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Temporary henna tattoos have recently become increasingly popular, especially among teenagers. Combining henna with other colouring agents such as para-phenylenediamine (PPD) may increase its potential for contact sensitization, cross-reaction to related compounds, as well as life-long allergy. Several cases of contact dermatitis from temporary tattoos with black henna have been reported in the literature. We present our experiences with 4 pediatric cases of allergic contact dermatitis induced by henna tattooing and give a brief review of the literature. The agent responsible for contact allergy was proven to be PPD in 3 patients, and in one patch testing revealed positive reactions to PPD and benzocaine, as well as to wool alcohols, nickel sulphate and potassium dichromate, to previously used hair dye—all being of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

The manufacture and application of aluminium phosphide fumigants pose risks of inhalation exposure to phosphine gas. This article presents a case report of suspected inhalation exposure to phosphine gas in a manufacturing facility for aluminium phosphide fumigants, which was associated with acute dyspnoea, hypotension, bradycardia and other signs of intoxication. These symptoms resolved within several hours after removal from exposure. A review of the data on human exposures to phosphide fumigants identifies both pesticide applicators and individuals in the vicinity of application to be at risk of accidental exposure and injury from phosphine inhalation. More recent reports have identified risks of phosphine gas inhalation in association with the clandestine production of methamphetamine. Toxicodynamic effects of phosphine result from the inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase and subsequent generation of reactive oxygen species. There remain unanswered questions relating to the toxicokinetics of phosphine, as well as the assessment of human exposure utilizing biomarkers. As initial signs and symptoms of intoxication from phosphine gas may be nonspecific and transient, there is a need for improved recognition of the potential hazards associated with phosphide fumigants and phosphine gas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report a case of Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura that appears to be related to the intake of clarithromycin for pharyngitis/tonsillitis. CASE SUMMARY: We describe a case of Henoch-Sch?nlein associated with clarithromycin therapy in a 48-year-old white man with no history of allergic drug reactions. Four days after starting therapy, he came to our hospital emergency room because of a non-pruritic palpable purpuric rash on the trunk and extremities and arthralgias involving elbows and knees. Administration of clarithromycin was suspended, in a few days, arthralgias and skin lesions quickly resolved. Three weeks later, the patient presented again with abdominal pain, dark-red urine and swelling of the legs. Urinalysis revealed proteinuria of 11 g/24 h and hematuria. A percutaneous renal biopsy showed a diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis with segmental areas of fibrinoid necrosis within glomeruli, on immunofluorescence study granular deposits of IgA and C3 were present in the mesangium and capillary walls. A diagnosis of HSP was made. We suspected that the causative agent might be clarithromycin since this was the only drug added before the cutaneous and renal condition appeared. CONCLUSIONS: Our case and the previous case suggest that HSP may represent a potential adverse effect of clarithromycin, clinicians should be alerted to this potentially severe side effect of such a widely used drug. In accordance with the data obtained and based on the Naranjo algorithm, the adverse reaction could be considered possible.  相似文献   

Background: A review of the literature of the element fluorine and its bonded-form, fluoride, was undertaken. Generally regarded as safe, an expanding body of literature reveals that fluoride’s toxicity has been unappreciated, un-scrutinized, and hidden for over 70 years. The context for the literature search and review was an environmental climate-change study, which demonstrated widespread fluoride contamination by smokestack emissions from coal-fired electricity-generating plants. The objective of this review is to educate and inform regarding the ubiquitous presence and harmful nature of this now ever-present corrosive and reactive toxin.

Methods: Methods include examination of national health agency reviews, primarily the National Research Council (NRC), Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ATSDR), standard medical toxicology references, text books, as well as reports and documents from both private and public research as well as consumer-based NGOs. Study criteria were chosen for relevancy to the subject of the toxicity of fluoride.

Results: Fluoride is the extreme electron scavenger, the most corrosive of all elements, as well as the most-reactive. Fluoride appears to attack living tissues, via several mechanisms. Fluoride renders strong evidence that it is a non-biological chemical, demonstrating no observed beneficial function or role in organic chemistry, beyond use as a pesticide or insecticide. Fluorine has a strong role to play in industry, having been utilized extensively in metals, plastics, paints, aluminium, steel, and uranium production.

Conclusion: Due to its insatiable appetite for calcium, fluorine and fluorides likely represent a form of chemistry that is incompatible with biological tissues and organ system functions. Based on an analysis of the affects of fluoride demonstrated consistently in the literature, safe levels have not been determined nor standardized. Mounting evidence presents conflicting value to its presence in biological settings and applications. Evidence examined in this review of the literature, and specifically the recent report by the National Research Council (NRC), offer strong support for an immediate reconsideration concerning risk vs benefit. Consensus recommendations from several sources are presented.  相似文献   

Considerable interest has lately been expressed in motor car driving whilst under the influence of drugs. Unlike depressant drugs (e.g. alcohol) dance drugs are often perceived to enhance driving skills. The physical effects and the current lack of police roadside testing are possible contributing reasons for dance drug driving. This paper aims to show through a literature review on the subject, the demographics of those involved in dance drug driving and the extent to which certain dance drugs are implicated in drug driving incidents. Drug driving is found to be highest amongst the 18-35 year age group and more prevalent amongst adult males. Prevalence figures for driving under the influence of individual drugs are also given. The numbers of people involved in accidents/fatalities and testing positive for amphetamine, cocaine and other dance drugs is small. Although self-reporting especially of illegal activities is difficult to accurately evaluate, most of the reported studies use actual blood/urine samples and so can be considered accurate. The literature does not highlight any real concerns regarding dance drug driving in terms of prevalence although it does highlight the paucity of research in this area, in particular 'Culture E and driving'.  相似文献   



Thrombocytopenia is a common complication in the intensive care unit (ICU), but the incidence of drug-induced thrombocytopenia (DIT) is not well defined. We investigate linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia in patients with impaired renal function. Since recent studies suggest that linezolid clearance is reduced in these patients and there are no precise data confirming that dose-adjustment should be required, we performed a systematic analysis in order to establish whether it is necessary to consider a dose adjustment and promote studies to confirm this concept.


We report a case of thrombocytopenia (nadir 32?×?103/μl) in a patient with acute kidney injury who was treated with linezolid for a MRSA pulmonary infection. We performed a systematic review of the literature through PubMed with the aim to include every case report, case series, prospective and retrospective clinical study reporting linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia with concomitant impaired renal function.


An increasing number of clinical studies suggest a correlation between the onset of linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia and renal dysfunction. Close monitoring of platelet count and hemoglobin is recommended in patients treated with linezolid, especially in those with impaired renal function because the reduction of its clearance causes drug accumulation, as some studies have reported.


Clinicians should consider the potential risk of this complication, especially in elderly patients with end-stage renal disease. Further studies should be encouraged to determine if the incidence of linezolid-related thrombocytopenia could be reduced by a dose adjustment according to renal function, for which currently there is still no specific recommendation.  相似文献   

We present three different cases of patients with papilledema: one case with a primary tumour of the optic nerve, and two cases with secondary involvement of the optic nerve (breast carcinoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma). The visual acuity varies from sudden, painless, decrease of vision, to blurred vision and proptosis on the affected eye. A characteristic ophthalmoscopic examination shows a swollen optic disc and promonence with tortuosity of blood vessels. A fluorescein angiography shows dilated capillaries of the optic disc with leakage in the early phase and diffuse hyperfluorescence during the late phase. A ultrasonography B-scan of the affected eye shows prominent optic nerves with widened optic nerve sheath. An exhaustive history and complete ophthalmological examination are essential for the diagnosis, to which fluorescein angiography, B-scan ultrasonography, ocular coherent tomography, computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance can be used as useful additional tests. Treatment and prognosis depend on the primary process. We emphasize the crucial role of ophthalmologist in the early diagnosis of CNS neoplasia.  相似文献   

Only a few studies reveal immunological changes in breast milk after the intake of probiotic and none focus on secretory IgA (sIgA). The aim our report was to investigate the levels of sIgA in human breast milk and stools before and after 4 weeks of probiotic intake in a patient with ulcerative colitis (UC) and a control. The study included 2 lactating women: 1 with UC and 1 control. Both received daily 3.75 billion viable Lactobacillus bulgaricus for 28 days. SIgA was measured in breast milk and stools before and after the probiotic intake. The concentration of sIgA in breast milk before the probiotic intake in UC was 408.5 vs 137.4 μg/ml in contol. Fecal sIgA in UC was 420 vs 274 μg/ml in control. After 28 days of probiotic intake there was a decrease in breast milk sIgA in UC but an increase in control — 266.7 vs 914 μg/ml respectively. There was an increase in fecal sIgA both in UC and control — 674.4 vs 1033 μg/ml. It is tempting to speculate that the different sIgA secretion towards the probiotic may be a result of an altered mucosal immune response in UC.  相似文献   

Central venous cannulation is a widely used procedure in clinical medicine. Central venous catheters are inserted most often via the internal jugular and subclavian veins. One of the complications is malpositioning of the catheter, and some insertion sites carry a higher risk for that occurrence. We report a case of a malpositioned central venous catheter inserted via the left internal jugular vein in a patient with a ruptured diaphragm. Our objectives were to review the venous anatomy of the chest and the literature reporting malpositioned central venous catheters and to discuss the approach through the left internal jugular vein. Left internal jugular cannulation could carry a higher rate of malposition than reported, and anatomy gives a possible, simple answer. Contrast enhancement, although central venous catheters are radiopaque, is helpful when an approach through the left internal jugular vein is used and difficulties are encountered during insertion.  相似文献   

The use of cannabidiol in electronic liquids (e-liquids) is becoming increasingly widespread, and the current regulations enforced onto nicotine-containing e-liquids are not applicable to cannabidiol-based products. This has led to concerns about the quality of cannabidiol vapes. Articles investigating the reliability of product labelling were reviewed using systematic review criteria. Of 70 e-liquids, 77.1% of the e-liquids tested in the articles were found to have underestimated or overestimated the cannabidiol quantities stated in the product labelling. Statistical analysis confirmed that there was a significant difference between the labelled and analysed cannabidiol concentrations (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon Signed Rank). Inaccuracies in received cannabidiol dosages could lead to an increased risk of adverse reactions or limit the therapeutic effect received, highlighting the benefit of enforcing specific regulations on cannabidiol-based e-liquids to protect consumer safety and guarantee product efficacy.  相似文献   

Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside used as drug in case of heart problems, including congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation or flutter, and certain cardiac arrhythmias. It has a very narrow therapeutic window of the medication. Digoxin is toxic substance with well known cardiotoxic effect. In this work, pharmacology and toxicology of digoxin are summarized; Its pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, available acute toxicity data (different species, different administration routes) are summarized in this article. Moreover, its treatment side effect and human poisonings are thoroughly discussed. Finally, appropriate therapy regimen is proposed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Functional constipation is a common and often enduring problem in childhood. Although functional constipation is well defined by the Rome III criteria, these criteria have not always been integrated in general practice. Early diagnosis and treatment are key factors with respect to successful long-term outcome, as chronic constipation has a negative effect on the quality of life and is a burden for the public healthcare system. The safety of laxatives used for paediatric-functional constipation is based on well-designed trials carried out mostly in adults. Therefore, we conducted a review of the literature outlining the evidence for the efficacy and safety of laxatives used in chronic paediatric-functional constipation. AREAS COVERED: This review clearly shows a lack of large well-designed placebo-controlled trials in children with constipation. Therefore, any interpretation with regards to the evidence for the effectiveness or safety of laxatives used in children is difficult and we extended the search for side effects to the adult literature. EXPERT OPINION: In adults, new promising drugs are on the virtue of breaking through in the treatment of chronic constipation. Carrying out well-defined placebo-controlled trials in children should be the next step before using these drugs.  相似文献   

Introduction Reducing any wastage, including that of medications, is a paramount objective in promoting appropriate utilisation of finite resources. The objective was to systematically review the published literature, the possible causative factors associated with medication wastage and the effectiveness of any interventions to reduce wastage. Method A systematic review of studies published in English was identified from the following databases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Embase, Medline, PubMed, Science Citation Index and The Cochrane Library. Data extraction and critical appraisal was undertaken independently by two researchers. Results and discussion Title, abstract and full paper screening reduced the 14,157 studies to 42. A general definition of medication wastage was reported in one paper only. ‘Medication changed’, ‘patient death’, ‘resolution of patient’s condition’ and ‘expired medications’ were most commonly cited reasons for wastage. Only two studies were identified reporting wastage as a research outcome measure following intervention. Conclusion The systematic review has identified a limited literature on medication wastage with a lack of consistency of terms. There is a paucity of robust research focusing on the impact of healthcare interventions on outcomes around medication wastage.  相似文献   



The aim of this study is to:
  • a.Highlight the most important guidelines and practices of quality in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • b.Organize such guidelines and practices to create a guide to pave the way for other researchers who would like to dig deeper into these guidelines and practices.


A review was conducted of 102 publications; 56 publications were concerned with the pharmaceutical quality directly while 46 publications were concerned with the general quality practices. The content of those sources was analyzed and the following themes were identified:
  • a.Research theme 1: Guidelines of the pharmaceutical quality.
  • b.Research theme 2: General practices recently applied in the pharmaceutical industry.

Main outcome measures

The following guidelines were identified and reviewed: WHO guidelines, FDA guidelines, EU guidelines and ICH guidelines in the research theme I.In research theme II; the following topics were identified and reviewed: quality risk management, quality by design, corrective actions and preventive actions, process capability analysis, Six Sigma, process analytical technology, lean manufacturing, total quality management, ISO series and HACCP.


Upon reviewing the previously highlighted guidelines and the practices that are widely applied in the pharmaceutical industry, it was noticed that there is an abundant number of papers and articles that explain the general guidelines and practices but the literature lack those describing application; case studies of the pharmaceutical factories applying those guidelines and significance of those guidelines and practices.


It is recommended that the literature would invest more in the area of application and significance of guidelines and practices. New case studies should be done to prove the feasibility of such practices.  相似文献   

A review of the published work with charcoal-filtered cigarettes indicates that there are reductions in the concentrations for many gas-vapor phase constituents found in mainstream smoke. However, charcoal filters provided no apparent capacity for reduction of smoke particulate phase components. The reductions in gas-vapor phase smoke chemistry analytes generally correspond with findings of reduced toxicological activity, principally related to a reduction in the cytotoxic action of the volatile smoke constituents. Results of a short-term clinical study show small reductions in the biomarkers of the gas-vapor phase smoke constituents in subjects smoking charcoal-filtered cigarettes, compared to subjects smoking non-charcoal filtered cigarettes. The very limited epidemiology data (a single study) fail to demonstrate a conclusive beneficial effect of charcoal-filtered cigarette products compared to non-charcoal filtered cigarette products. Review of the scientific literature is hindered due to the lack of documentation regarding the activity of the charcoal used in the filter, and the inconsistency in product designs used between the various different disciplines (chemistry, pre-clinical, clinical and epidemiology) that have conducted studies with charcoal filtered cigarettes. There do not appear to be any published studies using a combination of data from the different disciplines based on a consistently designed charcoal cigarette filter. Although the literature presently available would suggest that smoke filtration provided by current charcoal filter techniques alone may not be substantial enough to reduce smoking-related disease, the data are limited. Therefore, for the reduction of smoking-induced disease, it is difficult to come to a definitive conclusion regarding the potential health benefits of using charcoal as a smoke filtration technology.  相似文献   

Human body is continuously exposed to different types of agents that results in the production of reactive species called as free radicals (ROS/RNS) which by the transfer of their free unpaired electron causes the oxidation of cellular machinery. In order to encounter the deleterious effects of such species, body has got endogenous antioxidant systems or it obtains exogenous antioxidants from diet that neutralizes such species and keeps the homeostasis of body. Any imbalance between the RS and antioxidants leads to produce a condition known as “oxidative stress” that results in the development of pathological condition among which one is diabetes. Most of the studies reveal the inference of oxidative stress in diabetes pathogenesis by the alteration in enzymatic systems, lipid peroxidation, impaired Glutathione metabolism and decreased Vitamin C levels. Lipids, proteins, DNA damage, Glutathione, catalane and superoxide dismutase are various biomarkers of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus. Oxidative stress induced complications of diabetes may include stroke, neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy. The basic aim of this review was to summarize the basics of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

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