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错误相关电位(ErrP)是脑在错误事件后出现的特定脑电电位改变,隶属于事件相关电位。本研究就ErrP的任务诱导模式和其在神经系统疾病中的应用进行归纳总结,首先阐述错误相关负波、错误正波和反馈相关负波这3种ErrP成分的神经来源及其在错误加工中的意义,然后总结当前主要的ErrP任务诱导模式,其次介绍了ErrP在神经系统疾病中的应用,最后对ErrP未来的研究方向和应用趋势作出展望。  相似文献   

目的:探讨错误反馈对高、低特质焦虑者认知评估的影响,以及错误反应后的情绪敏感度差异.方法:本研究为横断面研究,利用状态一特质焦虑问卷,从得分位于高低端各10%的群体中各随机选择14名分别作为高低特质焦虑组,采用修正后的提示性持续性操作任务(AX-cPT),分析两组错误反馈后的电生理指标差异.结果:高特质焦虑组在错误反馈后产生的FRN波幅高于低特质焦虑组[(4.32±6.21)vs.(7.89±6.03),P<0.05],相应的,高特质焦虑组错误反馈后的负性情绪得分高于低特质焦虑组(Z=-2.69,P<0.01).结论:高特质焦虑者比低特质焦虑者对错误反馈刺激更敏感,错误反馈导致个体认知评估或执行控制系统能力降低.  相似文献   

事件相关电位N270的特性及本质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
拜读了临床神经电生理学杂志编辑部转来的杨文俊教授的来信 ,现对来信回复如下。首先 ,诱发电位 (Evokedpotentials,EP)泛指由刺激或事件诱导出来的多种生物电活动。事件相关电位 (Event relatedpotentials,ERP)是指与某些刺激或心理活动事件相关联的大脑神经电活动 ,ERP有广义和狭义之分。狭义的ERP主要是指把多种感觉刺激编成刺激序列用以诱发与此相关联的大脑神经电活动 ,广义的ERP则泛指与任何事件相关联而伴随产生的神经电活动 ,当然可以包括多种形式的事件 ,因此 ,国外均有部分…  相似文献   

本文对神经衰弱患者及正常对照者进行了事件相关电位检查,分析其中P_(300)成分的潜伏期、波幅,结果发现与正常对照组相比,神经衰弱患者P_(300)波幅较低,而潜伏期无显著差异,表明患者大脑皮质功能弱化。本研究结果提示事件相关电位可作为诊断神经衰弱的一项辅助检查。  相似文献   

目的:观察精神分裂症患者在疾病早期事件相关电位各成分潜伏期及波幅的变化。方法:对43例精神分裂症患者及42例正常对照组进行事件相关电位N100、P200、N200、P300波的检测。结果:患者组检测结果异常35例,异常率81%。与对照组相比,N100、P200、N200、P300潜伏期均延长,差异有显著性意义,P0.05。P300波波幅降低,差异有极显著性意义,P0.01。对病例组中其发病时间进行两两对比分析,差异无显著性意义,P0.05。结论:精神分裂症患者在疾病的早期就存在认知功能障碍,说明ERPs作为一个客观的电生理指标,对认知功能损害的评定具有极其重要的价值。  相似文献   

帕金森病事件相关电位的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
帕金森病是一常见的锥体外系疾病 ,并存在认知功能障。本文对 5 6例帕金森病进行事件相关电位 (ERP)研究 ,以客观地评定患者的认知功能。现报告如下。1  对象和方法1 1  检测对象病例组 :为 1997年 5月— 2 0 0 0年 1月我院门诊及住院病人 ,依据 1984年全国锥体外系疾病讨论会制定的诊断标准[1] 明确诊断。 5 6例中 ,男 34例 ,女 2 2例 ,年龄 39~ 79岁 ,平均 6 0 5岁 ,均为右利手。对照组 :为同期门诊健康体检者。共 5 0例 ,男 31例 ,女19例。年龄 38~ 81岁 ,平均年龄 6 1岁。均为右利手。各年龄段、性别、受教育程度两组相匹配。1 …  相似文献   

目的:考察汉语双字词启动任务的事件相关电位(ERP)时空模式特性。方法:以词汇重复(例:大豆-大豆)、语义启动(例:高粱-大豆)和语义失配(例:轮船-大豆)三类关系先后显示启动词和靶词,16名被试判断靶词是否与启动词同类而分别按键,同时记录其行为绩效和19通道ERP,应用单因素三水平重复测量方差分析和配对比较,采用统计参数映像(statistical parametric mapping,SPM)呈现ERP结果。结果:反应时间(F(2,26)=77.28,P=0.00)和正确率(F(2,26)=42.91,P=0.00)的重复启动效应均显著,词汇重复组的行为绩效(反应时间601.44±69.39ms,正确率98.7±1.3%)分别优于语义启动组(774.98±87.34ms,88.2±5.9%)和语义失配组(788.75±88.10ms,87.8±4.8%)。虽然后两组行为绩效差异不显著,但其ERP均可见P200、N400和P600成分。SPM提示额顶颞分布的P200效应(200-250ms)与注意调控相关;中央顶分布的N400效应(300-450ms)与语义加工相关;枕颞分布的P600效应(500-1000ms)可能反映语境重构。结论:双字词启动任务的ERP时空模式反映多层次语言加工功能,适用于语言功能评价。  相似文献   

目的:观察刺激间隔对颜色冲突诱发的事件相关电位N270的影响。方法:采用美国Neuroscan脑电诱发电位工作站,对15名健康受试做刺激匹配的事件相关电位研究,要求受试判断前后两个刺激的颜色是否相同,并作出按键反应,每对刺激以不同的刺激间隔呈现(oms,150ms,500ms,1000ms),结果;500ms和1000ms状态,当一对刺激颜色不同时,在第二个刺激出现后约270ms处从头皮可记录  相似文献   

本文利用三种视觉符号编排的刺激序列,记录了95名正常人的视觉ERP,报道了Fz、Pz点N2、P3波幅和潜伏期的正常值及N2、P3的影响因素。结果表明:该刺激序列可引出清晰、稳定的ERP波形;P3波幅与任务和部位有关,靶P3波幅大于非靶P3,靶P3于Pz点波幅大于Fz,非靶P3在Fz、Pz点间波幅无明显差异;N2波幅与任务无关,靶与非靶之间N2波幅无差异,而与部位有关,Fz点波幅大于Pz点;N2、P3受年龄的影响.中老年人N2、P3潜伏期长于青年人,而波幅中老年人较青年人低。  相似文献   

情绪的事件相关电位研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
情绪 (emotion)是指人类个体受到某种刺激所产生的一种身心激动状态 ,是情感的外部表现 ,它的产生不是自发的 ,而是由内部或外在的刺激引起的。在心理学研究中 ,情绪比一般的认知活动更为复杂 ,更多地涉及社会环境与文化。事件相关电位 (eventrelatedpoten tial,ERP)是评价大脑信息处理活动的一种无创伤性方法 ,大量实验证明 ,ERP可以敏感地反映出情绪活动在脑内的活动过程。近年来 ,人们采用不同的实验方法 ,分析不同模式、不同性质、不同强度的情绪刺激条件下 ,ERP各成分的波幅、潜伏期、头皮分布区域等参数变化 ,以对情绪处理有关的…  相似文献   

Emotional Stroop tasks have gained wide interest in scientific literature in the last two decades. Although no direct measure of attention is employed, these studies infer the presence of preferential processing of threatening information based on reaction time (RT) impairment in a competing task. Because event-related potential (ERP) measures are sensitive to both the extent (amplitude) and speed (latency) of cerebral processing, they are valuable tools with which to examine more directly the claim that threatening stimuli are associated with enhanced attention. Twenty-two students rated a pool of words to identify those that were personally disturbing. Two word types (threat and neutral) were then compared in two tasks (color relevant, in which the color ink of words was identified, and word relevant in which words were classified as threatening or not). No emotional Stroop effect was observed in terms of longer RTs to identify the colors of threat words. ERP results provided valuable information about threat processing which was not observed with behavioral measures. Threat content was associated with larger P2 amplitude in the right than left hemisphere, and larger P3 amplitude, across tasks. The results indicate strong evidence for enhanced processing of threat-related stimuli in healthy individuals. It is concluded that ERPs are a sensitive measure of processes underlying emotional Stroop performance, which can be used to elucidate attentional biases in healthy and clinical populations.  相似文献   

Whenever rare target stimuli are presented interspersed by frequent irrelevant stimuli (standards), the targets elicit a late parieto-central positive wave called P3. Usually standards and targets differ by a simple physical feature (e.g. tone pitch). Less consistent are the data obtained in semantic tasks, in which standards and targets are represented by different word classes. Given an equal number of words in the target and standard categories, each individual standard is more frequent than each target, that is, the frequency of the category is confounded with that of individual stimuli. In the present study participants were presented five semantic classes each being represented by 15 words. Words belonging to one particular class should be counted. Thus targets were rare (20%), although the frequencies of each word and of each semantic class were equal. A highly significant P3 was recorded. Its latency was longer, and the amplitude was smaller, than when standards and targets were two tones. These data indicate that brain waves recorded in semantic tasks are not necessarily manifestations of specific semantic processing.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from normal subjects in a serial paired-comparison task with the spoken digits one to five. For each digit, the subject decided whether it was smaller or larger than the preceding one. We examined to what extent ERP components are associated with the probability information each digit provides with respect to the subsequent response. Shortest reaction time (RT) and highest accuracy was obtained for the two end terms one and five. The N1 and P2 components of the ERP were attenuated for the two end terms. Three late positivities were found: early P3, P3b, and slow wave. P3b increased in amplitude the more information the eliciting digit provided with respect to the response to the subsequent digit. Moreover, a negative correlation was found between the P3b amplitude associated with information extraction and the RTs to the subsequent digit. During comparative judgement, subjects process the relative position of a stimulus within a stimulus set to extract information about the probability of a forthcoming response, and this process is reflected in P3b amplitude.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we explored the utility of using event-related brain potentials (ERPs) evoked during picture recognition to examine the cognitive and neural processes underlying primacy and recency effects. Each experiment consisted of 210 trials in which a recognition probe followed a 12-picture sequence (105 match and 105 nonmatch trials). The 105 match-probe trials consisted of 35 trials in which the probe matched a prime memory set item (Positions 1–3), 35 in which the probe matched a middle memory set item (Positions 6–8), and 35 in which the probe matched a recent memory set item (Positions 10–12). Behavioral results revealed recency but not primacy effects in both experiments. Recent probes, compared with prime and middle probes, evoked ERPs that were more positive from approximately 300 to 400 ms; this enhanced positivity occurred in a positive component peaking around 315 ms and a negative component peaking around 365 ms. These findings fit more closely with the notion of short-term memory as an activation of elements in long-term memory than as a distinct memory store (or stores) separate from long-term memory.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in 19 healthy subjects as they completed two Sternberg (1969, American Scientist, 57, 421–457) memory tests. In separate sessions, either single digits (i.e., 0–9) or 10 abstract figures were used as stimuli. In both sessions, memory set sizes were 1 (M1), 2 (M2), or 4 (M4). The amplitude and latency of the parietal P400 and the frontocentral negativity preceding P400 varied significantly with set size, but only between M1 and M2, whereas reaction time increased dramatically from M1 to M2 and from M2 to M4. These findings challenge previous assertions that the ERPs reflect aspects of the exhaustive serial search proposed by Sternberg. A late parietal positivity (P620), which failed to vary with set size, was larger in response to figures than to digits and may represent the search for, or utilization of, semantic traces of the stimuli.  相似文献   

In an antisaccade task, subjects are instructed to inhibit a reflexive saccade towards a peripheral stimulus flash and to generate a saccade in the opposite direction. It has been shown recently that normal subjects will generate a high number of incorrect prosaccades in an antisaccade task if the fixation point is extinguished 200 ms before the stimulus appears and if a valid cue for the subsequent antisaccade is given during this gap period. In the present study we recorded cerebral event-related potentials from 19 scalp electrodes from normal subjects prior to correct and incorrect responses in a cued antisaccade task to investigate the neural processes associated with correct antisaccades and incorrect prosaccades in this task. Correct antisaccades and incorrect prosaccades were associated with a negative potential with a maximal amplitude around stimulus onset over the dorsomedial frontal cortex. This potential was higher prior to correct antisaccades than prior to incorrect prosaccades. The execution of a correct antisaccade was preceded by a shift of a negative potential from the parietal hemisphere contralateral to the visual stimulus towards the parietal hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulus. These results support the view that the supplementary eye fields participate in the inhibition of incorrect saccades in a cued antisaccade task and show that the parietal cortex participates in generating a neural representation of the visual stimulus in the hemifield ipsilateral to the stimulus before generating a motor response. Received: 20 December 1996 / Accepted: 18 June 1997  相似文献   

Thought disorder in schizophrenia may involve abnormal semantic activation or faulty working memory maintenance. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while sentences reading "THE NOUN WAS ADJECTIVE/VERB" were presented to 34 schizophrenic and 34 control subjects. Some nouns were homographs with dominant and subordinate meanings. Their sentence ending presented information crucial for interpretation (e.g., The bank was [closed, steep]). Greatest N400 activity to subordinate homograph-meaning sentence endings in schizophrenia would reflect a semantic bias to strong associates. N400 to all endings would reflect faulty verbal working memory maintenance. Schizophrenic subjects showed N400 activity to all endings, suggesting problems in contextual maintenance independent of content, but slightly greater N400 activity to subordinate endings that correlated with the severity of psychosis. Future research should help determine whether a semantic activation bias in schizophrenia toward strong associates is reflected in ERP activity or whether this effect is overshadowed by faulty verbal working memory maintenance of context.  相似文献   

Working memory and attentional inhibition processes (jointly symbolized here as WM/I) have been proposed to explain cognitive style differences in Field Dependence-Independence (FDI). FI relative to FD subjects have been found to use more effectively WM/I to operate on task-relevant information. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cognitive style differences are revealed as differences in ERP activity in a novel WM/I task. A serial-order recall task served to manipulate memory load by varying the amount and kind of information to be elaborated and retained in WM in order of temporal appearance (S1, S2); recall demand of the serial-order judgment (S3) was also concurrently varied. FI subjects engaged in deeper WM processing during the high memory load conditions relative to FD subjects; and this was measured as a higher amplitude slow negative wave (SNW), over the centro-parietal scalp extending to the frontal scalp, during the retention interval. In contrast, P300 amplitude was larger for FD subjects in the high memory load conditions following S1, which corresponded with a reduced amplitude SNW. We suggest that inhibitory processes indexed by P300, which FD subjects must mobilize to change their usually global-perceptual (i.e. shallow) attentional strategy for processing task information, may have resulted in less mental-attentional (WM/I) resources available to them during the task's retention phase (Rosen and Engle, 1997). Thus, ERP methods can be used to investigate differences in cognitive style.  相似文献   

The study examined the relation between self-reported impulsivity and inhibitory control in normal individuals. We compared stopping performance and neural correlates of stopping on stop-signal task between participants who scored in the top (n = 12) and bottom 25% (n = 12) on Impulsivity Scale from a sample of 305 male adults. Participants scoring high on impulsivity did not show impaired inhibitory control. However, it seems that the high impulsive tended to make more errors of commission and omission. Enhanced N1 amplitudes were found in successful than failed inhibition trials. The high impulsive group had smaller P3 amplitude than the low impulsive group. It appears that the high impulsive group may have a less efficient inhibitory control. Impulsivity Scale non-planning impulsiveness score and inattention score of Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) were negatively correlated with P3 amplitudes on successful inhibition trails, suggesting that impulsivity could have the potential influence on inhibitory control.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from midline (Fz, Cz, Pz) and lateral sites (F3, F4, P3, P4) in autistic children (n = 7) and age-matched controls (n = 9) on an auditory choice reaction time task. Subjects were asked to press a button to an infrequent target (500 Hz, P = 0.14) and to ignore higher pitched infrequent (2000 Hz, P = 0.14) and frequent (1000 Hz) non-targets. Autistic subjects made twice as many errors of omission as controls and showed a higher criterion (beta) for targets. Maximum ERP peak amplitudes showed a more varied scalp distribution in the autistic group. N1 latencies were consistently shorter in the autistic group and in 3 subjects the target P3 latencies were markedly longer than for the controls. Compared to controls, the N1 amplitude of the autistic response was larger to the rare stimuli (particularly to non-targets). The amplitude of the P3 component was smaller in the autistic group (particularly to the target). The stimuli were also presented in a passive condition requiring no response. After subtraction of the waveform obtained in the passive condition from that obtained in the active condition or subtraction of the waveform elicited by the rare non-target from that elicited by the target, N1 target amplitude was larger in control than in autistic children. Autistic subjects showed more early negativity to the rare non-target at left frontal and a larger P3 to the target at right parietal sites. ERPs of autistic children are more responsive to stimulus features (e.g. high/rare non-target tone) and less responsive to their associations or meaningfulness (e.g. target P3). Attention-related ERPs of autistic children show signs of precocious (right dominance for P3) and delayed development (P3 not maximal at parietal sites).  相似文献   

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