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The electron microscopic autoradiographic tracing method has been used to examine the morphology and postsynaptic relationships of five projections (retina, cortical area 17, superior colliculus (tectal), parabigeminal nucleus, and pretectum) to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the greater bush baby galago crassicaudatus. Retinal terminals have been examined in the contralaterally innervated layer of each of the three matched pairs [parvi-(X-cell), magno- (Y--cell), and koniocellular (small, W-cell)] of geniculate layers. These terminals are large and contain pale mitochondria and round vesicles (RLPs). RLPs are presynaptic to juxtasomatic regions of parvi-and magnocellular neurons. In contrast, RLPs innervate more distal regions of konicellular neurons. Labeled cortical, tectal, and parabigeminal terminals are relatively small and contain round vesicles na dark mitochondria. Cortical terminals in each of the three representative layers are presynaptic to small diameter dendrites. No convergence of cortical and retinal terminals has been seen in any layer. Labeled tectal and parabigminal terminals are found primarily in the koniocellular layers, but the latter are also seen in all other layers. Tectal and parabigeminal terminals have been observed converging with retinal terminals on dendrites of some koniocellular neurons. Labeled pretectogeniculate terminals contain densely packed pleomorphic vesicles, dark mitochondria, and a dark cytoplasmic matric. These terminals, which are present in each of the representative layers, are presynaptic to conventional dendrites and profiles containing loosely despersed pleomorphic vesicles and a pale cytoplasmic matrix. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology and synaptic relationships of anterogradely labeled retinal, visual cortical (area 17), and parabigeminal terminals have been analyzed within the superficial gray (stratum griseum superficiale) of Galago crassicaudatus. Our data regarding the retinocollicular projection reveal two populations of terminals based upon size. The population of smaller terminals are found in clusters, while the larger occur in isolation. Both populations of retinocollicular terminals form synapses primarily with dendritic spines, but synapses upon pale vesicle filled (PVF) profiles and dendritic shafts also occur. Corticotectal terminals contain round vesicles and make asymmetrical synapses, primarily onto dendritic spines; few form synapses with PVF profiles. Our findings suggest the possibility that there are two populations of corticotectal terminals based upon differences in size and morphology. Parabigeminotectal profiles contain densely packed round vesicles and make asymmetrical synapses. These terminals, which are exclusively cholinergic in Galago, are presynaptic to dendrites of various sizes. Convergence of retinal and cortical terminals has been observed. This convergence occurs on distinctly separate regions of the postsynaptic membrane. In contrast, convergence of retinal and parabigeminal terminals occurs on the same region of the postsynaptic cell(s).  相似文献   

Terminals of the commissural projection in the cat were characterized ultrastructurally by autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase methods. The results of the two studies are complementary. Terminals of commissural cells are present in the intermediate and deep layers of the cat superior colliculus. Two distinct populations of terminals are present: one containing mostly round vesicles and forming asymmetric specializations, and a second containing mostly pleomorphic vesicles and forming symmetric specializations. Both populations contact small dendrites or dendritic appendages. The two populations, mostly round and mostly pleomorphic, are present in the ratio of 2:1. Terminals measure approximately 1.1 micron in mean diameter and contact profiles ranging in size from 0.2 to 4.6 micron. There is no significant difference between the two populations in either pre- or postsynaptic profile size. The colocalization of terminals of commissural neurons with other afferent and efferent projections of the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous light microscopic studies of Macaca pulvinar have demonstrated that both the inferior and adjacent portion of the lateral pulvinar subdivisions are reciprocally connected to the entire occipital lobe, including striate cortex. They differ in that inferior but not lateral pulvinar receives a projection from the superficial layers of the superior colliculus. In this study, the internal organization of these two subdivisions in compared by relating light microscopic Golgi morphology to the synaptic organization observed by electron microscopy. The Golgi impregnated neurons in inferior and lateral pulvinar are typical of other thalamic nuclei and are not qualitatively different in the two subdivisions. Projections neurons (PN) vary in cell body (15--40 micrometers) and dendritic tree (150--600 micrometers) diameters but bear the same varieties of dendritic appendages; spine-like, hair-like, and knot-like. Local circuit neurons (LCN) have smaller cell body diameters (10--20 micrometers) but can have very large dendritic field diameters (150--600 micrometers). They are best distinguished from PNs by their elaborate dendritic appendages, which have been identified as pre-synaptic dendrites in the EM. LCN axons are infrequently seen. In the EM both subdivisions contain four types of synaptic terminals. RS and RL terminal both contain round symaptic vesicles and make asymmetric synaptic contacts, but are subdivided on the basis of small (RS = 0.09 micrometers) versus large (RL = 2.2 micrometers) cross sectional diameters and organelle content. RLs contact larger caliber dendrites and frequently form synaptic complexes with presynaptic dendrites of LCNs, while RSs contact fine caliber dendrites and rarely take part in synaptic complexes. F terminal and P boutons both contain flat and pleomorphis vesicles and make symmetric synaptic contacts. They are characterized by vesicle number and cytoplasmic density. Fs are infrequently observed in pulvinar compared to P boutons and are of uncertain origin. P boutons can be equated with LCN dendritic appendages and have been identified as pre-synaptic dendrites. The quantitative distribution of each type is very similar in both subdivisions, avveraging RS 85%, RL 5%, F 0.3%, P 8% and unidentified 2%.  相似文献   

The cat superior colliculus (SC) receives a dense cholinergic input from three brainstem nuclei, the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus, the lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus, and the parabigeminal nucleus (PBG). The tegmental inputs project densely to the intermediate gray layer (IGL) and sparsely to the superficial layers. The PBG input probably projects only to the superficial layers. In the present study, the morphology of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunoreactive axons and synaptic endings in the superficial and deep layers of the SC was examined by light and electron microscopy to determine whether these cholinergic afferents form different types of synapses in the superifical and deep layers. Two types of fibers were found within the zonal (ZL) and upper superficial gray layers (SGL): small diameter fibers with few varicosities and larger diameter fibers with numerous varicosities. Quantitative analysis demonstrated a bimodal distribution of axon diameters, with one peak at approximately 0.3–0.5 μm and the other at 0.9–1.0 μm. On the other hand, ChAT-immunoreactive fibers in the IGL were almost all small and formed discrete patches within the IGL. Two types of ChAT-immunoreactive synaptic profiles were observed within the ZL and upper SGL using the electron microscope. The first type consisted of small terminals containing predominantly round synaptic vesicles and forming asymmetric synaptic contacts, mostly on dendrites. The second type was comprised of varicose profiles that also contained round synaptic vesicles. Their synaptic contacts were always symmetric in profile. ChAT-immunoreactive terminals in the IGL patches contained round or pleomorphic synaptic vescles, and the postsynaptic densities varied from symmetric to asymmetric, including intermediate forms. However, no large varicose profiles were observed. This study suggests that cholinergic fibers include at least two differnt synaptic morphologies: small terminals with asymmetric thickenings and large varicose profiles with symmetric terminals. The large varicose profile in the superficial layers is absent in the IGL. This result suggests that the cholinergic inputs that innervate the superficial layers and the patches in the IGL of the cat SC differ in their synaptic organization and possibly also in their physiological actions. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown a prominent calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive (CGRP-ir) pathway extending from the external medial and external lateral para-brachial nuclei to the area surrounding and including the gustatory nuclei in the thalamus, and the cortex and amygdala. The function of the CGRP-ir pathway is not completely understood, but may be involved with the processing of both nociceptive and gustatory information in the thalamus. The purpose of this study was to characterize the nature of the CGRP-ir synaptic contacts in the gustatory nucleus. Electron microscopic examination of CGRP-ir synaptic contacts revealed two classes of CGRP-ir terminals. One class, which was large, formed asymmetric synaptic contacts on dendritic appendages, had many small, round synaptic vesicles, and heavy patches of reaction product which obscured any underlying organelles. Since similar terminals in unstained tissue contained large numbers of dense-cored vesicles, it was concluded that CGRP-ir was contained predominantly in dense-cored vesicles. A second class of CGRP-ir terminals was smaller and made either asymmetric or symmetric synaptic contacts. Both symmetric and asymmetric small terminals contained small, round synaptic vesicles and fewer patches of dense reaction product. Several of the CGRP-ir terminals making symmetric contacts also contained pleomorphic vesicles. There were very few contacts on cell bodies. There were no contacts on other CGRP-ir elements, somal or dendritic, or on axon terminals. None of the CGRP-ir terminal elements were postsynaptic to unlabeled terminals. Axons containing CGRP-ir were primarily unmyelinated, but a few myelinated axons were also seen. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three divisions of the squirrel monkey pulvinar, p. inferior (PI), p. lateralis (PL), and p. medialis (PM), have been studied with light- and electron-microscopic techniques. Two populations of neurons exist. The first neuron is a thalamocortical relay cell (TCR), averaging about 26 μ in diameter, with radial dendritic pattern and thin dendritic appendages. The second is a Golgi type II neuron, about 16 μ average diameter, with more complex dendritic appendages and an axon ramifying in the vicinity of the soma. The TCR: Golgi type II ratio is about 7:3 in PL and PI, and 9:2 in PM. Three types of synaptic terminals are observed: the RS, comprising about 80% of the total population; the RL, comprising about 10%; and the F, comprising about 10%. The first two contain round vesicles and make asymmetrical synaptic contacts, while the third contains both round and flat vesicles and makes symmetrical synaptic contacts. Characteristic groupings of synaptic terminals and dendrites, called “glomeruli”, appear to be organized for structured and efficient interactions. Adhesive contacts are observed between synaptic and non-synaptic and non-synaptic structures. Comparisons with other thalamic nuclei are made, and the ultrastructural resemblance among all thalamic nuclei studied thus far is noted. The presence of glomeruli in all is discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural characteristics and synaptic organization of afferent terminals from the brainstem to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) of the rat have been studied with the electron microscope, by means of anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). Labeled fibers were seen predominantly in the lateral portion of MD after the injections of WGA-HRP into the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), the superior colliculus (SC), and the dorsal tegmental region (DT). The boutons arising from the SC were relatively small (less than 1.5 microns in diameter), formed asymmetric synaptic contacts with small dendrites and dendritic spines, and contained round synaptic vesicles. The axon terminals from the DT were mostly large boutons (2-4.5 microns) with asymmetric synaptic specializations and round vesicles. These boutons and their postsynaptic targets formed synaptic glomeruli that were entirely or partially ensheathed by glial lamellae. The ultrastructural features are almost identical to those of boutons in the medial and central segments of MD that were previously shown to originate from the basal amygdaloid nucleus and the piriform cortex. The boutons from the SNr had a wide range in size, but the majority were medium-sized to large (1.5-4 microns). The nigral boutons established symmetric synaptic contacts with dendritic shafts and occasionally with somata, and contained pleomorphic vesicles. However, like the DT terminals, they participated in glomerular formations. The nigral terminals closely resemble previously described terminals in the medial part of MD from the ventral pallidum, except that the nigral terminals formed en passant and axosomatic synapses as well as axodendritic synapses. A combined immunohistochemistry and WGA-HRP tracing study revealed that the nigral inputs were immunoreactive for glutamic acid decarboxylase and the axon terminals from the DT were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase. In a separate study, the colliculothalamic fibers have been shown to take up and transport the transmitter specific tracer [3H]-D-aspartate, and are therefore putatively glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. Taken together with this, the present results suggest that the collicular afferents are excitatory and glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic, that the inputs from the DT are also excitatory and cholinergic, while the nigral inputs are inhibitory and GABAergic.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of large neurons in the stratum griseum intermedium of the cat superior colliculus was examined following injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the dorsal tegmental decussation. Four HRP-labeled cells were selected, and the synaptology of their cell bodies and selected regions of proximal and distal dendrites was examined. The four neurons represent four morphologically distinct cell types: multipolar radiating, tufted, large vertical, and medium-sized trapezoid radiating. These four neurons correspond with cell types X1, X2, X3, and T1 respectively, according to the recent classification of neurons in the superior colliculus of the cat by Moschovakis and Karabelas (J. Comp Neurol. 239:276-308, '85). The three X type neurons are similar in having 83% of their somata and over 74% of their proximal dendrites contacted by synaptic profiles. Distal dendrites of the X type neurons, however, receive fewer synaptic contacts. In contrast, in the T1 cell, only 69% of the soma membrane is contacted by synaptic profiles, and the synaptic coverage on proximal and distal dendrites does not vary much from this. Of the eight types of synaptic terminals described in the stratum griseum intermedium of the cat superior colliculus by Norita (J. Comp. Neurol. 190:29-48, '80), only five are found in contact with the X and T type efferent neurons described here. There are some regional differences in terminal distribution, although each terminal is represented on each cell. Type III terminals (small, contain mostly pleomorphic vesicles, and make symmetrical contacts) are the most abundant on cell bodies and dendrites of all four cell types. Terminal types II (medium-sized, containing round and flattened vesicles, and making asymmetrical contacts), and IV (medium to large in size, containing flattened vesicles, and making symmetrical contacts) are well represented. In general, terminal types I (small, containing densely packed round vesicles, and making asymmetrical contacts) and VI (small and irregular in shape, containing flattened vesicles and making symmetrical contacts) are found infrequently. The identity of different types of synaptic terminal is discussed.  相似文献   

Terminals of olfactory bulb afferent (OB) and association (ASSN) fibers within the piriform cortex were characterized ultrastructurally. Identification was by electron microscopic (EM) autoradiography following injections of tritiated amino acids into the olfactory bulb and anterior piriform cortex. The results show that terminals of both fiber systems contain round vesicles and make asymmetrical synaptic contacts predominantly onto dendritic spines. Profiles with pleomorphic vesicles do not appear to be labeled from either site. Since there is strong evidence that both fiber systems generate excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in pyramidal cells, these results provide additional examples in the mammalian CNS of terminals with round vesicles and asymmetrical contacts that mediate an excitatory effect. Percentage density analysis and quantitative study of a large number of heavily labeled terminals revealed that while OB and ASSN terminals are similar in terms of vesicle shape and contact type, they differ in many morphological details including pre- and postsynaptic profile size, the packing density and distribution of synaptic vesicles, synaptic contact shape, and the presence of overlying neuroglial lamellae. However, large variations in appearance of different terminals of the same type are also present so that a small percentage of OB and ASSN terminals are indistinguishable morphologically in the absence of label. An important finding of the quantitative analysis is that spines contacted by lateral olfactory tract (LOT) terminals appear to be of two types based on a bimodal distribution in size and differences in morphology, while spines contacted by ASSN terminals appear to be of a single type. Comparison of these data with results from Golgi analysis indicates that ASSN terminals predominantly contact pyramidal cell spines while OB terminals contact both pyramidal and semilunar cell spines. Quantitative analysis of synaptic vesicles revealed that histograms of vesicle size for OB and ASSN terminals are virtually identical in shape, but peaks are slightly displaced (ASSN vesicles are 5% larger; significant with P less than .002). An analysis of the laminar distribution of OB and ASSN synaptic terminals revealed that while most OB terminals are segregated in layer Ia and most ASSN terminals in layer Ib, occasional OB terminals are observed up to approximately 50 micro deep to the Ia-Ib boundary and occasional ASSN terminals up to approximately 50 micro superficial to this boundary.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) in the rat was studied with the electron microscope, and correlated with the termination of afferent fibers labeled with wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). Presynaptic axon terminals were classified into four categories in MD on the basis of the size, synaptic vesicle morphology, and synaptic membrane specializations: 1) small axon terminals with round synaptic vesicles (SR), which made asymmetrical synaptic contacts predominantly with small dendritic shafts; 2) large axon terminals with round vesicles (LR), which established asymmetrical synaptic junctions mainly with large dendritic shafts; 3) small to medium axon terminals with pleomorphic vesicles (SMP), which formed symmetrical synaptic contacts with somata and small-diameter dendrites; 4) large axon terminals with pleomorphic vesicles (LP), which made symmetrical synaptic contacts with large dendritic shafts. Synaptic glomeruli were also identified in MD that contained either LR or LP terminals as the central presynaptic components. No presynaptic dendrites were identified. In order to identify terminals arising from different sources, injections of WGA-HRP were made into cortical and subcortical structures known to project to MD, including the prefrontal cortex, piriform cortex, amygdala, ventral pallidum and thalamic reticular nucleus. Axons from the amygdala formed LR terminals, while those from the prefrontal and insular cortex ended exclusively in SR terminals. Fibers labeled from the piriform cortex formed both LR and SR endings. Based on their morphology, all of these are presumed to be excitatory. In contrast, the axons from the ventral pallidum ended as LP terminals, and those from the thalamic reticular nucleus formed SMP terminals. Both are presumed to be inhibitory. At least some terminals from these sources have also been identified as GABAergic, based on double labeling with anterogradely transported WGA-HRP and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

In the cat synapses between vesicle containing profiles were observed in ventral and dorsolateral pontine nuclei. The presynaptic elements consisted of two types of axon terminals: axon terminals characterized by a population of small (38-40 nm) round synaptic vesicles (SSV) and axon terminals containing pleomorphic synaptic vesicles (PSV). The postsynaptic pale elements (PP) had pleomorphic vesicles and some features attributed to dendrites. In the dorsolateral pontine nucleus most of PP profiles took part in serial synapses, usually as an intermediate component, they were rarely observed in triads. On the basis of their electron microscopical appearance and synaptic relations they might be considered to represent a dendritic part of putative interneurons.  相似文献   

The organization of lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) of the cat was investigated using electron microscopy and Golgi techniques. Golgi-Cox preparations revealed that the LRN consists of allodendritic and, especially, isodendritic neurons. The latter have been associated with neural centres that have important roles integrating signals from distant sources. Several forms of spines were identified with the Golgi method, and their ultrastructural correlates were determined. Somatic spines resembled stubby protrusions, while dendritic spines, where were usually observed on distal dendrites, appeared as pedunculated spines, racemose appendages and spine-crowned appendages. Ultrastructural examination of this nuclease revealed various synaptic relationships. The majority of the synaptic terminals were small (1.5--2.5 micrometer in diameter), contained round vesicles and usually contacted dendrites and spines. Other small terminals contained pleomorphic vesicles and contacted distal dendrites and spines. Large terminals (greater than 2.5 micrometer in diameter) with round or pleomorphic vesicles contacted the somata or proximal dendrites. Three types of "synaptic configurations," which consisted of discrete aggregations of neuronal processes invested by astrocytic lamellae, were also identified. These structural arrangements likely provide a basis for the integration of inputs to the LRN from spinal and supraspinal centres.  相似文献   

In order to classify the presynaptic elements contacting the principle class of globus pallidus neurons, electron microscopic examination of serial sections made from a medially located large globus pallidus neuron, labeled with intracellular horseradish peroxidase, was undertaken. In addition, the use of labeled and light microscopically reconstructed material allowed us to quantitatively determine the distribution of each bouton type along the soma and dendrites. Six types of presynaptic terminals contacting the labeled cell have been recognized. Type 1 endings, the most numerous (84%), make symmetrical contacts on all portions of the cell, except spines, contain large pleomorphic, and a few large dense-core vesicles. Type 2 endings are filled with small spherical-to-ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles. They make asymmetrical contacts only with higher-order dendrites and account for 12% of synaptic contacts onto the labeled neuron. Type 3 endings are large, contain sparsely distributed large pleomorphic vesicles, and make two symmetrical synapses per bouton, one onto a spine head and the other onto the underlying dendritic shaft. They are infrequent (0.2%), being found only in association with dendritic spines. Type 4 endings contain large pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and no dense-core vesicles. They make symmetrical contacts with the short primary dendrites. Type 5 endings contain a mixture of small clear pleomorphic vesicles and numerous large dense-core vesicles. They contact only the cell body and the short primary dendrites, making up 20% of somatic synaptic contacts but less than 1% of contacts onto dendrites. Type 6 boutons contain oval and flattened synaptic vesicles and establish symmetrical contacts with higher-order dendritic branches and the cell body.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SPLI) in lamina I (marginal zone) and lamina II0 (outer substantia gelatinosa) of the dorsal horn of the macaque monkey was examined by the indirect antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. SPLI was found in small unmyelinated and finely myelinated axons and a variety of terminal types. The majority of SPLI terminals contained a few to many large granular vesicles (mean diameter 90 nm) in addition to a population of small clear round vesicles. A very few terminals contained mainly small round vesicles. SPLI terminals were presynaptic in axosomatic, axodendritic and axospinous contacts forming, in all but the axosomatic junctions, asymmetrical synapses. Some axosomatic junctions were symmetrical. SPLI terminals also formed the center of glomeruli with unlabeled dendrites and dendritic spines; some of the unlabeled dendrites contained a few small scattered vesicles and large dense-core vesicles. In more complex formations 2 to 4 SPLI terminals were associated with one another and linked by desmosomal contacts. The individual terminals in the complexes or ‘congregate terminals’ were simple large granular vesicle containing terminals (LGV), LGV-central terminals of associated glomeruli, or terminals containing mainly small round vesicles. In the apical region of lamina I an unlabeled terminal was found occasionally in contact with an SPLI terminal, which in turn synapsed onto a dendrite. These contacts have some synaptic characteristics and the SPLI terminal was possibly postsynaptic. Most of the types of SPLI terminals resemble closely terminal types shown to be of primary afferent origin. These terminals which make direct contact with dorsal horn dendrites may be the morphological substrate for postsynaptic excitation of dorsal horn neurons by substance P. The contacts of unlabeled terminals with SPLI terminals may represent a morphological substrate by which other neurochemical substances such as enkephalin or serotonin may modulate the substance P effects on dorsal horn neuronal activity.  相似文献   

The dorsomedial region of the nucleus of the tractus solitarius termed the subnucleus gelatinosus (SNG) was studied at the light and electron microscopic level in the cat. In cresyl violet and luxol fast blue stained sections the SNG contained small neuronal somata that were scattered throughout a pale-staining neuropil containing few myelinated fibers. These neurons were difficult to impregnate with Golgi staining techniques, but in successful impregnations the somata were observed to be 10--19 micrometers in diameter and bore few sparsely branching primary dendrites. Spines were present on the dendrites of some neurons and were more numerous on distal portions of the dendritic tree. Ultrastructural examination of the SNG revealed that the neuronal complement consisted of round, oval, or spindle shaped neurons with little or no organized Nissl substance. Rare myelin-like ensheathments of neuronal perikarya were also observed. Bundles of fine unmyelinated axons that coursed mainly longitudinally were a prominent feature of the area. The most common type of axon terminal observed contained mainly round clear vesicles, approximately 31 nm in diameter, and made asymmetrical synaptic contact with a dendritic profile. Pleomorphic vesicle-containing terminals involved in symmetrical synaptic contact were also commonly seen. Axodendritic and axosomatic synapses were associated with terminals containing either round clear vesicles or pleomorphic vesicles. Less commonly, dendrodendritic and dendrosomatic synapses were seen, the presynaptic elements of which contained pleomorphic vesicles. Following removal of a nodose ganglion, degenerating terminals of vagal afferent fibers were observed throughout the neuropil. Such terminals contained round, clear vesicles with an occasional large, dense-cored vesicle, and made axodendritic and axosomatic synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

This study describes the ventrobasal complex of the primate by using GABA immunocytochemistry at the electron microscopic level. The primate ventrobasal complex has a similar synaptic organization to sensory thalamic nuclei in other species. Two synaptic profiles within the ventrobasal complex contain flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and are GABA-immunoreactive. F-boutons (= F1 type, Guillery's classification; Guillery: Z. Zellforsch. 96:1-38, '69) are located principally in the extraglomerular neuropil and contain densely packed flattened synaptic vesicles and several elongate mitochondria and establish symmetric (Gray's type II) synaptic contacts. These boutons are not found postsynaptic to any other element and are presynaptic principally to nonimmunoreactive elements that are thought to be thalamocortical relay cell dendrites. PSD-boutons (= F2 type, Guillery's classification) contain a moderate number of flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and fewer mitochondria than F-boutons. PSD-boutons are found in glomerular and extraglomerular areas of neuropil and establish symmetric synaptic contacts. These boutons are considered to be appendages of interneuron dendrites and are postsynaptic to RL-, RS (Guillery's classification)-, F-, and other PSD-boutons. PSD-boutons are presynaptic to thalamocortical relay neurons and interneuron dendrites including PSD-boutons. Problems in distinguishing F- from PSD-boutons are addressed by comparing immunostained and nonimmunostained material and by the use of serial sections. The majority of synaptic contacts between pleomorphic vesicle-containing profiles appear to be between PSD-boutons and other components of interneurons. Few contacts between F-boutons and local circuit neurons are seen. These data suggest the principal GABAergic input to interneurons in the primate ventrobasal complex is derived from other interneurons.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the projection from the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) to the inferior colliculus is examined in the cat. Anterograde axonal transport of 3H-leucine and EM autoradiographic techniques are used to label axonal endings from DNLL. The primary finding is that axonal endings from DNLL contain pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and make symmetrical synaptic contacts. This morphology is associated with inhibitory synapses. The projection from DNLL is the source of approximately one-third of the axonal endings with pleomorphic vesicles in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus. In the contralateral central nucleus, only labeled endings with pleomorphic vesicles are found. By comparison, on the ipsilateral side, both endings with pleomorphic vesicles and, to a lesser degree, endings with round vesicles are labeled. Endings from DNLL are more numerous per unit area on the contralateral side. About half of the labeled axonal endings from DNLL terminate upon small dendrites, and another third terminate upon more proximal dendrites and several types of cell bodies. Many axonal endings form multiple synaptic contacts, sometimes on more than one postsynaptic structure. Sites of termination for axonal endings include dendritic spines and branch points of dendrites. These data support the hypothesis that the DNLL pathway to the inferior colliculus may have an inhibitory function. Previous studies show that DNLL neurons exhibit immunoreactivity to GAD and GABA antibodies. The crossed projection of DNLL to the inferior colliculus forms tonotopically organized bands that terminate as endings with pleomorphic vesicles. These endings may supply GABAergic inputs to the inferior colliculus. Thus, bands from DNLL could provide inhibitory inputs and overlap with bands from other sources that provide excitatory inputs. Overlapping bands may form unique synaptic domains in the inferior colliculus. The uncrossed projections from DNLL may provide the inferior colliculus with a more diffusely organized projection that could include excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Since the DNLL on one side may inhibit the opposite DNLL and the inferior colliculus, the DNLL pathway may regulate ascending inhibition to the midbrain. Presumed inhibitory inputs from DNLL to the inferior colliculus could be involved in binaural information processing and contralateral dominance.  相似文献   

The normal ultrastructure of the parabigeminal nucleus and the morphology and synaptic relationships of tectoparabigeminal terminals have been examined. Five different morphological types of terminals have been observed within the parabigeminal nucleus. Three of these profiles contain round vesicles and make asymmetrical synapses, while two contain pleomorphic vesicles and make symmetrical synapses. Electron microscopic autoradiographic data indicate that labeled tectoparabigeminal terminals represent only one of the three profiles containing round vesicles. Such terminals are primarily presynaptic to dendritic shafts, and several labeled profiles have been observed presynaptic to the same dendrite.  相似文献   

The projections of the superior colliculus to the thalamus have been studied in the monkey, Macaca mulatta, with anterograde degeneration techniques. The superior colliculus has been shown to project to the inferior nucleus of the pulvinar in a topographical manner with the lower visual field represented dorsomedially and the upper field ventrolaterally. The peripheral zone is located along the medial border and the fovea at the dorsolateral angle adjacent to the lateral geniculate nucleus. The superior colliculus also sends a dense projection to the ipsilateral intralaminar complex, i.e., to the parafascicular, central lateral and paracentral nuclei, and a lesser projection to the same contralateral nuclei. Degenerating tectal fibers were also found in the lateral geniculate nuclei. Four types of vesicle containing profiles were observed in the inferior pulvinar and paracentral nucleus. The large RL and small RS terminals contain round vesicles of uniform size and form asymmetric contacts mainly with large and small dendrites respectively. The F terminal contains a mixture of small round and flat vesicles. It forms symmetric contacts with dendrites and cell somata. The P profile is very pale and contains a relatively sparse population of vesicles showing a great variation in size. It forms symmetric contacts with medium to large dendrites. It is frequently found postsynaptic to the other types, especially the RL terminal, and is regularly seen as the intermediate element of serial and triadic synaptic arrangements. The experimental electron microscopic study has shown that many fibers from the superior colliculus terminate as RL profiles, undergoing direct dense degeneration, in both the inferior pulvinar and the paracentral nucleus. Others probably end as smaller RS terminals.  相似文献   

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