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Venous aneurysms are uncommon. Despite their infrequency, venous aneurysms can present with significant clinical complications such as thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and death. In this report, we present the case of a thrombosed inferior vena cava aneurysm discovered in a 16-year-old male who had deep vein thrombosis of the right lower extremity. Thrombosis of the inferior vena cava is uncommon in the pediatric population. Therefore, congenital abnormalities such as an inferior vena cava aneurysm should be considered when evaluating pediatric patients who present with deep vein thrombosis.  相似文献   

患者女,22岁,已婚,孕3产1,妊娠期无糖尿病、高血压病,地中海贫血基因检测未见异常;唐氏筛查提示18-三体高风险,无创基因检查低风险,未行羊膜穿刺。孕24周行系统超声检查:胎儿上腹部横切面示腹腔脏器正位,腹主动脉位于脊柱左前方,未见肝段下腔静脉,腹主动脉的右后方可见扩张奇静脉,内径约3.5 mm(图1);胸腹冠状面检查:向上追踪于降主动脉右侧平行上行通过奇静脉弓汇入右侧上腔静脉,彩色多普勒示主动脉和扩张的奇静脉血流方向相反;向下追踪可见其与左位下腔静脉相连,继续追踪,可见左右肾静脉汇入其内(图2),于近膈肌水平可见该静脉跨越腹主动脉后方与腹主动脉右后方奇静脉相连(图3,4)。胎儿心脏:四腔心结构及大动脉连接未见明显异常,于左心房后方降主动脉右侧可见扩张的奇静脉,胸腹斜冠面可见三支肝静脉及静脉导管直接人右心房。  相似文献   

Primary leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is a rare and fatal disease. Imaging is the main diagnostic method. CT and MRI images of IVC leiomyosarcoma have been published, but ultrasonographic features have been scarcely described, especially with contrast-enhancement. We report the case of a patient in whom ultrasonography incidentally revealed a mass in the IVC. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography showed heterogeneous enhancement in the arterial phase with some irregular non-enhanced areas, and mild clearance in the venous phase. The location and nature of the lesion as shown by ultrasonography were confirmed by CT and MRI.  相似文献   

An interrupted inferior vena cava (IVC) and a left-sided subrenal (postrenal) IVC with azygos or hemiazygos continuation are very rare anomalies of the IVC. The prenatal sonographic and color Doppler features of these anomalies are reported here.  相似文献   

目的探讨人文关怀护理在下腔静脉滤器置入治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成中的应用效果。方法随机将36例腔静脉滤器置入联合导管直接溶栓患者分为对照组和实验组,对照组采用常规护理,实验组在此基础上采用人文关怀护理,对两组患者采用Zung焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)、《住院患者对护士工作满意度调查表》、《患者遵医行为调查表》以及两组患者治疗效果进行调查与评价,总体衡量患者围手术期的心理状态、患者满意度、患者遵医行为和治疗效果。结果实验组经人文关怀护理干预后焦虑、抑郁、遵医行为、住院患者满意度、治疗效果等指标均明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。结论通过对患者进行人文关怀护理,可以降低患者焦虑紧张情绪,提高满意度及遵医行为,建立和谐的护患关系,帮助患者掌握健康知识,促进其早日康复。  相似文献   

患者女,55岁,间歇性右上腹疼半年。体检腹软,未触及包块。实验室检查未见异常。超声诊断:下腔静脉实性占位。CT检查:肝门至肾门水平下腔静脉走行区见一不规则形软组织密度肿块,边缘略呈分叶状,大小约9.0cm×4.5cm×4.5cm(图1),增强扫描呈不均匀强化,下腔静脉管腔增粗,胰头受压移位(图2)。CT诊断:下腔静脉占位性病变,平滑肌肉瘤可能性大。MR下腔静脉及门静脉成像:下腔静脉平肾门至第二肝门水平明显扩张,最宽处直径约4.5cm,其内见大小约9.0cm×4.5cm×4.5cm略长T2信号,增强扫描呈不均匀异常强化,门静脉主干及其分支未见异常(图3)。MR诊断:…  相似文献   

The patient was a 63-year-old woman with a chief complaint of blood-stained sputum. A tumor of the inferior vena cava was found on chest computed tomography (CT) and identified as a primary tumor based on multidetector CT and contrast-enhanced MR angiography. An intrapelvic tumor was also discovered. On autopsy, the two tumors were diagnosed as leiomyosarcoma and ovarian fibroma, respectively.  相似文献   

患者女,61岁.临床无明显不适主诉,体检发现胸腹壁有浅表静脉曲张,肝脾肋下可及.心率、血压在正常范围.实验室检查肝功能属正常.  相似文献   

Complications of inferior vena cava filters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Heterotaxy syndromes are defined as the disorders that involve abnormal arrangement of viscera. We present a case of prenatally diagnosed left isomerism in a 30‐year‐old primigravida woman referred to our hospital for complex cardiac abnormality. Sonographic findings included heart block, unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect, interruption of the inferior vena cava with hemiazygos continuation, double superior vena cava, a right‐sided stomach, and biliary atresia. The hemiazygos vein drained into the right atrium by the persistent left superior vena cava. This type of inferior vena cava interruption and continuation is rarely reported in prenatally detected cases of left isomerism. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound 45 :430–433, 2017  相似文献   

患者男,36岁,因"间断性腹胀,下肢肿1年半,加重1月"入院.查体:全身皮肤轻度黄染,移动浊音( ).腹部CT见肝右叶后段一较大团块影,并突出于肝轮廓外,肝左右叶并可见多个结节影.  相似文献   

Dear editor, Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common peripheral vascular disease, causing pulmonary embolism, post-venous thrombosis syndrome, chronic thrombotic...  相似文献   

Renal angiomyolipoma may sometimes require surgical intervention. In this paper, we present a case of renal angiomyolipoma which infiltrated the sinus and extended into the inferior vena cava. He was successfully treated with a combined approach of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy, extracorporeal workbench tumor resection, and autotransplantation. Three months postoperatively, no evidence of tumor recurrence or presence of thrombus in the inferior vena cava was noted. Our experience represents the successful application of a combined nephron-sparing approach in the management of angiomyolipoma with extension into a major blood vessel.  相似文献   

Thrombosis of the inferior vena cava developed in a 25-year-old man with quadriplegia. The condition occurred six years after his cervical spinal cord injury. The patient had no previous history of thromboembolic disease. Clinical features of inferior vena cava thrombosis were massive bilateral lower extremity edema and dilated superficial abdominal veins. Based on the literature and outcome in this patient, anticoagulants provide the most effective long-term treatment.  相似文献   

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