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This paper uses data from the Demographic and Health Surveys program (DHS) in 11 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to explore the contribution of private health care providers to population coverage with a variety of maternal and child health and family planning services. The choice of countries and services assessed was mainly determined by the availability of data in the different surveys. Private providers contribute significantly to family planning services and treatment of children's infectious diseases in a number of the countries studied. This is as expected from the predictions of economic theory, since these goods are less subject to market failures. For the more 'public goods' type services, such as immunization and ante-natal care, their role is much more circumscribed. Two groups of countries were identified: those with a higher private provision role across many different types of services and those where private provision was limited to only one or two types of the services studied. The analysis identified the lack of consistent or systematic definitions of private providers across countries as well as the absence of data on many key services in most of the DHS surveys. Given the significance of private provision of public health goods in many countries, the authors propose much more systematic efforts to measure these variables in the future. This could be included in future DHS surveys without too much difficulty.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of whether and how structural adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa has altered the level and nature of state involvement in the health care system. Stabilization and structural adjustment generally entail a reduction in aggregate demand, especially government spending, and a reduced role for the state in the provision of many goods and services. Consequently, there is an a priori concern that stabilization and adjustment in Africa may have resulted in lower health expenditures with deleterious effects on the health status of the population, particularly the poor. This paper concludes that structural adjustment programs in Africa did not reduce public health expenditures. In fact, many countries experienced higher real expenditures after adjustment. The fact that many indicators of health status deteriorated during the 1980s, however, presents somewhat of a paradox given the patterns of health expenditures. This paradox is resolved, by an investigation of the intrasectoral allocation of health expenditures which reveals that there are systematic biases in public expenditures towards tertiary and curative care, and a general weakness in the public sector's capacity to deliver adequate health care services even with higher real health sector budgets. In many countries, these biases have persisted despite government and donor intentions to promote health care reform. Finally, the paper reviews a set of policy and institutional issues which hinder the efficient use of budget resources, including overcentralization of health care administration, inappropriate drug and supply procurement practices, the lack of mechanisms for cost recovery, and poor organization, financial and personnel management. At each level of analysis, the paper catalogs those instances where progress is being made towards effective health care reform, including intrasectoral budget rationalization, administrative decentralization, the adoption of user fees for cost recovery, privatization in service delivery, particularly through non-governmental organizations, and organizational and management reform.  相似文献   

The private provision of health services in Vietnam was legalized in 1989 as one of the country's means to mobilize resources and improve efficiency in the health system. Ten years after its legalization, the private sector has widely expanded its activities and become an important provider of health services for the Vietnamese people. However, little is known about its contribution to the overall objectives of the health system in Vietnam. This paper assesses the role of the private health care provider by examining utilization patterns and financial burden for households of private, as compared with public, services. We found that the private sector provided 60% of all outpatient contacts in Vietnam. There was no difference by education, sex or place of residence in the use of private ambulatory health care. Although there was evidence suggesting that rich people use private care more than the poor, this finding was not consistent across all income groups. The private sector served young children in particular. Also, people in households with several sick members at the same time relied more on private than public care, while those with severe illnesses tended to use less private care than public. The financial burden for households from private health care services was roughly a half of that imposed by the public providers. Expenditure on drugs accounted for a substantial percentage of household expenditure in general and health care expenditure in particular. These findings call for a prompt recognition of the private sector as a key player in Vietnam's health system. Health system policies should mobilize positive private sector contributions to health system goals where possible and reduce the negative effects of private provision development.  相似文献   

Public relations activities for all organizations can have an important effect on consumer decision-making when buying goods or services. This study examines the effect that public relations activities can have regarding consumer decisions and choice. To explore exemplify this relationship a questionnaire was given to 971 patients within public, university and private hospitals in Ankara, Turkey. Study results show that public relations activities were a crucial factor in determining consumer hospital choice. The majority of respondents reported that the behaviors and attitude of personnel as public relations activities that support the hospital's reputation within the public were the primary variables in hospital choice. Health care managers can use these findings to further understand how patients make informed choices related to usage of a health care facility and to develop and/or improve public relations activities.  相似文献   

Success in the provision of ambulatory personal health services, i.e. providing individuals with treatment for acute illness and preventive health care on an ambulatory basis, is the most significant contributor to the health care system's performance in most developing countries. Ambulatory personal health care has the potential to contribute the largest immediate gains in health status in populations, especially for the poor. At present, such health care accounts for the largest share of the total health expenditure in most lower income countries. It frequently comprises the largest share of the financial burden on households associated with health care consumption, which is typically regressively distributed. The "organization" of ambulatory personal health services is a critical determinant of the health system's performance which, at present, is poorly understood and insufficiently considered in policies and programmes for reforming health care systems. This article begins with a brief analysis of the importance of ambulatory care in the overall health system performance and this is followed by a summary of the inadequate global data on ambulatory care organization. It then defines the concept of "macro organization of health care" at a system level. Outlined also is a framework for analysing the organization of health care services and the major pathways through which the organization of ambulatory personal health care services can affect system performance. Examples of recent policy interventions to influence primary care organization--both government and nongovernmental providers and market structure--are reviewed. It is argued that the characteristics of health care markets in developing countries and of most primary care goods result in relatively diverse and competitive environments for ambulatory care services, compared with other types of health care. Therefore, governments will be required to use a variety of approaches beyond direct public provision of services to improve performance. To do this wisely, much better information on ambulatory care organization is needed, as well as more experience with diverse approaches to improve performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines delivery of public health care services in India, in the broader context of decentralization. It provides an overview of the basic features and recent developments in intergovernmental fiscal relations and accountability mechanisms, and it examines the implications of these institutions for the quality of public service delivery. It then addresses recent policy proposals on the public provision of health care, in the context of decentralization. Finally, it makes suggestions for reform priorities to improve public health care delivery.  相似文献   

India has a plurality of health care systems as well as different systems of medicine. The government and local administrations provide public health care in hospitals and clinics. Public health care in rural areas is concentrated on prevention and promotion services to the detriment of curative services. The rural primary health centers are woefully underutilized because they fail to provide their clients with the desired amount of attention and medication and because they have inconvenient locations and long waiting times. Public hospitals provide 60% of all hospitalizations, while the private sector provides 75% of all routine care. The private sector is composed of an equal number of qualified doctors and unqualified practitioners, with a greater ratio of unqualified to qualified existing in less developed states. In rural areas, qualified doctors are clustered in areas where government services are available. With a population barely able to meet its nutritional needs, India needs universalization of health care provision to assure equity in health care access and availability instead of a large number of doctors who are profiting from the sicknesses of the poor.  相似文献   

Ethical behaviour in health workers is the jewel in the crown of health services. Health system policies need to nurture a professional service ethic. The primary health care policy envisioned a national health system led by the public sector and based on a philosophy of cooperation. A common theme of 'health sector reform' in OECD countries, introduced in the context of neoliberalism, has been the use of 'managed competition' to increase efficiency. Some countries that flirted with health system competition have returned to cooperation. Market relationships tend to be oppositional and to stimulate self-seeking behaviour. Health system relationships should encourage patient and community centred behaviour. The World Bank and bilateral donors have exported health sector reform theories from the north to the south, involving privatization and marketization policies. This is despite the lack of evidence on their desirability or feasibility of implementing them. Private health care has increased in many developing countries, more as a result of economic crisis and liberalization than specific health sector reforms. Much of this private practice is unlicensed and unregulated, and informal privatization has had a damaging effect on health worker ethics. The lead policy should be reconstruction of the public health system, involving decentralization, democratization and improved management. Commonsense contracting of an existing private sector is different from a policy of proactive privatization and marketization. Underlying the two approaches is whether health care should be viewed as a human right best served by socialized provision or a private good requiring governments only to correct market failures and ensure basic care for the poor. It is a matter of politics, not economics.  相似文献   

Objective. To determine whether patients who use private sector providers for curative services have lower vaccination rates and are less likely to receive prenatal care.
Data Sources/Study Setting. This study uses data from the 52d round of the National Sample Survey, a nationally representative socioeconomic and health survey of 120,942 rural and urban Indian households conducted in 1995–1996.
Study Design. Using logistic regression, we estimate the relationship between receipt of preventive care at any time (vaccinations for children, prenatal care for pregnant women) and use of public or private care for outpatient curative services, controlling for demographics, household socioeconomic status, and state of residence.
Data Collection/Extraction Methods. We analyzed samples of children ages 0 to 4 and pregnant women who used medical care within a 15-day window prior to the survey.
Principal Findings. With the exception of measles vaccination, predicted probabilities of the receipt of vaccinations and prenatal care do not differ based on the type of provider at which children and women sought curative care. Children and pregnant women in households who use private care are almost twice as likely to receive preventive care from private sources, but the majority still obtains preventive care from public providers.
Conclusions. We do not find support for the hypothesis that children and pregnant women who use private care are less likely to receive public health services. Results are consistent with the notion that Indian households are able to successfully navigate the coexisting public and private systems, and obtain services selectively from each. However, because the study employed an observational, cross-sectional study design, findings should be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   

While China's health services are primarily financed by out-of-pocket spending (private financing), health care providers, especially the hospital industry, are still dominated by state ownership and government control (public provision). Even though the private sector plays an increasing role in the ambulatory sector, private services are not included in the social insurance benefit package, and thus, it primarily serves self-paying patients. The ambiguity of the government policy toward private provision stems from concerns that an increasing private sector would drive up costs and its services may be of questionable quality. This paper tries to gather evidence on the relative performance of private and public sector in China. Neither literature review nor our primary data analysis provides any support for the notion that the private sector charges a higher price and they serve primarily the better-off people. Quite on the contrary, available data seem to suggest that not only the private sector tends to serve disproportionately the low-middle income groups (this may well be due to its relative lower direct and indirect costs), consumer satisfaction also seems to be higher with regards to certain dimensions of the private than public sector.  相似文献   

The use of private health care providers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is widespread and is the subject of considerable debate. We review here a new model of private primary care provision emerging in South Africa, in which commercial companies provide standardized primary care services at relatively low cost. The structure and operation of one such company is described, and features of service delivery are compared with the most probable alternatives: a private general practitioner or a public sector clinic. In a case study of cost and quality of services, the clinics were popular with service users and run at a cost per visit comparable to public sector primary care clinics. However, their current role in tackling important public health problems was limited. The implications for public health policy of the emergence of this new model of private provider are discussed. It is argued that encouraging the use of such clinics by those who can afford to pay for them might not help to improve care available for the poorest population groups, which are an important priority for the government. Encouraging such providers to compete for government funding could, however, be desirable if the range of services presently offered, and those able to access them, could be broadened. However, the constraints to implementing such a system successfully are notable, and these are acknowledged. Even without such contractual arrangements, these companies provide an important lesson to the public sector that acceptability of services to users and low-cost service delivery are not incompatible objectives.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the service needs and support costs of elderly people with cognitive impairment on hospital and community health services, primary health care, social services, and informal carers in England. It examines the resource consequences of major changes in the provision of care, exploring the implications for both cost and effectiveness. The study was designed to provide a secondary analysis of the OPCS disability surveys in order to estimate the balance of care, and current provision of services. It also estimates of costs of present provision and potential policy options. Results show large scale improvements in the provision of care for people living in private households and local authority homes require significant increases in funding, but reductions in the provision of long-stay hospital beds can significantly reduce the cost burden to the public purse. Given the increasing demand pressure on health and social care expenditure, it seems unlikely that large scale improvements in the care supplied to elderly people with cognitive impairment can be achieved without some change in the balance of care. The cost of implementing improvements in care for the 200000 people living in private households and the 45000 people in local authority homes could be offset by reducing the provision of costly long stay hospital provision with alternative institutional care such as NHS nursing homes.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Of 2.4 million American Indians, approximately 60% are eligible to receive Indian Health Service (IHS) benefits, leaving many to seek care elsewhere. It is unknown if their quality of care, health behaviors, and health status vary by source of care, as demonstrated for other populations. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether preventive services, health behaviors, and number of health conditions vary as a function of having non-IHS public versus private physicians as sources of usual care. METHODS: 1,177 Lumbee Indians, who are ineligible to receive IHS services, completed a telephone interview that included information on receipt of preventive measures, tobacco use, physical activity, breast self-examination, and medical conditions. Frequencies, chi-squares, t tests, odds ratios, and confidence intervals were used to compare variables by source of care. FINDINGS: 939 respondents (80%) had a private and 210 (18%) a public health clinic physician as their usual source of care; 28 (2%) reported having neither. Logistic regression analyses, restricted to the 1,149 participants who reported either a private or public source of care, revealed no differences in receipt of preventive services or health status by usual source of care. Smokeless tobacco use was less common among persons using private than public providers. CONCLUSIONS: Lumbees whose usual source of care was a public clinic physician did not differ in receipt of preventive services or in health status compared to their counterparts who received care from a private physician. More targeted research into health similarities and differences arising from access to public and private sources of care is warranted.  相似文献   

It is often argued that the private sector is more efficient than the public sector in the production of health services, and that government reliance on private provision would help improve the efficiency and equity of public spending in health. A review of the literature, however, shows that there is little evidence to support these statements. A study of government and non-governmental facilities was undertaken in Senegal, taking into account case mix, input prices, and quality of care, to examine relative efficiency in the delivery of health services. The study revealed that private providers are highly heterogeneous, although they tend to offer better quality services. A specific and important group of providers--Catholic health posts--were shown to be significantly more efficient than public and other private facilities in the provision of curative and preventive ambulatory services at high levels of output. Policies to expand the role of the private sector need to take into account variations in types of providers, as well as evidence of both high and low quality among them. In terms of public sector efficiency, findings from the study affirm others that indicate drug policy reform to be one of the most important policy interventions that can simultaneously improve efficiency, quality and effectiveness of care. Relationships that this study identified between quality and efficiency suggest that strategies to improve quality can increase efficiency, raise demand for services, and thereby expand access.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We compared differences in mental health needs and provision of mental health services among residents of Santiago, Chile, with private and public health insurance coverage. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of a random sample of adults. Presence of mental disorders and use of health care services were assessed via structured interviews. Individuals were classified as having public, private, or no health insurance coverage. RESULTS: Among individuals with mental disorders, only 20% (95% confidence interval [CI]=16%, 24%) had consulted a professional about these problems. A clear mismatch was found between need and provision of services. Participants with public insurance coverage exhibited the highest prevalence of mental disorders but the lowest rates of consultation; participants with private coverage exhibited exactly the opposite pattern. After adjustment for age, income, and severity of symptoms, private insurance coverage (odds ratio [OR]=2.72; 95% CI=1.6, 4.6) and higher disability level (OR=1.27, 95% CI=1.1, 1.5) were the only factors associated with increased frequency of mental health consultation. CONCLUSIONS: The health reforms that have encouraged the growth of the private health sector in Chile also have increased risk segmentation within the health system, accentuating inequalities in health care provision.  相似文献   

Since its independence in 1991, the Republic of Macedonia became a highly centralized state, with most relevant decisions taken at the central level in Skopje, resembling the highly centralized system, which once characterized Former Yugoslavia. As agreed in the Framework Agreement, which ended six months of internal conflict, the Macedonian Government will decentralize public services delivery, including social protection, health, education, and infrastructure over the course of the next few years. Within health care, it is argued that by placing policy-making authority and operating control closer to the client, decentralization will reduce some of the inequities in service provision and inefficiencies present within the current centrally controlled system. In principle, local voters will have more information on the price and quality of services, thereby increasing competition in the sector and strengthening the private sector. The emphasis on market incentives resulting in greater efficiency and better management of health care institutions is viewed as one of the benefits of privatization. Critics of decentralization and the subsequent privatization of public services fear it may result in an erosion of quality and consistency across regions, leaving some regions, cities, villages and potentially vulnerable groups worse off than others. The paper argues that if the institutional weaknesses in Macedonia have not been addressed, decentralisation could result in further excluding the rural population from health care provision. Similarly, the need for a clear delineation of responsibilities and functions among different levels and institutions is outlined.  相似文献   

A study of private-sector immunization services was undertaken to assess scope of practice and quality of care and to identify opportunities for the development of models of collaboration between the public and the private health sector. A questionnaire survey was conducted with health providers at 127 private facilities; clinical practices were directly observed; and a policy forum was held for government representatives, private healthcare providers, and international partners. In terms of prevalence of private-sector provision of immunization services, 93% of the private inpatient clinics surveyed provided immunization services. The private sector demonstrated a lack of quality of care and management in terms of health workers' knowledge of immunization schedules, waste and vaccine management practices, and exchange of health information with the public sector. Policy and operational guidelines are required for private-sector immunization practices that address critical subject areas, such as setting of standards, capacity-building, public-sector monitoring, and exchange of health information between the public and the private sector. Such public/private collaborations will keep pace with the trends towards the development of private-sector provision of health services in developing countries.  相似文献   



The poor in low and middle income countries have limited access to health services due to limited purchasing power, residence in underserved areas, and inadequate health literacy. This produces significant gaps in health care delivery among a population that has a disproportionately large burden of disease. They frequently use the private health sector, due to perceived or actual gaps in public services. A subset of private health organizations, some called social enterprises, have developed novel approaches to increase the availability, affordability and quality of health care services to the poor through innovative health service delivery models. This study aims to characterize these models and identify areas of innovation that have led to effective provision of care for the poor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Private health care services were officially recognized in Vietnam in 1989, and for the last 15 years have competed with the public health system in providing primary curative care and pharmaceutical sales to rural populations. However, the quality of these private and public health care services has not been evaluated and compared. METHODS: A community-based survey was conducted in 30 of the 160 communes in Hung Yen, which were selected by probability proportional to population size (PPS) sampling. All commune health centres (CHCs) and private health care providers in the selected communes were surveyed on human resources, services provided, availability of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, knowledge and clinical performance for acute and chronic problems. Patient satisfaction and cost of care associated with recent illness were measured using a random household survey covering 30 households from each of the selected communes. RESULTS: There were 11.5 private providers per 10,000 population, compared with 6.7 public providers per 10,000. A quarter of private providers were employees of the public health sector. Less than 20% of the private providers had registered their practice with the government system. Eleven per cent (26/234) had no professional qualifications. Fifty-eight per cent (135/234) provided treatment as well as selling medications. Public sector infrastructure was superior to that of the private providers. The quality of services provided by public providers was poor but significantly better than that of private providers. Patient satisfaction and costs of care were similar between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Private providers are successfully competing with the public health centre system in rural areas but not because they provide cheaper or better services. The quality of private health care services is not controlled and is significantly poorer than public services. Current practice in both systems falls below the national standard, especially for the management of chronic health problems. The low quality of health care services at a community level may help explain the previously observed phenomena of high levels of self-medicating, low utilization of commune health centres and over-utilization of tertiary health care facilities.  相似文献   

Health services in the Republic of South Africa (RSA) are provided by a mixture of public and private providers and institutions. Estimates of total health-related expenditure for 1985 range between 5.3% and 5.9% of gross national product (GNP), divided on approximately a 55:45 basis between public and private sectors. Basic preventive and curative services are provided by a hospital- and clinic-based public system. The public system does not adequately serve the rural areas and African tribal bantustans, and racial discrimination and/or segregation are obvious in its organisation and funding. The public sector's strength is the provision of state-subsidised care to many citizens who are unable to afford private medicine. The vast majority of hospitals are operated on a non-profit basis by government, industries, and voluntary agencies. Excluding hospitals that receive state subsidies, private investor-owned hospitals control about 10% of all hospital beds in the RSA. One-third of these investor-owned beds are held by state-dependent contractors providing long-term care. Two-thirds are wholly independent. Growth has been rapid in the independent hospital sector, and major corporations have entered the market. In 1985, over 85% of the white population was privately insured by a variety of prepayment programmes, including those organised through parastatal corporations and government departments. Despite major enrollment growth in the preceding decade, only 8% of blacks held private insurance by 1985; their coverage also tended to be less comprehensive. Faced with deficit financing, a sluggish economy, complaints from its white constituency about taxation levels, and pressure from private sector interest groups, the Nationalist government has endorsed the concept of privatisation of health care. Exponents of privatisation claim that it will permit differentiation by income to supplant discrimination by race. However, the direct links between disposable income and race, the rapidly rising costs of private insurance, and the still-limited extent of private coverage among the black majority, indicate that privatisation is likely to co-opt a comparatively small proportion of the total black population. It may exacerbate the urban-rural imbalance in health status and health services, promote growth of hospital-intensive curative services rather than needed expansion of community-centred preventive and primary care, and create financial barriers to access for low-income patients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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