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R C Meibach  A Siegel 《Brain research》1977,124(2):197-224
In this investigation the projections of the hippocampal formation to the septal area and hypothalamus were studied in the rat with the combined use of 3H-amino acid radioautography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. The results indicate that all of the fibers which project to the hypothalamus and the majority of fibers which project to the septum arise from the subicular cortex and not from hippocampal pyramidal cells. The projection to both of these areas are topographically organized along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampal formation. Specifically, fibers from subicular cortical cells situated at the septal end of the hippocampal formation which project through the medial part of the dorsal fornix terminate in the dorsomedial quadrant of the lateral septal nucleus and in the dorsal portion of the pars posterior of the medial mammillary nucleus. Fibers from progressively more posteroventral levels of the hippocampal formation which project through more lateral portions of the dorsal fornix and fimbria terminate in progressively lateral and ventral quadrants of the lateral septal nucleus and in progressively more ventral portions of the pars posterior. Concerning the specific origin of the fornix system, fibers from only the prosubiculum and subiculum project through both the pre- and postcommissural fornix. Hippocampal pyramidal cells from all CA fields have a restricted projection through the precommissural fornix and terminate in the caudal half of the septum while the presubiculum projects solely through the postcommissural fornix. The medial corticohypothalamic tract (MCHT) was found to arise from cells located in anterior ventral levels of the subicular cortex. Fibers from this tract appeared to be distributed throughout the pericellular region of the entire ventromedial extent of the hypothalamus from the level of the suprachiasmatic nucleus through the level of the medial mammillary nucleus. In this way, the mammillary bodies receive input from the subicular cortex via two routes: the descending column of the fornix and the MCHT.  相似文献   

We analyzed the development of the hippocamposeptal projection and the morphology of the neurons giving rise to this projection. The fluorescent tracer Dil was injected into the septal region or the hippocampus in fixed brains of embryonic and early postnatal rats. Anterogradely labeled hippocampal axons first reached the septal region at E16. They ran along the midline of the brain, thereby approaching the medial septum. Axons to the lateral septum were first observed around E18/19. The lateral septum is partly innervated by collaterals of axons that travel to the medial septum. The projection to the lateral septal nuclei becomes more massive during early postnatal stages, whereas that to the medial septum becomes smaller. Cells in the medial septum retrogradely labeled by injection into the hippocampus were first observed at E18. Thus, the hippocamposeptal projection is established earlier than the septohippocampal projection. The first hippocampal projection neurons are nonpyramidal neurons that appear to pioneer the pathway to the septum. Pyramidal cell axons follow this first cohort of axons into the medial septum. Pyramidal cells could be retrogadely labeled from the medial septum during the perinatal period but then diminished in number. At P10, only nonpyramidal cells were labeled by medial septal injections. This indicates that the pyramidal component of this projection is transient and is removed shortly after birth. However, as is known from ther studies, hippocampal pyramidal cells give rise to a powerful projection to the lateral septum in adult animals. Our results show that there is a considerable remodeling of the projection from the hippocampus to the septum during ontogenetic development. © 1995 Willy-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to determine the origin of the projection from the hippocampus to the septal area in the subrimate mammalian nervous system. Lesions were made by aspiration or by radio frequency in 4 gerbils, 17 rats, 8 rabbits, and 7 cats. Survival times varied from 2–5 days. Tissues were stained principally with the Fink Heimer I method for identification of degenerating axons and their terminals. Following lesions destroying any one or more of the fields of the dorsal hippocampus of the gerbil, rat, rabbit, or cat, terminal degeneration was observed only in the medial septal area, olfactory tubercle, and adjacent portions of the diagonal band. In addition, lesions producing total destruction of all dorsal hippocampal fields also resulted in the presence of terminal degeneration restricted to the medial septal area. In contrast, superficial lesions of field CA1 of the ventral hippocampus produced terminal degeneration in the lateral septal area, nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and adjacent portions of the diagonal band. Similar findings were also observed following more widespread lesions of the ventral hippocampus which produced damage to other CA fields as well. Superficial lesions of the posterior crus of the hippocampus (i.e., a position midway between dorsal and ventral hippocampus) resulted in terminal degeneration localized to an intermediolateral region of the septum. Combined lesions of the dorsal hippocampus and fimbria produced widespread terminal degeneration in both the lateral and medial septum indicating that the axons contained within the fimbria arise only from the ventral hippocampus. Finally, lesions of the medial and lateral segments of the fornix of the cat produced terminal degeneration in the medial and lateral regions of the septum, respectively. These findings, collectively, indicate that the origin of the topographical projection to the medial and lateral septum are the dorsal and ventral hippocampus, respectively. This projection is unrelated to cytoarchitectonic fields within the hippocampus and is also invariant among the species considered in this study.  相似文献   

Hippocampal unit responses were recorded throughout classical conditioning of the rabbit nictitating membrane response to a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) using a corneal air-puff unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Multiple unit analysis revealed that a rapidly developing increase in cell discharges (relative to spontaneous activity) occurs within the first block of paired trials and continues to increment with subsequent training, initially in the UCS period and then in the CS period. The pattern of hippocampal activity within paired trials closely parallels the amplitude-time course of the behavioral response and precedes it temporally. Identical recordsings from animals given unpaired CS-alone and UCS-alone presentations showed no such changes. These control results and additional lines of evidence point to the critical necessity of the learning paradigm for the development of the hippocampal response seen in conditioning animals. A single unit analysis indicates that not all hippocampal neurons exhibit the described conditioned discharge pattern. Hippocampal long-term potentiation is considered as a possible mechanism for mediating this early and rapid neuronal plasticity dependent on specific 'contingent' patterns of stimulation.  相似文献   

Septal unit activity during classical conditioning: a regional comparison   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Single unit activity was recorded from the lateral and medial septum of rats during aversive Pavlovian differential conditioning. One conditioned stimulus (CS+) was consistently paired with and another (CS-) was explicitly unpaired with a brief shock unconditioned stimulus (US). In the lateral septum single unit activity generally increased in the presence of a conditioned inhibitor of fear (CS-), while unit activity generally decreased in the presence of a conditioned excitor of fear (CS+). Responses in the medial septum were more heterogeneous. Many cells did not show plastic changes to the CSs, others showed responses to the conditioned stimuli opposite to that seen in the lateral septum. A small group of cells showed responses similar to that seen in the lateral septum. Finally, theta bursting cells were seen in the medial septum with some evidence of increased theta activity in the presence of a conditioned inhibitor of fear (CS-). The results were interpreted as consistent with the proposition that the lateral septum mediates the inhibition of aversive emotional states. The medial septum may have some involvement with the activation of fear or anxiety.  相似文献   

F H Gage  D S Olton 《Brain research》1975,98(2):311-325
Rats were tested for their responses to 4 stimuli in order to measure hyperreactivity. Animals with septal lesions emitted the expected hyperreactivity. Lesions of the postcommisural fornix, precommissural fornix, or anterior hippocampus, administered 16 days prior to a septal lesion, blocked the expected hyperreactivity. Lesions localized to the medial or the lateral fibers of the fornix decreased the magnitude the duration of the expected hyperreactivity following septal lesions but did not block it. Lesions of the posterior hippocampus-entorhinal cortex had no reliable effect on the expected hyperreactivity after septal lesions. These data indicate that the appearance of hyperreactivity following a septal lesion depends upon a circuit involving the septum, precommissural fornix, anterior hippocampus, postcommissural fornix, and hypothalamus, and document an important functional relationship between the septum, anterior hippocampus, and hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The integrity of the septohippocampal system is essential for memory formation and spatial behavior as well as for the electrical stability of the hippocampus. For many years it has been tacitly assumed or explicitly stated that the reciprocal septohippocampal loop is closed by a massive lateral septum-medial septum path. In the present study we reexamined the intraseptal connectivity with Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin tracing combined with choline acetyltransferase and parvalbumin immunohistochemistry at both the light and electron microscopic levels. We found that the previously hypothesized lateral septum to medial septum projection is extremely sparse and that the major medial septum to lateral septum path is parvalbumin-immunoreactive (likely GABAergic). The redefined circuitry has important implications for the understanding of the septal regulation of hippocampal electrical activity and the operations of the septo-hippocampal system.  相似文献   

On the basis of Nissl-stained sections, we subdivided the septum of the gray treefrog Hyla versicolor in the lateral, central, and medial septal complex. The afferent projections of the different septal nuclei were studied by combined retrograde and anterograde tracing with biotin ethylendiamine (Neurobiotin). The central and medial septal complex receives direct input from regions of the olfactory bulb and from all other limbic structures of the telencephalon (e.g., amygdalar regions, nucleus accumbens), whereas projections to the lateral septal complex are absent or less extensive. The medial pallium projects to all septal nuclei. In the diencephalon, the anterior thalamic nucleus provides the main ascending input to all subnuclei of the anuran septum, which can be interpreted as a limbic/associative pathway. The ventromedial thalamic nucleus projects to the medial and lateral septal complex and may thereby transmit multisensory information to the limbic system. Anterior preoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and hypothalamic nuclei innervate the central and lateral septal complex. Only the nuclei of the central septal complex receive input from the brainstem. Noteworthy is the relatively strong projection from the nucleus raphe to the central septal complex, but not to the other septal nuclei.  相似文献   

This study identified some neural pathways which mediate the adrenocortical responses that follow hippocampal stimulation. The increase in plasma corticosterone following dorsal hippocampus stimulation, in rats with electrodes chronically implanted under pentobarbital anesthesia, was blocked by dorsal fornix and lateral septal lesions and by small posterior hypothalamic deafferentation. Fimbria transection, lateral septal lesions, and posterior hypothalamic deafferentation, but not midbrain reticular formation lesions, also blocked the adrenocortical responses to ventral hippocampus stimulation. Our present and previous studies indicate that the dorsal and ventral hippocampal effects on the hypothalamus, which increase plasma corticosterone concentrations, are mediated by the dorsal fornix and fimbria, respectively, as well as by the lateral septum. A posterior hypothalamic input, which does not involve the medial forebrain bundle or the midbrain reticular formation is also essential for the activation of this response.  相似文献   

The medial septum inhibits the appearance of interictal spikes and seizures through theta rhythm generation. We have determined that medial septal neurons increase their firing rates during chronic epilepsy and that the GABAergic neurons from both medial and lateral septal regions are highly and selectively vulnerable to the epilepsy process. Since the lateral septal region receives a strong projection from the hippocampus and its neurons are vulnerable to epilepsy, their functional properties are probably altered by this disorder. Using the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy we examined the pilocarpine-induced functional alterations of lateral septal neurons and provided additional observations on the pilocarpine-induced functional alterations of medial septal neurons. Simultaneous extracellular recordings of septal neurons and hippocampal field potentials were obtained from chronic epileptic rats under urethane anesthesia. Our results show that: (1) the firing rates of lateral septal neurons were chronically decreased by epilepsy, (2) a subset of lateral septal neurons increased their firing rates before and during hippocampal interictal spikes, (3) the discharges of those lateral septal neurons were well correlated to the hippocampal interictal spikes, (4) in contrast, the discharges of medial septal neurons were not correlated with the hippocampal interictal spikes. We conclude that epilepsy creates dysfunctional and uncoupled septo-hippocampal networks. The elucidation of the roles of altered septo-hippocampal neuronal populations and networks during temporal lobe epilepsy will help design new and effective interventions dedicated to reduce or suppress epileptic activity.  相似文献   

Individual neurons in the medial septum and diagonal band fire in phase with, and appear to act as a 'pacemaker' of, the hippocampal theta rhythm. We investigated the relationships of periodic EEG both among various parts of the septum and with dorsal hippocampal theta recorded concurrently in freely moving rats. Most septal sites showed theta rhythm concurrent with hippocampal theta during locomotion. However, periods with theta at hippocampal but not septal sites were more frequent than the reverse. Theta waves in different parts of the septum were synchronized with each other but medial septal sites showed less frequent theta than other sites. The phase delays between medial and lateral septal sites were < 10 ms, suggesting that the hippocampus does not act as a simple relay between the two. Spectral analysis revealed periods (> 5 s) of theta at hippocampal sites co-occurring with rhythms at multiple septal sites that were slower than theta. Even slower were the 'slow septal waves' (mean 2.7 Hz), which were present in the absence of locomotion and did not 'drive' the hippocampus. Our data suggest that the pacemaker of hippocampal theta may best be thought of as a set of functionally differentiated components rather than as a single homogenous unit.  相似文献   

The regions metabolically activated in the rat brain following focal electrical stimulation of various components of the hippocampal formation were identified with the use of [14C]2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) autoradiography. The results of these experiments, conducted in the rat, showed that in the absence of elicited afterdischarge activity, stimulation of either the CA1 or CA3 field of the dorsal hippocampus resulted in bilateral metabolic activation of only the dorsal hippocampus as well as of a relatively restricted region within the dorsomedial aspect of the lateral septal nucleus, bilaterally. In contrast, stimulation of either the CA1 or CA3 field of the ventral hippocampus resulted in bilateral activation of the ventral hippocampus and no region of the dorsal hippocampus. Following such stimulation, the lateral septal nucleus was also labeled bilaterally, but the activated regions were situated in a position ventrolateral to those resulting from stimulation at dorsal levels. Stimulation of the subicular cortex, in contrast, resulted in only ipsilateral activation of the hippocampal formation and lateral septal nucleus. Further rostral levels of the lateral septal nucleus were noted to be activated following stimulation of subicular cortex as compared to stimulation of the cornu Ammonis.The hypothalamus was directly activated by two pathways, the postcommissural fornix and the medial corticohypothalamic tract. Following stimulation at dorsal and posterior levels of CA1 and the subiculum, the mammillary bodies were demonstrably labeled by input from the postcommissural fornix. Regions of the medial hypothalamus were activated via the medial corticohypothalamic tract following stimulation of the ventral subiculum.The amygdala, stria terminalis and its bed nucleus were also shown to be demonstrably activated following stimulation of the ventral subiculum, ventral CAl field and posterior prosubiculum. This pathway may represent an additional route by which hippocampal modulation may indirectly modulate hypothalamic function.The presence of elicited afterdischarges resulted in more extensive patterns of metabolic labeling within the hippocampal formation and lateral septal nuclei as compared to experiments in which afterdischarges were not elicited. The extent of the demonstrable labeling, both within, and extrinsic to the hippocampal formation appeared to be a function of the duration and severity of the elicited seizure discharge. Additional structures which were demonstrably labeled following the elicitation of seizure activity include the entorhinal cortex-prepyriform area, amygdala, substantia innominata, putamen, substantia nigra, olfactory and prefrontal cortices and medial thalamic nuclei.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to map the hippocampal efferent projections to the septum and to determine the synaptic organization of the hippocampal-septal system in the cat. Single unit responses were recorded in the septum with tungsten microelectrodes following electrical stimulation of the dorsal or ventral hippocampus in the anesthetized cat. Dorsal hippocampal stimulation produced excitatory unit driving at short latencies in the medial septum while ventral hippocampal stimulation produced short latency excitation in the lateral septum. The excitatory phase was invariably followed by a period of inhibition. Inhibition without a prior excitatory phase was seen in widespread regions of the septum upon either dorsal or ventral hippocampal stimulation. It was concluded that efferents from the dorsal and ventral hippocampus terminate in a topographic manner in the medial and lateral septum, respectively, and have excitatory effects upon these neurons as well. An interneuronal inhibitory network capable of influencing large regions of the septum was suggested from the data.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the hippocampal formation of the rat have been re-examined autoradiographically following the injection of small quantities of 3H-amino acids (usually 3H-proline) into different parts of Ammon's horn and the adjoining structures. The findings indicate quite clearly that each component of the hippocampal formation has a distinctive pattern of efferent connections and that each component of the fornix system arises from a specific subdivision of the hippocampus or the adjoining cortical fields. Thus, the precommissural fornix has been found to originate solely in fields CA1-3 of the hippocampus proper and from the subiculum; the projection to the anterior nuclear complex of the thalamus arises more posteriorly in the pre- and/or parasubiculum and the postsubicular area; the projection to the mammillary complex which comprises a major part of the descending columns of the fornix has its origin in the dorsal subiculum and the pre- and/or parasubiculum; and finally, the medial cortico-hypothalamic tract arises from the ventral subiculum. The lateral septal nuclei (and the adjoining parts of the posterior septal complex) constitute the only subcortical projection field of the pyramidal cells in fields CA1-3 of Ammon's horn. There is a rostral extension of the pre-commissural fornix to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the nucleus accumbens, the medial and posterior parts of the anterior olfactory nucleus, the taenia tecta, and the infralimbic area, which appears to arise from the temporal part of field CA1 or the adjacent part of the ventral subiculum. The projection of Ammon's horn upon the lateral septal complex shows a high degree of topographic organization (such that different parts of fields CA1 and CA3 project in an ordered manner to different zones within the lateral septal nucleus). The septal projection of "CA2" and field CA3 is bilateral, while that of field CA1 is strictly unilateral. In addition to its subcortical projections, the hippocampus has been found to give rise to a surprisingly extensive series of intracortical association connections. For example, all parts of fields CA1, CA2 and CA3 project to the subiculum, and at least some parts of these fields send fibers to the pre- and parasubiculum, and to the entorhinal perirhinal, retrosplenial and cingulate areas. From the region of the pre- and parasubiculum there is a projection to the entorhinal cortex and the parasubiculum of both sides. That part of the postsubiculum (= dorsal part of the presubiculum) which we have examined has been found to project to the cingulate and retrosplenial areas ipsilaterally, and to the entorhinal cortex and parasubiculum bilaterally.  相似文献   

Neural tracing studies have revealed that the rat medial and lateral septum are targeted by ascending projections from the nucleus incertus, a population of tegmental GABA neurons. These neurons express the relaxin-family peptide, relaxin-3, and pharmacological modulation of relaxin-3 receptors in medial septum alters hippocampal theta rhythm and spatial memory. In an effort to better understand the basis of these interactions, we have characterized the distribution of relaxin-3 fibers/terminals in relation to different septal neuron populations identified using established protein markers. Dense relaxin-3 fiber plexuses were observed in regions of medial septum containing hippocampal-projecting choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-, and parvalbumin (PV)-positive neurons. In lateral septum (LS), relaxin-3 fibers were concentrated in the ventrolateral nucleus of rostral LS and the ventral nucleus of caudal LS, with sparse labeling in the dorsolateral and medial nuclei of rostral LS, dorsal nucleus of caudal LS, and ventral portion nuclei. Relaxin-3 fibers were also observed in the septofimbrial and triangular septal nuclei. In the medial septum, we observed relaxin-3-immunoreactive contacts with ChAT-, PV-, and glutamate decarboxylase-67-positive neurons that projected to hippocampus, and contacts between relaxin-3 terminals and calbindin- and calretinin-positive neurons. Relaxin-3 colocalized with synaptophysin in nerve terminals in all septal areas, and ultrastructural analysis revealed these terminals were symmetrical and contacted spines, somata, dendritic shafts, and occasionally other axonal terminals. These data predict that this GABA/peptidergic projection modulates septohippocampal activity and hippocampal theta rhythm related to exploratory navigation, defensive and ingestive behaviors, and responses to neurogenic stressors.  相似文献   

The two neuronal populations that have been typically investigated in the septum use acetylcholine and GABA as neurotransmitters. The existence of noncholinergic, non-GABAergic, most likely glutamatergic septal neurons has recently been reported. However, their morphological characteristics, numbers, distribution, and connectivity have not been determined. Furthermore, the projection of septal glutamatergic neurons to the hippocampus has not been characterized. To address these issues, subpopulations of cholinergic and GABAergic neurons were identified by immunohistochemistry. In addition, the retrograde tracer fluorogold was injected into the hippocampus to determine the characteristics of a glutamatergic septo-hippocampal projection. Our work revealed that although glutamatergic neurons are found throughout the septum, they concentrate in medial septal regions. Using stereological probes, approximately 16,000 glutamatergic neurons were estimated in the medial septal region. Triple immunostaining showed that most glutamatergic neurons do not immunoreact with cholinergic or GABAergic neuronal markers (anti-ChAT or anti-GAD67 antibodies, respectively). Fluorogold injections into CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus showed that septal glutamatergic neurons project to each of these hippocampal regions, forming approximately 23% of the septo-hippocampal projection. Most cell bodies of septo-hippocampal glutamatergic neurons were located in the medial septum. The remaining cell bodies were found in the diagonal band. This data shows that glutamatergic neurons constitute a significant neuronal population in the septum and that a subpopulation of these neurons projects to hippocampal regions. Thus, the septo-hippocampal projection needs to be reconsidered as a three neurotransmitter pathway.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In rats, repeated episodes of alcohol consumption and withdrawal (RWD) impair fear conditioning to discrete cues. METHODS: Fear conditioning was measured in human binge drinkers as the increased startle response in the presence of a CS+ conditioned to aversive white noise. Secondly, the ability of tone CSs, paired with footshock, to induce c-fos expression, a marker of neuronal activity, in limbic structures subserving emotion was studied in rats. Additionally, consequences of RWD on subsequent induction of long term potentiation (LTP) in external capsule/lateral amygdala and Schaffer collateral/hippocampus CA1 pathways were studied in rat brain slices. RESULTS: Fear conditioning was impaired in young human binge drinkers. The ability of fear-conditioned CSs to increase c-fos expression in limbic brain areas was reduced following RWD, as was LTP induction. Rats conditioned prior to RWD, following RWD showed generalization of conditioned fear from the tone CS+ to a neutral control stimulus, and a novel tone. CONCLUSIONS: Binge-like drinking impairs fear conditioning, reduces LTP, and results in inappropriate generalization of learned fear responses. We propose a mechanism whereby RWD-induced synaptic plasticity reduces capacity for future learning, while allowing unconditioned stimuli access to neuronal pathways underlying conditioned fear.  相似文献   

An analysis of the efferent connections of the septal area in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neuroanatomical organization of the efferent connections of the septal area in the cat was analyzed by the use of anterograde ([3H]leucine radioautography) and retrograde (horseradish peroxidase histochemistry) tracing techniques. The results indicate that the lateral septal nucleus projects to the nuclei of the diagonal band, preoptic area, lateral hypothalamus, and supramammillary region. The projections of the septofimbrial nucleus supply the nuclei of the diagonal band and the medial habenular nucleus. Projection targets of the vertical limb of the diagonal band are widespread and include the preoptic area, lateral hypothalamus, anterior limbic cortex, amygdala, medial habenular nucleus, interpeduncular nucleus and hippocampal formation. The projection from the vertical limb to the hippocampal formation is organized in a topographical manner in such a fashion that cells positioned near the midline project to the dorsal hippocampus and adjoining subicular cortex while fibers originating from cells situated more laterally project to more ventral parts of the hippocampal formation. In general, the projections from the horizontal limb were similar to those from the vertical limb, but several differences were noted. Fibers arising from the horizontal limb are distributed to the ventral tegmental area and interpeduncular nucleus but this region seems to lack a projection to either the habenular complex or to the ventral aspect of the hippocampal formation. Fibers arising from the bed nucleus of the anterior commissure are distributed to the preoptic region, lateral hypothalamus, supramammillary region, posterior aspect of the medial mammillary nucleus and lateral habenular nucleus.  相似文献   

The [14C]2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) metabolic mapping technique has been used to identify the regions responding with an augmented rate of metabolism following focal electrical stimulation of various sites within the lateral septal nucleus and medial septal nucleus/diagonal band (MSN/DB) complex in the rat. Since 2-DG uptake has been correlated with rates of functional activity, it was the intention of this study to suggest the anatomical substrates underlying various physiological and behavioral responses elicited by stimulation of the septal area. The results show that stimulation of any region within the lateral septal nucleus produced a profound bilateral activation of both the lateral septal nucleus, as well as the hippocampal formation. While stimulation of a number of different fiber systems associated with the lateral septum could contribute to the observed pattern of labeling, the data suggest that, functionally, a major consequence of such stimulation is the antidromic activation of CA3----lateral septum fibers to axonal branch points, beyond which, orthodromic propagation of the impulse produces activation in CA3 target regions, including subfields CA1 and CA3, as well as the lateral septal nucleus, bilaterally. In addition, regions typically manifesting metabolic activation following stimulation of the lateral septal nucleus included the ipsilateral diagonal band of Broca, nucleus accumbens, lateral preoptic area and lateral hypothalamus, posteriorly, and the prelimbic cortex, anteriorly. Occasionally, target regions of the postcommissural fornix, including the medial mammillary nucleus and anterior thalamic nuclei were also activated following stimulation of the lateral septal nucleus. In contrast to the widespread pattern of activation resulting from stimulation of the lateral septal nucleus, stimulation of the MSN/DB complex produced activation which was largely confined to the medial forebrain bundle. In a final phase of the experiment, afterdischarge activity was elicited by sodium penicillin injection into the lateral septal nucleus. Such treatment produced more widespread 2-DG uptake, including more extensive activation within the lateral septal nucleus, hippocampal formation, amygdala, and thalamus. Additionally, the prefrontal cortex and temporal neocortex were activated.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that hippocampal rhythmical slow wave activity (RSA or theta-rhythm) induced by sensory stimulation (atropine-sensitive theta) is generated by the cholinergic septo-hippocampal system. Although ablations of the septum or its projections to the hippocampus disrupt hippocampal RSA, such non-selective lesions damage both cholinergic and non-cholinergic septo-hippocampal inputs. The present study assesses the effects of a selective septal neurotoxic lesion on hippocampal electrical activity. Colchicine, which has been reported to be selectively toxic to cholinergic neurons in the medial septum, was injected into the right lateral ventricle, and electrodes were implanted bilaterally into the dorsal hippocampus of female Sprague-Dawley rats. Hippocampal electrical activity was recorded 10-14 days later from the ipsilateral (colchicine-treated) and contralateral (control) hemispheres during locomotor activity or immobility. RSA ranging from 6.3 to 8.7 Hz was evoked in both hippocampi during mobility. Following i.p. administration of an anesthetic dose of urethane, hippocampal RSA at a frequency of 4 Hz could be elicited in the control hemisphere (n = 12) of all animals by pinching the tail. RSA was absent in 6 of 9 animals in the colchicine-treated hemisphere. RSA from control and treated hemispheres persisting after urethane administration was abolished by 5 mg/kg of scopolamine, thus verifying its cholinergic nature. A decrease in the number of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunoreactive neurons in the medial septum and a depletion of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-staining in the hippocampus were evident in the hemisphere ipsilateral to colchicine administration. These data support the septal pacemaker hypothesis of hippocampal theta-rhythm and further demonstrate the neurotoxic effect of colchicine on septo-hippocampal cholinergic neurons by the induction of a functional alteration. The selective disruption of cholinergic neurons in the medial septum by colchicine provides a means to dissociate the contribution of septal cholinergic and non-cholinergic components to hippocampal electrical activity.  相似文献   

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