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目的 探索实体解剖示范的教学方法在局部解剖学实习课上的应用。方法 在局部解剖学实验课上,将2013级至2018级临床医学专业共计491名学生随机分为一个解剖示范教学班和几个普通教学班;普通班采用传统带教模式进行教学,示教班则由教师在学生操作前进行5~10 min的解剖演示,暴露教学中的重点结构并讲解操作要点,并根据课程内容适时邀请临床医生开展1~2次的常见临床术式的模拟手术操作;对两组学生学习后解剖操作情况、学习效果、临床思维等进行比较和分析。结果 示教班在解剖操作情况、期末成绩比较以及临床意识、解剖学知识的临床应用等方面均优于普通班。结论 局解实习课中开展实体解剖示范教学可明显提高操作效率、提升教学质量,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

正麻醉解剖学是临床麻醉学的重要基础学科,是麻醉学专业学生进入临床麻醉实践之前必修的桥梁课程。而麻醉解剖学实验教学构成了本门课堂教学中的重要一环。目前国内使用的《麻醉解剖学》(第3版)教材~([1])包括11章、51节内容,其中理论讲述多而实验教学内容相对少,以目前的教学时数难以全面传授。以往的麻醉解剖学课堂实验教学模式是教师以挂图黑板或PPT课件讲解理论,剩余时间为学生示教标本内容,让学生自己观察标本,最后简单实验操作。学生感觉听课枯燥难记,标本内  相似文献   

<正>人体解剖学是护理各门基础学科和临床学科的共同基础,作为一门形态学科,实验教学的成功与否,直接关系到教学质量的优劣[1]。在人体解剖学实验教学中,往往要穿插一些示教,解剖实习课的示教是指在学生实验课中,教师利用尸体、标本或模型,边<正>指实物边讲解的形式教学,形态解剖学运用  相似文献   

局部解剖学是在学习系统解剖学基础上学习外科学操作部分的重要桥梁课程,本文主要阐述了重点结构PPT展示、操作视频学习、示教标本应用、3D数字人体APP应用、临床病例及PBL模式五种方法的的应用对于局部解剖学实验课的辅助作用。  相似文献   

解剖学实习课是教学过程中的一个重要环节,是提高教学质量的关键所在。实习课的成功与否,直接影响教学效果,以及学生独立观察能力和思维能力的培养。为此,本文对解剖学实习课教学进行了探讨。一、做好课前预习每次实习课前要求学生对学习内容、目的要明确。阅读实习指导,提出疑点,做到心中有数。通过课前提问促使学生预习,使他们充分合理地利用时间,圆满地完成实习任务。二、准确合理的示教示教时应确保重点,解决难点。应以独立观察为主,教师辅导为辅,所指结构一定要准确无误。随着学生独立观察能力的提高,应逐渐减少示教的内容和次数。切忌形成教师包办代  相似文献   

<正>在当前的人体解剖学教学改革中,许多医学院校在不断地探索各种各样的课堂和课外教学模式对解剖学学习的促进作用~([1])。在此大环境下,本校人体解剖学教研室也积极对此课程的教学模式的转变进行了探索。于2017年6月组织并实施了"首届解剖学标本制作大赛",大赛的最初设计理念是针对本校医学生人体解剖学课堂教学以外,开放实验形式单一、缺乏提高学生实践操作能力的有效措施等问题而提出来的,目的在于通过培训学生制作系统解剖学各类示教标本,以应用于学生课前预习、课堂学习和课后复习等教学环节。培训结束后组织解剖学标本制作大赛,秉着以赛代训,  相似文献   

经全国继续医学教育委员会批准,成都现代医院及成都新现代手外科研究与南方医科大学临床解剖学研究所定于2011年10月13日-18日在四川省成都市联合举办2011年全国手外科与显微外科培训班[项目编号:2011-04-07-307(国)]。内容包括:(1)四肢、头颈及躯干尸体解剖;(2)微小血管吻合、肌腱及神经无创缝合动物实验;(3)理论学习、手术示教及病例讨论等。届时将邀请全国著名手显微外科、显微解剖学专家作  相似文献   

局部解剖学着重研究人体各局部由浅入深的形态结构、层次、位置及毗邻关系的学科.局部解剖学学习效果直接影响到后续的临床课程特别是外科学、妇产科学等手术学科的学习.因此,在近年的局部解剖学教学实践中,本校以培养学生适应临床需要为教学目标,紧密联系局部解剖学教学与临床实际,以临床应用为基础,促进和提高局部解剖学教学效果,在局部解剖学教学中进行了一些有益的探索.  相似文献   

眼耳鼻喉应用解剖学是在学过人体解剖学和局部解剖学之后为眼耳鼻喉专业班的学生开设的一门实践性、应用性较强的科学,是眼耳鼻喉专业十分重要的专业基础课程。其教学质量的优劣不仅影响后继课程的教学效果,也关系到专业技能的掌握。为此,从下以三方面谈一下自己的粗浅认识。 一、重点讲透,难点讲清 眼耳鼻喉应用解剖学采取的是以自学为主,重点解释,难点示教的教学方式,这样可以培养学生的自学能力,克服眉毛胡须一把抓的缺点,提高听课质量。如  相似文献   

为了适应现代医学模式,为了激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生的自主学习,我们对局解解剖教学的手段、方式、进行积极的探索和改革:将局部解剖学与外科手术学紧密结合,促进了临床与局解教学的互相渗透,为学生学好临床奠定基础。本文以妇产科相关手术为线索讲解盆部局部解剖学提高学习兴趣为例,探索临床与局解相结合的教学方法。  相似文献   

This article describes a Clinical Anatomy course designed to bridge basic anatomy with clinical clerkships. It is given in the second year, after the traditional dissecting anatomy course. Students revisit anatomy during small group discussions of clinical cases. An example of a case is described together with a summary of a typical group process stimulated by the case. The group process enables students to develop clinical thinking and problem solving skills fundamental to clinical practice. They learn to search for medical knowledge resources, and to work in teams. The tutor evaluates the students’ progress based on their knowledge building, problem solving and development of their interpersonal skills. Problem based learning in this interdisciplinary anatomy course allows students and faculty both horizontal and vertical integration within the curriculum.  相似文献   

To examine students' perceptions and experiences of learning anatomy, an on‐line Likert‐style questionnaire was administered during 2006 to students reading a Bachelor of Medicine 4‐ and 5‐year program (n = 256, 23.8%). Statistical analysis found that students predominantly felt that understanding anatomy and working with human cadaveric material were very important in becoming a doctor. Students reported that working on cadaveric specimens was an effective way of learning anatomy, and also found the amount of anatomy they needed to learn to be daunting. Student responses were correlated with their approaches to learning [Approaches to Studying Inventory for Students (ASSIST)] scores using a Kruskal Wallis test. Significant relationships between the approach to learning anatomy adopted and students' perception and experience of anatomy were found. A deep approach to learning anatomy correlated with students who reported that the most effective way of learning anatomy in the dissecting room was to get their hands in and feel for structures, who used anatomical terms and language at clinical opportunities, and who frequently used their anatomy‐radiology knowledge in clinical situations. A surface approach to learning anatomy was associated with elements, such as students finding anatomy learning daunting and not seeing the point to it. The outcomes provide clear associations between students' perception of the anatomy learning environment, the approach to learning adopted, and the anatomy activities in which students engage. The findings highlight that understanding and applying anatomical knowledge are best accomplished by the adoption of a deep approach to learning. Clin. Anat. 23:101–103, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is widely practiced in many disciplines. It is becoming increasingly important to design well‐structured curricula to introduce imaging to students during medical school. This review aims to analyze the literature for evidence of how ultrasonography has been incorporated into anatomy education in medical school curricula worldwide. A literature search was conducted using multiple databases with the keywords: “Ultrasound OR Ultrasonographic examination*” and “Medical student* OR Undergraduate teaching* OR Medical education*” and “Anatomy* OR Living anatomy* OR Real‐time anatomy.*” This review found that ultrasound curricula vary in stage of implementation, course length, number of sessions offered to students as well as staffing and additional course components. Most courses consisted of didactic lectures supplemented with demonstration sessions and/or hands‐on ultrasound scanning sessions. The stage of course implementation tended to depend on the aim of the course; introductory courses were offered earlier in a student's career. Most courses improved student confidence and exam performance, and more junior students tended to benefit more from learning anatomy with ultrasound guidance rather than learning clinical examination skills. Students tended to prefer smaller groups when learning ultrasound to get more access to using the machines themselves. Ultrasonography is an important skill, which should be taught to medical students early in their careers as it facilitates anatomical education and is clinically relevant, though further objective research required to support the use of ultrasound education as a tool to improve clinical examination skills in medical students. Clin. Anat. 30:452–460, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Students at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland completed a questionnaire at the end of the anatomy course assessing teachers and teaching in the department of anatomy. Individual teachers were rated on a five-point scale for their performance as lecturers, demonstrators, and examiners. Anatomy teaching was considered in its various subdivisions: regional anatomy, the dissection room course (gross laboratory), radiological anatomy, embryology, neuroanatomy, and histology, and each was scored on a similar five-point scale for relevance and interest. Constructive criticism of both staff (faculty) and course was invited. The results of this survey have been used to counsel staff to good effect, and to improve course structure and content. Resultant changes were made in the teaching of histology, neuroanatomy, and embryology, and the restructuring of surface anatomy tutorials. Numerical scores for teachers provide indices of teaching abilities for comparative purposes and for professional advancement. A similar questionnaire given to clinical students 1 year after completion of the anatomy course is shown to have been of little value. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ultrasound has been integrated into a gross anatomy course taught during the first year at an osteopathic medical school. A clinical ultrasound elective course was developed to continue ultrasound training during the second year of medical school. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of this elective course on the understanding of normal anatomy by second‐year students. An anatomy exam was administered to students enrolled in the clinical ultrasound elective course before the start of the course and after its conclusion. Wilcoxon signed ranks tests were used to determine whether exam scores changed from the pre‐test to the post‐test. Scores from two classes of second‐year students were analyzed. Students who took the elective course showed significant improvement in the overall anatomy exam score between the pre‐test and post‐test (P < 0.001). Scores for exam questions pertaining to the heart, abdomen, upper extremity, and lower extremity also significantly improved from the pretest to post‐test (P < 0.001), but scores for the neck and eye showed no significant improvement. The clinical ultrasound elective course offered during the second year of medical school provided students with an important review of key anatomical concepts while preparing them for board exams. Our results suggested that more emphasis should be placed on head and neck ultrasound to improve student performance in those areas. Musculoskeletal, abdominal, and heart ultrasound labs were more successful for retaining relevant anatomical information. Clin. Anat. 28:156–163, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Assessment of the personalities of medical students can enable medical educators to formulate strategies for the best development of academic and clinical competencies. Previous research has shown that medical students do not share a common personality profile, there being gender differences. We have also shown that, for French medical students, students with personality traits associated with strong competitiveness are selected for admission to medical school. In this study, we further show that the medical students have different personality profiles compared with other student groups (psychology and business studies). The main purpose of the present investigation was to assess attitudes to science and gross anatomy, and to relate these to the students'' personalities. Questionnaires (including Thurstone and Chave analyses) were employed to measure attitudes, and personality was assessed using the Big Five Inventory (BFI). Data for attitudes were obtained for students at medical schools in Cardiff (UK), Paris, Descartes/Sorbonne (France), St George''s University (Grenada) and Ankara (Turkey). Data obtained from personality tests were available for analysis from the Parisian cohort of students. Although the medical students were found to have strongly supportive views concerning the importance of science in medicine, their knowledge of the scientific method/philosophy of science was poor. Following analyses of the BFI in the French students, ‘openness’ and ‘conscientiousness’ were linked statistically with a positive attitude towards science. For anatomy, again strongly supportive views concerning the subject''s importance in medicine were discerned. Analyses of the BFI in the French students did not show links statistically between personality profiles and attitudes towards gross anatomy, except male students with ‘negative affectivity’ showed less appreciation of the importance of anatomy. This contrasts with our earlier studies that showed that there is a relationship between the BF dimensions of personality traits and anxiety towards the dissection room experience (at the start of the course, ‘negative emotionality’ was related to an increased level of anxiety). We conclude that medical students agree on the importance to their studies of both science in general and gross anatomy in particular, and that some personality traits relate to their attitudes that could affect clinical competence.  相似文献   

Reasoning in a clinical context is an attribute of medical expertise. Clinical reasoning in medical school can be encouraged by teaching basic science with a clinical emphasis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether anatomy is being taught in a way that facilitates the development of clinical reasoning. Two multiple‐choice tests on thoracic anatomy were developed using a modified Delphi approach with groups of four clinical consultants and four teachers, respectively, expressing their opinions about knowledge relevant to thoracic anatomy. Validity was assessed by administering the tests to clinical consultants, anatomy teachers, and pre‐course medical students. Post‐course medical students took both tests to explore the focus of the course, i.e., whether it facilitated clinical reasoning. The pre‐course students scored significantly lower than the teachers and post‐course students on both tests and lower than the consultants on the consultants’ test (P < 0.001 for all comparisons). The teachers significantly outperformed the consultants (P = 0.03 on the consultants’ test, P < 0.001 on the teachers’ test) and the medical students (P < 0.001 on both tests). The post‐course students scored significantly lower on the consultants’ test (P = 0.001) and significantly higher on the teachers’ test (P = 0.02) than the consultants. This study demonstrates poor performances by medical students on a test containing clinically relevant anatomy, implying that the teaching they have received has not encouraged clinical reasoning. Clin. Anat. 28:568–575, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Following the implementation of the GMC document Tomorrow's Doctors in 1993 the amount of time dedicated to anatomy in undergraduate curricula has been reduced. This has resulted in considerable disquiet among physicians and surgeons with regard to the anatomical knowledge of newly qualified doctors, and also amongst students. This study aimed to assess the perceived student need for anatomical teaching packages to support clinical attachments in the later years of the undergraduate medical curriculum. The views of two groups of students were obtained: Group A were at the beginning of their clinical attachments, whereas Group B had completed all clinical attachments and had sat the final examination. The majority of students indicated that there was a need for the development of a teaching package for anatomy (and other basic sciences) in the later stages of the undergraduate medical curriculum. A high proportion stated that the completion of these packages should be in a self‐directed manner with a staff member available. There was a difference between both groups in response to the best time to offer the packages, and in the clinical areas which might be prioritized in such a development. We conclude that the vertical integration of anatomy—perhaps through clinically focused teaching packages—would be welcomed by students as part of their clinical attachments. Clin. Anat. 22:267–272, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A problem-based learning experience was implemented at the University of Florida College of Medicine during the Fall, 1989 gross anatomy course for first year medical and dental students. A problem for deliberation was selected by students at one dissecting table (two medical and two dental) that related to the cadaver they were dissecting. Each member of the group picked a single topic and researched that subject either through use of the library or personal contacts with basic science or clinical faculty. Specific times within the course were established for the problem-based sessions. Each student gave a 5 to 10 minute oral presentation to a faculty member and one or two other groups of students. The overall rating for the sessions by the students was positive (72.5% ranked them either outstanding or above average). Eighty-two percent of the students felt that these sessions were a useful method of providing clinical correlations with gross anatomy and 81.6% stated they thought the program should be continued next year. Conversely, approximately 20% of the students responded that they could have been doing something more productive with their time and several felt it was unfair that their sessions were scheduled just prior to an examination. Overall, the opinion of the faculty was that the sessions were a positive experience, encouraged cooperation between medical and dental students, and generated additional interest in the dissecting experience.  相似文献   

Clinical anatomy is usually defined as anatomy applied to patient care. The question is asked whether students of a new horizontally and vertically integrated medical curriculum recognize the subject as the basis for clinical examination. A clinical anatomy practicum was developed in the special activity, "Introduction to Clinical Medicine," held in the second year of the Pretoria medical curriculum. The practicum was conducted on a station basis to anatomically prepare the student for the inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal, and urogenital systems. A total of 23 stations consisting of eight cardiovascular, seven respiratory, and eight abdominal/urogenital stations were designed. Standardized patients, cadavers, skeletons, prosected specimens, x-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), multimedia programs, and clinical case studies were used as resources. A Likert-type questionnaire was used for student evaluation of the practicum. Most students realized the importance of surface anatomy for a family physician. More than two-thirds thought the practicum improved their understanding of the anatomical basis for clinical examination. The minority of students were stimulated to do further reading on clinical examination. The students' response to their ability to integrate the clinical examination with the radiological anatomy was average. Most students were continuously aware of the appropriateness of the practicum for their future career. We conclude that medical students recognize the importance of anatomy as the basis for clinical examination when exposed to an appropriate integrated presentation format.  相似文献   

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