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目的 分析应用负压创面引流技术和常规敷料治疗糖尿病足溃疡创面的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2008年5月至2010年5月在我院治疗的35例Wagner 3~5级糖尿病足患者资料.20例接受常规敷料治疗;15例接受负压创面治疗.通过创面愈合时间及截肢率评价疗效.结果 负压创面组平均创面愈合时间为(28.21±4.34)d,常规敷料组为(57.35±5.23)d.常规敷料组18例截肢,截肢率为90.00%,2例(10%)接受常规敷料治疗患者保肢成功,而负压创面组5例截肢,截肢率为33.33%,10例(86.67%)患者保留患肢功能.结论 负压创面治疗技术结合清创及适当的抗炎治疗,可以有效的降低糖尿病足患者的截肢率.  相似文献   

目的:观察中药灌洗负压治疗糖足创面的临床疗效。方法:将60例糖尿病足住院患者随机分为观察组30例和对照组30例。观察组给予常规基础及中药灌洗负压技术治疗,对照组给予常规基础及盐水灌洗负压治疗,疗程为21 d,观察两组患者全血白细胞计数、C反应蛋白、创面面积变化、创面缩小率、换药次数及创面局部各症状积分的变化情况。结果:近期疗效结果表明观察组总有效率96.67%,明显高于对照组的90%(P0.05)。两组患者创面局部各症状积分治疗前后对比,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。治疗后,观察组WBC、CRP、创面面积及换药次数等观察指标分别为(5.86±1.37)×109/L、(4.59±1.10) mg/L、(5.81±2.01) cm~2、(5.33±0.92)次,均明显低于对照组,治疗后创面缩小率(25.06±5.91)%明显高于对照组。结论:临床上应用中药灌洗负压技术治疗糖尿病足创面,可以明显缩短创面愈合时间,提高愈合率,减少换药次数,减轻患者换药痛苦和医护人员工作量。在治疗上具有自己的特色和优势,值得临床进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:通过与生物敷料覆盖结合植皮术比较,探讨负压创面治疗(NPWT)结合植皮术修复糖尿病足溃疡的临床疗效与优势。方法:回顾分析2010年6月~2012年1月入院治疗的18例糖尿病足溃疡患者,根据治疗方法不同分为两组。两组患者性别、年龄、病程、溃疡面积等一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。生物敷料覆盖组(对照组)10例患者,入院后行清创,创面覆盖生物敷料(异种脱细胞真皮基质),换药至创基肉芽新鲜,再予以植皮术。NPWT组8例患者,入院后行清创,应用封闭负压引流技术(VSD),酌情更换VSD至创基肉芽新鲜后,再予以植皮术,术后继续应用VSD。观察记录两组创基准备时间、植皮成活例数、住院天数及溃疡复发例数,并进行统计学分析。结果:对照组:创基准备时间为(25.8±12.4)天,植皮术后2周4例患者创面移植皮片完全成活,6例患者经二次植皮或换药愈合,住院时间(42.7±26.7)天,出院后随访6个月,5例患者创面溃疡复发。NPWT组:创基准备时间(14.7±13.1)天,植皮术后2周8例患者创面植皮完全成活,住院时间(29.6±12.3)天,随访6个月无溃疡复发。与对照组比较,NPWT组患者创基准备与住院时间显著缩短(P<0.01),植皮成活率显著增高(P<0.05),出院后溃疡复发率显著降低(P<0.05)。结论:应用NPWT修复糖尿病足溃疡的疗效明显优于生物敷料覆盖技术。NPWT可缩短糖尿病足溃疡创基准备和住院时间,确保植皮成活,防止溃疡复发。  相似文献   

目的:分析比较负压辅助闭合(Vacuum-assistedclosure,VAC)、负压封闭引流(Vacuumsealingdrainage,VSD)两种负压创面治疗(Negativepressurewoundtherapy,NPWT)对糖尿病足(Diabeticfoot,DF)的修复效果。方法:纳入2018年1月-2020年7月收治的80例DF患者作为研究对象,采用随机数表法进行简单随机抽样,将患者分为VAC组和VSD组,每组40例。两组均对创面进行NPWT,VAC组采用VAC法,VSD组采用VSD法。比较两组患者疗效,评估患者恢复情况,比较两组治疗前、治疗2周后血清细胞因子水平[内皮素-1(Endothelin-1,ET-1)、血管内皮生长因子(Vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)、肿瘤坏死因子α(Tumor necrosis factor α,TNF-α)]、氧化应激标志物[超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxidedismutase,SOD)、一氧化氮(Nitricoxide,NO)、脂质过氧化物丙二醛(Lipidperoxide malo...  相似文献   

目的评估与分析改良负压封闭引流联合创面胰岛素滴注技术治疗糖尿病足的临床疗效。方法纳入自2016-01—2019-12治疗的50例糖尿病足(2型糖尿病且足部溃疡至少2周),观察组28例清创后采用改良负压封闭引流联合胰岛素创面局部滴注治疗,对照组22例清创后采用改良负压封闭引流联合生理盐水创面局部滴注治疗。结果观察组肉芽组织覆盖率高于对照组,肉芽组织厚度大于对照组,细菌清除率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组治疗后TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6、VCAM-1表达明显低于对照组,而VEGF、TGF、EGF表达高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。观察组采用皮瓣覆盖创面的比例低于对照组,且植皮成活率与皮瓣成活率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论糖尿病足创面采用改良负压封闭引流联合胰岛素滴注灌洗技术治疗可获得满意的临床疗效,该方法既保留了负压封闭引流技术治疗创面的优点,又融入了持续灌洗技术的优点,同时加入了胰岛素起到降糖、抗炎促进创面愈合的作用,降低了并发症发生的风险。  相似文献   

目的 对封闭式负压引流技术联合高压氧治疗慢性难愈性创面的临床疗效和安全性进行系统评价.方法 检索Embase、PubMed、Cochrane Library、Web of Science、中国知网(CNKI)和万方数据库等数据库,检索时间为建库至2020年12月28日.根据纳入标准及排除标准筛选文献,参考Cochran...  相似文献   

创面修复是一个包括凝血、炎症、组织充填、再上皮化和重塑等阶段的复杂过程,涉及不同类型细胞在空间和时间上的不同演化[1].负压创面治疗(negative-pressure wound therapy,NPWT)技术为这些不同类型细胞参与各种急、慢性创面的修复过程提供了重要的条件,使大面积创面、深度创面和慢性难愈合创面(慢...  相似文献   

目的 探讨负压创面治疗(NPWT)联合银离子敷料治疗糖尿病足部溃疡的临床效果.方法 选取2018年1月至2020年1月在我科手术治疗的18例Wagner分级为2~4级的糖尿病足部溃疡患者,创面清创后采用NPWT联合银离子敷料治疗,2个治疗周期后观察创面肉芽组织覆盖率、肉芽组织生长厚度、 细菌清除率及愈合时间.结果 所有...  相似文献   

两种负压创面治疗技术临床疗效比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Objective To compare the differences of the clinical effects, side effects and treatment-related cost between two kinds of negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT). Methods Forty-four inpa-tients with acute, subacute, and chronic wounds were divided into simplified NPWT group ( A group) and conventional NPWT group ( B group) according to the random number table. Wounds of patients in A group were treated with gauze + continuous suction with hospital central negative pressure ( -10.64 kPa) for 24 hs; wounds of patients in B group were treated with sponge + interrupted suction with a purpose-designed suction appliance ( -16.63 kPa) for 24 hs. Gross wound condition, treatment time, survival rates of skin graft and flap, changes of bacterial species on wound, treatment cost, and ratio of side effects between two groups were compared. Results There was no significant difference between A and B groups in respect of gross wound condition, treatment time [ A group (29 ± 12) d, B group (26 ± 13) d, P > 0. 05 ], changes of bacterial species, survival rates of skin graft [ A group (98 ± 4 ) % , B group ( 98 ± 4 ) % , P > 0. 05 ] and flap (A group 98% , B group 100% , P >0.05). Treatment cost of A group $ (374 ± 134) was obviously lower than that of B group $ (9825 ± 4956) ( P <0. 01 ), while more side effects were observed in A group (33.3%) than that in B group (5.0%) ( P < 0.05 ). Conclusions Both simplified NPWT and NPWT with purpose-designed appliance ean effectively improve wound healing. The simplified method may cause many side effects and has a potential risk of inciting nosocomial infection, but it can be conveniently employed with a low cost. In contrast, the cost of using purpose-designed appliance should be cut down to meet the aim of generalization.  相似文献   

目的 观察血管腔内介入治疗联合负压闭式引流对糖尿病足创面的疗效与安全性。方法 收集2022年5月2022年11月于北京大学首钢医院住院治疗的35例糖尿病足患者的临床资料,根据住院期间治疗方案的不同将患者分为联合组(n=16,在保守治疗的基础上给予血管腔内介入联合负压闭式引流治疗)和对照组(n=19,给予保守治疗)。观察并比较两组患者治疗后1、3个月的创面愈合率、踝肱指数,治疗后3个月的截肢率、6分钟步行距离及血管腔内介入治疗后并发症发生情况。结果 两组患者的各种药物使用情况比较,差异均无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。联合组患者治疗后1、3个月的创面愈合率、踝肱指数均高于对照组患者,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。联合组患者治疗后3个月的截肢率低于对照组患者,6分钟步行距离长于对照组患者,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。联合组患者血管腔内介入治疗后发生了并发症,包括穿刺点血肿2例,患肢肿胀疼痛2例,经对症治疗后均有所好转。结论 血管腔内介入治疗联合负压闭式引流对糖尿病足创面具有较好的疗效与安全性,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

A retrospective review of patient medical records was conducted to assess what factors influence the outcomes of diabetic foot ulcers treated with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy. Patients referred to the Diving Diseases Research Centre for HBO therapy for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers during a 2‐year period were included in this study. Data collected from 30 sets of patient records were entered into SPSS and statistical analysis was undertaken to investigate whether any underlying pathologies or confounding factors appeared to influence patient outcome. A 73·3% of patients achieved a successful outcome of partial healing, major amputation no longer required, amputation level lower than anticipated prior to HBO or healing at the end of HBO therapy and 70% remained successful 3 months later. A 13·3% of patients were lost to follow‐up at 3 months and one patient (3·3%) had a major amputation. Steroid therapy, peripheral vascular disease, previous minor amputation, type of diabetes, previous HBO therapy, larvae therapy, the use of interactive dressings and haemoglobin A1c levels were all observed to have had a significant relationship with patient outcome (P < 0·05). These results were compared with data from other published research conducted in this area on similar patient groups. A larger scale study focussing on the factors found to be significant in this study is recommended. An improvement of patient documentation would allow patient outcomes to be more consistently monitored in the future.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot (DF) is a common complication of diabetes and the first cause of hospital admission in diabetic patients. In recent years several guidelines have been proposed to reinforce the the management of DF with a notable increase in diabetes knowledge and an overall reduction of amputations. Significant improvements have been reached in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) and nowadays clinicians have several advanced medications to apply for the best local therapy. Among these, negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a useful adjunct in the management of chronic and complex wounds to promote healing and wound bed preparation for surgical procedures such as skin grafts and flap surgery. NPWT has shown remarkable results although its mechanisms of action are not completely understood. In this paper, we offer a complete overview of this medication and its implication in the clinical setting. We have examined literature related to NPWT concerning human, animal and in vitro studies, and we have summarized why, when and how we can use NPWT to treat DFUs. Further we have associated our clinical experience to scientific evidence in the field of diabetic foot to identify a defined strategy that could guide clinician in the use of NPWT approaching to DFUs.  相似文献   

《Foot and Ankle Surgery》2014,20(2):140-143
BackgroundThe aim of this study is to evaluate the role of hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.MethodsWe performed a retrospective observational study of all patients with diabetic foot ulcers treated at the Institution's hyperbaric chamber between January 2010 and August 2012. Patient data was obtained upon patient hospital visit and prospective clinical record consultation.ResultsTwenty-six foot lesions including 13 foot ulcers Wagner grade 2 or greater and 13 amputation stump ulcers were submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy between January 2010 and August 2012 in our Institution. Of these, 23 foot lesions completed treatment and complete epithelialization of the primary lesion was achieved in 15 (65%). The mean healing period since the first hyperbaric oxygen therapy session was 16 weeks. Above-ankle amputations were performed in 3 limbs and transmetatarsal amputations in 2 limbs.ConclusionHyperbaric oxygen may be associated with ulcer healing in selected diabetic foot ulcers with impaired cicatrization.  相似文献   

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) has been used as an adjunct for healing diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) for decades. However, its use remains controversial. A literature search was conducted to locate clinical studies and assess the available evidence. Ten prospective and seven retrospective studies evaluating HBO for DFUs were located. These were reviewed and the outcomes were discussed. One study reported no difference in outcomes between patients receiving hyperbaric oxygen and the control group. However, their regime differed from all other studies in that the patients received hyperbaric oxygen twice rather than once daily. Reduced amputation rates and improved healing were the most common outcomes observed.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a leading cause of morbidity and hospitalisation among patients with diabetes. We analysed claims data for Medicare part B diabetic foot ulcer patients treated with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy at home (N = 1135) and diabetic foot ulcer patients from a published meta-analysis of randomised controlled wet-to-moist therapy. The expected costs of care for the two treatments were also compared. A significantly greater proportion of wounds treated with NPWT achieved a successful treatment endpoint compared with wet-to-moist therapy at both 12 weeks (39.5% versus 23.9%; P < 0.001) and 20 weeks (46.3% versus 32.8%; P < 0.001). NPWT-treated patients reached a successful wound treatment endpoint more rapidly, and the benefit was apparent in all wound sizes. Expected 20-week treatment costs for NPWT were similar to those for wet-to-moist therapy if one nursing visit per day for the latter is assumed but 42% less if two nursing visits per day are made. Thus, NPWT may improve the proportion of DFUs that attain a successful wound treatment endpoint and decrease resource utilisation by a given health care system compared with standard wet-to-moist therapy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and test a novel mode of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) that minimises pain while preserving the efficacy in wound healing. A porcine model was used in this study. Wounds were generated in animals and treated with either simple dressing or various treatment modes of NPWT. The wound volume, perfusion level and vasculature status were analysed and compared among different groups. Clinical application was performed to evaluate the level of pain occurring when negative pressure is applied. Among the NPWT groups, the Cyclic‐50 group showed most decrement in wound volume, even though statistical relevance was not found (P = 0·302). The perfusion level was significantly increased in the Cyclic‐50 group compared with the Intermittent group (P < 0·001) and the Cyclic‐100 group (P = 0·004). Evaluation of blood vessel formation revealed that the Cyclic‐50 group showed the highest number of vasculature with statistical significance (P < 0·001). In clinical application, the cyclic group showed significant decrease in pain compared with the intermittent group (P = 0·001). The cyclic NPWT mode decreased patient discomfort while maintaining superior wound healing effects as the intermittent mode.  相似文献   

Liposuction is the one of the most frequently performed cosmetic operations and usually has an easy recovery, with a reportedly low overall complication rate. Here, we report the case of a 60‐year‐old woman with type II diabetes mellitus and a previous burn injury of the abdomen who underwent abdominal liposuction and subsequently developed necrotising fasciitis. Following radical debridement, systemic antibiotic administration, negative pressure wound therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the wound healed completely. This case demonstrates the success of the combination treatment and highlights the need for clinicians to be aware of the risk of serious complications in selected patients.  相似文献   

Necrotising fasciitis is a rare but potentially fatal disease. It is even more unusual as a primary disease of the breast. Surgical treatment is required in order to gain control over the spreading infection and mastectomy is reported to be the most common procedure. We report the first case of an otherwise healthy woman exhibiting a primary necrotising fasciitis of the breast, which was treated combining conservative surgery with hyperbaric oxygen (HO) and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). A 39‐year‐old woman presented to the emergency room with fever and swelling of her right breast. The physical examination showed oedema and erythema of the breast, with bluish blisters on the lower quadrant. Ultrasound and CT scans showed diffuse oedema of the entire right breast, with subdermal gas bubbles extending to the fascial planes. Few hours later the necrotic area extended regardless an IV antibiotic therapy; a selective debridement of all breast necrotic tissue was performed and repeated 7 days later. The HO was started immediately after the first surgery and repeated daily (2·8 Bar, 120 min) for 18 days and then a NPWT (120–135 mmHg) was applied. Forty‐five days after the last debridement, the breast wound was covered with a full‐thickness skin graft. Several months later, an excellent cosmetic result was observed. This is the first case of primary necrotising fasciitis of the breast treated associating HO and NPWT to surgical debridement only; this combination resulted in a complete recovery with the additional benefit of breast conservation. Such result is discussed in light of the available literature on the treatment of primary necrotising fasciitis of the breast.  相似文献   

《Journal of vascular surgery》2020,71(2):682-692.e1
BackgroundDiabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are frequently associated with peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) and may ultimately lead to amputations of the lower extremity. Adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) might foster better wound healing and lower amputation rates in patients with DFU and PAOD. A systematic review was conducted to assess the effects of HBOT as an adjunctive therapy to standard treatment for patients with DFUs with PAOD.MethodsSystematic review using the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane CENTRAL databases (from inception to October 2018). All original, comparative studies on the effect of HBOT on DFUs with PAOD were eligible. The primary outcome measures were amputation rate, amputation-free survival, complete ulcer healing, and mortality.ResultsEleven studies, totaling 729 patients, were included for analysis, including 7 randomized clinical trials, 2 controlled clinical trials, and 2 retrospective cohorts. Four were used for quantitative synthesis. Meta-analysis showed a significantly fewer major amputations in the HBOT group (10.7% vs 26.0%; risk difference, −15%; 95% confidence interval [CI], −25 to −6; P = .002; number needed to treat, 7; 95% CI, 4-20). No difference was found for minor amputations (risk difference, 8%; 95% CI, −13 to 30; P = .46). Three studies reporting on complete wound healing showed contrasting results. No significant difference was found for mortality or amputation-free survival.ConclusionsCurrent evidence shows that adjuvant HBOT improves major amputation rate, but not wound healing, in patients with DFUs and PAOD. Given the wide range of patients included in the trials, better patient selection may help define which patients with DFUs and PAOD benefit most from HBOT as standard adjunctive treatment.  相似文献   

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