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The evaluation of lift capacity is an important part of most functional capacity evaluations. Several different methods have been developed to evaluate lift capacity in a safe, reliable, and valid manner. Isometric strength testing is one approach which has been demonstrated to be highly reliable. However, questions have been raised about the safety and validity of isometric strength testing as a predictor of real world lift capacity. One method to improve safety is to provide real time performance feedback so that the evaluee is able to increase psychophysical input to appropriately gauge his or her effort level. One method to improve reliability is to provide standardized instructions that are well understood by the evaluee. Both of these approaches have been utilized in the ERGOS Work Simulator, a computer-controlled multiple-task evaluation instrument that presents visual and auditory instructions to the evaluee along with real-time performance feedback. The safety, reliability, and validity of this computer-automated approach in comparison to an experienced human evaluator was evaluated in this research project. The results of this study demonstrate the efficacy of computerized instructions in an isometric strength testing system to achieve safe, reliable, and valid results. Intra-task variability may be improved by providing pre-test practice trials.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to establish test-retest reliability of lifting and carrying of a functional capacity evaluation (FCE) on two consecutive days and to verify the need for a 2-day protocol. A cohort of 50 patients (39 men, 11 women) with nonspecific low back pain were evaluated using a 2-day FCE protocol. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated for weight lifted and carried. Predictive relationschips between test and retest were explored by means of a regression analysis. The results of ICC were lifting low 0.87, lifting overhead 0.87, and carrying 0.77. Performances on day 2 were on an average 6–9% higher. Other than the amount of weight handled on day 1, no variable was found to predict performance on day 2. It was concluded that test-retest reliability of lifting and carrying was good, and the need for a 2-day protocol could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of two tests (cold water and reactive hyperaemia) designed to confirm a patient's history of vibration induced white finger were studied. The cold water test is a measure of digital rewarming after hand immersion in cold water. Reactive hyperaemia consists of measuring digital rewarming after cold water immersion plus temporary ischaemia imposed on the hand. For ten weeks, ten healthy male volunteers were submitted once a week to both tests to study their reliability. The results showed a strong inter and intraindividual scattering. The mean value for the whole group, however, did not differ significantly from one week to the next. Fifty two subjects exposed to hand/arm vibration were submitted to both tests to estimate their validity. They were classified, according to their medical history, into three groups: A = no symptoms, B = tingling or numbess, or both, C = Raynaud's phenomenon. Both tests agreed with the clinical staging. For reactive hyperaemia, however, the differences between the groups were statistically significant only when the test was performed at 10 degrees C. These tests are more useful to study a group than an individual case. Time has no significant effect on the mean result of a group.  相似文献   

This study measured the relative contributions of age, gender, body weight, and resting heart rate to lift capacity in 531 healthy employed males and females in a cross-sectional model. The objectives of this study were to measure the contributions to lift capacity that are made by these variables and to develop an appropriate means to express the results of a new test of lift capacity. A formal training program was developed and administered to 110 health care professionals. Subsequently, each trained evaluator performed five tests on healthy volunteers. The effect of the independent variables were studied through the use of multiple regression and analysis of variance procedures. Results indicate that age, resting heart rate, and body weight are significant predictors of performance, with the last variable being the most important. A method to normalize lift capacity is presented in which the maximum acceptable weight lifted is divided by the evaluee's body weight to derive relative acceptable weight, a variable which is normally distributed. Those who use measures of lift capacity to describe performance must consider the effect of these variables in order to make valid interpretations of lift capacity test performance.  相似文献   

Psychosocial factors, including perceived disability and self-efficacy, are important determinants of outcome for individuals with chronic back pain. Consequently, there is a need for an evaluation and consideration of such factors in occupational rehabilitation. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of a tool, the Spinal Function Sort, as a measure of perceived capacity for work-related tasks with 42 rehabilitation clients with chronic back pain. Results provided support for the internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of 0.97), test-rest reliability (ICC of 0.89) and construct validity of the Spinal Function Sort as a measure of perceived capacity for work-related tasks in persons with chronic back pain. Measures of similar constructs were significantly correlated with the Spinal Function Sort and were highly predictive of the Spinal Function Sort on multiple regression. Relationships between perceived work capacity and pain intensity and gender are discussed. The need for the consideration of perceived capacity in the evaluation and rehabilitation of persons with chronic back pain is highlighted.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of two tests (cold water and reactive hyperaemia) designed to confirm a patient's history of vibration induced white finger were studied. The cold water test is a measure of digital rewarming after hand immersion in cold water. Reactive hyperaemia consists of measuring digital rewarming after cold water immersion plus temporary ischaemia imposed on the hand. For ten weeks, ten healthy male volunteers were submitted once a week to both tests to study their reliability. The results showed a strong inter and intraindividual scattering. The mean value for the whole group, however, did not differ significantly from one week to the next. Fifty two subjects exposed to hand/arm vibration were submitted to both tests to estimate their validity. They were classified, according to their medical history, into three groups: A = no symptoms, B = tingling or numbess, or both, C = Raynaud's phenomenon. Both tests agreed with the clinical staging. For reactive hyperaemia, however, the differences between the groups were statistically significant only when the test was performed at 10 degrees C. These tests are more useful to study a group than an individual case. Time has no significant effect on the mean result of a group.  相似文献   

Visuospatial inattention is one of the deficits which can have a negative effect on activities in daily living performance in stroke patients. Four cancellation tests were administered to 43 stroke patients (34 right lesion and 9 left lesion) to determine the reliability and validity in measuring visuospatial inattention deficit. For the total group, test–re-test reliabilities on the Albert Test, the Schenkenberg Line Bisection Test (SLBT) cancellation, the Structured Chinese Word Cancellation Test (SCWCT) and the Random Chinese Word Cancellation Test (RCWCT) ranged from 0.79 to 0.96. Among the four cancellation tests, the RCWCT had the highest reliability (0.96). Reliability coefficients were also calculated for the subgroup with right brain lesion with similar results. High intercorrelation coefficients showed that the four tests evaluate the same construct at a significant level. The correlation (r) was used to estimate the size of the effect of the linear relationship between lesion side and omission scores of the tests. The results showed moderate-to-large effect sizes of the side of lesion on the performance and indicated that the RCWCT, the SCWCT, the SLBT and the Albert Test could all be used to discriminate right brain lesion from the left. In addition to showing excellent reliability and construct validity, the RCWCT was the most difficult of the tests, and so the most likely to identify inattention in Chinese individuals.  相似文献   

Determination of an individual's lifting capacity is an important component in Functional Capacity Evaluation, which is widely used to delineate potential for work. Despite a recent surge in the number and types of Functional Capacity Evaluations, and therefore in approaches to determining lifting capacity, there has been limited research to support the reliability and validity of their use. This study evaluated the inter-rater reliability of five occupational therapists in determining safe maximal lifting capacity using a biomechanical approach. In addition, the use of an operational definition of a safe lift was examined to determine its effect on therapists' decision-making process and therefore the reliability of their ratings. The use of an operational definition was found to significantly affect therapists' decision-making process in differentiating safe from unsafe lifts, with all raters showing highly significant improvements in their ability to determine the safety of lifts from pre- to postdefinition ratings, according to McNemar's χ 2 statistic. The provision of a definition also enhanced therapists' reliability of ratings, with kappa values that ranged from 0.47 to 0.74 predefinition changing to 0.56–0.82 postdefinition. Possible explanations for the change in decision-making are discussed and the need for ongoing evaluation of procedures used in Functional Capacity Evaluation, particularly with regard to the determination of lifting capacity, are highlighted.  相似文献   

目的 对急救医疗服务心理弹性量表(emergency medical services resilience scale,EMSRS)进行汉化并检验中文版量表的适用性.方法 获得原作者授权同意后,对EMSRS量表进行翻译修订、跨文化调试,形成中文版EMSRS.采用便利抽样法选取太原市某急救中心252名急救人员进行量表调...  相似文献   

In a previous study we described a problem-based criterion-referenced test of the clinical competence of medical students which was felt to offer advantages over the traditional final-year examination. This paper reports the validity and reliability studies on which it is possible to judge the value of this new test when compared to the traditional approach.
The results demonstrate a high level of content validity and provide evidence of the construct validity of the test. Efforts to obtain measures of concurrent and predictive validity were thwarted by a failure to attain reliable assessments of ward performance from resident and consultant staff. Satisfactory levels of internal consistency were established for the whole test. Marker reliability was satisfactory in all sections of the test except for those requiring examiners to rate practical clinical skills. This was so despite the use of simulated patients, behavioural check-lists and rater training. Possible solutions to this problem are discussed.
It is concluded that this new approach overcomes many of the measurement problems inherent in the traditional final examination. It has been shown to be feasible to construct and administer in the medical school setting without the need for the allocation of additional resources.  相似文献   

Job classification, return to work status, and job placement are determined by the results of lifting capacity tests. Lifting capacity is often assessed by maximum static or dynamic physical exertions. The purpose of this study was to compare maximum isometric lifting strength with maximum dynamic lifting capacity in subjects with work-related low back injury. Twenty-seven men performed five dynamic lifting tasks and two isometric strength tests. The mean Pearson product-moment correlation between maximum isometric lifting strength measurements and maximum dynamic lifting capacity measurements was .51 with a range of .30–.73. The results indicate low to moderate associations between isometric strength measurements and lifting capacity suggesting that estimates of functional lifting capacity should not be based on static measurements alone. Dynamic lift tests are often a better simulation of the task being assessed and may be more appropriate for a back-injured population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To describe the development and investigate the psychometric properties of a new instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for individuals with an eating disorder (ED). METHODS: Seven focus groups were convened and an extensive literature review was carried out to generate the items. The first draft of the questionnaire was pilot tested. Three hundred twenty-four ED patients took part in the final field study. The 12-Item Short Form Health Survey, the Eating Attitudes Test-26, and two items from the Eating Disorders Inventory-2 also were applied to examine the concurrent validity. Factor analysis, item scale correlation correcting for overlap, test-retest, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, known-groups validation, and the sensitivity of the questionnaire in different populations also were examined. RESULTS: The final Health-Related Quality of Life in Eating Disorders (HeRQoLED) questionnaire consisted of 50 items. Principal axis factor analysis identified eight subscales. Concurrent validity showed correlations >.40 with the criteria measures. Excellent reliability and stability were obtained. The HeRQoLED was sensitive in discriminating both between known-different groups and from the general population. CONCLUSION: The results provide evidence of the good psychometric properties of the new HeRQoLED questionnaire, except for one domain, which had to be eliminated.  相似文献   

Development of community ownership is often identified as an important intermediate objective of community health education programs. Community ownership is assumed to be important to program effectiveness and long-term maintenance, but validated measures of this construct have not been available to test this proposition. A measure of community leaders' perceived ownership of health education programs was developed and tested. The Community Ownership Scale identified key functions within a program and asked community leaders to rate the amount of control the leaders themselves, the external sponsoring agency and the local program staff had in each area. The measure was tested with the volunteer leadership of three community health education programs. Predictions about scores were based on the conceptual framework from which the ownership construct was derived. Results of these tests were consistent with predictions, providing evidence for the validity of the measure. Subscale scores showed high levels of internal consistency reliability. This measure could be applied at different stages in the life of a program to monitor the success of efforts to foster community ownership, and to test the relationships between perceived ownership and program effectiveness and maintenance.  相似文献   

第2代亚健康调查表信度与效度评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 考评第2代亚健康调查表的信度与效度,总结其测量结果,为进一步研制亚健康量表提供基础依据。方法 采用现场调查方式,由被访者本人填写该问卷,收回有效问卷5599份。采用世界卫生组织生存质量简表(WHOQOL-BREF)作为效度参考;分析调查表的结构效度、效标关联效度、区分效度和内部一致性信度。结果 (1)效度分析:结构效度采用探索性因子分析法,按特征根值>1提取其因子,共提取16个因子;累及贡献率为52.46%:与WHOQOL-BREF的相关系数为0.693;大学生亚健康人群的调查表总分及各领域分值均高于大学生健康人群(114.81±27.66),(80.51±25.45);(46.76±14.80),(30.61±12.42);(37.43±10.09),(26.97±8.90);(27.12±7.22),(20.37±6.97),P<0.000,显示区分效度较好。(2)信度分析:通过内部一致性信度检验,总的克朗巴赫α系数为0.949;其躯体、心理、社会3大领域的克朗巴赫α系数分别为0.905,0.884,0.855;有12个因子的克朗巴赫α系数达到0.7以上。结论 第2代亚健康调查表具有较好信度;其结构效度虽然证实了理论构想,但尚不够理想,可用于亚健康评价的研究。  相似文献   

In large epidemiologic studies, information on breastfeeding practice is often collected from maternal recall through interviews, but there is concern about the accuracy of the data, especially when mothers are asked to recall their practices from many years earlier. This review examines the validity and reliability of maternal recall of breastfeeding history using 11 studies published between 1966 and 2003 in English with a sample of 10 or more. Validity is the degree to which recall compares with a validation standard or reference, and reliability refers to the degree to which the breastfeeding practices obtained by recall are repeatable over time. The existing studies suggest that maternal recall is a valid and reliable estimate of breastfeeding initiation and duration, especially when the duration of breastfeeding is recalled after a short period (< or = 3 years). Validity and reliability of maternal recall for the age at introduction of food and fluids other than breast milk are less satisfactory. Further and more extensive studies on maternal recall of breastfeeding history and ways to improve such recall are warranted.  相似文献   

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