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A worm found in histopathologic sections of a lung piece of a young Venezuelan male was identified as a Paragonimus sp. Definitive identification of the species was not possible since only a deteriorated segment of the worm was recovered, nevertheless comparison with other known species is discussed. This is the first report of an indigenous case of human paragonimiasis in Venezuela.  相似文献   

卫氏并殖吸虫病误诊一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
患者男性 ,11岁 ,小学生 ,江西永修县人。 2 0 0 1年 11月不规则发热 1wk,体温持续 4 0℃左右。当地诊断为‘胸腔少量积液、腹水、肝肿大’,给予抗感染治疗后热退。 2 0 0 2年 1月又发热 ,省级医院诊断为‘脓胸 ,肝脾肿大 ,原因待查’。住院体检 :双颌下触及 3~ 4个黄豆大活动淋巴结 ,背部有 3cm×4 cm包块 ,无压痛。右肺呼吸音较左肺弱 ,左肺底闻及湿口罗音 ,有轻微干咳。肝在肋下 4 cm,剑突下 4 cm,脾在肋下可触及 ,腹部移动性浊音阳性。化验 :WBC4 9.8× 10 9/ L,N0 .90 ,L 0 .10 ,Hb130 g/ L,X线胸片示右肺中部炎性改变 ,左侧胸膜…  相似文献   

并殖吸虫病误诊一例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1 临床资料 患者,女性,47岁,吉林人。1999年5月4日,饮少量啤酒后出现腹胀、寒战,体温38.5℃。因午后发热16 d转入我院,查体:右下腹不固定部位压病。实验室检查:WBC 6.8×10~9/L,嗜酸粒细胞2.76×10~9/L,血沉110 mm/h;华支睾吸虫、并  相似文献   

患者 ,女 ,2 5岁 ,陕西长安县人 ,因反复发热 2月 ,伴咳嗽、胸闷、气短 3d,于 1995年 9月 10日入院。患者于 1995年7月初受寒出现咽痛、发热 ,经抗感染及对症处理好转。但稍感风寒即有病情反复 ,午后低热 (体温 37.8℃ ) ,无盗汗 ,未予重视。9月 10日无明显诱因出现胸闷、气短、咳嗽、右侧胸痛 ,深吸气时明显 ,被动右侧卧位 ,无脓血痰及高热 ,来我院就诊。查体 :T37.2℃ ,R34次 /m in,BP14/9k Pa;急性病容 ,咽红 ,扁桃体无肿大 ;胸廓无畸形 ,呼吸浅快 ,右侧呼吸动度减弱 ,右下肺叩诊实音、呼吸音消失 ;心率 12 0次 /m in,律齐 ,各瓣膜区无…  相似文献   

1 病例 患者,男性,52岁.江苏省扬州市人,从事文职工作.头晕2月,伴复视、言语不清3周,于2008年7月28日入院诊治.2月前出现无明显诱因发热及头晕,1月前晨起出现眩晕及视物旋转,3周前出现复视、左侧颜面麻木伴言语不清.  相似文献   

Eight hundred and forty-eight sera collected from adult patients attending the Central and University Hospitals and from blood donors at the Blood Bank in Maracaibo, Venezuela, were screened for serologic evidence of Entamoeba histolytica infection, employing the indirect hemagglutination test. The seropositivity rates obtained ranged from 4.4-6.5% and most of the positive sera showed low titers of 1:128-1:256. A predominance of positive reactors was observed in the first decades of life with a decline after 44 years of age. Parasitologic examinations made in the Central Hospital population revealed E. histolytica infection in 4% of the patients.  相似文献   

An organization''s culture with regard to patient safety is important because it defines the beliefs and practices of the organization, and consequently its efficiency and productivity.Knowing the level of this and the factors that influence or not their dynamic represents a challenge, due to the degree of complexity and specificity of the elements involved.The aim of this study was to analyze predictors of patient safety culture in public and private hospitals and examining the factors that contribute to it, constructing a new and specific theoretical and methodological model.This study was carried out by reviewing medical records, detecting healthcare professionals directly involved in caring (N = 588), for patients in 2 public hospitals and 2 private hospitals in Venezuela (N = 566), conducting an “Analysis of Patient Safety Culture” questionnaire. The results were subsequently analyzed, derived 3 predictors factors and using a Patient Safety Culture Index (PSCI) for specific determination to evaluate patient safety culture level.The analysis showed that all hospitals had a “moderately unfavorable” PSCI (public = 52.96, private = 52.67, sig = 0.90). The PSCI was calculated by assessing the weight of the following factors in the index: occupational factors (factor loading = 32.03), communication factors (factor loading = 11.83), and organizational factors (factor loading = 9.10). Traumatology presented the lowest PSCI of all the care units, falling into the “unfavorable” category (36.48), and Laboratory the highest (70.02) (sig = 0.174), falling into the “moderately favorable” category. When analyzing professional groups, nurses had the highest PSCI, with a “moderately unfavorable” rating (PSCI = 61.1) and medical residents the lowest, falling into the “unfavorable” category (35.2). Adverse event reporting is determined by “management expectations and actions” (sig = 0.048) and “direct interaction with the patient” (sig = 0.049).The use of this theoretical and methodological approach in other contexts may provide a more objective system for identifying more specific needs and factors that influence in patient safety culture, and consequently, opportunities for improvement when constructing a patient safety culture in healthcare institutions. Efforts need to be made to improve safety culture in the hospitals studied, irrespective of whether they are public or private.  相似文献   

*三氯苯达唑(Triclabendazole)是20世纪80年代由瑞士汽巴-嘉基(Ciba-Geigy)药厂开发生产的一类苯并咪唑类衍生物,已证明该药对牛、羊体内肝片形吸虫的各期幼虫和成虫均有良好的杀虫效果,有效率接近100%[1,2],同时该药对人体肝片形吸虫病也有良好的疗效[3]。近年来,三氯苯达唑亦被用于并殖吸虫病的治疗,本文就三氯苯达唑对并殖吸虫的杀虫机理、动物实验治疗、临床治疗及效果综述如下。1杀虫机理三氯苯达唑对吸虫的杀虫机理至今尚未完全阐明,其代谢产物亚砜和砜被认为是主要活性物质[4]。其杀虫谱较窄,目前仅发现对肝片形吸虫和并殖吸虫的成…  相似文献   

并殖吸虫病临床治疗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来国内外陆续报道了多种治疗并殖吸虫病的药物,在临床治疗方面取得了较大进展。本文谨此作一综述,以进一步了解各种药物治疗并殖吸虫病的疗效。  相似文献   

肺吸虫病14例临床分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
肺吸虫病是由主要寄生在肺部的一组并殖吸虫所引起的慢性人畜共患寄生虫病。临床表现多变,城市人群发病相对较少。为进一步增强对肺吸虫病的认识,现将我院1990年以来收治的14例肺吸虫病患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。对象与方法1.对象:收集190年1月~互999年8月住院治疗的  相似文献   

病例l,男 ,5 8岁 ,出生于上海市 ,现居住于武汉市。因咳嗽、胸痛和胸闷 3月余于 1999年 12月入院 ,无发热及咯血等 ,体检未发现阳性体征 ,胸部X线检查示左侧液气胸 ,肺被压缩约 30 %~ 4 0 % ,伴少量胸腔积液 ,PPD皮试阴性 ,活动性结核抗体阴性 ,痰找抗酸杆菌阴性 ,癌胚抗原 (CEA)正常 ,心电图正常。外周血象检查 ,WBC 12 3× 10 9细胞分类 ,嗜酸性粒细胞 4 0 %。经抗感染治疗 1wk ,未见明显好转 ,复查外周血象 ,WBC达 14 1× 10 9,EOS76 1% ,嗜酸性粒细胞绝对值达 10 8× 10 9,追问病史 ,患者于 5个月前 ,有生食河…  相似文献   

A worm found in histopathologic sections of the skin of a 31-year-old man in Honduras was identified as Paragonimus sp. The worm was immature, and specific identification was not possible. This is the second human case of paragonimiasis in Honduras.  相似文献   

The routine chest roentgenogram of pulmonary paragonimiasis heterotremus were evaluated in 93 Thai and Laotian patients. They were 44 males and 49 females; the ages ranged from 12 to 79 years; the history of illness ranged from 4 months to 14 years and the egg output per day was 400 to 300,000. Twelve patients, 12.9% had normal roentgenologic films and 81 patients (87.1%) had abnormalities with 316 lesions; 22.2% had one lesion and 77.7% had multiple lesions. The common lesions were cystic formation, multiple or single and linear infiltration. Both lower lobes of the lungs and the left upper lobe were the common sites but any part of the lung may be affected. There were correlation between the duration of illness, number of eggs output per day and the extent of the lesions. The longer the duration of illness or the higher number of eggs output per day the more extensive lesions in the X-ray films have been observed.  相似文献   

本文报告肺吸虫病误诊1例。经血清学和病原学检查确诊后给予吡喹酮治疗,痊愈出院。  相似文献   

Diagnosis of paragonimiasis by immunoblot   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A sensitive and specific immunoblot assay was used to rapidly and accurately diagnose paragonimiasis. The immunoreactivity of a complex Paragonimus westermani Chaffee antigen was evaluated by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. Initial probing with pooled human serum from proven Paragonimus infections revealed many bands, including a significant antibody response to an approximately 8,000 molecular weight (8 kDa) protein. Forty-three of 45 proven paragonimiasis serum specimens had antibodies to this diagnostic band. Of 29 normal serum specimens and 210 serum specimens from patients with other parasitic and nonparasitic infections, only 1 serum, from a schistosomiasis haematobium patient, reacted positively. These results indicate that our immunoblot for paragonimiasis, which uses a comparatively crude antigen, is highly sensitive (96%) and specific (99%).  相似文献   

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