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目的 探讨专科护理改革对提升儿科专科护理质量及护理满意度的影响.方法 选择本院儿科收治的175例患儿为研究对象,采用随机数字表法将其分为对照组(n=83)和观察组(n=92).对照组患儿实施常规护理,观察组实施专科护理质量管理改革措施.比较两组的护理质量、护理满意度、护理差错率及护患纠纷发生率.结果 观察组的护理质量问...  相似文献   

马玉叶  韦如仙  杜巧 《全科护理》2013,(35):3332-3333
[目的]探讨尿液标本采集纳入专科护理质量评价的实践与效果.[方法]对2013年3月(改进前)在肾内科住院病人尿液标本采集情况进行调查,针对存在的问题进行分析讨论,采取相应的改进措施,2013年6月(改进后)再次对尿液标本采集情况进行调查.[结果]改进措施后尿液标本正确采集率高于改进前、因护士和病人因素造成的标本采集错误率低于改进前,经比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).[结论]尿液标本采集纳入护理质量评价,通过质量监测,减少了尿液标本采集的错误发生.  相似文献   

目的评价我院对精神科专科护士院内护理会诊模式的优化及应用效果。方法选取我院2017年1月—2018年12月参加院内精神科护理会诊的15名专科护士及其所会诊的患者/家属作为研究对象。比较2018年优化会诊模式前后护理质量、患者/家属满意度、专科护士的职业管理感知度。结果优化精神科专科护士院内会诊模式后,一级护理、二三级护理、基础护理、护理安全、约束护理、护理文件书写、消毒隔离、MECT患者护理、患者/家属满意度得分率、专科护士职业管理感知中"认可促进专科护士的职业发展"得分均有提高(P<0.05)。结论精神科专科护士参与护理会诊的模式可提高精神科专科护理质量和患者满意度,促进专科护士职业发展,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

蒲树英  蒋玮  李浪  李良洪 《全科护理》2020,18(5):602-604
[目的]探讨专科护理质量评价指标在康复医学科吞咽障碍病人护理质量管理中的应用效果。[方法]选择2017年11月—2018年2月某院康复医学科34例存在吞咽障碍的病人设为对照组,采用传统护理评价指标督导临床护理工作;选择2018年3月—2018年7月住院的38例存在吞咽障碍的病人设为观察组,采用专科护理质量评价指标督导临床护理工作。比较两组病人吞咽障碍评估的准确率、专科护理措施准确率、健康教育知识知晓率、护理文书记录准确率。[结果]专科护理质量评价指标实施前后,观察组病人吞咽障碍评估的准确率、专科护理措施准确率、健康教育知识知晓率、护理文书记录准确率均优于对照组(P0.05)。[结论]该评价指标体现了专科疾病护理内涵,能客观地评价吞咽障碍病人的临床护理质量、规范护理专业行为、促进护理质量改进、提升专科护理质量,有助于康复医学科对吞咽障碍病人的护理管理。  相似文献   

目的探讨专科护理巡查在护理质量管理中的实践与效果。方法成立糖尿病、慢性伤口造口、静脉治疗、危重症护理4个专科护理小组,对全院护士进行分层次培训与指导,每月按计划对全院各科室进行专科护理质量巡查并及时反馈。结果护士专科知识掌握程度和患者满意度提高(P0.01),护理不良事件发生率降低(P0.05)。结论专科护理巡查对护理质量持续改进具有很好的促进作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨ICU护理亚专科小组的团队构建及临床应用效果。方法采用便利抽样法,选择2018年1月—2019年1月温州医科大学附属第二医院ICU的60名ICU护士作为研究对象,设立护理亚专科小组,选拔小组人员方案,制定小组工作职责;确定组织管理结构,拟定亚专科小组运行项目书,建立小组工作制度,制定小组培训方案,推行绩效管理机制,拟定考核运行机制。比较ICU护理亚专科小组开展前后1年的护理质量、患者满意度、医生满意度。结果ICU护理亚专科小组构建后,基础护理、专科护理、优质护理、消毒隔离、患者满意度、医生对护士满意度评分高于干预前,干预前后比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论构建ICU护理亚专科小组能全面提升护理质量,并提高患者和医生的满意度,是一种有效的学科和人才管理模式。  相似文献   

目的:探索专科护士在医院护理质量控制中的作用及效果。方法:吸纳专科护士到医院护理质量管理委员会,组织专科护士制定本专科护理指引,制订并审核所在专科护理工作标准、护理质量评价标准,参与护理部的质量检查,并由专科护士组织专题学习、护理查房。结果:专科护理质量得到提高,危重症专科护士于呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)培训后对VAP知识知晓率、预防VAP患者半坐卧位达标率均高于培训前(P<0.01);危重症专科护士对转出综合ICU患者进行出科访视,2010年转出ICU患者重返ICU发生率及转出后其他主要不良事件发生率均低于2009年转出ICU患者(P<0.01);糖尿病护理小组、静脉治疗小组2011年第1季度全院各科室相关操作考核质量均高于2009年、2010年第1季度(P<0.01)。结论:专科护士在医院护理质量控制中发挥着重要的作用,拥有更宽广的发展空间。  相似文献   

目的:探讨护理会诊模式应用于医联体内专科护理管理中的效果。方法:江阴市人民医院在医联体模式下,构建专科护理同质化管理模式,建立医联体内护理质量与安全管理委员会微信联系平台,实施静脉治疗、伤口造口、管道护理等专科护理技术及疑难并发症会诊指导,定期开展专科护理质量安全督查。比较患者在开展医联体护理会诊模式前后的护士工作能力;对100例患者的护理并发症发生情况调查;对100例患者发放护理满意度问卷。结果:开展医联体护理会诊模式后,各项护理工作能力评分均高于开展前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);开展医联体护理会诊模式后的护理并发症较开展前低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实施医联体护理会诊模式后对护理的满意度较开展前高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:护理会诊模式应用于医联体内专科护理管理中,能提高护士的临床护理能力,降低临床护理并发症发生率,且能提高患者对护理服务的满意度评价。  相似文献   

将85例患儿随机分成两组,即对照组和试验组,试验组42例,对照组43例,对照组采用儿科患儿的常规护理方法,试验组在对照组基础上将优质护理贯穿整个护理过程中,比较两组患儿及家属对护理人员的满意度及护理质量评价情况。结果试验组对护理人员的满意度高于对照组(97.62%vs 83.72%),两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);试验组受表扬护理人员高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组护理纠纷事件多于试验组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。优质护理模式应用于儿科护理中,提高了患儿及家属对护理人员的满意度,减少纠纷,有效的提高了护理质量。  相似文献   

马颖  史丽荣 《全科护理》2012,10(9):839-840
[目的]探讨优质护理服务在儿科病房开展中的实践和体会。[方法]对2010年12月儿科病房优质护理服务启动以来的情况进行回顾性总结。[结果]实施优质护理服务后住院患儿护理满意度由95.0%提升到97.2%,共收到书面表扬信17封,红榜张贴表扬信1封,锦旗5面。[结论]优质护理服务能显著提高护士的护理技能和服务质量,增强护士服务意识,激发护士服务热情,提高患儿满意度。  相似文献   

通过分析病区整体护理工作的现状、存在的问题,有针对性地制定整体护理质量考评方法。质量考评方法的实施不仅转变了护理人员的护理观念,对于增进临床护理效果、提高患者满意度、加强健康教育效果、进一步深化整体护理工作发挥了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

为使优质护理服务走进社区和家庭,与社区卫生服务中心合作建立以专科护士为核心的社区护理协同服务小组,通过完善社区居民健康管理档案、建立社区模范家庭、进行家庭访视和电话随访等形式,开展社区护理协同服务,增强了护理服务的针对性、专业性和可及性,进一步深化了优质护理服务内涵。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess patient satisfaction with nursing care and the relationship between patient satisfaction and patient characteristics. This cross‐sectional study was conducted at a 1100‐bed tertiary care teaching hospital in Turkey. Data were collected using the Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scales and a patient information form. Overall, data indicated a high level of patient satisfaction. Hospitalization affected the Experience of Nursing Care Scale independently, while the type of ward, sex, income, and education independently affected the Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scale. Patients who underwent surgical procedures, male patients, the 40–59‐year‐old age group, those who had low levels of education or income, and patients who were hospitalized for long periods were most satisfied. Patients' sex, age, income, duration of hospitalization, and ward type were important factors that affected their satisfaction with nursing care. The characteristics of patients who have a low level of satisfaction with nursing care should be assessed and taken into consideration by nurses.  相似文献   

Scand J Caring Sci; 2012; 26; 598–606 The patient satisfaction with nursing care quality: the psychometric study of the Serbian version of PSNCQ questionnaire Introduction: Patient satisfaction with nursing is the most important predictor of patients’ overall satisfaction with their hospital care. According to the Law of Health Care of Republic of Serbia monitoring of patients’ satisfaction with hospital service is mandatory; however, the questionnaire applied to that purpose includes only several questions directly addressing the nursing care issue. Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate psychometric properties of the Serbian version Patient Satisfaction Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire (PSNCQQ) and explore patients’ satisfaction of nursing care they received and assess the relationship between patient satisfaction and patient characteristics. Methods: This cross‐sectional study included a sample population of 240 patients who were discharged from surgical clinics of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. The PSNCQQ was translated into Serbian according to standard procedures for forward and backward translation. Factor analysis was used to determine the construct validity, and predictive validity of the questionnaire was previously assessed. Cronbach’s α coefficient and item analysis was conducted to evaluate reliability of the scale. Results: The Serbian version Patient Satisfaction Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire (PSNCQQ) showed a one‐factor structure, Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient was excellent 0.94 and was similar across hospital categories. The correlation coefficient between 19 items and the total scale was high, and ranged from 0.56 to 0.76. Patients’ age, educational level and previous hospitalization period were important factors that affected their satisfaction with nursing care. Conclusion: The study provides a new tool for measuring patient satisfaction with nursing care in Serbia that may present a useful instrument for nursing care managers in improving the nursing care process.  相似文献   

Mcsherry R., pearce P., Grimwood K. & Mcsherry W. (2012) Journal of Nursing Management 20, 7–19
The pivotal role of nurse managers, leaders and educators in enabling excellence in nursing care Aim The aims of this paper are to present the findings from a discursive analysis of key issues associated with providing excellence in nursing care; and to provide an exemplar framework to support excellence in nursing care and describe the potential benefits when excellence in nursing care occurs. Background The challenge facing the nursing profession is in ensuring that the core principles of dignity, respect, compassion and person (people) centered care become central to all aspects of nursing practice. To regain the public and professional confidence in nursing, nurse leaders, managers and educators play a pivotal role in improving the image of nursing. Key issues Excellence in nursing care will only happen by ensuring that nurse managers, leaders and educators are able to respond to the complexity of reform and change by leading, managing, enabling, empowering, encouraging and resourcing staff to be innovative and entrepreneurial in practice. Conclusions Creating healthcare environments that enable excellence in nursing care will not occur without the development of genuine shared working partnerships and collaborations between nurse managers, leaders and educators and their associated organizations. Implications for nursing management The importance of adopting an authentic sustainable leadership approach to facilitating and supporting frontline staff to innovate and change is imperative in restoring and evidencing that nurses do care and are excellent at what they do. By focusing attention on what resources are required to create a healthcare environment that enables compassion, safety and excellence in nursing care and what this means would be a reasonable start on the journey to excellence in nursing.  相似文献   

AIM: To test the validity of The Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales as measures of patient satisfaction with nursing care in an inpatient postpartum unit. BACKGROUND: The Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales (Experience of Nursing Care Scale and Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scale) were developed to measure the satisfaction of medical-surgical inpatients with nursing care. METHODS: The Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales were administered by interviewers to 189 postpartum women prior to hospital discharge. We tested the construct validity of the scales by making five a priori predictions: mothers who were more satisfied would be more likely to have one nurse caring for them and to recommend the postpartum unit to a friend. We also predicted that the Experience of Nursing Care and Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scales would be positively correlated with each other, with a global question about satisfaction with nursing care, and with a global question about satisfaction with overall postpartum stay. RESULTS: Four of the five a priori predictions were supported by the data. The mean Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale scores of mothers who would recommend the unit to a friend were higher (more satisfied) than those who would not (P < 0.001). The Experience of Nursing Care Scale and Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scale were positively and significantly correlated with each other (r = 0.9, P < 0.001). There was a positive and significant correlation between the scales and global ratings of nursing care (Experience Scale r = 0.79, P < 0.001; Satisfaction Scale r = 0.82, P < 0.001) and overall postpartum stay (Experience Scale r = 0.64, P < 0.001; Satisfaction Scale r = 0.68, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales are valid measures of maternal satisfaction with inpatient postpartum nursing care.  相似文献   

Although patient satisfaction has been given considerable attention in health care, analysis of the conceptual and measurement limitations of existing measures indicates that a more elemental approach to obtaining patients' perspectives is warranted. In this investigation we developed and evaluated the psychometric properties of an instrument designed to measure patients' perceptions of the degree to which their needs were met while hospitalized. This 15-item instrument, Patient Perception of Hospital Experience with Nursing (PPHEN), based on Swanson-Kauffman's framework of caring, is internally consistent and represents a single construct best described as feeling cared for. The relationship of PPHEN to other measures demonstrates concurrent validity; moreover, the scale is responsive to differences in care provided, as shown by differences in means for different hospitals. PPHEN offers a brief, theoretically oriented, internally consistent, and valid patient self-report measure of nursing care. It does not require patients to compare their expectations of care with the care received but only to evaluate whether their needs were met. It promises to be useful to clinical and health services researchers.  相似文献   

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