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目的探讨显微支撑喉镜下低温等离子微创治疗儿童急性感染期(AIS)与炎症静止期(IQS)先天性梨状窝瘘(CPSF)的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2017年12月—2019年12月上海交通大学附属儿童医院收治并行低温等离子微创治疗的51例CPSF患者临床资料,其中AIS 22例,IQS 29例,2组患儿均在气管插管全麻支撑喉镜下行低温等离子射频消融封闭梨状窝内瘘口,而AIS的患儿同期行颈部脓肿切开引流术,留置纱条,术后每日颈部换药。全部患儿术后留置胃管2周,应用抗生素治疗7~10 d。观察其疗效、术后复发率及并发症。结果3例处于IQS的患儿分别于术后第5、6、7天因颈部脓肿形成行切开排脓手术,换药4 d后痊愈。2例AIS的患儿术后出现一过性声嘶,于术后1个月内恢复正常。术后随访2~26个月,1例IQS患儿术后半年复发,2次全麻内镜下低温等离子内瘘口烧灼术,其余50例CPSF内瘘口1次封闭,未发生咽瘘、喉返神经损伤、大出血等并发症,无复发,疗效显著。结论推荐显微支撑喉镜下低温等离子微创根治术作为CPSF的首选疗法,对于IQS的CPSF宜实施单纯内瘘口烧灼术,但术前充分告知家属,术后可能因颈部局部脓肿形成,需要切开引流、换药,对于AIS的CPSF,不必等待炎症控制以后,直接同期行颈部脓肿切开引流术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨可视喉镜下梨状窝瘘内口低温等离子封闭术的手术效果.方法:回顾性分析2019年3月-2021年8月在南京医科大学附属儿童医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科行可视喉镜下梨状窝瘘内口低温等离子封闭术的29例先天性梨状窝瘘患儿的临床资料.19例行梨状窝瘘探查十瘘口封闭术,6例行梨状窝瘘探查十瘘口封闭术十颈部脓肿切开引流,4例颈部质...  相似文献   

目的 观察内镜下低温等离子消融治疗不同炎症分期儿童先天性梨状窝瘘的疗效及并发症发生情况,探讨手术适应证的选择及术后治愈标准判断。 方法 将近3年来收治的45 例先天性梨状窝瘘临床资料进行回顾性分析,根据临床特点将其分为炎症早期、脓肿期和静止期,观察低温等离子内瘘口消融封闭术后的疗效。 结果 所有患儿术后随访6个月~3年,治愈33例(占比73.3%),其中17例患儿完成二次内镜下探查,内瘘口均一次性闭合且术后B超检查未见异常;16例患儿未接受二次手术探查,仅B超随访,未见异常;好转11例(占比24.4%),均未接受二次内镜手术探查,术后B超随访可见微管残留,但随访半年以上无临床症状发作;未愈1例(占比2.3%),该例完成内镜探查,内瘘口已封闭,B超复查示微管残留,术后7个月患侧颈部再次感染,抗感染治疗后痊愈,随访一年未见反复,仍在随访中。炎症早期患儿4例,术后短期内出现颈部脓肿2例,切开排脓后痊愈;脓肿期患儿15例,术后随访期间未再出现颈部感染;炎症静止期患儿26例,术后7个月患侧颈部再次肿胀1例,抗感染治疗后痊愈。术后声音嘶哑1例(静止期),随访1个月恢复,其余无并发症出现。 结论 内镜下低温等离子消融治疗炎症静止期和急性感染期的先天性梨状窝瘘,疗效确切,安全微创,推荐作为初治先天性梨状窝瘘方法首选。  相似文献   

本文报道了1例新生儿先天性梨状窝瘘的患儿。患儿7 d龄,因“气促、喘憋7 d”发现左侧颈部肿物,血常规提示白细胞升高,以中性粒细胞升高为主,考虑左侧颈部肿物为“颈部感染伴脓肿”可能性大。经过多学科讨论后先予左侧颈部穿刺引流,后在支撑喉镜下予针状电刀烧灼左侧梨状窝瘘口,封闭瘘口后观察未再见分泌物流出,诊断为左侧先天性梨状窝瘘,左侧鳃裂瘘管伴感染,左侧颈部脓肿。术后患儿症状改善,随访5个月无不适。  相似文献   

本文报道了1例新生儿先天性梨状窝瘘的患儿。患儿7 d龄, 因"气促、喘憋7 d"发现左侧颈部肿物, 血常规提示白细胞升高, 以中性粒细胞升高为主, 考虑左侧颈部肿物为"颈部感染伴脓肿"可能性大。经过多学科讨论后先予左侧颈部穿刺引流, 后在支撑喉镜下予针状电刀烧灼左侧梨状窝瘘口, 封闭瘘口后观察未再见分泌物流出, 诊断为左侧先天性梨状窝瘘, 左侧鳃裂瘘管伴感染, 左侧颈部脓肿。术后患儿症状改善, 随访5个月无不适。  相似文献   

目的 总结新生儿梨状窝瘘的临床特点及诊治经验。 方法 对2018年1月至2020年9月诊治的3例新生儿梨状窝瘘的临床表现、辅助检查、治疗方法及预后进行回顾性分析。 结果 3例梨状窝瘘患儿中男孩2例,女孩1例,其中1例男性患儿出生后10 d即被发现颈部肿物而就诊,余两例患儿产前检查被发现;3例梨状窝瘘均在左侧;3例病例颈部B超均显示颈部囊性团块,囊壁厚,囊腔内显示点状气体样回声,颈部增强CT提示囊腔内见气液平。3例患儿均行手术治疗,其中两例新生儿术中切除肿物后明确找到瘘管,予以顺利结扎,梨状窝处内瘘口未予以特殊处理,另1例颈部肿物予以切开引流后内镜下激光烧灼内瘘口。术后随访5个月至两年,暂未发现复发或反复感染病例。 结论 新生儿常以出生后发现无痛性颈部肿物或产前发现颈部占位为表现,颈部B超及颈部CT检查示肿物中常可见气体影,出生后肿物进行性增大,这时需高度怀疑梨状窝瘘可能。手术治疗是根除梨状窝瘘的根本方法,内镜下激光烧灼内瘘口和颈部肿物切除后高位结扎瘘管均未见复发。  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性梨状窝瘘管(congenital pyriform sinus fistula,CPSF)的临床表现和治疗原则。方法 对2007年1月至2011年1月经手术确认连接梨状窝与甲状腺叶瘘管的7例CPSF患者资料进行分析。患者均表现为复发性左侧颈部低位脓肿或急性化脓性甲状腺炎,所有患者均有误诊病史,病程3 ~11年,均曾数次行切开引流或外科探查。急性感染期患者脓肿切开引流,炎性反应消退后进行检查和根治性手术。结果 炎性反应静止期CT检查,均可见左侧甲状腺叶深面及其周围间隙瘢痕组织增生;6例患者行X线钡餐检查,5例可见源于梨状窝的瘘管。4例患者术前行直达喉镜检查,3例可见位于梨状窝尖部附近的瘘口。手术切除瘘管及左侧部分甲状腺叶,保护喉返神经。术后恢复顺利,未出现永久性喉返神经麻痹或甲状腺功能低下等并发症。随访5~40个月,未见复发。结论 对于有反复发作下颈部脓肿病史的患者,尤其位于左侧者,应高度怀疑CPSF的存在,X线钡餐和CT检查是有效的诊断方法,完整切除瘘管及受累甲状腺叶可治愈CPSF。  相似文献   

先天性梨状窝瘘(congenital pyriform sinus fistula,CPSF)是起源于第三或第四咽囊的少见鳃源性疾病,儿童期发病约占80%,首发症状多为下颈部脓肿,易误诊为急性化脓性甲状腺炎.传统治疗方法是在炎症静止期行瘘管彻底切除术[1].内镜辅助下内瘘口封闭术治疗CPSF已有20余年的历史,因其微创、安全、有效的特点近年来被广泛应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童先天性梨状窝瘘的诊断、手术适应证及内镜下低温消融术的疗效。方法 回顾分析郑州大学第一附属医院内镜下低温消融术治疗的232例儿童先天性梨状窝瘘的临床资料。结果 217例(93.5%)为左侧梨状窝瘘,14例(6.0%)为右侧梨状窝瘘,1例(0.4%)双侧梨状窝瘘。男女比约1.1∶1.0。232例均行内镜下梨状窝瘘口低温消融术。术后复发17例(7.3%)、声音嘶哑12例(5.2%),均无呛咳、食管损伤或咽瘘。结论 内镜下梨状窝瘘口低温消融术治疗先天性梨状窝瘘具有微创、并发症较少、复发率低等优点,是治疗先天性梨状窝瘘的首选手术方案之一。  相似文献   

源于梨状窝瘘的颈深部脓肿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梨状窝瘘系发生于梨状窝的鳃缘性内瘘,起源于第3或第4鳃囊.内口多位于梨状窝侧壁,左侧多见.我科2002年6月~2006年6月共收治5例梨状窝瘘患者.  相似文献   

目的 评估内镜下等离子射频辅助双侧声带后端切断术治疗双侧声带麻痹导致上气道梗阻患者的疗效。 方法 回顾性分析13例双侧声带麻痹导致的上气道梗阻患者的病例资料,其中男6例、女7例,27~73岁,所有患者均接受等离子射频辅助双侧声带后端切断术。总结评估该手术的临床疗效。 结果 13例随访时间1年1个月~2年11个月,所有患者无严重并发症发生。一次拔管率为84.44%(10/13),二次手术拔管率为88.89%(11/13),拔管时间1~3个月,中位数1个月,上气道梗阻均未复发。 结论 内镜下等离子射频辅助双侧声带切断术操作简单、手术风险小,同时治疗双侧声带麻痹效果可靠,是双侧声带麻痹导致上气道梗阻的有效治疗方法之一,也可作为其他治疗失败的补救治疗措施。  相似文献   

IntroductionCongenital piriform sinus fistula is a relatively rare type of disease in clinical practice, most occurring during childhood, but doctors have insufficient knowledge regarding this disease, easily misdiagnosing it.ObjectivesThis study aimed to identify the characteristics of deep neck abscess due to congenital piriform sinus fistula in children.MethodsWe performed a retrospective study of 21 cases from January 2016 to August 2018 in our hospital. The onset age, clinical characteristics, auxiliary examination and clinical treatment of the patients was summarized to analyze the diagnosis, treatment characteristics and prognosis.ResultsChildren from 11 days to 12 years-old were enrolled, with an average age of 3.5 years. Twenty patients had left congenital piriform sinus fistula and 1 had right congenital piriform sinus fistula. Cervical enhanced computed tomography imaging showed gas-liquid equilibrium or air-shadow in the abscesses in 18 cases, and neck ultrasound demonstrated gas echo in the thyroid region in 10 cases. All patients underwent low temperature plasma to seal the internal fistula and returned to the hospital for electronic laryngoscope and neck ultrasound examination at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year after the surgery. No recurrence occurred in any patient.ConclusionCongenital piriform sinus fistula is an important cause of deep neck abscess in children. The presence of purulent gas-liquid equilibrium or air shadow in cervical-enhanced computed tomography or ultrasound suggests a high possibility of the presence of an internal fistula, and endoscopic low temperature ablation can be done at the same time as the diagnostic endoscopy.  相似文献   

Recurrent neck lesions associated with third or fourth branchial arch fistula are much less common than those of second arch and usually present with acute suppurative thyroiditis or neck abscess. Our aim is to describe clinical features, management and treatment outcomes of 64 cases of congenital pyriform sinus fistula (PSF). Medical record of these 64 patients (33 males, 31 females) treated at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from 2011 to 2014 were reviewed. The patients comprised 33 males and 31 females, and their ages ranged from 18 months to 47 years (median 10 years, mean 12.7 years). Neck abscess and recurrent infection was the mode of presentation in 37 cases (57.8 %), 4 patients (6.3 %) presented with acute suppurative thyroiditis, neck mass was the mode of presentation in 17 cases (26.6 %), 2 patients (3.1 %) presented with neck mass with respiratory distress, and cutaneous discharging fistula was the mode of presentation in 1 cases (1.6 %). The remaining 3 patients (4.7 %) presented with cutaneous discharging fistula with neck infection. Investigations performed include barium swallow, CT scan, and ultrasound which were useful in delineating PSF tract preoperatively. Barium swallow was taken as the gold standard for diagnosis. Our patients were treated by fistulectomy with hemithyroidectomy, fistulectomy, fistulectomy with endoscopic electric cauterization, endoscopic electric cauterization or endoscopic coblation cauterization, respectively. Histopathologic examination of the surgical specimens revealed that they were lined with ciliated epithelium, stratified cuboid epithelium with chronic inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis. Voice hoarseness occurred after operation in seven patients, but disappeared 1 week later. PSF recurred in 6 patients, 4 of them were cured by a successful re-excision. One patient was cured by successful endoscopic electric cauterization. The other 1 has remained asymptomatic for 5 months. In our series, mean follow-up period was 13.3 months and median follow-up period was 12.5 months (range 2–40 months). Presence of congenital PSF should be suspected when intra-thyroidal abscess formation occurs as the gland is resistant to infection. Strong clinical suspicion, barium swallow study, CT scan and ultrasound are the key to diagnosis. Both fistulectomy with hemithyroidectomy and endoscopic treatment have comparable success rate. Endoscopic coblation cauterization may prove a useful and equally effective method of treatment for PSF in future.  相似文献   

先天性第四鳃裂畸形的诊断和治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨先天性第四鳃裂畸形(congenital fourth branchial anomaly,CFBA)的解剖学特点、临床表现、诊断和外科处理原则.方法 回顾性分析8例CFBA患者的临床资料,年龄27~300个月(中位年龄114个月);男4例,女4例;初治3例,复发5例;病变均位于左颈,其中囊肿型1例,窦道型3例(均为内瘘口),瘘管型4例;3例表现为急性甲状腺炎,4例表现为颈深部脓肿,1例表现为颈部肿块.结果 术前检查包括食管吞钡8例次、直接喉镜4例次、CT 5例次、MRI 5例次.急性期患者采取充分引流、控制感染;静止期患者行病灶完整切除+喉返神经解剖+甲状腺腺叶部分切除,对复发病例采用择区性颈清扫术根除瘢痕、炎性肉芽和病变组织.术后1例患者切口局部感染,经换药后愈合;1例患者出现暂时性声带麻痹,1个月后完全恢复.患者随访13~42个月,中位随访时间21个月,未见复发.结论 CFBA走行与喉返神经和甲状腺关系密切.食管吞钡、直接喉镜检查最具诊断价值,CT和MRI有助于明确诊断.治疗原则为感染静止期行喉返神经解剖和甲状腺腺叶部分切除,必要时切除部分甲状软骨翼板以减少并发症和预防复发,复发病例可采用择区性颈清扫术治疗.  相似文献   

A previously healthy 13-year-old girl presented with a left-sided deep cervical abscess. A CT scan demonstrated an abscess in the lower neck, anterior to the common carotid artery. Treatment with i.v. antibiotics and incision drainage resolved the condition. A recurrence of the abscess 7 months later was treated identically. Further investigations with MRI showed a 2-3-mm wide, 10-mm long structure in the lateral aspect of the left thyroid lobe. A barium radiograph depicted a narrow, 20-mm long fistula originating from the left pharynx. At endoscopy a 2-3-mm wide opening was found at the left pyriform sinus apex. This, together with the radiological findings, verified the diagnosis of a 4th branchial pouch sinus. The recurrence of the abscess may have been due to contamination by infectious pharyngeal secretions. Although radical surgical excision is traditionally recommended for this condition a non-invasive treatment, namely chemocauterization with 40% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), was chosen in this case. Three cauterizations were needed to close the pyriform sinus opening. To date (Month 14) there has been no recurrence of the cervical abscesses. TCA chemocauterization seems to be a safe first-line treatment for patients with a pyriform sinus fistula.  相似文献   

目的探讨耳前瘘管合并感染期瘘管切除的可行性和临床疗效。方法收集2013年1月~2016年12月诊治的耳前瘘管合并感染脓肿期患者76例,其中男39例,女37例,年龄2~43岁;均单耳发病,左29耳,右47耳。全身积极给予抗感染治疗24 h内,对所有患者同时行脓肿、瘘管及炎性组织切除术,按常规方法切开、剥离、切除瘘管至感染后肿胀脓肿形成或肉芽形成或自行破溃的病变组织,切除或刮除病变组织至正常组织明显处,减张间断缝合,消除死腔,通过随访进行疗效观察。结果76例患者中,73例患者均Ⅰ期愈合,3例患者局部皮肤轻度红肿,延迟2 d拆线。无局部感染、裂开及瘢痕等并发症,术后随访1~3年未见复发。结论耳前瘘管感染脓肿期将瘘管、脓肿及炎性组织一并切除能够达到一期愈合的目的,减少了患者二次手术、换药的痛苦,缩短了住院时间,与常规手术比较具有同样的手术疗效,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(7):879-882
A previously healthy 13-year-old girl presented with a left-sided deep cervical abscess. A CT scan demonstrated an abscess in the lower neck, anterior to the common carotid artery. Treatment with i.v. antibiotics and incision drainage resolved the condition. A recurrence of the abscess 7 months later was trea ted identi cally. Further in vesti ga tions with MRI showed a 2-3-mm wide, 10-mm long structure in the lateral aspect of the left thyroid lobe. A barium radiograph depicted a narrow, 20-mm long fistula originating from the left pharynx. At endoscopy a 2-3-mm wide opening was found at the left pyri form sinus apex. This, together with the radiological findings, verified the diagnosis of a 4th branchial pouch sinus. The recurrence of the abscess may have been due 10 contamination by infectious pharyngeal secretions. Although radical surgical excision is traditionally recommended for this condition a non-invasive treatment, namely chemocauterization with 40% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), was chosen in this case. Three cauterizations were needed to close the pyriform sinus opening. To date (Month 14) there has been no recurrence of the cervical abscesses. TCA chemocauterization seems to be a safe first-line treatment for patients with a pyriform sinus fistula.  相似文献   

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