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We present the first experimental result of direct delineation of the nuclei of living rat bladder epithelium with ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography (uOCT). We demonstrate that the cellular details embedded in the speckle noise in a uOCT image can be uncovered by time-lapse frame averaging that takes advantage of the micromotion in living biological tissue. The uOCT measurement of the nuclear size (7.9+/-1.4 microm) closely matches the histological evaluation (7.2+/-0.8 microm). Unlike optical coherence microscopy (OCM), which requires a sophisticated high-NA microscopic objective, this approach uses a commercial-grade single achromatic lens (f/10 mm, NA/0.25) and provides a cross-sectional image over 0.6 mm of depth without focus tracking, thus holding great promise of endoscopic optical biopsy for diagnosis and grading of flat epithelial cancer such as carcinoma in situ in vivo.  相似文献   

Novel ultra-broad bandwidth light sources enabling unprecedented sub-2 microm axial resolution over the 400 nm-1700 nm wavelength range have been developed and evaluated with respect to their feasibility for clinical ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography (UHR OCT) applications. The state-of-the-art light sources described here include a compact Kerr lens mode locked Ti:sapphire laser (lambdaC = 785 nm, delta lambda = 260 nm, P(out) = 50 mW) and different nonlinear fibre-based light sources with spectral bandwidths (at full width at half maximum) up to 350 nm at lambdaC = 1130 nm and 470 nm at lambdaC = 1375 nm. In vitro UHR OCT imaging is demonstrated at multiple wavelengths in human cancer cells, animal ganglion cells as well as in neuropathologic and ophthalmic biopsies in order to compare and optimize UHR OCT image contrast, resolution and penetration depth.  相似文献   

Imaging the human retina still represents the main field of application of optical coherence tomography (OCT). A major advantage of OCT is the decoupling of depth resolution (given by the coherence length of the light source) and transverse resolution (given by the focal spot size). This enables images of the retina with high depth resolution. On the other hand, in most OCT systems, a limited transverse resolution has been accepted to provide a sufficiently large (approximately 1 mm) depth of focus. However, to obtain images with high transverse resolution throughout the whole depth of the retina (especially in the nerve head region) a tracking of coherence gate and focus position (dynamic focus) is essential. This study realizes a dynamic focus in a time domain transversal (en face) scanning system for retinal imaging. We show that maintenance of a transverse resolution of approximately 4.4 microm can be achieved over an optical depth of 1 mm in a model eye and apply our method to imaging the human retina in vivo.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional depth-resolved Jones-matrix images of scattering biological tissues were measured with novel double-source double-detector polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (OCT). The Jones matrix can be determined in a single scan with this OCT system. The experimental results show that this system can be effectively applied to the measurement of soft tissues, which are less stable than hard tissues. Polarization parameters such as diattenuation, birefringence, and orientation of the fast axis can be extracted through decomposition of the measured Jones matrix. The Jones matrix of thermally treated porcine tendon showed a reduction of birefringence from thermal damage. The Jones matrices of porcine skin and bovine cartilage also revealed that the density and orientation of the collagen fibers in porcine skin and bovine cartilage are not distributed as uniformly as in porcine tendon. Birefringence is sensitive to changes in tissue because it is based on phase contrast.  相似文献   

An ultrahigh-resolution full-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) system has been developed for cellular-level imaging of biological media. The system is based on a Linnik interference microscope illuminated with a tungsten halogen lamp, associated with a high-resolution CCD camera. En face tomographic images are produced in real time, with the best spatial resolution ever achieved in OCT (0.7 microm x 0.9 microm, axial x transverse). A shot-noise limited detection sensitivity of 80 dB can be reached with an acquisition time per image of 1 s. Images of animal ophthalmic biopsies and vegetal tissues are shown.  相似文献   

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a rapidly emerging imaging modality that can provide non-invasive, cross-sectional, high-resolution images of tissue morphology in situ and in real-time. In the present series of studies, we used a high-speed OCT imaging system equipped with a frequency-swept laser light source (1.3 mum wavelength) to study living kidneys in situ. Adult, male Munich-Wistar rats were anesthetized, a laparotomy was performed and the living kidneys were exposed for in situ observation. We observed the kidneys prior to, during and following exposure to renal ischemia induced by clamping the renal artery. The effects of intravenous mannitol infusion (1.0 ml of 25%) prior to and during renal ischemia were also studied. Finally, living kidneys were flushed with a renal preservation solution, excised and observed while being stored at 0-4 degrees C. Three-dimensional OCT data sets enabled visualization of the morphology of the uriniferous tubules and the renal corpuscles. When renal ischemia was induced, OCT revealed dramatic shrinkage of tubular lumens due to swelling of the lining epithelium. Three-dimensional visualization and volumetric rendering software provided an accurate evaluation of volumetric changes in tubular lumens in response to renal ischemia. Observations of kidneys flushed with a renal preservation solution and stored at 0-4 degrees C also revealed progressive and significant loss of tubular integrity over time. Intravenous infusion of mannitol solution resulted in thinning of the tubular walls and an increase in the tubular lumen diameters. Mannitol infusion also prevented the cell swelling that otherwise resulted in shrinkage of proximal tubule lumens during ischemia. We conclude that OCT represents an exciting new approach to visualize, in real-time, pathological changes in the living kidney in a non-invasive fashion. Possible clinical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) with ultrahigh resolution can be used to measure precise structures in the context of ophthalmic imaging. We designed an ultrahigh resolution SD-OCT system based on broadband superluminescent diode (SLD) as the light source. An axial resolution of 2.2 μm in tissue, a scan depth of 1.48 mm, and a high sensitivity of 93 dB were achieved by the spectrometer designed. The ultrahigh-resolution SD-OCT system was employed to image the human cornea and retina with a cross-section image of 2048 × 2048 pixels. Our research demonstrated that ultrahigh -resolution SD-OCT can be achieved using broadband SLD in a simple way.  相似文献   

SignificanceLine-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT) is a recently introduced high-resolution imaging modality based on a combination of low-coherence optical interferometry and reflectance confocal optical microscopy with line illumination and line detection. Capable of producing three-dimensional (3D) images of the skin with cellular resolution, in vivo, LC-OCT has been mainly applied in dermatology and dermo-cosmetology. The LC-OCT devices capable of acquiring 3D images reported so far are based on a Linnik interferometer using two identical microscope objectives. In this configuration, LC-OCT cannot be designed to be a very compact and light device, and the image acquisition speed is limited.AimThe objective of this work was to develop a more compact and lighter LC-OCT device that is capable of acquiring images faster without significant degradation of the resolution and with optimized detection sensitivity.ApproachWe developed an LC-OCT device based on a Mirau interferometer using a single objective. Dynamic adjustment of the camera frequency during the depth scan is implemented, using a faster camera and a more powerful light source. The reflectivity of the beam-splitter in the Mirau interferometer was optimized to maximize the detection sensitivity. A galvanometer scanner was incorporated into the device for scanning the illumination line laterally. A stack of adjacent B-scans, constituting a 3D image, can thus be acquired.ResultsThe device is able to acquire and display B-scans at 17 fps. 3D images with a quasi-isotropic resolution of 1.5  μm (1.3, 1.9, and 1.1  μm in the x,y, and z directions, respectively) over a field of 940  μm×600  μm×350  μm (x×y×z) can be obtained. 3D imaging of human skin at cellular resolution, in vivo, is reported.ConclusionsThe acquisition rate of the B-scans, at 17 fps, is unprecedented in LC-OCT. Compared with the conventional LC-OCT devices based on a Linnik interferometer, the reported Mirau-based LC-OCT device can acquire B-scans 2 times faster. With potential advantages in terms of compactness and weight, a Mirau-based device could easily be integrated into a smaller and lighter handheld probe for use by dermatologists in their daily medical practice.  相似文献   

We characterized and imaged dental calculus using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). The refractive indices of enamel, dentin, cementum, and calculus were measured as 1.625 ± 0.024, 1.534 ± 0.029, 1.570 ± 0.021, and 2.097 ± 0.094, respectively. Dental calculus leads strong scattering properties, and thus, the region can be identified from enamel with SS-OCT imaging. An extracted human tooth with calculus is covered with gingiva tissue as an in vitro sample for tomographic imaging.  相似文献   

The accurate determination of burn depth is critical in the clinical management of burn wounds. Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) has been proposed as a potentially non-invasive method for determining burn depth by measuring thermally induced changes in the structure and birefringence of skin, and has been investigated in pre-clinical burn studies with animal models and ex vivo human skin. In this study, we applied PS-OCT to the in-vivo imaging of two pediatric burn patients. Deep and superficial burned skins along with contralateral controls were imaged in 3D. The imaging size was 8 mm × 6 mm × 2 mm in width, length, and depth in the air respectively, and the imaging time was approximately 6 s per volume. Superficially burned skins exhibited the same layered structure as the contralateral controls, but more visible vasculature and reduced birefringence compared to the contralateral controls. In contrast, a deeply burned skin showed loss of the layered structure, almost absent vasculature, and smaller birefringence compared to superficial burns. This study suggested the vasculature and birefringence as parameters for characterizing burn wounds.  相似文献   

We describe the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for high-resolution, real-time imaging of three-dimensional structure and development of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm in a standard capillary flow-cell model. As the penetration depth of OCT can reach several millimeters in scattering samples, we are able to observe complete biofilm development on all surfaces of a 1 mm x 1 mm flow-cell. We find that biofilm growing at the bottom of the tube has more structural features including voids, outward projections, and microcolonies while the biofilm growing on the top of the tube is relatively flat and contains less structural features. Volume-rendered reconstructions of cross-sectional OCT images also reveal three-dimensional structural information. These three-dimensional OCT images are visually similar to biofilm images obtained with confocal laser scanning microscopy, but are obtained at greater depths. Based on the imaging capabilities of OCT and the biofilm imaging data obtained, OCT has potential to be used as a non-invasive, label-free, real-time, in-situ and/or in-vivo imaging modality for biofilm characterization.  相似文献   

We report the recent technical improvements in our microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-based spectral-domain endoscopic OCT (SDEOCT) and applications for in vivo bladder imaging diagnosis. With the technical advances in MEMS mirror fabrication and endoscopic light coupling methods, the new SDEOCT system is able to visualize morphological details of the urinary bladder with high image fidelity close to bench-top OCT (e.g., 10 mum12 mum axial/lateral resolutions, >108 dB dynamic range) at a fourfold to eightfold improved frame rate. An in vivo animal study based on a porcine acute inflammation model following protamine sulfate instillation is performed to further evaluate the utility of SDEOCT system to delineate bladder morphology and inflammatory lesions as well as to detect subsurface blood flow. In addition, a preliminary clinical study is performed to identify the morphological features pertinent to bladder cancer diagnosis, including loss of boundary or image contrast between urothelium and the underlying layers, heterogeneous patterns in the cancerous urothelium, and margin between normal and bladder cancers. The results of a human study (91% sensitivity, 80% specificity) suggest that SDEOCT enables a high-resolution cross-sectional image of human bladder structures to detect transitional cell carcinomas (TCC); however, due to reduced imaging depth of SDEOCT in cancerous lesions, staging of bladder cancers may be limited to T1 to T2a (prior to muscle invasion).  相似文献   

We develop a dual-modality device that combines the anatomical imaging capabilities of optical coherence tomography (OCT) with the functional capabilities of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy. OCT provides cross-sectional images of tissue structure to a depth of up to 2 mm with approximately 10-microm resolution. LIF spectroscopy provides histochemical information in the form of emission spectra from a given tissue location. The OCT subsystem utilizes a superluminescent diode with a center wavelength of 1300 nm, whereas a helium cadmium laser provides the LIF excitation source at wavelengths of 325 and 442 nm. Preliminary data are obtained on eight postmortem aorta samples, each 10 mm in length. OCT images and LIF spectra give complementary information from normal and atherosclerotic portions of aorta wall. OCT images show structures such as intima, media, internal elastic lamina, and fibrotic regions. Emission spectra ratios of 520/490 (325-nm excitation) and 595/635 (442-nm excitation) could be used to identify normal and plaque regions with 97 and 91% correct classification rates, respectively. With miniaturization of the delivery probe and improvements in system speed, this dual-modality device could provide a valuable tool for identification and characterization of atherosclerotic plaques.  相似文献   

Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past two decades, optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been established as an adjunct diagnostic technique for noninvasive, high-resolution, cross-sectional imaging in a variety of medical fields. The rapid development of ultrabroad bandwidth light sources has recently enabled a significant improvement in OCT imaging resolution, demonstrating the potential of OCT to accomplish its original goal of performing noninvasive optical biopsies, i.e., the in vivo visualization of microstructural morphology in situ, which had previously only been possible with histopathology. In addition, these novel light sources might also enable the use of spectroscopic OCT, an extension of ultrahigh-resolution OCT, for enhancing image contrast as well as detecting spatially resolved functional, biochemical tissue information. State-of-the-art-light sources that now permit ultrahigh-resolution OCT covering the whole wavelength region from 500 to 1600 nm are reviewed and fundamental limitations of OCT image resolution are discussed. Ex vivo ultrahigh-resolution OCT tomograms are compared with histological results; first clinical in vivo ultrahigh-resolution OCT and preliminary spectroscopic OCT results are presented and their impact for future clinical and research applications is discussed.  相似文献   

The parameters of an off-axis cylindrical mirror-focused line-scanning system were studied to optimize the flatness of the 2 mm scan field. The scanning system parameters included the beam size, the distance between the scanning and the focusing mirror, the angle between the incident beam and the reflected beam, the optical scan angle, and the effective focal length of the cylindrical mirror. Because of the off-axis line-scanning system configuration, the scanning could be carried out either in the tangential (Y-scan) or in the sagittal (X-scan) plane. A 53 nm spectral bandwidth light source was used to evaluate the imaging performance of the scanning system. Since reflective optics is employed in this work for focusing, the scanning system could be used with a higher spectral bandwidth light source for optical coherence tomography applications. The effect of the angle between of the incident and reflected beams, the distance between the mirrors, the focal length of the cylindrical mirror and the scanning directions, on the flatness of the scan field were studied. It was proved that the sagittal scanning is least sensitive to variations in scanning system parameters and thus provides maximum flexibility in design.  相似文献   

The strong optical scattering of skin tissue makes it very difficult for optical coherence tomography (OCT) to achieve deep imaging in skin. Significant optical clearing of in vivo rat skin sites was achieved within 15 min by topical application of an optical clearing agent PEG-400, a chemical enhancer (thiazone or propanediol), and physical massage. Only when all three components were applied together could a 15 min treatment achieve a three fold increase in the OCT reflectance from a 300 μm depth and 31% enhancement in image depth Z(threshold).  相似文献   

In situ imaging of alveoli and the smaller airways with optical coherence tomography (OCT) has significant potential in the assessment of lung disease. We present a minimally invasive imaging technique utilizing an OCT needle probe. The side-facing needle probe comprises miniaturized focusing optics consisting of no-core and GRIN fiber encased within a 23-gauge needle. 3D-OCT volumetric data sets were acquired by rotating and retracting the probe during imaging. The probe was used to image an intact, fresh (not fixed) sheep lung filled with normal saline, and the results validated against a histological gold standard. We present the first published images of alveoli acquired with an OCT needle probe and demonstrate the potential of this technique to visualize other anatomical features such as bifurcations of the bronchioles.  相似文献   

We describe a novel hand-held polarization optical coherence tomographic (OCT) probe that can be inserted into mammalian joints to permit real-time cross-sectional imaging of articular cartilage. The transverse and axial resolutions of the arthroscopic OCT device are roughly 17 and 10 microm, respectively. Two-dimensional cross-sectional images of cartilage tissue with 500 x 1000 pixels covering an area 6 mm in length and 2.8 mm in depth can be acquired at nearly five frames/s and with over 100 dB of dynamic range. Design of an OCT as a hand-held device capable of providing such an optical biopsy of articular cartilage allows eventual in vivo detection of microstructural changes in articular cartilage that are not apparent using conventional arthroscopic cameras. The OCT probe can be easily incorporated in a conventional arthroscope for cartilage site guidance. The optical arrangement in the OCT scope minimizes specular back-reflection of the probe end face and absorption of body fluid in the path and ensures in-focus OCT imaging when it is in contact with the cartilage specimen to be examined. Successful application of in vivo arthroscopy to porcine articular cartilage demonstrates sufficient resolution and practicality for use in human joints.  相似文献   

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