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By biosynthetically labelling Plasmodium chabaudi and P. knowlesi stage-specific polypeptides and allowing continued development, schizogony and reinvasion in vivo or in vitro, we have identified parasite polypeptides not taken into the erythrocyte by the invading mezozoite. Three major and two minor parasite polypeptides synthesized by rings or mid-stage trophozoites of P. chabaudi were either degraded preferentially during further development, or lost during schizogony and reinvasion. For both P. chabaudi and P. knowlesi, a 250 000 mol. wt. polypeptide synthesized during maturation of trophozoites to schizonts and merozoites was not taken into the erythrocyte by the invading merozoite. The late stage synthesis of this polypeptide by P. chabaudi and its loss at schizogony and reinvasion was confirmed by immunofluorescence staining with a monoclonal antibody to this antigen. The importance of these antigens in the erythrocyte invasion process and in the induction and expression of immunity to malaria is discussed.  相似文献   

N-terminal processing of proteins exported by malaria parasites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Malaria parasites utilize a short N-terminal amino acid motif termed the Plasmodium export element (PEXEL) to export an array of proteins to the host erythrocyte during blood stage infection. Using immunoaffinity chromatography and mass spectrometry, insight into this signal-mediated trafficking mechanism was gained by discovering that the PEXEL motif is cleaved and N-acetylated. PfHRPII and PfEMP2 are two soluble proteins exported by Plasmodium falciparum that were demonstrated to undergo PEXEL cleavage and N-acetylation, thus indicating that this N-terminal processing may be general to many exported soluble proteins. It was established that PEXEL processing occurs upstream of the brefeldin A-sensitive trafficking step in the P. falciparum secretory pathway, therefore cleavage and N-acetylation of the PEXEL motif occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the parasite. Furthermore, it was shown that the recognition of the processed N-terminus of exported proteins within the parasitophorous vacuole may be crucial for protein transport to the host erythrocyte. It appears that the PEXEL may be defined as a novel ER peptidase cleavage site and a classical N-acetyltransferase substrate sequence.  相似文献   

Extraction by boiling of the buffy coat of human blood yields a protein solution which inhibits the propagation of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in culture with a 50% inhibitory dose of 105 micrograms of protein per ml. The inhibitory activity is associated exclusively with the lymphocytes and affects solely the invasion of erythrocytes by free merozoites. Boiled extracts of isolated lymphocytes had a 50% inhibitory dose of 22 micrograms/ml. Fractionation of surface-labeled or pronase-treated lymphocytes revealed that the antimalarial lymphocyte factor is associated with the intracellular aspect of the membrane fraction and is probably not involved in the host defense system against malaria. Further purification by salt extraction, ion-exchange chromatography, molecular gel filtration, and electroelution from lithium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels resulted in 300- to 550-fold purification, i.e., a 50% inhibitory dose of 40 to 70 ng/ml. All inhibitory fractions contained a 48-kilodalton polypeptide which eluted from a gel filtration column as a 400-kilodalton species, implying multimeric association. Some 6,000 molecules of the 48-kilodalton polypeptide bind with high affinity to one merozoite, the free form of the parasite. The Kd of 0.1 to 0.5 nM for the binding of the 48-kilodalton polypeptide correlated well with the 50% inhibitory dose of 0.3 to 0.4 nM obtained with purified active antimalarial lymphocyte factor. We therefore suggest that the 48-kilodalton polypeptide partially purified from lymphocyte membranes is the antimalarial lymphocyte factor and that it exerts its inhibitory activity by binding to merozoites, thereby preventing their invasion into erythrocytes. The antimalarial lymphocyte factor or a polypeptide sequence thereof could serve for further probing of invasion at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Proteins in malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum) isolated from a patient in Thailand before treatment, and after recrudescence of infection subsequent to mefloquine treatment, were compared by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) analysis. Nine 'pre-treatment' and six 'recrudescent' clones were studied. Variants of the enzyme glucose phosphate isomerase were also noted and mefloquine susceptibility of each clone was measured by in vitro tests. The 'pre-treatment' isolate was found to contain at least four genetically distinct clones, all sensitive to mefloquine, while the 'recrudescent' isolate contained at least two other types of clone, both showing increased tolerance to mefloquine. These two more tolerant types of clone differed from all the sensitive ones studied in regard to several different protein variants as shown by 2D-PAGE analysis. It is concluded that at least two (and probably more) genetically distinct clones of parasites with increased tolerance to mefloquine were present in the parasite population before mefloquine treatment was given, and were selected under mefloquine pressure.  相似文献   

Killing of human malaria parasites by macrophage secretory products.   总被引:29,自引:10,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
The susceptibility of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, to killing in vitro by macrophage secretory products was investigated. The effect of O2 radicals and tumor necrosis factor on parasite viability was assessed both morphologically and by following the uptake of [3H]hypoxanthine. H2O2 produced by the interaction of glucose and glucose oxidase was found to reduce viability; this effect was reversed by the addition of exogenous catalase. Further studies indicated that the catalase level within the erythrocyte was not altered upon parasite invasion. O2 radicals produced during the xanthine-xanthine oxidase interaction also killed P. falciparum. The addition of various O2 radical scavengers (including catalase) did not reverse this effect; therefore, it was not possible to determine which of the O2 radicals were involved in the killing process. Samples from three different sources containing tumor necrosis factor, a nonspecific soluble mediator derived from Mycobacterium bovis BCG-activated macrophages treated with endotoxin, also killed the parasite. There was no evidence that tumor necrosis factor or the products of the xanthine-xanthine oxidase interaction caused damage to the erythrocyte membrane that could be implicated as an important aspect of the killing process. These findings all strongly suggest that such macrophage products play an important role in immunity to malaria.  相似文献   

Human and animal malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax, P. berghei, P. gallinaceum) were studied using special fixation and standardized methods, with special attention to their effects on host cells. Morphological alterations induced by the parasites in infected erythrocytes included knobs, invaginations, and caveola-vesicle complexes on the surface of the host cell and clefts, microvesicles, and small vesicles in the cytoplasm of the infected erythrocytes. ForP. malariae, the ultrastructural study revealed invaginations with associated microvesicles, but knobs did not occur on the surface of infected erythrocytes. The development of invaginations and microvesicles inP. malariae-infected erythrocytes corresponded to the morphological alterations induced byP. vivax. A new hypothesis concerning the origin of Schüffner's dots is discussed.Abbreviations bz budding zone - c cluster - cl cleft - cv caveolavesicle complex - e erythrocyte - g gametocyte - i mvagination - k knob - m merozoite - mv microvesicle - n nucleus - p pigment - pv parasitophorous vacuole - sm small vesicle - t trophozoite Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)  相似文献   

Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the world. Accurate identification of four species of human malaria parasite is essential for appropriate treatment. Here, we developed a simple and rapid method of identifying Plasmodium species using a fast polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. Based on the previous literature, we amplified small subunit ribosomal RNA genes of four human malaria parasites. To establish a minimum detection limit, a blood sample with a known number of P. falciparum parasites (parasitemia: 3%) was diluted serially(from 0.03% to 0.000003%). We compared the detection limits between single (one-step) PCR and nested (two-step) PCR. Other clinical blood samples, which were infected with P. falciparum (parasitemia: 2.8%), P. vivax (parasitemia: 0.13%), P. ovale (parasitemia: 0.04%), respectively, were also tested by our PCR system. The PCR findings were compared to those of blood film Giemsa staining and rapid diagnostic tests (RDT). The sensitivity of our method is less than one parasite in 1 microl of blood(estimated parasitemia: 0.000003%) for both single PCR and nested PCR, though an increased number of cycles (40 cycles) was required for single PCR. Using clinical samples, it was proven that amplified products by single PCR could clearly distinguish between P. falciparum, P. vivax, and P. ovale. To detect P. vivax and P. ovale, the PCR system was more sensitive than RDT. The total required time for our method was within three to four hours from DNA extraction to PCR detection. Taken together, our method is easier and faster than the previously reported PCR-based malaria parasite identification systems, and is also useful for cases in which diagnosis by Giemsa staining and RDT is difficult.  相似文献   

Normal rhesus monkey erythrocytes were incubated with various membrane-active drugs (for 1 h at 37 degrees C) and after thorough washing, were exposed to infection with Plasmodium knowlesi in an invitro cultivation system. The ability of merozoites to infect with drug-pretreated erythrocytes was assessed both by counting the number of infected cells and by measuring the incorporation of [3H]isoleucine into parasite protein. Marked inhibition of invasion was observed with vinblastine and colchicine, at concentrations greater than 5 x 10(-4) M, respectively. At similar concentrations, cytochalasin B or amantadine had no apparent effect. The addition of 10(-3) M 3',5'-cAMP to the medium during the incubation in the presence of colchicine or vinblastine partially decreased the inhibitory effects. The effects of colchicine and vinblastine on parasite invasion may be correlated with a reversible alteration in erythrocyte conformation (spherocytosis) which occurs at similar drug concentrations to those above and which can be relieved by simultaneous incubation with cAMP. A possible mechanism of action is proposed.  相似文献   

Apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) is expressed on the surfaces of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites and is thought to play an important role in the invasion of erythrocytes by malaria parasites. To select for peptides that mimic conformational B-cell epitopes on AMA1, we screened a phage display library of >10(8) individual peptides for peptides bound by a monoclonal anti-AMA1 antibody, 4G2dc1, known to inhibit P. falciparum invasion of erythrocytes. The most reactive peptides, J1, J3, and J7, elicited antibody responses in rabbits that recognized the peptide immunogen and both recombinant and parasite AMA1. Human antibodies in plasma samples from individuals exposed to chronic malaria reacted with J1 and J7 peptides and were isolated using immobilized peptide immunoadsorbents. Both rabbit and human antibodies specific for J1 and J7 peptides were able to inhibit the invasion of erythrocytes by P. falciparum merozoites. This is the first example of phage-derived peptides that mimic an important epitope of a blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate, inducing and isolating functional protective antibodies. Our data support the use of J1 and J7 peptide mimics as in vitro correlates of protective immunity in future AMA1 vaccine trials.  相似文献   

Visual quantification of parasitemia in thin blood films is a very tedious, subjective and time-consuming task. This study presents an original method for quantification and classification of erythrocytes in stained thin blood films infected with Plasmodium falciparum. The proposed approach is composed of three main phases: a preprocessing step, which corrects luminance differences. A segmentation step that uses the normalized RGB color space for classifying pixels either as erythrocyte or background followed by an Inclusion-Tree representation that structures the pixel information into objects, from which erythrocytes are found. Finally, a two step classification process identifies infected erythrocytes and differentiates the infection stage, using a trained bank of classifiers. Additionally, user intervention is allowed when the approach cannot make a proper decision. Four hundred fifty malaria images were used for training and evaluating the method. Automatic identification of infected erythrocytes showed a specificity of 99.7% and a sensitivity of 94%. The infection stage was determined with an average sensitivity of 78.8% and average specificity of 91.2%.  相似文献   

Human glycophorins block in vitro invasion of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites into human erythrocytes. A segment of glycophorin A which appears to be involved in the inhibition, is at, or adjacent to, the membrane-spanning domain of the molecule. To study the role of hydrophobic interactions in the inhibition, a series of proteins were derivatized with lipophilic side groups, and tested for inhibitory activity. Glycophorin A became five times more inhibitory after derivatization with nitrobenzylfurazan groups. Bovine serum albumin was derivatized to different degrees with nitrobenzylfurazan, dinitrobenzyl, trinitrobenzyl, dansyl, disulfonic stilbene, and fluorescein groups. The presence of hydrophobic side groups on the protein rendered it highly inhibitory to invasion, whereas the presence of hydrophilic substitutes such as disulfonic stilbenes did not. Other soluble proteins such as human serum albumin, transferrin, ovalbumin, fetuin and casein derivatized with dinitrobenzyl groups, were also found to block invasion. Inhibition was not a result of toxic effects of the protein derivatives on parasite metabolism or development. A minimum of ten hydrophobic side groups per bovine serum albumin was required in order to elicit appreciable inhibition. The invasion blocking activity was highly correlated with the rate and affinity of binding of the derivatized macromolecules to heptyl-Sepharose. The latter provided a quantitative measure for the capacity of amphiphiles to undergo hydrophobic interactions with insoluble matrices. The results of the present study indicate that hydrophobic interactions may be an essential component in the invasion of P. falciparum merozoites into human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in the invasion of human erythrocytes by Plasmodium falciparum merozoites has been investigated using a variety of techniques. It has been demonstrated using calcium-depleted medium that invasion is dependent upon the presence of calcium and that neither magnesium, manganese or zinc may substitute for it, suggesting that the effect is calcium specific and not dependent upon a non-specific, charge-based mechanism. Using resealed erythrocyte ghosts and altering the internal and external concentrations of calcium and the chelator EGTA, it has been shown that the role of calcium in invasion, at least as far as the target cell is concerned, is in the extracellular environment. Similarly, loading either the schizontinfected, or target erythrocyte with the membrane permeant calcium chelator Indo-1, at concentrations sufficient to chelate approximately 100 times the concentration of resting cell calcium, produced no change in the parasite invasion rate. Consequently we conclude that calcium plays an extra-cellular role in merozoite invasion of the human erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Malarial merozoites use an array of ligands, including members of the Reticulocyte Binding Like (RBL) super-family of invasion proteins, to identify and invade erythrocytes. RBL family members are large Type I membrane anchored proteins expressed at the invasive end of merozoites that share homology with the Reticulocyte Binding Proteins 1 and 2 (PvRBP1 and 2) of Plasmodium vivax. Plasmodium species vary widely both in the number and sequence of their RBL genes, with the recently completed Plasmodium falciparum genome containing five RBL genes. Of these, three encode proteins shown to be involved in erythrocyte invasion, a fourth is a pseudogene, and the role of the fifth is as yet unclear. In order to identify sequence similarities and differences that may have functional implications for erythrocyte invasion as well as to gain insights into the recent evolutionary history of the P. falciparum RBL genes, we have sequenced all five corresponding RBL genes from the chimpanzee parasite Plasmodium reichenowi, which is the closest phylogenetic relative of P. falciparum, yet is unable to invade human erythrocytes. Two of the five P. falciparum RBL genes have highly conserved complete open reading frames in both species, while the other three genes show evidence of gene conversion and rapid evolution. The RBL super-family, therefore, appears to be surprisingly dynamic and divergent, implying that it is involved in species-specific aspects of erythrocyte recognition and invasion.  相似文献   

Historically, examinations of the inhibition of malaria parasite growth/invasion, whether using drugs or antibodies, have relied on the use of microscopy or radioactive hypoxanthine uptake. These are considered gold standards for measuring the effectiveness of antimalarial treatments, however, these methods have well known shortcomings. With the advent of flow cytometry coupled with the use of fluorescent DNA stains allowed for increased speed, reproducibility, and qualitative estimates of the effectiveness of antibodies and drugs to limit malaria parasite growth which addresses the challenges of traditional techniques. Because materials and machines available to research facilities are so varied, different methods have been developed to investigate malaria parasites by flow cytometry. This review is intended to serve as a reference guide for advanced users and importantly, as a primer for new users, to support expanded use and improvements to malaria flow cytometry, particularly in endemic countries.  相似文献   

Egress is a crucial step for malaria parasites to progress from one host cell to another. The rapid transition between host cells is mediated by the invasive merozoite stages. Merozoite egress from the enveloping cell includes the rupture of two membranes, the membrane of the parasitophorous vacuole and the host cell membrane. Egress from the host cell is also of importance for the intraerythrocytic gametocytes in order to undergo gametogenesis following their transmission to the mosquito during the blood meal. An increasing number of studies have aimed to identify the molecules involved in host cell egress by malaria parasites and decipher the sequence of membrane rupture. Recent work has acknowledged the crucial roles of plasmodial and host-derived proteases in membrane rupture and has indicated the involvement of secretory vesicles in priming the enveloping membranes for egress. This review highlights recent insight into the mechanisms of host cell egress by Plasmodium parasites. We will discuss the mode of egress of intrahepatic and intraerythrocytic parasites and their measures to evade the host immune system during this process.  相似文献   

Rhoptry proteins of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites, of 140, 130, and 110 kDa, identified by co-precipitation with Mab.1B9, bind selectively to mouse erythrocytes and reticulocytes. The properties of binding are shown to correlate with invasion of P. falciparum into mouse erythrocytes. Invasion of two strains of P. falciparum 7G8 and FCR-3, into mouse erythrocytes was examined, and was found to differ significantly. The 7G8 strain invades mouse erythrocytes at a rate of 40-60% compared to invasion into human erythrocytes, whereas FCR-3 invades at a rate of 5-15%. Both strains of P. falciparum preferentially invade reticulocytes in the in vitro invasion assay. This correlated with an increase in the amount of rhoptry protein of the 7G8 strain bound to mouse erythrocytes, compared to the FCR-3 strain and an increased binding to reticulocytes compared to mature erythrocytes. Binding of the rhoptry proteins and merozoite invasion into the erythrocyte is blocked in erythrocytes treated with trypsin and chymotrypsin but not in neuraminidase-treated erythrocytes, suggesting that the putative receptor site is exposed and accessible on the erythrocyte surface. Rabbit antiserum against gp3, the major glycophorin of mouse erythrocytes, blocks binding of the rhoptry proteins to erythrocytes and reduces merozoite invasion into mouse erythrocytes by 50%. Binding of rhoptry proteins to mouse reticulocytes was not blocked by alpha gp3 indicating a receptor difference between reticulocytes and erythrocytes. Mab.1B9 reduces merozoite invasion but does not decrease binding of the rhoptry proteins to the mouse erythrocyte. The mouse erythrocyte serves as a useful model to study the receptor-ligand interaction of rhoptry proteins and host surface proteins and to define the role of the rhoptry proteins during the invasion process.  相似文献   

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