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Greer PB  Popescu CC 《Medical physics》2003,30(7):1618-1627
Dosimetric properties of an amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (EPID) for verification of dynamic intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) delivery were investigated. The EPID was utilized with continuous frame-averaging during the beam delivery. Properties studied included effect of buildup, dose linearity, field size response, sampling of rapid multileaf collimator (MLC) leaf speeds, response to dose-rate fluctuations, memory effect, and reproducibility. The dependence of response on EPID calibration and a dead time in image frame acquisition occurring every 64 frames were measured. EPID measurements were also compared to ion chamber and film for open and wedged static fields and IMRT fields. The EPID was linear with dose and dose rate, and response to MLC leaf speeds up to 2.5 cm s(-1) was found to be linear. A field size dependent response of up to 5% relative to dmax ion-chamber measurement was found. Reproducibility was within 0.8% (1 standard deviation) for an IMRT delivery recorded at intervals over a period of one month. The dead time in frame acquisition resulted in errors in the EPID that increased with leaf speed and were over 20% for a 1 cm leaf gap moving at 1.0 cm s(-1). The EPID measurements were also found to depend on the input beam profile utilized for EPID flood-field calibration. The EPID shows promise as a device for verification of IMRT, the major limitation currently being due to dead-time in frame acquisition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the dose-response characteristics, including ghosting effects, of an amorphous silicon-based electronic portal imaging device (a-Si EPID) under clinical conditions. EPID measurements were performed using one prototype and two commercial a-Si detectors on two linear accelerators: one with 4 and 6 MV and the other with 8 and 18 MV x-ray beams. First, the EPID signal and ionization chamber measurements in a mini-phantom were compared to determine the amount of buildup required for EPID dosimetry. Subsequently, EPID signal characteristics were studied as a function of dose per pulse, pulse repetition frequency (PRF) and total dose, as well as the effects of ghosting. There was an over-response of the EPID signal compared to the ionization chamber of up to 18%, with no additional buildup layer over an air gap range of 10 to 60 cm. The addition of a 2.5 mm thick copper plate sufficiently reduced this over-response to within 1% at clinically relevant patient-detector air gaps (> 40 cm). The response of the EPIDs varied by up to 8% over a large range of dose per pulse values, PRF values and number of monitor units. The EPID response showed an under-response at shorter beam times due to ghosting effects, which depended on the number of exposure frames for a fixed frame acquisition rate. With an appropriate build-up layer and corrections for dose per pulse, PRF and ghosting, the variation in the a-Si EPID response can be reduced to well within +/- 1%.  相似文献   

Greer PB 《Medical physics》2007,34(10):3815-3824
Amorphous silicon (a-Si) electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) have typically been calibrated to dose at central axis (CAX). Division of acquired images by the flood-field (FF) image that corrects for pixel sensitivity variation as well as open field energy-dependent off-axis response variation should result in a flat EPID response over the entire matrix for the same field size. While the beam profile can be reintroduced to the image by an additional correction matrix, the CAX EPID response to dose calibration factor is assumed to apply to all pixels in the detector. The aim of this work was to investigate the dose response of the Varian aS500 amorphous silicon detector across the entire detector area. First it was established that the EPID response across the panel became stable (within approximately 0.2%) for MU settings greater than approximately 200 MU. The EPID was then FF calibrated with a high MU setting of approximately 400 for all subsequent experiments. Whole detector images with varying MU settings from 2-500 were then acquired for two dose rates (300 and 600 MU/min) for 6 MV photons for two EPIDs. The FF corrected EPID response was approximately flat or uniform across the detector for greater than 100 MU delivered (within 0.5%). However, the off-axis EPID response was greater than the CAX response for small MU irradiations, giving a raised EPID profile. Up to 5% increase in response at 20 cm off-axis compared to CAX was found for very small MU settings for one EPID, while it was within 2% for the second (newer) EPID. Off-axis response nonuniformities attributed to detector damage were also found for the older EPID. Similar results were obtained with the EPID at 18 MV energy and operating in asynchronous mode (acquisition not synchronized with beam pulses), however the profiles were flatter and more irregular for the small MU irradiations. By moving the detector laterally and repeating the experiments, the increase in response off-axis was found to depend on the pixel position relative to the beam CAX. When the beam was heavily filtered by a phantom the off-axis response variation was reduced markedly to within 0.5% for all MU settings. Independent measurements of off-axis point doses with ion chamber did not show any change in off-axis factor with MUs. Measurements of beam quality (TMR20-10) for MU settings of 2, 5, and 100 at central axis and at 15 cm off-axis could not explain the effect. The response change is unlikely to be significant for clinical IMRT verification with this imaging/acclerator system where MUs are of the order of 100-300, provided the detector does not exhibit radiation damage artifacts.  相似文献   

This work validates the use of an amorphous-silicon, flat-panel electronic portal imaging device (a-Si EPID) for use as a gauge of patient or phantom radiological thickness, as an alternative to dosimetry. The response of the a-Si EPID is calibrated by adapting a technique previously applied to scanning liquid ion chamber EPIDs, and the stability, accuracy and reliability of this calibration are explored in detail. We find that the stability of this calibration, between different linacs at the same centre, is sufficient to justify calibrating only one of the EPIDs every month and using the calibration data thus obtained to perform measurements on all of the other linacs. Radiological thickness is shown to provide a reliable means of relating experimental measurements to the results of BEAMnrc Monte Carlo simulations of the linac-phantom-EPID system. For these reasons we suggest that radiological thickness can be used to verify radiotherapy treatment delivery and identify changes in the treatment field, patient position and target location, as well as patient physical thickness.  相似文献   

A two step algorithm to predict portal dose images in arbitrary detector systems has been developed recently. The current work provides a validation of this algorithm on a clinically available, amorphous silicon flat panel imager. The high-atomic number, indirect amorphous silicon detector incorporates a gadolinium oxysulfide phosphor scintillating screen to convert deposited radiation energy to optical photons which form the portal image. A water equivalent solid slab phantom and an anthropomorphic phantom were examined at beam energies of 6 and 18 MV and over a range of air gaps (approximately 20-50 cm). In the many examples presented here, portal dose images in the phosphor were predicted to within 5% in low-dose gradient regions, and to within 5 mm (isodose line shift) in high-dose gradient regions. Other basic dosimetric characteristics of the amorphous silicon detector were investigated, such as linearity with dose rate (+/- 0.5%), repeatability (+/- 2%), and response with variations in gantry rotation and source to detector distance. The latter investigation revealed a significant contribution to the image from optical photon spread in the phosphor layer of the detector. This phenomenon is generally known as "glare," and has been characterized and modeled here as a radially symmetric blurring kernel. This kernel is applied to the calculated dose images as a convolution, and is successfully demonstrated to account for the optical photon spread. This work demonstrates the flexibility and accuracy of the two step algorithm for a high-atomic number detector. The algorithm may be applied to improve performance of dosimetric treatment verification applications, such as direct image comparison, backprojected patient dose calculation, and scatter correction in megavoltage computed tomography. The algorithm allows for dosimetric applications of the new, flat panel portal imager technology in the indirect configuration, taking advantage of a greater than tenfold increase in detector sensitivity over a direct configuration.  相似文献   

Multileaf collimator (MLC) calibration and quality control is a time-consuming procedure typically involving the processing, scanning and analysis of films to measure leaf and collimator positions. Faster and more reliable calibration procedures are required for these tasks, especially with the introduction of intensity modulated radiotherapy which requires more frequent checking and finer positional leaf tolerances than previously. A routine quality control (QC) technique to measure MLC leaf bank gain and offset, as well as minor offsets (individual leaf position relative to a reference leaf), using an amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (EPID) has been developed. The technique also tests the calibration of the primary and back-up collimators. A detailed comparison between film and EPID measurements has been performed for six linear accelerators (linacs) equipped with MLC and amorphous silicon EPIDs. Measurements of field size from 4 to 24 cm with the EPID were systematically smaller than film measurements over all field sizes by 0.4 mm for leaves/back-up collimators and by 0.2 mm for conventional collimators. This effect is due to the gain calibration correction applied by the EPID, resulting in a 'flattening' of primary beam profiles. Linac dependent systematic differences of up to 0.5 mm in individual leaf/collimator positions were also found between EPID and film measurements due to the difference between the mechanical and radiation axes of rotation. When corrections for these systematic differences were applied, the residual random differences between EPID and film were 0.23 mm and 0.26 mm (1 standard deviation) for field size and individual leaf/back-up collimator position, respectively. Measured gains (over a distance of 220 mm) always agreed within 0.4 mm with a standard deviation of 0.17 mm. Minor offset measurements gave a mean agreement between EPID and film of 0.01+/-0.10 mm (1 standard deviation) after correction for the tilt of the EPID and small rotational misalignments between leaf banks and the back-up collimators used as a reference straight edge. Reproducibility of EPID measurements was found to be very high, with a standard deviation of <0.05 mm for field size and <0.1 mm for individual leaf/collimator positions for a 10x10 cm2 field. A standard set of QC images (three field sizes defined both by leaves only and collimators only) can be acquired in less than 20 min and analysed in 5 min.  相似文献   

Kubo HD  Shapiro EG  Seppi EJ 《Medical physics》1999,26(11):2410-2414
Current electronic portal imaging devices (EPID) are limited in their ability to provide direct and quick verification and monitoring of patients during both setup and treatment of breathing synchronized radiotherapy (BSRT, including breathing gated, voluntary and forced breath-hold radiotherapy treatment.) These limitations are largely due to their slow image capture rate and poor image quality. An amorphous silicon array flat panel electronic portal imaging device (si-EPID) is emerging to meet the challenge. The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to characterize the performance of a prototype si-EPID; (2) to compare image quality against that of digitized films; and (3) to evaluate the device in terms of verification of patient setup and monitoring during BSRT. In this study a Varian prototype si-EPID detector array and Clinic accelerator at the University of California Davis Cancer Center were used for imaging. Three quality assurance phantoms: a Lutz PVC phantom, a modified "Las Vegas" phantom, and a RMI model 1151 phantom, were used to characterize the imaging system. A Rando head phantom was used for anthropomorphic imaging tests. Images were obtained with the si-EPID and a Fuji RX film in a Kodak X-Omatic cassette. To investigate the clinical application, two sets of si-EPID images were collected from a lung cancer patient during a 22 s breath-hold and normal breathing. The quality of images obtained with the fast mode was found to be comparable to that obtained with the digitized films. The images with the standard mode were found to be better than the digitized film images. With this prototype si-EPID, it is possible to collect the images at the beginning, middle, and end of each breath-hold for those patients who can hold their breath for longer than 15 s. The si-EPID images can provide a quick verification of the initial patient setup and subsequent treatment position throughout the daily fractionation.  相似文献   

Dose distributions can often be significantly improved by modulating the two-dimensional intensity profile of the individual x-ray beams. One technique for delivering intensity modulated beams is dynamic multileaf collimation (DMLC). However, DMLC is complex and requires extensive quality assurance. In this paper a new method is presented for a pretreatment dosimetric verification of these intensity modulated beams utilizing a charge-coupled device camera based fluoroscopic electronic portal imaging device (EPID). In the absence of the patient, EPID images are acquired for all beams produced with DMLC. These images are then converted into two-dimensional dose distributions and compared with the calculated dose distributions. The calculations are performed with a pencil beam algorithm as implemented in a commercially available treatment planning system using the same absolute beam fluence profiles as used for calculation of the patient dose distribution. The method allows an overall verification of (i) the leaf trajectory calculation (including the models to incorporate collimator scatter and leaf transmission), (ii) the correct transfer of the leaf sequencing file to the treatment machine, and (iii) the mechanical and dosimetrical performance of the treatment unit. The method was tested for intensity modulated 10 and 25 MV photon beams; both model cases and real clinical cases were studied. Dose profiles measured with the EPID were also compared with ionization chamber measurements. In all cases both predictions and EPID measurements and EPID and ionization chamber measurements agreed within 2% (1 sigma). The study has demonstrated that the proposed method allows fast and accurate pretreatment verification of DMLC.  相似文献   

Grein EE  Lee R  Luchka K 《Medical physics》2002,29(10):2262-2268
The relationship between the pixel value and exit dose was investigated for a new commercially available amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device. The pixel to dose mapping function was established to be linear for detector distances between 116.5 cm to 150 cm from the source, radiation field sizes from 5 x 5 cm2 to 20 x 20 cm2 and beam energies of 6 to 18 MV. Coefficients in the mapping function were found to be dependent on beam energy and field size. Open and wedged field profiles measured with the device showed agreement to a maximum of 5% and 8%, respectively, as compared to film. A comparison of relative transmission measurements between the EPID and ion chamber indicate a maximum deviation of 6% and 2% at 6 and 18 MV, respectively, for an attenuator thickness of 21 cm and SDD > or = 130 cm. It was found that accuracies of better than 1% could be obtained if detector position and field size specific fitting parameters were used to generate unique mapping functions for each configuration.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to describe the sampling process that occurs when intensity modulated radiotherapy treatments (delivered with a multileaf collimator) are imaged with an electronic portal imaging device that acquires a set of frames with a finite dead-time between them. The effects of the imaging duty cycle and frame rate on the accuracy of dosimetric verification have been studied. A frame interval of 1 s with 25%, 50% and 75% duty cycle, and a 50% duty cycle with frame intervals of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 s have been studied for a smoothly varying hemispherical intensity profile, and a 50% duty cycle with frame intervals of 1, 2, 4, and 8 s for a pixellated distribution. In addition an intensity modulated beam for breast radiotherapy has been modeled and imaged for 0.33 s frame time and 1, 2, and 3 s frame separation. The results show that under sparse temporal sampling conditions, errors of the order of 10% may ensue and occur with an oscillatory pattern. For the beams studied, imaging with a 1 or 2 s frame interval resulted in small errors at the 1%-2% level, for all duty cycles shown.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the increase in exit surface dose resulting from backscattered radiation generated by the Varian amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (EPID). An increase of < or = 14% was demonstrated at both 6 MV and 10 MV, in a manner which suggests that backscatter from the EPID acts to re-establish electronic equilibrium at the exit surface, normally absent in the build-down region. The magnitude of this effect was influenced by field size, measurement depth and exit surface to EPID distance. Assuming typical constraints of portal imaging frequency and geometry, the results suggest that EPID generated backscatter is unlikely to alter the frequency or severity of exit skin reactions. However, the results do suggest that a limit on the minimum separation between the EPID and the exit surface should be set, and that similar investigations should be made for other EPID models.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for accurate dose delivery of IMRT profiles produced with dynamic multileaf collimation (DMLC) is highly accurate leaf positioning. In our institution, leaf verification for DMLC was initially done with film and ionization chamber. To overcome the limitations of these methods, a fast, accurate and two-dimensional method for daily leaf verification, using our CCD-camera based electronic portal imaging device (EPID), has been developed. This method is based on a flat field produced with a 0.5 cm wide sliding gap for each leaf pair. Deviations in gap widths are detected as deviations in gray scale value profiles derived from the EPID images, and not by directly assessing leaf positions in the images. Dedicated software was developed to reduce the noise level in the low signal images produced with the narrow gaps. The accuracy of this quality assurance procedure was tested by introducing known leaf position errors. It was shown that errors in leaf gap as small as 0.01-0.02 cm could be detected, which is certainly adequate to guarantee accurate dose delivery of DMLC treatments, even for strongly modulated beam profiles. Using this method, it was demonstrated that both short and long term reproducibility in leaf positioning were within 0.01 cm (1sigma) for all gantry angles, and that the effect of gravity was negligible.  相似文献   

Regions with steep dose gradients are often encountered in clinical x-ray beams, especially with the growing use of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Such regions are present both at field edges and, for IMRT, in the vicinity of the projection of sensitive anatomical structures in the treatment field. Dose measurements in these regions are often difficult and labour intensive, while dose prediction may be inaccurate. A dedicated algorithm developed in our institution for conversion of pixel values, measured with a charged coupled device camera based fluoroscopic electronic portal imaging device (EPID), into absolute absorbed doses at the EPID plane has an accuracy of 1-2% for flat and smoothly modulated fields. However, in the current algorithm there is no mechanism to correct for the (short-range) differences in lateral electron transport between water and the metal plate with the fluorescent layer in the EPID. Moreover, lateral optical photon transport in the fluorescent layer is not taken into account. This results in large deviations (>10%) in the penumbra region of these fields. We have investigated the differences between dose profiles measured in water and with the EPID for small heavily peaked fields. A convolution kernel has been developed to empirically describe these differences. After applying the derived kernel to raw EPID images, a general agreement within 2% was obtained with the water measurements in the central region of the fields, and within 0.03 cm in the penumbra region. These results indicate that the EPID is well suited for accurate dosimetric verification of steep gradient x-ray fields.  相似文献   

Flat-panel imagers consisting of the first large area, self-scanning, pixelated, solid-state arrays made with hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) are under development by the authors for applications in diagnostic x-ray and megavoltage radiotherapy imaging. The arrays, designated by the acronym MASDA for multi-element amorphous silicon detector array, consist of a two-dimensional array of a-Si:H photodiodes and thin-film transistors and are used in conjunction with scintillating materials. Imagers utilizing MASDA arrays offer a variety of advantages over existing technologies. This article presents initial megavoltage and diagnostic-quality x-ray images taken with several such arrays including the first examples of anatomical-phantom images. The external readout electronics and imaging techniques required to obtain such images are outlined, the construction, operation, and advantages of the arrays briefly reviewed, and the future potential of this new technology discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the design and evaluation of a simple test tool which can be used in conjunction with either film or an electronic portal imaging device (EPID) to verify light and radiation fields and their congruence. The precision of the technique is better than 0.5 mm under all conditions tested. When used with film the accuracy or offset of the technique (the difference between test tool observations and a scanned conventional film) is better than 0.5 mm but, with an EPID as the image receptor, the accuracy dropped to, in one trial, 0.86 mm. The offset may be due to a systematic observer bias in determining the 50% O.D. level on the image, compounded, in the case of EPID measurements, by image acquisition and display parameters. Thus, when used with an EPID, calibration of the system will be required if absolute field dimensions are required. When used with film, the test tool method described here is of sufficient accuracy and precision to confirm the compliance of light and radiation field parameters with currently accepted quality control protocols.  相似文献   

Electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs), currently used for determining proper patient placement during irradiation in a radiotherapy treatment, can also be used as dosimeters. However, the Varian aS500 portal imager exhibits dosimetric artefacts caused by non-uniform backscatter from mechanical support structures located behind the imager. Monte Carlo simulations predict that adding 5 mm of Pb behind the imaging cassette will reduce the non-uniform backscatter to <1% for 6 MV and to <1.5% for 18 MV photon beams. This study experimentally tested this hypothesis by comparing images using an unmodified test imager and an imager modified by adding 3 and 5 mm of Pb behind the imaging cassette. Using the modified imager containing 5 mm of Pb, the non-uniform backscatter was reduced to <0.5% for 6 MV and <0.6% for 18 MV beams. Addition of the 5 mm of Pb increased the detector contrast by 3.5% +/- 0.5% at 6 MV and 5.0% +/- 0.7% at 18 MV, and increased the resolution by 0.9% +/- 0.2% at 6 MV and 0.5% +/- 0.12% at 18 MV.  相似文献   

The effects of backscattered radiation on the dosimetric response of the Varian aS500 amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (EPID) are studied. Measurements demonstrate that radiation backscattered from the EPID mechanical support structure causes 5% asymmetries in the detected signal. To minimize the effect of backscattered radiation from the support structure, this work proposes adding material downstream of the EPID phosphor which provides uniform backscattering material to the phosphor and attenuates backscatter from the support structure before it reaches the phosphor. Two material locations were studied: downstream of the existing image cassette and within the cassette, immediately downstream of the flat-panel imager glass panel. Monte Carlo simulations were used to determine the thicknesses of water, Pb and Cu backscattering materials required to saturate the backscattered signal response for 6 MV and 18 MV beams for material thicknesses up to 50 mm. Water was unable to saturate the backscattered signal for thicknesses up to 50 mm for both energies. For Pb, to obtain a signal within 1% of saturation, 3 mm was required at 6 MV, and 6.8 mm was required at 18 MV. For Cu, thicknesses of 20.6 mm and 22.6 mm were required for the 6 MV and 18 MV beams, respectively. For saturation thicknesses, at 6 MV, the Cu backscatter enhanced the signal more than for Pb (Cu 1.25, Pb 1.11), but at 18 MV the reverse was found (Cu 1.19, Pb 1.23). This is due to the fact that at 6 MV, the backscattered radiation signal is dominated by low-energy scattered photons, which are readily attenuated by the Pb, while at 18 MV, electron backscatter contributes substantially to the signal. Image blurring caused by backscatter spread was less for Pb than Cu. Placing Pb immediately downstream of the glass panel further reduced the signal spread and increased the backscatter enhancement to 1.20 and 1.39 for the 6 MV and 18 MV beams, respectively. Overall, it is determined that adding approximately 5 mm of Pb between the detector and the mechanical support structure will substantially reduce the nonuniformity in the backscattered signals for 6 MV and 18 MV photon beams.  相似文献   

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