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Plasmids containing (C-G)n inserts have been used to study the inhibition of cleavage by restriction endonucleases due to Z-DNA formation in negatively supercoiled plasmids. The enzyme BssHII, which recognizes G-C-G-C-G-C, is strongly inhibited when the insert forms Z-DNA. The BamHI recognition sequence (G-G-A-T-C-C) was placed in four different positions near the B-Z junction and the inhibition of BamHI cleavage was determined as a function of negative superhelical density. Formation of Z-DNA in the (C-G)n insert inhibited cleavage by BamHI when its recognition sequence was located immediately adjacent to the insert or four base pairs away from it. However, no inhibition was found when the BamHI recognition site was eight base pairs away. These experiments help to define the limits of the structural perturbation associated with the B-Z junction.  相似文献   

In this report we present evidence gathered from various stages of murine pregnancy that indicates that pregnant females have no demonstrable immune effector function directed against their semiallogeneic fetuses. Specifically, by using in vitro assays we found that cytotoxic lymphocytes were not present in pregnant mice, and pregnant mice challenged with radiolabeled paternal strain leukemia cells showed no evidence of immune elimination. Nonetheless, immunity measurable both in vitro and in vivo was readily induced by priming with the paternal strain cells. No harm to the fetus was observed in primed mothers. These results cast doubt on the relevance of mechanisms proposed that involve systemic active suppression during pregnancy. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that the placenta acts as a barrier, preventing fetal cells from priming the mother.  相似文献   

The antigenemia assay, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid culture technique on buffy coat cells (DEAFF test) were used to monitor 37 cytomegalovirus (CMV) seropositive bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients for active CMV infection during the first 3 months after BMT. The antigen assay and PCR demonstrated a comparable sensitivity for the detection of CMV in blood: discordant results were only obtained in the early or late phase of infection when the viral load was low. The antigen assay was more sensitive than the DEAFF test. Only 12 out of 40 antigen-positive samples yielded a positive result with DEAFF test, whereas viremia without antigenemia was never found. The discordance between these two tests increased further during antiviral therapy with ganciclovir. A correlation was observed between the duration of antigenemia during treatment and the recurrence of systemic CMV reactivation. Ten out of 11 patients with antigen-positive leukocytes present for more than 1 week after starting the treatment subsequently exhibited a relapse of active infection, whereas only three out of nine patients who resolved their antigenemia within 1 week did so. In conclusion, the antigen assay and PCR are useful techniques for detection of CMV infection in BMT patients. Test results obtained during therapy give reliable information regarding the viral load and the possibility of recurrence of antigenemia, and can be taken into account when prolonged administration of ganciclovir is considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been limited by the presumed inability to monitor its anticoagulant effect using bedside assays. OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare the dose-response of enoxaparin, dalteparin and unfractionated heparin (UFH) on the activated clotting time (ACT), and to determine whether the ACT or aPTT can be used to monitor intravenous (IV) low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). METHODS: A total of 130 patients undergoing cardiac catheterization were assigned to intravenous enoxaparin 0.5 mg/kg, dalteparin 50 international units/kg or UFH 50 units/kg. Of the 130 patients, 46 (35%) underwent PCI, all of whom received a glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa inhibitor. We measured ACT, activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and plasma anti-Xa levels after serial sampling. RESULTS: Both enoxaparin and dalteparin induced a significant rise in the ACT and aPTT, with an ACT dose-response approximately one-half the magnitude of that obtained using UFH. The time course of changes in the ACT and aPTT after administration of enoxaparin and dalteparin was virtually identical, with a return to baseline at approximately 2 hours. The enoxaparin and dalteparin-treated patients successfully underwent PCI with no major hemorrhagic complications. CONCLUSIONS: The ACT is equally sensitive to IV enoxaparin and dalteparin. These data support an ACT-guided strategy for intravenously administered LMWH during PCI. Additional studies with larger patient populations may be indicated to determine the ideal target ACT for LMWH in PCI.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare the dose response of dalteparin versus unfractionated heparin (UFH) on the activated clotting time (ACT), and to determine whether the ACT can be used to monitor intravenous (IV) dalteparin during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). BACKGROUND: The use of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) during PCI has been limited by the presumed inability to monitor its anticoagulant effect using bedside assays. METHODS: This study was performed in three phases. In vitro, ACTs were measured on volunteer (n = 10) blood samples spiked with increasing concentrations of dalteparin or UFH. To extend these observations in vivo, ACTs were then measured in patients (n = 15) who were sequentially treated with IV dalteparin and then UFH. Finally, a larger monitoring study was undertaken involving patients (n = 110) who received dalteparin 60 or 80 international U (IU)/kg alone or followed by abciximab. We measured ACT (Hemochron), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), plasma anti-Xa and anti-IIa levels, tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) concentration, and plasma dalteparin concentration. RESULTS: Dalteparin induced a significant rise in the ACT with a smaller degree of variance as compared to UFH. Five min after administration of IV dalteparin 80 IU/kg the ACT increased from 125 s (122 s, 129 s) to 184 s (176 s, 191 s) (p < 0.001). The aPTT, anti-Xa and anti-IIa activities, and TFPI concentration also demonstrated significant increases following IV dalteparin. CONCLUSIONS: The ACT and aPTT are sensitive to IV dalteparin at clinically relevant doses. These data suggest that the ACT may be useful in monitoring the anticoagulant effect of intravenously administered dalteparin during PCI.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the value of combined detection of circulating cell-free DNA(cfDNA),a-fetal protein(AFP) and a L-fucosidase(AFU) for diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).METHODS:Serum samples from 39 HCC patients and 45 normal controls were collected.Branched DNA(bDNA) was used to detect the level of cfDNA,and a receiver operating characteristic curve was employed to evaluate the diagnostic sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,positive predictive value,negative predictive value,positive likelihood ratio,negative likelihood ratio and Youden index,and to assess the diagnostic efficiency and their correlations with the clinicopathological features.AFP and AFU were detected by chemiluminescence and colorimetry,respectively.The significance of combined detection of the three biomarkers was discussed.RESULTS:cfDNA level was increased in 22 of the 39 HCC samples and in 2 of the 45 normal controls.cfDNA level in HCC samples was significantly higher than that in normal controls(P < 0.05).There were significant differences in sex and extra-and intrahepatic metastasis(P < 0.05).There was no significant correlation between cfDNA,AFP and AFU in the detection of HCC.The sensitivity of combined detection of cfDNA with one marker(AFP or AFU) and cfDNA with two markers(AFP and AFU) was 71.8%,87.2% and 89.7% vs 56.4%,53.8% and 66.7% for cfDNA,AFP and AFU used alone,respectively,the difference being statistically significant(P < 0.05).CONCLUSION:Quantitative analysis of cfDNA is sensitive and feasible,and the combined detection of cfDNA with AFP or AFU or both could improve the diagnostic sensitivity for HCC.  相似文献   

We present experimental evidence of the impact of playing a game on real-life cooperation. The game was framed as a pest-management activity, the effectiveness of which depends on the decisions of others. Playing the game changes behavior in the field, increasing the participation in all collective activities directed at reducing pest pressure. The economic impact of those activities is important, leading to losses that are ∼20% lower than in the control group. Increased cooperation reflects changes in the understanding of others’ willingness to cooperate, not changes in the understanding of underlying technological interdependencies.

Cooperation with nonkin is a distinctive aspect of human life (1), maintained by norms of conditional behavior (2), where norms have the accepted definition of shared views of how individuals ought to behave in a given situation (3). Promoting and sustaining cooperation in a context where it hitherto did not exist may require the elimination of inaccurate beliefs about others’ actions and beliefs, i.e., overcoming pluralistic ignorance (4).A variety of approaches have been used to create belief shocks that may lead to changes in behavioral norms (57). Changing the law (8) may provide an indication of the acceptability of some practices and foster changes in behavior (9) or perceptions (10). Similarly, “edutainment ” through radio shows (11), soap operas (12), or movies (13) can provide new role models that motivate the adoption of behaviors that were privately desired, but perceived as publicly shunned. At a local scale, information about what others do or value has been shown to promote environmental conservation (14), reduce alcohol consumption among teenagers (15), or increase female labor participation (16).In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of using a framed game as an approach to promote cooperation. Similar to social scientists (17) or students in a classroom (18), participants in these games may learn about others’ behavior in conditions that were hitherto-unobserved, including about others’ willingness to cooperate (thereby reducing pluralistic ignorance), without having to incur the costs of promoting it themselves. This possibility was first noticed by ref. 19, and, building on that suggestion, recent work has used economic games as a teaching tool about the potential benefits of cooperation, usually in contexts where such problems are relatively new, such as the overexploitation of aquifers due to expanded access to water pumps (2022). We build on this work in two ways: by experimentally evaluating the impact of playing a game on behavior outside the laboratory (improving on earlier evidence that mostly relies on a before–after comparison) and by quantifying the relative importance of reducing ignorance about others’ willingness to cooperate.The game was framed as a way of reducing rodent damage to rice. In Asia, such damage has important impacts on food security (23), which are particularly noticeable during outbreaks, some of which have even been followed by famine and civil unrest (24). Given the long history of association between rodents and humans (25, 26), the importance and persistence of such large losses is usually traced to rodents’ reproductive behavior, in particular, high litter size, short gestation period, and early sexual maturity (27, 28). In the absence of coordinated control (either by limiting rodents’ access to food and/or culling rodents), rodents quickly multiply, rendering any individual effort almost useless. This is certainly the case of the black rat (Rattus rattus), one of the main rodent pest species in the world (29), including in northern Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), the setting of our analysis (30). The challenge, then, is how to coordinate multiple farmers into practicing rodent control over an extended period of time, when there are incentives to free-ride on others’ efforts to reduce pest pressure (27, 28), a problem common to the management of other pests and invasive species (31, 32).The game simulates this coordination problem in a simplified way. Players have to decide whether to contribute to reduce pest pressure by deciding how much time to allocate to the production of a private good (rice), knowing that the payoff (shown in 28)]. Still focusing on symmetric strategies, the social optimum can also be achieved with higher contributions (own contribution = {2, 3}), although these strategies do not correspond to a Nash equilibrium. Details about the rules of the game, as well as a discussion of players’ behavior, are presented in Methods.Table 1.Time allocation and payoff table (excerpt)
OTYour time – rodent control
Open in a separate windowNote: Values are in LAK (1 USD = 8,650 LAK in May 2018). OT, others’ time contribution. Number of players = 5.The game was played as part of a project aimed at evaluating effective ways to promote food security implemented in 36 villages in Viengkham and Pakxeng, two districts in the province of Luang Prabang in northern Lao PDR. Data were collected among 12 households per village randomly selected from village rosters in November 2017 (baseline data) and December 2018 (when endline data were collected), with one additional survey collected in May 2018 (at the start of the main rice-producing season and immediately before the game was played). The baseline data confirm the importance of rodent damage in the region, a generalized awareness of interdependency in terms of the effect of individual decisions regarding rodent control has on neighbors’ production, and an absence of collective activities directed at reducing this problem. Almost all respondents (95%) reported that rodent damage is one of the main reasons that they harvested an area smaller than planted. Estimates of the damage are large and similar to earlier studies (30): On average, 20% of the planted area during the rainy season is not harvested due to rodent damage. Almost 90% of the respondents agree that they benefit from neighbors’ efforts at controlling rodents, but control mostly relies on individual use of traps (90% of the respondents) with no experience of coordinated control of this pest.Half of the villages participating in this study were randomly allocated to treatment (play the game), while the remaining were used as control. In each of the treatment villages, five groups of five players participated in the game. We first invited members of households who were previously interviewed (at baseline and then reinterviewed in May 2018, up to 12 participants per village, but usually less due to attrition), after which we invited members of other households randomly selected from the village roster to complete the desired number of participants per village. In total, 450 people participated in these games, of which 175 had been interviewed previously.In June 2018, all 36 villages received a short training on rodent control, delivered by local extension officers and focused on the implementation of collective rodent hunts (28), allowing them to overcome any limitation in the capacity to implement this approach. The training included a demonstration of how to implement collective hunting, with extension officers organizing one in each village in July 2018, after which villagers were encouraged to further organize these activities by themselves. Extension officers also pointed out that August and September would be the ideal times for further activities.The hypothesis we want to test is whether playing the game leads to changes in cooperation in the field during the forthcoming production season and, ultimately, to a reduction in area damaged by rodents. In addition, we want to understand the mechanisms that drive any change in behavior, distinguishing between learning about the benefits of collective action [usually emphasized in previous work (20, 21)] and learning about other players’ willingness to cooperate.Our identification strategy relies on the random allocation of treatment across villages. Randomization of treatment status was largely successful in creating two groups that are statistically identical at baseline. Similarly, selective attrition does not seem to be important.
Training (0/1)Hunting (training) (0/1)Hunting (village) (0/1)Damage (% area)Community activities (d)
A: ITT estimates, no covariates
B: ITT estimates, with covariates
Control mean0.6620.5080.34418.7725.651
N 399399399344346
Open in a separate windowNote: SEs, clustered at the village level, are presented in parentheses. Wild-bootstrap (wild-BS) P values are presented within brackets. See Methods for a discussion of control variables included in section B.*P < 0.1; **P < 0.05.Households in villages where the game was played were significantly more likely to participate in rodent-control training and in collective rodent-control activities (hunting), either promoted by the extension officers or organized at the village level, with participation rates that were ∼9%, 10%, and 11% higher than in the control villages, respectively. These differences in behavior translate into reductions in rodent damage in the rice plot, with households in treated villages reporting damage (expressed as share of the total area of the main rice plot) that is, on average, 20% lower than in control villages. This effect is precisely estimated and economically important: Given that the average household in control villages harvested 1,780 kg of unmilled rice, our preferred estimate of damage reduction translates to 76.7 kg of unmilled rice per household, roughly equivalent to 2 wk of rice consumption by the average household. However, it does not seem that an increase in cooperation in one domain (rodent control) translates into increases in participation in other community activities, which could indicate some general increase in willingness to cooperate.These conclusions did not change when we focus on the subsample of compliers (those who were invited to the game and accepted the invitation), although Local Average Treatment Effects (LATEs), estimated by using instrumental variables, were slightly larger than the ITT estimates. Although outcomes were self-reported, we did not find any evidence that Socially Desirable Response (SDR; a possible source of bias in our estimates) is an important concern in this study. Finally, ITT estimates are notably homogeneous, although we found some evidence of smaller reduction in damage in plots of female-headed households. See Methods for details regarding these different robustness tests.These results allow us to estimate the cost–benefit ratio associated with this intervention. Using the ITT estimates from 33) to quantify the relative importance of these two mechanisms and decompose the estimates of the total effect in two components: the effect of the mechanism (and estimate the Average Causal Mediation Effect [ACME]) and a residual that includes the effect of other potential pathways (the Average Direct Effect [ADE]) (Methods). Training (0/1)Hunting (project) (0/1)Hunting (village) (0/1)Damage (% area)Mediator: Learning about the benefits of collective actionACME0.0420.0520.033–0.305[0.010 to 0.078][0.015 to 0.093][–0.003 to 0.071][–1.359 to 0.810]ADE0.0270.0210.058–3.166[–0.067 to 0.129][–0.085 to 0.135][–0.047 to 0.171][–6.586 to 0.289]ATE0.0690.0720.091–3.471[–0.025 to 0.170][–0.034 to 0.185][–0.014 to 0.201][–6.712 to –0.196]Mediator: Learning about others’ willingness to cooperateACME0.1170.1640.164–0.417[0.063 to 0.171][0.103 to 0.226][0.104 to 0.227][–2.075 to 1.302]ADE–0.047–0.091–0.073–3.074[–0.146 to 0.059][–0.200 to 0.026][–0.180 to 0.042][–6.747 to 0.637]ATE0.0690.0720.091–3.491[–0.025 to 0.169][–0.033 to 0.186][–0.013 to 0.203][–6.777 to –0.180]Open in a separate windowNote: The 95% CIs are in brackets.For the first mechanism (learning about the benefits of collective action), the estimates of ACME on participation in collective activities are generally positive, but always small. The results are substantially different when we examine the effect of learning about others’ willingness to cooperate. All ACME estimates on participation in collective activities directed at rodent activity are larger and significantly different from zero, allowing us to conclude that this is the most important pathway leading to cooperative behavior outside the game. In both cases, the ACME estimates on damage in the rice plot are not significant, reflecting the fact that such reduction is achieved not because participants learned about the problem, but because something (collective hunting) was done about it. Results of an analysis of the sensitivity of these estimates to the effect of unobserved confounders that may bias the effect of the mechanisms on outcome and of the extension of this analysis to the consideration of multiple mediators do not substantively change these conclusions (Methods).We can link the reduction in ignorance about others’ willingness to cooperate with behavior in the game. Fig. 1 presents the partial linear regression of respondents’ conclusion that others are more cooperative than expected as a nonlinear function of other players’ average contribution in the game (all seven rounds), controlling for the effect of players’ characteristics (Methods). There is a clearly nonlinear relation between the two variables: the probability of learning that others are willing to cooperate is zero at the Nash equilibrium (when contributions can be interpreted as reflecting individual rationality) and increases rapidly as average contributions increase to other levels of social optima (which correspond to average contributions of two and three time units, which, to be achieved, requires players to not use their best response strategies, i.e., to engage in costly cooperation).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Learning about others’ willingness to cooperate as a nonlinear function of others’ contribution in the game.In addition to providing evidence that economic games can be used to promote collective action at local level, the results in this article offer two main conclusions of practical importance. They both build on a better understanding of the mechanisms that drive cooperative behavior and, in particular, that games can be used to reduce pluralistic ignorance. The first is that it may be possible to use this approach to promote cooperation, even in the absence of social or technical change that creates new management problems (the most frequent motivation for its previous use in the literature). The second is whether other forms of reducing ignorance about what others do (via information campaigns or edutainment, for example) are equally as effective as the framed games we played and evaluated. However, and as the discussion of the external validity of field experiments emphasizes (34), a preliminary conclusion about the adequacy of such possibilities needs to be based on an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the failure to cooperate (including, possibly, the degree of ignorance about others’ willingness to cooperate).  相似文献   

Meta analysis suggests that non lipid serum marker effects can not be used to differentiate between statins     
《Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine》2004,8(1):101-2; discussion 103-4

Methotrexate should not be used for patients with end-stage kidney disease     
Boey O  Van Hooland S  Woestenburg A  Van der Niepen P  Verbeelen D 《Acta clinica Belgica》2006,61(4):166-169
Methotrexate is a widely used disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug. Its effectiveness has been proven in placebo-controlled trials and in comparison with other disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. The pharmacokinetics of methotrexate are highly variable and unpredictable. In patients with normal renal function, the recommended dose in rheumatoid arthritis ranges between 7.5 and 15 mg/week, but in recent years, even dosages up to 25 mg weekly are used. Toxicity includes myelosuppression, gastrointestinal adverse effects, hepatotoxicity and pneumonitis. Renal impairment and age are considered major risk factors for developing methotrexate toxicity, but studies show conflicting results. Whether methotrexate can be administered to patients with end-stage kidney disease has not been formally tested. The present case illustrates the severe side effects of low-dose methotrexate treatment in a patient with end-stage kidney disease. Seven other cases have reported similar and even more severe and irreversible consequences after low-dose regimen. In view of these side effects we strongly recommend to monitor toxicity rigorously in patients with stage 3 or stage 4 kidney disease and not to use methotrexate in patients with stage 5 kidney disease.  相似文献   

Prolonged duration of response to infliximab in early but not late pediatric Crohn's disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kugathasan S  Werlin SL  Martinez A  Rivera MT  Heikenen JB  Binion DG 《The American journal of gastroenterology》2000,95(11):3189-3194
OBJECTIVES: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha plays a central role in chronic intestinal inflammation of Crohn's disease. Targeting this cytokine with the chimeric monoclonal antibody infliximab has emerged as an effective form of therapy in adult Crohn's disease patients. We sought to determine whether infliximab treatment would benefit pediatric patients with medically refractory Crohn's disease. We also assessed the duration of response, comparing children with early disease to children with long-standing (late) Crohn's disease. METHODS: Fifteen consecutive children (mean age 12.8 +/- 3.2 yr) with medically refractory Crohn's disease were enrolled in a prospective, open-label trial of a single, 5-mg/kg infliximab intravenous infusion. Medically refractory disease was defined as an inability to taper steroids, lack of response to immunomodulator therapy over 4 months, and active disease as measured by the Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI). Primary endpoints included measurements of disease activity (PCDAI), steroid use, and duration of clinical response. RESULTS: In all, 14/15 children (94%) improved after infliximab infusion, with a significant decrease of both PCDAI and daily steroid use by 4 wk. Ten patients (67%) achieved complete remission by 10 wk. Among the 14 patients who responded, three of six children (50%) with early disease maintained clinical response through the 12-month trial period, compared to none of eight children with late disease. There were no serious complications associated with the use of infliximab in any of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Infliximab is safe and effective in the short-term treatment of medically refractory pediatric Crohn's disease. More importantly, there is a remarkably prolonged duration of response after infliximab therapy in children with early compared to late Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

Atazanavir not to be used with proton pump inhibitors     
《AIDS patient care and STDs》2005,19(2):128

PAS-positive lymphocyte vacuoles can be used as diagnostic screening test for Pompe disease     
Marloes L. C. Hagemans  Rolinda L. Stigter  Carine I. van Capelle  Nadine A. M. E. van der Beek  Leon P. F. Winkel  Laura van Vliet  Wim C. J. Hop  Arnold J. J. Reuser  Auke Beishuizen  Ans T. van der Ploeg 《Journal of inherited metabolic disease》2010,33(2):133-139
Screening of blood films for the presence of periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive lymphocyte vacuoles is sometimes used to support the diagnosis of Pompe disease, but the actual diagnostic value is still unknown. We collected peripheral blood films from 65 untreated Pompe patients and 51 controls. Lymphocyte vacuolization was quantified using three methods: percentage vacuolated lymphocytes, percentage PAS-positive lymphocytes, and a PAS score depending on staining intensity. Diagnostic accuracy of the tests was assessed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. All three methods fully discerned classic infantile patients from controls. The mean values of patients with milder forms of Pompe disease were significantly higher than those of controls, but full separation was not obtained. The area under the ROC curve was 0.98 for the percentage vacuolated lymphocytes (optimal cutoff value 3; sensitivity 91%, specificity 96%) and 0.99 for the percentage PAS-positive lymphocytes and PAS score (optimal cutoff value 9; sensitivity 100%, specificity 98%). Our data indicate that PAS-stained blood films can be used as a reliable screening tool to support a diagnosis of Pompe disease. The percentage of PAS-positive lymphocytes is convenient for use in clinical practice but should always be interpreted in combination with other clinical and laboratory parameters.  相似文献   

A nasal cannula can be used to treat obstructive sleep apnea     
McGinley BM  Patil SP  Kirkness JP  Smith PL  Schwartz AR  Schneider H 《American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine》2007,176(2):194-200
RATIONALE: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is due to upper airway obstruction and is associated with increased morbidity. Although continuous positive airway pressure efficaciously treats obstructive apneas and hypopneas, treatment is impeded by low adherence rates. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy on obstructive sleep apnea of a minimally intrusive method for delivering warm and humidified air through an open nasal cannula. METHODS: Eleven subjects (age, 49.7+/-5.0 yr; body mass index, 30.5+/-4.3 kg/m2), with obstructive apnea-hypopnea syndrome ranging from mild to severe (5 to 60 events/h), were administered warm and humidified air at 20 L/minute through an open nasal cannula. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Measurements were based on standard sleep-disordered breathing and arousal indices. In a subset of patients pharyngeal pressure and ventilation were assessed to determine the mechanism of action of treatment with nasal insufflation. Treatment with nasal insufflation reduced the mean apnea-hypopnea index from 28+/-5 to 10+/-3 events per hour (p<0.01), and reduced the respiratory arousal index from 18+/-2 to 8+/-2 events per hour (p<0.01). Treatment with nasal insufflation reduced the apnea-hypopnea index to fewer than 10 events per hour in 8 of 11 subjects, and to fewer than 5 events per hour in 4 subjects. The mechanism of action appears to be through an increase in end-expiratory pharyngeal pressure, which alleviated upper airway obstruction and improved ventilation. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate clinical proof of concept that a nasal cannula for insufflating high airflows can be used to treat a diverse group of patients with obstructive sleep apnea.  相似文献   

Left atrial overload can be used to estimate mitral regurgitant volume     
Cicoira M  Rossi A  Golia G  Gasparini G  Anselmi M  Zardini P 《Congestive heart failure (Greenwich, Conn.)》2001,7(5):259-263
This study was conducted to assess the accuracy of the estimated mitral regurgitant volume using both the left atrial filling volume and the systolic component of pulmonary vein flow expressed as the percent of its total. Since mitral regurgitation fills the left atrial chamber, the variation in atrial volume during ventricular systole has been proposed as a means to evaluate the severity of regurgitation. Although the correlation with invasive grading of mitral regurgitation is good, there is an unacceptable overlap among grades caused by the absence of information concerning pulmonary vein flow, which enters the left atrium while regurgitation occurs. The Doppler regurgitant volume, or Dp-RVol (mitral stroke volume minus aortic stroke volume) was quantified in 74 patients with any degree and etiology of mitral regurgitation. Atrial volumes were measured from the four-chamber apical view (biplane area-length method). The systolic time-velocity integral of pulmonary vein flow was expressed as the percent of the total (PVs%) (systolic-diastolic) time-velocity integral. These parameters were subjected to multivariate analysis and a regression equation was obtained. The equation was subsequently applied to a group of 31 patients without mitral regurgitation, as evaluated by color Doppler or continuous-wave Doppler and to the overall population (105 patients) in order to estimate the mitral regurgitant volume. In 74 patients with mitral regurgitation, the Doppler regurgitant volume was univariately correlated with the left atrial filling volume (r= 0.74; p<0.0001) and the systolic pulmonary vein velocity integral expressed as the percent of the total (r=0.67; p<0.0001). In multiple regression analysis, the combination of atrial filling and the pulmonary vein velocity integral provided the more accurate estimation of the regurgitant volume (R2=0.84; standard error of the estimate [SEE], 13.9 mL; p<0.0001; Dp-RVol equals 7.84+[1.08*left atrial filling volume] 2 [0.839*PVs%]). In 31 patients with no mitral regurgitation detected by color Doppler or continuous wave Doppler the estimated regurgitant volume was 4.3±6.6 mL. In the overall population the estimated regurgitant volume and the Doppler regurgitant volume correlated well with each other (R2=0.85; SEE, 11.5 mL; p<0.0001). The equation was 100% sensitive and 98% specific in detecting a regurgitant volume higher than 55 mL. The combination of the atrial filling volume and the systolic pulmonary vein time-velocity integral expressed as the percent of the total allows reliable estimation of the regurgitant volume in patients with mitral regurgitation. (c)2001 CHF, Inc.  相似文献   

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