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目的/意义 通过建立电子病历内涵质控系统,实现病历书写标准化与规范化,提高医院病历质量。方法/过程 基于医院医疗数据搭建智能中台,结合自然语言处理、机器学习技术形成具有肿瘤专科特色的知识库、规则库,实现电子病历“前置审核、全面覆盖、过程监管、闭环管理”的全新质控模式。结果/结论 应用基于自然语言处理的肿瘤专科病历质控系统后,质控覆盖率由1%提升至100%,甲级病案率提升至96%以上,具有较好的实时性与准确率,为医院病历高质量发展奠定坚实的信息化基础。 相似文献
Jamie S Hirsch Jessica S Tanenbaum Sharon Lipsky Gorman Connie Liu Eric Schmitz Dritan Hashorva Artem Ervits David Vawdrey Marc Sturm Noémie Elhadad 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2015,22(2):263-274
Objective To describe HARVEST, a novel point-of-care patient summarization and visualization tool, and to conduct a formative evaluation study to assess its effectiveness and gather feedback for iterative improvements.Materials and methods HARVEST is a problem-based, interactive, temporal visualization of longitudinal patient records. Using scalable, distributed natural language processing and problem salience computation, the system extracts content from the patient notes and aggregates and presents information from multiple care settings. Clinical usability was assessed with physician participants using a timed, task-based chart review and questionnaire, with performance differences recorded between conditions (standard data review system and HARVEST).Results HARVEST displays patient information longitudinally using a timeline, a problem cloud as extracted from notes, and focused access to clinical documentation. Despite lack of familiarity with HARVEST, when using a task-based evaluation, performance and time-to-task completion was maintained in patient review scenarios using HARVEST alone or the standard clinical information system at our institution. Subjects reported very high satisfaction with HARVEST and interest in using the system in their daily practice.Discussion HARVEST is available for wide deployment at our institution. Evaluation provided informative feedback and directions for future improvements.Conclusions HARVEST was designed to address the unmet need for clinicians at the point of care, facilitating review of essential patient information. The deployment of HARVEST in our institution allows us to study patient record summarization as an informatics intervention in a real-world setting. It also provides an opportunity to learn how clinicians use the summarizer, enabling informed interface and content iteration and optimization to improve patient care. 相似文献
Reyyan Yeniterzi John Aberdeen Samuel Bayer Ben Wellner Lynette Hirschman Bradley Malin 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2010,17(2):159-168
De-identified medical records are critical to biomedical research. Text de-identification software exists, including “resynthesis” components that replace real identifiers with synthetic identifiers. The goal of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness and examine possible bias introduced by resynthesis on de-identification software.Design
We evaluated the open-source MITRE Identification Scrubber Toolkit, which includes a resynthesis capability, with clinical text from Vanderbilt University Medical Center patient records. We investigated four record classes from over 500 patients'' files, including laboratory reports, medication orders, discharge summaries and clinical notes. We trained and tested the de-identification tool on real and resynthesized records.Measurements
We measured performance in terms of precision, recall, F-measure and accuracy for the detection of protected health identifiers as designated by the HIPAA Safe Harbor Rule.Results
The de-identification tool was trained and tested on a collection of real and resynthesized Vanderbilt records. Results for training and testing on the real records were 0.990 accuracy and 0.960 F-measure. The results improved when trained and tested on resynthesized records with 0.998 accuracy and 0.980 F-measure but deteriorated moderately when trained on real records and tested on resynthesized records with 0.989 accuracy 0.862 F-measure. Moreover, the results declined significantly when trained on resynthesized records and tested on real records with 0.942 accuracy and 0.728 F-measure.Conclusion
The de-identification tool achieves high accuracy when training and test sets are homogeneous (ie, both real or resynthesized records). The resynthesis component regularizes the data to make them less “realistic,” resulting in loss of performance particularly when training on resynthesized data and testing on real data. 相似文献4.
Adam Wright Allison B McCoy Stanislav Henkin Abhivyakti Kale Dean F Sittig 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2013,20(5):887-890
Electronic health record (EHR) users must regularly review large amounts of data in order to make informed clinical decisions, and such review is time-consuming and often overwhelming. Technologies like automated summarization tools, EHR search engines and natural language processing have been shown to help clinicians manage this information.Objective
To develop a support vector machine (SVM)-based system for identifying EHR progress notes pertaining to diabetes, and to validate it at two institutions.Materials and methods
We retrieved 2000 EHR progress notes from patients with diabetes at the Brigham and Women''s Hospital (1000 for training and 1000 for testing) and another 1000 notes from the University of Texas Physicians (for validation). We manually annotated all notes and trained a SVM using a bag of words approach. We then used the SVM on the testing and validation sets and evaluated its performance with the area under the curve (AUC) and F statistics.Results
The model accurately identified diabetes-related notes in both the Brigham and Women''s Hospital testing set (AUC=0.956, F=0.934) and the external University of Texas Faculty Physicians validation set (AUC=0.947, F=0.935).Discussion
Overall, the model we developed was quite accurate. Furthermore, it generalized, without loss of accuracy, to another institution with a different EHR and a distinct patient and provider population.Conclusions
It is possible to use a SVM-based classifier to identify EHR progress notes pertaining to diabetes, and the model generalizes well. 相似文献6.
着眼于信息化条件下病案信息管理信息化、数字化、异质备份缩微化的"三化"发展趋势,以中国人民解放军第二五一医院病案管理经验为依托,介绍了医院纸质病案缩微数字化经验和医疗病案管理模式,研究了统筹管理电子病案与纸质病案方式,探讨了历史病案与电子病案纸质部分缩微数字化的新方法。 相似文献
ObjectiveAccurate extraction of breast cancer patients’ phenotypes is important for clinical decision support and clinical research. This study developed and evaluated cancer domain pretrained CancerBERT models for extracting breast cancer phenotypes from clinical texts. We also investigated the effect of customized cancer-related vocabulary on the performance of CancerBERT models.Materials and MethodsA cancer-related corpus of breast cancer patients was extracted from the electronic health records of a local hospital. We annotated named entities in 200 pathology reports and 50 clinical notes for 8 cancer phenotypes for fine-tuning and evaluation. We kept pretraining the BlueBERT model on the cancer corpus with expanded vocabularies (using both term frequency-based and manually reviewed methods) to obtain CancerBERT models. The CancerBERT models were evaluated and compared with other baseline models on the cancer phenotype extraction task.ResultsAll CancerBERT models outperformed all other models on the cancer phenotyping NER task. Both CancerBERT models with customized vocabularies outperformed the CancerBERT with the original BERT vocabulary. The CancerBERT model with manually reviewed customized vocabulary achieved the best performance with macro F1 scores equal to 0.876 (95% CI, 0.873–0.879) and 0.904 (95% CI, 0.902–0.906) for exact match and lenient match, respectively.ConclusionsThe CancerBERT models were developed to extract the cancer phenotypes in clinical notes and pathology reports. The results validated that using customized vocabulary may further improve the performances of domain specific BERT models in clinical NLP tasks. The CancerBERT models developed in the study would further help clinical decision support. 相似文献
To develop a system to extract follow-up information from radiology reports. The method may be used as a component in a system which automatically generates follow-up information in a timely fashion.Methods
A novel method of combining an LSP (labeled sequential pattern) classifier with a CRF (conditional random field) recognizer was devised. The LSP classifier filters out irrelevant sentences, while the CRF recognizer extracts follow-up and time phrases from candidate sentences presented by the LSP classifier.Measurements
The standard performance metrics of precision (P), recall (R), and F measure (F) in the exact and inexact matching settings were used for evaluation.Results
Four experiments conducted using 20 000 radiology reports showed that the CRF recognizer achieved high performance without time-consuming feature engineering and that the LSP classifier further improved the performance of the CRF recognizer. The performance of the current system is P=0.90, R=0.86, F=0.88 in the exact matching setting and P=0.98, R=0.93, F=0.95 in the inexact matching setting.Conclusion
The experiments demonstrate that the system performs far better than a baseline rule-based system and is worth considering for deployment trials in an alert generation system. The LSP classifier successfully compensated for the inherent weakness of CRF, that is, its inability to use global information. 相似文献9.
目的/意义 探讨人工智能技术应用于淋巴水肿患者电子病历非结构化文本数据的关键实体识别问题。方法/过程 阐述样本稀缺背景下模型微调训练的解决方案,选取首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院淋巴外科既往收治患者594例为研究对象,依据临床医生标注的15种关键实体类别,微调GlobalPointer模型的预测层,借助其全局指针识别嵌套和非嵌套的关键实体。分析实验结果的准确性和临床应用可行性。结果/结论 微调后模型总体精准率、召回率和 Macro_F1均值分别为0.795、0.641和0.697,为淋巴水肿电子病历数据精准挖掘奠定基础。 相似文献
电子病历系统作为我院信息化建设的组成部分,是保证我院信息系统完整性的重要手段。本文就疗养电子病历的设计与实践,与大家共作探讨。 相似文献
Elizabeth McNeer Cole Beck Hannah L Weeks Michael L Williams Nathan T James Cosmin A Bejan Leena Choi 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2021,28(4):782
ObjectiveTo develop an algorithm for building longitudinal medication dose datasets using information extracted from clinical notes in electronic health records (EHRs).Materials and MethodsWe developed an algorithm that converts medication information extracted using natural language processing (NLP) into a usable format and builds longitudinal medication dose datasets. We evaluated the algorithm on 2 medications extracted from clinical notes of Vanderbilt’s EHR and externally validated the algorithm using clinical notes from the MIMIC-III clinical care database.ResultsFor the evaluation using Vanderbilt’s EHR data, the performance of our algorithm was excellent; F1-measures were ≥0.98 for both dose intake and daily dose. For the external validation using MIMIC-III, the algorithm achieved F1-measures ≥0.85 for dose intake and ≥0.82 for daily dose.DiscussionOur algorithm addresses the challenge of building longitudinal medication dose data using information extracted from clinical notes. Overall performance was excellent, but the algorithm can perform poorly when incorrect information is extracted by NLP systems. Although it performed reasonably well when applied to the external data source, its performance was worse due to differences in the way the drug information was written. The algorithm is implemented in the R package, “EHR,” and the extracted data from Vanderbilt’s EHRs along with the gold standards are provided so that users can reproduce the results and help improve the algorithm.ConclusionOur algorithm for building longitudinal dose data provides a straightforward way to use EHR data for medication-based studies. The external validation results suggest its potential for applicability to other systems. 相似文献
评述实施电子病案(EletronicMedicalRecord,简称EMR)亟需注意和解决的问题。问题包括:EMR的归属、医护人员的态度、EMR系统的选择、标准问题、投入与回报、安全与隐私、EMR实用功能的开发等。这些问题对EMR的应用和推广的影响程度不同,解决途径也不尽相同。 相似文献
基于WEB的电子病历质量管理系统设计与应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于电子病历质量管理目前处于开始阶段,对其复杂性认识不全,现有的电子病历系统本身缺乏配套规范,致使一些不恰当处理可能会带来安全隐患,通过电子病历质量与安全管理,电子病历的表面和内在缺陷明显降低,病历质量大幅度提高,大量减少医疗环节错误,从而提高医疗水平、减少医患纠纷。所以电子病历的质量和安全是电子病历建设的重要部分,本项目在已经建立电子病历基础上,在技术上基于web运行,使用j2EE(Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition)框架,研发电子病历质量标准化管理与控制的应用。 相似文献
Neil S Zheng QiPing Feng V Eric Kerchberger Juan Zhao Todd L Edwards Nancy J Cox C Michael Stein Dan M Roden Joshua C Denny Wei-Qi Wei 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2020,27(11):1675
ObjectiveDeveloping algorithms to extract phenotypes from electronic health records (EHRs) can be challenging and time-consuming. We developed PheMap, a high-throughput phenotyping approach that leverages multiple independent, online resources to streamline the phenotyping process within EHRs.Materials and MethodsPheMap is a knowledge base of medical concepts with quantified relationships to phenotypes that have been extracted by natural language processing from publicly available resources. PheMap searches EHRs for each phenotype’s quantified concepts and uses them to calculate an individual’s probability of having this phenotype. We compared PheMap to clinician-validated phenotyping algorithms from the Electronic Medical Records and Genomics (eMERGE) network for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), dementia, and hypothyroidism using 84 821 individuals from Vanderbilt Univeresity Medical Center''s BioVU DNA Biobank. We implemented PheMap-based phenotypes for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for T2DM, dementia, and hypothyroidism, and phenome-wide association studies (PheWAS) for variants in FTO, HLA-DRB1, and TCF7L2. ResultsIn this initial iteration, the PheMap knowledge base contains quantified concepts for 841 disease phenotypes. For T2DM, dementia, and hypothyroidism, the accuracy of the PheMap phenotypes were >97% using a 50% threshold and eMERGE case-control status as a reference standard. In the GWAS analyses, PheMap-derived phenotype probabilities replicated 43 of 51 previously reported disease-associated variants for the 3 phenotypes. For 9 of the 11 top associations, PheMap provided an equivalent or more significant P value than eMERGE-based phenotypes. The PheMap-based PheWAS showed comparable or better performance to a traditional phecode-based PheWAS. PheMap is publicly available online.ConclusionsPheMap significantly streamlines the process of extracting research-quality phenotype information from EHRs, with comparable or better performance to current phenotyping approaches. 相似文献
Kenneth Jung Paea LePendu Srinivasan Iyer Anna Bauer-Mehren Bethany Percha Nigam H Shah 《J Am Med Inform Assoc》2015,22(1):121-131
Objective The trade-off between the speed and simplicity of dictionary-based term recognition and the richer linguistic information provided by more advanced natural language processing (NLP) is an area of active discussion in clinical informatics. In this paper, we quantify this trade-off among text processing systems that make different trade-offs between speed and linguistic understanding. We tested both types of systems in three clinical research tasks: phase IV safety profiling of a drug, learning adverse drug–drug interactions, and learning used-to-treat relationships between drugs and indications.Materials We first benchmarked the accuracy of the NCBO Annotator and REVEAL in a manually annotated, publically available dataset from the 2008 i2b2 Obesity Challenge. We then applied the NCBO Annotator and REVEAL to 9 million clinical notes from the Stanford Translational Research Integrated Database Environment (STRIDE) and used the resulting data for three research tasks.Results There is no significant difference between using the NCBO Annotator and REVEAL in the results of the three research tasks when using large datasets. In one subtask, REVEAL achieved higher sensitivity with smaller datasets.Conclusions For a variety of tasks, employing simple term recognition methods instead of advanced NLP methods results in little or no impact on accuracy when using large datasets. Simpler dictionary-based methods have the advantage of scaling well to very large datasets. Promoting the use of simple, dictionary-based methods for population level analyses can advance adoption of NLP in practice. 相似文献
支持自然语言智能答疑系统的设计与实现 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
薛文 《中国医学教育技术》2006,20(5):418-420
通过分析国内现有智能答疑系统存在的问题,提出了一个智能答疑系统的模型,并给出系统中的关键实现技术,同时指出支持自然语言提问的智能答疑系统是网络教育的发展方向。 相似文献