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目的 探讨成都地区不同时段,不同地域,不同人群,结合不同招募手段在固定献血点全血的采集情况.方法 成都地区2014~2018年街头固定献血点全血采集数据,按照工作日和周末及法定节假日,主城区和郊县,初次和重复献血人次,本地户籍和非本地户籍情况进行统计学分析.工作日以固定献血点现场招募全血献血者,周末及法定节假日以现场招...  相似文献   

目的保障献血者献血安全,提高1次献血400 mL比例。方法电话回访本站2011年2~5月间本站献血者,统计男性体重50~55 kg、女性体重45~50 kg中出现献血反应的人数。结果在350例调查对象中,出现献血反应的共12例,其中男4例,女8例。结论低限体重献血者中出现献血反应与体重和身高(体表面积)的差异无统计学意义。  相似文献   

目的研究分析56-60岁献血人群的基本特征,为我国安全实施推广高龄献血者的招募保留提供数据支持和参考。方法回顾性分析2012年7月1日-2016年6月30日在北京市红十字血液中心献血者的资料,将18-55岁献血人群为对照组,56-60岁人群为研究对象,分析其献血次数、性别、献血频率、献血量选择、延迟献血率、献血不良反应率等特征。结果观察期间年龄在56-60岁之间献血者共4 134名参加登记献血,其中男2 692名,女1 442名,共计登记献血次数为5 916人次,登记献血频率(5 916/4 134,1.431)高于对照组的(1 220 889/1 176 193,1.038),且每年献血人次逐年增加;400 mL献血量比(3 937/1 979, 1.989)显著低于对照组(1 070 718/150 171, 7.130);延迟献血率和献血反应发生率与18-55岁年龄组无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论既往无献血反应的56-60周岁献血者继续献血是安全的,其献血量逐年增多,针对这部分人群的献血动员招募是我国献血人群管理的重要组成部分,应针对该人群的献血行为特征,制定精准的献血招募保留策略。  相似文献   

400ml献血固定队伍的建立和管理   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
我国实施《献血法》以来,全国范围内开展了无偿献血制度。WHO也大力提倡,建立一支固定自愿无偿献血队伍是安全输血的根本保障。2004年卫生部提出了输血事业的新理念,倡导献血量从200ml到400ml的转移;从流动到固定献血者转移。本中心2004-2006年不仅成功完成了400ml的转移工作,4  相似文献   

目的 系统评价我国全血献血不良反应监测情况和发生特征,为开展献血不良反应相关预防与控制工作提供科学依据.方法 数据库检索PubMed、EMbase、CNKI、VIP和WanFang Data,收集观察时间≥6个月的有关中国大陆全血献血不良反应发生率的研究文献,检索时限为建库时间至2020年6月.通过参考文献追溯和手工检...  相似文献   

无偿献血者一次献血400 ml的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菏泽市自愿无偿献血从2001年起就已充分满足临床供血需要。到2003年,公民一次自愿无偿献血400ml已达98.0%,无任何献血安全事故发生。为总结经验,进一步提高采供血技术水平,笔者对2003年1月~12月间献血400ml的自愿无偿献血者进行调查分析,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的了解分析石家庄各县区献血网点血液采集情况,为下一步制定合适的献血招募方式方法以推进固定献血屋(房车)的辐射功能提供可靠依据。方法利用中心启奥9.0系统,调取2011—2018年石家庄市18个县区血液采集数据采血量(U),并对各县区血液采集总体情况、固定献血屋(房车)、流动采血车的采集情况进行分析。结果各县区有固定献血屋(房车)采集占比较好的县有矿区、平山、辛集、晋州,采集占较差的县有深泽、赵县、藁城、新乐、鹿泉、高邑;2011—2018年县区固定献血屋(房车)采血量占比逐年增长,8年县区总采集量为1 299 908.4 U,固定献血点采集量占比由2011年4.7%(3 949/84 207)增长至27.5%(358 104/1 299 908),流动采血车采集量占比由2011年95.3%(80 258/84 207)下降至72.5%(948 104/1 299 908),县区血液采集仍主要依靠流动采血车。结论如何推进固定献血屋(房车)的选址、宣传和后期维护建设,做好数据总结分析、平衡各县区同步发展,对于更好的发挥固定献血屋(房车)的辐射作用,使县区固定献血屋(房车)逐步成为无偿献血...  相似文献   

目的分析新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间,成都市不同招募模式全血献血者构成情况及变化趋势,为常态化疫情防控下,制定采供血应对措施提供依据。方法采用SPSS 25.0软件,对成都市2020年1月24日—4月30日(2020年疫期)以及2019年2月4日—5月12日(农历同期)全血献血者不同招募模式和重复献血者的构成采用χ2检验进行比较,对2020年疫期全血献血者不同响应期、不同招募模式的变化趋势,采用趋势χ2检验进行分析。结果 (1)2020年疫期和2019年同期,成都市全血献血者共计110 417人次,2020年疫期献血人次较2019年同期下降3.4%。是否预约、不同招募模式的献血者构成进行比较,差异均具有统计学意义(χ2=44 246.898、4 781.275,P<0.05)。(2)不同年份、响应期重复献血者的构成进行比较,差异均具有统计学意义(χ2=7.532、255.341、152.761,P<0.05)。(3)2020年疫期全血采集1682车(屋)次,较去年同期增长12.5%,平均每车...  相似文献   

献血量与献血反应情况分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
2001~2002年本站无偿献血400ml者共27695人次。笔者统计了无偿献血者献血400ml过程中.在不同献血量出现献血反应的情况。报告如下。  相似文献   

400ml献血者的献血反应调查分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
2000年3月~2002年12月,在本站96646名志愿献血400ml者中出现献血不良反应的共1437人次,占献血总人数的1.487%。献血不良反应者中头晕、心慌385人次,头晕、恶心、呕吐、面色苍白264人次,出汗、心慌、胸闷、自述呼吸困难296人次,出汗、神志模糊46人次,心慌、面色苍白375人次,出汗、肢体麻木29人次.头晕、视力模糊、耳鸣34人次,幻觉、神志模糊、抽搐5人次,神志模糊、小便失禁2人次,心房纤颤1人次。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Volume replacement could allow the safe collection of twice the normal amount of red cells in a standard donation. Studies in small numbers of donors have shown that a temporary decrease in red cell mass is well tolerated when donors give twice the usual amount (170–225 mL) of red cells in a standard 405- to 495-mL donation. Sham-donation control groups have not been included in previous studies of increased red cell donation, and perceptions of donation effects could have been biased. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In the study reported here, 17 male and 13 female volunteers were randomly assigned to make a sham donation, 1-unit donation, or 2-unit donation on an automated blood cell separator. Donor tolerance was assessed by ambulatory heart rate monitoring and by a poststudy interview. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, red cell 2,3 DPG, and serum erythropoietin were measured before and after donation for comparison of the erythropoietic responses in the three study groups. RESULTS: Red cells collected totaled 206 +/? 10 mL in the 1-unit group and 414 +/? 21 mL in the 2-unit group. Changes in heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure with donation and changes in heart rate recorded by ambulatory monitoring did not differ for the experimental groups. Postdonation changes from baseline values were evaluated on Days 2, 7, and 14. Changes in hemoglobin were significantly different between groups (p < 0.017) in all postdonation tests. There were differences between groups in erythropoietin response, red cell 2,3 DPG, ferritin levels, and hemoglobin synthesis. Hemoglobin synthesis and mean changes in 2,3 DPG, erythropoietin, ferritin, and postdonation hemoglobin were greater in the 2-unit group than in the 1-unit group. CONCLUSION: Donor tolerance of red cell donations of 414 +/? 21 mL, a volume of red cells twice that in a standard 450-mL blood donation, does not differ from donor tolerance of standard or sham donations. Physiologic adjustments and the hematopoietic response to reduced red cell mass were greater in the 2- unit group, but the donation of 1 unit or 2 units did not cause detectable symptoms of reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.  相似文献   

影响公民自愿无偿献血的因素调查分析   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:14  
目的了解影响公民无偿献血的各种因素以及公民决定献血的重点因素,以制定有针对性的招募策略。方法依照知、信、行(KAP)理论设计调查表,对成都市2385名献血与未献血的公民做现场问卷调查,通过对其无偿献血的知识、态度、行为的研究来做相关分析。结果①对无偿献血的认知:成都地区公民对我国实行无偿献血制度的知晓率较高(87.5%),但对无偿献血常识和危险行为方式总的知晓率较低(分别为29.4%、32.5%),其中献血者(1349名)对无偿献血常识和危险行为方式总的知晓率(分别为33.4%、38.1%)均高于未献血者(1036名)(分别为24.2%、25.1%)(P<0.05);文化程度越低,对献血常识和危险行为的知晓率越低,职业分布以医生的知晓率最高,农民的最低。②了解渠道:献血者通过人际传播的渠道了解的比例高于未献血者(P<0.05)。③献血动机:未献血者、初次献血者和重复献血者愿意献血的主要原因是“献爱心”,但献血动机比较多样,街头献血的行为受各种环境因素的影响;“人道主义”、“同伴招募”和“健康检查”是促使公民初次献血的因素,而影响初次献血的重点因素是“便利和勇气”;再次献血的公民主要是“献爱心、没什么特别原因和享受用血优惠”。④关注信息:未献血者如果打算献血,最希望了解的依次为“献血后是否影响身体”、“是否会感染疾病”、“血液相关知识”、“相关疾病知识”、“献血后优惠”、“献血时间地点”和“其他“。⑤对待献血的态度和行为:认为献血不影响身体的公民占73.5%,献血者(76.3%)的比例高于未献血者(70%)(P<0.05);献血者愿意继续献血的占93.3%,重复献血者(97.1%)高于初次献血者(91.1%)(P<0.05);77.3%的献血者表示“如有危险行为时选择放弃献血”。结论动机、认知、态度、个性及职业与文化程度等自身因素,献血法律法规、献血宣传方式、献血服务过程等环境因素亦都会影响公民献血。献血者招募的策略,首先应研究不同人群对献血不同的需求,采取针对性的措施,促使公民献血;其次,应为献血者提供安全、舒适和方便的服务。  相似文献   

目的了解郑州市无偿献血者血液报废情况,以便制定相应对策,减少血液报废。方法采用唐山启奥软件系统对郑州市2013—2017年无偿献血者血液检验报废率和非检验报废率做统计分析。结果郑州市2013—2017年无偿献血者血液检验报废率2.496%(24 402/977 761),各项报废率从高到低依次为:ALT 1.406%(13 751/977 761)、HBsAg 0.362%(3 541/977 761)、抗-HCV 0.321%(3 136/977 761)、抗-TP 0.269%(2 633/977 761)、抗-HIV 0.137%(1 341/977 761);除2013和2014年报废率无显著差异外(P0.05),各年度之间报废率比较有显差异(P0.05),其中2014年报废率最高2.993%(5 726/191 315),2017年报废率最低2.001%(4 285/214 115),平均报废率(2.521±0.428)%。核酸检测报废率为0.488‰(371/760 687),各项报废率从高到低依次为:HBV DNA 0.480‰(365/760 687),HIV RNA 0.005‰(4/760 687),HCV RNA 0.003‰(2/760 687);HBV DNA报废率明显高于HCV RNA及HIV RNA(P0.01),HCV RNA和HIV RNA报废率无明显差异(P0.05)。非检验总报废率为3.206%(134 335/4 189 536),按报废原因从高到低依次为:脂血2.797%(117 182/4 189 536)、血袋破损0.235%(9 848/4 189 536)、血凝块0.086%(3 604/4 189 536)、过期0.062%(2 597/4 189 536)、血液不足量0.023%(945/4 189 536)、溶血0.003%(116/4 189 536)、色泽异常0.001%(43/4 189 536);按血液制剂品种报废率:浓缩血小板42.63%(3 832/8 988)、冰冻血浆12.403%(117 648/948 521)、病毒灭活冰冻血浆1.361%(8 243/605 521)、冷沉淀0.431%(1 209/280 368)、全血0.393%(17/4 331)。结论加强对献血者献血前的咨询,规范采供血以及临床用血等各环节的操作,有助于减少血液报废。  相似文献   

In this review of common and uncommon donor reactions and injuries, donation-associated deaths were found to be extremely rare and generally thought to be coincidental; the rate of coincidental deaths was less than what would be expected based on life insurance tables.1 Vasovagal reactions, hematomas/bruises, and history of irritation or allergic reaction to adhesive tape or skin preparations are observed daily in a busy blood collection center. Syncopal vasovagal reactions sometimes resemble shock, but unlike shock, they reverse themselves and do not cause death. Through good management, a blood donor organization can minimize the incidence of syncope. Accidental arterial venipuncture is very uncommon (1 in 100,000), and donors with arterial punctures do well if pressure is applied for an extended period of time. Rarely, a pseudoaneurysm results, and this requires surgery. AV fistulas and compartment syndromes can also occur, but these are extremely rare; most experienced blood center physicians have never observed a case. Neurologic needle injuries occur approximately once in every 6,300 donations. Although neurologic needle injury complaints are usually received within 10 days of blood donation, 10% of the injured donors may complain weeks to months later. Most donors with needle injuries recover within a month and many within a day or two, but approximately 30% will have a recovery period of greater than 1 month and an occasional case may exceed 6 months. Donors with neurologic needle injuries generally have a full recovery, even when the recovery period may be extended. Thrombophlebitis has a low incidence (1 in 50,000 to 1 in 100,000), and infection at the phlebotomy site is rare. Both are easily treated and have little impact on the donor's health.  相似文献   

Blood donor suitability criteria are designed to protect both the blood donor and blood recipient from harm. The risks for allogeneic (community) whole blood donors who give blood and for blood recipients who receive it are described. Blood donor suitability criteria are based on science, informed medical opinion, and regulatory rules. The criteria for many common conditions are described. Blood donor suitability criteria influence donor demographics and lead to specific deferral patterns. Age, gender, and hemoglobin deferral patterns are described. Finally, the negative effect of short-term temporary deferrals on future blood donations was reviewed.  相似文献   

目的探讨无偿献血者采血量不足的相关影响因素,并采取适当的预防措施。方法选择2017年1—12月成都市血液中心219 140名无偿献血者为研究对象。根据采血是否足量分为采血足量组(n=218 674)和采血量不足组(n=466)。收集无偿献血者的献血资料并进行分类,单因素分析后记录采血量不足的相关影响因素,并对其进行Logistic多元回归分析。结果 Logistic多元回归分析结果显示,献血量、献血次数、献血环境、献血季节、献血方式、年龄、体重、职业类别是无偿献血者采血量不足的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。结论无偿献血者采血量不足与献血量、献血次数、献血环境、献血季节、献血方式、年龄、体重、职业类别等多种因素密切相关,应予以重视并采取适当措施以减少采血量不足的发生,提高血液资源的利用率。  相似文献   

目的分析北京某地区无偿献血人员的构成,调查与献血有关主要疾病的感染情况。方法收集2005年1月至2012年12月在我院无偿献血人员的基本信息,分为18—25岁、26—35岁、36—45岁和46.55岁四个组,对不同年龄段的信息进行统计学处理;丙氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine transaminase,ALT)采用微板速率法检测,HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV和抗-TP用酶联免疫吸附试验检测,对这5项传染性指标进行回顾性分析。结果165566人次中男女比例约为(90.4±1.0):(9.6±1.0),四个年龄段献血者动态变化由高到低的顺序由2005年的26~35岁〉36~45岁〉18~25岁〉46~55岁逐渐变为2012年的18~25岁〉26~35岁〉36~45岁〉46~55岁。8年期间献血累计不合格为13515人次,总不合格率为8.16%,不合格血以2012年最高(10.05%),各项指标检出率从高到低依次为ALT(6.47%)〉HBsAg(0.71%)〉抗-HCV(0.46%)〉抗-TP(0.35%)〉抗-HIV(0.013%)。HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV、抗-TP的阳性检出率总体呈上升趋势,其中HBsAg的阳性检出率整体最高,抗-HIV的阳性检出率最低。结论18~25岁年龄段是目前无偿献血的主力军,血液感染性疾病总检出率和各项检出率都表现出升高的趋势。  相似文献   

The consequences of temporary deferral on future whole blood donation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: The consequences of temporary deferral are not well understood. This study sought to investigate blood donor return after deferral expiration. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort analysis of allogeneic whole-blood donation was conducted. All deferred donors and a random sample of eligible donors were identified from the year 2000, with subsequent blood center visits through December 2005 captured. Stratified results are reported as the percentage returning, rates of return, and time to return. Measures of statistical association and Cox regression modeling are reported. RESULTS: For first-time (FT) donors, 25 percent of temporarily deferred donors returned during the 5-year follow-up period compared to 47 percent of eligible donors (p < 0.0001); for repeat donors, 81 and 86 percent of deferred and eligible donors returned, respectively (p < 0.0001). Depending on the deferral category, 14 to 31 percent of FT and 58 to 90 percent of repeat donors returned. Rates (per year) of successful donation during the follow-up period were 0.09 for index-deferred FT donors, 0.28 for eligible FT donors, 1.0 for deferred repeat donors, and 1.45 for eligible repeat donors. Multivariate modeling indicated that in addition to deferral, age, sex, race, and education were associated with return in both FT and repeat donors. CONCLUSION: The effects of deferral were more pronounced than expected, affecting both FT and repeat donors. For FT donors, the type and duration of deferral, while important, were not as relevant as hypothesized because so few returned, suggesting the need to develop appropriate interventions to recapture those donors likely to be eligible.  相似文献   

目的分析安阳地区首次无偿献血志愿者与互助献血者的血液检验结果,以提高临床对不同类型献血者特点的认知,提高输血安全性。方法选取2013年1~12月安阳地区31 363例首次无偿献血志愿者(首次献血组)及1 046例互助献血者(对照组),比较血液检测情况,并分析影响献血者血液质量的相关因素。结果首次献血组不合格1 160例,不合格率为3.70%;对照组不合格17例,不合格率为1.62%;两组不合格率比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。不合格血液检验结果比较显示,首次献血组中不合格献血者丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、丙型肝炎病毒抗体(抗-HCV)、人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体(抗-HIV)、乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)及梅毒阳性的构成比分别为37.67%、12.59%、8.79%、31.38%、9.57%,而在互助组中分别为29.41%、17.65%、5.88%、35.30%、11.76%,且两组ALT阳性献血者构成比比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组不合格献血者性别、年龄、工种分布上比较差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论首次无偿献血志愿者血液检验不合格发生率较高,需要加强输血前的筛查和管理,以保证输血安全。  相似文献   

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