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目的观察酒精性肝损伤对大鼠细胞色素P450CYP3A(CYP3A)和细胞色素P450CYP2E1(CYP2E1)代谢活性的影响。方法采用ig给予白酒制备大鼠酒精性肝损伤模型,检测血清中谷丙转氨酶(GPT)和谷草转氨酶(GOT)活性,采用HE染色法光镜下观测酒精对肝脏损伤程度。大鼠ip给予CYP3A探针药物咪达唑仑10mg·kg-1或ig给予CYP2E1探针药物氯唑沙宗50mg·kg-1后,采用高效液相色谱法测定不同时间点大鼠血浆中咪达唑仑和氯唑沙宗的血药浓度,并应用3P87软件计算其药代动力学参数,以考察CYP2E1和CYP3A的代谢活性的变化。大鼠ig给予氯唑沙宗80mg·kg-1后,热板方法测定大鼠添足次数和添足反射潜伏期。结果酒精性肝损伤可致大鼠肝小叶结构不清,肝索排列紊乱,肝细胞体积增大,呈弥漫性中度水变性,肝窦受压,大部分肝细胞胞浆内见大小不等的脂肪空泡;与正常对照组相比,酒精性肝损伤组大鼠GPT和GOT活性分别增加了16.0%和20.0%(P<0.05,P<0.01)。酒精性肝损伤致大鼠CYP2E1对探针药物氯唑沙宗的代谢活性增强,AUC,t1/2和cmax分别降低了38.0%,30.5%和35.0%(P<0.05);酒精肝损伤组大鼠氯唑沙宗镇痛效果明显降低;酒精性肝损伤致大鼠CYP3A对探针药物咪达唑仑的代谢活性增强,AUC,t1/2和cmax分别降低了122.6%,54.9%和56.9%(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论酒精性肝损伤可使大鼠CYP2E1和CYP3A代谢活性增强。  相似文献   

目的:体外实验考察己烯雌酚(DES)对细胞色素P450 3A4(CYP3A4)和细胞色素P450 2C9(CYP2C9)活性的抑制作用,以评佑DES通过抑制这两个重要的细胞色素P450(CYP)亚型而引发药物-药物相互作用的可能性.方法:混合人肝微粒体与不同浓度的DES(或阳性抑制剂),CYP3A4或CYP2C9的探针...  相似文献   

目的 试从mRNA表达水平阐明地非三唑对鼠肝微粒体中细胞色素P450 CYP1A1/2的诱导机制。方法 给SD大鼠腹腔注射地非三唑,采用Trizol法提取大鼠肝脏RNA,用RT-PCR测定经地非三唑处理1, 2及4 d的鼠肝中细胞色素P450 CYP1A1, CYP1A2 mRNA的表达水平。结果 地非三唑处理不同时间的鼠肝细胞中细胞色素P450 CYP1A1, CYP1A2 mRNA的表达水平比空白对照组明显增加,空白对照组CYP1A1吸光度比值为0.270±0.040, 诱导1, 2及4 d的吸光度比值分别为0.343±0.055, 0.417±0.045及0.603±0.083;空白对照组的CYP1A2吸光度比值为0.613±0.189, 而诱导1,2及4 d的吸光度比值分别为1.510±0.226, 3.057±0.518及4.120±0.458。随着诱导时间的增加,细胞色素P450 CYP1A1及CYP1A2 mRNA的表达也逐步增加,诱导时间与表达水平之间存在一定的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.9984和0.9563。结论 地非三唑对细胞色素P450 CYP1A1/2 mRNA表达具有诱导作用。  相似文献   

目的试从mRNA表达水平阐明地非三唑对鼠肝微粒体中细胞色素P450 CYP1A1/2的诱导机制。方法给SD大鼠腹腔注射地非三唑,采用Tr-izol法提取大鼠肝脏RNA,用RT-PCR测定经地非三唑处理1,2及4d的鼠肝中细胞色素P450 CYP1A1,CYP1A2 mRNA的表达水平。结果地非三唑处理不同时间的鼠肝细胞中细胞色素P450CYP1A1,CYP1A2 mRNA的表达水平比空白对照组明显增加,空白对照组CYP1A1吸光度比值为0.270±0.040,诱导1,2及4d的吸光度比值分别为0.343±0.055,0.417±0.045及0.603±0.083;空白对照组的CYP1A2吸光度比值为0.613±0.189,而诱导1,2及4d的吸光度比值分别为1.510±0.226,3.057±0.518及4.120±0.458。随着诱导时间的增加,细胞色素P450 CYP1A1及CYP1A2 mRNA的表达也逐步增加,诱导时间与表达水平之间存在一定的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.9984和0.9563。结论地非三唑对细胞色素P450 CYP1A1/2 mRNA表达具有诱导作用。  相似文献   

用咖啡因作探药,快速测定人体细胞色素P—450CYP1A2酶的活性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
AIM: To develop a rapid HPLC method for the determination of cytochrome P-450 CYP1A2 activity. METHODS: A 300-microL plasma was prepared by extraction with 5-mL chloroform/isopropanol (9:1), and beta-hydroxyletheophylline was added as internal standard (IS). Samples were separated on an ODS column by a gradient elution system, of which mobile phase consisted of 0.05% acetic acid, acetonitrile, and methanol. The compounds of interest were monitored at 282 nm by UV detector. RESULTS: No potential interfering peaks were found. Paraxanthine (17X), IS and caffeine (137X) were rapidly eluted with baseline resolution, and their retention time was less than 13 min. The detection limits of both 17X and 137X were 0.1 mumol.L-1. Linear relations ranged over 1-100 mumol.L-1 and 1-200 mumol.L-1 with correlation coefficient of 0.9999 and 0.9987, respectively, for 17X and 137X. The coefficients of variation were within 6% for 17X, and 10% for 137X. The average recoveries for both compounds were ranged from 96% to 108%. CONCLUSION: This method is sensitive and rapid, and can be used for population studies of CYP1A2.  相似文献   

目的探讨注射用丹参总酚酸(冻干)(SLI)对人CYP450酶和P-糖蛋白体外抑制作用以及对大鼠CYP1A2和CYP3A体内诱导作用。方法①应用P450-GloTMCYP450检测试剂盒,通过化学发光法测定SLI和经典抑制剂对细胞色素P4501A2(CYP1A2),CYP2D6,CYP3A4,CYP2C19和CYP2C9的IC50值,通过比较SLI和经典抑制剂对相应细胞色素P450亚型的IC50值来判断SLI对人CYP450酶的体外抑制作用。②Wistar大鼠分别iv给予SLI 3,10和30 mg·kg-1和诱导剂苯巴比妥钠20 mg·kg-1,采用探针底物法,通过比较代谢产物的生成速率来评价SLI对大鼠CYP1A2和CYP3A的诱导作用。③应用ATP酶检测试剂盒,通过化学发光法测定ATP酶活性来评价SLI是否为P-gp的底物或抑制剂。结果①CYP1A2,CYP2C9,CYP2C19,CYP2D6和CYP3A4抑制剂的IC50与SLI对其的IC50进行比较(CYP1A2:0.12μmol·L-1vs 840μmol·L-1;CYP2C9:3.362μmol·L-1vs 704μmol·L-1;CYP2C19:3.236μmol·L-1vs 306μmol·L-1;CYP2D6:0.117μmol·L-1vs 2660μmol·L-1;CYP3A4:0.078μmol·L-1vs 1780μmol·L-1)。②与空白对照组(86.4±6.3)nmol·g-1.min-1相比,SLI 3,10和30 mg·kg-1组CYP1A2活性分别为83.4±6.6,82.5±4.0和(83.4±6.6)nmol·g-1.min-1。与空白对照组(16.1±0.9)nmol·g-1.min-1比较,SLI 3,10和30 mg·kg-1组CYP3A活性分别为15.7±0.6,15.9±0.7和(15.9±1.0)nmol·g-1.min-1,无显著性差异。③以临床血药浓度为依据设计的一系列浓度的SLI 0.0002,0.0006,0.002,0.006,0.017,0.052,0.156和0.468 g.L-1的ATP酶活性分别与空白对照组进行比较(5.8,5.3,5.8,5.5,5.8,5.2,,5.8,5.3,vs 5.75μmol·g-1.min-1),无显著性差异。结论SLI临床给药剂量既不能体外抑制人CYP1A2,CYP2D6,CYP3A4,CYP2C19和CYP2C9酶活性,也不能诱导大鼠CYP1A2和CYP3A,同时也不是P-gp的体外抑制剂或底物。  相似文献   

目的 探讨大黄素对大鼠肝脏细胞色素P450酶(CYP450)及其主要亚型的影响。方法 20只雄性SD大鼠, 随机分成4组, 每组5只, 分别为溶剂对照组, 170、500和1 500 mg/kg大黄素染毒组, 大黄素蒸馏水混悬后连续经口给药16 d, 结束后次日取大鼠肝脏组织制作微粒体, 分别采用CO还原差示光谱法、分光光度法及化学发光法检测大鼠肝脏微粒体总CYP450水平, 红霉素脱甲基酶(CYP3A)、氨基比啉-N-脱甲基酶, CYP1A、CYP2B和CYP2E1酶活性变化。结果 大黄素连续经口给药16 d, 能够引起大鼠肝脏微粒体总CYP450显著升高、可轻度诱导CYP3A、CYP1A、CYP2E1和CYP2B酶, 500 mg/kg剂量组最明显。结论 大黄素对大鼠肝脏中CYP3A、CYP1A、CYP2B和CYP2E1酶均有诱导作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨心肌缺血再灌注状态下,大鼠肝代谢功能和相关的氧化/抗氧化能力变化。方法雄性SD大鼠随机分为5组,除假手术组外,制备在体心肌缺血再灌注模型,并于缺血40min、再灌注15,60和180min分别处死大鼠,检测血浆丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)和天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)活性,肝匀浆丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性;以红霉素N-脱甲基酶、五氧基异噁唑O-脱乙基酶和苯胺羟化酶法为探针测定肝细胞色素P450(CYP)3A,CYP2B1和CYP2E1催化功能;RT-PCR法检测肝Ⅰ相药物代谢酶CYP3A1,CYP2B1/2,CYP2E1,以及Ⅱ相解毒酶NAD(P)H醌氧化还原酶(NQO1)及其上游因子NF-E2相关因子(Nrf2)mRNA水平。结果再灌注60 min,肝匀浆MDA含量升高(P<0.05),SOD活力下降(P<0.01);再灌注180 min时,血浆ALT和AST活性升高(P<0.05)。Nrf2基因于再灌注60 min时显著激活(P<0.05),下游因子NQO1 mRNA于再灌注180 min时明显上调(P<0.05)。CYP3A催化功能和mRNA水平分别于再灌注60和180 min开始明显降低(P<0.05);CYP2B1/2 mRNA和催化功能水平分别于再灌注15和180 min开始明显降低(P<0.05);CYP2E1催化功能无明显改变。结论大鼠心肌缺血再灌注可引起肝组织氧化应激及并导致功能损伤。在再灌注早期,具有抗氧化功能的NQO1在转录水平显著上调,其机制可能与上游因子Nrf2被激活相关;CYP3A和CYP2B催化功能在转录和(或)转录后水平明显下调。  相似文献   

三七总皂苷对CYP450的影响及药物相互作用预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究三七总皂苷(血塞通)对肝微粒体CYP450酶不同亚型的影响,进一步了解其在肝脏的代谢特点并据此对该药与其他药物相互作用的安全性进行预测,为临床合理应用提供依据。方法:检测肝药酶CYP1A2和CYP3A4的专属探针药物咖啡因、氨苯砜的原型浓度,采用原型药物减少初始速率测定法考察其体外代谢变化情况,从而评价三七总皂苷对CYPIA2、CYP3A4的诱导或抑制作用。结果:三七总皂苷对肝药酶CYPIA2有诱导作用,而对CYP3A4无影响。结论:三七总皂苷对CYP450。不同亚型酶的影响不同。在临床应用时,尤其是与CYPIA2代谢有关的药物合用时,应充分考虑到这种影响,以避免潜在的毒性或不良反应。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450(CYP450)遗传多态性研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
近年来对CYP450基因型和表型相关性的研究越来越受到重视,从临床合理用药方面来说,人们希望利用基因型分析来了解个体中药物代谢酶的活性,期望既能提高药物治疗水平同时又降低不良反应的发生;从新药研发角度来说,研究药物的代谢酶CYP450的功能能够指导新药的设计、筛选及优化。该文通过查阅国内外相关文献综述了近年来关于CYP450遗传多态性研究的进展,分别介绍了CYP2C19、CYP2C9、CYP3A4、CYP2D6、CYP1A2和CYP2E1这6种主要的药物代谢酶。研究CYP450对新药设计、筛选、评价及优化有重要意义。  相似文献   

《Vascular pharmacology》2009,50(4-6):166-172
Doxorubicin is a potent anti-neoplastic antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of malignancies; however, its use is limited by dose dependent cardiotoxicity. There is indirect evidence suggesting that doxorubicin cardiotoxicity is CYP-mediated. In the current study, we investigated the effect of doxorubicin on hypertrophic markers, and different CYP gene expression in cardiac derived H9c2 cells. H9c2 cells were incubated with increasing concentrations of doxorubicin and the expressions of different genes were determined by real-time PCR. Our results demonstrate that multiple CYP genes are expressed in H9c2 cells and the level of expression from the highest to the lowest were; CYP1B1, CYP2B1, CYP2J3, CYP1A1, CYP2C11, CYP2C23, CYP2E1, CYP1A2, and CYP2B2. Doxorubicin treatment caused an induction of the hypertrophic markers, ANP and BNP. In addition, doxorubicin caused a significant induction of CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP2B2, CYP2E1, and CYP2J3 gene expression in a concentration-dependent manner. However, only the highest concentration tested, 10 μM, caused an induction of CYP2C11; whereas, CYP2B1 and CYP2C23 were not altered. Our findings demonstrate that doxorubicin induces the hypertrophic markers, ANP and BNP as well as several CYP genes in H9c2 cells. Doxorubicin-mediated CYP induction may represent a novel mechanism by which this drug induces cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin is a potent anti-neoplastic antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of malignancies; however, its use is limited by dose dependent cardiotoxicity. There is indirect evidence suggesting that doxorubicin cardiotoxicity is CYP-mediated. In the current study, we investigated the effect of doxorubicin on hypertrophic markers, and different CYP gene expression in cardiac derived H9c2 cells. H9c2 cells were incubated with increasing concentrations of doxorubicin and the expressions of different genes were determined by real-time PCR. Our results demonstrate that multiple CYP genes are expressed in H9c2 cells and the level of expression from the highest to the lowest were; CYP1B1, CYP2B1, CYP2J3, CYP1A1, CYP2C11, CYP2C23, CYP2E1, CYP1A2, and CYP2B2. Doxorubicin treatment caused an induction of the hypertrophic markers, ANP and BNP. In addition, doxorubicin caused a significant induction of CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP2B2, CYP2E1, and CYP2J3 gene expression in a concentration-dependent manner. However, only the highest concentration tested, 10 μM, caused an induction of CYP2C11; whereas, CYP2B1 and CYP2C23 were not altered. Our findings demonstrate that doxorubicin induces the hypertrophic markers, ANP and BNP as well as several CYP genes in H9c2 cells. Doxorubicin-mediated CYP induction may represent a novel mechanism by which this drug induces cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

Complexes of 16 substrates with 2C9 isoform of Cytochrome P450 complex taken from the PDB database have been modeled using 3D-QSAR algorithm CiS. The arrangement of substrate molecules and the orientation of their reaction centers with respect to the heme in modeled complexes have been analyzed. The orientation of substrate molecules in the model complexes explains the experimentally observed metabolic reactions. The results show that the CiS algorithm is capable of predicting the metabolic pathways of the modeled complexes.  相似文献   

CYP2C9 is a human microsomal cytochrome P450c (CYP). Much variation in CYP2C9 levels and activity can be attributed to polymorphisms of this gene. Wild‐type CYP2C9 and ten mutants were co‐expressed with NADPH‐cytochrome P450 reductase in Escherichia coli. The hydroxylase activities toward steroids were examined. CYP2C9.2, CYP2C9.3, CYP2C9.4, CYP2C9.16, CYP2C9.28, CYP2C9.48 and CYP2C9.52 had higher testosterone 6β‐hydroxylation than CYP2C9.1. CYP2C9.4 showed higher progesterone 6β‐hydroxylation activity than CYP2C9.1. CYP2C9.28 and CYP2C9.48 showed higher progesterone 11α‐hydroxylation activity than CYP2C9.1. CYP2C9.48 showed higher progesterone 16α‐hydroxylation activity than CYP2C9.1. CYP2C9.2, CYP2C9.3, CYP2C9.16 and CYP2C9.30 had higher estrone 16α‐hydroxylation activity than CYP2C9.1. CYP2C9.3 had higher estrone 11α‐hydroxylation activity than CYP2C9.1. CYP2C9.39 and CYP2C9.57 showed similar activities to CYP2C9.1. These results indicate that the substrate specificity of CYP2C9.39 and CYP2C9.57 was not changed, but CYP2C9.2, CYP2C9.3, CYP2C9.4, CYP2C9.16, CYP2C9.28, CYP2C9.30, CYP2C9.48 and CYP2C9.52 showed different hydroxylation activities toward steroids compared with CYP2C9.1.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the pharmacokinetics of lornoxicam and the relationship with CYP2C9 polymorphism in healthy Chinese subjects. METHODS: A single oral dose of 8 mg lornoxicam was administered to 18 healthy Chinese male subjects. Plasma was sampled for 24 h post dose, and plasma concentrations of lornoxicam were measured using a validated LC/MS/MS method. CYP2C9 genotype was determined by polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism or by direct sequencing of the coding region of the CYP2C9 gene. RESULTS: Of the 18 subjects, one subject was found to be a very poor metabolizer of lornoxicam with a long t(1/2) of 106 h, a low CL/F of 0.71 ml min(-1), and a high AUC(0-infinity) of 187.6 microg ml(-1) h. Genotyping studies revealed that this subject was heterozygous for CYP2C9*3 and a new variant CYP2C9 allele. Of the other 17 subjects, 13 were *1/*1 carriers, three were *1/*3 carriers, and one was a *1/*2 carrier. Mean AUC(0-infinity) values (95% confidence intervals) of lornoxicam were 9.25 (6.55, 11.95) vs. 4.75 (3.55, 5.95) microg ml(-1) h in *1 heterozygotes vs.*1 homozygotes, and mean CL/F values were 14.8 (10.2, 19.4) vs. 32.9 (24.5, 41.3) ml min(-1), respectively (P < 0.05 for both AUC and CL/F). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the pharmacokinetics of lornoxicam are dependent on CYP2C9 polymorphism. In particular, the presence of the CYP2C9*3 allele impairs the oral clearance of lornoxicam.  相似文献   

Amphetamine-based drugs, including methamphetamine, are some of the most widely used illegal drugs in the world. Methamphetamine is metabolized by the cytochrome P450s, the latter also being involved in the metabolism of many drugs and other xenobiotics. The effect of methamphetamine pretreatment (10?mg?kg–1, intraperitoneally once daily for 6 days) on the activity of the P450 enzymes was assessed both in the rat isolated perfused liver and in vivo. The rate of 4-hydroxydiclofenac production was significantly enhanced in vivo, indicating a possible stimulatory effect on P4502C6. Similarly, the kinetics of tolbutamide and dextromethorphan in isolated perfused rat liver indicate a significant increase in both P4502C6 and the P4502D subfamily. No significant changes in midazolam kinetic in the isolated perfused rat liver were observed. The potential for methamphetamine to cause drug interactions is of clinical relevance and, therefore, it warrants further investigation. Until further drug interaction experiments are accomplished, the co-administration of drugs with methamphetamine should be conducted with caution.  相似文献   

Amphetamine-based drugs, including methamphetamine, are some of the most widely used illegal drugs in the world. Methamphetamine is metabolized by the cytochrome P450s, the latter also being involved in the metabolism of many drugs and other xenobiotics. The effect of methamphetamine pretreatment (10 mg kg-1, intraperitoneally once daily for 6 days) on the activity of the P450 enzymes was assessed both in the rat isolated perfused liver and in vivo. The rate of 4-hydroxydiclofenac production was significantly enhanced in vivo, indicating a possible stimulatory effect on P4502C6. Similarly, the kinetics of tolbutamide and dextromethorphan in isolated perfused rat liver indicate a significant increase in both P4502C6 and the P4502D subfamily. No significant changes in midazolam kinetic in the isolated perfused rat liver were observed. The potential for methamphetamine to cause drug interactions is of clinical relevance and, therefore, it warrants further investigation. Until further drug interaction experiments are accomplished, the co-administration of drugs with methamphetamine should be conducted with caution.  相似文献   

《Pharmaceutical biology》2013,51(7):995-1001

Context: Kanglaite (KLT) is an oily substance extracted from Coix lacryma-jobi Linn. (Cramineae) and has been proved to significantly improve the life span and quality of life of patients, when combined with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgery.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to find out whether KLT influences the effect on rat cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes (CYP1A2, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4) by using cocktail probe drugs in vivo.

Materials and methods: A cocktail solution at a dose of 5?mL/kg, which contained phenacetin (20?mg/kg), bupropion (20?mg/kg), tolbutamide (5?mg/kg), omeprazole (20?mg/kg), and midazolam (10?mg/kg), was given as oral administration to rats treated with 7?d intraperitoneal injection of KLT. Blood samples were collected at a series of time-points and the concentrations of probe drugs in plasma were determined by HPLC-MS/MS. The corresponding pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by the software of DAS 2.0 (SPPS Inc., Chicago, IL).

Results: In the experiment, there was a statistically significant difference in the t1/2, Cmax, AUC(0–∞), and CL for phenacetin, bupropion, tolbutamide, omeprazole, and midazolam. Our study showed that treatment with multiple doses of KLT had induction effect on rat CYP1A2, while CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 enzyme activities had been inhibited after multiple doses of KLT treatment.

Conclusions: KLT can either induce or inhibit activities of CYP. Therefore, caution is needed when KLT is co-administration with some CYP substrates in clinic, which may result in herb–drug interactions.  相似文献   

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