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Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in West Africa. Prevalence among the most productive age group in West and Central Africa stood at 1.5%, 3.4.0%, 2.5%, and 2.1% in 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2015 respectively. This study examined the effect of HIV/AIDS on economic growth in West Africa with focus on 11 countries. The augmented Solow model, rooted in the neoclassical growth theory, was used, which was operationalized using dynamic panel data modeling approach. Incidence, prevalence, number of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), and AIDS‐related deaths were used to measure HIV/AIDS. Estimations using system GMM returned statistically significant results while those of first difference and difference GMM were not. From the outcome of system GMM analysis, a percentage increase in incidence, prevalence, PLWHA, and AIDS deaths correspondingly reduced growth significantly through their effects on life expectancy by 0.15%, 0.02%, 0.004%, and 0.03%. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome deaths and PLWHA lowered economic growth through enrolment but not significantly. The import of the findings is that HIV/AIDS threatens growth through life expectancy in West Africa. Therefore, its spread in the subregion should be effectively contained while proper treatment should be provided for all infected persons.  相似文献   

West Africa occupies the third position with respect to the burden of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) globally, after Southern and East Africa. About 5 million adults and children are infected with the disease in the subregion, while HIV prevalence in the general population hovers around 2% and 5%. This paper attempts to investigate the impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on human capital development in 11 West African countries over the period 1990 to 2011. The study used a dynamic panel data modeling approach, using first difference, difference generalized methods of moment, and system generalized methods of moment estimating techniques. Four measures of HIV/AIDS and 2 human capital measures were used in the study. The findings revealed that HIV/AIDS pandemic had negative and significant impact on human capital in West Africa. However, the statistical significance was more pronounced on life expectancy (a measure of human capital), while the negative impact on school enrolment (another human capital measure) was not significant. It is therefore recommended that the spread of HIV/AIDS disease in West Africa should be effectively controlled, while the number of infected persons undergoing antiretroviral therapy in the subregion should be increased to a near 100% coverage.  相似文献   

为了解河口县娱乐场所从业人员预防艾滋病知识、态度、行为,以及通过预防宣传教育、干预活动后,有关知识知晓率的提高情况,于1997年、1998年两次分别向娱乐场所从业人员散发和回收艾滋病知识调查表,并作比较分析。结果表明,人群的知识掌握率有一定提高,其平均提高幅度为47.92%-63.31%。但总体的知晓率还较低,揭示预防控制滋病还必须在宣传教育上加大力度。  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆市主城区建筑农民工免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)/艾滋病(AIDS)防治知识、态度及高危行为。方法:随机选取重庆市主城区3个区建筑农民工,由专业人员进行问卷调查,内容包括HIV/AIDS相关知识、态度及高危行为等。结果:共调查1 243人,8个HIV/AIDS防治知识问题中回答正确占33.95%~80.13%,全部回答正确的占总调查人数的15.12%;10种获得艾滋病知识途径中处于前3位的分别是:电视53.50%、广播37.01%、宣传材料31.62%;最近1年与配偶(或同居者)发生性关系每周≥1次占44.2%,最近1年从未使用过安全套的占44.0%;发生过商业性行为占14.9%,其中使用安全套的占21.1%;7.9%与临时性伴发生过性关系,使用安全套的占58.2%;性疾病感染人数为75人(6.03%),3个区感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=24.54,P<0.05)。结论:重庆市主城区农民工HIV/AIDS防治知识全面掌握率较低,存在商业性行为和临时性伴发生性行为,安全套使用率较低,是艾滋病传播的高危人群。  相似文献   

目的 了解2008-2014年我国艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者(HIV/AIDS)随访管理工作进展。方法 采用随访干预、CD4+T淋巴细胞(CD4)检测和配偶/固定性伴HIV抗体检测3个指标分析随访管理工作进展,利用艾滋病综合防治数据信息系统中2008-2014年数据库,分析指标变化情况。结果 全国HIV/AIDS的随访干预率由2008年的55.7%上升到2014年的94.7%,CD4检测率由2008年的48.4%上升到2014年的88.3%,配偶/固定性伴HIV抗体检测率由2008年的48.3%上升到2014年的91.1%。3项指标均逐年增长,经趋势χ2检验均有统计学意义(随访干预:χ2=180 466.733,P<0.01;CD42=35 982.374,P<0.01;配偶检测:χ2=43 108.270,P<0.01)。注射吸毒途径HIV/AIDS随访干预率和配偶检测率较低,监管场所HIV/AIDS的3项指标均较低,感染途径不详者3项指标最低。结论 我国HIV/AIDS随访管理指标显著提高,HIV/AIDS得到有效随访管理服务。今后要加强注射吸毒途径感染以及监管场所HIV/AIDS的随访管理工作,首诊时加强个人信息的收集。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to improve health workers' skills and confidence in dealing with patients with HIV disease and increase attention to patients' human rights. A longitudinal controlled trial was carried out in which one Nigerian state served as the intervention site and the adjacent state served as the control site for an intervention and dissemination of training in clinical management, health education, and attitudinal change toward patients with HIV disease. The intervention group n=1072, control group n=480.Following initial questionnaire-defining focus groups, nurses, laboratory technologists and physicians in all base hospitals in the intervention state were trained by influential role models who attended the initial training. Data were collected in all sites pre-training and 1 y later. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis controlling for baseline data, and orthogonal factor analysis to define scales were used. Data showed significant positive changes after 1 y in the intervention group on perception of population risk assessment, attitudes and beliefs about people with HIV disease, less fear and more sympathy for and responsibility toward HIV patients, and an increase in self-perceived clinical skills. There was increased willingness to treat and teach colleagues about people with HIV. Clinician fear and discrimination were significantly reduced, and the climate of fear that was associated with HIV was replaced with a professional concern. There was increased understanding of appropriate psychosocial, clinical and human rights issues associated with HIV treatment and prevention. This intervention, targeting health workers in an entire state and using HIV/AIDS information, role modeling, diffusion of training and discussions of discrimination and human rights, significantly affected the perception of risk groups and behaviors, perceived skills in treatment and counseling, reduced fears and increased concern for people with HIV disease, and improved the climate of treatment and prevention of HIV disease compared with a control state.  相似文献   


This article reviews HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes in various population groups in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and highlights their relevance to HIV epidemiology and the design and implementation of preventions and treatment efforts. PubMed and the MENA HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Synthesis Project database of grey/unpublished literature were searched. Levels of knowledge were categorised based on presence of basic knowledge, comprehensive knowledge, and misconceptions and misinformation. Attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) were classified into positive or negative. Basic knowledge was overall high among key populations at higher risk of infection (KPAR), and bridging and general population groups, but still a few population pockets had low basic knowledge. Level of comprehensive knowledge was overall low, and misinformation and misconceptions were prevalent. Some KPAR, including people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, and female sex workers, were unaware of some modes of HIV transmission. Perception of risk of infection was low even among KPAR. We found differentials in knowledge putting women, rural populations, refugees, and other marginalised minorities at a disadvantage. Attitudes towards PLHIV tended to be negative. These findings are of concern, particularly for KPAR currently experiencing emerging HIV epidemics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This paper reports efforts to estimate the results of the prevention policy of HIV/AIDS in young people, 15 years after the first case of AIDS in Greece by investigating the current level of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, behaviour and practices of high school students towards HIV/AIDS. METHODS: Questionnaires from 702 students of 13 technical high schools in the Athens area were collected and analysed in 1997. RESULTS: 72% of the questions regarding knowledge were answered accurately. 43.15% of the participants believed that their knowledge about HIV/AIDS was sufficient. They considered AIDS to be a big threat to society (89.65%), and would be embarrassed if they were HIV positive (31.75%), however, they would be compassionate to HIV positive persons. One out of three were worried about already being HIV infected, because of their risky behaviour in the past, especially boys. The major change in their behaviour was the use of a condom (80.9% for boys and 56.7% for girls). 64.8% of the girls did not have sexual relations, while 41.9% of the boys had sexual relations with casual partners. CONCLUSION: After 15 years of prevention activities among young people, students have a satisfactory level of knowledge and have adopted relatively safe behaviour. However, boys, younger students, students with a high sense of religiousness and students with both excellent and low school records need more intense and systematic information through suitable interventions.  相似文献   

[目的]改善云南省瑞丽地区的HIV/AIDS家庭生活质量低下,严重受吸毒和艾滋病问题的双重困扰。[方法]分别为25个HIV/AIDS家庭和25个普通健康家庭提供了小额无息贷款服务,以发展适合目标家庭需求的创收性生产项目,一年后50个贷款户均如数还清贷款。[结果]在项目实施中充分体现了社区居民的参与和互助,开展多种形式的人文关怀活动和艾滋病预防活动。[结论]小额贷款对在边疆少数民族地区开展艾滋关怀项目进行了有益地探索。  相似文献   

抗逆转录病毒药物引起肝毒性比较常见,而且每类药物肝毒性机制不同.儿童患者HAART相关肝毒性的发生机制与成人患者相似,但发生率要低一些.HAART开始后的早期阶段要加强对肝毒性的监测,及时发现肝功能异常,如果肝酶升高超过10倍正常上限或出现肝炎症状要及时停药,如果肝毒性是由奈韦拉平或阿巴卡韦引起的,停药后不要再次应用,以防致命反应的发生.  相似文献   

朵林  张芸  李蕾 《卫生软科学》2006,20(5):506-507
一个人口170万,孕产妇HIV感染率高达37.4%的非洲国家,艾滋病使全国人均期望寿命由67岁下降到现在的近40岁,全国有30万人感染了HIV,有11万人需要艾滋病抗病毒治疗,有4万名艾滋病孤儿。政府将控制艾滋病视为社会生存和发展问题,通过多部门合作、综合干预及有效的国际合作,使艾滋病得到了初步有效的控制。  相似文献   

Luginaah I 《Health & place》2008,14(4):806-816
The paper describes a qualitative analysis of community perceptions of the relationship between locally brewed alcohol (akpeteshie) and the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Upper West Region of Ghana. A thematic analysis of focus group discussions show that akpeteshie consumption is on the rise among adults and young people, with severe impacts on women who are constantly living in poverty, frequently subjected to coercive sex and violence which exposes them to HIV, infectious, and other sexually transmitted diseases. The findings suggest that intervention programmes must focus on akpeteshie bars, "places" which have become the "daily spots" for drinking. Furthermore, control and prevention programmes must be linked to the economic empowerment of women and young people in the region.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth living in far north Queensland in relation to sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and safe sex. Methods: Community consultation followed by local recruitment of a sample of young people who, in a facilitated same gender focus group setting, completed a questionnaire followed by open discussion of the issues in a range of remote locations during 2007. Results: The remote living Indigenous youth demonstrated lower levels of knowledge in relation to STI and HIV and higher levels of partner change than was demonstrated in the 2002 national secondary school survey. Despite the high rates of bacterial STI in the region, there was an extremely low level of awareness of personal risk in relation to STI and HIV. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to strengthen school‐based sex education and to develop innovative approaches to sexual health promotion in addition to improving clinical sexual health service provision.  相似文献   

目的分析蒲江县2006-2010年H IV/AIDS流行趋势。方法对2006-2010年H IV/AIDS疫情资料、监测资料进行描述性分析。结果 2006-2010年共监测8464人份,发现H IV感染者32例,阳性检出率为0.38%,其中艾滋病患者17例,死亡5例。32例感染者中通过性传播占93.75%,通过配偶或性伴传播占21.88%,50岁以上人群占34.38%,农民占81.25%,出现1例学生,全县12个乡镇中有8个发现感染者。结论目前蒲江县H IV/AIDS处于低流行,主要以性传播为主,存在从高危人群转向一般人群趋势。目前应加强H IV/AIDS监测,提高自愿咨询检测比例以及早发现感染者,在对感染者加强管理的同时应加强50岁以上人群及农民和学生的艾滋病防治知识宣传,防止疫情进一步蔓延扩散。  相似文献   

目的:了解在HIV/AIDS转诊到结核病防治机构进行结核病筛查的工作现状、问题并探讨问题产生的原因,为相关政策制定与修订提供依据。方法:通过定性研究,对艾滋病高流行地区3县区的领导和技术人员进行个人深入访谈。结果:在HIV/AIDS病人中进行结核病筛查主要问题有,第一,HIV/AIDS病人中筛查结核病筛查率难以保证;第二,HIV/AIDS病人中筛查结核病时在诊断上存在一定的困难;第三,在HIV/AIDS病人中筛查结核病时可能存在交叉感染,大部分防治机构未采取有效的措施预防交叉感染。结论:通过随访责任人加强HIV/AIDS随访率,提高HIV/AIDS中结核病诊断水平,加强结核病感染控制等加强HIV/AIDS中结核病的识别和诊断。  相似文献   

A study of the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices (KABP) relating to HIV/AIDS was conducted among people from Bangladesh seeking work overseas (N = 300), during February, 1997 and March, 1997. Only 26% of the respondents knew of AIDS and out of 13 basic facts concerning HIV/AIDS the mean score of the sample was 1.63 correct responses. Most of those who knew of HIV had some false beliefs about the mode of HIV transmission, for example, believing that HIV could be contracted by touching an AIDS patient, or sharing bathing facilities or eating utensils. Sex with brothel-based commercial sex workers (100%), sharing contaminated needles (93.6%) and blood transfusion from infected individuals (93.6%) were seen as the main route of HIV transmission. Printed media (69%) was the main source of AIDS information. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that having a non-agricultural occupation (P < 0.04), being resident in Dhaka, Chandpur, Noakhali, Comilla, and Chittagong (P < 0.01), being in the habit of reading newspapers (P < 0.05), using condoms (P < 0.04), having heard about condoms (P < 0.003), having seen condoms (P < 0.005) and knowing where to buy condoms (P < 0.0005) were significantly associated with AIDS awareness. There is insufficient AIDS awareness among overseas job seekers which calls for public initiatives to provide AIDS information to them before they leave Bangladesh to work abroad.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain Turkish tour guides’ awareness and attitudes regarding HIV and AIDS. A sample of 516 tour guides registered in Turkey who verbally consented to participate in this study responded to an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. The respondents typically exhibited a reasonable to excellent degree of knowledge about HIV and AIDS. However, the survey revealed some common misconceptions, indicating that tour guides require additional training in the mechanisms of HIV transmission. We also observed some differences in the level of HIV-related knowledge between different demographic groups. The knowledge level of male respondents was better than that of the female respondents. We also observed that knowledge levels increased with both age and work experience. These results are discussed within the framework of critical studies on HIV-related knowledge. Implications for the development of curricula and in-service training programmes for tour guide organisations and institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

艾滋病对公安工作的挑战与应对(摘要)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
艾滋病既是医学问题也是复杂的社会问题,对艾滋病感染者的管理已成为当前公安机关面临的新问题,提高公安机关的管理水平和公安民警的艾滋病预防知识,是公安机关需要研究和重视的问题。1.对公安民警加强艾滋病预防教育工作;2.加强对违法犯罪艾滋病病毒感染者的监管工作;3.甄别“病情证明”,严肃处理规避行为;4.正确处理对高危人群管理的几个法律问题。  相似文献   

通过对山西省HIV/AIDS分布特征进行分析与研究,对山西省HIV/AIDS人群的生活、经济、伦理方面进行一系列的探讨与分析,以期对山西省艾滋病防治工作提出良好建议,促进山西省艾滋病防治工作的实施与开展。  相似文献   

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