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病例 男.36个月。发现头顶部异物逐渐增大伴波动感15个月。超声表现:于患儿头顶部头皮内可探及一大小约为2.5cm×2.0cm的囊性包块,该包块位于上二矢状缝上方,并可见一管状无回声经上矢状缝向颅内延伸与上矢状窦相通。仔细探查包块周边,可见4条管状无回声与囊性包块相连。  相似文献   

正患者男,3岁,体检发现左侧睾丸包块就诊。体格检查:左阴囊内可扪及一大小约2.0cm×1.0cm×1.0cm的囊实质性包块,左睾丸扪及不清,无触痛压痛;患儿有左肾缺如史。超声检查:左侧睾丸稍大,内可见大小约1.3cm×0.8cm×0.8cm的混合性回声团块,边界欠清,实性部分内可见细密点状回声,囊性部分呈多房囊样分隔。CDFI示团块内可见少许星点状血流信号。左侧附睾头部可见一大小约0.6cm×0.3cm的囊性区,见图1。右侧睾丸及附睾未见明显异常。  相似文献   

正患者男,43岁,藏族。以"右侧胸壁无痛性包块"入院。查体:右侧胸壁锁骨中线与腋前线之间,锁骨下3cm处可见一直径约8cm包块,无红肿,质软,边界清晰,无压痛,与周围组织无黏连。超声检查:右侧胸壁包块处皮下可见范围约8.6cm×7.5cm×3.7cm的混合性包块,边界清晰,内部实性部分回声不均匀,可见散在点状强回声斑(图1),包块内大部分为囊性部分,呈大小不等类圆形无回声,  相似文献   

正孕妇,27岁,孕2产1,孕24周。外院超声检查提示胎儿腹腔囊性包块。我院超声检查:胎儿双顶径6.2 cm,股骨长4.5 cm,胎儿上腹腔偏右侧腹主动脉前方见一大小2.6 cm×1.0 cm囊性包块(图1),边界清,形态略不规整,内见无回声,与胃泡未见相通,胃泡大小2.3 cm×1.2 cm。超声提示:上腹腔囊性包块,建议进一步除外淋巴管瘤。孕32周超声检查:胎儿双顶径8.1 cm,股骨长6.3 cm,腹壁回声连续,胎儿胃泡水平,下腔静脉与腹主动脉间见一大小1.5 cm×0.6 cm囊性包块(图2),边界清,内见液性无回声。超声提示:中期妊娠,单胎;胎儿腹膜后囊性包块。患儿足月生产后36 d行经腹三维超声检查:左上腹后壁胃小弯旁见一大小3.7 cm×3.2 cm×2.8 cm囊性包块,边  相似文献   

对腹膜后包虫1例分析如下.1 病历摘要男,39岁.因上腹部疼痛3d,于2009-03-16来本院就诊.行CT检查,见腹膜后有一大小约13.27 cm×8.58 cm的圆形囊性低密度阴影,囊内有分隔,并见子囊及飘带显示,境界清楚,囊壁及病灶上缘见钙化影,诊断为腹膜后包虫.手术过程:全身麻醉下取上腹部横切口约20 cm,逐层切开进腹腔,术中探查见腹膜后隆起约12 cm× 10 cm大小包块,位于肠系膜后方.  相似文献   

<正>患者女,41岁,发现盆腔肿块4 d。体格检查:下腹平软,外阴、阴道正常,宫颈肥大,轻度糜烂,子宫平位,正常大小,活动可,无压痛;右侧附件区可触及一儿头大小囊性包块,活动欠佳,与子宫分界不清。超声表现:子宫大小6.4 cm×5.2 cm×6.6 cm,肌层回声分布欠均匀。于子宫右侧可见一大小11.2 cm×9.1 cm囊性包块,边界清晰,内可见多条带状强回声分隔,呈多房样改变,其内可见细小密集点状回声。包块与子宫分界不清,似与右侧  相似文献   

病例女,3月。以"发现右侧腹股沟区包块1天"就诊。1天前家长发现患儿腹股沟区出现一包块,患儿有烦躁、哭闹,无恶心、呕吐、腹胀等症状。外科情况:右腹股沟区可触及一大小约5 cm×2 cm的椭圆形包块,边界清,质韧,表面光滑,活动度欠佳,局部皮肤无红肿及破溃,皮温不高,拒按,包块无还纳。急诊超声检查:使用5~12 MHz高频线阵探头,于右侧腹股沟区探及一大小约5 cm×1.7 cm的混合回声包块,边界清,  相似文献   

患者女,12岁,因经期下腹胀痛,右侧为甚来我院检查。11岁月经初潮。超声检查:盆腔内可见两个子宫图像,呈蝶形,左、右侧子宫大小分别为3.7cm×2.8cm×3.6cm、4.4cm×2.0cm×3.2cm,子宫肌壁回声均质,于右侧宫颈处可见一7.5cm×4.7cm的囊性包块,内可见散在的低回声光点,包块似与右侧子宫宫腔相延续(图1)。CDFI:囊性包块周边可见血流信号。双侧附件区未见明显异常回声。左肾大小形态正常,实质回声均质,集合系统未见分离及局限性异常回声;右肾区未见肾脏图像,腹腔其他位置亦未见肾脏图像。超声提示:①双子宫;②盆腔囊性包块(右侧阴道闭锁可能);…  相似文献   

患儿男,1岁,以腹痛入院。体格检查:患儿腹肌紧张,有压痛,以右中下腹较明显。超声检查:上腹部肠腔胀气,中腹部肠管扩张且肠腔积液,最宽管径约2.5cm。于右下腹探及一范围约3.5cm×1.2cm×0.8cm的异常低回声管状结构,管壁厚约0.5cm,横切时似"靶环状"。彩色多普勒血流成像:管壁处可探及少许血流信号。近脐下偏右侧可见一大小约2.2cm×2.0cm×1.6cm的囊性包块,壁薄,呈扁圆状(图1)。肝、胆、胰、脾、双肾未见异常回声。超声提示:右下腹异常回声,考虑阑尾炎伴肠梗阻;下腹部肠壁囊性包块,性质待定。后经外院手术证实为急性阑尾炎合并美克尔憩室。  相似文献   

患儿男 ,12岁。体检时 X-线发现左侧胸腔包块来诊 ,自诉运动后感胸闷、气促、咳嗽、胸骨后隐痛半年。体格检查仅见左肺中下野语颤明显减弱 ,化验检查 :三大常规、生化各项指标均无异常发现。超声检查 :以左胸骨旁肋间横切 ,剑突下斜切等多种切面复合扫查 ,于左侧胸腔内见约 12 .9cm× 11.6 cm× 9.0cm椭圆形类实质稍低回声的包块 ,有完整的包膜 ,前方紧贴胸壁 ,内部回声欠均匀 ,可见少量不规则液性暗区 ,包块后方有增强效应 (图 1)。超声诊断 :前上纵隔巨大囊实性包块 ,考虑 :(1)畸胎瘤可能性大 ;(2 )胸腺肿瘤不能除外。手术所见 :包块位于…  相似文献   

Seventy hydatid cysts in 30 patients were studied with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT); all cases were confirmed surgically. MRI detected all cysts when confined to solid organs, whereas small-sized cysts (2 cm) may be missed when located in the peritoneal cavity. Hydatid cysts of less than 3 cm (noncomplicated) present no specific findings of hydatid disease. MRI findings suggesting hydatid disease demonstrate a relatively thick hydatid cyst wall, daughter cysts, and germinal membrane detachment. T2-weighted images proved to be superior to T1 or PD-weighted images in demonstrating hydatid cyst wall thickness, germinal membrane detachment, and daughter cysts. In all spin-echo sequences, the maternal cystic content presented much higher signal intensities than that of daughter cysts. This difference in signal intensity is more obvious in T2 weighted images, except in complicated, infected cases. CT proved to be superior to MRI in demonstrating wall calcifications.  相似文献   

Summary A 73-year-old man with hydatid disease developed autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to IgM cold agglutinin with anti-I specificity. Hemolysis decreased after initiating mebendazole therapy. The cysts notably diminished in size and the red cell autoantibodies disappeared at the end of this treatment. On the basis of these observations, 44 patients with hydatid disease were investigated. One patient showed IgM cold autoantibody with no signs of anemia. In addition, cleavage fragments of C3 were detected on the erythrocyte membranes of 6 patients, following chronic activation of the complement system. We suggest that parasitic antigens may evoke antibodies cross-reacting with the red blood cells of the host.  相似文献   

Hydatid disease, caused by Echinococcus granulosus, is a parasitic disease that is endemic in many parts of the world. Hydatid cyst demonstrates a variety of imaging features, varying according to growth stage, associated complications, and affected tissue. The radiologic findings range from purely cystic lesions to a completely solid appearance. Ultrasound is the most important imaging modality for liver hydatid disease and clearly demonstrates the floating membranes, daughter cysts, and hydatid sand characteristically seen in purely cystic lesions. The radiologist's familiarity with the imaging findings of the disease is very important for earlier diagnosis and an appropriate treatment. There are several classification schemes for liver hydatid cysts based on their ultrasound appearances; the initial classification by Gharbi et al and the World Health Organization classification are the most commonly preferred. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging play a key role in recognizing the complications such as rupture and infection of cysts associated with hydatid disease. Today, percutaneous treatment of liver hydatid cysts, a safe, easily applicable, and well-tolerated method, has become the most effective and reliable treatment procedure in most cases if the hydatid cyst is viable. In patients treated with the percutaneous treatment technique, a decrease in the dimensions of the cyst, solidification of the cyst contents, and irregularity in the walls of cysts are signs suggestive of cure. The radiologist should also be familiar with the postoperative follow-up ultrasound findings of hydatid cyst to prevent misinterpretation of the hypoechoic, anechoic, or hyperechoic appearance of posttreatment hydatid disease appearance as recurrence.  相似文献   

Primary hydatid disease of the pancreas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of primary hydatid disease of the pancreas is presented in a patient operated on for an adrenal mass. Computed tomographic findings, such as rounded cystic lesion with curvilinear calcification, may allow the diagnosis to be made in the appropriate clinical setting. The diagnosis was confirmed at surgery.  相似文献   

Usually, intramuscular hydatid cysts are secondary, resulting from the spread cysts from other areas either spontaneously or after operations for hydatidosis in other regions. We present an unusual case of a primary hydatid cyst found in the left thigh of a 35-year-old woman, presenting as an enlarging soft-tissue tumour. Ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging examinations revealed a multilocular intramuscular cyst in the anterior aspect of her left thigh, and no disease at any other location. We removed the entire cyst surgically, and macroscopic and microscopic histopathological examinations confirmed the diagnosis of muscular hydatidosis. Three years after the operation there had been no recurrence. In regions where hydatidosis is endemic, a tumour in any part of the body should be considered a hydatid cyst until proven otherwise.  相似文献   

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