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Western Eurasia yielded a rich Middle (MP) and Late Pleistocene (LP) fossil record documenting the evolution of the Neandertals that can be analyzed in light of recently acquired paleogenetical data, an abundance of archeological evidence, and a well-known environmental context. Their origin likely relates to an episode of recolonization of Western Eurasia by hominins of African origin carrying the Acheulean technology into Europe around 600 ka. An enhancement of both glacial and interglacial phases may have played a crucial role in this event, as well as in the subsequent evolutionary history of the Western Eurasian populations. In addition to climatic adaptations and an increase in encephalization, genetic drift seems to have played a major role in their evolution. To date, a clear speciation event is not documented, and the most likely scenario for the fixation of Neandertal characteristics seems to be an accretion of features along the second half of the MP. Although a separation time for the African and Eurasian populations is difficult to determine, it certainly predates OIS 11 as phenotypic Neandertal features are documented as far back as and possibly before this time. It is proposed to use the term “Homo rhodesiensis” to designate the large-brained hominins ancestral to H. sapiens in Africa and at the root of the Neandertals in Europe, and to use the term “Homo neanderthalensis” to designate all of the specimens carrying derived metrical or non-metrical features used in the definition of the LP Neandertals.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of fragrance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fragrance in the grain is one of the most highly valued grain quality traits in rice, yet the origin and evolution of the betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (BADH2) underlying this trait remains unclear. In this study, we identify eight putatively nonfunctional alleles of the BADH2 gene and show that these alleles have distinct geographic and genetic origins. Despite multiple origins of the fragrance trait, a single allele, badh2.1, is the predominant allele in virtually all fragrant rice varieties today, including the widely recognized Basmati and Jasmine types. Haplotype analysis allowed us to establish a single origin of the badh2.1 allele within the Japonica varietal group and demonstrate the introgression of this allele from Japonica to Indica. Basmati-like accessions were nearly identical to the ancestral Japonica haplotype across a 5.3-Mb region flanking BADH2 regardless of their fragrance phenotype, demonstrating a close evolutionary relationship between Basmati varieties and the Japonica gene pool. These results clarify the relationships among fragrant rice varieties and challenge the traditional assumption that the fragrance trait arose in the Indica varietal group.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the origins and evolution of crop species represents an important prerequisite for efficient conservation and use of existing plant materials. This study was designed to solve the ongoing debate on the origins of the common bean by investigating the nucleotide diversity at five gene loci of a large sample that represents the entire geographical distribution of the wild forms of this species. Our data clearly indicate a Mesoamerican origin of the common bean. They also strongly support the occurrence of a bottleneck during the formation of the Andean gene pool that predates the domestication, which was suggested by recent studies based on multilocus molecular markers. Furthermore, a remarkable result was the genetic structure that was seen for the Mesoamerican accessions, with the identification of four different genetic groups that have different relationships with the sets of wild accessions from the Andes and northern Peru-Ecuador. This finding implies that both of the gene pools from South America originated through different migration events from the Mesoamerican populations that were characteristic of central Mexico.  相似文献   

Humans are unique, compared with our closest living relatives (chimpanzees) and early fossil hominins, in having an enlarged body size and lower limb joint surfaces in combination with a relatively gracile skeleton (i.e., lower bone mass for our body size). Some analyses have observed that in at least a few anatomical regions modern humans today appear to have relatively low trabecular density, but little is known about how that density varies throughout the human skeleton and across species or how and when the present trabecular patterns emerged over the course of human evolution. Here, we test the hypotheses that (i) recent modern humans have low trabecular density throughout the upper and lower limbs compared with other primate taxa and (ii) the reduction in trabecular density first occurred in early Homo erectus, consistent with the shift toward a modern human locomotor anatomy, or more recently in concert with diaphyseal gracilization in Holocene humans. We used peripheral quantitative CT and microtomography to measure trabecular bone of limb epiphyses (long bone articular ends) in modern humans and chimpanzees and in fossil hominins attributed to Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus robustus/early Homo from Swartkrans, Homo neanderthalensis, and early Homo sapiens. Results show that only recent modern humans have low trabecular density throughout the limb joints. Extinct hominins, including pre-Holocene Homo sapiens, retain the high levels seen in nonhuman primates. Thus, the low trabecular density of the recent modern human skeleton evolved late in our evolutionary history, potentially resulting from increased sedentism and reliance on technological and cultural innovations.Obligate bipedalism—a defining feature of humans that distinguishes us from our closest living relatives, the African apes—has transformed the human skeleton. Among these unique features are long lower limbs with large joint surfaces. These large joint surfaces help distribute loads over a larger surface area and thus are better at resisting the high forces incurred during locomotion on two limbs instead of four (15). Early African Homo erectus at 1.8–1.5 Ma had enlarged lower limb joint surfaces (1, 3) and a larger stature (6) and body mass (7, 8) than many earlier hominins, and this pattern often is considered to reflect the emergence of a more modern human-like body plan (1, 3, 5, 6, 9; but also see ref. 7).Recent modern human (Holocene Homo sapiens) skeletons also appear to be gracile as compared with earlier hominins (1014). Here, “gracilization” refers to the reduction in strength and bone mass relative to body mass inferred from osseous tissue and overall bone size and has been studied mainly using diaphyseal cortical bone cross-sections (1016). Although the relationship between mechanical loading during life and bone strength is likely to be complex (17), there is much evidence that increased mechanical loading leads to increases in relative bone strength (18). Thus, diaphyseal skeletal gracilization in recent modern humans relative to earlier hominins generally has been attributed to a decrease in daily physical activity via technological and cultural innovations (6, 10, 1315, 1922).There also is evidence that increased activity level and mechanical loading increases trabecular bone mineral density within limb bones (ref. 23 and references therein). However, although there currently is extensive literature on the variation and evolution of long bone shaft strength in humans and fossil hominins (10, 15, 16, 2427), there has been comparatively less research on trabecular bone (2830) because of the technical challenges in quantifying its structure: limited access to high-resolution CT (microCT), problems with preservation and/or imaging of fine trabecular structures, particularly in fossils, and intensive processing time. A few studies examining individual limb elements have reported low trabecular density, as measured by volumetric density (the trabecular bone fraction, TBF, or bone volume relative to total volume), in recent modern human epiphyses. The recent modern human arm (humerus) and hand (metacarpals) have low TBF (31, 32) and mineral density (33) compared with chimpanzees and orangutans. This finding might be expected, because humans rarely use their upper limbs for locomotion and therefore do not habitually expose their upper limb bones to the high loads of body-weight support. Indeed, recent modern human upper limb bones have relatively low diaphyseal strengths compared with the lower limbs (34). However, recent modern humans also have low TBF in the calcaneus (35) and metatarsals (36) compared with great apes, despite the increased proportionate loading and full body-weight support incurred during bipedal locomotion.To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine how trabecular density varies throughout the human appendicular skeleton, how that variation compares with other primates, and how trabecular density evolved in the hominin lineage. We test the hypotheses that (i) recent modern humans have lower TBF throughout the upper and lower limbs compared with that of other primates and (ii) the reduction in TBF first occurred in African Homo erectus, consistent with the shift toward a modern human locomotor anatomy, or more recently in concert with diaphyseal gracilization in recent modern humans. This study is the first, to our knowledge, to evaluate TBF in upper and lower limb joints in fossil hominins from late Pliocene Australopithecus to recent Homo.To assess whether low trabecular density is a systemic phenomenon throughout the human skeleton, we examined trabecular density in seven epiphyseal elements throughout the upper limb (humeral head, proximal ulna, distal radius, metacarpal heads) and lower limb (femoral head, distal tibia, and metatarsal heads) (Tables S1 and S2). We measured trabecular density in a 2D image as the ratio of bone pixels/total pixels (i.e., the TBF) within a defined region of interest (ROI) for each epiphysis (Fig. S1). We first compared TBF across extant primate (baboon, orangutan, chimpanzee, and recent modern human) limb epiphyses (Table S2). We also compared TBF in late Pliocene and Pleistocene hominins (n = 42) within the context of changes in body form in early Homo at 1.8 Ma and throughout the Pleistocene (Table S2).

Table 1.

Sample size of taxa studied
TaxonProximal humerusProximal ulnaDistal radiusDistal metacarpalProximal femurDistal tibiaDistal metatarsal
Homo sapiens38383830383835
Pan troglodytes17171717171717
Pongo pygmaeus15161616161616
Papio anubis17171712181817
Australopithecus sp.1
Australopithecus africanus14533
Paranthropus robustus/early Homo122
Homo neanderthalensis32211
Early Homo sapiens112222
Open in a separate windowSee Table S1 for a breakdown of each sex included in the extant samples and Table S2 for a complete list of the specimens included in each fossil taxon.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2-μm plasmid is a multicopy selfish genome that resides in the nucleus. The genetic organization of the plasmid is optimized for stable, high-copy propagation in host-cell populations. The plasmid's partitioning system poaches host factors, including the centromere-specific histone H3-variant Cse4 and the cohesin complex, enabling replicated plasmid copies to segregate equally in a chromosome-coupled fashion. We have characterized the in vivo chromatin topology of the plasmid partitioning locus STB in its Cse4-associated and Cse4-nonassociated states. We find that the occupancy of Cse4 at STB induces positive DNA supercoiling, with a linking difference (ΔLk) contribution estimated between +1 and +2 units. One plausible explanation for this contrary topology is the presence of a specialized Cse4-containing nucleosome with a right-handed DNA writhe at a functional STB, contrasted by a standard histone H3-containing nucleosome with a left-handed DNA writhe at a nonfunctional STB. The similarities between STB and centromere in their nucleosome signature and DNA topology would be consistent with the potential origin of the unusual point centromere of budding yeast chromosomes from the partitioning locus of an ancestral plasmid.  相似文献   

We report on a genome-wide scan for introgression between the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) and the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus), using samples from the ranges of sympatry and allopatry in Africa and Europe. Our analysis reveals wide variability in introgression signatures along the genomes, as well as across the samples. We find that fewer than half of the autosomes in each genome harbor all detectable introgression, whereas the X chromosome has none. Further, European mice carry more M. spretus alleles than the sympatric African ones. Using the length distribution and sharing patterns of introgressed genomic tracts across the samples, we infer, first, that at least three distinct hybridization events involving M. spretus have occurred, one of which is ancient, and the other two are recent (one presumably due to warfarin rodenticide selection). Second, several of the inferred introgressed tracts contain genes that are likely to confer adaptive advantage. Third, introgressed tracts might contain driver genes that determine the evolutionary fate of those tracts. Further, functional analysis revealed introgressed genes that are essential to fitness, including the Vkorc1 gene, which is implicated in rodenticide resistance, and olfactory receptor genes. Our findings highlight the extent and role of introgression in nature and call for careful analysis and interpretation of house mouse data in evolutionary and genetic studies.Classical laboratory mouse strains, as well as newly established wild-derived ones, are widely used by geneticists for answering a diverse array of questions (1). Understanding the genome contents and architecture of these strains is important for studies of natural variation and complex traits, as well as evolutionary studies in general (2). Mus spretus, a sister species of Mus musculus, impacts the findings in M. musculus investigations for at least two reasons. First, it was deliberately interbred with laboratory M. musculus strains to introduce genetic variation (3). Second, Mus musculus domesticus is partially sympatric (naturally cooccurring) with M. spretus (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Species ranges and samples used in our study. The species range of M. spretus is shown in green (4), and the species range of M. m. domesticus includes the blue regions, the range of M. spretus, and beyond (1). M. m. domesticus and M. spretus samples were obtained from locations marked with red circles and purple diamonds, respectively. The samples originated from within and outside the area of sympatry between the two species. (SI Appendix, Table S1, provides additional details about the samples used in our study.)Recent studies have examined admixture between subspecies of house mice (58), but have not studied introgression with M. spretus. In at least one case (5), the introgressive descent of the mouse genome was hidden due to data postprocessing that masked introgressed genomic regions as missing data. In another study reporting whole-genome sequencing of 17 classical laboratory strains (6), M. spretus was used as an outgroup for phylogenetic analysis. The authors were surprised to find that 12.1% of loci failed to place M. spretus as an outgroup to the M. musculus clade. The authors concluded that M. spretus was not a reliable outgroup but did not pursue their observation further. On the other hand, in a 2002 study (9), Orth et al. compiled data on allozyme, microsatellite, and mitochondrial variation in house mice from Spain (sympatry) and nearby countries in western and central Europe. Interestingly, allele sharing between the species was observed in the range of sympatry but not outside in the range of allopatry. The studies demonstrated the possibility of natural hybridization between these two sister species. Further, the study of Song et al. (10) demonstrated a recent adaptive introgression from M. spretus into some M. m. domesticus populations in the wild, involving the vitamin K epoxide reductase subcomponent 1 (Vkorc1) gene, which was later shown to be more widespread in Europe, albeit geographically restricted to parts of southwestern and central Europe (11).Major, unanswered questions arise from these studies. First, is the vicinity around the Vkorc1 gene an isolated case of adaptive introgression in the house mouse genome, or do many other such regions exist? Second, is introgression between M. spretus and M. m. domesticus common outside the range of sympatry? Third, have there been other hybridization events, and, in particular, more ancient ones? Fourth, what role do introgressed genes, and, more generally, genomic regions, play?To investigate these open questions, we used genome-wide variation data from 20 M. m. domesticus samples (wild and wild-derived) from the ranges of sympatry and allopatry, as well as two M. spretus samples. For detecting introgression, we used PhyloNet-HMM (12), a newly developed method for statistical inference of introgression in genomes while accounting for other evolutionary processes, most notably incomplete lineage sorting (ILS).Our analysis provides answers to the questions posed above. First, we find signatures of introgression between M. spretus and each of the M. m. domesticus samples. The amount of introgression varies across the autosomes of each genome, with a few chromosomes harboring all detectable introgression, and most of the chromosomes have none. We detected no introgression on the X chromosome. Further, the amount of introgression varied widely across the samples. Our analyses demonstrate introgression outside the range of sympatry. In fact, our results show more signatures of introgression in the genomes of allopatric samples from Europe than in sympatric samples from Africa. For the third question, we used the length distribution and sharing patterns of introgressed regions across the samples to show support for at least three hybridization events: an ancient hybridization event that predates the colonization of Europe by M. m. domesticus and two more recent events, one of which presumably occurred about 50 y ago and is related to warfarin resistance selection (10). For the fourth question, our functional analysis of the introgressed genes shows enrichment for certain categories, most notably olfaction—an essential trait for the fitness of rodents. Understanding the genomic architecture and evolutionary history of the house mouse has broad implications on various aspects of evolutionary, genetic, and biomedical research endeavors that use this model organism. The PhyloNet-HMM method (12) can be used to detect introgression in other eukaryotic species, further broadening the impact of this work.  相似文献   

Eaton HE  Ring BA  Brunetti CR 《Viruses》2010,2(7):1458-1475
The Iridoviridae family are large viruses (~120-200 nm) that contain a linear double-stranded DNA genome. The genomic size of Iridoviridae family members range from 105,903 bases encoding 97 open reading frames (ORFs) for frog virus 3 to 212,482 bases encoding 211 ORFs for Chilo iridescent virus. The family Iridoviridae is currently subdivided into five genera: Chloriridovirus, Iridovirus, Lymphocystivirus, Megalocytivirus, and Ranavirus. Iridoviruses have been found to infect invertebrates and poikilothermic vertebrates, including amphibians, reptiles, and fish. With such a diverse array of hosts, there is great diversity in gene content between different genera. To understand the origin of iridoviruses, we explored the phylogenetic relationship between individual iridoviruses and defined the core-set of genes shared by all members of the family. In order to further explore the evolutionary relationship between the Iridoviridae family repetitive sequences were identified and compared. Each genome was found to contain a set of unique repetitive sequences that could be used in future virus identification. Repeats common to more than one virus were also identified and changes in copy number between these repeats may provide a simple method to differentiate between very closely related virus strains. The results of this paper will be useful in identifying new iridoviruses and determining their relationship to other members of the family.  相似文献   

Higher cyclorrhaphan flies including Drosophila develop a single extraembryonic epithelium (amnioserosa), which closes the germband dorsally. In most other insects two extraembryonic epithelia, serosa and amnion, line the inner eggshell and the ventral germband, respectively. How the two extraembryonic epithelia evolved into one is unclear. Recent studies have shown that, in the flour beetle Tribolium and in the milkweed bug Oncopeltus, the homeobox gene zerknüllt (zen) controls the fusion of the amnion with the serosa before dorsal closure. To understand the origin of the amnioserosa in evolution, we examined the expression and function of zen in the extraembryonic tissue of lower Cyclorrhapha. We show that Megaselia abdita (Phoridae) and Episyrphus balteatus (Syrphidae) develop a serosa and a dorsal amnion, suggesting that a dorsal amnion preceded the origin of the amnioserosa in evolution. Using Krüppel (Kr) and pannier (pnr) homologues of Megaselia as markers for serosal and amniotic tissue, respectively, we show that after zen RNAi all extraembryonic tissue becomes indistinguishable from amniotic cells, like in Tribolium but unlike in Drosophila, in which zen controls all aspects of extraembryonic development. Compared with Megaselia and Episyrphus, zen expression in Drosophila is extended to cells that form the amnion in lower Cyclorrhapha and is down-regulated at the developmental stage, when serosa cells in lower Cyclorrhapha begin to expand. These expression differences between species with distinct extraembryonic tissue organizations and the conserved requirement of zen for serosa development suggest that the origin of an amnioserosa-like epithelium was accompanied by expression changes of zen.  相似文献   

Phenotypic novelties can arise if integrated developmental pathways are expressed at new developmental stages and then recruited to serve new functions. We analyze the origin of a novel developmental trait of Dictyostelid amoebae: the evolution of cAMP as a developmental chemoattractant. We show that cAMP's role of attracting starving amoebae arose through recruitment of a pathway that originally evolved to coordinate fruiting body morphogenesis. Orthologues of the high-affinity cAMP receptor (cAR), cAR1, were identified in a selection of species that span the Dictyostelid phylogeny. The cAR1 orthologue from the basal species Dictyostelium minutum restored aggregation and development when expressed in an aggregation-defective mutant of the derived species Dictyostelium discoideum that lacks high-affinity cARs, thus demonstrating that the D. minutum cAR is a fully functional cAR. cAR1 orthologues from basal species are expressed during fruiting body formation, and only this process, and not aggregation, was disrupted by abrogation of cAR1 function. This is in contrast to derived species, where cAR1 is also expressed during aggregation and critically regulates this process. Our data show that coordination of fruiting body formation is the ancestral function of extracellular cAMP signaling, whereas its derived role in aggregation evolved by recruitment of a preexisting pathway to an earlier stage of development. This most likely occurred by addition of distal cis-regulatory regions to existing cAMP signaling genes.  相似文献   

Mammalian Ether-a-go-go related gene (Erg) family voltage-gated K+ channels possess an unusual gating phenotype that specializes them for a role in delayed repolarization. Mammalian Erg currents rectify during depolarization due to rapid, voltage-dependent inactivation, but rebound during repolarization due to a combination of rapid recovery from inactivation and slow deactivation. This is exemplified by the mammalian Erg1 channel, which is responsible for IKr, a current that repolarizes cardiac action potential plateaus. The Drosophila Erg channel does not inactivate and closes rapidly upon repolarization. The dramatically different properties observed in mammalian and Drosophila Erg homologs bring into question the evolutionary origins of distinct Erg K+ channel functions. Erg channels are highly conserved in eumetazoans and first evolved in a common ancestor of the placozoans, cnidarians, and bilaterians. To address the ancestral function of Erg channels, we identified and characterized Erg channel paralogs in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. N. vectensis Erg1 (NvErg1) is highly conserved with respect to bilaterian homologs and shares the IKr-like gating phenotype with mammalian Erg channels. Thus, the IKr phenotype predates the divergence of cnidarians and bilaterians. NvErg4 and Caenorhabditis elegans Erg (unc-103) share the divergent Drosophila Erg gating phenotype. Phylogenetic and sequence analysis surprisingly indicates that this alternate gating phenotype arose independently in protosomes and cnidarians. Conversion from an ancestral IKr-like gating phenotype to a Drosophila Erg-like phenotype correlates with loss of the cytoplasmic Ether-a-go-go domain. This domain is required for slow deactivation in mammalian Erg1 channels, and thus its loss may partially explain the change in gating phenotype.Voltage-gated ion channel families are highly conserved across the Eumetazoa (cnidarians and bilaterians) (1, 2). Vertebrates recently expanded the number of ion channel genes within each of the conserved families because of vertebrate-specific gene duplications. Additionally, phylogenetically restricted duplications of ion channel genes appear common throughout the Eumetazoa (1, 35). Thus, there is little 1:1 gene orthology between the eumetazoan phyla (1). However, numerous studies show extremely high functional conservation, including family-specific gating properties. For example, Shaker-related voltage-gated K+ channels first cloned in Drosophila show a high fidelity of gating phenotype to their mammalian counterparts (6). Subsequent studies have shown this functional conservation extends to cnidarians (4, 710), which separated from bilaterians near the base of the eumetazoan tree over 500 Mya (11). One exception to this pattern of high conservation is the Ether-a-go-go related gene (Erg) family (or Kv11) of voltage-gated K+ channels. The three mammalian Erg orthologs show striking gating differences compared with Drosophila Erg (seizure, DmErg).The mammalian Erg gating phenotype is typified by human Erg1 (HsErg1), which underlies IKr, a K+ current that repolarizes the late plateau phase of ventricular action potentials (12, 13). HsErg1 loss-of-function mutations prolong the QT interval in ECG recordings, indicating impaired action potential repolarization (14). Several key gating features adapt Erg1 for ventricular action potential plateau repolarization. First, Erg1 channels inactivate rapidly in response to depolarization (Fig. 1 A–C). Second, recovery from inactivation through the open state is extremely rapid (Fig. 1B), whereas channel deactivation is slow (Fig. 1D); the combination produces a jump in Erg1 current in response to repolarization (15). The net effect is that peak Erg1 current flow is delayed and specifically accelerates cardiac action potential plateau repolarization (15), and the length of the plateau is dependent on Erg1 current density (16). The physiological role of mammalian Erg2 and Erg3 channels has not been extensively characterized, but they share an IKr-like gating phenotype (17).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Comparison of HsErg1 and DmErg gating phenotypes. (A) Families of outward currents recorded from Xenopus oocytes expressing HsErg1 (Left) and DmErg + DAO (Right) in response to depolarizations (Inset). Scale bars indicate time and current amplitude. Currents elicited by a step to +60 mV are highlighted, and arrows indicate (1) rectification of HsErg1 during depolarization by inactivation, (2) rebound in HsErg1 current in response to repolarization due to rapid recovery and slow deactivation, and (3) rapid DmErg deactivation. (B) Comparison of HsErg1 (black) and DmErg (red) currents during a protocol in which channels were first activated by a 1 s step to +60 mV, returned to –100 mV for 10 ms, and then returned to +60 mV. Currents are normalized in peak amplitude for comparison. HsErg1 is inactivated at the end of the first depolarization, recovers to the open state at −100 mV, and inactivates rapidly from a high peak during the second pulse. DmErg1 remains active throughout the first +60 mV pulse, closes at –100 mV, and reactivates during the second +60 mV pulse. (C) Peak HsErg1 current during an initial depolarization (* in B) normalized to peak current after recovery from inactivation (# in B): inactivation reduces the HsErg1 current >20-fold during the first step. Data show mean ± SEM, n = 6 cells. (D) Time constant of deactivation (TauDEACT) measured from tail currents recorded at the indicated voltages for HsErg1 (black) and DmErg (red). Data show mean ± SEM, n = 6–7 cells. (E) Normalized GV curves for HsErg1 and DmErg fit with a single Boltzmann distribution (parameters in SI Methods. Scale bar indicates that time and current amplitudes have been normalized.In contrast, DmErg does not inactivate during depolarization (Fig. 1 A and B) and deactivates rapidly upon repolarization (Fig. 1D) (18). The voltage-activation curve (GV) of DmErg is shifted to hyperpolarized potentials, suggesting influence on subthreshold excitability (Fig. 1E). Modeled HsErg1 and DmErg responses to a crude plateau action potential waveform (Fig. 1F and Fig. S1) point to distinct physiological roles. HsErg1 current is attenuated during the plateau by inactivation and rebounds sharply as the plateau decays. These features allow HsErg1 to accelerate late repolarization without blocking the plateau itself (15). Peak DmErg current flows during the plateau, and the current decays rapidly during repolarization. DmErg would therefore directly combat plateau formation. Loss of HsErg1 inactivation in humans indeed leads to a shortened QT interval based on premature action potential repolarization (16). The specific contribution of DmErg to firing patterns in native cells is unknown, but its gating features are consistent with regulation of subthreshold excitability or rapid action potential repolarization. Temperature-sensitive mutations in the seizure locus that encodes DmErg cause bursts of uncoordinated motor output (19) suggestive of changes in subthreshold excitability. The Caenorhabditis elegans Erg ortholog (CeErg, encoded by unc-103) has not been functionally expressed, but genetic analysis demonstrates that it regulates the excitation threshold of vulva muscles in females and protractor muscles in males (2023).The Erg, Ether-a-go-go (Eag), and Elk gene families comprise the EAG superfamily of voltage-gated K+ channels. These gene families are highly conserved in eumetazoan genomes, and Eag channels display a high functional conservation in the bilaterians. Given the distinct gating phenotypes of the Erg genes in Drosophila and mammals, we decided to explore the functional evolution of the Erg gene family to determine the origins of the distinct IKr-like and DmErg gating phenotypes in the Erg gene family. We functionally characterized CeErg and Erg paralogs from the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. We examined CeErg to determine whether the DmErg gating phenotype was present in multiple protostome invertebrate phyla. We reasoned that comparison of bilaterian and Nematostella Erg channels would provide insight into ancestral Erg gating phenotypes present before the cnidarian/bilaterian divergence. Functional and phylogenetic analysis presented here supports an IKr-like phenotype as the ancestral gating pattern. An alternate DmErg-like gating phenotype has emerged independently at least twice during metazoan evolution (once in cnidarians and at least once in protostomes) and correlates with loss of the cytoplasmic eag gating domain.  相似文献   

We investigated two mitochondrial genes (cytb and cox1), one plastid gene (tufA), and one nuclear gene (ldh) in blood samples from 12 chimpanzees and two gorillas from Cameroon and one lemur from Madagascar. One gorilla sample is related to Plasmodium falciparum, thus confirming the recently reported presence in gorillas of this parasite. The second gorilla sample is more similar to the recently defined Plasmodium gaboni than to the P. falciparum–Plasmodium reichenowi clade, but distinct from both. Two chimpanzee samples are P. falciparum. A third sample is P. reichenowi and two others are P. gaboni. The other chimpanzee samples are different from those in the ape clade: two are Plasmodium ovale, and one is Plasmodium malariae. That is, we have found three human Plasmodium parasites in chimpanzees. Four chimpanzee samples were mixed: one species was P. reichenowi; the other species was P. gaboni in three samples and P. ovale in the fourth sample. The lemur sample, provisionally named Plasmodium malagasi, is a sister lineage to the large cluster of primate parasites that does not include P. falciparum or ape parasites, suggesting that the falciparum + ape parasite cluster (Laverania clade) may have evolved from a parasite present in hosts not ancestral to the primates. If malignant malaria were eradicated from human populations, chimpanzees, in addition to gorillas, might serve as a reservoir for P. falciparum.  相似文献   

To understand how extant viruses interact with their hosts, we need a historical framework of their evolutionary association. Akin to retrovirus or hepadnavirus viral fossils present in eukaryotic genomes, bracoviruses are integrated in braconid wasp genomes and are transmitted by Mendelian inheritance. However, unlike viral genomic fossils, they have retained functional machineries homologous to those of large dsDNA viruses pathogenic to arthropods. Using a phylogenomic approach, we resolved the relationships between bracoviruses and their closest free relatives: baculoviruses and nudiviruses. The phylogeny showed that bracoviruses are nested within the nudivirus clade. Bracoviruses establish a bridge between the virus and animal worlds. Their inclusion in a virus phylogeny allowed us to relate free viruses to fossils. The ages of the wasps were used to calibrate the virus phylogeny. Bayesian analyses revealed that insect dsDNA viruses first evolved at ~310 Mya in the Paleozoic Era during the Carboniferous Period with the first insects. Furthermore the virus diversification time frame during the Mesozoic Era appears linked to the diversification of insect orders; baculoviruses that infect larvae evolved at the same period as holometabolous insects. These results imply ancient coevolution by resource tracking between several insect dsDNA virus families and their hosts, dating back to 310 Mya.  相似文献   

Resistance (R) genes of plants are responsible for pathogen recognition and encode proteins that trigger a cascade of responses when a pathogen invades a plant. R genes are assumed to be under strong selection, but there is limited knowledge of the processes affecting R gene diversity in the wild. In this study, DNA sequence variation of Cf-2 homologs was surveyed in populations of Solanum pimpinellifolium, a wild relative of the cultivated tomato. The Cf-2 locus is involved in resistance to strains of the fungus Cladosporium fulvum. At least 26 different Cf-2 homologs were detected in natural populations of S. pimpinellifolium. These homologs differ by single base pair substitutions as well as indels in regions coding for leucine-rich repeats. Molecular population genetic analyses suggest that natural selection has acted heterogeneously on Cf-2 homologs, with selection against amino acid substitutions occurring in the 5' portion of the genes, and possible restricted positive selection in the 3' end. Balancing selection may have maintained haplotypes at the 5' end of the genes. Limited sequence exchange between genes has also contributed to sequence variation. S. pimpinellifolium individuals differ in the number of Cf-2 homologs they contain, obscuring the relationships of orthology and paralogy. This survey of Cf-2 variation in S. pimpinellifolium illustrates the wealth of R gene diversity that exists in wild plant populations, as well as the complexity of interacting genetic and evolutionary processes that generate such diversity.  相似文献   

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