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With the aim of estimating the incidence of infection by Toxocara among residents in the outskirts of Campinas (State of S?o Paulo, Brazil) two serological surveys, using ELISA anti-Toxocara tests, were performed in January 1999 and January 2000, involving, respectively, 138 and 115 individuals, 75 of which examined in both occasions. Among this group 67 individuals did not show the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in 1999, and 12 presented seroconversion in the second survey, revealing an annual incidence rate of 17.9%.  相似文献   

Until 1999 the endemic cases of Sylvatic Yellow Fever were located in the states of northern, midwestern and pre-Amazon regions. Since then, the disease progressively expanded its territory of occurrence, cases being registered beyond the traditional boundaries of endemism. The S?o Paulo State is considered to be part of this context, since after decades without registration of autochthonous cases of the disease, it reported, in 2000 and 2008-2009, epizootic occurrence in non-human primates and 30 cases in humans. Facts like these, added to the increase in incidences of serious adverse effects resulting from the Yellow Fever vaccination, have highlighted the importance of defining priority municipalities for vaccination against the disease in the state. Two groups of municipalities, some affected and some non-affected by YF, were compared for environmental variables related to the eco-epidemiology of the disease according to literature. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was used to pinpoint the factor able to differentiate the two groups of municipalities and define the levels of risk. The southeast region of the S?o Paulo State was considered to be the area with a higher number of municipalities classified as high risk and should be considered a priority for the application of prevention measures against Yellow Fever.  相似文献   

Coral snakes (Micrurus spp.) are the main representatives of the Elapidae in South America. However, bites by these snakes are uncommon. We retrospectively reviewed the data from 11 individuals bitten by coral snakes over a 20-year period; four were confirmed (snake brought for identification) and seven were highly suspected (neuromuscular manifestations) cases of elapid envenoming. The cases were classified as dry-bite (n = 1, caused by M. lemniscatus; did not receive antivenom), mild (n = 2, local manifestations with no acute myasthenic syndrome; M. frontalis and Micrurus spp.), moderate (n = 5, mild myasthenia) or severe (n = 3, important myasthenia; one of them caused by M. frontalis). The main clinical features upon admission were paresthesia (local, n = 9; generalized, n = 2), local pain (n = 8), palpebral ptosis (n = 8), weakness (n = 4) and inability to stand up (n = 3). No patient developed respiratory failure. Antivenom was used in ten cases, with mild early reactions occurring in three. An anticholinesterase drug was administered in the three severe cases, with a good response in two. No deaths were observed. Despite the high toxicity of coral snake venoms, the prognosis following envenoming is good. In serious bites by M. frontalis or M. lemniscatus, the venom of which acts postsynaptically, anticholinesterases may be useful as an ancillary measure if antivenom is unavailable, if there is a delay in obtaining a sufficient amount, or in those patients given the highest recommended doses of antivenom without improvement of the paralysis or with delayed recovery.  相似文献   

Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common zoonoses worldwide. The seroprevalence for T. gondii in human population from Brazil might range from 40 to 80%. The aim of this paper was to study the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in children from age one to 15 living in a low socioeconomic community, named community of Jardim S?o Remo in the year of 2002. The community is located in the West area of S?o Paulo municipality, S?o Paulo State, Brazil. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 110 (32.4%, CI 95%: 27.5 - 37.7) of the 339 children tested with indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. The titration of the samples revealed 29 children with serum titer equal to 16, 14 children with 32, 18 children with 64, 21 children with 128, 20 children with 256 and eight children with serum titer > 512. The age dependence of the prevalence of T. gondii infection and the association between seroprevalence for T. gondii and seroprevalence for T. canis suggest that the infection is chiefly postnatal. Seroconversion in infant population of community Jardim S?o Remo occurs in children as young as two years old, earlier than in the children attended at health centers of S?o Paulo city. The seroprevalence of T. gondii in children from Jardim S?o Remo was compared to the prevalence in children from other urban centers of Brazil.  相似文献   

We report the first isolation of Dengue virus 4 (DENV-4) in the state of S?o Paulo, from two patients - one living in S?o José do Rio Preto and the other one in Paulo de Faria, both cities located in the Northwest region of the state. The virus isolations were accomplished in the clone C6/36 Aedes albopictus cell line, followed by indirect immunofluorescence assays, performed with type-specific monoclonal antibodies that showed positive reactions for DENV-4. The results were confirmed by Nested RT-PCR and Real-Time RT-PCR assays. The introduction of DENV-4 in a country that already has to deal with the transmission of three other serotypes increases the possibility of the occurrence of more severe cases of the disease. The importance of early detection of dengue cases, before the virus spreads and major outbreaks occur, should be emphasized.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the enteroparasitic occurrence in children from 0 to 12 years old consulted at the University of western Sao Paulo Clinical Laboratory, Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil, in relation to the socioeconomic profile of the attended children. Stool samples were examined and a questionnaire was applied with the objective of knowing the patient's age, sex, medical attendance, characteristic of the habitation, provisioning of water, dejection and domestic waste fates, use of footwear and clinical signs. The software EPI INFO 6 (Version 6.04b) was used for the elaboration of the data bank structure and analysis after previous data codification. Among 1,000 children analyzed, as many as 21.3% presented some kind of parasite. The most frequent protozoan was Giardia lamblia (7.3%) followed by Entamoeba coli (3.9%). The most frequent helminth was Enterobius vermicularis (1.9%) followed by Hymenolepis nana (0.5%). The most frequent protozoan association was Giardia lamblia / Entamoeba coli (0.9%).  相似文献   

BackgroundSão Paulo city has been one of the regions most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Frequent asymptomatic and oligosymptomatic infections and poor access to diagnostic tests make serosurveys crucial to monitor the magnitude of the epidemic and to inform public health policies, such as vaccination plans.ObjectivesTo estimate, early in the epidemic, the seroprevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in adults living in the six most affected districts in São Paulo city, and to assess potential associated risk factors.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional population-based survey of 1,152 households randomly selected from 72 census tracts. During the period May 4–12, 2020, 463 participants completed a questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics and history of symptoms in the past two weeks, and provided a blood sample. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was the outcome of interest and was estimated based on results of two immunoassays, Maglumi SARS-CoV-2 chemiluminescence assay Immunoglobulin (Ig) M (IgM) and IgG, and Roche electrochemiluminescence assay total Ig. Serum samples reactive to either assay were considered positive.ResultsWeighted overall seroprevalence was 6% (95%CI 3.9–8.3%). No association was observed between seropositivity and sex, age group or education level. Participants who reported black and brown skin color showed a 2.7 fold higher prevalence than people with white skin (p = 0.007). Among the 30 seropositive individuals, 14 (46.6%) reported no COVID-19 compatible symptoms in the past two weeks.ConclusionThis study represents the first assessment of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in the city of São Paulo and 6% is the baseline estimate of a series of population-based seroprevalence surveys. Serological screening using sound serological assays is the key tool to monitoring temporal and geographic changes in the spread of the virus through an important epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Ultimately, it may inform prevention and control efforts.  相似文献   

From January, 1984 to March, 1999, 31 children under 15 y old (ages 1-14 y, median 8 y) were admitted after being bitten by rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus ssp). One patient was classified as "dry-bite", 3 as mild envenoming, 9 as moderate envenoming and 18 as severe envenoming. Most patients had neuromuscular manifestations, such as palpebral ptosis (27/31), myalgia (23/31) and weakness (20/31). Laboratory tests suggesting rhabdomyolysis included an increase in total blood creatine kinase (CK, 28/29) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, 25/25) levels and myoglobinuria (14/15). The main local signs and symptoms were slight edema (20/31) and erythema (19/31). Before antivenom (AV) administration, blood coagulation disorders were observed in 20/25 children that received AV only at our hospital (incoagulable blood in 17/25). AV early reactions were observed in 20 of these 25 cases (9/9 patients not pretreated and 11/16 patients pretreated with hydrocortisone and histamine H1 and H2 antagonists). There were no significant differences in the frequency of patients with AV early reactions between the groups that were and were not pretreated (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.12). Patients admitted less than and more than 6 h after the bite showed the same risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 1). No children of the first group (< 6 h) showed severe complications whereas 3/6 children admitted more than 6 h post-bite developed acute renal failure. Patients bitten in the legs had a higher risk of developing severe envenoming (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.04). There was a significant association between both total CK and LDH blood enzyme levels and severity (p < 0.001 for CK and p < 0.001 for LDH; Mann-Whitney U test). No deaths were recorded.  相似文献   

The purpose of this report is to record the first case of a hematophagous bat (Desmodus rotundus) infected with rabies virus in an urban area in Brazil. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first such case in Latin America. After discovering a bat in his garden at 10 o'clock in the morning, a resident of Ubatuba municipality asked the Zoonosis Control Center team to visit his home. The animal was caught alive on the same day and sent to the Pasteur Institute laboratory, where it was identified as a Desmodus rotundus specimen. Standard tests for rabies diagnosis were carried out (direct immunofluorescence and viral isolation), and the results were positive. The presence of different species of (primarily insectivorous) bats in urban areas represents a serious public health problem. This case, however, is indicative of a much greater risk because the species in question has hematophagous habits, what means this animals has a low energy reserves and, therefore, its need to feed daily.  相似文献   

Mayaro virus (MAYV) is an arbovirus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) enzootic in tropical South America and maintained in a sylvan cycle involving wild vertebrates and Haemagogus mosquitoes. MAYV cases occur sporadically in persons with a history of recent activities inside or around forests. This paper reports three cases of MAYV fever detected in men infected in Camapu?, MS, Brazil. Serum samples collected at four days and two months after the onset of the symptoms and examined by hemagglutination inhibition test, revealed monotypic seroconversion to MAYV. Isolation of the virus was obtained from one of the samples by inoculation of the first blood samples into newborn mice. A suspension of the infected mouse brain was inoculated into C6/36 cells culture and the virus was identified by indirect immunofluorescent assay with alphavirus polyclonal antibodies. RT-PCR, performed with RNA extracted from the supernatant of C6/36 infected cells in the presence of alphavirus generic primers as well as specific MAYV primers, confirmed these results. The reported cases illustrate the importance of laboratory confirmation in establishing a correct diagnosis. Clinical symptoms are not always indicative of a disease caused by an arbovirus. Also MAYV causes febrile illness, which may be mistaken for dengue.  相似文献   

The visceral larva migrans (VLM) is a syndrome observed in human infection with helminth larval eggs such as the Toxocara spp. that usually infects dogs and cats. Among the risk factors involved in the occurrence of VLM, particularly important is the size of these animal populations. Sorocaba is a city with a dog population twice as large as that recommended by the World Health Organization. This fact has led to a survey of the presence of Toxocara spp. eggs in public square soils of this city. Thirty squares were selected, fifteen located in the outskirts of the city and fifteen downtown. Soil samples were collected from five distinct sites in the same area. The material was homogenized and drained and 100 g was mixed with a saturated solution of magnesium sulfate and 5% potassium iodine. The floating material was analyzed under the light microscope. Toxocara spp. eggs were found in 16 squares, nine of which were located in the outskirts of the city and seven downtown. It was concluded that Sorocaba squares present a high rate of contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs. The squares in the outskirts of the city presented a higher occurrence of these eggs in comparison with those downtown, although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

The authors report the first case of dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton raubitschekii in a patient from the State of S?o Paulo with Tinea corporis lesions localized on the buttocks. Culture on Sabouraud-agar with cycloheximide permitted the isolation and identification of the fungus, and the diagnosis was confirmed by Dr. Lynne Sigler, University of Alberta, Canada. Systemic treatment with fluconazole, 150 mg/week for 4 weeks, in combination with topical treatment with isoconazole initially yielded favorable results, with recurrence of the lesions after the medication was discontinued. This is the fifth case of this dermatophytosis published in the Brazilian medical literature.  相似文献   

Toxocariasis is a zoonosis mainly caused by Toxocara canis, an intestinal nematode of dogs. Man acquires the infection through accidental ingestion of viable eggs, and the toxocariasis clinical manifestations may vary from an asymptomatic infection up to the Visceral Larva Migrans syndrome. Seventy eight public squares of Ribeir?o Preto, S?o Paulo, Brazil, including Bonfim Paulista district were visited aiming to evaluate the soil contamination by Toxocara eggs. The squares were divided in five different areas corresponding to the Sanitary Districts of the city. From May to December 2003, soil samples weighting about 250 g each were collected from five distinct sites of each public square. The laboratory analysis was done by centrifugal-flotation techniques in magnesium sulphate solutions with 5% of potassium iodide (d = 1.33) and zinc sulphate (d = 1.20), and by the sedimentation- flotation in conic chalices with zinc sulphate (d = 1.20). Toxocara sp. eggs were found on 16 (20.5%) squares, with the lowest prevalence (12%) at the central area. From these results, it is expected that the legal authority will adopt protection measures for the city public areas, reducing thus the contamination risk by Toxocara sp. eggs.  相似文献   

Tetanus is a reportable disease in the State of S?o Paulo since 1978. The data from this source show a trend toward a decrease in the incidence of tetanus, although it is still higher than in the developed countries. There is a constantly high mortality rate. We have studied 133 cases of non-neonatal tetanus that had been reported to the Epidemiology Surveillance Center of the State of S?o Paulo in 1989. The data we analysed were obtained from the epidemiological report form routinely used during the investigation and confirmation of the cases. The incidence was 0.41 per 100.000 population and the mortality rate was 44.36%. It was possible to identify some groups under a higher risk like old-aged, those living in the western and north-western regions of the State and those classified occupationally as "domestic activities", "rural workers" and "pensioners". We propose that these groups deserve special attention, together with pregnant women and children. In 18.3% of the cases the incubation period could not be determined. The peak incidence occurred in May. We also compared the mortality rate in the group of patients in the Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP (the only hospital in the State of S?o Paulo with an Intensive Unit Care designed exclusively to the treatment of the patients with tetanus) and the group of patients that were admitted to other hospitals. The mortality rate in the HC-FMUSP was 34.5% and in the other hospitals was 49.5%, but this was not statistically significant. The role of the medical facilities in the prognosis of the patient with tetanus specially the importance of considering at the same time the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the therapy deserve further study in order to contribute to the development of the medical assistance to the patients with tetanus.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is an underdiagnosed disease occurring in different clinical forms. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of CD among blood donors from Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, and to study some demographic characteristics of celiac patients. Blood samples from 3000 blood donors were tested for the presence of tissue transglutaminase antibody and positive samples were tested for endomysial antibody. Donors positive to both tests were referred for clinical evaluation and for a jejunal biopsy. Twenty-four samples were moderately/strongly positive for transglutaminase, with 9 of them being endomysial negative and 15 positive. Of the 13 biopsies obtained from 12 females and 1 male, 1 was classified as Marsh grade IV, 4 as grade III, 2 as grade II, 4 as grade I, and 2 as grade 0. Estimated prevalence was therefore 1:273 (0.33%; 95% CI, 0.127 to 0.539). The 1:273 estimated prevalence of CD detected indicates that the disease is not rare in Brazil. The frequency was higher among females and among individuals of European descent, with a significantly higher frequency for a family history of digestive tract cancer or epilepsy.  相似文献   

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