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循证护理带教对本科护生自我效能感的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴涛  刘蕾  金鑫 《护士进修杂志》2012,27(9):779-780
目的 探究循证护理带教对本科护生自我效能感的影响.方法 将我院附属医院的本科实习护生随机分为观察组与对照组,观察组使用循证护理带教方法,对照组使用传统护理带教方法,最后对两组护生进行理论、实验考核及自我效能感的评定.结果 观察组护生的理论及实验成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.05),观察组护生的自我效能感高于对照组(P<0.05).结论 循证护理带教作为一种新的护理带教方法,能提高护生的学习成绩及自我效能感,增加其自信心及对学习的主动性.  相似文献   

EVITEACH aimed to increase undergraduate nursing student’s engagement with evidence-based practice and enhance their knowledge utilisation and translation capabilities. Building students capabilities to apply evidence in professional practice is a fundamental university role. Undergraduate nursing students need to actively engage with knowledge utilisation and translational skill development to narrow the evidence practice gap in the clinical setting.A two phase mixed methods study was undertaken over a three year period (2008–2010, inclusive) utilizing a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) approach. Three undergraduate nursing cohorts (N = 188) enrolled in a compulsory knowledge translation and utilisation subject at one Australian university participated. Data collection comprised of subject evaluation data and reflective statements.Preliminary investigations identified priority areas related to subject: materials, resources, teaching and workload. These priority areas became the focus of action for two PDSA cycles. PDSA cycle 1 demonstrated significant improvement of the subject overall (p > 0.05), evaluation of the materials used (p > 0.001) and teaching sub-groups (p > 0.05). PDSA cycle 2 continued to sustain improvement of the subject overall (p > 0.05). Furthermore reflective statements collected during PDSA cycle 2 identified four themes: 1) What engages undergraduate nurses in the learning process; 2) The undergraduate nurses learning trajectory; 3) Undergraduate nurses’ preconceptions of research and evidenced-based practice; and 4) Appreciating the importance of research and evidence-based practice to nursing.There is little robust evidence to guide the most effective way to build knowledge utilisation and translational skills. Effectively engaging undergraduate nursing students in knowledge translation and utilisation subjects could have immediate and long term benefits for nursing as a profession and patient outcomes. Developing evidence-based practice capabilities is important in terms of improving patient outcomes, organisational efficiencies and creating satisfying work environments.  相似文献   

护理本科生科研实习模式分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨护理专业本科生现行科研实习模式的特点,为提高本科生科研实习效果提供更好的方法。方法:采用自行设计的问卷对48名护理本科生进行问卷调查。结果:72.9%的学生支持现有"双导师"制度;58.3%的学生科研实习时间贯穿最后1年;87.5%的学生认为科研实习提高了自己的科研能力。结论:现行科研实习模式基本上可以满足学生对于科研训练的需要,但仍需进一步完善。  相似文献   

To equip undergraduate nursing students with basic knowledge and skills and foster positive attitudes toward evidence-based practice (EBP), a pilot learning program during their clinical practicum was developed in a teaching hospital in China. This article describes the specific learning process through which self-directed learning and workshop strategies were used, and a pre- and post-intervention survey were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning strategies. The findings show a significant improvement in their perceptions of EBP knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, and behavior levels. Beginning competencies in EBP were achieved. Participants reported great satisfaction and have found this program helpful in promoting their analytical and problem-solving abilities, independent learning ability, and cooperative and communication abilities as well.  相似文献   

目的:探讨同伴互助活动对本科护生临床实践行为的影响。方法:采用随机对照法将随机抽取的90名本科实习护生分为两组,每组45名。对照组采用常规带教方法实习;实验组在此基础上开展同伴互助活动。并于实习1周及实习6个月后,采用护理本科生实践过程行为评价表测评两组护生的临床实践行为。结果:实习6个月后,两组护生临床实践行为总分及证实自己的专业能力、应用护理程序、与患者的沟通交流、应用相关学科知识、明确自己的学习需求、明确患者的权利与义务、分析影响患者的因素等方面比较,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01,P〈0.05)。结论:同伴互助活动能有效地改善本科护生的临床实践行为。  相似文献   

目的:分析我校统招护生和独立学院护生科研能力现状、对《护理研究》课程设置的需求,为开设《护理研究》课程提供依据,培养护理本科生的科研意识和科研能力。方法:自行设计调查问卷,对我校850名在校本科护生进行调查,了解本科护生开展护理科研的现状、对《护理研究》课程必要性的认识、学习《护理研究》的目的、目标及对课程设置、教材和教师的需求等。采用百分率分析数据。结果:我校统招护生和独立学院护生做科研的愿望和对科研的态度及对《护理研究》课程设置需求、教师的需求基本一致(P>0.05)。与统招护生相比,独立学院护生进行科研活动、学习《护理研究》的信心及对原版专业教材的需求较低(P<0.01)。本校护生参与科研实践和发表论文的数量有待于提高,对护理科研活动的兴趣有待加强。结论:通过分析本校不同层次护生对《护理研究》课程设置的需求,为《护理研究》课程设置、教材使用等提供了依据,以提高护理专业学生科研意识及科研能力。  相似文献   

护理本科生评判性思维能力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究护理本科生评判性思维能力特征,找出差距,为制定护理本科生评判性思维培养策略提供依据.方法 采用香港理工大学中文版评判性思维能力测量表(CTDI-CV)对210名护理本科生集中进行CTDI-CV测量.结果 护生CTDI-CV测量结果总分平均为(273.24±31.86)分;各特质得分中,护生在求知欲方面得分最高,而在寻找真相方面得分最低.且随着年级的增长,学生的评判性思维能力呈现下降的趋势,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01).结论 护理本科生整体评判性思维水平不高,提示应从课程设置、课程建构以及教学方法等方面,对护理本科生评判性思维能力加以培养.  相似文献   

AimReview available evidence on teaching methods and learning outcomes among undergraduate nursing students regarding care for people with dementia. Background: The debilitating nature and the rapidly growing number of dementia cases will cause significant increase in the demand of healthcare services. Nurses play an essential role in improving the quality of care for people with dementia, although some evidence suggests that training in dementia care among nurses is poor.DesignA scoping review of the literature. following the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews. The source of evidence selection adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses extension for scoping review.MethodsData sources were Medline, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Web of Science, Education Resources Information Centre and Scopus. Inclusion criteria were studies found through database search up to 15th December 2020, published in English or Spanish with data regarding any method used for dementia education among undergraduate nursing students.Results19 studies were included in this review. The identified methods were simulation (n = 5), awareness-raising activities (n = 4), placement (n = 3), home visits (n = 3), combined activities (n = 3) and service learning (n = 1). Learning outcomes were measured in terms of knowledge, attitudes, preparedness, empathy, self-confidence, self-efficacy, awareness and students´ perceptions.ConclusionsThis scoping review has found high heterogeneity among dementia education programs and learning outcomes. Nursing education can be enhanced by designing and measuring effective and evidence-based educational interventions so that nursing students develop competencies which make it easier to deliver quality care for people with dementia.  相似文献   

目的 了解本科护生专业承诺的现状,为护理教育提供参考.方法 采用连榕等编制的《大学生专业承诺调查量表》对在校的本科护生进行调查.结果 本科护生的专业承诺不高,呈中等偏上水平.其中,理想承诺得分最低,其次是继续承诺和情感承诺,规范承诺得分最高.不同年级、性别、录取志愿、生源地护生的专业承诺得分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 当前本科护生的专业承诺状况不容忽视,学校应重视并采取各种针对性措施提高本科护生的专业承诺水平.  相似文献   

目的了解临床实习护生循证知信行的整体水平及其影响因素。方法采用自行设计的问卷对192名大专及以上学历的护生进行调查。循证知信行自评问卷包括循证护理基础知识部分(8项)、循证态度和信念部分(14项)和循证实践行为部分(8项),采用3级评分法,每项赋分1—3分。该调查问卷的Cronbach’s α系数为0.910,知识、态度和信念及实践行为各维度的Cronbach’s α系数分别为0.850,0.897,0.893。结果共发放问卷192份,回收有效问卷180份,问卷的有效回收率为93.75%。护生的自评得分中知识、态度和信念、行为得分分别是(10.85±2.83),(34.34±4.94),(10.84±3.24)分。学习形式、循证护理培训、循证实践经历是影响循证知信行整体水平的主要因素(P〈0.05)。结论护生对循证实践的态度较为积极,但缺乏相关的循证护理基本知识,且较少开展循证实践行为。护生的循证护理培训应该加强,且越早越好。  相似文献   

目的:了解不同民族本科护生评判性思维现状,探讨如何在基础护理教学中培养本科护生的评判性思维能力,为教学改革提供依据。方法在《基础护理学》课程教学中分别采用传统教学法和案例教学法对少数民族和汉族护理本科生69名进行授课,用评判性思维能力测量表( CTDI-CV)进行测评并进行分析。结果91.3%以上的本科护生认同培养和提高批判性思维意识和能力的实践意义;实验前、后不同民族本科护生评判性思维总分分别为(251.21±22.94)分和(256.65±31.46)分,均<280分;各维度得分为正性(>40分)的是自信心和求知欲;实验前、后本科男护生的评判性思维能力总分分别为(254.28±34.20),(289.71±54.62)分,分别高于本科女护生(250.87±21.68),(252.91±25.89)分;男护生实验前、后得分为正性(>40分)的有:分析能力、评判性思维的自信心、求知欲和系统化能力;女护生实验前、后得分为正性(>40分)的均为评判性思维的自信心这一维度。结论本科护生对于培养批判性思维意识和能力的认同率均较高;少数民族和汉族本科护生评判性思维总体能力均为中等;男护生的整体评判性思维能力总分高于女护生,实验后男护生具有正性的评判性思维倾向,表明改革后的教学法对提高男护生的评判性思维能力效果显著,但对提高本科护生整体评判性思维能力效果不太明显,需在今后的教学中探讨多种方法的综合运用,将护生评判性思维的培养作为一项长期、系统的工程,努力提高护生的评判性思维能力。  相似文献   

Aim/ObjectiveTo determine if video-recorded lecture provided better immediate knowledge retention than live lectureBackgroundIn line with the call to increase nationally graduated nurses as recommended by KSU 2030 Vision, educational institutions in Saudi Arabia are required to increase the enrollment to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. As a result, there is increased number of sections or groupings which created a need for additional faculty. However, to mitigate the impact of faculty shortage, the Administration embarked on exploring innovative teaching strategies that would ensure that lecture contents across groups of students are uniform and instructions are similar. Hence there is a need to explore innovative teaching strategies that would ensure that contents across groups of students are uniform, and instructions are similar.DesignThe study employed a quasi-experimental design to examine if video-recorded lectures provided better immediate knowledge retention than live lectures.MethodsA total of 160 s -year nursing students were randomly assigned to either of the two teaching strategies (video-recorded lecture or live lecture). Data were collected at a public university in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Both lectures covered the interpretation of arterial blood gases (ABG) and all students had no prior knowledge on the subject. Pretest and posttest using the same 16 questions were administered to both groups. Each item was comprised of a combination of ABG results. Students were to choose the correct answer from four choices of interpretations of the ABG result. ABG is assessed to determine gas exchange, ventilator control and acid-base balance among patients with acute or chronic illnesses. Assessment of immediate knowledge retention was conducted using a questionnaire comprised of 16 multiple-choice items to be used in both the pretest and posttest. Each item was comprised of a combination of ABG results.ResultsThe live lecture group's posttest mean score did not differ significantly from that of the video-recorded lecture group; t (156.52) = 0.47, p = 0.64, d = −0.08. The odds ratio is 1.27 and the probability is 95%. CI:.64, 2.50.ConclusionThis study found no difference between video-recorded lectures and live lectures in terms of providing immediate knowledge retention. Video-recorded lectures are a viable complementary teaching strategy. There is a need to enhance the instructional design so that learning objectives are more clearly defined, contents are aligned with the learning objectives, teaching strategies should include active participation from learners and outcomes should be assessed based on the learning objectives.  相似文献   

目的 了解护理专业学生宗教信仰的知识、态度和行为现状,为护理专业大学生宗教信仰教育提供科学依据.方法 问卷调查武汉市4所本科院校护理专业大学生.结果 大部分护理专业学生对宗教信仰相关知识认知程度不高,且与年级、民族、父母信仰宗教与否和家庭居住地等因素有关.大学生对宗教的政策内涵认识模糊.多数学生对宗教与科学的关系认知正确.学校对学生宗教观的教育影响较弱,大学生接触宗教的渠道多样化,网络的作用不可低估.护理专业学生对宗教信仰包括对同学信奉的宗教持理解包容的态度.宗教信仰在护理专业学生中不是信仰的主流.佛教信仰占宗教信仰的首位;大部分学生前往宗教活动场所并非为信仰.结论 应直面现实,理性审视,加强社会、学校、家庭和个人的宗教观引导和相关教育建设.  相似文献   

目的 比较本科护生的医护合作态度在临床实习前和临床实习后是否存在差异。 方法 采用一般情况调查表和Jefferson医护合作态度量表对中山大学新华学院165名实习前的2015级三年级学生和93名已在临床实习满6个月的2014级四年级学生进行问卷调查。用SPSS 20.0软件对所得结果进行统计分析。 结果 三年级和四年级学生的医护合作态度总分的中位数分别是53.00和51.00,92.1%的三年级学生和88.2%的四年级学生总分在46~60分之间。三年级学生在医护合作态度总分和医护共同教育和合作、护士自主权两个维度的得分显著高于四年级学生(P<0.05)。 结论 实习前后护生的医护合作态度均较高,但学生实习后的医护合作态度略低于实习前,学校和医院的实习培训应强化护生医护合作态度方面的教育。  相似文献   

Mississippi University for Women faculty members, in their Associated Degree Nursing curriculum, have incorporated the use of article critiques, literature reviews, clinical integration, and group presentations to integrate both evidence-based practice and the needed skill of research use for their nursing graduates. This skill set will prepare them for an ever-changing health care profession.  相似文献   

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