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The permeability of the outer membrane (OM) to hydrophobic probes and its susceptibility to bactericidal cationic peptides were investigated for natural rough Brucella ovis and for mutant rough Brucella abortus strains. The OM of B. ovis displayed an abrupt and faster kinetic profile than rough B. abortus during the uptake of the hydrophobic probe N-phenyl-naphthylamine. B. ovis was more sensitive than rough B. abortus to the action of cationic peptides. Bactenecins 5 and 7 induced morphological alterations on the OMs of both rough Brucella strains. B. ovis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) captured considerably more polymyxin B than LPSs from both rough and smooth B. abortus strains. Polymyxin B, poly-L-lysine, and poly-L-ornithine produced a thick coating on the surfaces of both strains, which was more evident in B. ovis than in rough B. abortus. The distinct functional properties of the OMs of these two rough strains correlate with some structural differences of their OMs and with their different biological behaviors in animals and culture cells.  相似文献   

The outer membrane (OM) of the intracellular parasite Brucella abortus is permeable to hydrophobic probes and resistant to destabilization by polycationic peptides and EDTA. The significance of these unusual properties was investigated in a comparative study with the opportunistic pathogens of the genus Ochrobactrum, the closest known Brucella relative. Ochrobactrum spp. OMs were impermeable to hydrophobic probes and sensitive to polymyxin B but resistant to EDTA. These properties were traced to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) because (i) insertion of B. abortus LPS, but not of Escherichia coli LPS, into Ochrobactrum OM increased its permeability; (ii) permeability and polymyxin B binding measured with LPS aggregates paralleled the results with live bacteria; and (iii) the predicted intermediate results were obtained with B. abortus-Ochrobactrum anthropi and E. coli-O. anthropi LPS hybrid aggregates. Although Ochrobactrum was sensitive to polymyxin, self-promoted uptake and bacterial lysis occurred without OM morphological changes, suggesting an unusual OM structural rigidity. Ochrobactrum and B. abortus LPSs showed no differences in phosphate, qualitative fatty acid composition, or acyl chain fluidity. However, Ochrobactrum LPS, but not B. abortus LPS, contained galacturonic acid. B. abortus and Ochrobactrum smooth LPS aggregates had similar size and zeta potential (-12 to -15 mV). Upon saturation with polymyxin, zeta potential became positive (1 mV) for Ochrobactrum smooth LPS while remaining negative (-5 mV) for B. abortus smooth LPS, suggesting hindered access to inner targets. These results show that although Ochrobactrum and Brucella share a basic OM pattern, subtle modifications in LPS core cause markedly different OM properties, possibly reflecting the adaptive evolution of B. abortus to pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of Brucella spp to tetracycline and its analogues.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The sensitivity to eight tetracyclines of 100 strains of brucellae, comprising strains of Brucella abortus, Br. melitensis, and Br. suis, was determined. Demethylchlortetracycline was the most effecitve against all the groups of brucellae, whereas oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline were the least effective. The mean MIC value for demethylchlortetracycline, doxycycline, lymecycline, and tetracycline was less than or equal to 1 mug/ml. Strains of Br. abortus biotype 2 and Br. suis were the most sensitive strains examined.  相似文献   

Impairment of the omp25 gene in Brucella spp. leads to attenuated strains and confers protection to the host. Omp25 and Omp31, whose functions remain unknown, were the first characterized members of group 3 outer membrane proteins (Omps) (25 to 34 kDa). Recently, genomic and proteomic approaches identified five new putative members of this family, some of which are produced in B. melitensis or B. abortus. In the present study, using protein microsequencing, we identified new members of group 3 Omps proteins produced in B. suis. Since several monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Omp25 cross-reacted with other members of group 3 Omps, we also performed Western immunoblotting to compare wild-type B. suis with mutants systematically having B. suis omp25-related genes knocked out. We demonstrate the production of three paralogs of Omp31 and/or Omp25 in B. suis, and the existence of a common site of signal peptide cleavage (AXAAD), which is very similar to that present in the five homologous Omps of Bartonella quintana. The seven group 3 Omps were classified in four-subgroups on the basis of percentage amino acid sequence identities: Omp25 alone, the Omp25b-Omp25c-Omp25d cluster, the Omp31/31b subgroup, and the less related Omp22 protein (also called Omp3b). Together with previous data, our results demonstrate that all new members of group 3 Omps are produced in B. suis or in other Brucella species and we propose a nomenclature that integrates all of these proteins to facilitate the understanding of future Brucella interspecies study results.  相似文献   

Isolation of Brucella spp. from clinical specimens.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
For recovery of brucellae from clinical specimens, a lysis-concentration procedure was superior to the procedure of Castañeda (M. R. Castañeda, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 64:114-115, 1947).  相似文献   

The sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) extraction-trypsin digestion protocol used by Braun and Sieglin (V. Braun and U. Sieglin, Eur. J. Biochem. 13:336-346, 1970) to show the peptidoglycan-linked lipoprotein of Escherichia coli was applied to both Brucella abortus and E. coli. Whereas a single polypeptide of 8,000 molecular weight was obtained from E. coli, several proteins of apparent molecular weight lower than 35,000 were demonstrated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in B. abortus. These results did not change when the trypsin digestion conditions were modified. On the other hand, when the SDS extractions were performed under conditions more stringent than those used for other gram-negative bacteria, only a polypeptide fragment of apparent molecular weight of 8,000 was obtained from B. abortus. This polypeptide was similar to the trypsin fragment of the E. coli lipoprotein with respect to its behavior in SDS-polyacrylamide gels, isoelectric point in urea, molecular weight, and presence of both ester- and amide-linked fatty acids. Moreover, the amino acid analysis showed an overall similarity with respect to the amino acid composition of E. coli lipoprotein. A polypeptide of the same molecular weight, isoelectric point, and amino acid composition was also obtained from Brucella ovis by the same method. These results demonstrated that B. abortus and B. ovis cell envelopes contain a lipoprotein and strongly support the hypothesis that it is the only major protein covalently linked to the peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

We developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system to measure human immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM response to the major outer membrane proteins of Brucella melitensis. The ELISA was more sensitive in detecting antibody than a standard microagglutination (MA) test with B. abortus antigen. Of 101 sera from persons with suspected brucellosis, 79 (78.2%) gave ELISA IgM titers greater than or equal to the B. abortus MA titer without 2-mercaptoethanol (2ME), which measures both IgM and IgG. Of the 101 sera, 97% gave ELISA IgG titers greater than or equal to the MA with 2ME titer. A total of 58 sera, drawn from 11 human patients from 1 to 29 weeks after onset of brucellosis, gave higher geometric mean titers for the ELISA IgG test than for the MA with 2ME test. These 58 sera also gave ELISA IgM geometric mean titers that were greater than or within one doubling dilution of the geometric mean titers of MA without 2ME. In addition to detecting antibody response to B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B. suis, the ELISA was sensitive to antibody response to human and canine infections with B. canis. The B. canis antibody response is not detected by the MA test with B. abortus antigen. The ELISA, with a standard preparation of major outer membrane proteins of B. melitensis as antigen, appears to be useful in measuring antibody response in humans to infections by all species of Brucella known to infect humans.  相似文献   

Immunological cross-reactions between Brucella spp. and Ochrobactrum anthropi were investigated in animals and humans naturally infected by Brucella spp. and in experimentally infected rams (Brucella ovis infected), rabbits (Brucella melitensis infected), and mice (B. melitensis and Brucella abortus infected). In the animals tested, O. anthropi cytosolic proteins evoked a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction of a frequency and intensity similar to that observed with B. melitensis brucellin. O. anthropi cytosolic proteins also reacted in gel precipitation tests with antibodies in sera from Brucella natural hosts with a frequency similar to that observed with B. melitensis proteins, and absorption experiments and immunoblotting showed antibodies to both Brucella-specific proteins and proteins common to Brucella and O. anthropi. No antibodies to O. anthropi cytosolic proteins were detected in the sera of Brucella-free hosts. Immunoblotting with sera of Brucella-infected sheep and goats showed immunoglobulin G (IgG) to Brucella group 3 outer membrane proteins and to O. anthropi proteins of similar molecular weight. No IgG to the O-specific polysaccharide of O. anthropi lipopolysaccharide was detected in the sera of Brucella-infected hosts. The sera of sheep, goats, and rabbits infected with B. melitensis contained IgG to O. anthropi rough lipopolysaccharide and lipid A, and B. ovis and O. anthropi rough lipopolysaccharides showed equal reactivities with IgG in the sera of B. ovis-infected rams. The findings show that the immunoresponse of Brucella-infected hosts to protein antigens is not necessarily specific for brucellae and suggest that the presence of O. anthropi or some related bacteria explains the previously described reactivities to Brucella rough lipopolysaccharide and outer membrane proteins in healthy animals.  相似文献   

Hot saline extracts of Brucella ovis were composed of vesicles with outer membrane proteins (OMPs), lipopolysaccharide, and phospholipid as constituents. Extraction with petroleum ether-chloroform-phenol yielded a protein fraction free of detectable lipopolysaccharide, in which group 3 OMPs (28,500 apparent molecular weight [28.5K], 27.0K, and 25.5K) represented 81% of the total. Group 1 OMPs and 67.0K, 22.5K to 21.5K, and 19.5K to 18.0K proteins were also detected. Adsorption of immune sera with whole bacteria suggested that group 3 OMPs and 67.0K, 22.5K to 21.5K, and 19.5K to 18.0K proteins had antigenic determinants exposed on the surfaces of both B. ovis and rough B. melitensis cells but not on smooth B. melitensis cells. Antibodies to group 3 OMPs and the 67.0K protein in the sera of 93 and 87%, respectively, of B. ovis-infected rams were found by immunoblotting. Antibodies to other proteins were present in 67% of these animals. Compared with B. ovis-infected rams which had not developed lesions, rams with epididymo-orchitis had antibodies to a larger variety of proteins. Although ewes infected with B. melitensis also showed antibodies to OMPs, the immunoblot reactions were less intense.  相似文献   

P Viljanen  P Koski    M Vaara 《Infection and immunity》1988,56(9):2324-2329
Defensins are small cationic antibacterial peptides that are abundant in polymorphonuclear leukocytes from human and other sources (T. Ganz, M. Selsted, D. Szklarek, S. Harwig, K. Daher, D. F. Bainton, and R. J. Lehrer, J. Clin. Invest. 76:1427-1435, 1985). We studied whether subinhibitory concentrations of defensins increase the outer membrane (OM) permeability of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa to hydrophobic probes, as do many other polycations that have been studied previously. Throughout the study, we used polymyxin B nonapeptide (PMBN) as a reference peptide. PMBN has a known potent OM permeability-increasing action. As a sharp contrast to PMBN, subinhibitory concentrations of defensins did not permeabilize (or, under some test conditions, permeabilized very slightly) the OM to the probes that were used (rifampin and Triton X-100). At bacteriostatic or bactericidal defensin concentrations, some degree of synergism with rifampin was seen.  相似文献   

Limited genetic diversity of Brucella spp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) of 99 Brucella isolates, including the type strains from all recognized species, revealed a very limited genetic diversity and supports the proposal of a monospecific genus. In MLEE-derived dendrograms, Brucella abortus and a marine Brucella sp. grouped into a single electrophoretic type related to Brucella neotomae and Brucella ovis. Brucella suis and Brucella canis formed another cluster linked to Brucella melitensis and related to Rhizobium tropici. The Brucella strains tested that were representatives of the six electrophoretic types had the same rRNA gene restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns and identical ribotypes. All 99 isolates had similar chromosome profiles as revealed by the Eckhardt procedure.  相似文献   

By comparing smooth wild-type Brucella strains to their rough mutants, we show that the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O side chain of pathogenic Brucella has a dramatic impact on macrophage activation. It favors the development of virulent Brucella by preventing the synthesis of immune mediators, important for host defense. We conclude that this O chain property is firmly linked to Brucella virulence.  相似文献   

The human bactericidal antibody response to the major outer membrane protein, P2, of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae was studied. P2 was isolated from two strains of nontypeable H. influenzae and coupled to affinity columns. Pooled normal human serum was subjected to affinity chromatography with the P2 columns and a control column. Reducing the titer of antibody to P2 resulted in reduced bactericidal activity of that serum for the organism. Immunopurified antibody to P2 from human serum was bactericidal for the homologous strain. The extent to which these bactericidal determinants on P2 are conserved among strains was investigated. Immunopurified antibodies to P2 of two epidemiologically unrelated isolates were bactericidal for four of six strains tested. We conclude that P2 is a target for human bactericidal antibody and that some of these determinants that are recognized by human bactericidal antibody are conserved among strains of nontypeable H. influenzae.  相似文献   

Brucella ovis cell membranes were isolated from fractured and lysozyme-treated cells by ultracentrifugation. These preparations appeared to consist largely of outer membranes, as judged from the results of ultracentrifugation experiments in sucrose density gradients under conditions that are widely used to separate inner and outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria. The sequential detergent extraction of cell membranes yielded mainly lipopolysaccharide and three groups of outer membrane proteins. In immunoblotting, lipopolysaccharide had good antigenic reactivity with all sera from rams exposed to B. ovis (vaccination or natural infection), but some outer membrane proteins reacted strongly only with sera from immune (vaccinated) rams, not from infected rams, suggesting a possible diagnostic role for such proteins in predicting immunity or infection.  相似文献   

Data obtained in this study reaffirm that virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv has a potent phagosome-destroying capacity when ingested by normal alveolar macrophages. In contrast, Mycobacterium bovis BCG-immune alveolar macrophages are highly resistant to this virulence mechanism. BCG-immune sera incubated with BCG-immune alveolar macrophages did not increase resistance of BCG-immune alveolar macrophages as compared with the data obtained from experiments with normal sera. BCG-immune sera failed to confer resistance to normal alveolar macrophages against the phagosomal membrane-destroying H37Rv virulence mechanism.  相似文献   

The host response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection varies among inbred mouse strains. Mice of the BALB/c strain are resistant to P. aeruginosa lung infection, whereas mice of the DBA/2 strain are susceptible. This phenotypic variation correlates with a difference in the magnitude of the inflammatory response induced early following infection. In order to determine whether the ability of lung phagocytic cells to kill P. aeruginosa plays a role in the host response to the infection, we measured the in vitro bactericidal activity of resident and inflammatory alveolar and interstitial macrophages, using a temperature-sensitive mutant of P. aeruginosa. Lung macrophages obtained from resistant and susceptible animals displayed similar bactericidal activities, suggesting that the ability of phagocytes to kill P. aeruginosa does not play a crucial role in the outcome of infection. The bactericidal activity of lung phagocytes was also assessed in vivo following endobronchial infection with the temperature-sensitive mutant of P. aeruginosa. Resistant mice showed a rapid influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) to the bronchoalveolar space which was shortly followed by an efficient clearance of the bacteria. Susceptible mice had a delay in both the inflammatory response to P. aeruginosa and the initiation of bacterial clearance. Susceptible mice have been shown to have a defect in tumor necrosis factor alpha production when infected intratracheally with P. aeruginosa. Intratracheal instillation of tumor necrosis factor alpha to susceptible mice at the time of infection significantly improved the recruitment of PMNs to the site of infection without affecting the process of bacterial clearance. Overall, these results suggest that both recruitment of a high number of PMNs to the lungs and an efficient activation process of the phagocytes are crucial for the prompt clearance of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Molecular and chemical characteristics often provide complementary information in the differentiation of closely related organisms. The genus Brucella consists of a highly conserved group of organisms. Identification of the four species pathogenic in humans (Brucella melitensis, Brucella abortus, Brucella suis, and Brucella canis) is problematic for many clinical laboratories that depend primarily on serology and phenotypic characteristics to differentiate species. PCR amplification of the 16S-23S ribosomal DNA interspace region was evaluated for species-specific polymorphism. B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis, and B. canis produced identical PCR interspace profiles. However, these PCR products were unique to brucellae, allowing them to be readily distinguished from other gram-negative bacteria (including Bartonella spp. and Agrobacterium spp.). Carbohydrate profiles differentiated B. canis from the other three Brucella species due to the absence of the rare amino sugar quinovosamine in the three other species. PCR of the rRNA interspace region is useful in identification of the genus Brucella, while carbohydrate profiling is capable of differentiating B. canis from the other Brucella species.  相似文献   

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