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王冉 《中华现代护理杂志》2007,13(33):3290-3290
华法林为一种香豆素类口服抗凝剂,其作用机制是竞争性拮抗维生素K的作用,阻断维生素K环氧化物转变为氢醌形式,导致产生无凝血性的Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ因子前体,从而抑制血液凝固.广泛用于防治血栓栓塞性疾病[1].2006年9月20日我所在的医院收治了华法林口服过量1例,经抢救治疗后痊愈出院.现将护理报道如下.……  相似文献   

1例心力衰竭病人服用华法林过量引起出血的护理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡荣辉 《全科护理》2010,8(4):372-373
华法林是香豆素类抗凝药,通过抑制凝血因子的活化抑制新的血栓形成,同时可限制血栓的扩大和延展,抑制血栓脱落和栓塞的发生,有利于机体纤溶系统清除已经形成的血栓。临床上常用于心脏瓣膜置换术、非瓣膜性心房颤动等病人的治疗和预防,其剂量应根据凝血酶原时间进行调节,过量可引起出血。  相似文献   

回顾性分析我科诊治的37例心房颤动(房颤)患者应用华法林治疗引起出血的相关因素。应用华法林引起出血与个体敏感、出院后不按时监测凝血酶原时间(PT)、国际标准化比值(INR)及医护人员责任心不强相关。针对应用华法林治疗患者进行服药前强化指导,服药期间定期监测PT及INR,加强出院患者电话随访,可有效减少出血不良事件发生。  相似文献   

目的提高儿科临床对华法林所致消化道出血的预防和处理水平。方法回顾性分析两例川崎病合并冠状动脉瘤患儿口服华法林所致消化道出血的诊治经过。结果病例1为5岁女童,因川崎病合并右侧串珠样冠状动脉瘤、冠状动脉内血栓形成服用华法林、阿司匹林治疗1年,因柏油便、面色苍白3天入院,查国际标准化比值(international normalized ratio,INR)2.5,血红蛋白56g/L,胃镜提示糜烂性胃窦炎,经停用华法林、静脉注射维生素K、输注红细胞、静脉滴注奥美拉唑后患儿出血终止,1周后恢复华法林治疗,消化道出血诱因为胃窦炎。病例2为3岁男童,川崎病合并右侧冠状动脉巨大瘤2年,规律口服阿司匹林及华法林,但未监测凝血功能,本次因便血就诊,便常规提示隐血阳性,血红蛋白109g/L,INR 3.78,经停用华法林、阿司匹林2天后未再排血便,1周后恢复阿司匹林和华法林治疗,出血诱因为未监测INR,从而导致华法林剂量偏大。结论华法林的血药浓度受多因素影响,需定期监测INR从而确定最佳剂量。合并消化道基础病的患儿应根据个体情况调整治疗,患儿一旦出血应及时停药并对症处理。  相似文献   

目的通过分析3例口服华法林后发生自发性腹膜后出血(SRH)患者的临床资料,并复习相关文献资料,总结应用华法林导致SRH的经验和教训,为临床诊断及抢救治疗提供参考依据。方法回顾性分析我科收治的3例华法林相关性腹膜后出血患者的临床特点、影像学特征、治疗方法及预后,并结合相关文献复习讨论。结果 3例华法林相关SRH患者,病例1因失血性休克、多脏器功能衰竭而死亡;病例2和病例3治愈,其中病例2合并肾功能异常、无尿,在输注血浆、维生素K1纠正凝血功能异常,输注悬浮红细胞纠正贫血,扩容补液抗休克的同时给予持续肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)维持内环境稳定,入院第2天患者凝血功能恢复正常,出血渐止,住院第4天重启口服华法林抗凝治疗,维持国际标准化比值在2~3,最终痊愈出院。对于使用华法林过程中出现不明原因的进行性贫血和腹痛的患者需考虑到SRH的可能,腹部CT检查有助于早期确诊。结论 SRH是华法林抗凝治疗相对少见但严重的不良反应,易被误诊,病死率较高。出现SRH时立即停用华法林并输注维生素K1、血浆、冷沉淀凝血因子逆转抗凝过度,对于同时合并有肾功能异常、无尿的患者及时予以CRRT维持内环境稳定,可能是一种临床抢救华法林相关腹膜后出血危重患者的有效措施。  相似文献   

笔者遇治1例华法林致臀部肌间隙自发性出血,临床较少见,曾误诊为坐骨神经痛,报道如下.1病历摘要女,70岁.因咳嗽、咳痰半个月,右臀部痛4d入院.4 a前行二尖瓣、主动脉瓣置换术,手术后长期服用华法林,根据INR结果调整华法林用量.发病当年初,口服5 mg/d,2005-03-04出现痰中带血,即改为2.5 mg/d,术后长期服用地高辛、利尿剂等药物治疗.此次因半个月前咳嗽、咳痰,为白色粘痰,量中,平卧时加重,坐起后症状减轻.入院前4d出现痰中带血丝,且夜间平卧睡眠时,喘憋、咳嗽、咳痰尤为明显,同时出现右臀部疼痛,曾诊为坐骨神经痛,为进一步诊治收住院.查体:BP150/80mmHg,消瘦,轻度贫血貌,前胸可见陈旧性手术瘢痕.  相似文献   

引起阴道出血的原因众多,抗凝治疗也是病因之一.本文就我院收治的4例应用华法林抗凝治疗中阴道出血的病人进行分析,并行文献复习,探讨抗凝治疗中避免阴道大出血的护理策略.1 临床资料我科自2007年10月-2009年9月收治口服华法林合并阴道出血病人4例,年龄37岁~46岁,平均42.7岁,分别因阴道不规则出血4 d~16 d入院,均行B超检查,排除子宫肌瘤,均有二尖瓣狭窄置换术史,术后1月至5年不等,3例口服华法林2.5 mg/d,1例1.25 mg/d.末次月经距离入院时间4 d~20 d.入院查体均为贫血貌,血红蛋白50 g/L~87 g/L,平均68.5 g/L.国际标准化比值(INR)0.99~1.75,平均1.40.入院后1例突发下腹痛,腹膜刺激征阳性,给予维生素K1 10 mg,山莨菪碱10 mg肌肉注射,停华法林,并行诊刮术(没有节育环),术后给予止血、抗感染治疗,4 d后出血停止,疼痛缓解.1例入院后给予止血,并停华法林4 d后出血停止.2例给予诊刮术+取环术,并停华法林,给予止血抗感染治疗3 d或4 d后出血停止.  相似文献   

探讨了患者服用华法林出现不良反应的相关因素。对2000年5月~2004年5月收治的华法林不良反应患者17例进行分析。认为口服华法林出现不良反应不仅与患者服药依从性有关,而且与医护人员的服务水平和责任心有关。提出医护人员必须掌握华法林临床应用和监测的有关知识;对患者进行有效的服药指导,才能避免华发林的不良反应。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨神经内窥镜在急诊科的应用价值。方法 :1999年 7月至 2 0 0 0年 3月我院急诊科开展神经内窥镜手术治疗各类颅内血肿 2 3例 2 4次 ,其中脑内血肿清除术 2 0例 ,慢性硬膜下血肿 /积液引流术 3例。结果 :根据ADL评分标准 ,脑血肿组治疗效果为基本痊愈(ADL1级 ) 2例 ,显著进步 (ADL改善≥ 2级 ) 6例 ,进步 (ADL改善 1级 ) 6例 ,无改变 1例 ,死亡 5例 ;超早期治疗的 3例效果最好。 3例硬膜下血肿 /积液均治愈。本组并发术后出血 2例 ,切口脑脊液漏 1例 ,无其它手术直接相关的并发症。结论 :神经内窥镜手术创伤小 ,直视下操作 ,并发症少 ,病人康复快 ,为脑出血、慢性分隔型硬膜下血肿的治疗提供了一种新的有效方法 ,值得在急诊科开展。  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common complaint encountered in the emergency department and frequent cause of hospitalization. Important diagnostic factors that increase morbidity and mortality include advanced age, serious comorbid conditions, hemodynamic instability, esophageal varices, significant hematemesis or melena, and marked anemia. Because gastrointestinal bleeding carries a 10% overall mortality rate, emergency physicians must perform timely diagnosis, aggressive resuscitation, risk stratification, and early consultation for these patients.  相似文献   



Gastrointestinal bleeding is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In addition, it constitutes an important part of health expenditures.In this study, we aimed to determine whether there is a relationship between plasma copeptin levels and the etiology, location and severity of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Materials and methods

This study was performed prospectively in 104 consecutive patients who were admitted to an emergency department with complaints of bloody vomiting or bloody or black stool. To evaluate the level of biochemical parameters such as Full Blood Count (FBC), serum biochemistry, bleeding parameters and copeptin, blood samples were obtained at admission. For the copeptin levels, 2 more blood samples were obtained at the 12th and 24th hours after admission.The values obtained were compared using statistical methods.


In terms of the etiology of bleeding, the copeptin levels in the patients with peptic ulcer were higher than the levels in patients with other gastrointestinal bleeding. However, the difference was not statistically significant.There were no significant differences among all groups' 0th, 12th and 24th hour levels of copeptin.


We conclude that copeptin cannot be effectively used as a biochemical parameter in an emergency department to determine the etiology and location of gastrointestinal bleeding. It can, however, be used to make decisions on endoscopy and the hospitalization of patients with suspected gastrointestinal bleeding.  相似文献   

目的 探讨脑出血并发消化道出血的发病机制、预后及治疗措施。方法 对我院2000年1月至2005年6月收治的641例脑出血并发消化道出血的116例患者的临床资料进行分析。结果 116例患者有61例死亡。其中基底节区出血49例,死亡21例(42.9%);脑干出血18例,死亡14例(77.8%);脑叶出血16例,死亡5例(31.3%);丘脑出血12例,死亡9例(75%);脑室出血6例,死亡4例(66.7%);小脑出血8例,死亡3例(37.5%);混合出血7例,死亡5例(71.4%)。出血量小于30ml29例,死亡4例(13-8%);30—50ml61例,死亡34例(55.7%);51—80ml17例,死亡15例(88.2%);大于80ml9例,死亡8例(88.9%)。结论 脑出血并消化道出血患者预后差,病死率高,死亡率与出血部位、出血量及年龄有关。在内科保守治疗的基础上有适应证的患者配以微创血肿清除术,明显地降低了死亡率。  相似文献   

急诊科开展神经内镜治疗自发性脑出血的可行性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨急诊科开展神经内镜手术治疗自发性脑出血的可行性。方法1999-07~2003-12我院急诊科开展神经内镜手术治疗自发性脑出血101例,对其时效性、疗效、并发症等方面进行分析。结果从入院到手术间隔时间为68.6±38.3 min。出血部位在基底节51例,脑叶27例,丘脑9例,血肿破入脑室11例,单纯脑室出血3例。出血量20~130mL,平均53.3±36.8 mL,手术时机为发病7 h以内36例,7~72 h 43例,超过72 h 22例。手术时机越早,其疗效越好,并发症发生越少。同时,血肿量越大,疗效也越差(P<0.001)。结论急诊科应用神经内镜治疗自发性脑出血具有时效性、整体性和微创性的统一,扩大了手术指征,值得进一步研究和推广应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊内镜检查在上消化道出血患者中的临床应用价值。方法回顾性分析2003年10月至2007年5月因上消化道出血于48h内行急诊内镜检查159例患者的临床资料,对比分析不同时间内镜检查的差异以及检查前冰盐水洗胃与否对检查结果的影响。结果急诊内镜检查确诊率为94.97%,不同时间内镜检查确诊率不同,发生出血后24h内行内镜检查其确诊率明显提高,与24~48h相比差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。内镜检查前洗胃与否两组对比分析无明显差异(P〉0.05),所有患者均未发生严重并发症。结论急诊内镜检查是安全有效的,尽早行内镜检查可提高诊断准确率,内镜检查前无需冰盐水洗胃。  相似文献   



This study aimed to clarify the association between the crowding and clinical practice in the emergency department (ED).


This 1-year retrospective cohort study conducted in two EDs in Taiwan included 70,222 adult non-trauma visits during the day shift between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012. The ED occupancy status, determined by the number of patients staying during their time of visit, was used to measure crowding, grouped into four quartiles, and analyzed in reference to the clinical practice. The clinical practices included decision-making time, patient length of stay, patient disposition, and use of laboratory examinations and computed tomography (CT).


The four quartiles of occupancy statuses determined by the number of patients staying during their time of visit were < 24, 24–39, 39–62, and > 62. Comparing > 62 and < 24 ED occupancy statuses, the physicians' decision-making time and patients' length of stay increased by 0.3 h and 1.1 h, respectively. The percentage of patients discharged from the ED decreased by 15.5% as the ED observation, general ward, and intensive care unit admissions increased by 10.9%, 4%, and 0.7%, respectively. CT and laboratory examination slightly increased in the fourth quartile of ED occupancy.


Overcrowding in the ED might increase physicians' decision-making time and patients' length of stay, and more patients could be admitted to observation units or an inpatient department. The use of CT and laboratory examinations would also increase. All of these could lead more patients to stay in the ED.  相似文献   

急诊抢救死亡病例7年变化趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的观察急诊科抢救的死亡病例的疾病谱和病死率变化趋势。方法将1998-2004年间在急诊科抢救的480例死亡病例分二个时间段和四个年龄组,比较疾病谱构成比和病死率。结果①各年龄组中,2002-2004年间构成比的排序从高到低为中年、青年、老年和高龄组,与1998-2001年间相比.中年组比例增高和老年组比例下降,有统计学意义(P〈0.01);②各种外伤、循环和神经系统疾病居前三位,各种外伤、循环系统比例上升和神经系统比例下降,有统计学意义(P〈0.001);③各年龄组病死率均下降,差异有统计学意义,中年组病死率最高(8.1%);④各系统疾病的病死率除循环系统和各种中毒外,均呈下降趋势,差异有统计学意义,循环系统疾病的病死率最高(12.3%);⑤各年龄组病死率居第一位的疾病,在青年组、中年组为循环系统疾病,老年组和高龄组均为各种中毒。结论为了降低急诊科抢救危重病的病死率,中年组是临床抢救的重点人群,循环系统和各种外伤是临床抢救的重点疾病,同时,应重视老年中毒患者。  相似文献   



Optimal management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the emergency department (ED) is challenging due to high patient turnover, decreased continuity of care, and treatment decisions made in the absence of microbiologic data. We sought to identify risk factors for return visits in ED patients treated for UTI.


A random sample of 350 adult ED patients with UTI by ICD 9/10 codes was selected for review. Relevant data was extracted from medical charts and compared between patients with and without ED return visits within 30 days (ERVs).


We identified 51 patients (15%) with 59 ERVs, of whom 6% returned within 72 h. Nearly half of ERVs (47%) were UTI-related and 33% of ERV patients required hospitalization. ERVs were significantly more likely (P < 0.05) in patients with the following: age  65 years; pregnancy; skilled nursing facility residence; dementia; psychiatric disorder; obstructive uropathy; healthcare exposure; temperature  38 °C heart rate > 100; and bacteremia. Escherichia coli was the most common uropathogen (70%) and susceptibility rates to most oral antibiotics were below 80% in both groups except nitrofurantoin (99% susceptible).Cephalexin was the most frequently prescribed antibiotic (51% vs. 44%; P = 0.32). Cephalexin bug-drug mismatches were more common in ERV patients (41% vs. 15%; P = 0.02). Culture follow-up occurred less frequently in ERV patients (75% vs. 100%; P < 0.05).


ERV in UTI patients may be minimized by using ED-source specific antibiogram data to guide empiric treatment decisions and by targeting at-risk patients for post-discharge follow-up.  相似文献   

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