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内镜下尼龙绳套扎治疗消化道巨大息肉的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对大于2 cm的消化道息肉,内镜下高频电切治疗常发生严重并发症如大出血、穿孔等.1995年Rossini首先报道用尼龙绳套扎息肉;1998年国内项平等报道内镜下单纯尼龙绳套扎治疗10例无蒂息肉取得成功.尼龙绳套扎治疗消化道息肉样病变已逐步在临床中应用.我们应用内镜下尼龙绳套扎治疗消化道巨大息肉28例,取得了较好的疗效.  相似文献   

结肠镜检查己成为诊治大肠疾病的常规手段。对于大肠息肉,结肠镜不但能诊断,而且能在镜下治疗。我院在2207例次结肠镜检查中,检出大肠良性隆起病变232例,检出率10.5%。对其中218例大肠息肉进行了内镜下治疗,收到较好效果. 病例与方法一、病例资料 218例中,男124例,女94例,男:女为132:1;年龄43.7±16.4岁。临床症状有腹痛175例(80.3%)  相似文献   

内镜下大肠息肉摘除术韩清锡综述池肇春审校(温州医学院第一附属医院温州325000)自从内镜手术的开展,大肠息肉的治疗有了很大改观。近年来,尤其是放大内镜和超声内镜的应用,使表面结构清晰可见,且可以判断浸润的深度,从而为判断是否有淋巴结转移以及是否可行...  相似文献   

目的探讨尼龙绳套扎加高频电凝切除术治疗老年大肠带蒂息肉的安全性与疗效。方法选择经结肠镜检查发现大肠息肉直径≥1 cm蒂部直径>0.8 cm带蒂息肉患者113例,共123枚息肉,均在内镜中心行尼龙绳套扎加高频电凝切除术,根据年龄分成老年组及青中年组,其中老年组42例,息肉50枚;青中年组71例,息肉73枚。观察两组息肉的好发部位、息肉性质、经内镜治疗后发生并发症的情况。结果两组息肉好发部位均位于乙状结肠,均在内镜下成功切除,其中青中年组3例发生术中少量出血,两组其他患者均未发生术中内镜下不可控制出血、术后出血及穿孔等并发症。术后病理发现老年组低级别上皮内瘤变发病率高于青中年组(P<0.05)。结论尼龙绳套扎加高频电凝切除术治疗老年大肠带蒂息肉创伤小且安全、有效、经济。  相似文献   

随着医疗技术的不断发展,纤维胃镜在临床上的应用日益广泛。套扎术是以治疗内痔的弹性橡皮环结扎原理为基础的治疗方法,并在食管静脉曲张治疗中取得了令人满意的疗效。上消化道息肉是最常见的一种良性肿瘤,组织学上分为增生性息肉和腺瘤性息肉。有些恶变早期的腺瘤样息肉病灶小、浅,很少浸润。而内镜下取材有局限性,不能反映全部息肉状态而易漏诊,故应早期行内镜下息肉套扎术。本院应用日本GIFXQ30纤维胃镜,圈套器及橡胶圈为天津市天医医用硅胶品厂生产,并已对16例病人进行了检查和治疗,现分析总结于下。1 临床资料与方法本组男11例,…  相似文献   

老年人大肠息肉,特别是巨大(直径〉2.0cm)、多发息肉,并发症多、癌变率高,作为癌前病变已广泛受到重视。我院内镜室于2000年3月至2004年3月,对95例老年患者,共168枚大肠巨大息肉进行内镜下治疗,并将同期中青年组做为对照组探讨内镜下治疗的技术及价值。  相似文献   

本文报告118例大肠炎症性息肉内镜下治疗后随访情况,讨论随访时息肉的再检出率,影响再检出率的因素及随访时间安排.  相似文献   

目的探讨大肠息肉的分布、病理分型以及高频电切除的疗效及安全性。方法对256例患者结肠息肉采用内镜下高频电切除治疗,观察其分布情况、病理分型、疗效及并发症。结果有效切除率为100%,左半结肠占72.66%右半结肠9.76%横结肠17.58%,腺瘤性息肉占49.6%,术中及术后24 h内出血率3.12.%,手术24 h后出血率0.78%,穿孔发生率0.39%,单发者一年随访复发率16.00%,多发者半年复发率23.66%。结论大肠息肉发生以左半结肠为主,病理分型主要为腺瘤,高频电切除大肠息肉安全、可靠、有效,如术中或术后发生出血,则应积极进行内镜下治疗,该方法值得临床广泛应用。  相似文献   

目的评估金属夹及尼龙圈套在预防结肠粗蒂息肉切除术后出血的效果。 方法选择2015年8月至2018年8月经海军军医大学附属长海医院虹口院区消化内科就诊,息肉顶部直径>10 mm同时蒂部直径>5 mm的息肉患者85例为研究对象。根据息肉预处理方法的不同分为预先金属夹夹闭组(A组)和预先金属夹联合尼龙圈套套扎组(B组)。回顾性分析每组患者息肉形态、部位、大小、病理类型及术中,术后出血发生率、金属夹使用数量、息肉残留率、息肉复发率等指标。 结果A组和B组息肉形态以山田Ⅲ、Ⅳ型为主,主要位于直肠和乙状结肠,两组患者性别、年龄、息肉顶部、蒂部平均直径相比均无明显差异(P>0.05)。A组和B组的术中出血发生率(6.4%对0,P>0.05)、术后迟发性出血发生率(1.6%对2%,P<0.05),术中和术后迟发性出血均经内镜治疗后停止。A组3例患者术后3个月息肉基底部残留;B组患者术后3个月手术创面良好,息肉基底部无残留,息肉无复发。 结论对于蒂部直径超过5 mm的粗蒂息肉,预先使用金属夹和尼龙圈套可有效预防息肉切除术后出血,是否联合使用需要根据蒂的长短和直径具体决定。  相似文献   

Although Dieulafoy lesion is generally located in the proximal stomach, other locations have been reported. We present two cases of bleeding colonic Dieulafoy in patients with chronic renal failure who were treated with mechanical methods. In the first case, an active arterial bleeding without mucosal defect was localized in the descending colon. In the second case, a protruding vessel with active bleeding was found in the transverse colon. The two patients were initially treated with epinephrine and hemostatic clips. In the second patient, an endoloop was attached to the base of the previously placed hemoclips because of rebleeding. To our knowledge, this is the first case of combined endoscopic approach with hemostatic clips and endoloop to treat a colonic Dieulafoy lesion. Colonic Dieulafoy lesions reported in the relevant literature and the hemostatic treatments used are reviewed.Supported in part by a grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (C03/02).  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDEndoscopic resection of non-invasive lesions is now the standard of care for lesions in the GI tract. However, resection techniques require extensive training, are not available in all endoscopy centers and are prone to complications. Endoscopic mucosal ablation (EMA) is a combination of resection and ablation techniques and it may offer an alternative in the management of such lesions.CASE SUMMARYIn this case series we report the successful treatment of three flat colonic polyps using the EMA technique. Two lesions were treatment naïve and 1 was a recurrence after an endoscopic mucosal resection. The sizes ranged from 2 to 4 cm. All three polyps were ablated successfully with no immediate or delayed complications. The recurrence rate at 1 year of follow up was 0%.CONCLUSIONBased on this initial experience, we conclude that EMA is a safe and effective technique for the treatment of non-invasive colonic polyps when endoscopic resection techniques are not available.  相似文献   

Objectives  The optimal treatment for large colorectal polyps (LCPs) is still a controversial issue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of endoscopic polypectomy (EP) of colorectal polyps ≥2 cm in size. Patients and methods  One hundred fifty-one EP LCPs were performed over a period of 7 years. Diathermal snare was used for pedunculated and pseudopedunculated polyps and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or biopsy forceps polypectomy for sessile and flat polyps. The resected polyps were recovered and collected for histology. At scheduled follow-up visits 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after polypectomy, complications and recurrences were recorded in all patients. Results  Fifteen polyps were located in the rectum, 84 in the sigmoid colon, 11 in the descending colon, four in the splenic flexure, 11 in the transverse colon, 11 in the hepatic flexure, seven in the ascending colon and eight in the cecum. Fifty-six polyps were sessile, 54 pedunculated, 25 pseudopedunculated, and 16 flat. At histology, most of polyps (131) were adenomas (nine with adenocarcinoma in situ). Five were invasive polypoid carcinomas and required colonic resection. Immediate bleeding occurred in ten patients (7.6%) and it was stopped by endoscopic hemoclips (7), epinephrine injection (1), or surgery (2). There were three perforations (2.3%; all polypoid carcinomas), managed endoscopically (1) or surgically (2). Delayed bleeding occurred in two patients (1.5%) and was treated by endoscopic diathermy and hemoclips (1) or surgery (1). During follow-up, six (4.6%) incompletely excised polyps and three (2.3%) relapses in the site of previous EP were detected and endoscopically removed. Conclusion  EP is relatively safe and effective for benign-appearing LCPs.  相似文献   

An inexpensive, simple device which may be used to expedite colonoscopic retrieval of small polyps is described.  相似文献   

Background and aims  Issues on colonoscopy quality are crucial to reduce the advanced neoplasia miss rate of colonoscopy. Recently, a >6-min withdrawal time has been recommended. However, the relative prevalence of polyp detected during insertion and withdrawal phases of colonoscopy is unknown. Therefore, we designed this prospective, endoscopic study. Materials and methods  Three hundred and sixty-eight patients with 396 adenomas were selected from a consecutive colonoscopic series of 1,205 cases. Detection rates of adenomas, advanced adenomas, and cancer according to withdrawal and insertion phases of colonoscopy, also subgrouping polyps for size and location, were compared. Results  Thirty-two (74%) advanced adenomas and 21 (95%) cancers were detected during the insertion, being only 11 (26%) and one (5%) identified during withdrawal, respectively. This was mainly due to a higher detection of >10 mm polyps during insertion than during withdrawal (75% versus 25%). Conclusions  Most advanced neoplasia are detected during the insertion. Although withdrawal time has been shown to be important, the scope insertion phase related to polyp detection should be specifically addressed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The study was undertaken to evaluate the clinical usefulness of endoscopic transanal decompression with a newly developed drainage tube for the treatment of acute colonic obstruction. METHODS: Thirty-six patients ranging in age from 46 to 87 years (average age = 69 years) with acute colorectal obstruction secondary to carcinoma were treated by means of intubation with a flexible drainage tube using combined endoscopic and fluoroscopic guidance. After tube placement, the obstructed colon was aspirated, decompressed, and cleaned with a 50 ml syringe and saline solution. The drainage tube was kept inserted and the colon was irrigated two or three times per day using 500 to 1,000 ml of saline until there were no contents in the colon. The colon was almost empty at the time of operation. The success rate, benefits, and complications of this technique were evaluated. RESULTS: Placement of the drainage tube was successful in 34 (94.4 percent) of 36 patients. Immediately after aspiration and decompression, symptoms related to obstruction were relieved in 21 patients (61.8 percent), within one hour in 9 patients (26.5 percent) and within four hours in 4 patients (11.8 percent). All 34 patients had elective single-stage surgery without severe complications at the anastomotic site such as anastomotic leakage and postanastomotic stenosis that needed treatment a few days after placement of the drainage tube. In the two cases of unsuccessful placement of the drainage tube, emergent colostomy was performed. CONCLUSION: Decompression with a transanal drainage tube is an easy and safe technique to relieve colonic obstruction effectively without any excess burden to patients. Because the procedure permits single-stage surgery in most cases, it is also cost effective.Presented at the meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Illinois, November 27 to December 3, 1999.  相似文献   

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