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Patients with neuropathic bladders who have intractable hyperreflexia often require cystoplasty and in patients adequately motivated and counselled, continence rates in excess of 90% can be achieved. Seventy-eight patients with neurological disease have undergone enterocystoplasty and are presented. Twenty-two patients had acquired cord lesions of which 17 were traumatic. Of the 56 patients with congenital myelodysplasia. 49 were meningomyelocele, 5 had sacral agenesis, and 2 lipoina of cauda equina. The mean age was 26 (range 13–61) years with 48 male and 30 females. Pre-operative video urodynamics showed sphincter weakness in 54 patients, all patients had intermediate type bladders; hyperreflexia in 52, reduced compliance in 17. and in 7 a combination of both. Forty-seven patients had ileal, 20 had sigrnoid, and I I had ileocaecal cystoplasty. Fifty-two patients had an artificial urinary sphincter inserted, 9 had a colposuspension. and I had both tor concurrent sphincter weakness incontinence. Acceptable continence has been achieved in 73 (93.6%) patients, 65 claiming complete continence with no pads or incontinence episodes and the 8 others needing pharmacotherapy or pads. Two of our 5 failures have been converted to an ileal loop, 2 are awaiting further surgery, and 1 is wet despite normal urodynamics. Our threshold for initiating intermittent catheterisation is low and 63 (81%) of our patients catheterise. Complications in these patients are few and the only one of note is persistent bowel problems in 30% of our patients. Cystoplasty is recommended as safe and reliable in the treatment of neurogenic detrusor over activity with a continence rate of 93% being achieved. All our patients need to demonstrate competence in performing intermittent self-catheterisation before surgery is offered. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The neurogenic bladder provides many challenging problems in its treatment. Causation, proper urologic evaluation, and treatment of neurogenic bladder are discussed with emphasis on surgical techniques, such as relieving distal obstruction, alternative measures of urinary diversion, and the use of vesical stimulators. Preservation of renal function is the prime objective of all modes of therapy.  相似文献   

In a subgroup of children with myelomeningocele, urinary incontinence cannot be managed by clean intermittent catheterization and anticholinergic medication. The authors report on 24 such children who required bladder-outlet reconstruction. Twelve boys underwent the Young-Dees/Leadbetter procedure, 8 girls underwent the Burch procedure and the remaining 4 had a combination of the two. Augmentation cystoplasty was also carried out in seven girls and one boy. Results were most favourable in the girls, with improvement in 92%, in contrast to the boys in whom only 58% were improved. Artificial sphincter placement may be a more beneficial alternative for boys.  相似文献   

AIMS: To report outcome and urodynamic follow-up of incontinent ileovesicostomy in quadriplegic patients with neurogenic bladder. METHODS: Seven patients (five male, two female; mean age, 33.7 yr) with neurogenic bladder underwent ileovesicostomy for management of leakage or complications of chronic catheter drainage. Five had chronic indwelling catheters: three suprapubic and two urethral. Preoperatively, all had upper tract evaluation and videourodynamics. All seven patients had detrusor hyperreflexia. Preoperative detrusor leak point pressures averaged 42.7 cm H(2)O. Two females had intrinsic sphincteric deficiency from prolonged Foley catheter drainage. Ileovesicostomy involves isolation of a 15-20-cm segment of terminal ileum. The proximal 6-8 cm of this segment is opened on the antimesenteric border. The dome of the bladder is opened widely in a transverse manner and the proximal portion of the bowel is sutured onto the bladder. The distal portion of the ileum remains tubularized and becomes the stoma. RESULTS: There were no intraoperative complications. Operative time averaged 159 minutes. Associated procedures included removal of bladder calculus (n = 1), pubovaginal sling (n = 2), and Marshall Marchetti Krantz suspension (n = 1). Mean blood loss was <200 cc in six patients. Mean hospital stay was 8 days. Complications in two patients included: fascial stenosis requiring stoma revision (n = 1), wound infection (n = 1), and postoperative ileus (n = 1). Mean follow-up was 37.4 months. Postoperatively, mean detrusor leak point pressures were 16.7 cm H(2)O (P = 0.0061). Patient satisfaction is high with only one complaint of occasional difficulty fitting the appliance. CONCLUSIONS: Ileovesicostomy is an effective method of urinary drainage in quadriplegic patients. Detrusor leak point pressures were lowered, and upper tracts were preserved. No long-term complications were encountered.  相似文献   

Urethral dilation is an effective method of treating children with neurogenic bladders who have poor bladder compliance, high leak point pressure, and are unresponsive to standard therapy with anticholinergic medications and clean intermittent catheterization. Urethral dilation can be successfully applied to boys and girls and has few side effects. There are no demonstrated long-term effects on continence. However, the use of urethral dilation has been limited by two factors: 1) general disregard given to urethral dilation when applied to children and adults with recurrent urinary tract infections and lower urinary tract symptoms, and 2) the general efficacy of conventional therapy that limits the number of children who may actually benefit from the procedure.  相似文献   

This is a review of the most current literature on medical management of the neurogenic bladder (NGB) to treat detrusor overactivity (DO), improve bladder compliance and treat urinary incontinence. The use of antimuscarinics, alpha blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, desmopressin and mirabegron will be discussed along with combination therapy to improve efficacy. These medical therapies will be the focus of this review with surgical therapy and botulinum toxin injections being the subject of other articles in this series.  相似文献   

Clean intermittent catheterization has been successful in the management of urinary incontinence and upper tract changes associated with a neurogenic bladder. The results of clean intermittent catheterization controlling urinary incontinence, ureteral reflux, upper tract dilatation and urinary infection in 84 children with a neurogenic bladder were evaluated for up to 3 years of followup. Of the children 41 (49 per cent) were totally incontinent and 14 (17 per cent) were slightly damp. Preexisting ureteral reflux deteriorated in 25 per cent of the patients, ceased in 35 per cent and was unchanged in 40 per cent, while pre-existing upper tract dilatation improved in 12.5 per cent and was unchanged in 87.5 per cent. On clean intermittent catheterization and antibacterial medication 90 per cent of the children had sterile urine and 7.5 per cent had 10(5) or more colonies per ml. Complications occurred on 54 occasions but were minor in nature and were corrected easily. Half of the parents, schools and children found clean intermittent catheterization very acceptable or acceptable but a quarter of the parents and patients found it unacceptable or slightly unacceptable, or were undecided. Initial management of urinary complications associated with neurogenic bladder in children has changed to the clean intermittent catheterization program, with greatly improved results compared to Credé's expression of the bladder, an indwelling urethral catheter or urinary diversion. However, the clean intermittent catheterization regimen was not effective completely, not without complications and not accepted completely by parents, schools and children.  相似文献   

Vesical augmentation procedures were performed on 15 patients for neurogenic bladder disease and urinary incontinence. Enterocystoplasty with ileum, cecum and sigmoid was used associated with different operations to prevent upper tract deterioration or urinary incontinence. The small bowel stored larger amounts of urine at a lower maximal detrusor pressure at capacity than the large bowel. All ureterointestinal and ureterovesical reimplantations were successful, including 5 ureteroileal with the Camey procedure. The 2 failures, characterized by persistent urinary incontinence, included a male patient who refused intermittent catheterization and a girl with persistent hypersecretion of mucus and recurrent urinary tract infections.  相似文献   

Urinary symptoms related to multiple sclerosis (MS) present a complex challenge for the treating physician. However, several treatment options are available for the symptomatic patient once the physician understands basic MS disease epidemiology and pathophysiology. Depending of disease status and symptoms, MS urinary symptoms may respond to directed behavioral, pharmacologic, intravesical, neuromodulation, or surgical therapies.  相似文献   

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