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Ewing's sarcoma shows a strong tendency to metastasize to the lungs or the skeleton, or both. A peculiar feature of the secondary involvement of bone with this tumor is that it may also appear in the absence of clinically evident lung metastases, both at clinical presentation and during the course of the disease. Although osseous metastases are critically relevant for prognosis, the pathogenesis of this peculiar feature of Ewing's sarcoma is poorly understood, partly due to the lack of appropriate experimental in vivo models. We show that the intravenous injection of TC-71 Ewing's sarcoma cells into athymic 4-5-week-old Crl/nu/nu (CD1) BR mice reproducibly colonizes specific sites of the skeleton in addition to the lungs and lymph nodes. The distribution and the morphologic appearance of these experimental bone metastases mimic the pattern of skeletal involvement observed in humans. This experimental model of bone metastasis of Ewing's sarcoma may be the basis for future studies aimed at understanding the pathophysiology and treatment of Ewing's sarcoma.  相似文献   

患者,男,16岁。因右跟部肿块8个月,进行性肿大伴疼痛(休息后疼痛缓解)、发热2个月于2007月8月入院:8个月前发现右跟部肿物,局部无红、肿、热、痛。2个月前包块进行性肿大,疼痛加重,夜间尤明显,伴高热39.8℃.当地医院诊断为跟骨骨髓炎,予以切开引流(病理检查提示感染),但肿胀继续加剧。查体:右跟骨外侧肿块12cm×8cm×3cm大小,表面静脉怒张,色素沉着,质软,压痛剧烈,肿块中央有一窦道口,有血性渗出,未见脓液(图1)。  相似文献   

A case of Ewing's Sarcoma originating the great toe is reported. Because of the rarity of its appearance outside the pelvis and long tubular bones, Ewing's Sarcoma is often misdiagnosed when it occurs in the distal portion of the extremities. Ewing's Sarcoma may be difficult to distinguish from infection. Biopsy is recommended for any indolent or refractory lesions presumed to be infectious. Bone scanning with Technetium Polyphosphate is a useful tool for diagnosis and evaluation of this tumor. Vigorous integrated chemotherapy and radiotherapy had little effect in this patient with metastatic disease.  相似文献   

Ganglioneuroma is a benign neoplasm arising from neural crest tissue and is composed of mature ganglion cells and Schwann's cells. Most ganglioneuromas arise in the posterior mediastinum followed by the retroperitoneum. Only a small proportion of ganglioneuromas are adrenal in origin and occur most commonly in children and young adults. Characteristically, ganglioneuromas do not secrete excess catecholamines or steroid hormones, and they are usually clinically silent lesions incidentally detected in imaging studies for unrelated reasons. Because it is an uncommon lesion, adrenal ganglioneuromas is not included in the differential diagnosis of adrenal incidentalomas in adults. We presents a new case of a 6.5 cm adrenal ganglioneuroma incidentally diagnosed in a 50-year old male patient. The exeresis of the adrenal mass and pathohistological study confirmed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

At the Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, during the period 1960 to 1975, radiation therapy was given to 59 patients with Ewing's sarcoma without overt metastases. Over this period treatment was modified to include, as well as irradiation to the primary tumour, total body irradiation (TBI) and chemotherapy according to various regiments. The 5-year survival rate of 38% in 26% patients who received TBI suggests that this may be of value. In patients with osteogenic sarcoma preoperative irradiation was not found to be of value. Recently the resection of pulmonary metastases combined with chemotherapy has increased the survival rate. When the primary site makes resection impracticable, the response to irradiation and chemotherapy is encouraging. Three cases so treated are described.  相似文献   

Ewing's sarcoma of the hand is rare. This tumor was first described in 1921, since then, only a few cases with hand involvement have been reported. We report a case of Ewing's sarcoma of the left hand, presenting as a swelling of the hand gradually enlarging over six months. Plain radiographs showed marked osteolysis of the second, third and fourth metacarpals. Histological confirmation was made following biopsy. Despite amputation and post-operative chemotherapy, death occurred two months later due marrow aplasia.  相似文献   

Ewing's Sarcoma of the calcaneus has been infrequently reported in literature. Metastases to the adjoining tibia and fibula have been reported even more rarely. We report a patient who, at the time of presentation, showed gross destruction of the calcaneus and metastases to the ipsilateral tibia and fibula.  相似文献   

Five cases of vertebra plana have been reported, three with spontaneous regeneration and two caused by Ewing's sarcoma. It is emphasized that the diagnosis eosinophilic granuloma must rely on surgical biopsy.  相似文献   

Primitive neuroectodermal tumor is an extraordinarily rare primary tumor in the kidney and can be mistaken for a variety of other round cell tumors. It is important to recognize each of these entities, because each carries unique therapeutic and prognostic implications. However, accurate diagnosis of these tumors is hindered by their significant morphologic overlap and complicated by their rarity. These neplasm are highly aggressive that tend to recurence and to metastatize. Standard therapy combining surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and genetic therapy. We report a case of primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney in a 50 year old female patient.  相似文献   

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