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目的探讨口周瘢痕所致畸形的皮瓣、皮片联合移植修复方法.方法运用口周瘢痕挛缩松解、皮片移植加局部皮瓣、远位皮管等联合移植修复畸形.结果 19例烧伤后口周瘢痕畸形患者术后功能及外观均较满意.结论对于口周瘢痕的整复,应视瘢痕厚薄情况和所在部位,根据患者病情特点运用皮片加皮瓣法或皮管法等进行联合移植修复,可以使口周的功能和外观的修复达到完美.  相似文献   

目的 探讨口周瘢痕反致畸形的皮瓣,皮片联合移植修复方法。方法 运用口周瘢痕挛缩松解、皮片移植加局部皮瓣,远位皮管等联合移植修复畸形。结果 19例烧伤后口周瘢痕畸形患者术后功能及外观均较满意。结论 对于口周瘢痕的整复,应视瘢痕厚薄情况和所在部位,根据患者病情特点运用皮片加皮瓣法或皮管法等进行联合移植修复,可能使口周的功能和外观的修复达到完美。  相似文献   

目的:观察分析游离皮片移植联合连续Z成形术治疗周围型会阴部瘢痕挛缩畸形的疗效。方法:分析近5年来我院收治的16例周围型会阴部瘢痕挛缩患者,切除增厚质地硬的瘢痕组织,充分松解,使外生殖器及肛周组织充分复位,创面均用游离皮片移植联合瘢痕瓣连续Z成形术修复。结果:16例患者术后瘢痕瓣存活良好,15例患者游离皮片完全存活,仅1例少许皮片边缘坏死,定期换药,创面愈合。16例患者会阴部外观均明显改善,外生殖器及肛周组织完全复位,双下肢外展、下蹲、行走等功能明显改善。患者满意。结论:游离皮片移植联合连续Z成形术治疗会阴部瘢痕挛缩畸形效果满意,是修复会阴部瘢痕简单有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复全面部瘢痕的临床疗效。方法采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复11例面颈部瘢痕患者。根据患者面部皮下脂肪的多少,采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管腹部皮瓣修复面部瘢痕及鼻再造者3例,采用胸腹部全厚皮片修复面颈部瘢痕者8例。结果术后移植的皮瓣及全厚皮片全部成活,随访患者1~21年,效果良好。结论根据患者面部皮下脂肪的多少,分别采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复面颈部瘢痕疗效好,值得临床应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管——腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复全面部瘢痕的临床疗效。方法采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管——腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复11例面颈部瘢痕患者。根据患者面部皮下脂肪的多少,采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管——腹部皮瓣修复面部瘢痕及鼻再造者3例,采用胸腹部全厚皮片修复面颈部瘢痕者8例。结果术后移植的皮瓣及全厚皮片全部成活,随访患者1~21年,效果良好。结论根据患者面部皮下脂肪的多少,分别采用腕携式胸腹部联合皮管——腹部皮瓣和胸腹部全厚皮片修复面颈部瘢痕疗效好。值得临床应用。  相似文献   

应用局部皮瓣治疗会阴区瘢痕挛缩   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨各种原因引起的会阴区瘢痕挛缩的修复方法。方法:1991年1月-2000年1月共治疗会阴区瘢痕挛缩20例分别采用局部皮瓣转移术+游离皮片移植,皮瓣移植术修复。如会阴周围有可供利用的正常皮肤,最好首先采用扩张术,将正常皮肤扩张后形成局部皮瓣加游离皮片移植修复。功能重要区域如耻骨联合,阴囊部可采用轴型皮瓣修复。结果:20例会阴区瘢痕,其中一次手术修复18例,近期效果满意。10例患者获得随访仍有部分功能障碍,需再次手术修复。结论:会阴区瘢痕挛缩的治疗,功能重要区域采用轴型皮瓣修复,其他区域以局部皮瓣加游离皮片移植修复为佳。  相似文献   

目的 探讨几种不同类型烧伤及创伤后所致瘢痕性眼睑畸形的手术修复及治疗效果.方法 瘢痕性眼睑畸形11例(16只眼),分别行瘢痕松解及皮片移植手术4例(其中3例双眼,1例单眼);1例行瘢痕松解及皮片移植,同时行同种自体体外培养角膜缘干细胞移植;2例(1例双眼)行Z成形皮瓣修复;1例行瘢痕松解+带蒂皮瓣转位;1例行瘢痕松解+眼轮匝肌蒂皮瓣;1例(双眼)瘢痕松解+睑板楔形切除+双下眼睑成形术;1例眼睑球粘连分离角膜白斑切除+同种异体角结膜移植+结膜囊成形术.结果 全部患者手术后获得不同程度的外观改善和功能恢复.结论 在眼睑瘢痕修复时,只要能尽力使皮肤和结膜囊缺损得到完整性修复,眼睑功能及外观改善即可达到部分或全部令人满意的效果.  相似文献   

目的探讨烧伤性耳部畸形的特点及修复方法。方法回顾2010—2020年大连大学附属新华医院整形外科收治的28例烧伤性耳部畸形患者的临床资料。对耳部烧伤畸形的部位及修复方法进行总结。所有患者均合并头皮、耳后、面部及颈部烧伤,其中累及耳轮、耳舟及耳垂者4例,累及耳轮下部及耳垂者15例,单纯累及耳垂9例。结果 28例患者移植的皮瓣、皮肤均100%成活。无软骨支架外露发生。对耳轮缺失者全部采用皮管法修复,移植的皮管皮瓣全部成活。所有患者获随访1~5年,2例局部瘢痕,2例再造耳轮耳垂回缩,余24例患者均满意。结论烧伤性耳畸形以耳部周边结构缺失为主。修复耳郭大部结构缺失需要邻近皮肤扩张皮瓣或颞浅筋膜瓣结合肋软骨支架修复;部分耳轮或耳垂缺失可采用皮管法或邻近皮瓣转移完成畸形修复。皮管皮瓣联合耳软骨移植可有效地避免再造耳轮耳垂回缩。  相似文献   

目的 探讨会阴及肛周重度瘢痕挛缩畸形整复的治疗方法及临床效果.方法 自2002年1月至2008年1月,共治疗会阴、肛周瘢痕挛缩50例患者.术前行肠道清洁和局部瘢痕清洗,然后分别采用"Z"成形术或"五瓣"成形术、皮片移植、局部皮瓣移植进行治疗,术后注意保持创面清洁、干燥,并及时有效地进行功能锻炼.结果 局部畸形完全纠正,阴茎、阴囊及大阴唇恢复至正常位置,肛门复位,排便不受限,两侧髋关节活动正常.40例植皮患者,术后皮片成活39例,1例患者出现皮片周边糜烂、坏死,经换药后愈合;10例局部皮瓣修复患者,9例皮瓣完全成活,1例皮瓣远端术后发黑坏死,经移植刃厚皮片覆盖后愈合.供区均Ⅰ期愈合.25例患者获随访3~6个月,局部外形及功能恢复均满意.结论 根据会阴部瘢痕挛缩畸形的特殊性,合理设计、选择手术方法,并结合术后功能锻炼,可获得满意的治疗效果.  相似文献   

颈部为人体外露部位之一,常与颜面及躯干同时遭受烧伤.深度烧伤后如果得不到良好的皮肤覆盖,瘢痕愈合后可以发生轻重程度不等的瘢痕挛缩畸形,严重影响外观和活动功能,对患者生理和心理都将造成极大伤害,降低患者的生存质量[1].因此对颈部瘢痕挛缩治疗的技术要求较高,须同时达到功能与美学都比较满意的效果.目前对颈部瘢痕挛缩畸形的治疗可按瘢痕大小、挛缩畸形程度、美学标准采用不同的方法修复.常用的方法有全厚皮片移植和皮瓣转移修复术[2,3],中厚皮片移植在质地色泽、挛缩复发方面的效果较皮瓣差,因此不宜作为首选的治疗方法.各式扩张皮瓣的应用为选用皮瓣提供了前所未有的有利条件,常用的有胸三角扩张皮瓣和双蒂额部扩张皮瓣[4,5].现将2种扩张皮瓣手术治疗方法的远期功能恢复及美学效果进行比较.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Donor-site complications of free radial forearm flaps (FRFF) after closure with a split-thickness skin graft (STSG) have been reported repeatedly. Different types of closure of the donor site have been advocated to reduce donor-site complications. In our practice, a V-Y closure with a local full-thickness skin graft (FTG) is performed generally. PURPOSE: A retrospective follow-up study was performed comparing subjective and objective outcomes of FTG versus STSG closure. FRFF donor site closure in 34 head and neck cancer patients (15 STSG, 19 FTG) was studied. RESULTS: Both methods of closure showed good function, sensibility, and esthetic outcome. No statistical differences between the 2 methods could be shown. CONCLUSION: V-Y local donor site closure is a good technique which prevents an additional donor site scar and discomfort when performing an STSG closure.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic scar (HTS) following thermal injury and other forms of trauma is a dermal fibroproliferative disorder that leads to considerable morbidity. Because of the lack of an ideal animal model, research is difficult. We have established an HTS model that involves transplanting human split‐thickness skin graft (STSG) or full‐thickness skin graft (FTSG) onto the backs of nude mice. The animals developed raised, firm, and reddish scars 2 months following transplantation. Histology and micromeasurement indicate raised, thickened engrafted skin with STSG and FTSG. In contrast, thickening was not observed with full‐thickness rat skin grafts used as controls. Masson's trichrome staining demonstrates increased accumulations of collagen fibrils in the dermis in both scars grafted with STSG and FTSG. Staining cells with toludine blue and an antibody for F4/80 showed an increase in the infiltration of mast cells and macrophages. Quantification of fibrocytes reveals increased fibrocytes. Moreover, STSG grafted skin had significantly more macrophages, mast cells, and fibrocytes than FTSG. Real‐time polymerase chain reaction analysis showed significantly elevated mRNA levels for type I collagen, transforming growth factor‐β, connective tissue growth factor and heat shock protein 47 in both types of engrafted skin. These data demonstrate that human skin grafted onto nude mice develops red raised and thickened scars having intrinsic properties that closely resemble HTS formation as seen in humans. Interestingly, STSG developed more scar than FTSG. Furthermore, inflammatory cells and bone marrow‐derived fibrocytes may play a critical role in HTS development in this animal model.  相似文献   



The healing of grafted areas after surgical treatment of deep burns frequently generates mutilating scars, and rises the risk of subsequent scar hypertrophy. Scar assessment based on clinical evaluation is inherently subjective, which stimulates search for objective means of evaluation.


The aim of this study was to objectively evaluate the effect of using autologous platelet concentrate (APC) in combination with split thickness skin grafting (STSG) on scarring processes following surgery of deep burns as compared with application of STSG alone.


Selected viscoelastic properties of 38 scars on 23 patients in total were examined using the Cutometer MPA 580 under controlled conditions for long-term outcomes 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery following deep burns.


The findings of this study suggest that the STSG + APC combination reduces the time of scar viscoelastic properties recovery as compared with application of STSG alone. This was statistically significant for viscoelastic parameters R2 and Q1.


APC has been advocated to enhance scarring after surgery of deep dermal and full thickness burns. We objectively demonstrated that the viscoelastic properties of scars treated with STSG + APC combination return more rapidly to the plateau state than areas treated with STSG only.  相似文献   



Traumatic soft tissue defect is a common issue for the trauma surgeon. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a dermal regeneration template (DRT) associated to a split-thickness skin graft (STSG) to cover severe traumatic wounds involving exposure of deep functional structures.

Materials and methods

Patients with severe traumatic defects, either open fractures or full-thickness skin wounds involving exposure of tendons without paratenon, bones without periosteum or joints without articular capsule, managed in the authors’ trauma centre, were included in a prospective fashion. They were treated by DRT, associated to STSG within a month and followed up to 18 months. The primary outcome was STSG percentage of take at 18 months. The secondary outcomes included complications rate, functional results, scar retraction rate at 18 months and aesthetic results.


A total of 15 patients were included, with 100% follow-up at 18 months. The mean age was 44.3 years, with nine men. Eighty percent of the wounds were located on the lower limb. After 18 months, the mean STSG take rate was 99.3%. Between the placement of the template and the STSG procedure, the reported complications were template unsticking, seroma, local infection and local oedema. There was no reported haematoma. In terms of functional outcome, percentages of patients undergoing rehabilitation from the time of the skin graft until the end of the follow-up decreased from 80% to 20%. There was 8.7% of retraction in length, and an 8.2% retraction in width. The Vancouver Scar Scale score constantly decreased until 2.5 at 18 months. The final functional and aesthetic subjective scores showed the marks to be located above the ‘Satisfying’ threshold, either by the surgeon or by the patients.

Discussion and conclusion

Eighteen months’ follow-up demonstrated that DRT reconstruction is a simple, reliable, efficient tool to treat complex traumatic soft tissue defects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this systematic literature review is to critically evaluate split-thickness skin graft (STSG) donor-site morbidities. The search of peer-reviewed articles in three databases from January 2009 to July 2019 identified 4271 English-language publications reporting STSG donor-site clinical outcomes, complications, or quality of life. Of these studies, 77 met inclusion criteria for analysis. Mean time to donor-site epithelialization ranged from 4.7 to 35.0 days. Mean pain scores (0–10 scale) ranged from 1.24 to 6.38 on postoperative Day 3. Mean scar scores (0–13 scale) ranged from 0 to 10.9 at Year 1. One study reported 28% of patients had donor-site scar hypertrophy at 8 years. Infection rates were generally low but ranged from 0 to 56%. Less frequently reported outcomes included pruritus, wound exudation, and esthetic dissatisfaction. Donor-site wounds underwent days of wound care and were frequently associated with pain and scarring. Widespread variations were noted in STSG donor-site outcomes likely due to inconsistencies in the definition of outcomes and utilization of various assessment tools. Understanding the true burden of donor sites may drive innovative treatments that would reduce the use of STSGs and address the associated morbidities.  相似文献   

We report long-term follow-up results of acellular dermal matrix (ADM) allograft combined with thin split-thickness skin autograft (STSG) for burn treatment. Between March 2001 and May 2007, we treated 19 cases of burn wounds or scar wounds at 34 different body sites with ADM allograft combined with STSG. All patients were monitored, with the mean follow-up period being 3.3 ± 1.4 years. Transplant skin was assessed by using a modified Manchester Scar Scale. The control sites that were treated with STSG at the same time were also monitored. There were significant differences in contour, contracture, and texture between the treatment and control sites (P < 0.05), but not in color, sensation, and complications (P > 0.05). All composite-grafted joints showed recovery and improvement in function postoperatively. The aesthetic contour of the skin donor site was satisfactory. Composite graft with ADM produces a supple texture without contractures, approaching the normal skin contour, and leading to adequate improvement in function.  相似文献   

异体脱细胞真皮基质加自体刃厚皮复合移植远期随访评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价异体ADM+自体刃厚皮复合移植的临床远期效果.方法 选择2001年3月-2008年10月,笔者单位收治的19例行异体ADM+自体刃厚皮复合移植患者为复合移植组(34个创面),同期9例行自体刃厚皮移植患者为对照组(11个创面).患者术后均随访2年以上.随访时,在曼彻斯特瘢痕量表的基础上设计随访对象评估表,评估移植皮肤的颜色、平整度、质地、挛缩、感觉、并发症情况,分值1~4分,得分越高、情况越差;采用温哥华瘢痕量表评估供皮区瘢痕形成情况;发放问卷调查患者满意度、移植期内健康记录;组织病理学方法观察其中4例患者皮肤组织结构.采用中立位法描述术前、术后及随访时患者关节活动范围.对数据进行非参数秩和检验、t检验或x2检验.结果 (1)复合移植组皮肤平整度、挛缩、质地评分分别为(1.6±0.5)、(1.8±0.8)、(1.5±0.8)分,显著低于对照组的(2.0±0.7)、(2.2±0.9)、(2.3±0.7)分(Z值分别为-2.058、-2.220、-2.323,P值均小于0.05);2组皮肤颜色、感觉、并发症评分结果相近(Z值分别为-0.628、-0.428、-2.520,P值均大于0.05).(2)复合移植组仅1个供皮区部分区域有轻度瘢痕.(3)复合移植组和对照组患者在疼痛、瘙痒和满意度方面比较,差异均无统计学意义(x2值分别为0.187、0.019、2.628,P值均大于0.05).(4)病理结果显示,手部复合移植后2年可见神经纤维结构,ADM在受体内未引起强烈的炎症反应.(5)复合移植组11处关节部位功能得到恢复或改善,另2处需再次手术.对照组2处关节部位均明显挛缩.结论 异体ADM+自体刃厚皮复合移植在防止瘢痕挛缩,改善功能及外观方面效果明显,长期存留于成人和儿童患者体内均未出现安全问题.  相似文献   

To formally evaluate the functional and aesthetic outcomes between full versus split thickness skin graft coverage of radial forearm free flap donor sites. A retrospective chart review of 47 patients who underwent pedicled or free radial forearm free flap reconstruction from May 1997 to August 2004 was performed. Comparisons were made between patients who had donor site coverage with split thickness skin grafts (STSG) or full thickness skin grafts (FTSG). There was no statistically significant difference between the STSG and FTSG in the number of post-operative dressings, incidence of tendon exposure, time to healing at the skin graft donor site, and time to healing at the skin graft recipient site. The questionnaire data showed there was a trend toward higher scores with the radial forearm scar aesthetics and satisfaction in the FTSG group. Full thickness skin graft coverage of radial forearm free flap donor site is superior to split thickness skin graft coverage in terms of aesthetic outcome, and has no statistically significant difference in terms of tendon exposure, time to healing at the skin graft donor site, time to healing at the skin graft recipient site, or post operative pain.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of artificial dermis combined with autologous split‐thickness skin grafting (STSG) compared with autologous intermediate‐thickness skin grafting (ITSG) alone in severely burned patients. Fifty‐six severely burned patients admitted to our hospital from December 2017 to January 2019 were enrolled and evenly grouped according to the random number table method [AD‐STSG group: 28 patients, receiving the treatment of artificial dermis (AD) combined with autologous STSG; ITSG group: 28 patients, receiving autologous ITSG treatment alone]. The healing time and Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) score of the donor area and graft area, survival rate and infection status of the autologous skin, psychological status (determined by Self‐rating Anxiety Scale and Self‐rating Depression Scale), and the activity of functional parts of all enrolled patients were included in the evaluation. General items of patients in AD‐STSG group and ITSG group, including age, sex, and degree of burn, were all comparable. A significantly shortened healing time of donor skin in AD‐STSG group was observed when compared with ITSG group (P < .05) while the recipient skin healed in the same tendency between the two groups. In addition, 21 days after the operation, AD‐STSG group presented with significantly higher survival rate of graft skin than ITSG group (P < .05) while same infection status was observed in the two groups. Significantly lower VSS scores were found in AD‐STSG group than that in ITSG group 3‐, 6‐ and 10‐months after operation (P < .05). Statistical difference regarding psychological status of patients from two groups was unobservable before operation while significantly lower Self‐rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Self‐rating Depression Scale (SDS) scores were found in AD‐STSG group than that in ITSG group 3‐, 6‐ and 10‐months after operation (P < .05). Also, AD‐STSG group presented improved mobility of functional part than that in ITSG group 10‐months after operation without statistical difference (P = .051). Artificial dermis combined with autologous split‐thickness skin grafting showed better therapeutic outcomes for the treatment of severely burned patients than autologous intermediate‐thickness skin grafting in terms of graft healing time, scar formation, psychological recovery, and perhaps in functional reconstruction.  相似文献   

This study compared three acellular scaffolds as templates for the fabrication of skin substitutes. A collagen-glycosaminoglycan (C-GAG), a biodegradable polyurethane foam (PUR) and a hybrid combination (PUR/C-GAG) were investigated. Scaffolds were prepared for cell inoculation. Fibroblasts and keratinocytes were serially inoculated onto the scaffolds and co-cultured for 14 days before transplantation. Three pigs each received four full-thickness 8 cm × 8 cm surgical wounds, into which a biodegradable temporising matrix (BTM) was implanted. Surface seals were removed after integration (28 days), and three laboratory-generated skin analogues and a control split-thickness skin graft (STSG) were applied for 16 weeks. Punch biopsies confirmed engraftment and re-epithelialisation. Biophysical wound parameters were also measured and analysed. All wounds showed greater than 80% epithelialisation by day 14 post-transplantation. The control STSG displayed 44% contraction over the 16 weeks, and the test scaffolds, C-GAG 64%, Hybrid 66.7% and PUR 67.8%. Immunohistochemistry confirmed positive epidermal keratins and basement membrane components (Integrin alpha-6, collagens IV and VII). Collagen deposition and fibre organisation indicated the degree of fibrosis and scar produced for each graft. All scaffold substitutes re-epithelialised by 4 weeks. The percentage of original wound area for the Hybrid and PUR was significantly different than the STSG and C-GAG, indicating the importance of scaffold retainment within the first 3 months post-transplant. The PUR/C-GAG scaffolds reduced the polymer pore size, assisting cell retention and reducing the contraction of in vitro collagen. Further investigation is required to ensure reproducibility and scale-up feasibility.  相似文献   

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