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This laboratory study of cardiovascular reactivity was designed to examine how a choice of difficulty element in a mental arithmetic task would affect cardiovascular responses. 20 healthy male subjects were tested on a computer-controlled mental arithmetic task, designed to standardize performance across subjects by keeping constant the proportion of correct responses. This was achieved by automatic adjustment of problem difficulty according to ongoing performance. Subjects were led to believe that they could take either a 'difficult' or an 'easy' version of the mental arithmetic task and were asked to make a choice; in fact, all subjects were given the same task. Subjects who chose the 'difficult' mental arithmetic task (N = 10) showed significantly greater increases in myocardial contractility, cardiac output and systolic blood pressure during task performance than those who chose 'easy' (N = 10). However, subjects who chose 'difficult' were presented with more difficult problems presumably due to their exerting greater levels of effort during the task. The differences in cardiovascular responses associated with choice of difficulty were absent during testing on four subsequent tasks which did not incorporate any choice options (reaction-time, speech, mirror trace, cold pressor). These findings are interpreted as being provocative, rather than in any way conclusive. Nevertheless, they are suggestive of the possibility that choice of difficulty in laboratory tasks may be one strategy for improving the ecological validity of laboratory reactivity assessment procedures.  相似文献   

The impact of evaluative observation on cardiovascular reactivity and adaptation to recurrent psychological stress was evaluated in 162 undergraduate men and women. All participants performed three mental arithmetic tasks with or without evaluative observation. Impedance cardiographic, blood pressure, task performance, and stress appraisal measures were recorded for each task. Evaluative observation moderated the effects of task repetition on cardiac reactivity but not vascular reactivity. The introduction of evaluative observation disrupted cardiac adaptation, resulting in a resurgence of beta-adrenergic cardiac reactivity (p < .005), whereas the removal of evaluative observation promoted cardiac adaptation. Evaluative observation also increased stress appraisals and slowed task performance. The results support the dual process theory of habituation, rather than stimulus comparator theory, but only partially support cognitive appraisal theory.  相似文献   

The present study examined relationships among gender, trait dominance, and cardiovascular reactivity assessed during dyadic social interactions between same-gender and same-ethnicity participants. One-hundred sixty dyads, 76 comprised of African American participants and 84 comprised of European American participants, engaged in three 4-min discussions while their heart rate and blood pressure responses were assessed. All dyads were composed of unacquainted partners. Multilevel modeling for dyadic data revealed that trait dominance was significantly and positively associated with blood pressure reactivity during the discussions, but only among men who interacted with a highly dominant partner. The results of the present study add to the weight of the evidence identifying dominance as a social domain of significance for cardiovascular functioning, particularly among men. Potential reasons for gender-specific patterning are considered.  相似文献   

Ten human subjects were stimulated with intermittent pink noise during the performance of a computerized task. Each subject received 3 consecutive sessions consisting of 10 min of baseline, 30 min of task performance, and 10 min of post-task baseline. Noise stimulation was presented during minutes 10-20 of task performance. Task performance was associated with significant increases in mean blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration rate and significant decreases in digital pulse amplitude. Noise stimulation was associated with a further decrease in digital pulse amplitude and a further increase in mean blood pressure. Noise- and task-elicited blood pressure and vasomotor responses did not habituate.  相似文献   

《Biological psychology》2007,74(3):235-241
The purpose was to examine the effect of verbal response and task difficulty on cardiovascular response to the Stroop task. Heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, forearm blood flow (FBF), and catecholamine response of 13 males was assessed during 3, 5-min differing versions of the Stroop task. Heart rate, epinephrine, and FBF were significantly greater during Stroop 1 (the color-word conflict task) compared to Stroop 3 (a non-verbal version of Stroop where participants responded cognitively without any oral or behavioural response), whereas mean arterial pressure was significantly greater during Stroop 1 than that of Stroop 2 (slides in monochrome without color conflict) and Stroop 3. Rating of level of difficulty and concentration was lower for Stroop 2 compared to the other two Stroop tasks. These results suggest that performance of the traditional Stroop task caused significant cardiovascular, FBF, and epinephrine reactivity. This reactivity was attenuated during reading of monochrome words and was virtually abolished when performing the Stroop without verbally responding.  相似文献   

The purpose was to examine the effect of verbal response and task difficulty on cardiovascular response to the Stroop task. Heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, forearm blood flow (FBF), and catecholamine response of 13 males was assessed during 3, 5-min differing versions of the Stroop task. Heart rate, epinephrine, and FBF were significantly greater during Stroop 1 (the color-word conflict task) compared to Stroop 3 (a non-verbal version of Stroop where participants responded cognitively without any oral or behavioural response), whereas mean arterial pressure was significantly greater during Stroop 1 than that of Stroop 2 (slides in monochrome without color conflict) and Stroop 3. Rating of level of difficulty and concentration was lower for Stroop 2 compared to the other two Stroop tasks. These results suggest that performance of the traditional Stroop task caused significant cardiovascular, FBF, and epinephrine reactivity. This reactivity was attenuated during reading of monochrome words and was virtually abolished when performing the Stroop without verbally responding.  相似文献   

Two experiments with a total of 96 participants assessed cardiovascular response in active coping. The studies were run in 2x2 designs and manipulated the clarity of task difficulty (clear vs. unclear) and incentive value (low vs. high) of a memory task, which was either easy (Experiment 1) or extremely difficult (Experiment 2). In accordance with the theoretical predictions of motivational intensity theory [Brehm, J.W., Self, E.A., 1989. The intensity of motivation. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 40, 109-131; Wright, R.A., 1996. Brehm's theory of motivation as a model of effort and cardiovascular response. In: Gollwitzer, P.M., Bargh, J.A. (Eds.), The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behaviour, Guilford, New York, pp. 424-453], systolic reactivity varied directly with incentive value when task difficulty was unclear. In contrast, when task difficulty was clear, incentives had no influence and cardiovascular reactivity was low. These findings provide the first evidence for the predictions of motivational intensity theory with regard to unclear task difficulty and complete past research that has focused on the effects of fixed and unfixed task difficulty on cardiovascular reactivity.  相似文献   

An experiment with 44 participants assessed the moderating effects of four levels of incentive value on cardiovascular responses in active coping. Randomly assigned to one of four different incentive conditions, participants performed a memory task without knowing its difficulty in advance. By means of successfully performing the task participants could either win no reward, 10 Swiss Francs, 20 Swiss Francs, or 30 Swiss Francs. In accordance with the theoretical predictions derived from motivational intensity theory, reactivity of systolic blood pressure and heart rate monotonically increased with incentive value. Thereby, these findings provide additional empirical evidence for the predictions of motivational intensity theory with regard to unclear task difficulty and extend recent research (Richter, M., Gendolla, G.H.E., 2006. Incentive effects on cardiovascular reactivity in active coping with unclear task difficulty. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 61, 216-225.), which was not conclusive regarding the predicted monotonic relationship between incentive value and cardiovascular reactivity under conditions of unclear task difficulty.  相似文献   

The effects of prior task exposure on cardiovascular reactivity to stress were examined in two experiments by randomly assigning participants to repeated exposure groups that performed mental arithmetic pretest and test tasks versus delayed exposure groups that performed only the test task after prolonged rest. Impedance cardiographic and blood pressure measures were recorded continuously from 60 undergraduate men in Experiment 1 and 112 undergraduate men and women in Experiment 2. Task repetition attenuated cardiovascular reactivity and improved task performance in repeated exposure groups (p < .001), suggesting an integrated process of behavioral adaptation. During the test task, delayed exposure groups showed greater cardiac reactivity (p < .01), but not vascular reactivity, than repeated exposure groups. Thus, cardiac reactivity varied as a specific function of prior task exposure, whereas vascular reactivity varied as a general function of time.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of the change in event-related potential (ERP) due to task difficulty during a visual oddball task. Specifically, we investigated the inter-subject difference in difficulty-related change of ERP patterns using single-trial ERP analysis focusing on P300 and P2 components. ERPs were recorded and analyzed from 14 subjects while performing a visual oddball task with two difficulty levels. After extracting independent components (ICs) from single-trial ERPs, the averaged ERPs were used to identify which ICs originated from major ERP components. The ERP components were estimated from single-trial waveforms by back-projecting relevant ICs onto scalp electrodes after removing all other ICs; thus, the comparison of ERP components could be performed for each subject. The averaged P300 amplitude was smaller and latency was larger for the more difficult task, and this tendency was also observed for single-trial ERP analysis within each subject. P2 amplitude increased for the hard task for both group and individual analyses, suggesting that the P2 may be interpreted as a manifestation of task relevance evaluation or response generation. The P2 amplitude and latency were more notably correlated with response time for the more difficult task.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of neuroticism in the associations between job stress and working adults' social behavior during the first hour after work with their spouse and school-age children. Thirty dual-earner families were videotaped in their homes on two weekday afternoons and evenings. An observational coding system was developed to assess behavioral involvement and negative emotion expression. Participants also completed self-report measures of job stressors and trait neuroticism. There were few overall associations between job stress and social behavior during the first hour adults were at home with their spouse and school-age children. However, significant moderator effects indicated that linkages between work experiences and family behavior varied for men who reported different levels of trait neuroticism, which captures a dispositional tendency toward emotional instability. Among men who reported high neuroticism, job stress was linked to more active and more negative social behavior. Conversely, for men reporting low neuroticism, job stress was related to less talking and less negative emotion. These patterns were not found for the women in the study. The findings suggest that when work is stressful, men who are higher on neuroticism (i.e., less emotionally stable) may show a negative spillover effect, whereas men who are lower on neuroticism (i.e., more emotionally stable) may withdraw from social interactions.  相似文献   

In this study the relationship was examined between cardiovascular changes and performance efficiency in adult males performing an anagram solution task. Three conditions (n = 20 in each) were used, differing in the percentage of solvable anagrams (100, 50, and 30%). Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR) were measured before, during, and after the task. It was found that subjects who performed better in the 100% condition had an increase in pulse pressure (PP), that is, a greater rise of SBP than of DBP, whereas subjects who performed less in that condition showed a decrease in PP. Conversely, subjects who performed better in the 50 and 30% conditions showed a decrease in PP, whereas subjects who performed less in these conditions showed an increase in PP. With respect to HR changes, no significant correlations with performance were detected. Consistencies with data from endocrinological research were pointed out. Consideration was also given to the possible role of anxiety in mediating the relationship between physiological patterning and task performance.  相似文献   

The difficulty of a visual three stimulus and a bimanual coordination task was manipulated by varying discrimination difficulty (easy, hard) and coordination mode (in-phase, anti-phase) respectively. Electroencephalographic activity was recorded from 32 sites whilst participants (n = 16) completed four dual-task conditions in counterbalanced order. Longer reaction time and lower accuracy were found for the hard relative to the easy visual task and, for the hard visual task, accuracy was lower under anti-phase relative to in-phase conditions. Amplitude and latency of event-related potential components P3a and P3b were recorded and measured. There was a reduction in P3b amplitude and increase in P3a amplitude for the hard visual task overall and a further reduction in frontal P3b amplitude under the more demanding anti-phase condition. For the easy visual task, however, P3b and P3a amplitude were greater under the anti-phase relative to in-phase coordination condition at left hemisphere frontal sites. These findings suggest that the attentional cost of stabilising anti-phase bimanual coordination is largely associated with top-down automatic processes subserved by the frontal attentional network.  相似文献   

Functional neuroimaging studies in schizophrenia have demonstrated abnormal activation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) during working memory (WM) performance. However, findings of increased and decreased activity have been reported. The authors used meta-analysis to investigate whether diverging results arise as a function of differential WM task performance between patients and control participants. Results indicate that the magnitude of the group difference in WM performance is a moderator of DLPFC activation differences, and concepts such as hypo- or hyperfrontality do not universally characterize WM findings in schizophrenia. Thus, the variability in the WM activation findings between participants with schizophrenia and control participants reflects the specific conditions under which WM functions are evaluated, not just the WM construct per se.  相似文献   

Secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in saliva and cardiovascular activity were measured at rest and during mental arithmetic. Task difficulty was manipulated by presenting easy, hard, and impossible versions of the mental arithmetic task in counterbalanced order, while task novelty was operationalised as order of presentation (i.e. first, second, third). Mental arithmetic elicited significant increases in sIgA concentration and sIgA secretion rate, as well as significant cardiovascular effects. Performance decreased and rated difficulty increased with increasing task difficulty. However, sIgA and cardiovascular activity, with the exception of diastolic blood pressure, were insensitive to variations in task difficulty. In contrast, sIgA concentration and a broad range of cardiovascular variables were influenced by task novelty, with more pronounced activity characterising the task version presented first, irrespective of its level of difficulty. Task novelty would seem to be a more important determinant of sIgA and cardiovascular activity than task difficulty.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation of gender role self-concept (G-SC) to cardiovascular and emotional reactions to an ecologically relevant stressor in a sample of graduating male and female university students. Thirty-seven men and 37 women completed the Personal Attribute Questionnaire and worked on four tasks designed to reflect common features of a job interview. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured at baseline, during, and after each task; subjective stress was measured at baseline and after each task. Subjective and objective stress scores were averaged across tasks and analyzed by sex and G-SC (i.e., instrumentality, expressiveness). Results indicated that women as a group demonstrated greater emotional reactivity, but did not differ in their physiological reactions when compared to men. Regardless of sex, participants' instrumentality scores contributed significantly to the variation in subjective stress response: those scoring high on instrumentality reported less stress, but evidenced greater blood pressure reactivity than those scoring low on instrumentality. These results suggest that gender roles, particularly an instrumental self-concept, may play an important role in both subjective and objective reactions to an ecologically relevant stressor.  相似文献   

采用感觉寻求量表、中文版网络成瘾量表和青少年社会支持量表,对广州市10所高校的1 201名大学生进行调查,考察大学生感觉寻求与网络成瘾的关系,以及社会支持在大学生感觉寻求与网络成瘾之间的调节效应。结果发现:①在控制了性别、年龄、专业、生源地、家庭收入和父母受教育程度后,感觉寻求显著正向预测网络成瘾;②社会支持在大学生感觉寻求与网络成瘾之间的关系中起着调节作用,即对于高社会支持的大学生,感觉寻求可以显著正向预测网络成瘾。实践干预时,可以通过降低青少年的感觉寻求和(或)调整社会支持程度来预防和控制青少年网络成瘾。  相似文献   

The present article aims to show the importance of positive work-related experiences within occupational health psychology by examining the relationship between flow at work (i.e., absorption, work enjoyment, and intrinsic work motivation) and job performance. On the basis of the literature, it was hypothesized that (a) motivating job characteristics are positively related to flow at work and (b) conscientiousness moderates the relationship between flow and other ratings of (in-role and out-of-role) performance. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 113 employees from several occupations. Results of moderated structural equation modeling analyses generally supported the hypotheses. Motivating job characteristics were predictive of flow, and flow predicted in-role and extra-role performance, for only conscientious employees.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the effect of performance feedback on the modulation of the acoustic startle reflex in a Go/NoGo reaction time task. Experiment 1 (n = 120) crossed warning stimulus modality (acoustic, visual, and tactile) with the provision of feedback in a between subject design. Provision of performance feedback increased the number of errors committed and reduced reaction time, but did not affect blink modulation significantly. Attentional blink latency and magnitude modulation was larger during acoustic than during visual and larger during visual than during tactile warning stimuli. In comparison to control blinks, latency shortening was significant in all modality conditions whereas magnitude facilitation was not significant during tactile warning stimuli. Experiment 2 (n = 80) employed visual warning stimuli only and crossed the provision of feedback with task difficulty. Feedback and difficulty affected accuracy and reaction time. Whereas blink latency shortening was not affected, blink magnitude modulation was smallest in the Easy/No Feedback and the Difficult/Feedback conditions.  相似文献   

An experiment assessed the joint effect of dispositional need for closure (NFC) and task difficulty on engagement-related myocardial beta-adrenergic activity. Participants who scored either low or high on the NFC scale performed an ambiguous categorization task with either low or high difficulty. Confirming the theory-derived predictions, task difficulty effects on pre-ejection period (PEP) reactivity were moderated by NFC. If difficulty was low, PEP reactivity was low and independent of the participants' NFC level. If difficulty was high, participants with high NFC showed increased PEP reactivity compared to participants with low NFC. These results extend previous research on Wright's model of engagement-related cardiovascular reactivity and suggest that the model may provide a useful framework for assessing the impact of personality on cardiovascular response.  相似文献   

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