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Eccrine syringofibroadenoma (ESFA) is a rare, benign adnexal tumor arising most often on the extremities of elderly individuals. It is typically a slow-growing, flesh- to reddish-colored nodule or plaque. Histologically, the tumor consists of anastomosing cords of cuboidal epithelial cells surrounded by a fibrovascular stroma containing plasma cells. The cords contain scattered ductal structures lined with cuboidal cells resembling eccrine ducts. The co-existence of ESFA with squamous cell carcinoma has been described, eliciting the term eccrine syringofibroadenoma. The differential diagnosis includes poroma, porocarcinoma, fibroepithelioma of Pinkus and clear cell acanthoma. ESFA stain positively with epithelial membrane antigen and carcinoembryonic antigen. Cytokeratin studies have been inconsistent.  相似文献   

Eccrine syringofibroadenoma (ESFA) is a rare, benign adnexal tumor arising most often on the extremities of elderly individuals. It is typically a slow-growing, flesh- to reddish-colored nodule or plaque. Histologically, the tumor consists of anastomosing cords of cuboidal epithelial cells surrounded by a fibrovascular stroma containing plasma cells. The cords contain scattered ductal structures lined with cuboidal cells resembling eccrine ducts. The co-existence of ESFA with squamous cell carcinoma has been described, eliciting the term eccrine syringofibroadenoma. The differential diagnosis includes poroma, porocarcinoma, fibroepithelioma of Pinkus and clear cell acanthoma. ESFA stain positively with epithelial membrane antigen and carcinoembryonic antigen. Cytokeratin studies have been inconsistent.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old man presented with a 30-year history of a slowly enlarging lesion on the sole of his right foot. A biopsy showed an anastomosing network of small cuboidal cells with the formation of occasional sweat ductal lumina and a marked fibrovascular stroma. The histological findings were interpreted as consistent with the diagnosis of an eccrine syringofibroadenoma. Using immunohistochemistry all the tumour cells were positively stained by the pan-cytokeratin antibody Lu-5 and an antibody to the cytokeratins 1/5/10/11. In addition the luminal ductal cells expressed cytokeratin 19 and CEA. Tumour cells were negative for cytokeratins 1, 7, 8, 13 and 18 and did not express vimentin and GCDFP-15. The results indicate that the eccrine syringofibroadenoma is differentiated towards the dermal eccrine duct.  相似文献   

Eccrine syringofibroadenoma (ESFA) is a rare disorder that shows differentiation toward eccrine sweat apparatus. There is a controversy concerning the pathogenesis and differentiation of this tumour. We report a case of ESFA in a 63-year-old Japanese man. We review the literature presenting a classification, including a newly reported subtype. Clinically and pathogenically, ESFA is probably a group of heterogeneous disorders.  相似文献   

A 50-year-old Hispanic man presented to the dermatology clinic with a 0.6-cm eroded, erythematous, scaly plaque on the left side of his neck. On shave biopsy, the lesion was composed of intra-epidermal and invasive dermal cells characterized by a signet-ring appearance. One area suggestive of topical squamous cell carcinoma prompted the inclusion of that entity in the differential diagnosis. Mucicarmine stains were negative, while the extra-vacuolar cytoplasm focally reacted with periodic acid-Schiff staining, the positive reaction for which was abolished by diastase, consistent with glycogen. Malignant cells expressed keratins by reacting to antibodies, Mak6, AE1/AE3, Ker 903, and CAM5.2. Additionally, weak reactivity occurred with antibodies to CEA and EMA. Tumor cells did not express S-100, HM-B45, Leu M1, or actin. By ultrastructural examination, the large vacuoles corresponded to markedly dilated endoplasmic reticulum. A diagnosis of signetring squamous cell carcinoma, a rare form of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma which has been described in only one case report in the last 10 years, was made. Immunohistochemical staining provided information useful in differentiating this lesion from other clear cell and signet-ring cell tumors which involve the skin.  相似文献   

Eccrine syringofibroadenoma is a rare tumor considered to originate from the excretory portion of the eccrine sweat gland. A new case of this lesion, whose acrosyringeal differentiation was underlined by an immunohistological study using antibodies to keratin and involucrin, is reported herein.  相似文献   

<正>临床资料患者,男,63岁。因右颞部皮肤肿物4年,破溃、糜烂1周,于2009年11月13日收入我科。患者4年前发现右颞部皮肤出现一黄豆大小丘疹,无自觉症状,皮损缓慢增大至核桃大小,未予处理,  相似文献   

<正>临床资料患者,女,79岁,农民。面部红斑增生30年,继发结节5年,伴疼痛1个月。患者自诉30年前无明显诱因左侧面颊部出现红斑,无自觉症状,患者未重视,红斑面积扩大,延及鼻背部、右侧面颊部,5年前左侧面部散在出现数个米粒至绿豆大结节,无明显症状,结节缓慢增大,自行外用红霉素软膏,无效果,1个月前结节周围疼痛来我院就诊。皮肤科检查:面颊部、鼻背部、上唇可见浸润性红色斑块或斑片,表面散在结节高低不平,伴有少量鳞屑,载玻片按压可见苹果酱色;毛  相似文献   

Eccrine syringofibroadenoma is a rare eccrine tumor first described by Mascaro in 1963. The clear cell variant was reported by Fretzin in 1995. We describe a hemorrhagic papule on the knee of a 64-year-old woman. Microscopic examination revealed epidermal-based anastomosing thin epithelial cords with ductal structures surrounded by a fibrovascular stroma. Multiple nests of glycogen-containing clear cells were also present. The tumor cells forming the epithelial cords expressed keratin. The eccrine ductal structures and clear cells additionally expressed gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 (GCDFP-15). Reactivity with antibodies against estrogen receptor or progesterone receptor was negative. These results favor the dual differentiation of the clear cell variant of eccrine syringofibroadenoma toward ductal and secretory portions of the eccrine sweat gland.  相似文献   

报告1例砷中毒男性患者,56岁,因白血病曾服用含砷剂中药。初发手指疣状增生,以后左肋部、手掌见角化性斑疹、丘疹。组织病理提示左手指鳞状细胞癌、肋部、手掌鲍温病。治疗:手术切除并放疗,半年后复发,左前臂皮肤出现结节并淋巴结转移。  相似文献   

小汗腺汗孔瘤1例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报告1例左足趾小汗腺汗孔瘤。患者女,55岁。1年前左足第2趾出现一约1.5cm×1.2cm大的肿块,组织病理诊断为小汗腺汗孔瘤。  相似文献   

患者女,70岁。40年前发现左颈部、躯干出现数个皮肤肿物,10余年前手术切除数个,术后复发并增多,2个月前肿物出现持续性钝痛,10 d前左颈部肿物出现破溃。组织病理学检查见真皮内肿瘤细胞团块,中央为良性小汗腺螺旋腺瘤的成分,周边为恶性肿瘤成分,恶性肿瘤成分中细胞轻度异形伴透明变性。免疫组化显示,癌胚抗原和上皮膜抗原呈阳性表达。诊断为小汗腺螺旋腺癌。手术切除后1个月复发,3个月复发的肿瘤增多增大,并出现破溃,术后6个月死亡。  相似文献   

患者,男,45岁。左胸部数个皮疹10余年,增大伴捏痛5~6年。一直未做检查及治疗。体格检查:发育正常,营养中等,各系统检查未见异常。皮肤科检查:左胸部可见三颗暗红色结节,直径为0.3~1 cm,圆形,境界清楚,质韧,牵拉结节时伴明显疼痛(图1)。皮肤组织病理示:表皮基本正常,真皮内瘤细胞团,部分瘤细胞团明显可见两种细胞,外层细胞核小深染,胞浆少,内层细胞大,核呈圆形或卵圆形有空泡,有明显的嗜酸性胞浆,可见广泛的导管分化(图2~4)。  相似文献   

甲下鳞状细胞癌是一种罕见的疾病,常常被延迟诊断或误诊,平均延迟诊断时间为62.4个月,误诊率高达78.9%.本文报道一例误诊为甲沟炎2年的甲下鳞状细胞癌患者.患者,男,49岁.右手第5指外侧缘起皮疹伴疼痛2年.皮损组织病理示高分化鳞状细胞癌.于局麻下行皮肤恶性肿瘤切除术及游离皮瓣移植术.术后恢复良好,随访半年无复发.  相似文献   

播散型汗孔角化症并发鳞状细胞癌1例   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
患者女,67岁,全身出现角化性丘疹,渐扩大成淡褐色环状斑片50年,病检证实汗孔角化症。右颧部原皮损出现深褐色小结节,增长迅速伴灼痛3年,切除病检证实鳞状细胞癌。  相似文献   

正临床资料患者,女,83岁。左手小指外侧缘浸润性红色斑块3年余。患者于3年前出现左手小指外侧缘浸润性斑块,无任何自觉症状,未予诊治,皮疹范围较前增大,自行购药外涂,皮疹未见消退,遂于2016年3月来我科就诊。发病以来,患者精神状态、饮食、睡眠及大小便正常。既往无外伤史,家族未见类似疾病患者。体格检查:系统检查无明显异常。皮肤科检查:左手小指外侧缘可见一境界清楚的红色浸  相似文献   

患者,女,46岁。全身角化性丘疹30年余,头皮破溃1年余。皮肤科情况:躯干四肢褐色斑块,部分中央萎缩;枕部可见18 cm×9 cm溃疡。枕部皮损组织病理检查示条索状异型肿瘤细胞;免疫组化示鳞癌。上肢皮损组织病理检查:多个角化不全柱。诊断:泛发性汗孔角化症合并枕部巨大鳞癌。给予放疗,效果可。  相似文献   

患者男,53岁,冠状沟增生物2年,腹股沟包块红肿、疼痛、破溃2月余。体检:双侧腹股沟淋巴结红肿约2 cm × 1.5 cm,质硬,触痛,右侧腹股沟肿大淋巴结中心波动,其上见多处破溃及黄白色脓性分泌物流出,如喷水壶状。多个肿大或破溃淋巴结被腹股沟韧带分隔,形成明显的沟槽征。冠状沟两侧可见1 cm × 2 cm不规则疣状增生,质硬,表面角化。龟头系带处红肿,有波动,并有破溃伴黄白色脓液渗出,右侧阴囊肿胀。龟头系带处分泌物及左右侧腹股沟穿刺液多次真菌培养阴性,细菌培养阴性,抗酸染色阴性,沙眼衣原体培养初次为阴性,衣原体内源性质粒PCR检测阳性,omp1-限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分型为L3型。Western印迹示血清沙眼衣原体主要外膜蛋白(MOMP)抗体阳性,多形外膜蛋白H(PmpH)抗体 > 1 ∶ 800,衣原体多代培养阳性。右腹股沟疣状增生处活检示皮肤高分化鳞状细胞癌。诊断:性病性淋巴肉芽肿合并皮肤鳞状细胞癌。  相似文献   

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