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王正珍 《大众健康》2008,(1):100-101
在众多的减肥方法中,运动减肥是公认的有效减肥方法之一。但有一些人采用运动减肥时,减肥效果不理想,可能存在以下误区:  相似文献   

吕斌 《家庭医学》2005,(23):54-54
减肥是现代遍及全球的热门课题,但减肥又是一个复杂的问题。以往的宣传往往有一些对基础理论的误解,以及一些不确切的“至理名言”。笔对运动减肥常见问题进行正确的解释,希望能对你有所启发。  相似文献   

说起运动减肥,尤其是要消除腰腹部的赘肉,人们首先想到的是做仰卧起坐。虽然早晚在地上做仰卧起坐,但经过一段时间大部分人除了把脂肪下面的肌肉练坚实了以外,不会发现腰围有明显的变化。 为什么仰卧起坐不能消除腹部的脂肪呢?原因是人体的能量供应是一个非常一体化的整体系统,任何部位的肌肉也不能“就地取材”?从最近的脂肪堆积处得到能量,而必 须靠血液运来贮存在血液、肝脏以至全身脂肪中的糖 元。动用脂肪能量的前提是至少运动20分钟,并保 持心律在最高心律的55%以上(最高心律为220 减去年龄)。这时血液及肝脏中的糖元消 耗完了,脂肪才能被利用。  相似文献   

洪欣 《家庭健康》2005,(6):31-31
到底运动能不能减肥?为什么运动停止后出现变胖的结果?其实,运动减肥有5个常见误区:  相似文献   

用运动处方指导减肥   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贾微 《中国健康教育》2002,18(11):718-719
随着经济的发展和人们生活方式的改变,尤其是膳食结构的改变,减肥成为一大热点.多运动确实使人减肥:运动→耗能增加→异化作用加强→体重减轻.但也不是随便运动都可以减肥,选择什么运动项目,多少运动负荷是当前急需解决的问题,减肥运动处方能保证减肥科学、有效和安全.  相似文献   

一直以来,人们对很多减肥手段都是褒贬不一,却普遍认同"运动加合理膳食".道理虽简单,想减肥的人却常常为长期枯燥的运动所烦恼.  相似文献   

佟彤  夏明图 《家庭保健》2012,(19):92-92
通过运动能把多余的脂肪变成肌肉吗?把脂肪变成肌肉是办不到的,这是人体中两种截然不同的成分:一个是纯脂肪组织,另一个是不含脂肪的组织。运动可以减少脂肪,使肌肉发达。如果一个人想在维持现有体重的基础上,使自己变得结实,就得在减肥的同时,使无脂肪的组织包括肌肉和骨骼等发达、增粗。  相似文献   

减肥瘦身的方法多种多样,除了节食、吸脂和药物减肥外,冬季采用“运动减肥”不失为最佳方案。其好处是:冬季气温低,人的皮肤和血管收缩,胃肠供血量增多,消化吸收功能增强,胃口好,食欲旺,尤其是肥甘厚味摄入量明显增多,这样往往造成摄入能量过剩而导致发胖。  相似文献   

孔繁蕊 《长寿》2004,(7):10-11
目前关于减肥的方法多种多样,林林总总,让肥胖者有时无所适从。其实,真正科学的减肥方法是把节食、运动紧密地结合起来,必要时再辅以药物,才能达到既不伤害身体、又能减肥的目的。至于手术减肥,那只有特别肥胖以致影响行动的情况下才能实施,本文对此从略。  相似文献   

你还在等什么呢?赶快脱掉衣服,让你的身体亲密无间地与空气接触,在只属于你一个人的空间里自由地运动吧。  相似文献   

当减肥成了每个女人的必修课,当你在健身房里挥汗如雨.当你为减下的每公斤重量欣喜欢呼时,有一个问题也变得不能逃避了——减肥的同时能不能不减胸呢?  相似文献   

穿衣能弥补身材缺陷是不是觉得很惊讶呢?利用视觉错觉,聪明的穿衣绝对能让你看起来立刻脱胎换骨,而且这种效果立竿见影,想在初春寒冷天穿出窈窕身材的你,绝对不要错过哦。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cachexia and weight loss are frequently seen in cancer patients. We investigated lipid metabolism to elucidate a metabolic basis for adequate nutrition of cancer patients. DESIGN: Lipid metabolism was assessed by indirect calorimetry and triglyceride clearance rates after randomised injection of a lipid bolus (long-chain triglycerides (LCT) or medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) during an euglycemic clamp protocol in cancer patients. SETTING: Rudolf-Virchow Krankenhaus, Berlin, Germany. SUBJECTS: Eighteen patients were included. Twelve patients had upper gastrointestinal cancer: a weight stable cancer group (Caws, n = 6) with a body mass index (BMI) of 22.9 +/- 1.7 kg/m2 and a weight losing cancer group (Cawl, n = 6) with a mean weight loss of 7.4 +/- 3.1 kg or 11% of the initial body weight during the previous three months (present BMI 21.8 +/- 0.8 kg/m2). The data were compared with six control patients with benign gastrointestinal diseases (BMI = 25.0 +/- 0.8 kg/m2). MAIN OUTCOME: Cancer patients had an increased basal lipid oxidation rate that was more pronounced in Cawl (+92% vs +42% in Caws; P < 0.01 and 0.05 vs controls, respectively). Utilisation of LCT was increased in cancer patients, this was most pronounced in Cawl (+150 vs +65% in Caws; P < 0.01 and 0.05, respectively). Metabolically, there were no differences in the utilisation of LCT and MCT/LCT containing lipid emulsions. CONCLUSIONS: Cancer patients have an increased lipid oxidation and an enhanced utilisation of exogeneous lipids. This is most pronounced in Cawl. To prevent further weight loss or to increase body weight, they should increase their fat intake. In contrast, fat-reduced or prudent diets seem to be inadequate for the nutrition of cancer patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate how obese adolescents think about themselves in terms of exercise, eating, and appearance and whether these cognitions change over the course of a residential weight loss camp. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Obese adolescents [N = 61; age, 14.1 (+/-0.2) years; BMI, 33.9 (+/-0.7) kg/m(2)] completed assessments of body weight and height and self-esteem and a sentence-completion test eliciting thoughts and beliefs about exercise, eating, and appearance at the start and end of the camp (mean stay, 26 days). They were compared with a single assessment of 20 normal-weight adolescents [age, 15.4 (+/-0.2) years; BMI, 21.8 (+/-0.5) kg/m(2)]. RESULTS: The obese adolescents lost 5.7 kg and reduced their BMI SD score by 0.25. Camp residence was associated with a significant reduction in the number of negative automatic thoughts and an increase in positive thoughts, especially related to exercise and appearance. There was no change in conditional beliefs, either functional or dysfunctional. Including BMI SD score change as a covariate took away all the main and interaction effects of time, showing that cognitive change was largely accounted for by the reduction in weight. Despite this improvement, campers remained cognitively more negative and dysfunctional than the normal-weight comparison adolescents. DISCUSSION: Obese adolescents not only lost weight, but they improved their self-representation, specifically in terms of automatic thoughts about exercise and appearance. Although these are short-term cognitive changes, they reflect positively on the camp experience and show the value of psychological improvement in assessing obesity-treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

Sex hormones and sexual function in obese men losing weight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To study the impact of a weight-loss program on sex hormones and sexual function among 38 middle-aged obese men (BMI >or=35 kg/m(2)). RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted. The treatment group (n = 19) participated in a 4-month weight-loss program including 10 weeks on a very-low-energy diet (VLED) and 17 behavior modification visits. There was no intervention in the control group (n = 19). Both groups were followed for 8 months, i.e., 22 weeks after the active weight loss in the treatment group. The outcome measures (weight, sex hormones, sexual function, leptin, and metabolic variables) were obtained at baseline and at three time-points during follow-up. RESULTS: The mean weight loss in the treatment group was 21 kg at the end of the 10-week VLED. At the end of follow-up, the maintained weight loss was 17 kg of baseline weight. The control group was weight stable throughout the study. In the treatment group, increases in sex hormone-binding globulin, testosterone, and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, as well as decreases in insulin and leptin, were maintained until the end of follow-up, although with VLED, the level of several hormones and metabolic variables improved transiently during the rapid weight loss. There were no significant changes in the questionnaire scores on sexual function in either group. DISCUSSION: We conclude that obese men lose weight and increase their serum testosterone level on a weight-loss program with VLED and behavior modification. However, they do not change their sexual function scores.  相似文献   

Intake of food and drink during exercise can be effective in enhancing performance, in so far as it prevents or ameliorates exercise-induced changes to body homeostasis. Loss of body fluids containing water and electrolytes during exercise is mostly by sweating. Sweat rates during a sporting event or activity will vary according to a number of factors, including the size of the athlete and his or her degree of acclimatization, the intensity of exercise, environmental conditions and the clothing worn. The mismatch of fluid intake and fluid losses may lead to a body water deficit. It has generally been considered that decreases in performance become apparent when hypohydration exceeds 2% of body weight; that performance decrements become substantial when fluid losses exceed 5% of body weight; and that when fluid losses approach 6-10% of body weight, heat stroke and heat exhaustion become life-threatening. Hypohydration also affects mental functioning. Therefore, the effect of hypohydration on real-life sport may be greater than that shown in laboratory studies of physiological performance.  相似文献   

Patients diagnosed with obesity are usually offered group-based behavior interventions which include dietary advice and exercise programs. In particular, high-intensity training—combining weight lifting with aerobic exercising—has been proven effective for losing weight. Moreover, recent studies have shown that persons participating in high-intensity training are more likely to maintain their weight loss compared to persons with lower levels of physical activity. However, most of the research in the field has made use of quantitative methods focusing on the measurable effect of such interventions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to show how the training is experienced from a first-person perspective, namely the patients themselves. Our hope was to shed some new light on the process of weight loss that concerns more than the measurable “impacts” of the training. A qualitative approach was used based on interviews with five women selected from a primary healthcare clinic in Norway. Our results show that experiences of training are connected to the participants'' general experience of being overweight. Both relationships to other people and earlier experiences are important for how the training is carried out and perceived. Five themes were identified supporting this line of argument: (1) the gaze of others; (2) a common ground; (3) dependence of close-follow up; (4) bodily discomfort as painful; and (5) aiming for results—an ambivalent experience. The results highlight the importance of finding the proper context and support for each patient''s needs.  相似文献   

It has been reported that intake of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and decreases biliary cholesterol saturation in the bile of gallstone patients. We investigated the effect of n-3 PUFA on cholesterol saturation index (CSI) and nucleation time (NT) in obese subjects who were losing weight. This was a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Obese women (n = 35) with a body mass index (BMI) > or = 30 kg/m(2), with no prior history of gallstones or cholecystectomy by ultrasound were first studied to ensure absence of stones or biliary sludge. The women were then assigned to a hypocaloric regimen [5.02 MJ (1200 kcal)/d] and to receive 1200 mg/d of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), 11.3 g/d of (n-3) PUFA or a placebo for 6 wk. BMI, CSI and NT were recorded at baseline and at the end of the experimental period. BMI decreased 5.75 +/- 2.7%/mo (range, 1.5-12.42%/mo) during the experiment. The CSI did not change in any of the groups. Cholesterol NT decreased significantly in the UDCA and placebo groups, but not in the (n-3) PUFA group. None of the women had developed gallstones at 6 wk. These results suggest that (n-3) PUFA maintain the CSI and NT in obese women during rapid weight loss, which probably results in the prevention of cholesterol gallstone formation.  相似文献   

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