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Analysis of a 30 year (1950 to 1979) series of colorectal carcinoma disclosed 29 patients with ulcerative colitis, who were compared in this retrospective study with 1,032 noncolitic patients. Colitic tumors were often multiple and had a predilection for the transverse colon. Nineteen patients were resected with the intention of cure, for a curability rate of 66 percent, which is comparable to the 69 percent rate in noncolitic patients. The 5 year survival rate was 31 percent overall and 47 percent in curable cases, rates similar to those in noncolitic patients (34 and 47 percent). All patients with Dukes' A lesions survived 5 years. A high incidence of Dukes' C lesions was observed; one third of these patients survived 5 years. Apart from the advanced stage, no signs of “aggressiveness” or particular virulence were demonstrated in colitic cancer. Results of procedures less than proctocolectomy in 13 patients were dismal: 4 died from cancer within 3 years, and 6 developed late carcinoma in the retained part of the bowel, with a fatal outcome in all.  相似文献   

Aim Dysplasia of the pouch mucosa after restorative proctocolectomy is rare. The aim of this study was to establish whether there is a correlation between pouchitis and dysplasia. Method A group of 276 patients treated for ulcerative colitis by restorative proctocolectomy between 1984 and 2009 was analysed. The presence or absence of pouchitis and dysplasia within the pouch was evaluated. Results Inflammation was diagnosed in 66 (23.9%) patients, low‐grade dysplasia in five (1.8%), high‐grade dysplasia in three (1.1%), and cancer in one patient (0.4%). The prevalence of low‐grade dysplasia was significantly higher in patients with inflammation than in those without (P < 0.04). High‐grade dysplasia was significantly more frequent in pouchitis than in non‐inflamed pouches (P < 0.01). Logistic regression analysis suggested that the occurrence of mucosal inflammation increased the risk of low grade dysplasia. Conclusion Patients with chronic pouchitis are at risk of dysplasia and require surveillance of the pouch.  相似文献   

目的探讨压力管理对溃疡性结肠炎患者生活质量、心理状态及疾病活动的影响。方法随机将84例溃疡性结肠炎患者分为干预组和对照组各42例。两组住院期间均按照消化系统疾病予常规护理和健康教育,干预组在此基础上进行压力管理干预。出院时,使用炎症性肠病问卷(IBDQ)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)及溃疡性结肠炎疾病活动指数(UCDAI)对两组患者进行评价。结果干预后干预组IBDQ评分显著高于对照组,SAS、SDS、UCDAI评分显著低于对照组(P0.05,P0.01)。结论压力管理干预可减轻患者疾病症状,改善患者心理状态,从而提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

Aim A recent systematic review indicated that dysplasia present before restorative proctocolectomy is a predictor of subsequent dysplasia in the pouch. This prospective study was carried out to assess the prevalence of dysplasia in the ileal pouch in patients having RPC for ulcerative colitis with co‐existing dysplasia in the operation specimen. Method Eligible patients were invited for a surveillance endoscopy. The afferent and blind efferent ileal loop, ileoanal pouch and rectal cuff were examined by standard endoscopy using a dye‐spray technique with methylene blue. Mucosal abnormalities were biopsied and random biopsies were taken from the afferent and blind ileal loop, pouch and rectal cuff. Results Fourty‐four patients (25 male, mean 49 years) underwent pouch endoscopy at a mean interval from RPC of 8.6 years. Dysplasia was detected in two (4.5%) patients. In one, low‐grade dysplasia was found in the rectal cuff and in the other low‐grade dysplasia was detected in random biopsies from the pouch and the efferent ileal loop. Conclusion This prospective pouch‐endoscopy study detected dysplasia in < 5% of patients over nearly 10 years. The benefit of routine surveillance for dysplasia in the pouch is uncertain, as the significance of low‐grade dysplasia in the pouch is not clear.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) have an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. The current screening protocol involves an annual colonoscopy and biopsy after the patient has had the disease for 8 years. This, however, does not prevent the development of colorectal cancer. HYPOTHESIS: A microsatellite marker for IBD1 may identify individuals who are at greater risk of developing dysplasia and therefore colorectal cancer. DESIGN: Case-control study. SETTING: Single surgical practice. PATIENTS AND METHODS: DNA was extracted from peripheral leukocytes of 152 patients: 22 with UC and dysplasia; 48 with UC and no dysplasia; 24 with colorectal cancer; and 58 with noninflammatory bowel disease, nonmalignant gastrointestinal tract disease who were used as control patients. A microsatellite marker for IBD1 (D16S541) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Genotypes were identified using autoradiography. RESULTS: Six alleles and 15 genotypes were identified for marker D 16S541. Genotype CC was found in 33% (8/24) of cancer patients but only 12% (7/58) of controls (chi2 = 5.5; P = .02). Thirty-two percent (7/22) of patients with dysplastic UC also had this genotype, whereas only 8% (4/ 48) of patients with nondysplastic UC had the genotype (chi2 = 4.6; P = .03; vs controls: chi2 = 3.1; P = .08). CONCLUSIONS: This microsatellite marker for IBD1, when combined with other markers, has the potential to be used as a screening tool for colorectal cancer and dysplasia in patients with UC. Such a marker would be of particular use in improving the sensitivity and specificity of the current screening protocol for dysplasia and colorectal cancer for patients with UC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this systematic review was to assess the prevalence and site of dysplasia after restorative proctocolectomy (RPC) for ulcerative colitis (UC), and to identify risk factors that could be used in a surveillance programme. METHODS: Medical databases were searched for potentially relevant publications between 1978 and 2006. Studies that dealt with RPC for UC and postoperative surveillance were included. Two researchers independently performed study selection, quality assessment, data extraction and analysis. RESULTS: Twenty-three observational studies and case series were included, with a total of 2040 patients. The pooled prevalence of confirmed dysplasia in the pouch, anal transitional zone or rectal cuff was 1.13 (range 0-18.75) per cent. The prevalence of high-grade dysplasia, low-grade dysplasia and indefinite for dysplasia was 0.15 (range 0-4.49), 0.98 (range 0-15.62) and 1.23 (range 0-25.28 per cent) respectively. Dysplasia was equally frequent in the pouch and rectal cuff or anal transitional zone. Dysplasia and cancer identified before or at operation seemed to be significant predictors of the development of dysplasia. Pouchitis and duration of follow-up were not of predictive value. CONCLUSION: Although based on low-level evidence from uncontrolled studies, the prevalence of dysplasia observed after RPC was remarkable. A surveillance programme that takes into account the risk factors found is therefore advocated.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes were studied by flow cytofluorimetry and monoclonal antibody techniques in 107 patients with ulcerative colitis and in 20 healthy controls of similar ages. Total T, T helper (TH), and T cytotoxic/suppressor (TC/S) lymphocytes were defined by the monoclonal antibodies OKT3, OKT4 and OKT8, respectively, while B lymphocytes were defined by surface immunoglobulin. Patients had a significantly (P less than 0.05) lower proportion of TC/S lymphocytes than the controls, and patients with quiescent disease had a reduced proportion of B lymphocytes compared to controls and those with active disease. Patients with marked mucosal dysplasia had a significantly (P less than 0.025) lower proportion of TH lymphocytes and a higher (P less than 0.01) proportion of B lymphocytes than those without dysplasia. There were no significant associations between lymphocyte levels and any other clinicopathological features assessed.  相似文献   

A technique for performing mucosal proctectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis using ultrasonic fragmentation is described. Twenty-eight patients undergoing colectomy and ileoanal anastomosis were studied. Removal of the mucosal layer of the distal rectum was performed using a titanium probe vibrating at 23 kHZ with an amplitude of 300 microns. This method produces complete mucosal destruction and the resulting debris and irrigating fluid is removed through the hollow central portion of the probe. Healing of the ileoanal anastomosis does not appear to be adversely affected by the use of this technique. Because ultrasonic fragmentation is not dependent on the integrity of the submucosal plane, it may be advantageous in those cases in which severe inflammation and submucosal scarring make manual dissection of the rectal mucosa difficult to perform.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy for patients with ulcerative colitis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
BACKGROUND: Significant concern continues about the feasibility of laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy (RP) with an ileal J pouch anal anastomosis in the surgical treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). The aim of this study was to clarify the feasibility of laparoscopic RP at a single institution where the surgical routine of laparoscopic colorectal surgery has already been established. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between July 1994 and December 2001, 18 patients with UC underwent laparoscopic RP. The median age was 30 (range, 18-51) years, and the median follow-up was 20 (range, 5-89) months. Five trocars were placed. After the entire colon and rectum were mobilized and the vessels were divided intracorporeally, the rectum was divided with use of a laparoscopic linear stapler. A pouch anal anastomosis was fashioned with use of a double stapling technique. A diverting loop ileostomy was fashioned. RESULTS: There were no conversions to the open procedure. The median operative time and median blood loss were 360 (range, 290-500) minutes and 105 (range, 10-586) mL, respectively. Six postoperative complications occurred (wound sepsis, 2; bowel obstruction, 1; anastomotic stricture, 2; pouchitis, 1). In one patient, a bowel obstruction developed 3 months after the operation, which was managed conservatively. The median length of the hospital stay was 9 (range, 7-21) days. CONCLUSIONS: The laparoscopic RP is safe and feasible in selected patients with UC. New laparoscopic instrumentation, such as a linear stapler, and a more reliable laparoscopic coagulating and dividing tool should be designed, which would make it possible to perform this procedure more frequently in the surgical treatment of UC.  相似文献   

Inflammation of ileal reservoir mucosa ("pouchitis") is a common sequelae in ulcerative colitis (UC) patients who have had a colectomy with ileal pouch anal-anastomosis (IPAA). Although several clinical, genetic, and laboratory parameters have been evaluated, reliable pathologic predictors for the development of pouchitis are lacking. The purpose of this case-control study was to determine whether there are any pathologic features in UC colectomy specimens that may help predict the subsequent development of pouchitis after an IPAA procedure. The study group consisted of 39 UC patients (male/female ratio: 21/18, mean age: 35 years), who had at least 1 episode of pouchitis after an IPAA procedure during the follow-up period (mean: 57 months, range: 12-121 months). There were 26 control patients (male/female ratio: 11/15, mean age: 37 years), all of whom also underwent a total colectomy and IPAA procedure for UC, but did not develop pouchitis during the follow-up period (mean: 78 months, range: 14-223 months). Routinely processed tissues from each colectomy specimen were evaluated for a variety of histologic features, such as extent of colitis, severity of colitis, extent of severe colitis, type and extent of ulceration, presence and severity of appendiceal inflammation, and the presence of active ileitis, and compared between the study and control patients. Pathologic features that were associated with the subsequent development of pouchitis included the presence of severe colitis that extended into the cecum (severe pancolitis), which was present in 7/39 (18%) pouchitis patients, but in none (0%) of the control patients (P = 0.03), early fissuring ulcers [9/39 (23%) pouchitis cases versus 1/26 (4%) controls (P = 0.04)], active inflammation of the appendix [20/32 (63%) pouchitis patients versus 7/19 (31%) controls (P = 0.03)], and appendiceal ulceration [13/32 (41%) pouchitis patients versus none (0%) of the controls (P = 0.002)]. No significant differences in patient gender or age, depth or extent of ulceration, or the presence or absence of "backwash ileitis" were identified between the 2 groups. In conclusion, there are several histologic features in colectomy specimens from UC patients who have undergone an IPAA procedure that may help predict the subsequent development of pouchitis. Of these features, appendiceal ulceration is highly associated with pouchitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Restorative proctocolectomy (RPC) with or without mucosectomy is the treatment of choice for most patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) requiring surgery. The ileal mucosa in the reservoir and the anorectal columnar epithelium below the ileo-anal anastomosis are at risk of neoplastic transformation. METHOD: The literature has been reviewed to identify patients developing this complication and an attempt has been made to develop a rational follow-up policy based on the data available. RESULTS: Dysplasia in the ileal reservoir is rare. It is associated with histological type C changes, sclerosing cholangitis and unremitting pouchitis in the ileal mucosa and to the presence of sclerosing cholangitis. Nine patients who have developed adenocarcinoma in the residual anorectal mucosa and seven in the reservoir have been reported in the literature. A further hitherto unreported patient treated by the authors brings the total to 17 patients. Twelve of these had histopathological data on either dysplasia or carcinoma in the original operative specimen. The time intervals from the onset of UC and from the RPC to the development of cancer were 120-528 (median 246) and 16-216 (median 60) months respectively. Cancer appeared to be related to the duration of disease rather than to the interval from RPC. In all the reported patients the interval from the onset of UC was 10 years. CONCLUSION: Based on these data a surveillance programme should begin at 10 years from the onset of disease. Patients with dysplasia or carcinoma in the original specimen, those with type C ileal mucosal changes and patients with sclerosing cholangitis should be selected for surveillance. This will involve multiple biopsies of the ileal reservoir and the anorectal mucosa below the ileo-anal anastomosis.  相似文献   

Distinct gene expression of osteopontin in patients with ulcerative colitis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a multifactorial disorder of unknown etiology. Few studies have applied genome-wide gene expression analysis in colon tissue samples of UC. We report the analysis of mucosal gene expression in UC and noninflamed control specimens. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 7 UC patients who received a total colectomy because of severe total colitis. Normal control colon tissues were obtained at least 10 cm from the area of pathology in 3 colon cancer patients. Ten colonic tissue samples (7 UC and 3 normal control samples) were subjected to high-density oligonucleotide array analysis. To compare differences in the level of gene expression between UC and control samples, Mann-Whitney U-test was used, with significance set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Twenty-five genes had a 3.0 approximately 23.4-fold higher mRNA expression in UC samples compared with normal samples, whereas three genes had a 3.0 approximately 3.4-fold lower expression in UC samples compared with normal samples. Two genes showing more than a 10-fold increase expression in UC samples were a macrophage metalloelastase (L23808) and a osteopontin (AF052124). It has been said that macrophage metalloelastase is related to ulcer formation of the intestine, whereas osteopontin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. CONCLUSION: Our present study supports the previous report that macrophage metalloelastase is related to ulcer formation of UC, and it also indicates the possibility that osteopontin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of UC via increased immune activity.  相似文献   

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