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IDDM及其并发症的发生与发展。参7(张家栋) 992159高血糖与围生期缺氛缺血性脑损伤(综述)/周伟…//临床儿科杂志一1”8,17(1).一54~55 992160儿童糖尿病酮症酸中毒的治疗(讲座)/王晓明…//临床儿科杂志一1999,17(1).一56~57 992156 TRH兴奋试验在生长激素缺乏症患儿中的意义/于宝生…//实用儿科临床杂志一1998,13(1)一6一8 结果:两组患儿TSH、PRL对TRH刺激反应均低于正常对照组,且以工组为著。工组与I组垂体TSH储备或分泌功能低下发生率分别为40%和29.4%。I组患儿PRL峰值与GHRH兴奋试验时QH峰值显著正相关(r-0.8648,尸<0.05);l…  相似文献   

对31例生长激素(GH)缺乏症患儿进行了生长激素释放激素(GHRH)激发试验,发现14例(45.2%)在注射GHRH后15~60分钟GH峰值显著升高(>10ng/ml),峰值范围14.93~42.27ng/ml,平均24.58ng/ml,表明此类患儿系因下丘脑缺乏GHRH所致。身高在均数-3SD以下和具有典型GH缺乏症面容和体态者,GHRH缺乏组均明显少于垂体性GH缺乏组(P均<0.01),提示对一些临床表现不典型的身材矮小患儿应疑及下丘脑性GHRH缺乏。  相似文献   

311 ,72326特发性垂体性生长激素缺乏症下丘脑一垂体一靶腺轴完整性探讨/沈永年一//临床儿科杂志一1996,14(6)一363一365 对25例典型的垂体性GH缺乏症进行下丘脑一垂体一甲状腺、肾上腺和性腺轴功能评价。经TRH、ITT和LHRH激发试验结果表明:单一GH缺乏症3例,占12%,多种垂体激素缺乏22例,占88%。其’中垂体TSH、ACTH、F’SH或LH储备和分泌功能低下分别’为一4(56%)、3(12%)和20(8(〕%)例。伴随TSH和FSH/LH同时受累n例(44 .0%),TSH和ACTH同时受累2例(8%),TSH、ACTH和FSH/LH同时受累1例(4%)。了解垂体其它激素不足,及时…  相似文献   

促进儿童生长的人生长激素(hGH),是在下丘脑的生长激素释放激素(GHRH)和生长抑素(SS)的控制下分泌的,这2种神经激素的释放又由几种神经传导物和神经肽所调节。生长激素缺乏(GHD)是由垂体损害或下丘脑的功能障碍所致。后者既可由于GHRH合成和(或)释放的障碍,又可由于控制GHRH和(或)SS释放的神经通道改变所致。现已知某些神经活性药物对部分GH分泌低下的矮小儿童,有良好的促生长作用。左旋多巴(儿茶酚胺先质),溴隐亭(Bromocriptine,多巴胺能的兴奋剂),可乐宁(Clonidine,α2-肾上腺能兴奋剂)和吡啶斯的明(…  相似文献   

目的 观察原发甲状腺功能低下患儿 (甲低 )治疗前后生长激素 (GH)的变化。方法 用放射免疫法测定患儿治疗前后空腹T3、T4 、甲状腺刺激激素 (TSH)、卵泡刺激素 (FSH)、黄体生成素 (LH)、催乳素 (PRL)、生长激素 (GH) ,并做头颅CT或MRI。结果 治疗前T3、T4 明显下降 ,TSH、FSH、LH、PRL明显上升 ,GH刺激试验示GH分泌不足 ,头颅CT或MRI示垂体微腺瘤。用甲状腺片治疗后T3、T4 、TSH、FSH、LH、PRL渐正常 ,并于 3、6个月复查头颅CT或MRI示垂体微腺瘤消失 ,GH刺激试验示GH分泌正常。治疗前后各组数据有显著差异 ,与治疗前比较P <0 .0 1。结论 原发甲低患儿可出现暂时GH下降及垂体假性微腺瘤  相似文献   

垂体侏儒诊断方面,提出刺激试验生长激素(GH)峰值<5ng/ml为GH完全性缺乏,5~10ng/ml为部分性缺乏。刺激试验GH正常的矮小儿童中,有些可能为GH神经分泌功能失调。生长激素释放激素(GHRH)刺激试验可鉴别GH缺乏病变在下丘脑或垂体。用人生长激素(hGH)治疗垂体侏儒30年来积累了丰富的经验。因发现hGH的可能带有亚急性痴呆样疾病(CJD)的病原而停用了。近年来生物工程合成GH。已试用于临床,疗效好,无副作用。GHRH也能被合成并试用于治疗,对下丘脑性垂体侏儒有效。  相似文献   

目的检测矮小儿童下丘脑-垂体及其胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-1)生长轴(GHRH-GH-IGF-1)功能,了解矮小儿童的发病因素及确定下丘脑-垂体及其IGF轴功能缺陷病因分类。方法矮小儿童30例。用统一印制的矮小儿童表格记录其临床特征。对矮小儿童进行甲状腺功能测定;用胰岛素 左旋多巴行生长激素(GH)刺激试验;放射免疫法测定血清IGF-1和血清胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白-3(IGFBP-3)水平;同时行患儿骨龄、垂体增强MRI扫描、染色体核型分析、性激素测定。根据矮小症诊断标准和2004年Rosenfeld RG和GHRH-GH-IGF-1轴缺陷不同,将矮小儿童进行病因定位和分类。结果矮小儿童30例中,下丘脑-垂体及其IGF轴功能缺陷12例,占40%,其中肯定生长激素缺乏(GHD)4例,怀疑生长激素不敏感综合征2例,可疑GHD 6例。Turner′s综合征2例,占6.67%;体质性青春期延迟2例,占6.67%;特发性矮小14例,占46.6%。磁共振发现垂体微腺瘤2例;垂体发育不良12例。结论1.矮小儿童所占比例最大的为特发性矮小,其次为下丘脑-垂体及其IGF轴功能缺陷。2.IGF-1水平和IGFBP-3水平与生长激素刺激试验测定生长激素水平不一致,考虑存在生长激素抵抗和受体缺陷。3.矮小儿童可能存在先天性垂体发育异常,致使垂体分泌生长激素不足。  相似文献   

急性白血病化疗对垂体、性腺、甲状腺激素的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的评价儿童急性白血病(AL)及联合化疗对其垂体、性腺、甲状腺激素的影响。方法测定37例(男23例,女14例)AL患儿化疗前后和20例对照组血清促卵泡激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)、催乳素(PRL)、生长激素(GH)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)、游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离甲状腺素(FT4)水平。结果AL患儿FSH、LH、T、E2、GH、FT4、TSH水平化疗前后及对照组各组差异无显著意义(P>0.05),PRL水平治疗前高于对照组(P<0.01),男童PRL水平治疗前后比较差异有显著意义(P<0.01)。FT3治疗前低于对照组(P<0.001),治疗后趋于正常(P>0.05)。结论AL本身及联合化疗对患儿垂体-性腺轴功能及GH水平无明显影响。AL本身可使PRL水平升高,而化疗药物可抑制男童PRL的分泌。联合化疗对甲状腺功能无影响,FT3水平对判断AL患儿病情变化、疗效及预后有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

为了探求一次性抽血确诊生长激素缺乏症 (GHD)的方法和寻找一个检测GH治疗效果的可靠而敏感的生化指标 ,分别用RIA法和IRMA法检测25例GHD患儿血清胰岛素样生长因子 -I(IGF -I)、胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白 -3(IGFBP -3) ,同时进行生长激素 (GH)刺激试验 ;将GHD患儿分为2组 ,完全性缺乏组 (cGHD)及部分缺乏组 (pGHD) ,将2组血清IGF -I、IGFBP -3与年龄、性别配对的正常儿童 (C组 )均值对照 ,并对照不同年龄及不同发育期的50例正常儿童参考范围 ,计算GHD患儿血清IGF -I、IGFBP -3的降低率 ;将IGF -I与GH峰值做相关性分析。用rhGH治疗GHD3个月后将IGF -I增高值 (△IGF -I)与治疗后每年生长速度 (GV)做相关性分析。结果显示 ,GHD组血清IGF -I、IGFBP -3均显著低于正常对照组 ,两组无重叠 ,cGHD组与pGHD组比较 ,两者差异显著 ;IGF -I及IGFBP -3在GHD组及C组均呈显著正相关 ;GHD组血清IGF -I与GH峰值呈显著正相关 (r=0.85,P<0.001) ,回归方程 :y=0.1613 +0.0235x ,由此可根据血清IGF -I测定值求出GH峰值 ;治疗3个月后△IGF -I与治疗后GV呈显著正相关。提示IGF -I、IGFBP -3对GHD患儿的诊断有重要价值 ;GH峰值可根据所测IGF -I由回归方程求出 ,以代替传统的生长激素刺激试验 ;IGF—I是判断rhGH治疗效果的可靠而  相似文献   

目的 探讨肥胖儿童下丘脑-垂体轴分泌生长激素(GH)及促性腺激素(Gn)功能。方法 采用复合刺激试验检测27例单纯性肥胖儿童和19例对照儿童:生长激素(GH)用放免法检测,促卵泡生成素(FSH)、促黄体生成素(LH)采用全自动荧光免疫分析系统测定。结果肥胖儿童的GH峰值(PGH)明显低于对照组(,J〈0.01);PGH〈10μg/L者占肥胖儿童总数的88.89%。所有受试儿童血LH峰值(PLH)/LH基础值(BLH)均〉3;PLH/PFSH(FSH峰值)比值在青春期肥胖和对照组均〉0.7,但在青眷期前肥胖组有4例〉0.7;PLH值达到性腺轴发育标准者,在青春期肥胖组7例、对照组lO例、青春期前肥胖组l例。有4例青春期前肥胖儿存在中枢性性早熟,占30.77%。结论 肥胖儿垂体分泌GH功能和反应能力低下,但其身高正常,提示肥胖儿的生长调控机制较为复杂。采用PLH/PFSH比值和/或PLH值作为性腺轴功能成熟的判断标准较为理想。  相似文献   

Seven children with growth hormone deficiency of hypothalamic origin responded to an i.v. bolus of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) (1–29)-NH2 with a mean serum increase of 10.7 ng/ml growth hormone (GH) (range 2.5–29.3 ng/ml). Continuous s.c. administration of GHRH of 4–6 g/kg twice daily for at least 6 months did not improve the growth rate in five of the patients. One patient increased his growth rate from 1.9 to 3.8 cm/year and another from 3.5 to 8.2 cm/year; however, the growth rate of the latter patient then decreased to 5.4 cm/year. When treatment was changed to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in a dose of 2 U/m2 daily, given s.c. at bedtime, the growth rate improved in all patients to a mean of 8.5 cm/year (range: 6.2 to 14.6). Presently GHRH cannot be recommended for the routine therapy of children with growth hormone deficiency since a single daily dose of rhGH produced catch-up growth which GHRH therapy did not.Abbreviations GH growth hormone - GHD growth hormone deficiency - GHRH growth hormone releasing hormone - hGH human growth hormone - rhGH recombinant human growth hormone - SM C/IGF I somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor I On the occasion of the 85th birthday of Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c. mult. Adolf Butenandt  相似文献   

We have evaluated the effect of oral administration of arginine chlorhydrate on the growth hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone in a group of nine short prepubertal children (six boys and four girls). Arginine chlorhydrate 10 g, administered orally 60 min before an iv bolus injection of growth hormone releasing hormone 1–29, 1 μg/kg, significantly enhanced the growth hormone response to the neuropeptidc, confirming the results of previous studies which used the iv route. Furthermore, our data strengthen the view that the effects of arginine chlorhydrate on growth hormone secretion are mediated by inhibition of endogenous somatostatin release.  相似文献   

A total of 54 previously untreated patients (15 girls, 39 boys) with poor growth due to idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) were treated with human growth hormone (hGH), continuously up to 4 years. All of the patients had a peak hGH level which was below 10 ng/mL after at least two pharmacological tests and/or blunted physiologic hGH secretion, and their height was below ?2.5 s.d. for age and gender. After the 1st year of therapy, height velocity (HV) increased significantly when compared with baseline (from 3.18 ±0.76 cm/year to 9.17±1.03 cm/year; P <0.001), declined during the 2nd year and then remained significantly higher than pretreatment HV. When considering improvement in height expressed by height standard deviation score (SDS), during the therapy all of the patients showed a significant gain ± 1.72±1.09 (from ?4.11±0.61 to ?2.21±0.48). The height values were significantly higher than pretreatment, but remained below ?2 s.d. after 4 years of hGH therapy in our patients. Increased height velocity has been sustained, but height improvement after therapy was inversely correlated to height SDS for chronological age of patients at the start of therapy. In conclusion post-treatment height has been shown to be related to height deficit at the beginning of therapy. Therapy was well tolerated with no local or systemic adverse effects or acceleration of bone age.  相似文献   

Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)-testing was performed in 24 short normal children (16 male, 8 female). Before and after administration of GHRH1–44 (1g/kg body weight i.v.) blood samples for growth hormone (GH) determination were drawn at-30, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 90 min. Plasma GH increase was apparent 1 min after injection and in 12 patients (7 female) peak plasma GH values were reached within 15 min. In all patients plasma GH levels were greater than 10 ng/ml within the first 8 min following GHRH injection, but in 4 patients this level was not attained when considering only GH values obtained after 15 min. These results demonstrate the capability of the pituitary to rapidly secerete GH in response to GHRH1–44 in children. Therefore, in this age group blood samples for GH determination should be taken earlier when testing with GHRH1–44.Abbreviations GHRH growth hormone releasing hormone - GH growth hormone - SD standard deviation  相似文献   

We have evaluated the effect of oral administration of arginine chlorhydrate on the growth hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone in a group of nine short prepubertal children (six boys and four girls). Arginine chlorhydrate 10 g, administered orally 60 min before an iv bolus injection of growth hormone releasing hormone 1–29, 1 μg/kg, significantly enhanced the growth hormone response to the neuropeptidc, confirming the results of previous studies which used the iv route. Furthermore, our data strengthen the view that the effects of arginine chlorhydrate on growth hormone secretion are mediated by inhibition of endogenous somatostatin release.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A group of 11 pre-pubertal growth hormone deficient patients were treated with human growth hormone over a period of 4 years. In 6 of the patients the dosage was 4 IU 3 times a week and in 5, 8 IU 3 times a week. Changes in height demonstrated that the "catch up" was significantly greater and of longer duration in the second group. In spite of a more rapid increase of bone age in the second group, the prognosis of final height had improved significantly at the end of the study period. A comparative study of the plasma concentrations of T4, T SH, gonadotrophins and steroids, to see if the greater velocity of bone maturity in the second group could be due to contamination of the preparation by other could be due to contamination of the preparation by other hypophysary hormones, did not demonstrate significant differences between the groups.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that children with constitutional growth delay might have a transient immaturity of the neurotransmitter pathways necessary for the control of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) secretion. In this study we evaluated the effects of two consecutive GHRH boluses (1 g/kg, i.v.) in nine prepubertal boys with constitutional growth delay. Growth hormone (GH) responses to GHRH administration were similar to that observed in normal children (first GHRH bolus, GH net incremental area under the curve (nAUC) ±SE: 788±244 vs 984±242 ng/ml per hour; second bolus, GHnAUC: 657±122 vs 541±129 ng/ml per hour, respectively). These data suggest that no relevant abnormalities in the mechanisms determining the somatotroph sensitivity to GHRH are present in children with constitutional growth delay.  相似文献   

Average growth hormone (GH) peaks following an i.v. growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) 1–29 stimulation test were significantly lower in 48 children and adolescents with GH deficiency (GHD) than in 20 age-matched controls (15.2+12.7 vs 37.5+28.1 ng/ml, 2P<0.001). Twelve patients exhibited a low GH peak (<5 ng/ml), 27 demonstrated a normal response (>10 ng/ml) and 9 showed an intermediate rise in plasma GH (5–10 ng/ml). Six of the 12 patients with low GH response to the first GHRH stimulation failed to respond to two other tests immediately before and after a 1 week priming with s.c. GHRH. These subjects with subnormal GH increase at repeat testing had total GHD (TGHD) and multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) and had suffered from perinatal distress. On the contrary, 26 of 27 patients with normal GH response to the first test had isolated GHD and only a minority (8/27) had signs of perinatal distress. It is concluded that perinatal injuries primarily damage pituitary structures and that a pituitary defect more probably underlies more severe forms (TGHD and MPHD) of GHD.Presented in part at the 7th Meeting of the Italian Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (Milan, 20–21 October 1989)  相似文献   

Seven children with significant idiopathic short stature (SISS) whose heights were significantly below the third percentile (SD score for height —2.5 to —3.5) and who had normal levels of growth hormone (GH) were treated with growth hormone releasing hormone (GH-RH) in a dose of 30 /μg/kg/day. Therapy was discontinued if patients failed to increase their rates of growth by more than 2.0 cm/year over their pre-therapy growth rate. Treatment was discontinued in two of the patients after 12 months but was continued in the other five for 24 months. These data demonstrate that some patients with SISS grow well during the first 2 years of treatment with GH-RH.  相似文献   

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