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目的:分析某三甲医院多维度质控模式下病案首页填写存在问题并提出改进措施,以期提高病案首页数据质量。方法:从某三甲医院2022年1-6月抽取7 692份病案资料,采用多维度质控模式,基于住院病案首页数据填写规范,统计首页缺陷并总结缺陷原因。结果:7 692份病案中有1 847份首页存在缺陷,缺陷率24.01%,其中病案首页患者基本信息、住院过程信息、诊疗信息、费用信息的缺陷占比分别为9.67%、12.64%、77.53%、0.16%;归纳总结诊疗信息缺陷类型为:主要诊断名称错误、主要诊断选择错误、主要手术操作选择错误、手术操作名称错误、手术操作遗漏、其他诊断名称错误、其他诊断遗漏、其他诊疗信息错填、其他诊疗信息漏填;导致缺陷的原因为临床医生错填或漏填、编码员错编或漏编以及电子病历数据接口取数问题。结论:多维度质控模式下病案首页诊疗信息模块的填写仍需改进,可通过强化培训考核、引入智能辅助编码、建立电子病历审核规则库、建立科学的激励约束机制等途径,持续改进病案首页数据质量。  相似文献   

ICD—9是以病因为主的多轴心分类法,其理论性、专业性均较强.由于我国目前尚未建立完整的“疾病名称命名法”,疾病诊断书写很不规范,医生对同一疾病的诊断名称书写很不统一,这给疾病编码造成了极大的困难,因此,编码人员必须不断加强自身业务素质修养,才能保证ICD—9编码的准确性,本文就白内障编码中遇到的问题谈谈个人的看法,以期达到抛砖引玉之目的.晶体囊受损害或晶体蛋白质发生改变,而晶体变混浊,称为白内障.根据其形态(大小、形态、部位)或病因(原因和发生时间)白内障可分为多种,若要获取白内障的ICD—9正确编码,必须了解各种白内障的含义及掌握ICD—9中白内障的编码原则.在ICD—9分类中,亚目366.9为无特指的白内障编码,就该诊断术语来说,是反映一组疾病的统称,医院病案资料中常会出现,如果疾病编码人员未能掌握白内障的命名及其分类编码原则,会使疾病分类时造成命名法与分类法混用,直接影响ICD—9编码的准确性,所以编码员首先应掌握ICD—9对白内障的分类轴心及编码,了解各种白内障命名的函义,下面谈一下个人在白内障编码中的体会:  相似文献   

申丽丽  张辉民 《现代医院》2007,7(Z2):155-157
目的 检查、分析病历首页书写缺陷及遗漏诊断的原因,指导临床医护人员提高病历书写质量,为解决漏诊问题提供决策依据. 方法对我院2006年1月~12月出院病历14 237份进行首页检查,对其中3477份出院病历进行遗漏诊断专项检查.结果 14 237份病历首页中自然信息项错填或漏填的发生率为2.28%(325份),医疗信息项书写缺陷发生率为4.38% (623项次),导致错填、漏填的原因是多方面的.被检的3 477份病历中共有62份发生漏诊,发生率1.78%,导致漏诊的原因主要与观念、业务水平、工作态度有关.结论 提高临床医生对病历首页填写的重视程度及对遗漏诊断导致严重后果的高度认识.加强培训,让每位临床医师逐渐了解和掌握国际疾病分类(ICD)的知识,让ICD能够对临床诊断及正确书写有所帮助,提高病历书写质量及医疗质量.  相似文献   

临床诊断与ICD分类脱节影响医院疾病编码及临床医师填写首页的准确性。医师在参考ICD-10填写病案首页出院诊断时存在的主要问题有疾病诊断名称不规范、主要诊断选择错误、出院诊断与病案内容不符、遗漏次要诊断等。提出应建立标准的临床字典录入库,构建培训制度及病案摘录研究制度,以提高编码准确性,助力于DRGs的推广实施。  相似文献   

何燕东  梁迎春 《现代医院》2009,9(5):149-150
手术操作与疾病名称分类编码名称同样是十分重要的数据。对冠名手术名称内涵的了解是正确编码的前提。编码人员详细阅读手术记录及掌握手术操作编码原则是正确编码的必备条件。有部分手术应注明目的,便于准确编码。疾病性质和手术方式对编码的影响应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

目的:分析病案ICD编码中常见的错误,探讨如何规范和提高病案编码正确率.方法:抽取某院2020年5月出院9376份病案中的3000份病案,根据国际疾病分类编码原则,对病案中的诊断和手术操作ICD编码质量进行核查,并对其中475份编码错误病案进行分析.结果:错误编码率为15.8%,主要错误为:主要诊断编码错误38.8%;其他诊断漏编14.3%;主要手术或主要操作编码错误32.7%;其他手术或操作该另编的不编14.2%.结论:病案编码工作存在常规错误,编码员要注重理论知识学习,加强医师与编码员间的沟通,利用专业杂志专栏指导推陈出新,医院管理层从制度管理上强化编码人员责任心,培养专科编码员、规范编码流程等方法上确保ICD编码正确率.  相似文献   

目的分析编码错误原因,探讨提高ICD编码准确性的对策。方法根据ICD编码原则,对7500份出院病案进行编码核查。结果在7500份病案中,存在编码错误的有630份,错误率8.4%。结论编码人员和临床医师必须共同努力,以确保ICD编码的客观性和准确性。  相似文献   

浅析ICD-10疑难编码   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨疑难编码的原因,提高ICD编码准确性。方法对8例ICD疑难编码的原因进行分析,应用ICD-10编码规则进行疾病分类。结果造成疑难编码的原因是:一方面临床医师书写诊断不规范,另一方面编码员医学知识欠缺。结论认真细致阅读病历、分析原因,了解疾病病因、病理、临床特征,并与临床医师勾通,掌握ICD-10操作分类基本原则,学习必要的临床医学知识和外语知识,方能准确编码。  相似文献   

目的进一步研究并分析病案书写质量对医院疾病编码正确性的影响。方法对2014年7月-2015年10月因病案书写质量问题而导致患者疾病编码错误的200份案例进行回顾研究,并针对病案书写质量缺陷问题提出整改意见。结果造成疾病编码有失正确性的病案书写质量原因主要有,病案首页疾病诊断名称不统一、参差不齐,患者手术记录、医嘱内容缺失或不准确,体检检查书写内容同患者病史内容不一,未填写根本死亡原因或是对死亡原因选择错误,患者特殊检查操作填写不完整以及辅检报告单未归入档案以及书写人员职称不同等,上述主要病案书写质量问题不仅导致患者疾病编码的错误,而且严重影响了患者的手术操作与诊治,为患者带来了极大的威胁。结论患者病案的书写质量是决定其疾病编码正确性的根本,对患者的治疗有着极为重要的影响,而疾病编码的正确性则又反映着病案书写的质量好坏。二者关系密切,应予重视。  相似文献   

江惠婷  申放 《现代医院》2012,(11):142-144
目的探讨颈椎间盘切除+前路脊柱植骨融合术的ICD编码。方法以ICD-9-CM-32008版为工具书,仔细阅读病案,根据手术分类编码原则进行准确编码。结果手术操作术式和路径及所用器械或材料不同,手术操作分类的编码亦不同。结论编码员必须认真阅读病案及手术记录,提高医学知识和国际疾病分类专业技能,这是准确进行编码的关键。  相似文献   

Measuring Diagnoses: ICD Code Accuracy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Objective. To examine potential sources of errors at each step of the described inpatient International Classification of Diseases (ICD) coding process.
Data Sources/Study Setting. The use of disease codes from the ICD has expanded from classifying morbidity and mortality information for statistical purposes to diverse sets of applications in research, health care policy, and health care finance. By describing a brief history of ICD coding, detailing the process for assigning codes, identifying where errors can be introduced into the process, and reviewing methods for examining code accuracy, we help code users more systematically evaluate code accuracy for their particular applications.
Study Design/Methods. We summarize the inpatient ICD diagnostic coding process from patient admission to diagnostic code assignment. We examine potential sources of errors at each step and offer code users a tool for systematically evaluating code accuracy.
Principle Findings. Main error sources along the "patient trajectory" include amount and quality of information at admission, communication among patients and providers, the clinician's knowledge and experience with the illness, and the clinician's attention to detail. Main error sources along the "paper trail" include variance in the electronic and written records, coder training and experience, facility quality-control efforts, and unintentional and intentional coder errors, such as misspecification, unbundling, and upcoding.
Conclusions. By clearly specifying the code assignment process and heightening their awareness of potential error sources, code users can better evaluate the applicability and limitations of codes for their particular situations. ICD codes can then be used in the most appropriate ways.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was introduced to Western Australia in 1991 and has become the method of choice for this procedure, although there are concerns about complications, particularly bile duct injuries. Previous studies have investigated this problem but have not confirmed the accuracy of coded information. We used Record Linkage to link operative admissions to subsequent admissions for all people who underwent cholecystectomy between 1988 and 1994. Using ICD9-CM discharge codes, we identified patients with an associated complication. We validated these patients' medical notes to obtain the proportion of complications in the period encompassing the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. We found 48 bile duct injuries in 413 patients. Of these 43% were found using complication codes on the operative admission, 79% using linked records of subsequent admissions, and 90% by adding lists of complicated cases from the three teaching hospitals. Any epidemiological research that uses surgical complication codes from operative admissions, particularly in the absence of a specific ICD9-CM code, will lead to significantly underestimating the prevalence of complications. By using record linkage, and validating medical records, we captured a significant proportion of complications.  相似文献   

The applicability of the ICD E code as a causal indicator of nonfatal injuries has been criticized. New codes have been developed to replace the ICD codes. We compared the coding reliability of the ICD E and place vs. the Nordic mechanism (M) and place codes. The mean accuracy (76 vs. 70%) (p less than 0.002) and the intercoder reliability (84 vs. 69%) (p less than 0.001) were better for the E than M code. The accuracy of the place codes was the same (83%). A short training improved (p less than 0.001) the accuracy of all four codes. The replacement of the E code with the M code would not improve the reliability of data on causes of injuries.  相似文献   

To investigate the feasibility of using a record linkage method for identifying vaccine attributable adverse events, computerized hospital admissions and vaccination records from South East Kent district were linked and checked for accuracy. Records for 90% of children under 2 years of age admitted to hospital over a 2-year period were matched with vaccination records using a computer algorithm based on name, date of birth, sex, and post-code supplemented by visual inspection. Relative to this gold standard, matching on date of birth, sex and postcode alone had a sensitivity of 60% and an incorrect match rate of 0.2% after matches to more than one vaccine recipient were excluded. Manual checking of a sample of admissions showed that only 4% had been assigned incorrect International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes. Routine record linkage of ICD admission codes to vaccination records therefore yields data of good quality which may be used for surveillance purposes.  相似文献   

通过理论向外科医师介绍国际疾病分类(ICD-9-CM-3)编码的原则及ICD-9-CM-3编码与单病种付费的关系、国外已开展DRGs医保预付费的经验教训,使临床医师了解手术操作记录及手术操作名称是单病种医保付款的重要依据之一,外科手术病历书写不仅要详实的反映诊疗过程,包括术前、术中和术后的每一项记录,而且应符合单病种付费,满足ICD-9-CM-3编码的需要,达到提高编码质量的目的,为DRGs在我国的推广打下基础。  相似文献   

S-DRG借鉴了澳大利亚AR-DRG的构建方法,历经了5年的本土化。根据国家临床重点专科建设项目评分标准,重新诠释ADRG。利用上海市的病案首页数据,结合我国诊断和手术编码的特点,构建主要诊断排除库和CCL,并在实践中和临床专家一起不断完善。手术组(S组)和重要的操作组(O组)采用轮询法,解决一次住院、实施多次手术或操作的病例入组叠加问题。在住院病案首页增加转归情况,杜绝未治疗的疾病被误判为有效的CC。建议国家尽快推进ICD11,淘汰ICD-9-CM-3体系,选择可结构化的手术和操作代码,并尽快统一全国的基于DRG的成本核算办法。  相似文献   

The Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) classification system is widely used to describe the casemix of acute care hospitals, making it possible to compare the casemix of hospitals from different countries. However, in order to fully understand these comparisons, it is necessary to clarify the impact which the different coding systems used in various countries may have had on the results. The DRG system is based on codes from the International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification (ICD9CM). Countries which use other coding systems convert, i.e. map, their codes into the nearest ICD9CM equivalent before allocating the DRGs. The impact of mapping on both medical and surgical DRGs is discussed and new titles are given for the affected DRGs. As far as possible, problems caused by mapping are distinguished from those caused by differences in coding practices. Based on the analysis of the classification systems, the mapping tables and the resulting DRG data, it is concluded that using mapped data does not have a great impact on the DRGs. Only 37 DRGs (7.8%), 15 medical and 22 surgical classes, are affected by mapping problems. However, while the scale of these problems is not large, given the large number of different surgical classification systems currently in use in Europe, the introduction of a standard surgical classification system for Europe is recommended.  相似文献   

孟楠  张烁  屈燕馨 《华南预防医学》2021,47(10):1258-1261
目的 探讨骨科关节手术后医院感染病原学及耐药性,为临床选取合理抗菌药物提供参考信息。方法 采用描述流行病学分析方法对北京市某医院病历管理信息系统中的骨科关节手术后患者病历资料、手术感染情况、感染部位及病原学检测结果进行分析。结果 8 798例骨科关节手术后患者共发现628例医院感染,感染率为7.14%,感染部位以手术切口、上呼吸道、泌尿道为主(78.82%)。628例医院感染患者共检出645株病原菌,含354株革兰阴性菌、248株革兰阳性菌及43株真菌。骨科关节手术后医院感染病原菌构成以大肠埃希菌、铜绿假单胞菌、金黄色葡萄球菌及表皮葡萄球菌为主(68.99%)。大肠埃希菌对氨苄西林、阿米卡星耐药率较高,均超过75%,铜绿假单胞菌、肺炎克雷伯菌对氨苄西林耐药率高达100%; 金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌对红霉素、青霉素G耐药率高达100%。结论 骨科关节手术后患者医院感染不容乐观,主要病原菌为革兰阴性菌,对氨苄西林、头孢曲松耐药率较高,建议临床医师做好围手术期患者病原菌检测及药敏试验,针对性应用抗生素,以最大限度降低骨科关节患者手术后医院感染风险。  相似文献   

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