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The study evaluates the efficacy of a procedural memory stimulation programme in mild and mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD). Twenty basic and instrumental activities of daily living have been selected, and divided into two groups, comparable for difficulty. Ten normal elderly subjects (age 68.0±4.8 years; MMSE score: 28.7±0.9; education: 7.6±3.5 years) were asked to perform the two groups of daily activities and the time required to perform the tasks of each group was recorded and used as a reference. Ten mild and mild-moderate AD patients (age 77.2±5.3 years; MMSE score: 19.8±3.5; education: 7.3±4.7 years) without major behavioural disturbances constituted the experimental group. Patients were evaluated in all 20 daily activities and the time employed was recorded at baseline and after a 3-week training (1 h/d, 5 d/week) period. Five patients were trained during the 3 weeks on half of the 20 daily activities and the other five patients were trained on the remainder. This procedure was adopted in order to detect separately the improvement in "trained" and "not trained" activities, allowing to control better the effects of the intervention. The assessment of the functional impact of the training was directly measured, through the variation of time employed to perform tasks before and after training. After 3 weeks of training a significant improvement was observed for the trained activities, from 3.6 to 1.9 standard deviations below the performance of the normal elderly controls ( P <0.05). AD patients improved also in not-trained activities from 3.5 to 2.7 standard deviations below the controls'performance ( P <0.05). The rehabilitation of activities of daily living through developing procedural memory strategies may be effective in mild and mild-moderate AD patients.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the feasibility and experiences of paediatric-onset multiple sclerosis (MS) patients completing a working memory training programme.

Methods: Nine paediatric-onset MS patients (mean age 19.3?±?4.1 years) identified as having attention and/or working memory difficulties underwent a five-week (five days/week) internet-based working memory training programme (Cogmed?); weekly coaching was provided. Measures of adherence and tolerance were used to establish the feasibility of implementing computerised cognitive training. Qualitative experiences reported by the patients were analysed and factors that may modulate the effects of training were explored.

Results: Six of the nine enrolled patients completed the programme within the recommended time, and all individuals, with the exception of one, were considered to tolerate the training well. Eight of the nine participants acknowledged that training was helpful in one or more ways. All but one participant reported improvements in working memory, although evidence for improvement on objective neuropsychological testing was limited. Lower normalised brain volume emerged as a potentially important variable in predicting extent of improvement on the training programme.

Conclusion: Selected paediatric-onset MS patients can tolerate and complete an intensive cognitive rehabilitation programme. Future investigation of moderators of training effects and the stability of the findings over time is needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of two different procedures of individual cognitive training in mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease (AD). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-two AD patients entered the study. We compared stimulation of procedural memory (group 1) with training of partially spared cognitive functions (group 2). Assessment included: neuropsychological tests, scales, and the Functional Living Skills Assessment (FLSA), a standardized battery built to directly evaluate patients' performance in everyday life. RESULTS: We observed a significant improvement for both groups after training in FLSA total score (P=0.005) and subscales. For group 1, we also found a slightly improved performance in two tests: Attentional Matrices (P=0.041), and Verbal Fluency for Letters (P=0.059). After 3 months, patients' results showed a tendency to regress to the pre-training level. CONCLUSION: Both AD groups showed a substantial improvement after training in a direct performance measure of everyday functioning. However, results at neuropsychological tests suggest that training activities of daily living (supported by procedural memory) may be more effective than stimulating "residual" cognitive functions.  相似文献   

目的 探讨镜像运动模式康复机器人对卒中亚急性期手运动功能障碍患者的康复效果。 方法 选取2020年6-8月于上海第三康复医院连续收治的卒中亚急性期患者为研究对象,采用信 封法将患者随机分为观察组和对照组,两组均予常规康复治疗,观察组在此基础上予康复机器人手 套治疗,共治疗4周。在两组治疗前后分别进行手功能评估,包括Fugl-Meyer上肢运动功能评定(Fugl- Meyer assessment upper extremity,FMA-UE)、FMA-UE手部评分、箱盒测试(box and block test,BBT)、 上肢动作研究测试(action research arm test,ARAT)、改良Barthel指数(modified Barthel index,MBI), 以及患侧手握力和捏力。 结果 本研究最终纳入40例患者,两组各20例。治疗前和治疗后两组间各项指标评估结果比较,差 异均无统计学意义。治疗后组内比较结果显示,对照组MB(I P=0.049)高于治疗前,观察组FMA-UE评 分(P =0.024)与FMA-UE手部评分(P =0.046)高于治疗前。两组各指标进步程度比较结果显示,观察 组FMA-UE评分(P =0.038)与FMA-UE手部评分(P =0.048)差值均高于对照组。 结论 镜像康复机器人对卒中亚急性期患者的手运动功能改善具有促进作用,可以作为一种辅助 治疗技术应用于临床。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether augmenting work therapy (WT) with neurocognitive enhancement therapy (NET) yields greater improvement in working memory performance than WT alone and whether there is an interaction with severity of impairment. METHOD: A total of 102 participants with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were categorized as severely or less severely cognitively impaired and randomly assigned to receive NET + WT or WT alone. NET consisted of cognitive training exercises in attention, memory, executive function, and social information processing, and WT was a 6-month work program. RESULTS: Comparison on Digits Backwards from intake to follow-up revealed significantly greater improvement for participants receiving NET + WT, but there was no interaction with severity group. Follow-up 6 months after training showed that training effects endured. CONCLUSION: NET + WT improved working memory for most participants regardless of impairment severity. Intensity and duration of training may have contributed to duration of effects. Findings support continued exploration of cognitive remediation.  相似文献   



Poststroke, less-severe motor impairment occurs on the ipsilesional side of body. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the motor training involving the less-affected side (MTLA) in stroke.


This was a randomized, controlled, double-blinded pilot study conducted in the occupational therapy unit of a rehabilitation Institute. A convenience sample of 35 stroke subjects (mean poststroke duration, 28.76 weeks) was randomized into two groups (the experimental group: 17 and control group: 18). Thirty-two participants completed the entire study protocol. The experimental group and control group were provided MTLA and neurophysiological-based conventional therapy respectively. Both the groups received 24 treatment sessions (60 minutes each) over the period of two months. The Affected side was assessed using Brunnstrom recovery stage (BRS) and Fugl-Meyer assessment (FMA) whereas the less-affected side was evaluated by Minnesota manual dexterity test (MMDT), Purdue peg board test (PPBT) and Manual Muscle Testing (MMT).


Postintervention, the less-affected side of experimental group demonstrated significant improvement for MMDT (P = 0.003), PPBT (P = 0.01) and MMT (P?< 0.001 to 0.043) in comparison to the control group. Further, as compared to the control group, the experimental group exhibited positive significant change for the measure of affected side [BRS (P < 0.001) and FMA (P < 0.001 to 0.03)] at post assessment.


MTLA enhanced the muscle strength, dexterity and coordination of the less-affected side as well as the motor recovery of the affected side in poststroke hemiparetic subjects.  相似文献   



Structured application of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) is a key element in Value Based Healthcare. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a broad set of PROMs reflecting similar patient reported health domains as proposed within the International Standard Set of Patient-Centered Outcome Measures After Stroke within the first year after stroke.


The study included consecutive stroke patients admitted to inpatient or outpatient specialized rehabilitation. PROMs were administered upon admission, discharge (inpatients only), and at 3, 6, and 12 months. PROMs included: EuroQol 5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), Stroke Impact Scale (SIS), Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39NL), Utrecht Scale for Evaluation of Rehabilitation-Participation (USER-P), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). Feasibility was defined as participation, retention, and response rates. Paired t tests were conducted to analyze their changes over time.


Of 485 inpatients and 189 outpatients who were invited, 291 (60.0%) and 82 (43.3%) participated, of whom 45 (15.5%) and 7 (8.5%) dropped out before 12 months, respectively. Two hundred seven (71.1%) and 71 (86.6%) of the inpatients and outpatients returned the questionnaires on all or all but one time points, respectively. Between admission and 12 months statistically significant improvements of PROMs addressing general health and quality of life (EQ-5D), psychiatric functioning (HADS), motor functioning (SIS mobility), and social functioning (USER-P, SIS communication) were seen. The SIS memory scale, the SAQOL-39NL and the FSS did not show any changes.


Participation, retention, and response rates for a comprehensive set of PROMS for stroke in patients in rehabilitation were moderate to good, with clinical improvements seen until 1 year post stroke. The SAQOL-39NL and FSS did not demonstrate changes over time and cannot be recommended for repetitive measurements in this setting. By simplifying the set of questionnaires, participation and response rates may be further enhanced.  相似文献   

Relying on procedural memory is a promising approach for interventions that address the cognitive difficulties found in semantic dementia. The aim of this study was to determine if procedural memory could be used to optimise learning of relevant smartphone functions in MH, a 55-year-old man with semantic dementia. The impact of learning to use specific smartphone applications, which display concepts and their semantic characteristics, on relearning useful significant concepts, was also explored in MH. This patient, who showed no deficits in procedural learning on a serial reaction time paradigm, was able to learn manipulations related to 15 smartphone functions although, because of his deficit in word comprehension, he generally needed verbal cues to clarify which functions he was asked to perform. Six months after the end of the intervention, he was still using 8 of the 15 functions regularly. However, repeated exposure to concepts through the use of two applications did not improve naming or retrieval of semantic attributes. This study showed the potential of relying on procedural memory to optimise learning of new technologies in the ecological rehabilitation of semantic dementia.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of home rehabilitation of the hand using a robotic glove, and, in addition, its effectiveness, in hemiplegic patients after stroke.

Methods: In this non-randomized pilot study, 21 hemiplegic stroke patients (Ashworth spasticity index ≤ 3) were prescribed, after in-hospital rehabilitation, a 2-month home-program of intensive hand training using the Gloreha Lite glove that provides computer-controlled passive mobilization of the fingers. Feasibility was measured by: number of patients who completed the home-program, minutes of exercise and number of sessions/patient performed. Safety was assessed by: hand pain with a visual analog scale (VAS), Ashworth spasticity index for finger flexors, opponents of the thumb and wrist flexors, and hand edema (circumference of forearm, wrist and fingers), measured at start (T0) and end (T1) of rehabilitation. Hand motor function (Motricity Index, MI), fine manual dexterity (Nine Hole Peg Test, NHPT) and strength (Grip test) were also measured at T0 and T1.

Results: Patients performed, over a mean period 56 (49–63) days, a total of 1699 (1353–2045) min/patient of exercise with Gloreha Lite, 5.1 (4.3–5.8) days/week. Seventeen patients (81%) completed the full program. The mean VAS score of hand pain, Ashworth spasticity index and hand edema did not change significantly at T1 compared to T0. The MI, NHPT and Grip test improved significantly (p = 0.0020, 0.0156 and 0.0024, respectively) compared to baseline.

Conclusion: Gloreha Lite is feasible and safe for use in home rehabilitation. The efficacy data show a therapeutic effect which need to be confirmed by a randomized controlled study.  相似文献   

Aphasia, the language disorder following brain damage, is frequently accompanied by deficits of working memory (WM) and executive functions (EFs). Recent studies suggest that WM, together with certain EFs, can play a role in sentence comprehension in individuals with aphasia (IWA), and that WM can be enhanced with intensive practice. Our aim was to investigate whether a combined WM and EF training improves the understanding of spoken sentences in IWA. We used a pre–post-test case control design. Three individuals with chronic aphasia practised an adaptive training task (a modified n-back task) three to four times a week for a month. Their performance was assessed before and after the training on outcome measures related to WM and spoken sentence comprehension. One participant showed significant improvement on the training task, another showed a tendency for improvement, and both of them improved significantly in spoken sentence comprehension. The third participant did not improve on the training task, however, she showed improvement on one measure of spoken sentence comprehension. Compared to controls, two individuals improved at least in one condition of the WM outcome measures. Thus, our results suggest that a combined WM and EF training can be beneficial for IWA.  相似文献   

《Brain stimulation》2022,15(6):1541-1551
BackgroundTranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has shown potential as an effective aid to facilitate learning. A popular application of this technology has been in combination with working memory training (WMT) in order to enhance transfer effects to other cognitive measures after training.ObjectiveThis meta-analytic review aims to synthesize the existing literature on tDCS-enhanced WMT to quantify the extent to which tDCS can improve performance on transfer tasks after training. Furthermore, we were interested to evaluate the moderating effects of assessment time point (immediate post-test vs. follow-up) and transfer distance, i.e., the degree of similarity between transfer and training tasks.MethodsUsing robust variance estimation, we performed a systematic meta-analysis of all studies to date that compared WMT with tDCS to WMT with sham in healthy adults. All procedures conformed to PRISMA guidelines.ResultsAcross 265 transfer measures in 18 studies, we found a small positive net effect of tDCS on improving overall performance on transfer measures after WMT. These effects were sustained at follow-up, which ranged from 1 week to one year after training, with a median of 1 month. Additionally, although there were no significant differences as a function of transfer distance, effects were most pronounced for non-trained working memory tasks.ConclusionsThis review provides evidence that tDCS can be effective in promoting learning over and above WMT alone, and can durably improve performance on trained and untrained measures for weeks to months after the initial training and stimulation period. In particular, boosting performance on dissimilar working memory tasks may present the most promising target for tDCS-augmented WMT.  相似文献   

Background Computerized cognitive training is suggested to enhance attention and working memory functioning following stroke, but effects on brain and behavior are not sufficiently studied and longitudinal studies assessing brain and behavior relationships are scarce.

Objective The study objectives were to investigate relations between neuropsychological performance post-stroke and white matter microstructure measures derived from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), including changes after 6 weeks of working memory training.

Methods In this experimental training study, 26 stroke patients underwent DTI and neuropsychological tests at 3 time points – before and after a passive phase of 6 weeks, and again after 6 weeks of working memory training (Cogmed QM). Fractional anisotropy (FA) was extracted from stroke-free brain areas to assess the white matter microstructure. Twenty-two participants completed the majority of training (≥18/25 sessions) and were entered into longitudinal analyses.

Results Significant correlations between FA and baseline cognitive functions were observed (r = 0.58, p = 0.004), however, no evidence was found of generally improved cognitive functions following training or of changes in white matter microstructure.

Conclusions While white matter microstructure related to baseline cognitive function in stroke patients, the study revealed no effect on cognitive functions or microstructural changes in white matter in relation to computerized working memory training.  相似文献   


Background: Stroke survivors find it difficult to participate in daily activities, despite their improvement throughout the rehabilitation process. Thus, it has been questioned whether day-rehabilitation services provide adequate preparation for participation and reintegration into the community. Self-management programs can improve survivors’ self-efficacy to manage their condition and participation. Improving Participation After Stroke Self-Management program (IPASS) is an occupational therapy-based group intervention developed in the United States, which has been effective in improving participation outcomes.

Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the IPASS adapted for an Israeli population of individuals admitted to a day-rehabilitation center after stroke.

Methods: A single-center, randomized, assessor-blind study was conducted. Eligible participants were randomized to receive the IPASS (intervention group), in addition to standard individual therapy or standard care only (control group). Feasibility was based on attendance rate and a feedback questionnaire. Effectiveness was evaluated with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), the Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNLI) and self-efficacy questionnaires.

Results: Sixty participants were included, of which 39 completed baseline and post-intervention evaluations. The intervention group improved significantly in the FIM scores (p < .01), as compared to the control group (p > .05). Moderate effect sizes (≥0.35) were found for the FIM and RNLI, and large effect sizes (≥0.65) for two subcategories in the participation self-efficacy questionnaire.

Conclusions: The results support the feasibility of the adapted IPASS, and show a trend for positive effects in improving participation and self-efficacy in managing participation in home and community activities, for an Israeli post-stroke population.  相似文献   



The leap motion controller (LMC) is a new optoelectronic system for capturing motion of both hands and controlling a virtual environment. Differently from previous devices, it optoelectronically tracks the fine movements of fingers neither using glows nor markers.


This pilot study explored the feasibility of adapting the LMC, developed for videogames, to neurorehabilitation of elderly with subacute stroke.


Four elderly patients (71.50?±?4.51 years old) affected by stroke in subacute phase were enrolled and tested in a cross-over pilot trial in which six sessions of 30 minutes of LMC videogame-based therapy were added on conventional therapy. Measurements involved participation to the sessions, evaluated by means of the Pittsburgh Rehabilitation Participation Scale, hand ability and grasp force evaluated respectively by means of the Abilhand Scale and by means of the dynamometer.


Neither adverse effects nor spasticity increments were observed during LMC training. Participation to the sessions was excellent in three patients and very good in one patient during the LMC trial. In this period, patients showed a significantly higher improvement in hand abilities (P?=?0.028) and grasp force (P?=?0.006).


This feasibility pilot study was the first one using leap motion controller for conducting a videogame-based therapy. This study provided a proof of concept that LMC can be a suitable tool even for elderly patients with subacute stroke. LMC training was in fact performed with a high level of active participation, without adverse effects, and contributed to increase the recovery of hand abilities.  相似文献   

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