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目的:观察献血频次对献血者骨密度的影响。方法:选择长期频繁机采捐献血小板者29例为观察组,单次机采血小板献血者24例为对照组。比较两组采血后髋关节和第2~4腰椎骨密度水平及采血前中后血清钙离子(Ca2+)水平。结果:两组骨密度水平与血清Ca2+水平差异均不显著(P>0.05)。结论:献血频次对献血者骨密度影响不显著。  相似文献   

目的探讨机采血小板的双份(20u)质量控制及对献血者的影响。方法用CS3000plus血细胞分离机采集血小板双份后,收集供体采后抗凝全血1ml检测血常规,作血小板记数。结果(1)机采血小板成品计数≥2.5×1011/u达87.3%;(2)被检测的供体采后血小板平均计数为160×109/L。结论对身体健康,采前plt≥23×109/L,体重>55kg的供体机采血小板双份是安全的。有选择性机采血小板双份既能保证血小板质量满足临床应用,又能起到降低成本及缓解献血力量不足的目的。  相似文献   

由于各种因素的影响,个别献血者在献血过程中,或在献血前后可能出现不同程度的献血反应。献血反应不仅给献血者造成伤害,还会给献血事业造成消极影响,影响血液质量,给临床安全用血带来隐患[1]。现  相似文献   

近年来,随着成分输血的普遍开展,机采血小板用于治疗血小板减少症等相关疾病越来越多。由于机采血小板具有含量高、效果好、混入红细胞少、一般勿需配血等优点,同时,由于从单个献血者采集,减少了白细胞相关抗原引起的免疫反应和传播病毒性疾病的可能。笔者在用百特CS-3000Plues血细胞分离机采集血小板的过程中,遇到1例高脂血献血者,经适当处理后成功采集,现报道如下。  相似文献   

为了解边疆高原部队献血者献血反应情况,更好地开展无偿献血工作,降低无偿献血者献血反应发生率。笔者调查了2003—2005期间献血者献血反应情况。现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的分析部队献血者发生献血不良反应的原因并提出改进措施。方法收集本站室外采血14800份部队无偿献血者的献血反馈单对其进行统计。结果不同性别、年龄、献血量和献血次数的献血者出现献血不良反应情况不同,不同采血者引发献血者发生的献血不良反应率不同。结论部队献血者发生献血不良反应的原因主要有精神因素、献血前过度疲劳、献血环境不理想、献血者营养状况不佳、献血者自我防护意识不强等。  相似文献   

1989年4月至1991年10月,我们观察了8245人次献血中发生的83例次献血反应.现报告如下:1 采血献血者均为本地区农民,体检合格,两次献血间隔不少于3个月,其中男性4012人次,女性4233  相似文献   

目的 分析不同献血人群中庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)的感染情况,及其对血液安全性的影响,为血液筛查策略调整提供科学依据.方法 收集694例无偿献血者血浆标本,逆转录聚合酶链法(RT-PCR)检测血浆中HGV RNA,χ2检验比较不同献血人群HGV感染情况.结果 694例献血者共检出HGV RNA阳性15例(2.16%),93例部队献血者均未检出HGV RNA,164例街头献血者中HGV RNA阳性3例(1.83%),437例血站血小板献血者中HGV RNA阳性12例(2.75%).结论 部队献血者、街头献血者和血站血小板献血者3组献血人群的HGV感染率无差异,儿童患者、造血干细胞移植后的受血者等高危受血者有必要进行HGV筛查.  相似文献   

献血反应是献血者的生理、心理、采血环境以及采血护士、巡视医生的工作态度和操作技术等各种因素引起的以血容量急剧下降及植物神经功能障碍为特征的综合征。可分为:①轻度:献血时或献血后出现面色苍白、头晕目眩;②中度:除轻型症状外,尚有胸闷、恶心、呕吐、皮肤湿冷、心悸等;③重度:除上述症状外,还有明显的脑缺血症状,晕厥、抽搐、失去知觉、持续性低血压、心动过缓等。我们对2002—2004年兰州军区驻甘部队无偿献血者献血反应情况进行了观察,并与相关因素进行了统计分析,现报道如下。  相似文献   

王华  苏颖  张秀 《人民军医》2012,(9):836-837
目的:观察预防干预对机采血小板不良反应发生率的影响。方法:对照组2018例机采血小板时不进行预防干预,观察组1350例机采血小板时进行预防干预;比较两组不良反应发生率,并分析发生不良反应的原因。结果:观察组不良反应发生率显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。发生不良反应原因:对照组枸橼酸钠反应93例,心理因素28例,体质因素20例,局部刺激7例,外界因素5例;观察组枸橼酸钠反应29例,心理因素15例,体质因素8例,局部刺激3例,外界因素2例。结论:预防干预可显著降低机采血小板不良反应发生率。  相似文献   

Many products to lose weight are presented on the market. The products are advertised with two 'arguments': the health-argument: obesity and overweight are dangerous for your health, and the beauty argument: obesity and overweight make you ugly. The authors raise ethical questions with regard to the promises made and discuss the following arguments: the exploitation of vulnerable persons who are told they are unhealthy and ugly, the stigmatization of obese people as lazy and without willpower, and the harm some treatments may cause. They argue that raising the health argument should be analyzed very critically as obese people are vulnerable and susceptible to all kind of promises. With regard to the beauty argument, they argue that 'selling dreams' is perhaps less problematic as people are not as susceptible and vulnerable with regard to promises on beauty and therefore less likely to be seduced by such promises. People should be empowered to be very critical of (advertisements for) slimming products.  相似文献   

运动锻炼对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者血脂与体质指标的影响   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
目的:观察长期定量运动对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者血脂水平、体质指标的影响。方法:对上海市某社区35~74岁常驻居民进行入户问卷调查,同时对该社区有糖尿病高危因素的人群进行静脉血糖检测,筛选出Ⅱ型糖尿病患者,经心电图、尿常规、眼科等检查排除运动禁忌症,最后有27名糖尿病患者参与了为期1年的运动干预治疗。结果:1年运动治疗后Ⅱ型糖尿病患者的甘油三酯和胆固醇水平降低明显(P<0.05),HDL-ch虽有所升高,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。患者的体重指数(BMI)、腰臀比(WHR)和 血压在运动干预前大于正常值,1年运动干预后都有显著下降(P<0.05),同时肺活量、握力和坐位体前屈3个体质指标在1年干预后都有显著提高 。结论:运动能有效降低Ⅱ型糖尿病患者的血脂水平,减轻体重,降低血压,同时增强患者的体质,对预防糖尿病并发症的发生有重要作用。  相似文献   

In brief: Cross-country skiing is an attractive winter alternative to walking or jogging, but persons with coronary artery disease must be aware of its high energy costs and make appropriate adjustments. Oxygen costs can be affected by variations in efficiency, arm work, snow, cold temperatures, inclines, altitude, and skier misperceptions. The authors give safety recommendations to reduce the hazards and enable cross-country skiers to enjoy their winter sport.  相似文献   

丁莹红  张留印  东月莉  李亚男  祖宏 《航空航天医药》2011,22(12):1409-1409,1410
目的:探讨高血压患者在无痛内镜检查过程中血压波动变化时检查的安全性。方法:本文通过对2009—08~2010—06在我院进行无痛胃镜检查的48例高血压患者的临床资料,检查前后以及检查过程中的血压变化、波动情况进行了总结,对高血压患者实施无痛胃镜检查时的安全性进行再评估。结果:高血压患者实施无痛胃镜检查时,给药后血压水平均下降,全部安全的接受了检查。结论:高血压患者行无痛胃镜检查比较安全。但检查时除密切观察血压变化外,还应关注血氧饱和度和心电监护等,控制麻醉用药剂量和药物维持时间,掌控胃镜检查时限。  相似文献   

Safety assessment of gadopentetate dimeglumine in U.S. clinical trials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gadopentetate dimeglumine is an intravenous contrast medium used in magnetic resonance imaging. To determine its safety, the authors summarized data concerning adverse reactions, laboratory parameters, and other assessments for 1,068 adult patients who received gadopentetate dimeglumine in United States clinical trials. For all studies, 213 of 1,068 patients (19.9%) who received gadopentetate dimeglumine experienced one or more clinical adverse reactions. Most of these reactions were minor and short-lived. Hematologic, blood chemistry, and urinary evaluations showed no apparent drug-related effects, with the exception of a transient, asymptomatic rise in serum iron and bilirubin levels in some patients. Other safety assessments--electrocardiography, electroencephalography, neurologic examinations, and vital signs--showed no clinically significant trends in change from baseline results. It was concluded that gadopentetate dimeglumine demonstrated a high degree of safety and tolerance.  相似文献   


Society has entrusted the police with power and obligation to enforce law, maintain order and protect its members and the legal order of society. To be able to fulfil these obligations the police need credible means of countering threats against these values. Selecting the weapons, or rather use of force instruments, presents a multi‐faceted problem of balancing human considerations, judicial and societal requirements with tactical needs and technological possibilities. No matter what the incident is, a police‐officer is expected to protect the innocent, him/herself, colleagues and the object persons and to cause no more harm than is justifiable and unavoidable. Unfortunately there is no safe use of force and in real life the only option available for resolving certain conflicts is some degree of force. Any weapon can be misused but most weapons have a legitimate use. Denying legitimate use, as well as allowing uncontrolled use, may lead to unnecessary suffering and loss of life. Technology is offering interesting alternative possibilities to the police and these must be considered with open eyes, bearing in mind that misuse, like torture, is not a property inherent to technology but an intentional behaviour of some people. Thorough research and fair and credible controls on police weaponry are needed to avert the possibility of misuse and to maintain trust.  相似文献   

艾滋病阳性孕妇47例妊娠结局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索适合东莞市市情的艾滋病母婴垂直传播阻断模式。方法 收集和整理2007年4月至2010年3月开展预防艾滋病母婴垂直传播工作后全市孕妇自愿接受艾滋病检测的资料,并对确诊患者47例的妊娠结局进行总结分析。结果 3年来自愿接受艾滋病检测率达90%以上,确诊HIV孕妇47例中34例选择终止妊娠,13例选择继续妊娠,这13例全部规范应用抗病毒干预并择期行剖宫产加人工喂养,4例新生儿死亡,9例新生儿中12个月艾滋病抗体检测均为阴性。8例新生儿18个月艾滋病抗体检测均为阴性;1例未满18个月未检测,3年来母婴垂直传播率〈2%。47例中在镇区级医院28例均终止妊娠,在市级医院处理的19例中,仅6例终止妊娠,13例继续妊娠,比较镇区级和市级医院终止妊娠率和继续妊娠率有显著差异(P〈0.001)。结论孕妇学校健康教育+产科干预+抗病毒药物干预+人工喂养可以有效阻断艾滋病母婴垂直传播,根据孕妇不同意愿选择不同级别医院诊治可以最大限度满足孕妇做母亲的愿望。  相似文献   

目的探讨乌鲁木齐市无偿献血者的人群分布及献血动机,为今后的无偿献血工作提供实践依据和宣传策略。方法采用问卷调查法,对乌鲁木齐市2 000名无偿献血者进行问卷调查,将调查结果进行统计学分析。结果学生、服务人员、私营业主、城镇户籍及常住本市的外来人口是乌鲁木齐市无偿献血的主力军;"奉献爱心"是公民献血的主要原因(87.2%),不同文化程度、不同职业的无偿献血人群献血动机有明显差异(χ2文化程度=59.780,P<0.05;χ2职业=102.339,P<0.05);"街头宣传"、"周围环境影响"、"大众媒体宣传"是献血人群了解献血知识的主要渠道。结论加强不同形式的宣传力度,挖掘不同人群的血源潜力,建立一支固定的无偿献血队伍。  相似文献   

The study comprised 500 persons who donated blood for five and more times. The psychic personality structure was studied by EMOTIONS PROFILE INDEX tests with the forced-choice personality index (4) by Henry Kellerman and Robert Plutchnik. Blood donor motivation was examined by the standardized questionnaires which was interpreted by the so-called keys of desirable responses, separately for every potentially primary motive (altruism; habits; superiority complex; inferiority complex; selfpunishment; benefit; indefinite motive). The aim of the study was to assess whether the psychic structure of a personality has effects on blood donor motivation. The study has shown that: a) the psychic personality structure in repeated blood donors has effects on their blood donor motivation; b) altruism is the most common motive for blood donation in persons with the emotionally stable structures of personality and in persons with neurotic potentials; c) among persons with different psychic personality structure there are differences in the percentage of some of primary motives for blood donation. The altruism is the most common motive for blood donation found in 85% of repeated blood donors. All other motives together are found in 8% of cases while in 7% of the examines it was not possible to confirm the primary motive for blood donation.  相似文献   

SARS病毒全基因组芯片在临床检测中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:利用冠状病毒全基因组芯片检测SARS患者血、便和痰标本中的冠状病毒核酸,为SARS病毒核酸的诊断提供线索。方法:提取SARS患者血、便和痰样本中的冠状病毒RNA,经全基因组随机反转录和PCR扩增标记成荧光探针,与SARS病毒全基因组芯片进行杂交,同时用体外培养的病毒RNA和从健康人分离的白细胞的RNA分别做阳性和阴性对照,杂交后的芯片用Axon4100A扫描仪扫描和分析。结果:SARS患者的3种标本中都能检测到冠状病毒核酸的存在,与整个病毒基因组比较大都为一些不连续的片断。其中痰和便标本中的基因谱较为相似,并且发现编码S1蛋白的核酸在多数痰和便标本中是连续的。结论:冠状病毒全基因组芯片能够检测出SARS患者血、便和痰标本中的冠状病毒核酸,同时能够监测不同样本中该病毒全基因组变化的特点,初步显示该芯片用于临床检测的可行性。  相似文献   

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