.6%和68.1%上升到100.0%、99.8%、99.8%和98.8% (P <0.05).其中重症医学科、呼吸ICU医疗设备质量控制执行率分别由48%、30%均提高到96% (P <0.05).结论 PDCA循环是一项重要的质量管理工具,可有效提高医疗设备质量控制的执行率.  相似文献   

Before 1970, equipment maintenance and quality control in Dutch hospitals were not organised. There was little or no cooperation between physicians, hospital employees and instrument suppliers. Health services which are not nationalised are funded by non-profit making foundations. There were few regulations covering the supply and maintenance of equipment. However, the country is small enough for there to be considerable contact between instrument engineers. In the past eight years a new situation has arisen where rules are being formulated based on collective experiences. A better understanding has to grow between physicians, nurses and engineers, of each others' needs and possibilities in relation to the use of instruments and the necessity of maintenance. To keep quality on an acceptable level, exaggeration in one direction or another has to be avoided.  相似文献   

Before 1970, equipment maintenance and quality control in Dutch hospitals were not organised. There was little or no cooperation between physicians, hospital employees and instrument suppliers. Health services which are not nationalised are funded by non-profit making foundations. There were few regulations covering the supply and maintenance of equipment. However, the country is small enough for there to be considerable contact between instrument engineers. In the past eight years a new situation has arisen where rules are being formulated based on collective experiences. A better understanding has to grow between physicians, nurses and engineers, of each others' needs and possibilities in relation to the use of instruments and the necessity of maintenance. To keep quality on an acceptable level, exaggeration in one direction or another has to be avoided.  相似文献   

Q-Pro is an application for quality control (QC) and inspection of medical equipment. The system has been designed on the basis of a broad requirements analysis, contributed by clinical engineers from several European countries and with a focus on current and forthcoming regulatory requirements concerning the quality control and risk management for medical equipment. Q-Pro comprises a generalized application, providing the necessary flexibility to accommodate the different degrees of difficulty and specialization in creating or customizing QC protocols, carrying out inspections and managing collected data. The system incorporates a tool library for QC protocol design, widely used multimedia as well as a local database for protocol and inventory data archiving. The paper presents a detailed account of the system context of use, design and functionality.  相似文献   

Q-Pro is an application for quality control (QC) and inspection of medical equipment. The system has been designed on the basis of a broad requirements analysis, contributed by clinical engineers from several European countries and with a focus on current and forthcoming regulatory requirements concerning the quality control and risk management for medical equipment. Q-Pro comprises a generalized application, providing the necessary flexibility to accommodate the different degrees of difficulty and specialization in creating or customizing QC protocols, carrying out inspections and managing collected data. The system incorporates a tool library for QC protocol design, widely used multimedia as well as a local database for protocol and inventory data archiving. The paper presents a detailed account of the system context of use, design and functionality.  相似文献   

文章从设备配置、规范操作、安全管理、淘汰更新、全面监控几方面对如何加强医疗急救设备质量监控进行了探讨。  相似文献   

As doctors solicitous in the need for privacy, we may find it difficult to accept the presence of a third party; as teachers of medicine we must encourage their presence. We must also recognise that their presence may alter the nature of our practices. The tradition of the bipartite consultation, even if it has its origins in ecclesiastical history, cannot be sacrificed completely in the interests of teaching. Careful thought must be given to how much modification of the medical consultation can be allowed. At the same time recognition of the attitude of other professions to the use of pupillage in teaching might save some time and thought. Lawyers have been using this technique for generations, and they like ourselves are concerned with the same kind of human confidence.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, the growth in maintenance services has lagged far behind the rate of increase in medical equipment use. Urgent attention to maintenance services is required by district health facilities supporting primary healthcare. To date, most international assistance has been devoted to training technicians who are usually associated with major hospitals. A change of strategy is necessary to place priority on training technicians and on strengthening capabilities to maintain basic, essential medical equipment in district health facilities. Not only would such an approach meet urgent current needs, it would take less time to benefit a larger sector of the population, and it can also facilitate the development of higher maintenance capabilities. The advantages are illustrated by examining an empirical model. This strategy is in full support of the global goal to achieve "Health for All by The Year 2000."  相似文献   

An effective risk management program must include specific consideration of medical equipment, and must address hazard identification, incident prevention, and the coordination of efforts to minimize losses when incidents do occur. The hazard identification and prevention components require an organized effort to utilize external and internal information sources to determine both generic and device-specific hazards, recalls, alerts and related data. Equally important is the effective processing of this information so that it is integrated into the routine activity of the hospital. Attention to these information sources can contribute to the broad clinical engineering goal of helping to assure the safe and effective use of medical equipment throughout the hospital.  相似文献   

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