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野战部队20320名新兵眼部疾病复检分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解野战部队新兵眼部疾病谱及危险因素情况,为部队征召合格的兵源提供参考。方法以宁夏及北京部分地区20320名野战部队新兵为研究对象,进行眼部详细检查,获得眼部疾病谱及危险因素。结果眼部明显异常的占3.47%,不符合军人体检标准,主要包括视力及色觉不合格、上睑下垂、角膜疾病、急性色素膜炎、外伤性白内障、眼底疾病、青光眼等;眼部有潜在疾病隐患的占5.18%,主要包括急性结膜炎、干眼症、陈旧性色素膜炎、周边视网膜格子样变性及蜗牛迹变性。结论现行眼科入伍体检标准存在一定的缺陷,有必要进行重新修订;加强武装部门的监管力度,提高接兵人员和体检医务人员的工作责任心以及业务能力,提高检诊水平;对各种近视手术治疗后的青年,应进行严格筛查或禁止该人群入伍。在征召青年入伍体检时,必须加强眼科检查,这对确保向部队输送合格兵源至关重要。  相似文献   

新兵眼科复检439例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李强益  刘波  刘保民  梁巨苍 《人民军医》2003,46(11):682-682
我院曾对 1 999年及 2 0 0 0年入伍的新兵进行了体格复检 ,现将眼科检查结果分析如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般情况 新兵 2 1 4 5人 ,男 2 1 1 3人 ,女 32人 ;年龄2 1岁~ 1 6岁 ,平均 1 8 6岁。复检率 1 0 0 %。1 2 复查方法 在新兵到达部队开训前 ,按征兵体检要求[1 ,2 ] 进行视力、色觉、眼睑病及结、角膜病 4项检查。全部由一位眼科医师完成。1 3 结果1 3 1 视力 双眼视力 5 0以上者 (含 5 0 ) 1 75 9人(82 0 % ) ,4 8~ 4 9之间 32 1人 (1 5 0 % ) ,一眼视力 >5 0、另一眼视力 4 7~ 4 9有 39人 ,4 7以下 2 6人 (1 …  相似文献   

眼是人体的特殊感觉器官,特别是军人眼的健康直接与战斗力有关。根据近年来的多项调查显示军人的眼疾病现状必须引起重视。新兵的视力、色觉异常居高不下,特别是新兵在入伍体检前突出行激光近视矫正术,造成不合格的兵源混入部队有逐年增多趋势。在老兵和干部中的视力异常率也较高,且外眼疾病、青光眼、眼底病、斜视等均有一定的发病率,提示一方面要加强部队的眼病防治,同时应考虑改进眼部的查体方法和修订现行的有关标准。  相似文献   

我军每年都要从地方征集一定数量的新兵,以补充兵源。从总体上讲,每年补充的兵源质量都是个错的,但也存在一些问题,现对1993和1996年2081名新兵身体复查结果分析如下。1复查情况按国防部1991年《应征公民体格检查标难》(以F简称标准),1993年我们对某新兵团1029名新兵进行身体复查,不合格37名,不合格率3.6%。1996年同样对某新兵团1052名新兵进行身体复查,不合格55名,不合格率5.2%。1996年比1993年新兵身体复查不合格率有所上升。新兵身体复查不合格的项目上要有;心脏病、高血压、疽病、内氨酸转氨酶(AI,T)升高和乙肝表…  相似文献   

孙世勇  左威 《人民军医》2003,46(10):612-613
在以往的新兵体检工作中 ,有些单位只注重常规体格及复检 ,而忽视了对常规体检难以发现疾病的监测 ,导致部分不合格兵员进入部队 ,增加了部队伤病残人员的发生率 ,影响了部队建设。基于这一教训 ,2 0 0 2年以来 ,我们通过采取把好“三关”的措施 ,加大了对新兵疾病的监测力度 ,对 12名有异常表现的新兵进行了重点监测与复查 ,排查出 7名不合格人员并及时做了退兵处理。我们的主要做法 :1 把好接兵期间走访关做好接兵期间的疾病监测 ,是防止不合格兵员进入部队的第 1关。我们除依托地方医疗机构在征兵时做好体检外 ,重点强调接兵干部与新兵…  相似文献   

张耀清  陈玉松 《人民军医》1999,42(12):683-683
我院于1998年12月对驻琼部队4350人1999年度新兵逐个进行体格复检,掌握了全区来自9省的新兵体格情况,为军务部门退兵提供了可靠依据,并为指导部队接兵工作积累了经验。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 全区部队新兵4350人,来自琼、粤、桂、湘、鄂、豫、冀、黔、蜀9省,在14个单位接受检查,复检率为100%。1.2 方法 在新兵到达部队未开训前作检格复检。复检依据国防部颁发的《应征公民体格检查标准》和《应征公民体格检查方法》进行。体检队分设身高、血压、耳鼻咽喉科、口腔科、眼科、外科、内科、妇科、尿检、肝功能、艾滋病检测等13个专科。2 结…  相似文献   

新兵胫骨骨膜炎是新兵集训过程中胫骨骨膜的急性损伤性炎症。近年来随着训练强度的增加,兵源素质变化及训练过程中卫生防护不足,胫骨骨膜炎已成为部队训练的常见病。我院3年来共诊治新兵胫骨骨膜炎23例,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:通过对野战部队新兵近视矫正术后眼部疾病的调查,探讨近视矫正手术对新兵长期训练的影响。方法:随机抽取某部行近视矫正手术新兵658例,经眼科检查,获得眼底疾病谱及危险因素,并随访2年。结果:发现眼部疾病,不符合军人体检标准74例(11.3%),主要包括视力不合格、角膜疾病、眼底疾病、高眼压等;眼部有潜在疾病隐患273例(41.5%),主要包括干眼症、眩光、周边视网膜格子样变性及蜗牛迹变性等。2年随访复检中发现,干眼症、角膜炎、眩光及高眼压等疾病显著减少;角膜混浊数量稍有减少,而其他疾病均有所升高,但无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论:近视矫正术仅是提高视敏度,不能达到良好的视觉质量,术后眼球较脆弱,存在潜在危险。  相似文献   

目的 为提高空军部队新兵质量。方法 对新兵到达部队45 d内进行外科、内科、耳鼻咽喉科、眼科和口腔科等项复检。结果 在检疫期内体格不合格率为1.57%,检出不符合应征条件的疾病19种,退兵率为0.4%。①外科疾病:共查出8种,不合格检出率为0.45%,占不合格总数的28.57%。其中身高不合格较多,占外科疾病的38.  相似文献   

新兵集训期间呼吸系统疾病发病特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析新兵集训期间呼吸系统疾病的发病规律。方法对驻天津某部2008年入伍新兵采用分层随机的整群抽样方法获得样本。按照国际ICD-10标准进行疾病分类。采用Epiinfo6.0录入数据,用SPSS11.0进行数据分析。结果呼吸系统疾病发病率居首位,达到387.60‰,累计占到所有系统疾病的53.87%。上呼吸道感染、咽炎和扁桃腺炎位居呼吸系统疾病前3位,累计占到整个呼吸系统疾病的95.97%。集训期间,呼吸系统疾病在开训后第2周出现发病高峰,达到54.29‰。华北、华中、华东和东北地区来源的新兵发病率不同(χ2=25.790,P<0.0083)。农村和城市新兵发病率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.551,P>0.05)。结论新兵集训期间要重视呼吸系统疾病的预防,开训前2周适训期和季节变换时预防呼吸系统疾病有重要意义;呼吸系统疾病预防只需遵循其本身发病规律,无须考虑兵源地域和城乡因素。  相似文献   

目的 了解新兵集训时发病规律。方法 采用普查的方式对新兵进行体检 ,同时与老兵加以对比。结果 新兵在集训期外伤发病率较高 ,另外一些内科疾病如癔病 ,神经衰弱等心理性疾患发病率高于老兵 ,皮肤病发病率也较高 ,而重大伤亡与老兵无差异 ,胃炎发病率低于老兵。结论 需进一步加强安全卫生教育 ,减少训练时意外 ,注重心理辅导及伤病后及时医治。  相似文献   

In 1998, the basic medical requirements for the Royal Netherlands Army were introduced as a standard for the assessment of the medical suitability of military personnel, consisting of 43 dichotomized points of judgment. This system replaced the old physical capacity, upper limbs, locomotion, hearing, eyesight, and emotional and mental state system, based on the detection of diseases and infirmities. We compared the two different examination systems for their ability to identify suitable recruits. For the latter purpose, we used the two operational measures of availability and health care costs. We performed a randomized, controlled study in which 352 soldiers were monitored for 2 years after being declared fit by one of the pre-employment medical assessment systems in question and having passed their general military training. We found that the pre-employment medical assessment system was the dominant factor for predicting the number of days fit-for-duty, as well as for the health care costs incurred. Those declared fit by the new system showed a statistically significant higher mean number of days fit-for-duty (648 compared with 612) and incurred significantly lower mean health care costs (6396 compared with 746 Euro). In this study, we were not able to uncover the mechanism by which the "basic medical requirements" examination system led to an improvement in outcome. For the present, this mechanism is interpreted because of differences between the two systems.  相似文献   

In 1998, the Royal Netherlands Army introduced a new examination system, which is based on the "workload-capability" model, to replace the old system, which focused on diagnosis and was solely based on the detection of diseases and infirmities. In a randomized controlled study, we found that soldiers recruited under the new system displayed a statistically significant higher number of days fit-for-duty and incurred lower medical costs than solders recruited under the old system. To gain a better understanding of the reasons for these differences, we studied the association between these results and information collected about the soldiers. In the course of the study, we collected various types of information about the study participants (e.g., education, deployment). During the study, soldiers were asked to complete a questionnaire twice a year, its content based in part on a periodic occupational health examination questionnaire commonly used in The Netherlands. We found that the following factors influenced fitness for duty and medical consumption: education, injuries, actual operational deployment, and the examination system itself. The superior performance of the new RNLA Basic Medical Requirements (BMEKL) system seems partly attributable to the assessment of the ability to meet the task-specific requirements. The primary mechanism is as yet undiscovered.  相似文献   

黄鹏  唐勇 《武警医学》2017,28(12):1220-1222
 目的 分析驻高原藏区医院2014-2016年住院武警官兵疾病谱,为当地武警官兵的疾病防治工作提供依据。方法 调阅驻高原藏区某医院病例库中2014-2016年住院官兵的病案数据,按照国际疾病分类(ICD-10)进行系统分析。结果 各系统疾病构成中,排在前6位的依次是消化系统疾病(20.25%),骨骼肌肉结缔组织疾病(16.55%),损伤、中毒和外因的某些其他后果(16.37%),呼吸系统疾病(13.73%),皮肤和皮下疾病(11.27%),泌尿生殖系统疾病(9.51%)。单病种中,胃肠炎、关节损伤、骨折、扁桃体炎、皮疹类、泌尿系结石为各年份住院官兵的多发病种。结论 消化系统疾病、骨骼肌肉结缔组织疾病、损伤、中毒和外伤等防治是驻高原藏区地区部队卫生工作的重点,同时要重视呼吸系统、皮肤及皮下疾病、泌尿生殖系统疾病的防治,以及搞好相应健康宣教工作,有助于保障官兵健康,减少非战斗减员。  相似文献   

The article considers the role of the Moscow community of Sisters of Charity palladium in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Thanks to the nurse caring for the wounded was sufficiently qualified and in medical facilities to maintain cleanliness and order. As a result, despite the adverse conditions are manual and errors, it was possible not only to preserve life and health of the wounded, but also to protect soldiers from epidemic diseases. Thus, the bridge-bank community of the Sisters of Charity has made a positive contribution to the combat capability of serving in the Far East of the Russian army.  相似文献   

The Department of Defense has conducted extensive HIV testing for over 5 years. We summarize the epidemiology of the HIV infection in the total Army. While screening of civilian applicants effectively ensures seronegativity of enlistees, there are approximately 220 new HIV infections each year among active duty soldiers. High-risk demographic groups in the Army include single soldiers, males, those age 25-35, blacks, and Hispanics (including black and Hispanic females). While preventive efforts in the Army should reflect the higher risk experienced by these groups, all soldiers should be made aware of their susceptibility as the epidemic evolves to include more women and heterosexual men.  相似文献   

Among identified in the army for one year of active tuberculosis patients constitute 38.7% of the number of soldiers from young recruits, including 59.7% of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. At the same time during the examination of these individuals revealed only about half of patients. Timely delivery of fluorographic examination recruitment plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of tuberculosis in the Armed Forces. From the military doctors need more work in groups at increased risk of tuberculosis, early identification of need in the dispensary dynamic observation and conducting a full range of therapeutic and preventive measures in foci of tuberculous infection.  相似文献   

 目的为部队选兵、体质评价和人体功效学提供基础资料.方法将身体发育指标作因子分析,确定权重系数,计算发育分,按6大地区籍进行分类、排序比较.结果6大地区籍战士、学员的发育分由高到低,在男性排序次为东北华北区、东南区、西北区、华南区、西南区和华中区;在女性排序依次为东北华北区、西北区、西南区、东南区、华中区和南华区.东北华北区在6大地区群体发育分比较中不管是男性还是女性都位居第一.结论身体发育状况既受自然环境因素影响,也受社会因素和生物因素的影响.  相似文献   

目的 了解武警某部战士吸烟现状及对吸烟的相关认知、态度及行为倾向,为有针对性地开展部队控烟工作提供参考.方法 利用自行设计的吸烟问卷调查表,调查武警某部260名集训新兵及217名老兵的吸烟现状及对吸烟的危害认知、态度及行为倾向,并分析它们之间的关系.结果 战士总体吸烟率为37.32%(178/477),老兵吸烟率62....  相似文献   

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