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This study investigated the modifications in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) power in 54 subjects, from children to middle-aged adults. Spectral analyses were performed on 5 h of NREM sleep. A marked decrease of absolute slow-wave activity (SWA) was observed with increasing age; children had significantly more SWA than adolescents, young and middle-aged adults. The decline of SWA across the night seems to level off with increasing age, suggesting an age-related attenuation of homeostatic sleep pressure. Absolute theta power was higher for children compared with the other three groups, and adolescents had more theta power than young and middle-aged adults. In comparison to young and middle-aged adults, alpha power was higher for children and adolescents. Children and adolescents had more sigma power than middle-aged adults. Absolute beta power was higher for children than for the other age groups. Therefore, the major alterations of NREM sleep EEG occurring between childhood and middle age are not restricted to SWA, but encompassed the theta, alpha, sigma and beta frequency bands.  相似文献   

Summary Introduction   In the present study, we evaluated the impact of age and gender on EEG spectral power of non rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep in Major depression and hypothesized a gender-dependent age effect as previously observed in healthy controls (more prominent decline of delta activity in male than in female subjects).
Patients and Methods   We spectrally analyzed the NREM sleep EEG of 11 male and 11 female depressed patients, who were carefully pair-matched with regard to age and clinical parameters and were free of any psychoactive drugs for at least 1 week.
Results   Whereas male and female patients did not differ significantly in averaged spectral power, we found a significant decline of delta activity as the main age effect on sleep in men, but not in women.
Conclusion   This clear gender-dependent age effect on the sleep EEG in Major depression contributes to a better understanding of sleep changes with aging and is methodologically important for future sleep studies in psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Owing to the use of scalp electrodes in human sleep recordings, cortical EEG signals are inevitably intermingled with the electrical activity of the muscle tissue on the skull. Muscle artifacts are characterized by surges in high frequency activity and are readily identified because of their outlying high values relative to the local background activity. To detect bursts of myogenic activity a simple algorithm is introduced that compares high frequency activity (26.25–32.0 Hz) in each 4-s epoch with the activity level in a local 3-min window. A 4-s value was considered artifactual if it exceeded the local background activity by a certain factor. Sensitivity and specificity of the artifact detection algorithm were empirically adjusted by applying different factors as artifact thresholds. In an analysis of sleep EEG signals recorded from 25 healthy young adults 2.3% (SEM: 0.16) of all 4-s epochs during sleep were identified as artifacts when a threshold factor of four was applied. Contamination of the EEG by muscle activity was more frequent towards the end of non-REM sleep episodes when EEG slow wave activity declined. Within and across REM sleep episodes muscle artifacts were evenly distributed. When the EEG signal was cleared of muscle artifacts, the all-night EEG power spectrum showed significant reductions in power density for all frequencies from 0.25–32.0 Hz. Between 15 and 32 Hz, muscle artifacts made up a substantial part (20–70%) of all-night EEG power density. It is concluded that elimination of short-lasting muscle artifacts reduces the confound between cortical and myogenic activity and is important in interpreting quantitative EEG data. Quantitative approaches in defining and detecting transient events in the EEG signal may help to determine which EEG phenomena constitute clinically significant arousals.  相似文献   

Sleep inertia (SI) is a transient period occurring immediately after awakening, usually characterized by performance decrement. When sleep is sufficient, SI is moderate, and produces few or no deficit. When it is associated with prior sleep deprivation, SI shows dose-dependent negative effects on cognitive performance, especially when subjects have been awaken in slow wave sleep (SWS). In the present study, spectral analysis was applied during the last 10 min before and the first 10 min after awakening, and during 1 h after awakening while subjects performed the Stroop test. Seventeen subjects were divided into a Control group who slept 8 h, and a Sleep Deprived group who slept only 2 h. The results show that performance was normal in the Control group, whereas reaction time was increased during the first half hour and error level during the second half hour in the Sleep Deprived group. Spectral analysis applied on the waking EEG during the whole test session showed that alpha activity was increased in both groups, but theta power only in the Sleep Deprived group. There was a high positive correlation in sleep deprived subjects between delta power during the last 10 min of sleep and subsequent performance decrement in speed and accuracy. Comparison of individual records showed a high positive correlation between spectral power before and after awakening in the Control group (generally in the sense of an increased frequency band), but no correlation was found in the Sleep Deprived group who exhibited a rather disorganized pattern. We discuss these results in terms of incoherence in the EEG continuity during sleep offset after prior sleep loss, which could partly account for the performance decrement observed during SI in sleep deprived subjects.  相似文献   

The topography of the EEG of human neonates is studied in terms of its power spectral density and its estimated complexity as a function of both the postmenstrual age (PMA) and the sleep state. The monopolar EEGs of three groups of seven neonates (preterm, term and older term) were recorded during active (AS) and quiet sleep (QS) from electrodes Fp1, Fp2, T3, T4, C3, C4, O1 and O2. The existence of changes between groups and sleep states in the power of delta, theta, alpha and beta bands and in the dimensional complexity of these electrodes was tested. Additionally, the nonlinearity of the EEG in each electrode and situation was analyzed. The results of the spectral measures show an increment of the power in the low frequency bands from AS to QS and with the PMA, which can be mainly traced on central and temporal electrodes. This change is shown as well by the dimensional complexity, which also presents the greatest differences in the central derivations. Moreover, the signals show evidence of nonlinearity in almost all the groups and situations, although a dynamic change from nonlinear to linear character is apparent in the central electrodes with increased PMA. As a result, it is concluded that nonlinear analysis methods provide a clear portrait of the integrated brain activity that complements the information of spectral analysis in the characterization of the brain development and the sleep states in neonates.  相似文献   

The hyperarousal model of primary insomnia suggests that a deficit of attenuating arousal during sleep might cause the experience of non-restorative sleep. In the current study, we examined EEG spectral power values for standard frequency bands as indices of cortical arousal and sleep protecting mechanisms during sleep in 25 patients with primary insomnia and 29 good sleeper controls. Patients with primary insomnia demonstrated significantly elevated spectral power values in the EEG beta and sigma frequency band during NREM stage 2 sleep. No differences were observed in other frequency bands or during REM sleep. Based on prior studies suggesting that EEG beta activity represents a marker of cortical arousal and EEG sleep spindle (sigma) activity is an index of sleep protective mechanisms, our findings may provide further evidence for the concept that a simultaneous activation of wake-promoting and sleep-protecting neural activity patterns contributes to the experience of non-restorative sleep in primary insomnia.  相似文献   

EEG spectral power was studied during periods of rapid eye movements (REMs) and tonic intervals in REM sleep of 7 young and 7 older male subjects. Significant symmetrical decreases in alpha and beta1 power at central and occipital sites, concurrent with an increase in frontal theta power, were observed during the production of REMs. The former findings are discussed as sleep analogues to changes in alpha and beta1 during waking, showing increased information processing and behavioural activation, and that of theta is tentatively presented as reflecting an increase in afferent thresholds. Independent of the phasic-tonic REM distinction, total EEG power markedly decreased as a function of time of night and did not interact with age. Significant age differences in the overall spectral composition of the EEG were obtained, namely, a lower level of delta power and a relative shift towards more power in frequencies above 12 Hz for the older group. Further, older subjects also demonstrated a more uniform topographical distribution of alpha and sigma power.  相似文献   

Both period-amplitude analysis (PAA) and power spectral analysis (PSA) were performed on all-night human sleep EEG recordings obtained from 11 subjects. The comparison of the two methods was based on the PAA variables time in band (a wave incidence measure) and rectified amplitude, and on the PSA variables spectral power density and spectral amplitude (the square root of power). The mean time course of these variables was determined for the first 4 nonREM-REM sleep cycles. Spectral power density and spectral amplitude in the delta range were high in nonREM sleep and low in REM sleep, and showed a declining trend over consecutive nonREM sleep episodes. In the frequency range below 2 Hz, rectified amplitude was highly correlated with both time in band and spectral amplitude, and there was no evidence for a dissociation between wave amplitude and wave incidence measures. However, in frequencies above 2 Hz, the modulation of time in band was a mirror image of that below 2 Hz. This result does not reflect a property of the data, but is inherent to the methodology applied. The reversal point of modulation was merely shifted when the high-pass filter settings were changed. It is concluded that band-pass filtering is necessary prior to PAA even for the analysis of the lowest frequency range, and that the indiscriminate use of PAA may give rise to spurious results.  相似文献   

Although a growing body of research indicates that frequent nightmares are related to impaired sleep regulation, the pathophysiology of nightmare disorder is far from being fully understood. We examined the relative spectral power values for NREM and REM sleep separately in 19 individuals with nightmare disorder and 21 healthy controls, based on polysomnographic recordings of the second nights’ laboratory sleep. Nightmare subjects compared to controls exhibited increased relative high alpha (10–14.5 Hz) and fronto-central increases in high delta (3–4 Hz) power during REM sleep, and a trend of increased fronto-central low alpha (7.75–9 Hz) power in NREM sleep. These differences were independent of the confounding effects of waking emotional distress. High REM alpha and low NREM alpha powers were strongly related in nightmare but not in control subjects. The topographical distribution and spectral components of REM alpha activity suggest that nightmare disordered subjects are characterized by wake-like electroencephalographic features during REM sleep.  相似文献   

According to a recent hypothesis the therapeutic effects of antidepressants might be related to acute or cumulative suppression of NREM sleep intensity. This intensity has been proposed to be expressed in the EEG power density in NREM sleep. In the present study the relationship was examined between the changes of EEG power density in NREM sleep and the changes in clinical state in 16 depressed patients during treatment with citalopram, a highly specific serotonin uptake inhibitor. A one-week wash-out period was followed by 1 week of placebo administration, a medication period of 5 weeks, and a one-week placebo period. In order to minimize systematic influences of sleep duration and NREM-REM sleep alterations, EEG power was measured over the longest common amount of NREM sleep stages 2, 3 and 4 (91.5 min). During the last treatment week and the week after withdrawal, a significant decrease of EEG power as compared to baseline was found in the 8-9 Hz frequency range. No clear-cut change, however, was observed in the EEG power of the delta frequency range (1-4 Hz), which is considered to be the principle manifestation of NREMS intensity. Furthermore, no relationship between changes in EEG power density and changes in clinical state could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The sleep EEGs of 9 young adult males (age 20–28 years) and 8 middle-aged males (42–56 years) were analyzed by visual scoring and spectral analysis. In the middle-aged subjects power density in the delta, theta and sigma frequencies were attenuated as compared to the young subjects. In both age groups power density in the delta and theta frequencies declined from NREM period 1 to 3. In the sigma frequencies, however, no systematic changes in power density were observed over the sleep episode. In both age groups the decay of EEG power (0.75–7.0 Hz) over successive NREM-REM cycles and the time course of EEG power during NREM sleep was analyzed. The decay rate of both EEG power density over successive NREM-REM cycles and EEG power density during NREM sleep was smaller in the middle-aged subjects than in the young subjects. It is concluded that the age-related differences in human sleep EEG power spectra are not identical to the changes in EEG power spectra observed in the course of the sleep episode. Therefore age-related differences in EEG power spectra cannot be completely explained by assuming a reduced need for sleep in older subjects. The smaller decay rate of EEG power during NREM sleep in the middle-aged subjects is interpreted as a reduced sleep efficiency. The results are discussed in the frame work of the two-process model of sleep regulation.  相似文献   

Birds provide a unique opportunity to evaluate current theories for the function of sleep. Like mammalian sleep, avian sleep is composed of two states, slow-wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye-movement (REM) sleep that apparently evolved independently in mammals and birds. Despite this resemblance, however, it has been unclear whether avian SWS shows a compensatory response to sleep loss (i.e., homeostatic regulation), a fundamental aspect of mammalian sleep potentially linked to the function of SWS. Here, we prevented pigeons (Columba livia) from taking their normal naps during the last 8 h of the day. Although time spent in SWS did not change significantly following short-term sleep deprivation, electroencephalogram (EEG) slow-wave activity (SWA; i.e., 0.78-2.34 Hz power density) during SWS increased significantly during the first 3 h of the recovery night when compared with the undisturbed night, and progressively declined thereafter in a manner comparable to that observed in similarly sleep-deprived mammals. SWA was also elevated during REM sleep on the recovery night, a response that might reflect increased SWS pressure and the concomitant 'spill-over' of SWS-related EEG activity into short episodes of REM sleep. As in rodents, power density during SWS also increased in higher frequencies (9-25 Hz) in response to short-term sleep deprivation. Finally, time spent in REM sleep increased following sleep deprivation. The mammalian-like increase in EEG spectral power density across both low and high frequencies, and the increase in time spent in REM sleep following sleep deprivation suggest that some aspects of avian and mammalian sleep are regulated in a similar manner.  相似文献   

Sleep states, the power spectra of the cortical electroencephalogram (EEG) and cortical temperature (T crt) were determined in young rats (age 23–24 days). Recordings were made for 1 day under habitual 12 h light: 12 h dark (LD 1212) conditions and on the subsequent day under continuous darkness (DD). The amount and distribution of the vigilance states differed little between experimental conditions. Sleep occurred predominantly during the actual (LD) or habitual (DD) 12-h light period. The EEG power density in the actual light period was lower than in the habitual light period. These differences were largest in the delta range for the EEG of non-rapid eye movement of sleep (NREMS) and in the theta range for the EEG of REM sleep (REMS) and waking. EEG power density in NREMS was somewhat lower in the LD dark period than in the corresponding DD period. The typical 24-h pattern of EEG power density in NREMS, which reflects processes underlying sleep regulation, was little affected by the experimental conditions. It is concluded that the light during an LD 1212 schedule suppresses the EEG but has little effect on the vigilance states.  相似文献   

The fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), a member of the Pinniped family, displays a highly expressed electroencephalogram (EEG) asymmetry during slow wave sleep (SWS), which is comparable with the unihemispheric sleep in cetaceans. In this study, we investigated the EEG asymmetry in the fur seal using spectral analysis. Four young (2-3 years old) seals were implanted with EEG electrodes for polygraphic sleep recording. In each animal, EEG spectral power in the frequency range of 1.2-16 Hz was computed in symmetrical cortical recordings over two consecutive nights. The degree of EEG asymmetry was measured by using the asymmetry index [AI = (L - R)/(L + R), where L and R are the spectral powers in the left and right hemispheres, respectively]. In fur seals, EEG asymmetry, as measured by the percent of 20-s epochs with absolute AI > 0.3 and >0.6, was expressed in the entire frequency range (1.2-16 Hz). The asymmetry was significantly greater during SWS (25.6-44.2% of all SWS epochs had an absolute AI > 0.3 and 2.1-12.2% of all epochs had AI > 0.6) than during quiet waking (11.0-20.3% and 0-1.9% of all waking epochs, respectively) and REM sleep (4.2-8.9% of all REM sleep epochs and no epochs, respectively). EEG asymmetry was recorded during both low- and high-voltage SWS, and was maximal in the range of 1.2-4 and 12-16 Hz. As shown in this study, the degree of EEG asymmetry and the frequency range in which it is expressed during SWS in fur seals are profoundly different from those of terrestrial mammals and birds.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to examine EEG activities using power spectral analysis (PSA) of good sleepers (GS), psychophysiological (PsyI) and paradoxical (ParI) insomnia sufferers on two consecutive nights. Participants completed three nights of PSG recordings in a sleep laboratory following a clinical evaluation. Participants were 26 PsyI, 20 ParI and 21 GS (mean age = 40 years, SD = 9.4). All sleep cycles of Nights 2 and 3 were retained for PSA. The absolute and relative activity in frequency bands (0.00 to 125.00 Hz) were computed at multiple frontal, central and parietal sites in REM and NREM sleep. Mixed model ANOVAs were performed with absolute and relative PSA data to assess differences between groups and nights. Over the course of the two nights, more absolute delta activity at F3, C3, and P3 was observed in ParI compared with PsyI suggesting deactivation of the left hemisphere in ParI and/or hyperactivation in PsyI. Further analysis on absolute PSA data revealed that differences between groups relate mostly to NREM. In REM, lower relative activity in slower frequency bands was found in ParI in comparison with GS and less relative theta activity was found in PsyI compared with GS implying higher activation in insomnia. In addition, between nights variability has been found in absolute powers of faster frequency bands (beta to omega). Signs of decreased cortical activity in absolute PSA in NREM combined with increased relative cortical activation in REM were found in ParI which might contribute to the misperception of sleep in ParI.  相似文献   

目的:探讨脑电图(EEG)在昏迷病人中的应用及与愈后的关系。方法:对80例昏迷病人的EEG及愈后进行分析研究。结果:80例昏迷病人中:其中α波昏迷1例治愈;β波昏迷2例中,1例治愈(50%),1例死亡;θ波昏迷30例中18例治愈,好转7例(83.3%),未愈5例;δ波昏迷27例中16例治愈,好转5例(77.8%),未愈6例;睡眠-纺锤波4例中3例治愈,1例好转(100%);电静息16中1例好转(0.06%),15例死亡。结论:EEG可直接反映昏迷病人的脑功能状态,其愈后的严重程度依次为电静息〉δ波昏迷〉θ波昏迷〉睡眠-纺锤波昏迷。对愈后判断有重要价值。  相似文献   

SUMMARY  The hypothesis that local activation of brain regions during wakefulness affects the EEG recorded from these regions during sleep was tested by applying vibratory stimuli to one hand prior to sleep. Eight subjects slept in the laboratory for five consecutive nights. During a 6-h period prior to night 3, either the left or the right hand was vibrated intermittently (20 min on-8 min off), while prior to night 5 the same treatment was applied to the contralateral hand. The sleep EEG was recorded from frontal, central, parietal and occipital derivations and subjected to spectral analysis. The interhemispheric asymmetry index (IAI) was calculated for spectral power in nonREM sleep in the frequency range 0.25-25.0 Hz for 0.5-Hz or 1-Hz bins. In the first hour of sleep following right-hand stimulation, the IAI of the central derivation was increased relative to baseline, which corresponds to a shift of power towards the left hemisphere. This effect was most prominent in the delta range, was limited to the first hour of sleep and was restricted to the central derivation situated over the somatosensory cortex. No significant changes were observed following left-hand stimulation. Although the effect was small, it is consistent with the hypothesis that the activation of specific neuronal populations during wakefulness may have repercussions on their electrical activity pattern during subsequent sleep.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the differences between patients with insomnia and good sleepers with regard to quantitative electroencephalographic measures have mostly utilized small samples and consequently had limited ability to account for potentially important confounding factors of age, sex and part of the night. We conducted a power spectral analysis using a large database of sleep electroencephalographic recordings to evaluate differences between patients with insomnia (= 803) and good sleepers (= 811), while simultaneously accounting for these factors and their interaction. Comparisons of power as a function of age and part of the night were made between cohorts (patients with insomnia versus good sleepers) by sex. Absolute power in the delta, theta and sigma bands declined with age for both females and males. Females had significantly greater power than males at all ages, and for each band, cohort and part of the night. These sex differences were much greater than differences between patients with insomnia and good sleepers. Compared with good sleepers, patients with insomnia under age 40–45 years had reduced delta band power during Part 1 of the night. Females with insomnia over age 45 years had increased delta and theta band power in Parts 2 and 3 of the night, and males with insomnia under age 40 years had reduced theta power in Part 1. Females with insomnia had increased beta2 power in all parts of the night, and males with insomnia had reduced alpha power during all parts of the night. Relative power (the proportion that an individual frequency band contributes to the total power) decreased in the delta band and increased in all other bands with age for both cohorts, sexes and all parts of the night. This analysis provides a unique resource for quantitative information on the differences in power spectra between patients with insomnia and good sleepers accounting for age, sex and part of the night.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a 200-mg administration of caffeine on polysomnographic sleep variables and quantitative sleep electroencephalography (EEG) in 12 young (20-30 years) and 12 middle-aged (40-60 years) moderate caffeine consumers (one to three cups of coffee per day). All subjects were submitted to both a caffeine (200 mg) and placebo (lactose) condition in a double-blind cross-over design. The conditions were separated by 1 week. Compared with the placebo condition, the evening ingestion of caffeine lengthened sleep latency, reduced sleep efficiency, and decreased sleep duration and amount of stage 2 sleep in both age groups. Caffeine also reduced spectral power in delta frequencies in frontal, central and parietal brain areas, but not in prefrontal (PF) and occipital regions. Moreover, caffeine increased spectral power in beta frequencies in frontal and central brain areas in both age groups. A suppression of spectral power in the PF area in low delta frequencies (0.5-1.00 Hz) and a rise in spectral power in the parietal region in high alpha (10.00-12.00 Hz) and beta frequencies (17.00-21.00, 23.00-25.00, 27.00-29.00 Hz) occurred solely in middle-aged subjects. No such changes were noticeable in young subjects. Generally, caffeine produced similar effects in young and middle-aged subjects. Only a few frequency bins showed more effects of caffeine in middle-aged subjects compared with young subjects. Furthermore, sleep EEG results do not entirely support the hypothesis that caffeine fully mimics the effects of a reduction of homeostatic sleep propensity when following a normal sleep-wake cycle.  相似文献   

Studies on homeostatic aspects of sleep regulation have been focussed upon non‐rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and direct comparisons with regional changes in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep are sparse. To this end, evaluation of electroencephalogram (EEG) changes in recovery sleep after extended waking is the classical approach for increasing homeostatic need. Here, we studied a large sample of 40 healthy subjects, considering a full‐scalp EEG topography during baseline (BSL) and recovery sleep following 40 h of wakefulness (REC). In NREM sleep, the statistical maps of REC versus BSL differences revealed significant fronto‐central increases of power from 0.5 to 11 Hz and decreases from 13 to 15 Hz. In REM sleep, REC versus BSL differences pointed to significant fronto‐central increases in the 0.5–7 Hz and decreases in the 8–11 Hz bands. Moreover, the 12–15 Hz band showed a fronto‐parietal increase and that at 22–24 Hz exhibited a fronto‐central decrease. Hence, the 1–7 Hz range showed significant increases in both NREM sleep and REM sleep, with similar topography. The parallel change of NREM sleep and REM sleep EEG power is related, as confirmed by a correlational analysis, indicating that the increase in frequency of 2–7 Hz possibly subtends a state‐aspecific homeostatic response. On the contrary, sleep deprivation has opposite effects on alpha and sigma activity in both states. In particular, this analysis points to the presence of state‐specific homeostatic mechanisms for NREM sleep, limited to <2 Hz frequencies. In conclusion, REM sleep and NREM sleep seem to share some homeostatic mechanisms in response to sleep deprivation, as indicated mainly by the similar direction and topography of changes in low‐frequency activity.  相似文献   

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