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One-year incidence of home accidents in a rural Swedish municipality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since 1978 a continuous registration of acute in-patient and out-patient visits, has been conducted in a municipality in Skaraborg County in western Sweden as a part of the evaluation of an intervention programme. Such a comprehensive community oriented intervention programme has never been reported before. A special focus has been directed at accident cases divided up by environment: home, work, traffic, and other. A total of 20 440 inhabitants in the municipality were registered in health and medical care centres over a six-year period because of injuries. Since 23.5% of all accidents happen in the home, cases of home accidents have been mapped out in more detail with the help of standardized and structured surveys via telephone interviews. All of these were completed with a review of hospital records and death certificates. Because of the comprehensive registration we were able for the first time in Sweden to calculate the distribution of home accidents down to very small geographical areas. The thinly populated areas show significantly higher levels of home accidents when compared to the densely populated areas. In addition to geographical differences, there were incidence differences regarding sex, age group, and type of housing. The majority of home accidents (76.5%) occurred in connection with moving, play, and hobbies. Injuries from blows, cuts, and collisions are the most common type of accidents for men, while injuries from falls are the most dominant types for women. The dominating types of injuries are: contusions, fractures, and wounds. A significantly higher incidence of accident cases among the elderly exists in all of the old age homes/service houses in the study area.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Only 32 per cent of the category "seriously injured" in road traffic accidents were correctly registered as such in the official road traffic accident statistics. Furthermore, 25 percent were registered, though wrongly, as "slightly injured". Consequently almost one-half of the seriously injured were not registered at all, and they constituted a drop-out which contributes a bias to the statistics obtained. False registration is primarily associated with short-term hospitalization and absence of surgical operations during the hospital stay, i.e. slight injuries, and low age. The material analysed was comprised of 2689 individuals from hospital or road traffic accident statistics covering the Uppsala hospital region during 1966.  相似文献   

A continuous all embracing registration of acute, in-patient and out-patient visits at hospitals and primary health care centres, has been conducted since 1978 in Skaraborg County in western Sweden. A special focus has been directed at accident cases which account for 20% of the total number of acute visits. The accidents have been divided up by environment: home, work, traffic and other. Cases of work-related accidents have been mapped out in more detail with the help of standardized and structured surveys via telephone interviews, information from hospital records, and death certificates. This study aims at achieving increased understanding and knowledge about the accident pattern in the working environment in a municipality. This mapping of cases of work-related accidents in a defined population is also a part of evaluation of an intervention programme. Such a comprehensive community-oriented intervention programme has never been reported before. A total of 20,440 inhabitants in the municipality were registered in health and medical care centres over a six-year period because of injuries. Out of this total, 3,729 or 18.2% occurred on the job. A significant over-representation of work-related accidents existed for men, those in the 16-34 year age group, and those in manufacturing or farming. High incidences of industrial accidents were concentrated in the months of August through November. The most common types of injuries were to the eyes, or from crushes, falls, cuts, or punctures from sharp or piercing objects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present prospective investigation was to study the epidemiology of head injuries sustained in road traffic accidents. The characteristics of all 503 head-injured patients admitted to hospitals in the two counties of Tr?ndelag province, Norway, in 1979 and 1980 are described. The annual incidence was 89 per 100 000 inhabitants. There was a male preponderance in all categories of victims. The highest male to female ratio was found in motorcyclists and mopedists (6.3:1). Pedal cycle accidents accounted for 33% of all accidents, constituting the most common cause of head injury on the roads in the period from May to the end of September. There were more pedal cycle accidents in the present series than in previous studies on road traffic accidents.  相似文献   

目的分析2008—2011年中国特大道路交通伤害的流行特征,为制定预防和控制特大道路交通伤害提供科学依据。方法过录2008—2011年公安部交通管理局的交通事故资料中有关全国一次死亡10人(含10人)以上的特大道路交通伤害事故的资料和通过GooSe搜索引擎搜索的补充新闻资料为依据,经Excel2003软件进行数据编码录入,用SPSS21.0软件进行统计分析。结果2008—2011年全国共发生特大道路交通事故114起,1721人死亡,1883人受伤,发生地区集中在中西部,云南、贵州和西藏3省占全国发生起数的1/5;发生时间多在2~3月和10—11月,时点为下午2点和3点;事故发生的道路依次为国道(41.23%)、省道(25.44%)和县道(11.40%);事故原因主要为碰撞(45.61%)和坠车(38.60%);70.18%的肇事车型为客车,以大型客车为主(53.51%);71.88%肇事车处于制动不良或制动失效等非正常状态,87.72%的事故由超速行驶(44.74%)或超载(15.79%)等违法过错所引发。结论遏制特大道路交通伤害的措施在于提高公众和机动车驾驶员的交通安全意识,从源头上完善路网安全建设和相关配套设施特,加大对公路客运公司的监管力度。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市2006—2009年自卸货车道路交通事故的特点,为重型货车道路交通伤害预防提供理论依据。方法分析上海市交警部门提供的全市道路交通伤害数据以及自卸货车道路交通伤害数据。结果 2006—2009年期间全市道路交通事故数以2006年最高,为6588次,2007年后逐步下降,分别为3952次、2745次和2831次,而同期自卸货车道路交通事故数呈现U型趋势,分别为177次、99次、86次和147次。自卸货车事故性质较为严重,98.1%的事故均有人员伤亡。全市道路交通事故一般以二三季度发生较多,且时间段集中在12—18时之间,而自卸货车以二季度发生较多,时间段集中在上午6—12时或12—18时两个时间段。无论是全市还是自卸货车道路交通事故均以年轻驾驶员为主。全市和自卸货车道路交通事故的首要责任认定均为机动车违法,分别占63.8%和73.0%,碰撞特点前3位均为侧面相撞(全市53.0%、自卸53.0%)、正面相撞(全市20.7%、自卸17.3%)和尾随相撞(全市8.8%、自卸8.1%)。结论自卸货车的交通伤害性质严重,必须从人、车、路3方面入手,采取综合性的干预措施才能有效地降低交通伤害的发生和死亡。  相似文献   

In Saudi Arabia the motor vehicle is the main means of transportation. Between 1971 and 1997; 564,762 people died or were injured in road traffic accidents, a figure equivalent to 3.5% of the total population in Saudi Arabia. During this period 66,914 people have died on the roads in Saudi Arabia due to road accidents, amounting to one person killed and four injured every hour. Over 65% of accidents occur because of vehicles travelling at excess speed and/or drivers disobeying traffic signals. Of deaths in Ministry of Health hospitals, 81% are due to road traffic accidents and 20% of their beds are occupied by traffic accidents victims. Also, 79.2% of patients admitted to Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital with spinal injuries has sustained their injuries as a result of a motor vehicle accident. We recommend compulsory use of safety seat belts in vehicles and the setting up of a new database to collect, store and analyse information relating to the road traffic accidents.  相似文献   

目的分析并探讨交通事故致颅脑损伤住院患者的影响因素。方法采用现场调查的方法,调查分析2012年10月-2013年7月期间因道路交通伤入住3家综合性医院的住院患者的伤害发生情况。结果本研究共调查388例道路交通伤住院患者,平均年龄为(40.20±18.38)岁,男女性别比为2.15:1。19—64岁年龄段为交通伤的主要年龄段。在交通伤住院患者中,颅脑损伤患者共225例,占调查人数的58.O%,其中男性166名(73.8%),女性59名(26.2%)。摩托车驾驶员为主要的道路使用者类型,其次为行人及摩托车乘客。患者平均年龄为(39.18±18.68)岁。多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,性别、职业、道路使用者类型、交通控制方式为交通事故致颅脑损伤的危险因素。结论男性、军人、无业或退休人员、机动车驾驶员、标志标线的交通控制方式为交通事故致颅脑损伤的影响因素。  相似文献   

The risk of accidents among older drivers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The number of older persons holding a driver's license is rapidly increasing, as is the number of older persons driving a car. This paper examines driver accident risk by age group, focusing on the older driver. Two different measures of accident risk are used; involvement in personal injury traffic accidents per million kilometers driven, and involvement in traffic accidents where one or more pedestrians were injured per million kilometers driven. The latter measure is used to refute the assumption that the elderly's risk of being involved in personal injury accidents might, to some extent, be explained by the fact that older drivers generally tend to run a higher risk than younger drivers of being injured in the event of a traffic accident. Another motive is that it provides a measure of the extent to which drivers of different ages present a risk to their fellow road users. This study shows that drivers in the 75-84 age group are at four to six times greater risk than are middle-aged drivers of being involved in personal injury traffic accidents.  相似文献   

萧山区居民车祸死亡原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的分析萧山区车祸死亡流行病学特征,为预防和控制道路交通事故提供依据。方法利用萧山区死因监测系统2002—2007年资料,采用ICD—10编码进行伤害死因分类统计,计算车祸死亡率、死因构成等。结果萧山区车祸死亡率为26.28/10万,居伤害夕E因的首位,男性高于女性,车祸死亡率随着年龄的增加上升。9种车祸死亡类型中,位居首位的是人-车碰撞造成行人死亡,46.4%为60岁以上老年人。骑(乘)摩托车车祸死亡主要集中在20~59岁之间,占总摩托车死亡的91.8%,主要危害男性,占87.1%。结论车祸已成为威胁萧山区健康的重要公共卫生问题,社会各部门应积极采取相应措施,加强道路交通法规的宣传和教育工作,减少交通事故的发生和死亡。  相似文献   

The elderly are vulnerable and potentially unpredictable active participants in traffic who deserve special attention. Longer life expectancy entails a greater number of senior drivers, that is, persons with various health problems and difficulties accompanying old age. At the turn of the millennium, the share of population aged 65 or more in Slovenia was around 13%, and in 25 years it will be near as much as 19%. The share of drivers from this age group was 28% a year ago, and it is expected to reach about 54%. Numerous studies have shown that there are many differences in driving attitude between the young and the elderly. The young are by large active victims, and their main offense and cause of accident is speeding, while the elderly are more passive and their main offense is ignoring and enforcing the right of way. This paper focuses on the differences in the occurrence and type of injuries between the young and the elderly drivers, based on an analysis of all road accidents in Slovenia in the period between 1998-2000. Older people (over 65) caused only 4.7% of all road accidents (16.7% of all accidents involving pedestrians, 11.5% of all involving cyclists, 2.7% involving motorcyclists and 5% of all accidents involving car drivers). Of all accidents, 89.3% were without injuries, and the fatal outcome was registered in 0.4% accidents. Among the elderly (65-74 years of age), however, this share was 1%, and rising to 2.7% with the age 75 and above. By calculating the weight index, which discriminates between minor and severe injuries, and the fatal outcome, it was established that age groups 65-74 and > or = 75 cause three and five times greater damage, respectively than age groups from 18 to 54 years. With years, psychophysical changes lead to a drop in driving ability, which in turn increases the risk of road accidents. It is true that elderly people cause less traffic accidents (and also drive less) than the young, but when they are involved in an accident, as a rule the consequences are more tragical. A research of this increasing group traffic participants (in the role of drivers as well) could provide an important contribution to their safety and to the safety of all people involved in road traffic.  相似文献   

目的 分析上海市2013-2015年重特大交通事故及其伤亡信息的流行特征,为开展道路交通伤害预防提供依据。方法 系统抽取上海市交警2013-2015年重特大道路交通事故信息,分析其主要事故原因、伤亡人员主要交通方式和临床特征。利用ArcMap 10.1软件分析交通事故面数据的全局和局部空间自相关,探索事故的空间聚集特征。结果 上海市2013-2015年重特大交通事故抽样数据共224起,伤亡人员258人,直接财产损失共计196.14万元。人员伤亡以上午时段(6:00~12:00)为主,占43.41%;事故认定原因以机动车违法为主,占56.98%;受伤人群以电动自行车骑乘人员为主,占33.33%;人群伤亡临床特征以头部损伤为主,总计占65.89%。交通事故空间分析显示,事故高发区域和人群伤亡区域主要聚集于本市西部地区与外省市交汇处国道附近,在本市东部地区人口相对较少的区域也呈现事故聚集。结论 道路交通事故的发生涉及到人、车、环境和道路;探测道路交通安全的重点区域和人群,开展有针对性的干预措施,有助于降低道路交通伤害的发生。  相似文献   

广州市天河区交通伤害流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解急诊伤害病例中因交通伤害的流行病学特点,为开展伤害预防提供依据。方法对广州市某3家医院急诊科伤害监测资料进行统计分析。结果交通伤害中平均年龄为34.48岁,男女之比为2.21∶1,交通事故绝大部分以道路为主,占96.04%,交通事故发生后就诊的时间分布以晚20:00~21:00时达到高峰,交通伤害的损伤以车祸伤为主(27.38%)。结论交通伤害的上升应该引起高度重视,不同地区应该对本地区重要的伤害制订有效的控制措施。  相似文献   

目的揭示某综合医院道路交通事故住院患者的直接死因及其主要交通事故特征,为预防道路交通事故的发生和医院创伤救治提供基础资料和参考依据。方法对汕头市某综合医院2003—2011年道路交通事故住院患者的住院病案信息进行核实、统计分析。结果共收集7039名病例,男女之比为2.35:1,总死亡人数为145人,其中男性104人,女性41人,致死率为2.06%,秋季致死率高,随着年龄增加,死亡率增高,男性致死率高于女性致死率,其死亡率之比为1.08:1。病人死亡的前3位直接死因为:重型颅脑损伤,脑肿胀,脑挫伤和创伤性硬膜下血肿;前3位交通事故类型为:未特指的机动车交通事故,骑摩托车与小汽车(轻型货车)相撞,行人与摩托车相撞;死者主要为摩托车骑乘者(64例,44.14%)。结论道路交通事故住院患者直接死因为颅脑损伤,主要事故类型为摩托车交通事故。应加强对摩托车事故预防,佩戴好头盔,医院要加强对颅脑损伤的有效救治与管理。  相似文献   

目的了解2004-2009年上海市虹口区车祸的死亡情况,为预防道路交通伤害提供依据。方法根据上海市虹口区全死因登记监测系统收集的车祸死亡资料,用描述性方法分析车祸死亡率、死亡人员职业构成、减寿人年数(PYLL)等。结果虹口区2004-2009年车祸死亡率为6.08/10万,占伤害总死亡的14.22%,居伤害死亡的第一位。男性车祸死亡率高于女性,且6年中上海市虹口区居民车祸死亡率呈波动趋势。行人的死亡占交通事故总死亡的37.15%。摩托车驾驶员的死亡率为16.19/10万,远高于非机动车人员及其他机动车驾驶员的死亡率。6年来,交通事故总的减寿年数为4785.00人年,减寿最严重的是小汽车碰撞车祸所引起的人员死亡。结论车祸死亡是可以采取相应措施加以控制的。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide information from two prospective long-term follow-ups for severe road traffic injuries in Sweden. The long-term consequences, in terms of loss of health and costs of care, are presented for severe injuries in Sweden in the early 1990s and are compared with information on injury severity and health care utilisation 25 years ago. The follow-up in the 1990s show that, 1 year after the accident 38% of the non-fatal adults were suffering of some functional disability, pain and distress. Adults suffering from long-term loss of health decreased to 23% on average 3.7 years after the accident. The average health care cost was estimated to SEK46200 (in 1995 prices), and the average in-patient care was 10 days. However, when also including subsequent expected life-long care for three severely injured patients, the average incidence-based health care cost was estimated to SEK100300. In the 4-5 year follow-up 25 years ago, severe traffic injuries were treated on average 21 days in hospital and 38% of the adults were still suffering from long-term physical effects. Conclusions to be drawn are that treatment in hospital of severe traffic injuries has shortened by half and long-term consequences have not been worsened. Our results indicate that long-term effects do not cause as serious loss of health nowadays as they did 25 years ago.  相似文献   

Montazeri A 《Public health》2004,118(2):110-113
Road traffic accidents are considered to be the second highest cause of mortality in Iran. A study was conducted to describe road-traffic-related mortality data in Iran in a given period. All Iranian mortality data on road traffic accidents between March 1999 and 2000 (one complete Iranian calendar year) were obtained. The main variables studied were deceased's gender, age, education level, status (i.e. driver, car occupant, etc.), cause and place of death. A total of 15?482 individuals died from road traffic accidents in Iran in the study period. A disproportionate number of deceased individuals were male (79%), mostly aged 40 years or less (65%), and who were pedestrians or car occupants (62%). Head injury was the most common cause of road-traffic-related mortality (66%) in males and females of all ages. Following road traffic accidents, 57% of deaths occurred pre-hospital. Head injury is the most common single cause of mortality attributable to road traffic accidents in Iran, and since most deaths occur pre-hospital, it seems many are preventable. To overcome this major public health problem, there is an urgent need to develop a comprehensive injury control policy and strategy in Iran.  相似文献   

深圳市光明新区机动车伤害监测特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解深圳市光明新区机动车车祸急诊伤害分布情况,为伤害事件预防与控制提供依据。方法采用统一的调查表对2010-2011年在深圳市光明新区伤害监测哨点医院急诊科就诊的首诊伤害病例进行登记,运用描述流行病学方法进行分析。结果 2010-2011年机动车车祸伤害病例累计4 887例,发生年龄主要集中在1~5岁和16~50岁,分别占5.44%、84.59%;其主要职业为生产运输设备操作人员及有关人员(占73.42%)、商业/服务业人员(占9.17%)、学龄前儿童(占5.93%)等。机动车车祸伤害事件大部分发生在7-24时之间占89.67%;对比2010年,2011年12月机动车车祸伤害发生下降幅度达47.43%。绝大部分伤害事件为非故意伤害事故(99.84%),以轻度伤害事故为主(78.21%),小型载客汽车和摩托车是造成伤害的主要直接交通工具(分别占36.32%、32.11%),另外重度伤害事件中小型载客汽车占52.42%。结论机动车车祸伤害呈下降趋势,绝大部分为轻度非故意事件,但小型载客汽车和摩托车仍是造成机动车车祸伤害的主要原因,加强交通安全宣传以及加大交通安全执法力度,以及采用针对性的预防与控制手段,能有效预防与控制机动车车祸伤害的发生。  相似文献   

In our society, accidents constitute a major public health problem, especially among youth. The objective of this paper was to describe the incidence of nonfatal injuries that required medical care among 16 to 20 year-old in Switzerland, its distribution by type of injury and whether there were differences by gender or by academic track and whether these injuries had sequels (hospitalisation, physical and psychological sequels). Overall, 28.3% of the sample reported at least one accident needing medical care in the previous 12 months, with males having more accidents than females and apprentices more than students. By type of accident, sports were the most frequently reported, followed by traffic, leisure time and work accidents. Half of males and one-third of females reported more than one accident, and 16% and 8% of them, respectively, reported four or more. Both physical and psychological sequels were more frequent among females, while hospitalisation was more frequent among males. Accident prevalence rates remain high among adolescents. Safety counselling and environmental measures need to be implemented.  相似文献   

目的 了解2014年镇江地区院前救治的道路交通伤患者的流行病学特征。 方法 采用回顾性分析方法,分析>14岁的道路交通伤患者的年龄、性别、日期和时间、患者的损伤部位、伤害类型等。 结果 2 583例患者中,男1 455例(56.3%),女1 128例(43.7%),男女例数之比为1.29:1。患者的年龄15~93岁,平均年龄(46.49 ±15.58)岁。10月发生道路交通伤的患者最多,共336例(13.01%),2月最少,共107例(4.14%);8:00-9:00发生道路交通伤的患者最多,共194例(7.51%),03:00-04:00发生道路交通伤的患者最少,共9例(0.35%)。头部和四肢是最常见的身体损伤部位,占总人数的78.17%,出现2处及以上损伤部位的人数为220人,占总人数的8.52%。道路交通伤害导致的严重患者有124例(4.81%),中度患者647例(25.04%),轻度患者1 812例(70.15%)。 结论 镇江地区交通伤害以男性青壮年为主,损伤以头部和四肢为主,大部分是轻度患者。  相似文献   

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