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The effect of a cloned allospecific human Th cell, termed 86, on the in vitro generation of altered self-reactive cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) was investigated. Utilizing the induction of hapten altered self-reactive CTL as a model for virus or tumor-specific cell-mediated immunity, we determined that the presence of small numbers of clone 86 cells markedly amplified the generation of hapten altered self-reactive CTL. The killer cells induced belong to the CD4-, CD8+ subset, are specific for the hapten-modified autologous stimulator cells present in culture, and are MHC class I restricted. The CTL induced under these culture conditions are readily expanded in the presence of IL-2 with maintenance of efficient and specific altered self-killing. Of interest, clone 86 cells preferentially enhance the growth of CD8+ T cells and selectively amplify altered self-cytolysis but not NK cell activity. Although in vitro clone 86 cells mediate help for CTL generation via the production of lymphokines (IL-4 but little IL-2), one can envision immunotherapeutic strategies for human disease that involve the adoptive transfer of Th cells functionally analogous to clone 86.  相似文献   

The development of T lymphocyte lines and clones of defined specificity has become an important method for investigating both T cell recognition of foreign antigens as well as T cell influence on B cells. In the present study, human antigen-specific T cell lines and clones have been derived from a patient with a naturally acquired filarial infection. These T cells are of the helper phenotype (Leu 1+, Leu 2-, Leu 3+) and are independent of exogenous interleukin-2. Furthermore, these T cells have been shown to require both antigen-presenting cells and antigen for optimal proliferation. Helper function mediated by these T cells as manifested by the in vitro induction of parasite-specific antibody was antigen-dose dependent, requiring much lower antigen concentrations than those necessary to induce blastogenesis. More importantly, there is an absolute requirement of the T cell line for HLA-DR histocompatible antigen-presenting cells; clones derived from this T cell line show a more specific DR-related restriction--to only one of the two parental DR haplotypes in antigen stimulated proliferative responses. Such parasite antigen specific human helper T cell lines and clones should prove useful in exploring the fine control of the host response to naturally acquired helminth infections. In addition, these long-term T cell lines and clones can provide a potent tool for examining not only the events involved in human T cell responses to parasite antigens, but also into the associated cellular and humoral factors necessary for the B cell responses which follow.  相似文献   

Several T cell clones have been derived by limiting dilution of secondary mixed leukocyte culture cells stimulated by H-2- and M locus (Mls)-disparate spleen cells. When examined for the expression of cytolytic activity and the ability to proliferate, these cell clones can be classified into two major categories. One type of cell is noncytolytic; when cultured with irradiated spleen cells, such clones proliferate in response to Mls determinants. Some, but not all, of these clones express Lyt-1 alloantigens. The other type of cell is cytolytic; these clones do not proliferate when cultured with irradiated allogeneic spleen cells unless supernatant fluid (SF) is added. These cytolytic clones express Lyt-2 alloantigens. Some cytolytic clones are specific for H-2Kd and others for H-2Dd alloantigens. Still other cytolytic cell clones exhibit cross-reactive lysis of different H-2-bearing tumor and Con A blast target cells. Noncytolytic T cell clones, when stimulated by Mls antigens, were examined for their ability to promote proliferation of cytolytic T cell clones. All of the noncytolytic cell clones tested were able to promote proliferation of cytolytic cell clones with the concomitant expression of cytolytic activity directed toward the original stimulating alloantigen (H-2d). Amplification of cytolytic activity was dependent upon stimulation of the noncytolytic amplifier T cell clones by Mls antigens. Specific alloantigen (signal 1), however, was not required for proliferation of the cytolytic cell clones; the amplifying signal (signal 2), delivered by the amplifier cell clones, was sufficient alone to promote proliferation of the cytolytic cell clones. Whereas proliferation of the amplifier cells was radiosensitive, the generation of the soluble amplifying signal was radioresistant. Amplification of cytolytic activity was observed when either amplifier cells were physically separated from responding cytolytic cells in Marbrook cultures or when cytolytic cells were cultured with SF collected from amplifier cell cultures. The amplifying factors were neither antigen specific nor strain specific and could be produced by Lyt-1- cells. The availability of cloned T cell lines that retain specific biologic function offers unique opportunities to characterize cell surface proteins and cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic lymphocytes are typically generated from unfractionated suspensions of human lymphocytes by stimulating with heterogeneous APCs and exogeneous growth factors. We have found that human blood dendritic cells can directly stimulate allogeneic human CD8+ T cells to proliferate and express antigen-specific cytotoxic activity. These primary responses, which are accompanied by the release of T cell growth factor(s), are induced in the absence of CD4+ helper T cells and are not inhibited by anti-CD4 mAb. Both antigen-specific CTL as well as nonspecific NK cells can be elicited by dendritic cells. The NK cell response can be depleted at the precursor level by panning with an anti-CD11b mAb, which removes a CD11b+/CD28-, CD16+ subset from the starting CD4- responders. Allogeneic blood monocytes are neither stimulatory nor inhibitory of these primary CD4- MLRs, even though monocytes present alloantigen in such a way as to be recognized as specific targets for CTL that have been sensitized by dendritic cells. The number of CD8+ cells that are blast transformed and express an activated phenotype (i.e., HLA DR/DQ+, CD25/IL-2R+, CD45R-) reaches 30-40% of the culture at day 4-5, the peak of the helper-independent response. We conclude that antigen-presentation by dendritic cells is sufficient in itself to prime cytolytic precursors. We speculate that using dendritic cell stimulators and CD4- responders in MLRs may be more efficient than standard tissue typing approaches for the detection of subtle, but important class I MHC-restricted histoincompatibilities in human transplantation.  相似文献   

A cloned, trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific helper T cell line (TCL), termed E-11, has been established in long-term, interleukin 2-dependent culture and used to study human T helper (Th)-B cell collaboration. Co- culture of E-11 with TNP-modified, but not unmodified or FITC-modified, autologous B cells results in a vigorous, polyclonally plaque-forming cell (PFC) response. E-11 helper activity is not constitutive, but requires antigen-specific, major histocompatibility complex-restricted activation of the TCL cells by interaction with TNP-modified autologous or DR 5+ allogeneic macrophages. Using B cell subsets isolated by discontinuous density gradient cengrifugation as responder populations, we determined that E-11 activates B cell subsets via two distinct mechanisms: (a) E-11 polyclonally activates large B cells in an unrestricted and nonspecific manner; and (b) E-11 preferentially induces a PFC response by TNP-modified small B cells. These results suggest that the large B cell subset is activated by helper signals generated during the Th-antigen-presenting cell interaction, while small B cells require an additional stimulus that is provided by antigen-specific Th-B cell contact.  相似文献   

Anti-Ig has been widely used as a model for antigen receptor-mediated B cell activation. B cells activated with mitogenic concentrations of anti-Ig (approximately 10 micrograms/ml) become responsive to a set of T cell-derived, antigen-nonspecific helper factors that enable the B cells to proliferate, and, in some cases, mature to Ig secretion. In the present experiments, we show that anti-Ig can also be used as a model for major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted, antigen-specific T-B cell collaboration. We used murine helper T cell lines and T cell hybridomas specific for a protein antigen, the F(ab')2 fragment of normal rabbit IgG. Small B cells are very efficient at presenting rabbit anti-IgM or rabbit anti-IgD to these rabbit Ig-specific T cell lines and hybridomas, and the responding (initially) small B cells, appear to be the only antigen-presenting cells required. Efficient presentation depends upon binding of rabbit antibody to mIg on the B cell surface. MHC-restricted recognition of rabbit Ig determinants on the B cell surface results in a polyclonal B cell response. This response is qualitatively different from the well-studied response to blastogenic concentrations of anti-Ig plus stable, T cell-derived helper factors, since it (a) requires 1,000-fold lower concentrations of anti-Ig, (b) involves helper T cell functions other than, or in addition to, the local production of the same stable helper factors, and (c) is largely MHC-restricted at the T-B cell level.  相似文献   

We used a cloned, TNP-specific, MHC-restricted, human Th cell line, E-11, and an assay of cognate Th-B cell interaction, BLAST-2 antigen expression on the B cell surface, to investigate the functional nature of the Th cell antigen receptor. We observed that E-11 induces BLAST-2 expression by resting B cells in a hapten-dependent, hapten-specific, but MHC nonrestricted manner. The implication of these results for the Th cell receptor are discussed.  相似文献   

We have described a model system in which helper T cells are required to mount a primary antiviral cytolytic T lymphocyte response. The radioresistant helper cell can be found in the spleens of mice that have been immunized subcutaneously with influenza viruses 6-8 d previously. These helper cells appear to be type specific but cross-reactive among the subtypes of influenza A viruses. The phenotypes of the interacting cell populations were determined.  相似文献   

Human T cells respond strongly to mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. The response is directed predominantly to the polymorphic determinants of the MHC antigens and there is little or no response to the nonpolymorphic determinants or to non-MHC antigens. Human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are generated specific for the mouse class I MHC antigens and the CTL effectors are blocked by anti-Leu-2a antisera. Human interleukin 2-producing T cells are generated specific for mouse class II antigens and their induction is blocked by anti-Leu-3a antisera. These and other considerations lead us to propose a model for the T cell receptor that provides an explanation for several of the features of T cell recognition. In this model, the recognition of the "class" (I or II) of MHC antigen is separate from the recognition of the polymorphic determinants. We suggest that the initial recognition of the conserved "class" determinants positions another domain of the receptor so that it can only engage with the part of the MHC molecule carrying the polymorphic determinants.  相似文献   

T cell-derived supernatants (SN) that contain B cell-stimulatory factor 1 (BSF-1) and lack IL-2 promote the growth of the IL-2-dependent T cell line, HT-2, as well as three other clones or lines of T cells that can provide help to B cells. The BSF-1 purified from these SNs promotes growth of HT-2 cells approximately 50% as effectively as purified IL-2. A potential involvement for contaminating IL-2 in the BSF-1 preparations was excluded by the demonstration that anti-BSF-1 mAbs blocked the BSF-1-induced growth of HT-2 cells; in contrast, these antibodies did not block the IL-2-induced proliferation of the HT-2 cells. In addition, anti-IL-2 mAbs or anti-IL-2-R antibodies blocked the HT-2 growth-promoting activity of purified IL-2, but not BSF-1. Finally, BSF-1 promoted only a very modest growth of Con A-induced T cell blasts, and failed to induce significant growth in seven other cytotoxic, alloreactive, and long-term T cell lines. Taken together, these results indicate that in addition to its known effects on resting and LPS-stimulated B cells, BSF-1 can promote growth of certain subsets of activated T cells, in particular, those that provide help to B cells.  相似文献   

A T helper cell for anti-viral cytotoxic T-cell responses   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We demonstrate here: (a) the existence of T helper (Th) cells that augment the generation of virus-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro, (b) that the helper cells carry the theta and Ly 1 membrane antigens, (c) that activation of the Th effect is specific for viral antigens, and (d) that the delivery of help is not H-2 restricted.  相似文献   

Activin-A is a pleiotropic cytokine that participates in developmental, inflammatory, and tissue repair processes. Still, its effects on T helper (Th) cell–mediated immunity, critical for allergic and autoimmune diseases, are elusive. We provide evidence that endogenously produced activin-A suppresses antigen-specific Th2 responses and protects against airway hyperresponsiveness and allergic airway disease in mice. Importantly, we reveal that activin-A exerts suppressive function through induction of antigen-specific regulatory T cells that suppress Th2 responses in vitro and upon transfer in vivo. In fact, activin-A also suppresses Th1-driven responses, pointing to a broader immunoregulatory function. Blockade of interleukin 10 and transforming growth factor β1 reverses activin-A–induced suppression. Remarkably, transfer of activin-A–induced antigen-specific regulatory T cells confers protection against allergic airway disease. This beneficial effect is associated with dramatically decreased maturation of draining lymph node dendritic cells. Therapeutic administration of recombinant activin-A during pulmonary allergen challenge suppresses Th2 responses and protects from allergic disease. Finally, we demonstrate that immune cells infiltrating the lungs from individuals with active allergic asthma, and thus nonregulated inflammatory response, exhibit significantly decreased expression of activin-A''s responsive elements. Our results uncover activin-A as a novel suppressive factor for Th immunity and a critical controller of allergic airway disease.Immune responses by differentiated effector Th1, Th2, and Th17 cell subsets provide protection against pathogens but can also lead to chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, or allergy if not tightly controlled (Reiner, 2007; Steinman, 2007). Critical controllers of these responses are immunosuppressive cytokines, such as IL-10 and TGF-β1, and regulatory T lymphocytes. Subsets of regulatory T cells suppress responses by other effector Th cells mainly via cell-to-cell interactions (Nakamura et al., 2001) or the release of immunosuppressive cytokines (Asseman et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2003; Hawrylowicz and O''Garra, 2005; Ostroukhova et al., 2006; Li et al., 2007). However, blockade of these cytokines does not completely inhibit immune regulation (von Boehmer, 2005; Tang and Bluestone, 2008; Vignali et al., 2008), suggesting that other, as yet unidentified, cytokines are also involved.The cytokine activin-A, a member of the TGF-β superfamily, participates in essential biological processes, such as development, hematopoiesis, wound repair, and fibrosis (Vale et al., 1988; Werner and Alzheimer, 2006). Activin-A−/− mice are embryonic lethal (Matzuk et al., 1995b), whereas activin receptor type IIA (act-RIIA)−/− mice reach adulthood but have major deficiencies in their reproductive systems (Matzuk et al., 1995a). Although most studies have focused on the role of activin-A in developmental and fibrotic processes, certain reports demonstrate elevated levels of this cytokine in immune-mediated diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (Ota et al., 2003) and inflammatory bowel disease (Hubner et al., 1997; Dohi et al., 2005). Activin-A is also increased in the sera of individuals with allergic asthma (Karagiannidis et al., 2006), and in the lung and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of mice during acute (Rosendahl et al., 2001; Hardy et al., 2006) and chronic allergic airway inflammation and remodeling (Le et al., 2007). In addition, activin-A is induced in human (Karagiannidis et al., 2006) and mouse effector Th2 lymphocytes (Ogawa et al., 2006), which are key players in allergic responses. However, whether activin-A has enhancing or suppressive actions during Th immune responses and subsequent disease remains unclear.Certain studies indicate that recombinant activin-A (r-activin-A) reduces in vitro nonspecific proliferation of human Th (Karagiannidis et al., 2006) and mouse B cells (Yu et al., 1998; Werner and Alzheimer, 2006), and inhibits certain functions of human natural killer cells (Robson et al., 2009). In other reports, r-activin-A attenuates in vitro endotoxin-induced maturation and phagocytosis of mouse macrophages (Wang et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2009) and CD40 ligand–dependent cytokine and chemokine release by human monocytes and DCs (Robson et al., 2008). Nevertheless, a few reports have suggested that activin-A has proinflammatory effects, i.e., during in vivo endotoxin administration and allergen challenge in mice (Hardy et al., 2006; Jones et al., 2007). Collectively, these studies indicate a dual nature of this cytokine, a characteristic feature of certain immune mediators (Veldhoen et al., 2006; Zenewicz et al., 2008). Of note, our previous studies revealed a dual role for another cytokine, osteopontin, in allergic airway inflammation (Xanthou et al., 2007).In the present study, we have investigated the in vivo role of activin-A in Th-mediated immune responses and, more specifically, during Th2-associated allergic airway inflammation. We demonstrate that antibody-mediated depletion of activin-A during pulmonary allergen challenge resulted in significant exacerbation of Th2-mediated allergic airway disease, indicating that endogenous activin-A is suppressive. In fact, our findings reveal that activin-A induces the generation of antigen-specific regulatory T cells that suppress both primary and effector Th responses in vitro and upon adoptive transfer in vivo. Functional in vitro analysis shows that activin-A–mediated suppressive effects on Th responses are dependent on both IL-10 and TGF-β1. Importantly, activin-A–induced antigen-specific regulatory T cells transfer protection against allergic airway disease correlated with decreased DC maturation. Collectively, our data reveal that activin-A can suppress Th responses and represents a critical therapeutic target for allergic asthma.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex-restricted helper T cell clones against "minor" antigens expressed on B cell and macrophage surfaces, when confronted with appropriate T cell-depleted spleen cells, are induced to proliferation and, in turn, activate "target-responder" B cells to polyclonal growth and maturation. Irradiation of helper cell populations, however, demonstrates that their effector functions (and B lymphocyte responses) are independent of proliferative activity. Adherent cell depletion on Sephadex G10 columns, while completely abrogating helper T cell proliferation, does not abolish helper cell- induced B cell responses, demonstrating a remarkable quantitative difference in macrophage requirements for the growth of these two cell types. Because significant B cell responses are detected upon interaction with primed helper T cells under conditions of extreme macrophage depletion, we conclude that the role of macrophages in T-B cell cooperation is limited to expansion of optimal numbers of helper T lymphocytes. It follows that activated helper cells can autonomously produce all B cell-specific growth and maturation factors mediating cooperative antibody responses. In contrast, the profound reduction of LPS-induced responses upon macrophage depletion suggests accessory cell production of such factors in thymus-independent B cell growth and/or maturation.  相似文献   

We analyzed at clonal level the functional profile of circulating or skin-infiltrating T lymphocytes from two individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), suffering from a Job's- like syndrome (eczematous dermatitis, recurrent skin and sinopulmonary infections, and hypergammaglobulinemia E) and showing virtually no circulating CD4+ T cells. Most of the CD3+ T cell clones generated from both patients were CD4- CD8+ TCR alpha beta +. The others were CD4- CD8- TCR alpha beta + which exhibited reduced mRNA expression for the CD8 molecule or no mRNA expression for either CD4 or CD8 molecules. The great majority of both CD4- CD8+ and CD4- CD8- did not produce interferon (IFN) gamma and exhibited reduced cytolytic activity. Rather, most of them produced large amounts of both interleukin (IL) 4 and IL-5 and provided B cell helper function for IgE synthesis. These data suggest that a switch of cytolytic CD8+ T cells showing a Th1-like cytokine secretion profile to cells that make Th2-type cytokines, exhibit reduced cytolytic potential, and provide B cell helper function can occur in the course of HIV-1 infection. These cells may contribute to the reduced defense against viral infections and intracellular parasites and account for the elevated IgE serum levels, eosinophilia, and the allergic-like clinical manifestations seen in a proportion of HIV-1-infected individuals.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice can be protected against a normally fatal Leishmania major infection by immunization with a partially purified, soluble subfraction of the parasite (fraction 9). In this study, we demonstrate that a T cell line established against fraction 9, designated line 9, transfers protection equivalent to that obtained by active immunization. In contrast, T cell lines (lines 1 and 9.2) responsive to a nonprotective soluble fraction (fraction 1) not only failed to protect BALB/c mice against L. major, but exacerbated the infection. Most importantly, in addition to differing in their antigen specificity, protective and exacerbative T cells lines could be distinguished on the basis of the lymphokines produced, a characteristic previously used to separate murine Th cells into two subsets, designated Th1 and Th2. We found that the protective cell line, line 9, displayed the Th1 property of secreting IL-2 and IFN-gamma, while the exacerbating lines secreted IL-4 and IL-5, a characteristic of Th2 cells. Our results demonstrate that Th1 and Th2 cells may have dramatically different effects on the outcome of an infection, and suggest that susceptibility and resistance in experimental leishmaniasis may depend upon a balance between the Th subsets induced.  相似文献   

B7-DC, one of the recently described B7 family members, has the capacity to inhibit T cell responses via engagement of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif-containing inhibitory PD-1 receptor as well as enhance responses via an as yet unidentified costimulatory receptor. B7-DC is highly homologous to a coinhibitory B7 family member, B7-H1, which also binds PD-1. It is currently unclear which B7-DC function-costimulation or inhibition-predominates in vivo. To study in vivo functions of B7-DC, we evaluated immune responses in B7-DC knockout (KO) mice. Although not eliminated, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by CD4 T cells and IFN-gamma-dependent humoral responses were reduced in B7-DC KO mice relative to wild type mice. Antigen-specific CD8 T cell responses and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity were also diminished in B7-DC KO mice. Hepatic tumors grew more quickly in B7-DC KO mice, associated with a decrease in intrahepatic tumor-specific CD8 T cells. These results highlight the contrasting in vivo roles of B7-DC and B7-H1 and indicate that B7-DC functions as a tuning molecule, selectively augmenting T helper 1 and CTL responses.  相似文献   

A first or dominant immunization with one antigen markedly inhibited specific cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses to a second unrelated alloantigen without suppressing antibody responses to other antigens. Suppression was induced rapidly, became systemic, and could be transferred passively with only serum. Suppression did not result from elimination of cells capable of responding to the second antigen. The mechanisms responsible for this "priority of the first response" may be the same that help protect the fetus during pregnancy, promote renal allograft survival after multiple blood transfusions, and prevent effective CTL-mediated immunity to variants of tumor cells or infectious agents that arise during tumor progression or chronic infections.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody 384.5 specifically inhibited cytolysis of P-815 target cells by cloned L3 cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) effector cells. The lytic activity of other cloned CTL that have other distinct specificities was not affected. Antibody 384.5 did not inhibit the cytolytic activity of bulk populations of C57BL/6 mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) cells. Concanavalin A-facilitated cytolysis by T cell clone L3 but not T cell clone B18 was inhibited by antibody 384.5, whereas phytohemagglutinin-facilitated cytolysis by L3 cells was not strongly inhibited. Antibody 384.5 binds specifically to L3 cells but not to several other T lymphocytes clones, or to a detectable portion of populations of primary MLC cells, normal spleen, thymus, lymph node, or bone marrow cells. In contrast, C57BL/6 anti-B10.A(5R) secondary MLC cells (genetically enriched for reactivity against the H-2Dd region gene products) contained a small population which reacted with the antibody 384.5. The determinant detected by antibody 384.5 was susceptible to trypsin treatment, and was reexpressed after overnight incubation. These results suggest that the monoclonal antibody 384.5 detects an endogenously synthesized clone-specific determinant associated with the cytolytic activity of the L3 CTL clone. These properties make antibody 384.5 an attractive candidate for an antibody that reacts with the antigen-recognition site of a cytolytic T cell antigen receptor.  相似文献   

Allergic asthma is an inflammatory lung disease initiated and directed by T helper cells type 2 (Th2). The mechanism involved in generation of Th2 responses to inert inhaled antigens, however, is unknown. Epidemiological evidence suggests that exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or other microbial products can influence the development and severity of asthma. However, the mechanism by which LPS influences asthma pathogenesis remains undefined. Although it is known that signaling through Toll-like receptors (TLR) is required for adaptive T helper cell type 1 (Th1) responses, it is unclear if TLRs are needed for Th2 priming. Here, we report that low level inhaled LPS signaling through TLR4 is necessary to induce Th2 responses to inhaled antigens in a mouse model of allergic sensitization. The mechanism by which LPS signaling results in Th2 sensitization involves the activation of antigen-containing dendritic cells. In contrast to low levels, inhalation of high levels of LPS with antigen results in Th1 responses. These studies suggest that the level of LPS exposure can determine the type of inflammatory response generated and provide a potential mechanistic explanation of epidemiological data on endotoxin exposure and asthma prevalence.  相似文献   

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