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Medicaid data for California, Georgia, Michigan, and Tennessee were used to analyze changes in fee and non-fee policies on physicians' service provision to children, before and after the enactment of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 (OBRA-1989). Only Michigan raised Medicaid preventive fees relative to the private sector. Higher relative fees increased child caseloads of participating physicians and the likelihood of providing preventive care. However, fee policy is less effective in urban poor areas due to residential segregation. Michigan's and Georgia's non-fee policy changes appeared effective in increasing EPSDT participation relative to the other States.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the impact of managed care on the employment and compensation of primary care and specialty physicians, as measured by changes in income, physician-to-population ratios, and specialty choices. METHODS: The authors used data from the American Medical Association''s Socioeconomic Monitoring System survey, a nationally representative 1% random survey of post-residency patient-care physicians, and location data from the AMA Masterfile to evaluate the relationship between the growth in managed care from 1985 to 1993 and (a) inflation-adjusted physician incomes and (b) physician-to-population ratios for primary care physicians and specialists. They also used data from the National Residency Matching Program for 1989 through 1995 to look at trends in available positions and specialty choices. RESULTS: Primary care incomes grew 4.78% annually ($33,526 cumulatively) in states with the highest managed care growth, compared to 1.20% ($7448 cumulatively) in the lowest quartile of managed care growth. The difference in income growth for medical and surgical subspecialists between the highest and lowest quartiles was not statistically significant. The incomes of radiologists, anesthesiologists, and pathologists (RAPs) rose 0.14%, or $1700, in the highest quartile versus 4.14% ($58,558) in the lowest. Subspecialists per capita did not differ by quartile of managed care growth; but RAPs per capita increased fastest in states in the lowest quartile. Between 1989 and 1995, the number of family practice and pediatric residency positions that were filled rose 32%, while the number filled remained stable for medical and surgical subspecialists and the number of RAP positions filled fell 14%. CONCLUSIONS: The growth in managed care has been associated with significant changes in physician incomes and practice locations. Between 1985 and 1993, states with the fastest growth in managed care penetration saw the highest rate of growth in primary care physicians'' income and the slowest rate of growth in RAP physicians'' income. At the same time, the number of RAP physicians grew most rapidly in those states with the lowest rate of managed care growth. Finally, between 1989 and 1995, there was a dramatic increase in the number of primary care residency positions filled and a marked decrease in the number of RAP residency positions filled across the country.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of patients' participation on physicians' information provision during a primary care medical interview. When communicating with high-participation patients, physicians provided significantly more information overall, more information in response to patients' questions, and volunteered more information than when interacting with low-participation patients. The most significant differences with respect to volunteered information involved communication about treatment and tests or procedures. These results were interpreted to suggest that high-participation patients' communication style promotes better alignment of patients' and physicians' goals and agendas. Overall, the results suggest that patients' style of participation during a medical interview significantly influenced the extent and type of information physicians provided. Given that patients' biggest complaint about physicians often is a lack of desired information, this study has important implications for physician-patient communication.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We assessed the effect of the Comprehensive Annotated Reminder Tool (CART) on physician adherence to preventive services recommendations. STUDY DESIGN: Using a randomized pretest/posttest control group design, we assigned physicians to the CART group or the control group, followed up prospectively, and evaluated for appropriate adherence to guidelines. The 3 age-specific versions of the CART annotated history and physical examination form contained up to 49 preventive services recommendations. POPULATION: All resident physicians in a large family practice residency program were studied over the course of 1 academic year. OUTCOMES MEASURED: We performed blinded chart reviews to assess the appropriateness of preventive services ordered by the physicians before the introduction of the CART, during its use, and after its removal. A multiple-choice test completed before and after the use of the CART forms assessed knowledge. RESULTS: When the CART was used, the appropriateness of physician preventive behavior increased by 21% overall. The appropriateness of history, physical examination, and laboratory interventions increased by 33%. When the CART was removed, physician behavior returned to baseline (P < or = .0025 for 16 of 20 interventions). No significant differences were observed in the control group over time. Knowledge increased over the study period for all physicians (P < or = .005) but did not differ significantly between the treatment and control groups (P = .608). CONCLUSIONS: Use of the CART significantly improved physician performance in the appropriate delivery of preventive care.  相似文献   

The transition resulting from the break-up of the Soviet Union significantly affected the health care systems and population health status in the newly independent States. The available body of evidence suggests that contraction of public resources resulting from economic slowdown has led to the proliferation of out-of-pocket payments and private spending becoming a major source of finance to health service provision to the population. Emerging financial access barriers impede adequate utilization of health care services. Most transition countries embarked on reforming health systems and health care financing in order to tackle this problem. However, little evidence is available about the impact of these reforms on improved access and health outcomes. This paper aims to contribute to the assessment of the impact of health sector reforms in Georgia. It mainly focuses on changes in the patterns of health services utilization in rural areas of the country as a function of implemented changes in health care financing on a primary health care (PHC) level. Our findings are based on a household survey which was carried out during summer 2002. Conclusions derived from the findings could be of interest to policy makers in transitional countries. The paper argues that health financing reforms on the PHC level initiated by the Government of Georgia, aimed at decreasing financial access barriers for the population in the countryside, have rendered initial positive results and improved access to essential PHC services. However, to sustain and enhance this attainments the government should ensure equity, improve the targeting mechanisms for the poor and mobilize additional public and private funds for financing primary care in the country.  相似文献   

Research suggests that primary care physicians may help to control health care costs by encouraging more efficient service use. However, most studies do not account for data aggregation effects that can significantly affect the direction and magnitude of findings. To re-examine the association between the proportion of primary care physicians and health care utilization rates in an area, and investigate the potential impact of aggregating data to different geographic levels on these observed associations, we estimate four distinct cross-sectional multivariate regression models to predict health care utilization at the county level and the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) level using data from 2007.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess practices and attitudes of Israeli physicians with regard to adolescent health. METHODS: Questionnaires were sent to a sample of 1050 Israeli physicians specializing in pediatrics (P) family practice (FP), and internal medicine (IM). They were requested to report their experience, perceived skills, and desire for further training regarding 16 adolescent health items grouped under four topics: medical, sexuality, risk behavior, and psychosocial problems. A scoring system was applied to assess their report. Attitudes toward confidentiality in the same topics were also surveyed. RESULTS: Questionnaires were received from 306 (29%) physicians, of whom 42% were P, 35% were FP, and 29% were IM. The majority (96%) of respondents included adolescents in their practice, and adolescents comprised 33%, 17%, and 11% of the registered patient population of the P, FP, and IM, respectively. The mean scores for practice, perceived skills, and desire for further training were generally low. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the three physicians groups in all surveyed topics, resulting from the low scores of the IM group. A diversity regarding confidentiality was noted, in that younger FP were most willing to keep health issues confidential. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians in Israel have limited experience and perceive themselves to be underskilled in dealing with adolescent health issues. Training programs in adolescent health need to be developed to meet the needs of physicians in Israel.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While MD adherence to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines has been found to be uneven, nurse practitioners (NPs) and their adherence to guidelines have not been closely examined. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of new patients (n = 1339) in an NP primary health care center, four MD primary health care centers, and one private NP practice. Screening and counseling were compared for NPs and MDs. RESULTS: When patient populations, resources, and administrative policies were similar in the NP and MD primary health care centers, NPs were more likely than MDs to perform primary prevention; however, MDs were more likely to document the delivery of secondary prevention screening. Private practice NPs' performance was more congruent with practice guidelines than either NP or MD primary health care center providers. Private practice NPs were more likely to perform screening, assessment, and counseling. CONCLUSIONS: When context, patient population, and productivity requirements were the same, NPs and MDs differed in their use of preventive measures, and not as expected. When NPs are not constrained by productivity requirements, and when their patient population has more resources and higher expectations, NPs perform better than their primary care center counterparts, particularly in secondary prevention and assessment and counseling.  相似文献   

Small, private, professional health care practices are at a disadvantage when conducting market survey research because they cannot afford to employ or purchase the expensive specialized marketing skills of their larger competitors. The author describes a method that small private practices can use to conduct patient marketing surveys. Survey findings are reported and examples are provided of how the results influenced subsequent marketing decisions. Suggestions are offered to help ensure the success of similar studies in other practices.  相似文献   

This study traces the average net income of Canadian physicians over 150 years to determine the impact of medicare. It also compares medical income in Canada to that in the United States. Sources include academic studies, government reports, Census data, taxation statistics, and surveys. The results show that Canadian doctors enjoyed a windfall in earnings during the early years of medicare and that, after a period of adjustment, medicare enhanced physician income. Except during the windfall boom, Canadian physicians have earned less than their American counterparts. Until at least 2005, however, the medical profession was the top-earning trade in Canada relative to all other professions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: GPs contribute to preventive child health care in various ways, including provision of child health surveillance (CHS) reviews, opportunistic preventive care, and more intensive support to vulnerable children. The number of CHS reviews offered in Scotland was reduced from 2005. This study aimed to quantify GPs' provision of different types of preventive care to pre-school children before and after the changes to the CHS system. METHODS: GP consultation rates with children aged 0-4 years were examined for the 21/2 years before and after the changes to the CHS system using routinely available data from 30 practices in Scotland. Consultations for CHS reviews; other aspects of preventive care; and all reasons were considered. RESULTS: Prior to the changes to the CHS system, GPs often contributed to CHS reviews at 6-8 weeks and 8-9 and 39-42 months. Following the changes, GP provision of the 6-8 week review continued but other reviews essentially ceased. Few additional consultations with pre-school children are recorded as involving other aspects of preventive care, and the changes to CHS have had no impact on this. In the 21/2 years before and after the changes, consultations recorded as involving any form of preventive care accounted for 11 % and 7.5 % respectively of all consultations with children aged 0-4 years, with the decline due to reductions in CHS reviews. CONCLUSIONS: Effective preventive care through the early years can help children secure good health and developmental outcomes. GPs are well placed to contribute to the provision of such care. Consultations focused on preventive care form a small minority of GPs' contacts with pre-school children, however, particularly since the reduction in the number of CHS reviews.  相似文献   

A "treatment-control" research design incorporating a modified "tracer disease" methodology for measuring health outcomes has been applied to the evaluation of a rural pediatric outreach preventive health care program in Appalachia. The primary research objective was to assess the general level of effectiveness of the health services provided by the program in preventing and/or reducing illness due to common childhood diseases among children receiving these services, when compared to similar (i.e., "matched") children receiving standard pediatric outpatient care but without such outreach services. The research findings indicate that prevalence rates for the selected tracer diseases were generally comparable among program children and their controls. However, evidence of effective identification and treatment of an increased prevalence of iron deficiency anemia by the program was demonstrated. Comparison of the program and control children on their sociocultural characteristics also suggests that the comparable health outcomes for the two groups may have been achieved in the case of the program children despite their somewhat disadvantaged socioeconomic and environmental circumstances relative to the controls; and apparently with lower outpatient services utilization and lower overall costs.  相似文献   

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