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Serum zinc was estimated in the cord blood of 60 neonates of different gestational age and birth weight, and their mothers. Mean serum zinc levels in neonates FTGA, PTAGA and term SGA were 128.88±14.37, 94.32±17.79 and 111.8±9.2 ug/dl respectively. The maternal serum zinc levels in corresponding groups was 96.28±19.48, 115.44±15.41 and 93.8±7.62 ug/dl. Thus mean serum zinc level in cord blood of FT AGA newborns was significantly higher than that in PT AGA and FT SGA. Mean serum zinc level in mothers of FT AGA was significantly lower than that in mothers of PT AGA. However, there was no significant difference between the maternal serum zinc levels of FT AGA and FT SGAs. There was positive correlation between gestational age and serum zinc level in cord blood of AGAs while correlation was negative in case of their mothers. There was positive correlation between weight (keeping gestational age constant) and serum zinc level in case of neonates while corresponding maternal zinc levels did not vary. (FT AGA and FT SGA).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the serum levels of lipoprotein (a) [Lp (a)] and apolipoproteins (apo A-1 and apo B) in schoolchildren with a history of coronary and cerebrovascular events in their grandparents. We measured serum concentrations of Lp (a) and apoliproteins immunochemically in 289 schoolchildren aged 12–13 years and questioned parents about coronary and cerebrovascular events in the children's grandparents. In boys and girls, mean ± s.d. levels of apo A-1, apo B and Lp (a) were 134 ± 20.3 and 136 ± 17.4 mg/dL, 61 ± 16 and 66 ± 15 mg/dL and 12.5 ± 15.3 and 12.5 ± 15.1 mg/dL, respectively. There were no significant sex differences in the levels of apo A-1, apo B, and Lp (a). The Lp (a) levels (mean ± s.d., 12.5 ± 15.2 mg/dL; median 7.5 mg/dL, n = 289) were not affected by other variables. The Lp (a) distribution was strongly positively skewed and 75% of schoolchildren had very low levels. In the total 289 schoolchildren, thirty-two grandparents who had had coronary vascular events (21 myocardial infarction, 11 angina pectoris) and twenty-three grandparents who had had cerebrovascular events were recorded. By the boxplot statistical analysis, no difference was found in Lp (a) levels in children whose grandparents had myocardial infarction compared with those whose grandparents had no such history, or compared with those whose grandparents had suffered cerebrovascular events. Analysis also showed that the values of log Lp (a) in children whose grandparents had myocardial infarction tended to be higher than the values in children whose grandparents had no such history (P = 0.09). No significant differences in the levels of apo A-1 and apo B and in the apo B/A-1 ratio could be seen between children grouped according to the presence or absence of coronary and cerebrovascular events in their grandparents. These results suggest that high levels of Lp (a) in schoolchildren aged 12–13 years may partly reflect the existence of coronary vascular disease in older family members. Lp (a) may account for the strongest index of family history to disease risk in comparison with other apolipoproteins. Further study is needed to clarify the appropriate mass measurement method for Lp (a) in schoolchildren.  相似文献   

Endocrine disorders are common in infants in the neonatal ICU. They often are associated with prematurity, low birth weight or very low birth weight, and small size for gestational age. They also frequently occur in infants who are critically ill or stressed. This article describes the most common conditions and current knowledge regarding management.  相似文献   

目的探讨胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-1)、胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3(IGFBP-3)与早产极低出生体质量儿(VLBW)生后早期生长的关系。方法根据胎龄和出生体质量,将32例VLBW新生儿分为小于胎龄儿(SGA)组和适于胎龄儿(AGA)组,给予相同的营养摄入量,监测两组出生时和生后第7、14、28天时的体质量、身长、头围和体质指数(BMI),并用放射免疫分析法检测相应日龄的血清IGF-1、IGFBP-3水平,计算IGF-1/IGFBP-3摩尔比率。结果两组VLBW新生儿在出生时及生后第7、14天的体质量、身长、头围、BMI差异均无统计学意义;至生后第28天时,SGA组的体质量、BMI均低于AGA组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。SGA组IGF-1、IGFBP-3、IGF-1/IGFBP-3以及AGA组IGF-1/IGFBP-3出生后随日龄变化的差异无统计学意义(P均0.05);但AGA组的IGF-1、IGFBP-3水平随日龄增长而升高,IGF-1于生后第14、28天时高于出生时水平,而IGFBP-3于生后第28天时高于出生时水平,差异有统计学意义(P均0.05)。生后第28天,SGA组IGF-1、IGFBP-3均低于AGA组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 SGA新生儿的IGF-1、IGFBP-3水平低于AGA,低水平的IGF-1、IGFBP-3可能会导致生长迟缓。  相似文献   

A clinical assessment of gestational age was performed in a group of 92 newborn infants. The Dubowitz method (1970) based on 10 neurological and 11 ‘external’ criteria and the Finnström method (1977) based on 7 ‘external’ criteria have been applied. A comparison between these two methods showed a correct estimation of gestational age within ±2 weeks in 86.95% of cases with the Finnström method and in 80.72% of cases with the Dubowitz method. A correct estimation within ±3 weeks was found in more than 90% of the infants with both methods. No significant difference between the two methods was found. In about 10% of cases the Dubowitz method could not be applied because of the serious conditions of the infants. Assessment of gestational age with the Finnström method proves to be less stressful for the infant, less time consuming and feasible on a larger number of infants than the assessment with the Dubowitz method. For these reasons the Finnström method seems to be more advisable for clinical routine work.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study was to check the embryotoxic-teratogenic and fetotoxic effect of mebendazole (Vermox; Richter, Budapest, Hungary) treatment during pregnancy. Mebendazole use during pregnancy was evaluated in mothers of babies born with congenital abnormalities and in matched control mothers of babies born without congenital abnormalities in the population-based data set of the Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities between 1980 and 1996. Of 22,843 women who had newborns or fetuses with congenital abnormalities, 14 were found to have been treated with mebendazole for intestinal nematoda infections/diseases during pregnancy (crude POR: 1.8 with 95% CI: 0.7-4.2). Of 38,151 women who had newborns without any defects (controls), the same number (14) were found to have been treated with mebendazole during pregnancy. Six different congenital abnormality groups were evaluated and a higher prevalence of mebendazole use in these mothers throughout pregnancy was not found. Gestational age and birth weight were analyzed in control infants born to mothers with or without mebendazole treatment. The mean gestational age was somewhat longer and mean birth weight was larger in newborn infants born to mothers with mebendazole treatment. Thus, treatment with mebendazole during pregnancy did not indicate a teratogenic and fetotoxic risk to the embryo or fetus, though the numbers of treated cases and controls in this study were limited.  相似文献   

背景:高尿酸血症(HUA)患病率逐年增高,不仅与痛风、尿酸盐肾病和肾结石有关,还与内分泌代谢、心脑血管等系统疾病的发生和发展有关。 目的:探讨孕母妊娠晚期血尿酸水平与不良妊娠结局、新生儿尿酸水平及新生儿合并症的关系。 设计:回顾性巢式病例对照研究。 方法:以2020年1~12月在北京大学人民医院产检的孕母为队列人群,根据孕母妊娠晚期血尿酸水平分为HUA组和非HUA组,比较两组妊娠结局和新生儿临床结局。根据孕母妊娠晚期血尿酸水平(μmol·L-1)分为低浓度(<360)、中浓度(~420)和高浓度(>420),采用线性回归和Logistic 回归模型分析孕母血尿酸水平与早产、低出生体重、小于胎龄儿的关系。孕母妊娠晚期尿酸值及新生儿生后24 h尿酸值相关性分析采用Spearman秩相关分析。 主要结局指标:孕母血尿酸水平与早产、低出生体重和小于胎龄儿的关系。 结果:共纳入孕母2 397例(新生儿2 581例),HUA组216例(9.0%),非HUA组2 181例。HUA组孕母所生新生儿出生体重低于非HUA组(2 925 g vs 3 260 g,P<0.001),差异均有统计学意义;而早产(18.5% vs 8.9%)、低出生体重(23.1% vs 7.1%)、小于胎龄儿(29.2% vs 10.6%)和转儿科比例(19.9% vs 11.1%)均高于非HUA组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。尿酸水平高浓度组孕母分娩的新生儿出生体重较低浓度组低54.0 g(95%CI:-106.5~-1.6,P=0.043),发生早产的风险增加74%(OR=1.74,95%CI:1.08~2.8,P=0.023),发生小于胎龄儿的风险增加85%(OR=1.85,95%CI:1.26~2.73,P=0.002)。新生儿生后24 h内尿酸水平与孕母妊娠晚期尿酸水平呈中等相关(r=0.613,P=0.000)。两组早产儿合并症差异无统计学意义。 结论:母体妊娠晚期HUA与早产、低出生体重、小于胎龄儿的发生相关。  相似文献   

Background: Full-term infants with severe and prolonged respiratory distress represent a diagnostic challenge. Plain radiographic findings may be nonspecific or similar to classic surfactant deficiency disease for infants with surfactant protein B deficiency and acinar dysplasia. Objectives: To describe the similar clinical-radiolgical patterns of two rare neonatal conditions. Materials and methods: Six newborn babies with severe respiratory distress at birth demonstrated clinical and radiographically prolonged and progressive diffuse pulmonary opacification. Results: All infants demonstrated hyperinflation of the lungs. The diffuse hazy opacification, which varied from mild (n=3) to moderate (n=3), progressed to severe diffuse opacification preceding death, which occurred at 12–36 days of life. Open lung biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of primary alveolar acinar dysplasia (AD) in four infants and surfactant protein B deficiency (SPBD) in two infants. Conclusions: In full-term babies with unexplained progressive respiratory distress from birth and progress of radiological changes, both AD and SPBD should be considered.  相似文献   

This 8th Swedish population-based cerebral palsy (CP) report comprises 241 children born 1991-94. The live birth prevalence was 2.12 per 1000. Excluding 7 postnatally-derived cases, the gestational age-specific prevalences were 86 for extremely preterm children, 60 for very preterm and 6 for moderately preterm, and 1.3 for term children per 1000. Spastic hemiplegic, diplegic and tetraplegic subtypes accounted for 33%, 44% and 6%, dyskinetic CP for 12% and simple ataxia for 4%. Neuroimaging had been performed in 90%. Probable aetiology was identified in 73% of preterm and 86% of term children. Among preterm children it was considered prenatal in 12%, peri/neonatal in 61% and unclassifiable in 27%, while it was 51%, 36% and 14% among term children. CONCLUSION: The live birth prevalence for CP in the birth year period 1991-94 continued to decrease slightly. Gestational age-specific prevalences increased marginally in extremely and very preterm births, continued to decrease in moderately preterm births and decreased slightly in term births. Probable aetiology and timing of the brain insult could be revealed in 81%, birth asphyxia being the likely cause in 28% of term children.  相似文献   

Inhibin B, a gonadal peptide regulating follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion in adults, has been found during gestation in amniotic fluid, but at birth only in term cord blood of male babies. Since no data are available on the evolution of serum inhibin B during the 1st week of life, we studied changes in inhibin B using a specific and sensitive immunoassay in male and female neonates during the 1st week of life in relation to FSH and to evaluate the possible effect of perinatal factors on inhibin B production. Inhibin B was measured by a specific monoclonal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Inhibin B was detectable in cord blood of all eight longitudinally studied male newborns, correlated negatively with the ponderal index and increased significantly on day 5 (from 54.2 ± 18.5 to 100.4 ± 34.8 ng/l, P < 0.005). Cord blood inhibin B was detected in only 1 out of 13 screened female neonates. In 48 at term-born females in whom inhibin B was measured on the 5th day of life, only 20 cases had a detectable level (between 8 and 68.6 ng/l). Inhibin B concentrations in cord blood and on day 5 were independent of duration of pregnancy, type of delivery, Apgar score and FSH concentration. Conclusion A sexual difference in serum inhibin B is already present at the end of gestation and changes in inhibin B during the 1st week of life are independent of follicle stimulating hormone changes and perinatal factors in both sexes. Our data suggest that neonatal inhibin B could be used to study whether the newborn has functional testes, i.e. in babies with ambiguous genitalia and/or bilateral cryptorchidism. Received: 30 September 1999 and in revised form 23 December 1999 and 20 January 2000 /Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if postnatal growth failure exerts an adverse effect on subsequent growth and neurodevelopment. STUDY DESIGN: A secondary analysis of 1018 infants who were enrolled in a randomized, clinical trial of glutamine supplementation was performed to determine whether early provision of parenteral amino acids (AA) is associated with better growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Infants were stratified by whether they were provided > or =3 g/kg per day of AA at < or =5 days of life (early; n = 182) or not (late; n = 836). RESULTS: At 36 weeks' postmenstrual age, significant differences were found in weight, length, and head circumference in favor of the infants who received early AA; the odds of having weight less than the 10(th) percentile for age was 4-fold higher for infants in the late group. At 18 months' CA, there were no differences in weight, length, or measures of neurodevelopment between the groups; however, male infants in the late group were twice as likely to have head circumference less than the 10(th) percentile. CONCLUSIONS: Early AA were associated with significantly better growth outcomes at 36 weeks' postmenstrual age, and fewer infants who received early AA were found to have suboptimal head growth at 18 months' CA.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To clarify the association between childhood pregnancy and risk of stillbirth. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed singleton and twin pregnancies that occurred in children (10-14 years old) in the United States from 1989 to 2000. We estimated the absolute and relative risks of stillbirth by using 15- to19-year-old and 20- to 24-year-old mothers as comparison groups. RESULTS: The analysis involved 17.8 million singletons and 337,904 individual twins. The rate of stillbirth was highest in pediatric mothers for both singletons (12.8/1000) and twins (56/1000) compared with adolescent (6.8/1000 in singletons and 29/1000 in twins) and mature (5.5/1000 in singletons and 20/1000 in twins) mothers. After adjusting for confounding characteristics, pediatric mothers continued to exhibit significantly elevated risk for stillbirth in both singletons (odds ratio, 1.57; 95%CI, 1.49-1.66) and twins (odds ratio, 1.97; 95%CI, 1.42-2.73). Preterm birth rather than small size for gestational age was revealed by means of sequential modeling to account for the excess risk of stillbirth observed in pediatric gravidas. CONCLUSION: Pregnancy in childhood is a risk factor for stillbirth; shortened gestation rather than reduction in fetal growth is the mediating pathway.  相似文献   

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