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目的:观察吲哚类化合物MAZ51对小鼠移植瘤生长及淋巴管生成的影响,并探讨其作用机制.方法:皮下注射肉瘤(S180)腹水型瘤株构建小鼠移植瘤模型,成瘤后给予MAZ51,观察其对移植瘤生长的影响.免疫组织化学标记淋巴管,分析移植瘤周边区和正常皮肤的毛细淋巴管密度(LMVD).结果:移植瘤周边区的LMVD高于正常皮肤组织.给予MAZ51后,明显减慢移植瘤的生长,但瘤周边区的LMVD并没有变化.结论:实验结果显示肿瘤周边区有淋巴管新生.MAZ51影响移植瘤的生长,但不影响淋巴管的生成.  相似文献   

目的观察右旋柠烯乳剂(D-limonene)对小鼠移植瘤生长及转移的抑制作用。方法用小鼠S180癌性腹水建立皮下移植瘤模型,随机分为3组,预防组建模当天开始给药;治疗组移植后第5天开始给药;对照组不给药。每3d测量肿瘤大小,20d后取材,观察肿瘤细胞的浸润程度及淋巴结转移。结果对照组肿瘤体积较大,与皮肤及深部组织发生粘连,7只发现颈部或腋下淋巴结肿大。治疗组和预防组移植瘤生长速度明显缓慢,体积小,且瘤体较规则,未发现有淋巴结转移者。结论右旋柠烯有抑制肿瘤生长,减少淋巴结转移的作用,其机制有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

目的 研究并探讨右旋柠烯乳剂 (D limonene)对人胃癌生长和转移的抑制作用及其机制。 方法 采用人胃癌BGC 82 3细胞株经反复传代成实体瘤的完整组织块 ,建立人胃癌裸小鼠原位移植瘤模型。将 4 0只荷瘤裸小鼠随机分成 4组 ,移植后第 5d开始分别用生理盐水灌胃、5 氟尿嘧啶 (5 FU)腹腔注射、D limonene灌胃、D limonene灌胃 +5 FU腹腔注射共 7周。第 8周处死动物 ,测量原位肿瘤瘤重并计算抑瘤率 ,检测肿瘤细胞凋亡指数 (AI)、肿瘤微血管密度 (MVD)及免疫组织化学测定肿瘤组织血管内皮生长因子 (VEGF)的表达变化 ,光镜与电镜观察组织细胞超微结构变化 ;观察荷瘤鼠腹膜、肝、其他脏器肿瘤转移及腹水情况。 结果 D limonene组、联用组分别与对照组相比 ,胃癌的原位肿瘤瘤重与抑瘤率、AI、MVD、VEGF下调 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。腹膜、肝转移受到明显抑制 (P <0 0 5 )。 结论 D limonene通过抑制肿瘤微血管形成 ,诱导胃癌细胞凋亡 ,抑制了体内胃癌的生长和转移。  相似文献   

目的 观察人参皂甙Rh2对小鼠移植瘤生长,肿瘤细胞血管内皮生长因子c(VEGF-C)表达和淋巴管密度的影响,探讨其作用机制.方法 用S180瘤株构建55只小鼠移植瘤模型,成瘤后灌服人参皂甙Rh2,观察用药组与对照组移植瘤的生长情况,免疫组织化学染色,比较用药2周、3周后癌细胞VEGF-C的表达及LYVE-1标记的淋巴管密度与对照组的差异.结果接种约第3周开始,对照组移植瘤生长速度明显快于用药组.用药第2周癌细胞VEGF-C表达及淋巴管密度与对照组无差异;第3周VEGF-C表达较对照组弱,淋巴管密度也较对照组低,有差异(P<0.05). 结论 人参皂甙Rh2能抑制肿瘤生长,降低淋巴管密度,其机制可能是通过降低VEGF-C在癌细胞的表达,干扰淋巴管的生成.  相似文献   

目的观察塞来昔布(Celecoxib)对小鼠移植瘤生长、COX-2、VEGF-C表达和淋巴管生成影响,探讨抑制肿瘤淋巴转移的机制。方法构建S180小鼠移植瘤模型,应用大体观察、HE染色、免疫组化和Western blot,比较对照组和Celecoxib给药组荷瘤鼠肿瘤生长、COX-2、VEGF-C表达和淋巴管分布。结果 Celecoxib组与对照组相比瘤体生长缓慢,第8周时肿瘤体积明显比对照组小,COX-2和VEGF-C的表达均下调,淋巴管密度降低。结论 Celecoxib抑制肿瘤的转移和生长可能与下调COX-2表达,减少VEGF-C的产生和淋巴管生成有关。  相似文献   

目的 观察小鼠肉瘤(S180)移植瘤发展过程中毛细淋巴管超微结构,探究随着荷瘤时间的延长,移植瘤内毛细淋巴管超微结构的变化。方法 腋下注射S180腹水型瘤株,建立S180荷瘤小鼠肉瘤模型,共15只,每组3只;采用透射电子显微镜技术观察小鼠S180移植瘤组织毛细淋巴管的超微结构,分析肿瘤组织毛细淋巴管超微结构随肿瘤生长的变化情况。结果 3d组标本观察发现,毛细淋巴管管壁结构完整,管壁可见锚丝与胶原纤维,毛细淋巴管内皮细胞胞质内可见各种结构正常的细胞器;5d组、7d组及9d组观察到随着荷瘤时间的延长,毛细淋巴管管壁断裂溶解情况越来越严重,可观察到的锚丝与胶原纤维数量越来越少,毛细淋巴管内皮细胞胞质内各种细胞器受损程度也越来越严重;11d组观察到毛细淋巴管管壁几乎全部破碎溶解,未观察到锚丝与胶原纤维,无法清晰辨认淋巴内皮细胞,未观察到细胞器。 结论 随着荷瘤时间的延长,肿瘤体积和重量呈增长趋势,毛细淋巴管管壁受损程度、淋巴内皮细胞胞质内细胞器的受损程度逐渐加重。  相似文献   

目的:观察小鼠移植瘤内淋巴管的分布及细胞间粘附分子(ICAM-1)在癌细胞和淋巴管内皮细胞的表达。方法:于小鼠腹股沟区皮下接种肝癌细胞株(H22),分期取材。用5'-Nase-Alpase双重染色法和VEGFR-3免疫组化法观察淋巴管的分布;检测ICAM-1在癌细胞和淋巴管内皮细胞的表达。结果:在肿块的周边部可见少量褐色的毛细淋巴管,VEGFR-3阳性表达。ICAM-1在肿瘤细胞和淋巴管内皮细胞都有表达,随肿瘤的发展而增强。结论:在移植瘤中存在毛细淋巴管,可能为新生的;ICAM-1在肿瘤细胞及淋巴管内皮细胞的表达,可能与癌淋巴管转移有关。  相似文献   

目的:建立小鼠皮肤恶性黑色素移植瘤模型,探讨小鼠皮肤恶性黑色素移植瘤组织内淋巴管的生成情况。方法:体外培养B16瘤细胞,接种B16瘤细胞于C57BL/6小鼠右侧背部皮内,构建C57BL/6小鼠皮肤恶性黑色素移植瘤模型;应用H-E染色、淋巴管内皮细胞透明质酸受体1(1ymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor-1, LYVE-1)免疫组化染色确认模型和观察肿瘤组织内淋巴管的生成情况。结果:建立了恶性黑色素移植瘤模型;LY- VE-1主要着色于正常组织和移植瘤组织中淋巴管内皮细胞的细胞膜上;恶性黑色素瘤组织中淋巴管密度明显高于正常皮肤组织。结论:构建C57BL/6小鼠皮肤恶性黑色素移植瘤模型是获得恶性黑色素瘤组织和进一步研究的有效手段;LYVE-1是特异性较高的淋巴管内皮标记物;小鼠皮肤恶性黑色素移植瘤组织中可能存在淋巴管的新生。  相似文献   

目的观察小鼠S180移植瘤及瘤周组织淋巴管和血管的形态学改变.方法将S180小鼠腹水瘤接种于昆明小鼠左腋部皮下,20天切取肿瘤组织及瘤周组织和对侧同一部位正常皮下组织作对照,HE染色观察确认肿瘤.光镜下用Schiff染色观察淋巴管和血管.结果动物模型显示两周以上小鼠腋部可见明显肿块.Schiff染色可见瘤中心区液化坏死,无毛细淋巴管;瘤周边区淋巴管及血管密度和淋巴管及血管检出率明显高于正常侧(P<0.001~P<0.005).瘤周边区淋巴管分布不均匀,管腔大,形态不规则,管壁薄.结论S180小鼠移植瘤中心区无淋巴管,可见血管;瘤周边区淋巴管及血管密度高,管腔扩张,形态不规则.  相似文献   

目的观察细胞间黏附分子(JAM)在小鼠移植瘤淋巴管内皮细胞的表达及人参皂甙Rh-2的影响,探讨JAM在癌淋巴管转移中的意义。方法于小鼠前肢皮下接种S180小鼠癌性腹水,成瘤后给予人参皂甙Rh-2灌服,6周后取材。用免疫组化法观察LYVE-1、JAM-1、JAM-2在淋巴管内皮细胞的表达。结果在对照组肿块的周边部可见LYVE-1阳性表达的淋巴管,JAM-1、JAM-2在淋巴管有阳性表达,用药组表达减少。结论JAM-1、JAM-2在淋巴管内皮细胞的表达可能与癌淋巴管转移有关。  相似文献   

Tumors of endothelial cell origin are relatively common. Soft tissue tumors and numerous subtypes of benign and malignant vascular tumors have been described; the histogenesis of many of these tumors is uncertain, and distinguishing between benign and malignant vascular tumors, some of which express lymphatic endothelial cell markers, can be problematic. In the present study, immunophenotypic expression of a novel hyaluronan receptor (LYVE-1), which is expressed by endothelial cells of normal lymphatic vessels but not blood vessels, was determined in benign and malignant vascular tumors. It was found that, except in lymphangiomas, intramuscular hemangiomas, and Masson's hemangiomas, endothelial cells in benign blood vessel tumors (including capillary and cavernous hemangiomas, glomus tumors, pyogenic granulomas, and epithelioid hemangiomas) were negative for LYVE-1, and that all angiosarcomas and Kaposi's sarcomas were positive for LYVE-1. Expression of LYVE-1 and other lymphatic endothelial cell markers in relatively few vascular neoplasms has implications for the histogenesis of these lesions, and may prove useful in distinguishing angiosarcoma and Kaposi's sarcoma from most common benign vascular tumors.  相似文献   

几种淋巴管特异性标记物在人癌组织中的表达   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:对已发现的几种淋巴管特异性标记物在人类多种肿瘤中的表达进行观察,从而找出适合于肿瘤组织淋巴管研究的标记物。方法:取人结肠癌、肺癌、胃癌和喉癌手术材料,免疫组化法观察LYVE-1、Podoplanin和VEGFR-3在癌组织的表达。结果:LYVE-1只表达于淋巴管内皮,Podoplanin主要表达于淋巴管,此外在少数小静脉上也有表达,VEGFR-3则同时表达于淋巴管与小血管,在癌细胞的胞浆中也可呈阳性表达。结论:LYVE-1、Podoplanin可以作为肿瘤组织内淋巴管的特异标记物。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胃癌组织钙粘蛋白的表达与癌淋巴道转移的相关性。方法:取胃癌标本14例,正常胃组织标本2例。通过E-cadherin、β-catenin和LYVE-1免疫组化方法,观察肿瘤淋巴管的表达。结果:LYVE-1在正常和癌组织淋巴管阳性表达,正常淋巴管E.cadherin、β-catenin表达阴性,β-catenin在胃癌淋巴管表达弱阳性,β-catenin在淋巴管的表达与肿瘤的分化程度及有无转移有负相关性。结论:LYVE-1在淋巴管特异性表达,E-cadherin/β-catenin复合物在淋巴道转移过程中,对肿瘤细胞与淋巴管内皮细胞的粘附起一定的作用,但不是主要作用。  相似文献   

The peripheral nervous system lacks lymphatic vessels and is protected by the blood–nerve barrier, which prevents lymphocytes and antibodies from entering the neural parenchyma. Peripheral nerve injury results in degeneration of the distal nerve and myelin degeneration causes macrophage aggregation, T lymphocyte infiltration, major histocompatibility complex class II antigen expression, and immunoglobulin G deposition in the nerve membrane, which together result in nerve edema and therefore affect nerve regeneration. In the present paper, we show myelin expression was absent from the sciatic nerve at 7 days after injury, and the expression levels of lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1 (LYVE-1) and Prospero Homeobox 1 (Prox1) were significantly increased in the sciatic nerve at 7 days after injury. The lymphatic vessels were distributed around the myelin sheath and co-localized with lymphatic endothelial cells. Prox1 induces the formation of new lymphatic vessels, which play important roles in the elimination of tissue edema as well as in morphological and functional restoration of the damaged nerve. This study provides evidence of the involvement of new lymphatic vessels in nerve repair after sciatic nerve injury.  相似文献   

Little information regarding the development of lymphangiogenesis in coronary atherosclerosis is available. We immunohistochemically investigated the correlation among intimal neovascularization (CD34 for angiogenesis and lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor-1 [LYVE-1] and podoplanin for lymphangiogenesis), the expression of lymphangiogenic factors (vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF]-C and VEGF-D), and the progression of atherosclerosis using 169 sections of human coronary arteries from 23 autopsy cases. The more the atherosclerosis advanced, the more often the neointimas contained newly formed blood vessels ( P < .0001). Vascular endothelial growth factor-C was expressed mostly in foamy macrophages and in some smooth muscle cells, whereas VEGF-D was abundantly expressed in both. The number of VEGF-C-expressing cells, but not that of VEGF-D-expressing cells, was increased as the lesion advanced and the number of intimal blood vessels increased ( P < .01). Lymphatic vessels were rare in the atherosclerotic intima (LYVE-1 vs CD34 = 13 vs 3955 vessels) compared with the number seen in the adventitia (LYVE-1 vs CD34 = 360 vs 6921 vessels). The current study suggests that VEGF-C, but not VEGF-D, may contribute to plaque progression and be a regulator for angiogenesis rather than lymphangiogenesis in coronary atherosclerotic intimas. Imbalance of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis may be a factor contributing to sustained inflammatory reaction during human coronary atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The antigenic properties of the cells of mice ascitic Ehrlich's carcinoma transplanted to rat's offsprings for a year was studied with the aid of the reaction of complement fixation. From the first transplantations the cells acquire low quantities of the rat's species-specific antigens, while in 40–55 reinoculations they lose a number of mice species-specific antigens. The loss of the mice antigens is associated with the decreased growth of the heterogenic strain of the tumour.Presented by Active Member of the AMN SSSR N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov  相似文献   

The clinical study for lingual disease requires the detailed investigation of the lingual lymphatic network and lymphatic marker-positive cells. Recently, it has been reported that several tissue cells and leukocytes express lymphatic markers, LYVE-1 and podoplanin. This study was aimed to clarify the lingual distribution of cells expressing LYVE-1 and podoplanin. In the mouse tongue, podoplanin is expressed in nerve sheaths, lingual gland myoepithelial cells, and lymphatic vessels. LYVE-1 is expressed in the macrophage marker Mac-1-positive cells as well as lymphatic vessels, while factor-VIII was detected in only blood endothelial cells. α-SMA was detected in vascular smooth muscle and myoepithelial cells. Therefore, identification of lymphatic vessels in lingual glands, the combination of LYVE-1 and factor-VIII, or LYVE-1 and Mac-1 is useful because myoepithelial cells express podoplanin and α-SMA. The immunostaining of factor-VIII on lymphatic vessels was masked by the immunostaining to LYVE-1 or podoplanin because lymphatic vessels express factor-VIII to a far lesser extent than blood vessels. Therefore, except for the salivary glands, the combination of podoplanin and α-SMA, or factor-VIII is useful to identify lymphatic vessels and blood vessels with smooth muscle, or blood capillaries.  相似文献   

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