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An experimental system has been developed using Caenorhabditis elegans (Secernentea: Rhabditida), to monitor immunological stress in nematodes. The transgenic C. elegans strain PC72 carries a lacZ reporter gene fused to a C. elegans hsp16-1 gene, which is inducible for β-galactosidase activity at the heat stress temperature of 26°C. The investigate the possibility of using PC72 to monitor immunological stress, its surface coat was targeted, to mimic immune attack, by raising immune sera against surface coat components selectively removed by the cationic detergent cetyltrimethylammoniunm bromide. Initially, a highly significant induction of β-galactosidase activity was seen in PC72 incubated in either surface-reactive or naïve rabbit serum. Complement (C3) was detected over the entire surface of adult PC72 and was thought to be responsible for stress-induction with naïve sera. When the immunoglobulin (Ig)G fraction of naïve sera was used in isolation, no stress-induction was seen. In contrast, a two-fold increase in β-galactosidase activity was seen in the presence of surface-reactive IgG (SR-IgG) which recognised surface components of between 6 and 40 kDa in western blot. The belief that surface reactive IgG could induce a stress response was reinforced by analysis of hsp-16 protein expression. Cationised ferritin was then used to assess whether stress-induction was truly a surface reactive event; binding of cationised ferritin to the nematode surface also resulted in two-fold induction of β-galactosidase activity. To investigate the downstream biological effects of stress induction, worm growth and fecundity were measured in the presence of IgG preparations. A significant reduction was seen in both worm length and fecundity only when larvae were incubated in surface-reactive IgG, compared to both naïve IgG and K-medium controls. In conclusion, it would appear that C. elegans is a suitable model to monitor the induction of immunological stress at the level of the nematode surface coat. Given the ability of nematode surface antigens to protect the vaccinated host in animal model systems, and the close phylogenetic relationships which exist between C. elegans and nematodes of medical and veterinary importance, it is conceivable that the immunological targets in or on the surface of C. elegans warrant rapid identification.  相似文献   

The increasing number of applications of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) prompted us to assess their toxicity in vivo. We have investigated their effects on wild type and transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) strains expressing two prototypic amyloidogenic proteins: β2-microglobulin and Aβ peptide3–42. The use of C. elegans allowed us to highlight AgNP toxicity in the early phase of the worm’s life cycle (LC50 survival, 0.9?µg/ml). A comparative analysis of LC50 values revealed that our nematode strains were more sensitive to assess AgNP toxicity than the cell lines, classically used in toxicity tests. Movement and superoxide production in the adult population were significantly affected by exposure to AgNP; the transgenic strains were more affected than the wild type worms. Our screening approach could be applied to other types of nanomaterials that can enter the body and express any nanostructure-related bioactivities. We propose that C. elegans reproducing the molecular events associated with protein misfolding diseases, e.g. Alzheimer’s disease and systemic amyloidosis, may help to investigate the specific toxicity of a range of potentially harmful molecules. Our study suggests that transgenic C. elegans may be used to predict the effect of chemicals in a “fragile population”, where an underlying pathologic state may amplify their toxicity.  相似文献   

Aims/hypothesis. IA-2 and IA-2β are major autoantigens in Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and are expressed in neuroendocrine tissues including the brain and pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Based on sequence analysis, IA-2 and IA-2β are transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases but lack phosphatase activity because of critical amino acid substitutions in the catalytic domain. We studied the evolutionary conservation of IA-2 and IA-2 β genes and searched for homologs in non-mammalian vertebrates and invertebrates.¶Methods. IA-2 from various species was identified from EST sequences or cloned from cDNA libraries or both. Expression in tissues was determined by transfection and in situ hybridization.¶Results. We identified homologs of IA-2 in C. elegans, Drosophila, and zebrafish which showed 46, 58 and 82 % identity and 60, 65 and 87 % similarity, respectively, to the amino acids of the intracellular domain of human IA-2. Further studies showed that IA-2 was expressed in the neural tissues of the three species. Comparison of the genomic structure of the intracellular domain of human IA-2 with that of human IA-2 β showed that they were nearly identical and comparison of the intron-exon boundaries of Drosophila IA-2 with human IA-2 and IA-2 β showed a high degree of relatedness.¶Conclusion/Interpretation. Based on these findings and sequence analysis of IA-2 homologs in mammals, we conclude that there is an IA-2 gene family which is a part of the larger protein tyrosine phosphatase superfamily. The IA-2 and IA-2 β genes represent two distinct subgroups within the IA-2 family which originated over 500 million years ago, long before the development of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. [Diabetologia (2001) 44: 81–88]  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination plays dual roles in the evolution and stable inheritance of genomes: Recombination promotes genetic diversity by reassorting variants, and it establishes temporary connections between pairs of homologous chromosomes that ensure their future segregation. Meiotic recombination is initiated by generation of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) by the conserved topoisomerase-like protein Spo11. Despite strong conservation of Spo11 across eukaryotic kingdoms, auxiliary complexes that interact with Spo11 complexes to promote DSB formation are poorly conserved. Here, we identify DSB-3 as a DSB-promoting protein in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Mutants lacking DSB-3 are proficient for homolog pairing and synapsis but fail to form crossovers. Lack of crossovers in dsb-3 mutants reflects a requirement for DSB-3 in meiotic DSB formation. DSB-3 concentrates in meiotic nuclei with timing similar to DSB-1 and DSB-2 (predicted homologs of yeast/mammalian Rec114/REC114), and DSB-1, DSB-2, and DSB-3 are interdependent for this localization. Bioinformatics analysis and interactions among the DSB proteins support the identity of DSB-3 as a homolog of MEI4 in conserved DSB-promoting complexes. This identification is reinforced by colocalization of pairwise combinations of DSB-1, DSB-2, and DSB-3 foci in structured illumination microscopy images of spread nuclei. However, unlike yeast Rec114, DSB-1 can interact directly with SPO-11, and in contrast to mouse REC114 and MEI4, DSB-1, DSB-2, and DSB-3 are not concentrated predominantly at meiotic chromosome axes. We speculate that variations in the meiotic program that have coevolved with distinct reproductive strategies in diverse organisms may contribute to and/or enable diversification of essential components of the meiotic machinery.

Meiotic recombination is important for two reasons. It promotes genetic diversity by reassorting traits, and it creates temporary attachments between pairs of homologous chromosomes that are necessary for their future segregation at the meiosis I division. Recombination is initiated by the programmed introduction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) (1). Some DSBs are repaired by a mechanism that leads to the formation of crossovers (COs) between homolog pairs, and the remaining DSBs are repaired as non-CO products, thereby restoring genome integrity. Although DSBs are required for CO formation, they may lead to genomic instability if they are not repaired or are repaired erroneously. Thus, DSB formation in meiotic cells is governed by regulatory and surveillance mechanisms that function to ensure that enough DSBs are created to guarantee a CO on each homolog pair while limiting excess DSBs that may endanger the genome (2). Without appropriate DSB formation and repair, COs may fail to form between homologs during meiotic prophase, resulting in unattached homologs (univalents) that missegregate during the meiotic divisions, leading to aneuploidy in the resulting progeny.Meiotic DSB formation is catalyzed by Spo11, a topoisomerase-like protein homologous to the catalytic A subunit of archaeal class VI topoisomerases that is well conserved across eukaryotic kingdoms (36). The mechanism of DNA breakage involves formation of a covalent linkage between the Spo11 protein and DNA, analogous to a key intermediate in the topisomerase reaction (1). Despite identification of structural and mechanistic conservation between Spo11 and TopVIA more than 20 y ago, however, counterparts of the archaeal TopVIB subunit that partner with Spo11 in “Spo11 core complexes” were not recognized until much later, reflecting substantial divergence both from TopVIB and among their eukaryotic orthologs (79).DSB formation also depends on multiple additional factors that play critical roles in determining the location, timing, levels, and regulation of DSB formation (2). Several of these auxiliary DSB-promoting factors, including Rec114, Mei4, and Mer2, were originally discovered through genetic screens in Saccharomyces cerevisiae designed to identify genes required for initiation of recombination (1014) and similar screens in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (15, 16). In contrast to the high level of conservation observed for Spo11, but similar to the other subunits of the Spo11 core complex, many auxiliary DSB protein such Rec114, Mei4, and Mer2 are poorly conserved at the primary sequence level (1). Indeed, apart from limited homology detected between S. cerevisiae Rec114 and S. pombe Rec7 (1719), high levels of sequence divergence had prevented identification of Rec114, Mei4, and Mer2 homologs outside of budding yeast until nonstandard bioinformatics approaches were applied (20, 21). Homologs of Rec114 and Mei4 that are required for meiotic recombination have now been identified in several species, including Mus musculus (2123), S. pombe (17, 18, 24), and Arabidopsis thaliana (25, 26). Proteins discovered independently based on roles in meiotic recombination in the ascomycete Sordaria macrospora (Asy1) and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (DSB-1 and DSB-2) were also subsequently identified as putative Rec114 homologs (20, 27, 28), but Mei4 homologs were not yet identified in these organisms.Several studies have established that DSB auxiliary factors Rec114 and Mei4 work closely together with each other and with Mer2 to promote meiotic DSB formation. Physical interactions among these proteins and their orthologs have been demonstrated for several organisms (19, 21, 2932), and coimmunoprecipitation experiments in M. musculus have further confirmed that these proteins interact with one another in vivo in a meiotic context (23). Recent biochemical analyses have shown that Rec114 and Mei4 together form individual complexes with a stoichiometry of two Rec114 molecules for every one Mei4 molecule and have further suggested that these complexes may self-assemble into large molecular condensates on chromatin during meiotic progression (33). In both S. cerevisiae and M. musculus, all three proteins have been reported to localize together in foci on meiotic prophase chromosomes (19, 23, 29, 32). Further, mouse REC114 and MEI4 and the Mer2 homolog IHO1 all localize predominantly at the meiotic chromosome axis (23, 32), contributing to the idea that they act as an intermediary between chromosome organization and DSB formation. Consistent with this view, chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments in both S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have shown that these proteins interact with both axis-enriched DNA sequences and with DSB sites (31, 3436). Additionally, S. cerevisiae Rec114 and Mei4 interact with the Rec102 and Rec104 subunits that together comprise the TopVIB-like component of the Spo11 core complex (9, 19). Together these findings implicate Rec114–Mei4 in recruiting Spo11 to the meiotic chromosome axis.C. elegans DSB-1 and DSB-2, while clearly implicated in meiotic DSB formation, were difficult to recognize as Rec114 homologs owing to high sequence divergence (20, 27, 28). Further, C. elegans differs from yeast and mice regarding the relationships between DSB formation and meiotic chromosome organization. Whereas DSB-dependent recombination intermediates are required to trigger assembly of the synaptonemal complex (SC) between homologous chromosomes in yeast and mice, C. elegans can achieve full synapsis between aligned homologs even in the absence of DSB formation (6). Thus, there are substantial differences in the cellular environments in which DSB-promoting complexes have evolved and function in different organisms.In our current work, we identify DSB-3 as a protein that partners with DSB-1 and DSB-2 to promote SPO-11–dependent meiotic DSB formation in C. elegans. We demonstrate a requirement for DSB-3 in promoting the DSBs needed for CO formation, and we show that DSB-3 becomes concentrated in germ cell nuclei during the time when DSBs are formed, in a manner that is interdependent with DSB-1 and DSB-2. Through a combination of bioinformatics, interaction data, and colocalization analyses, we identify DSB-3 as a likely Mei4 homolog and establish DSB-1–DSB-2–DSB-3 as functional counterpart of the Rec114-Mei4 complex. Despite homology and a shared role in promoting DSB formation, we find that C. elegans DSB-1, DSB-2, and DSB-3 are distributed broadly on chromatin rather than becoming concentrated preferentially on chromosome axes as observed for mouse REC114–MEI4 complexes. This work highlights the evolutionary malleability of protein complexes that serve essential, yet auxiliary, roles in meiotic recombination. Rapid diversification of such proteins may reflect a relaxation of constraints enabled by changes in another aspect of the reproductive program, or alternatively, they may reflect a capacity of alterations in such proteins to have an immediate impact on reproductive success.  相似文献   

Reducing the expression of the Indy (Acronym for ‘I''m Not Dead, Yet’) gene in lower organisms promotes longevity and leads to a phenotype that resembles various aspects of caloric restriction. In C. elegans, the available data on life span extension is controversial. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the role of the C. elegans INDY homolog CeNAC2 in life span regulation and to delineate possible molecular mechanisms. siRNA against Indy/CeNAC2 was used to reduce expression of Indy/CeNAC2. Mean life span was assessed in four independent experiments, as well as whole body fat content and AMPK activation. Moreover, the effect of Indy/CeNAC2 knockdown in C. elegans with inactivating variants of AMPK (TG38) was studied. Knockdown of Indy/CeNAC2 increased life span by 22 ± 3% compared to control siRNA treated C. elegans, together with a decrease in whole body fat content by ~50%. Indy/CeNAC2 reduction also increased the activation of the intracellular energy sensor AMPK/aak2. In worms without functional AMPK/aak2, life span was not extended when Indy/CeNAC2 was reduced. Inhibition of glycolysis with deoxyglucose, an intervention known to increase AMPK/aak2 activity and life span, did not promote longevity when Indy/CeNAC2 was knocked down. Together, these data indicate that reducing the expression of Indy/CeNAC2 increases life span in C. elegans, an effect mediated at least in part by AMPK/aak2.  相似文献   

Survival data from Caenorhabditis elegans strain TJ1060 (spe-9; fer-15) following brief exposure to 35 °C have been investigated. Three experiments with 3-day-old worms were conducted with heat duration ranging between 0 and 12 hours. A statistically significant increase in life expectancy was observed in the groups heated for less than 2 hours, as compared to the unheated control groups. In different experiments P-values for the observed life spans under the hypothesis that heating has no influence on longevity were P < 0.004 after 0.5 hour heat, P < 0.012 after 1 hour heat and P < 0.055 after 2 hours of heating. A biphasic survival model with Gamma distributed frailty has been constructed to describe the survival of worms after heating. The increase in the remaining life expectancy is determined by more effective protection by heat-induced substances in the ages yanger than 27 days. The unheated control group demonstrated acquired heterogeneity of frailty with chronological age while the heat-induced substances defend the worms in a universal way and protect against the development of frailty.  相似文献   

We present an imaging system for pan-neuronal recording in crawling Caenorhabditis elegans. A spinning disk confocal microscope, modified for automated tracking of the C. elegans head ganglia, simultaneously records the activity and position of ∼80 neurons that coexpress cytoplasmic calcium indicator GCaMP6s and nuclear localized red fluorescent protein at 10 volumes per second. We developed a behavioral analysis algorithm that maps the movements of the head ganglia to the animal’s posture and locomotion. Image registration and analysis software automatically assigns an index to each nucleus and calculates the corresponding calcium signal. Neurons with highly stereotyped positions can be associated with unique indexes and subsequently identified using an atlas of the worm nervous system. To test our system, we analyzed the brainwide activity patterns of moving worms subjected to thermosensory inputs. We demonstrate that our setup is able to uncover representations of sensory input and motor output of individual neurons from brainwide dynamics. Our imaging setup and analysis pipeline should facilitate mapping circuits for sensory to motor transformation in transparent behaving animals such as C. elegans and Drosophila larva.Understanding how brain dynamics creates behaviors requires quantifying the flow and transformation of sensory information to motor output in behaving animals. Optical imaging using genetically encoded calcium or voltage fluorescent probes offers a minimally invasive method to record neural activity in intact animals. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is particularly ideal for optical neurophysiology owing to its small size, optical transparency, compact nervous system, and ease of genetic manipulation. Imaging systems for tracking the activity of small numbers of neurons have been effective in determining their role during nematode locomotion and navigational behaviors like chemotaxis, thermotaxis, and the escape response (16). Recordings from large numbers of interconnected neurons are required to understand how neuronal ensembles carry out the systematic transformations of sensory input into motor patterns that build behavioral decisions.Several methods for fast 3D imaging of neural activity in a fixed imaging volume have been developed for different model organisms (714). High-speed light sheet microscopy, light field microscopy, multifocus microscopy, and two-photon structured illumination microscopy have proved effective for rapidly recording large numbers of neurons in immobilized, intact, transparent animals like larval zebrafish and nematodes (1519). However, these methods are problematic when attempting to track many neurons within the bending and moving body of a behaving animal. Panneuronal recording in moving animals poses higher demands on spatial and temporal resolution. Furthermore, extracting neuronal signals from recordings in a behaving animal requires an effective analysis pipeline to segment image volumes into the activity patterns of discrete and identifiable neurons.Here, we use high-speed spinning disk confocal microscopy—modified for automated tracking using real-time image analysis and motion control software—to volumetrically image the head ganglia of behaving C. elegans adults at single-cell resolution. Our setup can simultaneously track ∼80 neurons with 0.45 × 0.45 × 2-μm resolution at 10 Hz. Activity was reported by the ultrasensitive calcium indicator GCaMP6s expressed throughout the cytosol under the control of the pan-neuronal rgef-1 promoter (a gift from D. Pilgrim, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) (20). To facilitate segmentation into individual identifiable neurons, nuclei were tracked using calcium-insensitive, nuclear-bound red fluorescent protein (RFP), TagRFP, under the control of another pan-neuronal rab-3 promoter (a gift from O. Hobert, Columbia University, New York) (21). We developed an image analysis pipeline that converts the gross movements of the head into the time-varying position and posture of the crawling worm, and converts fluorescence measurements into near simultaneous activity patterns of all imaged neurons.A similar approach to brainwide imaging in moving C. elegans using the same transgenic strain has recently been reported (22). Although both setups use customized spinning disk confocal microscopes, the strategies for tracking the moving neurons and analyzing behavioral and neural activity patterns are different. Nguyen et al. (22) use a low power objective to track the posture of the animal and a high power objective to locate and image the nerve ring. The advantage of our single objective setup is that it affords the flexibility, for example, to deliver thermosensory inputs using an opaque temperature controlled stage below the animal. The advantage of low-magnification imaging is that it provides a direct measurement of animal posture, which we must infer. These new technologies for pan-neuronal imaging in roaming animals now enables correlating brainwide dynamics to sensory inputs and motor outputs in transparent behaving animals like C. elegans and Drosophila larvae.  相似文献   

Many late-onset proteotoxic diseases are accompanied by a disruption in homeostasis of metals (metallostasis) including iron, copper and zinc. Although aging is the most prominent risk factor for these disorders, the impact of aging on metallostasis and its role in proteotoxic disease remain poorly understood. Moreover, it is not clear whether a loss of metallostasis influences normal aging. We have investigated the role of metallostasis in longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans. We found that calcium, copper, iron, and manganese levels increase as a function of age, while potassium and phosphorus levels tend to decrease. Increased dietary iron significantly accelerated the age-related accumulation of insoluble protein, a molecular pathology of aging. Proteomic analysis revealed widespread effects of dietary iron in multiple organelles and tissues. Pharmacological interventions to block accumulation of specific metals attenuated many models of proteotoxicity and extended normal lifespan. Collectively, these results suggest that a loss of metallostasis with aging contributes to age-related protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Proper left–right symmetry breaking is essential for animal development, and in many cases, this process is actomyosin-dependent. In Caenorhabditis elegans embryos active torque generation in the actomyosin layer promotes left–right symmetry breaking by driving chiral counterrotating cortical flows. While both Formins and Myosins have been implicated in left–right symmetry breaking and both can rotate actin filaments in vitro, it remains unclear whether active torques in the actomyosin cortex are generated by Formins, Myosins, or both. We combined the strength of C. elegans genetics with quantitative imaging and thin film, chiral active fluid theory to show that, while Non-Muscle Myosin II activity drives cortical actomyosin flows, it is permissive for chiral counterrotation and dispensable for chiral symmetry breaking of cortical flows. Instead, we find that CYK-1/Formin activation in RhoA foci is instructive for chiral counterrotation and promotes in-plane, active torque generation in the actomyosin cortex. Notably, we observe that artificially generated large active RhoA patches undergo rotations with consistent handedness in a CYK-1/Formin–dependent manner. Altogether, we conclude that CYK-1/Formin–dependent active torque generation facilitates chiral symmetry breaking of actomyosin flows and drives organismal left–right symmetry breaking in the nematode worm.

The emergence of left–right asymmetry is essential for normal animal development and, in the majority of animal species, one type of handedness is dominant (1). The actin cytoskeleton plays an instrumental role in establishing the left–right asymmetric body plan of invertebrates like fruit flies (26), nematodes (711), and pond snails (1215). Moreover, an increasing number of studies showed that vertebrate left–right patterning also depends on a functional actomyosin cytoskeleton (13, 1622). Actomyosin-dependent chiral behavior has even been reported in isolated cells (2328) and such cell-intrinsic chirality has been shown to promote left–right asymmetric morphogenesis of tissues (29, 30), organs (21, 31), and entire embryonic body plans (12, 13, 32, 33). Active force generation in the actin cytoskeleton is responsible for shaping cells and tissues during embryo morphogenesis. Torques are rotational forces with a given handedness and it has been proposed that in plane, active torque generation in the actin cytoskeleton drives chiral morphogenesis (7, 8, 34, 35).What could be the molecular origin of these active torques? The actomyosin cytoskeleton consists of actin filaments, actin-binding proteins, and Myosin motors. Actin filaments are polar polymers with a right-handed helical pitch and are therefore chiral themselves (36, 37). Due to the right-handed pitch of filamentous actin, Myosin motors can rotate actin filaments along their long axis while pulling on them (33, 3842). Similarly, when physically constrained, members of the Formin family rotate actin filaments along their long axis while elongating them (43). In both cases the handedness of this rotation is determined by the helical nature of the actin polymer. From this it follows that both Formins and Myosins are a potential source of molecular torque generation that could drive cellular and organismal chirality. Indeed, chiral processes across different length scales, and across species, are dependent on Myosins (19), Formins (1315, 26), or both (7, 8, 21, 44). It is, however, unclear how Formins and Myosins contribute to active torque generation and the emergence chiral processes in developing embryos.In our previous work we showed that the actomyosin cortex of some Caenorhabditis elegans embryonic blastomeres undergoes chiral counterrotations with consistent handedness (7, 35). These chiral actomyosin flows can be recapitulated using active chiral fluid theory that describes the actomyosin layer as a thin-film, active gel that generates active torques (7, 45, 46). Chiral counterrotating cortical flows reorient the cell division axis, which is essential for normal left–right symmetry breaking (7, 47). Moreover, cortical counterrotations with the same handedness have been observed in Xenopus one-cell embryos (32), suggesting that chiral counterrotations are conserved among distant species. Chiral counterrotating actomyosin flow in C. elegans blastomeres is driven by RhoA signaling and is dependent on Non-Muscle Myosin II motor proteins (7). Moreover, the Formin CYK-1 has been implicated in actomyosin flow chirality during early polarization of the zygote as well as during the first cytokinesis (48, 49). Despite having identified a role for Myosins and Formins, the underlying mechanism by which active torques are generated remains elusive.Here we show that the Diaphanous-like Formin, CYK-1/Formin, is a critical determinant for the emergence of actomyosin flow chirality, while Non-Muscle Myosin II (NMY-2) plays a permissive role. Our results show that cortical CYK-1/Formin is recruited by active RhoA signaling foci and promotes active torque generation, which in turn tends to locally rotate the actomyosin cortex clockwise. In the highly connected actomyosin meshwork, a gradient of these active torques drives the emergence of chiral counterrotating cortical flows with uniform handedness, which is essential for proper left–right symmetry breaking. Together, these results provide mechanistic insight into how Formin-dependent torque generation drives cellular and organismal left–right symmetry breaking.  相似文献   

The ability to acquire large-scale recordings of neuronal activity in awake and unrestrained animals is needed to provide new insights into how populations of neurons generate animal behavior. We present an instrument capable of recording intracellular calcium transients from the majority of neurons in the head of a freely behaving Caenorhabditis elegans with cellular resolution while simultaneously recording the animal’s position, posture, and locomotion. This instrument provides whole-brain imaging with cellular resolution in an unrestrained and behaving animal. We use spinning-disk confocal microscopy to capture 3D volumetric fluorescent images of neurons expressing the calcium indicator GCaMP6s at 6 head-volumes/s. A suite of three cameras monitor neuronal fluorescence and the animal’s position and orientation. Custom software tracks the 3D position of the animal’s head in real time and two feedback loops adjust a motorized stage and objective to keep the animal’s head within the field of view as the animal roams freely. We observe calcium transients from up to 77 neurons for over 4 min and correlate this activity with the animal’s behavior. We characterize noise in the system due to animal motion and show that, across worms, multiple neurons show significant correlations with modes of behavior corresponding to forward, backward, and turning locomotion.How do patterns of neural activity generate an animal’s behavior? To answer this question, it is important to develop new methods for recording from large populations of neurons in animals as they move and behave freely. The collective activity of many individual neurons appears to be critical for generating behaviors including arm reach in primates (1), song production in zebrafinch (2), the choice between swimming or crawling in leech (3), and decision-making in mice during navigation (4). New methods for recording from larger populations of neurons in unrestrained animals are needed to better understand neural coding of these behaviors and neural control of behavior more generally.Calcium imaging has emerged as a promising technique for recording dynamics from populations of neurons. Calcium-sensitive proteins are used to visualize changes in intracellular calcium levels in neurons in vivo which serve as a proxy for neural activity (5). To resolve the often weak fluorescent signal of an individual neuron in a dense forest of other labeled cells requires a high magnification objective with a large numerical aperture that, consequently, can image only a small field of view. Calcium imaging has traditionally been performed on animals that are stationary from anesthetization or immobilization to avoid imaging artifacts induced by animal motion. As a result, calcium imaging studies have historically focused on small brain regions in immobile animals that exhibit little or no behavior (6).No previous neurophysiological study has attained whole-brain imaging with cellular resolution in a freely behaving unrestrained animal. Previous whole-brain cellular resolution calcium imaging studies of populations of neurons that involve behavior investigate either fictive locomotion (3, 7), or behaviors that can be performed in restrained animals, such as eye movements (8) or navigation of a virtual environment (9). One exception has been the development of fluorescence endoscopy, which allows recording from rodents during unrestrained behavior, although imaging is restricted to even smaller subbrain regions (10).Investigating neural activity in small transparent organisms allows one to move beyond studying subbrain regions to record dynamics from entire brains with cellular resolution. Whole-brain imaging was performed first in larval zebrafish using two-photon microscopy (7). More recently, whole-brain imaging was performed in Caenorhabditis elegans using two-photon (11) and light-field microscopy (12). Animals in these studies were immobilized, anesthetized, or both and thus exhibited no gross behavior.C. elegans’ compact nervous system of only 302 neurons and small size of only 1 mm make it ideally suited for the development of new whole-brain imaging techniques for studying behavior. There is a long and rich history of studying and quantifying the behavior of freely moving C. elegans dating back to the mid-1970s (13, 14). Many of these works involved quantifying animal body posture as the worm moved, for example as in ref. 15. To facilitate higher-throughput recordings of behavior, a number of tracking microscopes (1618) or multiworm imagers were developed (19, 20) along with sophisticated behavioral analysis software and analytical tools (21, 22). Motivated in part to understand these behaviors, calcium imaging systems were also developed that could probe neural activity in at first partially immobilized (23) and then freely moving animals, beginning with ref. 24 and and then developing rapidly (17, 18, 2529). One limitation of these freely moving calcium imaging systems is that they are limited to imaging only a very small subset of neurons and lack the ability to distinguish neurons that lie atop one another in the axial direction of the microscope. Despite this limitation, these studies, combined with laser-ablation experiments, have identified a number of neurons that correlate or affect changes in particular behaviors including the AVB neuron pair and VB-type motor neurons for forward locomotion; the AVA, AIB, and AVE neuron pairs and VA-type motor neurons for backward locomotion; and the RIV, RIB, and SMD neurons and the DD-type motor neurons for turning behaviors (17, 18, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31). To move beyond these largely single-cell studies, we sought to record simultaneously from the entire brain of C. elegans with cellular resolution and record its behavior as it moved about unrestrained.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans, the downregulation of insulin-like signaling induces lifespan extension (Age) and the constitutive formation of dauer larvae (Daf-c). This also causes resistance to oxidative stress (Oxr) and other stress stimuli and enhances the expression of many stress-defense-related enzymes such as Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD) that functions to remove reactive oxygen species in mitochondria. To elucidate the roles of the two isoforms of MnSOD, SOD-2 and SOD-3, in the Age, Daf-c and Oxr phenotypes, we investigated the effects of a gene knockout of MnSODs on them in the daf-2 (insulin-like receptor) mutants that lower insulin-like signaling. In our current report, we demonstrate that double deletions of two MnSOD genes induce oxidative-stress sensitivity and thus ablate Oxr, but do not abolish Age in the daf-2 mutant background. This indicates that Oxr is not the underlying cause of Age and that oxidative stress is not necessarily a limiting factor for longevity. Interestingly, deletions in the sod-2 and sod-3 genes suppressed and stimulated, respectively, both Age and Daf-c. In addition, the sod-2/sod-3 double deletions stimulated these phenotypes in a similar manner to the sod-3 deletion, suggesting that the regulatory pathway consists of two MnSOD isoforms. Furthermore, hyperoxic and hypoxic conditions affected Daf-c in the MnSOD-deleted daf-2 mutants. We thus conclude that the MnSOD systems in C. elegans fine-tune the insulin-like-signaling based regulation of both longevity and dauer formation by acting not as antioxidants but as physiological-redox-signaling modulators.  相似文献   

Channel waveguides with diffraction gratings at their input and output for light injection and extraction, respectively, are extensively exploited for optical and photonic applications. In this paper, we report for the first time on such an architecture on glass entirely elaborated by sol–gel processing using a titanium-oxide-based photoresist that can be imprinted through a single photolithography step. This work is more particularly focused on a fluorescent architecture including channel waveguides doped with a ruthenium-complex fluorophore (tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II), Rudpp). The study demonstrates that this original sol–gel micro-structured architecture is well adapted to efficient channel waveguide/diffraction grating coupling and propagation of the fluorescence excitation and emission signals in the core of the channel waveguide. It demonstrates, in particular, a relatively large tolerance of several degrees in the angular injection fiber positioning and an important axial and vertical fiber spatial positioning tolerance of more than 100 µm at the Rudpp emission wavelength. The measurements also indicate that, in the conditions tested in this work, a Rudpp concentration of around 0.1 mM and a channel waveguide length of 2 to 5 mm offer the best trade-off in terms of excitation signal propagation and emission signal detection. This work constitutes a promising preliminary step toward the integration of our architecture into a microfluidic platform for fluorescence measurement in a liquid medium and waveguiding configuration.  相似文献   

The complement system is an ancient cascade system that has a major role in innate and adaptive immunity. Component C3 is central to the three complement pathways. Hereditary compliment 3 (C3) deficiency characterized by severe recurrent infections and immune complex disorders is extremely rare disease. Since 1972, inherited C3 deficiency has been described in many families representing a variety of national origins; however, only 8 families of these cases have been identified their genetic defects. Interestingly, all except one (incomplete analysis) were shown to harbor homozygous C3 gene mutations. Previously we proposed a hypothesis, based on the unique process of C3 synthesis; C3 deficiency is not inherited as a simple autosomal recessive trait. Here, we report the first confirmed case with C3 deficiency caused by compound heterozygous mutations. They were a novel one base insertion (3176insT) in exon 24 which is predicted to result in a frameshift and a premature downstream stop codon (K1105X) in exon 26, and a nonsense mutation of C3303G (Y1081X) in exon 26 which was previously reported as homozygous mutations. This confirmed case suggests that our proposed hypothesis has prospects of a new aspect of pathogenesis for C3 deficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract: Background/Aims: HCV is a RNA virus that cannot be integrated with the host genome; it can, however, exert its oncogenic potential indirectly by contributing to the modulatory effects of the host immune system, probably through a capacity to elude the immune system. We have carried out a case‐controlled study on the different oncological pathologies which have, to date, been shown to have a relationship with HCV. Methods: We screened 495 patients with different types of cancer: 114 cases of liver cancer, 41 of multiple myeloma, 111 non‐Hodgkin’s lymphomas, 130 thyroid cancers, 63 cases of Hodgkin’s disease. The controls were 226 patients with no history of cancer. The relationship between each cancer and HCV infection was assessed by means of odds ratios (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Results: Risks were greater for liver cancer (OR=32.9 95% CI 16.5–65.4, p<0.0001), multiple myeloma (OR=4.5 95% CI 1.9–10.7, p=0.0004) and B‐cell non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma (OR=3.7 95% CI 1.9–7.4, p=0.0001). For Hodgkin’s disease there was no significant association (p=0.3). An association between HCV and thyroid cancer was noted (OR=2.8 95% CI 1.2–6.3, p=0.01). Conlusion: Our study is particularly important for public health since the high prevalence of HCV in the South of Italy gives reason to expect increases in not only liver cancer, but also tumors associated with the immune system and thyroid cancer in years to come.  相似文献   

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