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Cytokines contribute to T cell homeostasis at all stages of T cell existence. However, the particular cytokine involved varies as T cells progress from a na?ve through an activated to a memory state. In many cases the important cytokines are members of the interleukin 2 subfamily of the short-chain type I cytokines. A case is made for the idea that the evolutionary divergence of the short-chain family allowed for concurrent divergence in leukocytes.  相似文献   

Although gamma delta T cells are found in increased numbers in the spleens of humans and mice infected with malaria, it is not known if these cells are necessary components of an effective immune response. The surface phenotype of spleen cells obtained from mice infected with avirulent Plasmodium chabaudi adami or virulent Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi were examined using anti-delta or anti-alpha beta T-cell-specific reagents and flow cytometry. Levels of parasitaemia, red blood cell (RBC) counts, and survival times were followed in mice depleted of tumour necrosis factor (TCR)gamma delta+ or TCR alpha beta+ T cells. Numbers of gamma delta T cells increased in the spleens of control antibody-treated infected mice, but not in mice depleted of TCR gamma delta+ or TCR alpha beta+ T cells. Mice depleted of gamma delta T cells had levels of parasitaemia, RBCs, and survival rates similar to control antibody-treated mice. However, mice depleted of TCR alpha beta+ T cells had higher levels of parasitaemia, lower RBC counts, and decreased survival rates. These results indicate that TCR alpha beta+ but not TCR gamma delta+ T cells play an essential role in host defense against P. chabaudi infection in mice.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) thymocytes have a markedly diminished proportion of cells expressing high levels of the alpha, beta T cell receptor (TCR alpha, beta) and the associated CD3 molecule. Thus, we examined the surface expression of TCR alpha, beta and CD3 as well as TCR gamma, delta, CD4, CD8, CD16, and CD45RA on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from 13 noninstitutionalized subjects with DS and 13 closely age-matched sibling controls using immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. DS PBL expressed high surface levels of TCR alpha, beta and CD3, but, as compared to controls, they had a lower proportion of cells expressing TCR alpha, beta (61% vs. 68%, respectively; P less than or equal to 0.05). Moreover, the absolute number of TCR alpha, beta+ cells was considerably lower for DS subjects than for controls (1634 +/- 229 vs. 2763 +/- 530, respectively; P less than or equal to 0.05). DS subjects had a markedly higher proportion of cells expressing TCR gamma, delta than did the controls (12% vs. 7%, respectively; P less than or equal to 0.02). In addition, DS subjects had a lower proportion of CD4+CD45RA+ cells than controls (22% vs. 35%, respectively; P less than or equal to 0.02), representing naive T cells which have recently emigrated from the thymus. The imbalance in the proportions of T cell subpopulations we have observed in DS PBL may contribute to the increased susceptibility to infection associated with DS and may represent a diminished efficiency in the production of newly differentiated T cells by the DS thymus.  相似文献   

Newly generated ('virgin') rat thymocytes of the immature CD4+8+ double positive (DP) subset were treated in suspension culture for 2 days with the stimulatory pair of anti-CD2 monoclonal antibodies OX-54 and OX-55. Approximately 50% of the recovered cells had downregulated CD4 and CD8 and upregulated the T cell antigen receptor (TCR). CD2-stimulated, but not control thymocytes proliferated in response to TCR plus IL-2 stimulation. In vivo, postnatal injection of OX-54/55 led to a dramatic and selective increase in functionally mature CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) alpha/beta--TCR(high) thymocytes and peripheral T cells. These findings show that CD2 stimulation can promote T cell differentiation and suggest that DN TCR(high) thymocytes can be generated from DP thymocytes via alternative pathways of T cell maturation.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) or its subunits were given orally to mice and division of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) in vivo measured by double immunofluorescence using 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BRdU) and membrane alpha beta T-cell receptors (TCR) or gamma delta TCR staining in frozen sections. Cholera toxin (10 micrograms) produced a two- to eightfold-increase in the uptake of BRdU in alpha beta TCR+ IEL in the duodenum and a two-to fivefold increase in gamma delta TCR IEL in the ileum. Increased uptake of BRdU was also seen after a dose of 100 micrograms of CT but this dose was also associated with the loss of alpha beta TCR+ IEL and gamma delta TCR+ IEL in the duodenum. CT-A and CT-B subunit produced increased BRdU incorporation by alpha beta TCR in the duodenum and by gamma delta TCR IEL in the ileum. Cholera toxin therefore appears to be mitogenic for IEL probably due to an indirect mechanism.  相似文献   

To investigate whether a clonal deletion mechanism is responsible for the mature T cell tolerance that may be induced in vivo by TCR signal to anti-CD4 (H129.19 mAb) coated cells, we analyzed the T cell repertoire in anti-CD4 mAb treated BALB/c mice by flow cytometry following TCR signals through anti-alpha beta TCR mAb or SEB superantigen. Lymph nodes showed a strong reduction in the CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio, and a selective clonal loss of CD4+ V beta 8+ cells 4d following anti-alpha beta TCR or SEB injection, respectively. Following lymph node cell activation in a short-term in vitro assay with SEB or anti-V beta 8 mAb, a selective elimination of CD4+ V beta 8+ cells was again detected, and DNA fragmentation analysis disclosed a cell death by apoptosis. These findings suggest that TCR triggering transduces an apoptotic signal into CD4+ mAb saturated cells that in turn leads to specific holes in the mature T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

L Penney  P J Kilshaw    T T MacDonald 《Immunology》1995,86(2):212-218
Using double staining for T-cell receptor (TCR) and 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BRdU) we have examined the proliferation rates and lifespan of murine intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL's) in vivo. After a 24-hr pulse of BRdU the number of labelled alpha beta TCR+ IEL was significantly higher in the ileum than the duodenum. In contrast, incorporation of BRdU into gamma delta TCR+ IEL was significantly higher in the duodenum than the ileum. This regional variation was also seen after a 4-hr pulse of BRdU indicating that the differences probably reflect local rates of proliferation in the epithelium. Over a 6-day labelling period, the accumulation of labelled alpha beta TCR+ and gamma delta TCR+ IEL was linear, which allowed IEL lifespan to be calculated. There was considerable variation between groups of mice but the 50% population renewal time for alpha beta TCR+ IEL was 12-36 days in the duodenum and 9-11 days in the ileum, and for gamma delta TCR+ IEL was 12-21 days in the duodenum and 26-100 days in the ileum. The incorporation of BRdU into V beta 8+ IEL showed the same regional variation as alpha beta TCR+ IEL and the V delta 4 population behaved like the total gamma delta TCR+ IEL population. In contrast V beta 11+, potentially self-reactive IEL, showed a regional pattern of labelling like gamma delta TCR+ IEL. Incorporation of BRdU into both alpha beta TCR+ and gamma delta TCR+ IEL in germ-free mice was very low and did not show marked regional variation. alpha beta TCR+ and gamma delta TCR+ IEL from both proximal and distal bowel were cytotoxic. Therefore alpha beta TCR+ and gamma delta TCR+ IEL show different rates of division in different sections of the gut, perhaps reflecting responses to different antigens. Both alpha beta TCR+ and gamma delta TCR+ IEL reside in the epithelium for weeks during which time the gut epithelial population will have been renewed many times.  相似文献   

Intrathymic selection of murine TCR alpha beta+CD4-CD8- thymocytes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The CD4-CD8- thymocyte population contains the precursors of all other thymocytes. However, it also contains a significant proportion of cells which express surface TCR alpha beta, and have little or no precursor activity. Like peripheral T cells, but unlike most other thymocytes, these TCR alpha beta+CD4-CD8- thymocytes do not express heat stable antigen. Both the origin and developmental status of these cells are unclear, and are the subject of this report. We have measured the proportion of V beta 8.1+ cells amongst TCR+HSA-CD4-CD8- thymocytes in MIs-1a versus MIs-1b mice, in order to determine whether they have undergone negative selection. The proportions were similar in both strains, in contrast to mature T cells, indicating that neither they nor their precursors had undergone clonal deletion. We also measured the accumulation of these cells over the early life of the animal and found that it was extremely slow. Our data also show that although TCR-V beta 8.1+ cells are reactive to MIs-1a in association with MHC class II, most mature TCR-V beta 8.1+ cells in MIs-1b mice are CD8+, suggesting an additional reactivity with MHC class I. We raise the possibility that TCR-V beta 8.1+CD4-CD8- thymocytes are derived from TCR-V beta 8.1+CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, and that the reactivity of TCR-V beta 8.1 with both MHC classes I and II has resulted in the down-regulation of both CD4 and CD8.  相似文献   

Differences in the surface antigen phenotype, such as the expressionCD8 as an homodimer or the lack of Thy-1, on Intestinal Intraepitheliallymphocytes (IEL) are related, In part, to alternative differentiationpathways. The relationship of IEL lacking the pan-T cell markerCD5 to these IEL, their TCR repertoire and function has notbeen examined directly. We explored the TCR repertoire and functionof the CD5 IEL subset In relation to the expression ofthe ‘autospecific’ Vß6 TCR in Mls-1a miceand to TCR. The results indicate that CD5 expression was absenton the majority of TCR IEL (96.9%) and on a significant proportionof TCR ß IEL (25.0%). Virtually all IEL In DBA/2 (Mls-1a)mice that expressed the ‘autospecific’ Vß6TCR were CD5, and this correlated with the expressionof CD8 . To assess the functional capacity of this subset ofIEL, we examined proliferation and IL-2 production in responseto TCR activation. Although CD5 IEL proliferated in responseto anti-CD3, IEL bearing TCR Vß6, In Mls-1a mice,were not responsive to TCR-mediated activation. Similarly, TCR IEL were not responsive to stimulation by anti-TCR antibodies.The addition of exogenous IL-2, however, reconstituted the prollferativeresponse of both TCR IEL and the TCR Vß6 expressingIEL. We conclude that the lack of CD5 defines a unique subsetof intraepithelial T cells expressing either TCR or ßthat Include potentially autoreactive cells that remain anergicin the absence of IL-2.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1 (IL-1) is a cytokine which mediates a variety of immunoregulatory and inflammatory activities. Using human IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta probes, cDNAs for the corresponding bovine genes were isolated from an alveolar macrophage library. The open reading frames of the bovine IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta cDNAs encode proteins of 268 and 266 amino acids, respectively, each with a predicted mol. wt of approx. 31,000. Both forms of bovine IL-1 exhibit a high degree of sequence homology with IL-1 gene products from other mammalian species. Based upon comparisons with human IL-1 amino acid sequences, the post-translationally processed, mature forms of bovine IL-1 would occur as 17-18,000 mol. wt proteins. Sequences encoding mature bovine IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta were inserted into E. coli expression plasmids and biologically active proteins were synthesized as judged by the ability of the recombinant proteins to induce proliferation of bovine thymocytes. Both IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta exist as single genomic copies. In addition, bovine IL-1 beta mRNA is approx. 10-fold more abundant than IL-1 alpha mRNA in stimulated alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

The mechanism of development of a unique subset of T cells, thymic NK1.1(+) alpha beta T cells, has been poorly understood. We found that the development of thymic NK1.1(+) alpha beta T cells was defective in mice deficient in ZAP-70. Instead, an accumulation of NK1.1(+) TCR beta(-) NK-like population was detected in the thymus and spleen of the ZAP-70 deficient (ZAP -/-) mouse. In the present report, we examined whether biochemical treatments that replace TCR-mediated positive selection signals could restore the generation of thymic NK1.1(+) alpha beta T cells in ZAP -/- mice using the thymus organ culture. We found that a higher concentration of phorbol ester (PMA) than that required for CD4(+) T cell generation and ionomycin induced the generation of NK1.1(+) alpha beta T cells. Phenotypic analysis of the induced NK1.1(+) alpha beta T cell population suggested that these cells expressed CD8 but not CD4 molecules, which is a different characteristic from ordinary thymic NK1.1(+) alpha beta T cells. These results suggest that differential signaling is required for the generation of mainstream T cells and thymic NK1.1(+) alpha beta T cells.  相似文献   

H Gaus  T Miethke  H Wagner    K Heeg 《Immunology》1994,83(3):333-340
The response profile of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)-primed murine V beta 8+ CD4+ and V beta 8+ CD8+ T cells was analysed upon rechallenge in vitro. While in vitro responses to secondary stimulation with SEB were reduced to background levels, the in vivo reactivity after rechallenge with SEB was retained, in that SEB-primed mice succumbed to lethal T-cell shock, lymphokines [interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-2, Il-4, IL-6, IL-10, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)], and lymphokine-specific mRNA accumulation could be detected in V beta 8+ CD4+ and V beta 8+ CD8+ T cells. However, V beta 8+ CD4+ T cells failed to enter the cell cycle. While the phenotype of V beta 8+ CD8+ T cells was indistinguishable from that of their counterparts from naive mice, V beta 8+ CD4+ T cells exhibited in vivo an unusual phenotype as non-proliferative but functional T cells. We conclude that in vitro-defined anergy does not disclose the functional abilities of ligand-reactive V beta 8+ T cells in vivo, and that priming with superantigen (SAg) induces in vivo a differentiation of SEB-reactive V beta 8+ CD4+ T cells into a non-proliferative but functional phenotype.  相似文献   

Effector functions of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) alpha beta TCR+ cells were examined. Among mouse DN alpha beta TCR+ thymocytes, NK1.1+ cells expressing a canonical V alpha 14/J alpha 281 TCR but not NK1.1- cells produce IL-4 upon TCR cross-linking and IFN-gamma upon cross- linking of NK1.1 as well as TCR. Production of IL-4 but not IFN-gamma from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+ cells was markedly suppressed by IL-2. Whereas V alpha 14/J alpha 281 TCR+ cells express NK1.1+, these cells are not the precursor of DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+CD16+B220+ large granular lymphocytes (LGL). IL-2 induces rapid proliferation and generation of NK1.1+ LGL from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1- but not from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1+ cells. LGL cells exhibit NK activity and produce IFN-gamma but not IL-4 upon cross-linking of surface TCR or NK1.1 molecules. In contrast to IL-2, IL-7 does not induce LGL cells or NK activity from DN alpha beta TCR+NK1.1- cells but induces the ability to produce high levels of IL-4 upon TCR cross-linking. Our results show that DN alpha beta TCR+ T cells have several distinct subpopulations, and that IL-2 and IL-7 differentially regulate the functions of DN alpha beta TCR+ T cells by inducing different types of effector cells.   相似文献   

Immunization with a cell wall/membrane (CW/M) and yeast cytosol extract (YCE) crude antigen from Blastomyces dermatitidis confers T-cell-mediated resistance against lethal experimental infection in mice. We isolated and characterized T cells that recognize components of these protective antigens and mediate protection. CD4+ T-cell clones elicited with CW/M antigen adoptively transferred protective immunity when they expressed a V alpha2+ J alpha49+/V beta1+ J beta1.1+ heterodimeric T-cell receptor (TCR) and produced high levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma). In contrast, V beta8.1/8.2+ CD4+ T-cell clones that were reactive against CW/M and YCE antigens and produced little or no IFN-gamma either failed to mediate protection or exacerbated the infection depending on the level of interleukin-5 expression. Thus, the outgrowth of protective T-cell clones against immunodominant antigens of B. dermatitidis is biased by a combination of the TCR repertoire and Th1 cytokine production.  相似文献   

The streptokinase molecule (415 AA) was cleaved at methionine 237, 347 and 370 yielding four polypeptide fragments. Human HLA-class II restricted streptokinase-specific T cell clones and cell lines (CD2+, CD3+, CD4+, CD8-, TCR alpha beta+, TCR gamma delta-) recognized antigenic epitopes on all four fragments AA 1-236, AA 238-346, AA 348-369 and AA 371-415. T cell clones recognizing fragment AA 1-236 were restricted by at least two different HLA-class II elements, this indicating that more than one antigenic epitope can be recognized on this fragment. In addition, two streptokinase-specific T cell clones recognized only the intact molecule and none of the molecular fragments. These two clones probably recognized an antigenic epitope including one of the methionine residues used for molecular cleavage. We conclude that T cell proliferative responses to streptokinase are determined by recognition of at least five different antigenic epitopes distributed along the entire streptokinase polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

M Emoto  Y Emoto    S H Kaufmann 《Immunology》1996,88(4):531-536
On the basis of the CD8 coreceptor expression, T-cell receptor (TCR)alpha beta-bearing intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (i-IEL) segregate into two populations. The CD8 alpha alpha + TCR alpha beta i-IEL develop thymus independently, whereas the CD8 alpha beta + TCR alpha beta i-IEL are generally considered to be thymus dependent. Flow cytometry analysis revealed a distinct population of CD8 alpha beta + TCR alpha beta i-IEL in individual athymic nu/nu mice. The i-IEL encompassing CD8 alpha beta + TCR alpha beta cells expressed potent cytolytic and interferon-gamma-producing activities. These findings demonstrate that CD8 alpha beta + TCR alpha beta i-IEL can develop in nu/nu mice independently from a functional thymus and suggest that these cells, directly or indirectly, perform biological functions in the gut.  相似文献   

Maturation of thymocytes represents a sequence of events during which thymocytes expressing TCR with moderate avidity for self antigen/MHC are positively selected, whereas those with high or insufficient TCR avidity die. Glucocorticoids are produced intrathymically and can contribute to apoptosis of unselected thymocytes. Thymocytes differentiate in a close contact with epithelial cells, expressing vascular adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and secreting glucocorticoids, with bone marrow-derived macrophages, and with extracellular matrix containing fibronectin (FN) and collagen. Their contact with FN is mediated by alpha4beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrins. We examined the contribution of TCR and integrin signaling to the survival of thymocytes from dexamethasone (Dex)-induced apoptosis. We demonstrate that FN and VCAM-1 (both of which bind alpha4beta1 integrin), but not collagen, considerably augment TCR-mediated protection of thymocytes from Dex-induced apoptosis. This 'survival' signal is transduced through the alphabeta1, but not through the alpha5beta1 integrin. The observed protection from Dex-induced apoptosis correlated with an increase in bcl-2 protein levels. FN-alpha4beta1 and VCAM-1-alpha4beta1 engagement induced up-regulation bcl-2 protein, while alpha5beta1 binding to FN induced a negative signal that was blocked by anti- alpha5beta1 antibody. These data suggest that alpha4beta1 integrin may contribute to protection of thymocytes with moderate avidity TCR from glucocorticoid-induced death during intrathymic maturation.   相似文献   

Recently, we have found novel mammalian tachykinins, neurokinin alpha and beta isolated from porcine spinal cord, whose chemical structures are similar to those of substance P or kassinin. In the present study, we describe a specific assay system for neurokinin alpha and beta by combining HPLC and radioimmunoassay. We investigated the regional distribution of tachykinins including substance P in the rat central nervous system using anti-neurokinin alpha antiserum which cross-reacts 25% with neurokinin beta. As a result, it is noted that substance P was the highest in concentration in the rat substantia nigra, the striatum, the cerebellum and the spinal cord, but not in the cerebral cortex in which neurokinin beta was the highest. Concentration of neurokinin alpha was lower than that of substance P and the molar ratio of substance P and neurokinin alpha was fairly constant (2.8-4.0) in all regions. On the other hand, it is noted that the molar ratio of substance P and neurokinin beta was extremely variable and seemed to be specific to tissues.  相似文献   

The thymus is the main site of T-cell maturation. On arrival in the thymus, CD8-CD4- double-negative (DN) T-cell precursors undergo extensive gene rearrangement, phenotypic alteration and biochemical modification to yield the population of thymocytes that undergoes intrathymic selection. The selected mature thymocytes then go on to seed the periphery. In this article Janko Nikoli?-Zugi? discusses the labyrinthine development that constitutes alpha beta T-cell maturation and selection.  相似文献   

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