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In the period 1988-1999, the Tuscan Mesothelioma Registry (ARTMM) recorded 436 cases of pleural malignant mesothelioma (MMP); 81% were males. The Tuscan MMP incidence rate (age standardized on European population; per 100,000 per year), was 0.97 in 1988-1993, 1.64 in 1994-1999 for males; 0.22 and 0.23 for females, respectively. In the period 1988-1999 the Tuscan Mortality Registry (RMR) recorded 676 pleural cancer (TMP) deaths (ICD IX 163; 464 in males). In the periods 1988-1993 and 1994-1999 Tuscan TMP mortality rate (per 100,000 per year) was 1.54; 1.70 for men; 0.46 and 0.53 for women, respectively. The highest incidence and mortality rates for males were recorded in Massa Carrara (MMP incidence in the period 1994-1999: 5.20) e Livorno (MMP incidence in the period 1994-1999: 4.64) provinces. In order to study differences between incidence and mortality for males, an analysis of distribution of incident MMP cases and TMP deaths by municipality in Tuscany was carried out. It is usually assumed for projections of MMP mortality that the ratio of MMP mortality to TMP mortality is 1:1. However, in order to evaluate more precisely projections of MMP mortality, the exact ratio was calculated for men. In the period 1994-1999, 82% (154/188) of the male MMP deaths were correctly coded as TMP deaths in the RMR; 60% (154/256) of male TMP deaths were definite MMP cases, as they were recorded in ARTMM. The ratio of MMP mortality to TMP mortality is, therefore, 0.73:1 (0.60/0.82) for males in Tuscany.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Italian National Mesothelioma Register (ReNaM) was set up at the Istituto Superiore Prevenzione e Sicurezza Lavoro (ISPESL), in Rome, in accordance with Art. 36 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 277 [1991]. METHODS: Five Italian regions, Piedmont, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, and Apulia, agreed to record mesothelioma cases according to guidelines established by ISPESL, to define exposure to asbestos and transmit the data systematically to ISPESL. RESULTS: Four hundred and twenty-nine mesothelioma cases, diagnosed in 1997, are recorded. The standardized annual incidence rate for definite pleural mesothelioma is 1.51 per 100,000 inhabitants (2.26 for males and 0.79 for females). Exposure was defined for 198 mesotheliomas with a histological diagnosis: 125 (63%) refer to occupational exposure, 10 (5%) to environmental exposure, and 5 (2.5%) to household exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the ReNaM's work, many limitations still have to be overcome. Clear-cut information on asbestos exposure is available for a limited number of cases; and differing regional procedures in collecting and evaluating mesotheloma cases exist. At this stage the identification and evaluation of a large number of cases of mesothelioma is a worthwhile result. This epidemiological surveillance, currently being extended to other regions, will enable us to better assess the impact and diffusion of this disease in future, and to monitor more closely the effects of ceasing asbestos use in 1992, and the efficacy of preventive measures since mid '70s. Am. J. Ind. Med. 45:55-62, 2004.  相似文献   

Several cases of malignant mesothelioma (MM) previously unknown to the Occupational Health and Safety Service were recognised in the Province of Brescia after an active surveillance program carried out during the first nineteen years of operation; a large proportion of the cases involved workers occupationally exposed to asbestos. A local Mesothelioma Register was subsequently set up in 1993 and by the end of 1999, 190 MM cases had been collected. The annual incidence ratio (standardized on the Italian population, census 1981, x100,000 person-years) was calculated in the 1980-1999 period and showed an increasing trend for location in the pleura in both sexes; in the 1996-1999 period the incidence ratio was 2.95 for males and 1.35 for females. In the same period, this trend was not observed for peritoneal location, with an incidence ratio of 0.17 and 0.37 for males and females respectively. 161 pleural MM (84.7%) and 28 peritoneal MM (14.7%) are described; histopathologic diagnosis was performed in 161 cases (84.7%). Anamneses were collected for 88% of the cases but with direct information from patients only in 65% of these in the recent period. Only 7 cases of asbestosis were diagnosed in the MM cases, whereas 31 cases of pleural abnormalities were observed but only 17 of these were observed in workers occupationally exposed to asbestos. Occupational asbestos exposure was evaluated as certain, probable or possible in 45% of total cases and in 54% of recently (1996-1999) observed cases, which were ten times more frequent in males. Exposure occurred in sectors works where asbestos was not used as raw material, such as construction, iron and steel and metal working. MM's from environmental and non-occupational exposure to asbestos were very few, 1.5% and 0.5% respectively. In 65 MM's asbestos exposure was unknown (34.2%); 50% of these concerned females; for whom the industry and jobs are discussed. The distribution of histologic types of MM was similar in asbestos exposed and non exposed cases. No association between peritoneal mesotheliomas and heavy exposure to asbestos was observed. Ten cases of MM were diagnosed in subjects under 45 years old (5.2%) with only one case occupationally exposed. 2 cases were exposed to radiation therapy (1%) and 2 cases to thoracic trauma (1%). Although in Italy MM has been included in the list of compensatable occupational diseases by law since 1994, a large number of cases occupationally exposed to asbestos are still not recognised by the National Insurance Institute (INAIL). A number of problems limiting work of the Mesothelioma Register and its usefulness are discussed. The Lombardy Mesothelioma Register set up in January 2000 should be able to overcome the limits identified in the past.  相似文献   

The study describes the occurrence of pleural and peritoneal malignant mesothelioma in the Colleferro industrial area (Province of Rome, 9 municipalities, population 63,000, period 1993-98) which is the site of a large chemical plant (BPD) producing organic chemicals, acid mixtures, insecticides, explosives and dynamite, and was involved in manufacturing/maintenance of railroad rolling stock. Asbestos was extensively used in these plants in the past. Mesothelioma cases were actively searched from data in files of pathology archives, hospital admission and discharge (records), and death certificates recorded at local health authority register. 23 potential cases were identified for whom clinical charts and pathological slides were reviewed. A multidisciplinary evaluation of all collected information confirmed 18 cases of cyto-histologically proven malignant mesothelioma (pleural/peritoneal ratio of 2.75:1) among residents and/or workers at BPD. The remaining 5 cases were defined as not mesothelioma; however, two were cases of lung cancer (both occupationally exposed to asbestos). All subjects with malignant mesothelioma had been occupationally exposed to asbestos (14 males and 3 females), except one (1 female with domestic exposure). No mesothelioma case was attributable to environmental exposure. Of the 17 cases with occupational asbestos exposure, 15 occurred in BPD workers employed in manufacturing/maintenance of railroad rolling stock (3 cases), general maintenance services (5 cases), or in the armaments sector (7 cases) and 2 in residents but not BPD workers (1 baker, 1 pipefitter). The incidence rate in residents of the 9 municipalities was 5.5 in males and 1.3 in females (standardized on the Italian population x100,000, census 1981). For Colleferro municipality only, the incidence was 10.1 in males and 4.1 in females, which are the highest rates reported so far in Italy. Besides confirming the risk of mesothelioma risk in railroad rolling stock manufacturing and asbestos-insulated pipe maintenance workers, this study identifies a cluster of malignant mesothelioma in explosives production workers.  相似文献   

Malignant mesothelioma: global incidence and relationship with asbestos   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mesothelioma incidence varies markedly from one country to another. The highest annual crude incidence rates (about 30 cases per million) are observed in Australia, Belgium, and Great Britain. A lot of data indicate a relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos. The hot areas for mesothelioma exactly correspond to the sites of industries with high asbestos use, such as shipbuilding and asbestos-cement industry. However, in many countries with high asbestos consumption, mesothelioma incidence is low. The reasons for this fact are not clear. The latency periods elapsing between first exposure to asbestos and development of mesothelioma are mostly longer than 40 yr. An inverse relationship exists between intensity of asbestos exposure and length of the latency period. Mesothelioma generally develops after long-time exposures to asbestos. Some recent studies show that the risk increases with the duration of exposure. Possible co-factors in the pathogenesis of asbestos-related mesothelioma include genetic predisposition, diets poor in fruit and vegetables, viruses, immune impairment, recurrent serosal inflammation. The study of co-morbidity in mesothelioma could give an insight into the pathogenesis of the tumor. While a levelling-off in mesothelioma incidence has been registered in some countries, a worsening of the epidemic is predictable in large parts of the world.  相似文献   

The incidence of malignant mesothelioma in Australia 1982-1988.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
From 1980 to 1985, the Australian Mesothelioma Surveillance Program, and since 1986, the Australian Mesothelioma Register, have been collecting data on all cases of malignant mesothelioma that could be ascertained in Australia. Incidence rates were calculated on 854 Program and 696 Register cases (total 1271) diagnosed in Australia between January 1, 1982 and December 31, 1988. Australia has one of the highest national rates of mesothelioma in the world (15.8 cases per million of population aged 20 years and older), and the rate is rising. The rate is far higher in males (28.3) than females (3.3). The Western Australian rate (28.9) is the highest among the states, as may be expected because of the crocidolite mine at Wittenoom; however, the largest numbers of cases occur in the more populous and industrial New South Wales. The high incidence rate, its expected continuing increase, and absence of a history of exposure to asbestos in approximately 28% of cases, demand consideration of potential environmental factors other than asbestos in the causation of this tumor, as well as continued surveillance.  相似文献   

This paper presents the epidemiological analyses based on the first 5 years of activity of the Mesothelioma Registry of Liguria (REM). REM is a population-based cancer registry specialized in the study of both the incidence and etiology of primary pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma in Liguria (Italy). The REM completes normal clinical information with occupational and environmental anamnestic data in order to identify working and living areas at risk for asbestos-related pathologies. The REM started its activity in 1994 describing the incidence of pleural mesothelioma (PM) exclusively in the population resident in the city of Genoa (660,000 inhabitants); since 1996 the REM has studied the entire Liguria Region (1,640,000 inhabitants), where nearly 120 new cases of PM are diagnosed annually (20% are women). In the city of Genoa, between 1986-1987 and 1997-1998, PM crude incidence rate rose from 13.8 to 26.7 per 100,000 males over 40 years old. From 1994 to 1998 the REM registered 495 new patients with histologically (62%) and cytologically (9%) confirmed diagnosis of PM. 54% of them were immunocytohistochemically evaluated. Occupational information has been gathered for 248 subjects, i.e., 61% of cases with sure or probable diagnosis of PM. For 126 patients, occupational asbestos exposure (direct, indirect or only presence in the workplace) was identified on average 40 years before diagnosis. In particular, asbestos exposure was documented in shipyards, docks and cargo handling settings, building trades, iron and steel industries. Interestingly, during the same period (1955-1960), a large fraction of subjects without proved or declared direct asbestos exposure claimed to have worked in the same occupational settings. This suggests a possible unconscious indirect exposure to asbestos fibers in the workplace.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occupational exposure to asbestos has been widely reported in the Region, but a high risk for non-occupational and environmental contaminations have also been documented. OBJECTIVES: To describe the geographical distribution ofpleural cancer deaths and compensated asbestosis cases from 1980 to 2001 in the Lazio Region. METHODS: For each municipality Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs) for pleural cancer and Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIRs) for asbestosis were estimated. Expected cases were estimated from age and gender specific rates in Lazio. SatScan software was used to identify clusters and to verf;j their statistical significance. RESULTS: 789 deaths from pleural cancer (495 males and 294 females) occurred in Lazio from 1980 to 2001. The standardized mortality rate per 100.000 inhabitants is 0,74 (0,95 for males and 0,54 for females). The main excess mortality from pleural cancer occurred in the municipalities of Civitavecchia (SMR: 269,9; 95% CI: 164,9 - 416,8), Colleferro (SMR: 304,9; 95% CI: 139,4-578,8) and Rocca Priora (SMR: 379,2; 95% CI: 103,3-970,9). Significant SIRs for compensated asbestosis cases were found in the industrial areas of the Naples-Rome highway and in the shipyard area of Civitavecchia. Nofemale compensated cases were found. The most important clusters were identified in the municipality of Civitavecchia for pleural cancer (p-value = 0,117) and in the Colleferro industrial area for compensated asbestosis cases (p-value = 0,001). CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiological surveillance of incident cases of malignant mesothelioma in the Lazio Region and the investigation of modalities of asbestos exposure are urgently needed for prevention of occupational diseases.  相似文献   

The study was stimulated by the occurrence of malignant mesotheliomas among the workers of two adjacent factories located in Sarnico, near Lake Iseo (province of Brescia, northern Italy), one of which manufactured crocidolite and chrysotile ropes and gaskets until 1993. The aim of the study was: identification of malignant mesotheliomas occurring between 1977 and 1996 among the residents of 11 villages, which constituted the recruitment area of the work-force; estimation of the incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma; collection of working histories of all cases to evaluate previous exposure to asbestos and radiation therapy. 21 cases of mesothelioma were detected (20 pleural, 1 peritoneal; 9 among males), and 20 were supported by histopathologic diagnosis. The incidence (x 100,000 person-years, standard: European population) was 2.5 (0.7-4.2) and 2.8 (1.2-4.3) among males and females, respectively, corresponding to a three-fold increase among males and a more than ten fold increase among women in comparison with the incidence reported by the Lombardy Cancer Registry. No cases had been exposed to radiation therapy, whereas all cases had been occupationally exposed to asbestos. Occupational exposure to asbestos had occurred in work on the production of crocidolite and chrysotile ropes and gaskets (6 males); in work in a textile factory producing cotton garments that was adjacent to and polluted by the former, where, in addition, chrysotile blankets were used for fireproofing in the weaving area and pipes were insulated using amosite-containing materials (10 cases, 6 among females); 5 cases occurred among women working in silk factories, where asbestos exposure was possible because of the presence of pipes insulated with asbestos and because women were handling temperature-controlled trays insulted with asbestos. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that the occurrence of mesothelioma was higher among females than males in the study area and that all cases of mesotheliomas had been occupationally exposed to asbestos.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The association of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure is well known, but some data suggest that probably many people are still being exposed to asbestos without knowing it. METHODS: Between 1993 and 1996, 132 cases (77% males) of histologically confirmed malignant pleural mesothelioma and 257 controls, residents in two provinces of Spain (Barcelona and C?adiz), were interviewed. They were classified according to their probability and intensity of occupational asbestos exposure by a panel of industrial hygienists, based on a detailed occupational history. RESULTS: Age and sex-adjusted odds ratio (OR) for the highest probability of exposure to asbestos was 13.2 (95% confidence interval 6.4-27.3), and 27.1 (9. 28-79.3) for high intensity. A dose-response trend was observed for both, probability and intensity. Overall, 61% of cases and 42% of controls had ever worked in an occupation with risk of asbestos exposure, with an OR of 2.59 (1.60-4.22). In our population 62% of cases could be attributed to occupational asbestos exposure. CONCLUSIONS: A high risk of pleural mesothelioma due to occupational asbestos exposure is confirmed, but there is still a sizeable proportion for which no evidence of occupational exposure was found. Most of these cases could be due to other sources of asbestos exposure, mainly domestic or environmental.  相似文献   

Pericardial mesothelioma (PM) accounts for 0.7% of all malignant mesotheliomas. Although asbestos exposure is a recognized etiological factor for pleural and peritoneal mesotheliomas, its role in the development of PM is controversial. The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of PM cases occurred in Lombardy, a highly industrialized Region of Northern Italy. From the Lombardy Mesothelioma Registry we selected the incident cases of PM registered in the Lombardy Region between 2000 and 2009 and we abstracted clinical characteristics and history of asbestos exposure. We identified 8 cases (6 men and 2 women), with a median age at diagnosis of 55.5 years, representing 0.3% of all mesothelioma cases (n = 3059). The age-standardized incidence rate was 0.09 per million/year. Occupational exposure to asbestos was documented in 5 of the 7 cases for which we obtained an interview. Our findings support the role of asbestos in the pathogenesis of PM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Malignant mesothelioma is a rare disease and the identification of a cluster of cases suggests a possible presence of an asbestos contamination source. OBJECTIVES: To describe 3 cases of malignant mesothelioma (2 pleural and 1 peritoneal) that occurred in workers employed in the same thermostat factory. METHODS: Since this occupational sector is not traditionally known for asbestos exposure the Lombardy Mesothelioma Registry proposed to Local Occupational Health Unit to investigate this industry. RESULTS: From the first inspection of the plant, an environmental asbestos contamination (ropes covering oven handle and gasket) was found. But the greatest source of exposure was identified in the melamine resin reinforced with asbestos that constituted some internal parts of thermostats and that were sheared and perforated by the workers. So the 3 cases were defined as occupational diseases and legal procedures were initiated. CONCLUSION: The results underline the importance of a close cooperation within Local Occupational Health Units and Mesothelioma Registry in the identification and evaluation of asbestos occupational exposure otherwise not recognized, determining thus the loss of precious information.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Due to its adaptability to different uses, asbestos was increasingly employed in many working and domestic areas up to the 1970s-1980s, when its aetiological role in the onset of pleural mesothelioma (Mm) was recognized. Since then Mm cases have been continuously increasing and no decline is expected until 2020, despite the fact that most industrialized countries banned asbestos use a few decades ago. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to analyse Mm incidence in the World during the last ten years, also considering asbestos consumption in diferent areas. METHODS: Incidence age-standardized rates (ASR) from Cancer Registries included in Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. VII and VIII, and, when appropriate, standardized rate ratio (SRR) with confidence interval were estimated. RESULTS: The highest incidence rates among males were observed in Liguria and Australia. After Liguria, Maastricht and Scotland in Europe, North East Regions and Piedmont in Italy showed high rates. Among females, the highest incidence rates were observed in Liguria, among black women in New Orleans and in the province of Varese. SRRs revealed increased rates, not always significant, in almost all areas among males and in about 50% of the areas among females, although the variation was significant only in Varese. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirmed a relationship between Mm risk and asbestos use, revealing high incidence rates in Australia (mining), Italy (shipyards, building, goods handling, heavy industries and sea trade) and Great Britain (shipyards). Mm cases increased in areas with elevated incidence rates, suggesting that larger amounts of asbestos were probably used for a longer period. Finally, no Mm cases were registered in some areas, which probably signifies a lack (or a delay) of risk referred to the investigated period.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The appearance of malignant mesothelioma in workers exposed to asbestos dusts even for relatively short periods of time is amply demonstrated in the literature. The workers however were usually exposed to amphiboles in jobs well known as involving exposure, that are characterized by high levels of dusts. OBJECTIVES: To describe a clinical case of pleural mesothelioma that occurred in a patient exposed to chrysotile, in a job (driver) that cannot be directly linked to such high exposure, and which moreover he only did for a few months. METHODS: The clinical history was reconstructed by analyzing the clinical files of the hospital admittances from May 2002 to August 2003, during which the patient underwent radiological examinations (chest x-rays, chest and abdomen TC), cytological examination of the pleural fluid, videothoracoscopic surgery with histological examination (including immunohistochemical coloration) of the tissue taken in biopsy. The job history, as well as any possible non-occupational exposures to asbestos, was examined via a standardised questionnaire, which the patient himself answered, as used in the Lombardy Mesothelioma Register, in operation at the "Clinica del Lavoro" in Milan. RESULTS: Examination of all clinical files confirmed the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Analysis of job history was found appropriate for defining as certain an occupational aetiology due to inhalation of asbestos fibres which occurred for few months as a truck driver in a chrysotile mine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a disease cluster of 22 additional cases of pleural mesothelioma among women could be attributed to environmental asbestos exposure due to asbestos fibers from waste material on roads and property yards. The women studied were observed in an area with substantial environmental exposure to asbestos during the period 1989-2002. DESIGN: Ecological study. METHOD: In the study period of 1989-2002, all cases of mesothelioma among women, based on a strict histopathologic definition, occurring in the region of Twente, The Netherlands (n = 59) were provided by the regional cancer register. Additional information was collected on the occupational histories of the cases and their partners and addresses of residence through medical records, general practitioners, and next-of-kin. Environmental asbestos exposure was assigned to all cases that had had a long-term stay in a house in the area around Goor with demonstrated local environmental asbestos pollution and where any contact with asbestos through occupation or in the household had been excluded. RESULTS: In the risk area around Goor, out ofa total of 28 cases ofwomen with pleural mesothelioma, asbestos in the environment was found to be the only source of asbestos exposure for to women. In a further 4 women, environmental asbestos exposure was found to be the most likely cause of pleural mesothelioma. The average cumulative exposure was around 0.11 fiber/ml x exposure years. The observed extra incidence of 22 cases was attributed to the environmental exposure to asbestos in 64% (14/22) of cases. CONCLUSION: The environmental pollution to asbestos waste materials in the area around Goor was the main cause of the strongly increased incidence of pleural mesothelioma among women in this area. Taking into account an equal risk among men, the consequences of asbestos exposure in the area around Goor in the next 25 years are likely to result in 2 cases of pleural mesothelioma each year.  相似文献   

We reviewed the certificates of 39,650 deaths which occurred in the period 1975-1988 in Leghorn and of 45,900 in La Spezia (Italy) in the period 1958-1988. In total 262 cases have been recorded as pleural mesothelioma. The main occupational exposures occurred in the shipbuilding industry. Regarding non-occupational exposures to asbestos, 13 cases of mesothelioma were found in women who had washed the work clothes of their relatives at home; we also found other domestic uses of asbestos which were rarely or never discussed previously in the literature: six cases might be explained by the installation of fireproof or non-conductive materials in the domestic environment. These exposures probably are more frequent than realized until now.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Malignant mesothelioma is indicative of past exposure to asbestos. In recent years an increase of incidence and mortality from malignant mesothelioma has been observed. Recent legislation in Italy requires nation-wide registration of asbestos-related pathologies. We conducted a preparatory study for systematic recording of cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma in the Lazio region. OBJECTIVES: To register new diagnoses of malignant mesothelioma, to estimate the incidence in the Lazio region, and to evaluate possible survey instruments. METHODS: We conducted a systematic study of hospital admissions in the region with diagnosis of cancer of the pleura (ICD-IX 163) in the period 1997-2000. Clinical information and results of diagnostic tests were requested for 530 patients from the hospitals involved. Using the capture-recapture method, it was possible to estimate the accuracy of the data we compiled using hospital admissions as the data source (76.8%, 95% C.I.=76.4-77.3). RESULTS: After careful review of clinical documentation, the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma of the pleura was confirmed in 31.6% of cases (156 cases diagnosed). The percentage of confirmed cases has risen over the years (from 21% in 1997 to 45.1% in 2000) and it was higher in large public hospitals than in other types of health care facilities. On the basis of 156 confirmed cases of mesothelioma (116 males and 40 females), we estimated the annual incidence of the disease in the Lazio region as 1.73 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants among men and 0.47 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants among women. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the incidence of mesothelioma in the region is consistent with national data, falling in the middle of the range for all Italian regions. However, some areas emerge (for example, Colleferro, Civitavecchia, Tarquinia, Ferentino, Gaeta, Aprilia, Pomezia) that have particularly high rates, probably in relation to past occupational asbestos exposure. The role of diffuse environmental exposure in Rome may warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate if the preventive measures taken to reduce the occupational exposure to asbestos have resulted in a decreased incidence of pleural mesothelioma in Sweden. METHODS: The incidence of pleural mesothelioma between 1958 and 1995 for birth cohorts born between 1885 and 1964 was investigated. The cases of pleural mesothelioma were identified through the Swedish Cancer Register. RESULTS: In 1995, around 80 cases of pleural mesothelioma could be attributed to occupational exposure to asbestos. There is an increasing incidence in more recent birth cohorts in men. The incidence was considerably higher in the male cohort born between 1935 and 1944 than in men born earlier. CONCLUSIONS: The annual incidence of pleural mesothelioma attributable to occupational exposure to asbestos is today larger than all fatal occupational accidents in Sweden. The first asbestos regulation was adopted in 1964 and in the mid 1970s imports of raw asbestos decreased drastically. Yet there is no obvious indication that the preventive measures have decreased the risk of pleural mesothelioma. The long latency indicates that the effects of preventive measures in the 1970s could first be evaluated around 2005.  相似文献   

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