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A 41-year old man was hospitalized for abdominal pain and melena. Two years before, he had contracted Crohn's disease, which was brought into remission by using mesalazine and oral corticosteroids. When Crohn's disease appeared to flare up again, the dose of corticosteroids was increased. Afterwards, when a gradual decrease in this dose was initiated, melena developed once again, along with a dry cough. Chest radiography revealed diffuse patchy shadows. A significant increase of lymphocytes was observed in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Mesalazine was suspended and steroid pulse therapy was initiated in combination with azathioprine. Although the symptoms were alleviated and the patchy shadows disappeared, the bronchiectatic shadows remained. A broncho-bronchiolitis associated with Crohn's disease was finally diagnosed despite the need for a differential diagnosis of mesalazine-induced disease due to the long-term administration of mesalazine before the onset of the pulmonary lesion. Also, the pathological findings were inconsistent with many other reported cases, the onset of the pulmonary lesion coincided with the flare-up of an intestinal disease, and the pulmonary shadows remained long after the suspension of mesalazine.  相似文献   

Metastatic Crohn's disease is a rare complication in Crohn's disease and there have been only several cases of metastatic Crohn's disease involving the penis. We report one such case. A 22-year-old male student developed anal pain and alternative constipation and diarrhea in December, 1985, followed by diarrhea and lower abdominal pain in January, 1986. He was diagnosed as having Crohn's disease of ileocolitis type. He was admitted to our hospital in July, 1987 because of exacerbation of Crohn's disease. He had anal tags. Soon after admission, two red swollen lesions with central ulcer and erosions were demonstrated at the eversion of the foreskin adjacent to coronal sulcus. Histology of the lesions revealed granulomas with epithelioid cells and giant cells. The lesion responded to a topical steroid. Eight cases of metastatic Crohn's disease involving the penis are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Colon cancer is the most serious intestinal complication in patients with Crohn's disease. Although an association between Crohn's disease and colon cancer has not been clearly defined, a number of studies in western countries reported an increased rate of colon cancer in patients with Crohn's disease. In Korea, Crohn's disease is rare when compared to western countries, and only a single case of colon cancer associated with Crohn's disease has been reported. We recently experienced a 66-year-old women with colon cancer associated with Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

In Crohn's disease, neurologic complications such as cerebrovascular accident, headache, peripheral neuropathy have been reported sporadically. The pathogenesis of these neurologic complications is still unknown and controversial. We experienced a 22-year-old man, with Crohn's disease accompanied by optic neuritis. Loss of visual acuity was developed during the worsening course of enterocutaneous fistula. After high dose steroid treatment, his visual acuity and neurologic symptoms improved immediately.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Cutaneous metastatic Crohn's disease is a granulomatous inflammation of the skin that is noncontiguous to the gastrointestinal tract. CASE REPORT: A 42-year-old man with Crohn's disease is admitted for antibiotic resistant erysipela-like dermo-hypodermitis. The presence of granulomatous lesions on skin biopsy, the absence of any infectious agent identified despite extensive investigations and the dramatic improvement observed with corticosteroid eventually lead to the diagnosis of cutaneous metastatic Crohn's disease. CONCLUSION: During Crohn's disease, biopsy should be considered for every undiagnosed skin lesion as the characteristics of cutaneous metastatic Crohn's disease are not specific. The presence of a non caseous granulomatous dermal infiltration suggests the diagnosis and should make consider the initiation of corticosteroid and the discontinuation of others inappropriate therapeutics (i.e. surgical treatment, antibiotics).  相似文献   

A 39-year-old man diagnosed as Crohn's disease suffered steroid induced psycosis during treatment for Crohn's disease on July 2001. He was admitted on May 2002, because of progressing high fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea. He was treated with infriximab (5mg/kg) together with mesalazine without steroid. The treatment induced rapid improvement of systematic symptoms together with laboratory data and colonoscopic findings. He kept remission for more than 10 months after a single administration of infliximab (5mg/kg). The case is suggestive of wider indication of infliximab for Crohn' s disease.  相似文献   

Although adenocarcinoma is a well known complication of chronic inflammatory bowel disease, primary gastrointestinal lymphoma occurring in Crohn's disease is rare. A 40-year-old man with 10 year-history of Crohn's disease had multiple longitudinal ulcerative lesions on descending colon in follow-up colonoscopic examination. Microscopic examination of proximal descending colon revealed peripheral T cell lymphoma and other site of the descending colon was consistent with Crohn's disease. The patient reached complete remission of malignant lymphoma after three cycles of combined chemotherapy. He has been well for 10 months with sulfasalazine maintenance therapy but was admitted to the hospital due to spontaneous bowel perforation of ascending colon. Right hemicolectomy was done, but the patient died of post-surgical recurrent mesenteric abscess and sepsis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma complicating Crohn's disease in Korea which was confirmed by immunohistochemical studies.  相似文献   

Crohn's disease is well known to affect any part of thegastrointestinal tract including the oral cavity and anus.Various extraintestinal complications have been reportedin Crohn's disease,but extraintestinal involvementcharacterized by granulomatous lesions is uncommon.Here,we have reported a case about the involvement ofthe gallbladder in Crohn's disease.A 33-year-old womanwas diagnosed having panperitonitis due to intestinalperforation and cholecystitis.The patient was moved tothe surgical service for an emergency operation.On theresected specimen,there was a broad longitudinal ulcerat the mesenteric side.The mucosa of the gallbladderwas nodular and granular,and the wall was thickened.The surface epithelium of the gallbladder was partiallyeroded and pyloric gland metaplasia was observedfocally.Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses were also present.From the lamina propria to the subserosal layer,therewere several well-formed epithelioid cell granulomas,which were the non-caseating sarcoidal type differentfrom the foreign-body and xanthomatous granulomas.Periodic-acid Schiff and acid fast stains revealed noorganism within the granulomas.Lymphoid aggregateswere present throughout the gallbladder wall.Sectionsfrom the resected ileum showed typical features of theCrohn's disease.When cholecystectomy is performedin a patient with Crohn's disease,the possibility ofgallbladder involvement should be carefully examined byhistopathological tests.  相似文献   

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are well known risk factors of intestinal cancer in relation to the extent and duration of disease. Rarely, small bowel cancer can develop after a longstanding inflammation of Crohn's disease with a relatively higher incidence than the general population. Signet ring cell carcinoma is a rare condition among intestinal cancers, and the diagnosis or detection is more difficult if the cancer originates from the small bowel. We report a case of a 30-year old female in whom signet ring cell carcinoma of ileum was diagnosed after a 15-year history of Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

A 26-year-old woman, who had had Turner syndrome from age 10 years old, had diarrhea, fever, joint pain, and erythema in the lower left leg. She was given a diagnosis of Crohn's disease, erythema nodosum, and Hashimoto disease. Systemic steroid therapy was very effective for both intestinal and skin lesions. It has been reported that half of inflammatory bowel disease patients with Turner syndrome have 46XiX (q) type chromosome abnormality, and this case also has this type of abnormality.  相似文献   

Crohn's disease is characterized by its chronic course and transmural inflammation of gastrointestinal tract. The accompanying fibrous reaction and adhesion to adjacent viscera appears to limit the complication of free perforation. The true incidence of free bowel perforation is difficult to assess, however, the anticipated occurrence rate is 1-2% during the course of illness. Moreover, portal venous gas is also an uncommon event in the natural history of Crohn's disease. Portal venous gas occurs when intraluminal gas from the gastrointestinal tract or gas-forming bacteria enters the portal venous circulation. The finding of portal venous gas associated with Crohn's disease does not always mandate surgical intervention. We experienced a case of Crohn's disease presenting with free perforation and portal venous gas. The literatures on the cases with perforation and portal venous gas associated with Crohn's disease were reviewed.  相似文献   

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